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TEAS Nursing Entrance Exam Review Test Bank (answered) 2022_Distinction Level Assignment Has everything.

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TEAS Nursing Entrance Exam Review Test Bank (answered) 2022 When the chromosomes line up in mitosis this is known as which phase? A. Telophase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Prophase Wh... ich cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive? A. Golgi Apparatus B. Lysosomes C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes Organs repair themselves through a process of? A. Meiosis B. Mitosis C. Cellular differentiation D. Transformation Which of the following is considered a model for enzyme action? A. Lock and Key model B. Enzyme interaction model C. Transformation model D. Transcription model Which of the following statements about enzymes is not true? A. Enzymes are catalysts. B. Almost all enzymes are proteins. C. Enzymes operate most efficiently at optimum pH. D. Enzymes are destroyed during chemical reactions. Which of the following statements about prostaglandins is not true? A. Prostaglandins promote inflammation. B. Prostaglandins can only constrict blood vessels. C. Prostaglandins are made in the renal medulla. D. Prostaglandins can lead to pain and fever. Cholesterol that is known as (LDL) stands for: A. Low-density lipoproteins B. Low-density lysosomes C. Level-density lipoproteins D. Level-density lysosomes Hardening of the arteries is known as: A. Atheriosclerosis B. Venous narrowing C. Micro-circulation D. Hypertension The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates: A. Diastolic pressure B. Transient pressure C. Optimum pressure D. Systolic pressure Litmus paper that is blue will turn/stay _____ in the presence of a strong base. A. Orange B. Red C. Blue D. Green Breathing properly requires the presence of what compound that affects surface tension of alveoli in the lungs? A. Potassium B. Plasma C. Surfactant D. Sodium Chloride Which of the following is not considered a function of the kidneys? A. Secretion B. Reabsorption C. Transport D. Filtration The functional unit of the kidney is known as? A. Medulla B. Glomerulus C. Pyramid D. Nephron Which of the following formulas indicate the ideal gas law? A. PV= knT or PV=RnT B. V=kT C. PV = k D. KTV =PR Which of the following is not considered a characteristic or property of a gas? A. Volume B. Mass C. Pressure D. Particles Which of the following is described in the definition: An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object? A. Archimedes' principle B. Charles' law C. Boyle's law D. Anderson's principle Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as _____ liquids. A. Viscous B. Volatile C. Evaporative D. Transient High frequency sound waves are known as: A. Fundamental waves B. Overtones C. Consonance waves D. Dissonance waves The first American to win a Nobel Prize was ______ for measuring the speed of light. A. Albert Einstein B. Albert Michelson C. Grimaldi D. Thomas Young What anatomical structure connects the stomach and the mouth? A. Trachea B. Spinal column C. Hepatic duct D. Esophagus The process of cytoplasm division during plant cell replication is known as? A. Cytokinesis B. Photosynthesis C. Cytosynthesis D. Cytoplasmosis The end products of photosynthesis are ____ and _____. A. Oxygen and Glucose B. Glucose and Nitrogen C. Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide D. Carbon Dioxide and Glucose Gas exchange occurs in which of following tissues? A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries D. Skin Which of the following organisms is considered an invertebrate? A. Cat B. Starfish C. Eagle D. Platypu Distance and force multiplied together indicate? A. Power B. Joules C. Work D. Energy Which physical characteristic of a solution may indicate the presence of a transition element? A. Its density B. Its color C. Its effect on litmus D. Its effect on phenolphthalein In a redox reaction the reducting agent will A. Lose electrons and be reduced B. Lose electrons and be oxidized C. Gain electrons and be reduced D. Gain electrons and be oxidized What products are obtained with CH4(g) burns completely in an excess of oxygen? A. CO and H2O B. CO and C C. CO2 and H2O D. CO2 and CO Everyone in the bank-including the manager and the tellers, ran to the door when the fire alarm rang. A. tellers, ran B. tellers:ran C. tellers, had run D. tellers-ran E. tellers' ran" In August my parents will be married for twenty-five years. A. will be married for twenty-five years. B. shall have been married for twenty-five years. C. will have been married for twenty-five years. D. will be married for twenty five years. E. will have married for twenty-five years. The first part of the test was on chemistry, the second on mathematics, and the third on english. A. on mathematics, and the third on english. B. on mathematics; and the third on English. C. on Mathematics; and the third on English. D. on mathematics, and the third on English. E. on mathematics: and the third on English. The bouncer's countenance discouraged brawls. Countenance means A. Message B. Presence C. Expression D. Strength The aural component of balance is critical for postural control during ambulation. Aural means related to the A. Eyes B. Ears C. Nose D. Hands 12. A lyre was played in ancient Rome. The lyre is a A. Stringed instrument in the harp class B. Percussion instrument C. Wind instrument in the wind class D. Rhythmical percussion device The winning team of the World Series often has a jovial attitude. Jovial means A. Merry B. Sad C. Somber D. Laborious If a discount of 20% off the retail price of a desk saves Mark $45, how much did he pay for the desk? A. $145 B. $160 C. $180 D. $210 E. $215 Which of these percentages equals 1.25? A. 0.125% B. 12.5% C. 125% D. 1250% E. 1250.5% Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45? A. 0.045% B. 0.45% C. 4.5% D. 45% E. 0.0045% 22% of $900 = A. 90 B. 198 C. 250 D. 325 E. 375 If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number A. 8 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25 11. What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number? A. 5 B. 12 C. 28 D. 33 E. 62 E - 35% of what number is 70? A. 100 B. 110 C. 150 D. 175 E. 200 E - If Jack needs 2 ½ pints of cream to make a dessert. How many pints will he need to make 3 desserts? A. 2 ½ B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 7 ½ Sarah has a 20 dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill. If she purchases two items, one for $11.23 and the other for $8.32, then how much money does she have left over? A. $3.75 B. $5.45 C. $6.34 D. $7.77 E. $8.12 If a circle has the diameter of 8, what is the circumference? A. 6.28 B. 12.56 C. 25.13 D. 50.24 E. 100.48 The circumference of a circle is the length around it. The circumference of a circle can be calculated from its diameter using the formula: C=Pi* circumference of a circle Rebellious. - contumacious That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up. - denouement 769+351= A. 960 B. 1,020 C. 4,080 D. 1,120 If Shirts at a garage sale cost 0.75 each how many shirts can Abby buy for $15? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 Express 60/12 as a percentage. A. 0.5% B. 5% C. 50% D. 500% Jane started her stamp collection exactly one year ago, and in that time, she has collected 132 stamps. On average, how many stamps has she collected per month? A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 20 What is 60% of 70? A. 35 B. 42 C. 46 D. 54 Two organisms live in a symbiotic relationshiop frmo which both benefit. This is best described as: A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Commensalism D. Conservation Which wavelength of light is best absorbed by chlorophyll? A. 500 nm B. 550 nm C. 660 nm D 485 nm Subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9 - Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius Multiply by 9/5 then add 32 - Convert degrees to Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit 1,050 mg - A patient is taking 150 mg of a certain prescription every day. How much of the prescription will the patient take during one week? 33 1/3% - Marci is planning ot sell all her shares of a certain stock if their value falls to $30 per share. If the value of the stock is now $45 per share, by what percent would they ahve to fall for Marci to tell? 26,250 - If Sara's current salary is 25,000 per year and she is due to get a 3% raise this year in addition to a 2% cost of living increase, how much will her salary be after these increases take effect? 1/10 - If a family's total income is spent on teh following expenses: one-fourth for the mortgage, one-eighth for car payments, one-eight for groceries, two-fifths on other expenses and the rest to savings, what fraction of the family's total income goes towards savings? How is 8/2 expressed as a percentage? A. 4% B. 40% C. 400% D. 4,000% Doris is leaning a 10 foot ladder against a wall. If the ladder hits the wall at exactly 8 feet, how far away from teh wall is the ladder placed on the floor? A. 2 feet B. 6 feet C. 8 Feet D. 10 Feet It is a word that names a person, place or thing. It can be the subject of a sentence and it can also perform other funcitons in a sentence. Example: Dr. Carter will attend this weekend in the ER. - What is a noun? Related to nouns, pron ouns are small words that take the place of nouns so that writing does not become repetitive. Common pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them, my, mine, your, yours, his, her hers, its our, ours, their, theirs - What is a pronoun? This is where the action of a sentence takes place. The verb will say or do something about the condition of the subject. There are several kinds of verbs, past, present, and future. - What is a verb? Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun. For example: The ANOREXIC patient stated that she had lost 20 punds. - What is an adjective? Adverbs modify a verb. (remeber a verb is where an action takes place) For example: The obese patient stated that she had RECENTLY lost 20 pounds. - What is an adverb? igneous, sedimentary, metamorphi List the different types of rock. cooled magm What is: igneous? rock transformed by heat and pressure - What is metamorphic? Two plates moving against or toward each other - What is the convergence theory? Two plates pull apart from each other. - What is the divergence theory? two plates sliding past each other - What is Transform theory? concentration outside is lower that inside - If a solution is hypotonic, what does this mean? concentration outside is higher than inside. - If a solution is hypertonic, what does this mean? uptake/in - What is endocytosis? Discharge/out - What is exocytosis? A prime number is a number that has exactly two different factors: itself and one. Prime numbers cannot be negative numbers, 0, or 1. The six smallest prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. - What is a prime number? Multiplication: if you have 3^2X3^5=3^7 Division: 4^7/4^5=4^2 Exponenets: (3^2)^4=3^8 *NOTE: in order do this your bases must be the same! - What are the rules for multiplying & dividing exponets? 5% or .05 - What is the percentage of 1/20? 15% or .15 - What is the percentage of 3/20 20% or . 2 - What is the percentage of 1/5? 45% or .45 - What is the percentage of 9/20? 55% or .55 - What is the percentage of 11/20? Perimeter=2l+2w Area=lw - How do you find a perimeter and area of a rectangle? Perimeter=4s Area=s^2 - How do you find a perimeter and area of a square? A three-sided figure with angles that up to 180 degrees. - What is a triangle? Perimeter=s1+s2+s3 Area= (1/2)bh - How do you find a perimeter and area of a triangle? Slope= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) Slope Intercept Formula: Y=mx+b M=Slope B=Where the line crosses the Y-axis - What is the formula for the slope of a line? What is the the Slope intercept formula? 1) All Cells arise from preexisting cells 2) Cells can cary out the processes of life 3) Organisms are made of cells that function together. - What is cell theory? The mitochondria can be thought of the "powerhouse" of the cell because of thier ability to produce the energy needed for life. This is accomplished by carrying out the process of aerobic respiration. Mitochondria have an inner membrane and outer membrane. The folds in the inner membrane are called cristae and are packed with proteins needed for teh electron transport chain to carry out its function. - What is the mitochondria? The energy of motion. - What is kinetic energy? 8 ounces=1 cup 2 cups= 1 pint 2 pints=1 quart 4 quarts=1 gallon - What are the US Measurements for fluid? 16 ounces=1 pound 2000 pounts=1 ton - What are the US Measurements for weight? 12 inches=1 food 3 feet=1 yard 5,280 feet=1 mile - What are the US measurements for length? 1 gram= 1,000 milligrams 100 Centigrams 10 decigrams 1/10 decagrams 1/100 hectograms 1/1000 kilograms - What is the metric unit of measurement for mass? 1 meter= 1,000 millimeters 100 Centimeter 10 decimeter 1/10 decameter 1/100 hectometer 1/1000 kilometer - What is the metric unit of measurement for Length? 1 liter= 1,000 milliliter 100 Centiliter 10 deciliter 1/10 decaliter 1/100 hectoliter 1/1000 kiloliter - What is the metric unit of measurement for fluid? 50 - Estimate 23 percent of 200 66-2/3% - write 2/3 as a percent increase of 33.3 % - the percent of change for $3 to $4 36 - 18 is 50 % of what number 3 - 60 % of 5 is ? 20% - 10 is what percent of 50 All fractions, repeating and terminating decimals - Rational Number Non-repeating and Non-terminating Decimals, pi - Irrational Number irrational - Is pi a rational number or irrational number? 1 - A group of children listed the number of brothers and sisters they each have. The list is shown below. 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5. What is the MODE of the numbers shown? 8 - A set of data is shown below. 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. What is the MEDIAN of the data? 98 - A list of numbers is shown below. 86, 98, 98, 98, 115, 120, 45, 210, 320. What is the MODE of the numbers shown? What is a simple fraction? - A fraction that is not top heavy like 2/3. What is an improper fraction? - A fraction that is top heavy like 3/2. Where is the numerator in a fraction? - The numerator is the top part of the fraction. Thus in ½ : 1 is the numerator while 2 is the denominator. Where is the denominator in a fraction? - The denominator is the bottom part of the fraction. Thus in ½ : 1 is the numerator while 2 is the denominator. Define the symbol =, <, > - = is equal to < is less than > is greater than What kind of numbers is 2¼, 2½, 3¾? - These numbers are examples of mixed numbers. What is an improper fraction? - It is a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator like 23/4. What are the steps of changing a mixed fraction to an improper fraction? Using example 2¾ - Using example 2¾. 1) Multiply 4 x 2 = 8 2) Add the sum of 8 to numerator thus 8+3= 11 3) Keep the same denominator and the answer is 11/4. What are the steps of changing an improper fraction to a mixed fraction? Using example 11/4 - Using example 11/4 1) Divide the mixed fraction. 11/4 is 2 with a remainder of of 3. 2) Thus it is 2¾. *please note that we kept the same denominator when applying the remainder. How do you change a fraction so you can add like terms? Use example ½ + ¾ = ? - Use example ½ + ¾ = ? 1) Determine which fraction you would like to change. In this case it would be ½. To add fractions, the denominator must be the same. 2) To change ½ we multiply both numerator and denominator by 2/2 to equal 2/4. *2/4 and ½ are the same fraction. 3) Thus 2/4 + 3/4 = 5/4 (an improper fraction) Whenever possible, when taking a test, reduce the fractions into ----- ----- ? - Whenever possible, when taking a test, reduce the fractions into LOWER TERMS What are the steps in reducing a fraction to its lowest term? Use example 8/16. - Use example 8/16. 1) Divide both the numerator and the denominator with the number that you determined will go evenly for both terms. In this case it would be 8 so 8/16 ÷ 8/8= 1/8 What are the steps in adding fractions with the same denominator? Use example 2/5 + 1/5 =? - Use example 2/5 + 1/5 =? 1) Just add the numerators because both fractions are like terms with the same denominator. Thus 2/5 + 1/5 = 3/5 or 2+1= 3 then place the denominator back 3/5. What are the steps in adding fractions with the different denominators? Use example 2/4 + 1/12 =? - Use example 2/4 + 1/12 =? 1) Find a common denominator by reducing a fraction or multiplying a fraction to make it into like terms. Thus 2/4 x 3/3 = 6/12 2) Add the like terms keeping the denominator the same. Thus 6/12 + 1/12 = 7/12 What are the steps in subtracting fractions with the same denominator? Use example 7/8 - 3/8 = ? - Use example 7/8 - 3/8 = ? 1) Just subtract the numerators because both fractions are like terms with the same denominator. Thus 7/8 - 3/8 = 4/8 *don't forget to reduce the fraction 4/8 ÷ 2/2 = 1/4 What are the steps in subtracting fractions with the unlike denominators? Use example 5/6 - 3/5 = ? - Use example 5/6 - 3/5 = ? 1) Find a common denominator by reducing a fraction or multiplying a fraction to make it into like terms. Thus the GCF (greatest common factor) of the denominator 6 & 5 is 30. 5/6 x 5/5 = 25/30, 3/5 x 6/6= 18/30. Using the new terms 25/30 - 18/30 = 7/30 Can mixed fraction be added or subtracted? - YES. Provided they follow the same like term rules with the denominator being the same. Can mixed numbers be added or subtracted? - YES. Provided they follow the same like term rules with the denominator being the same. Make your life easier by changing the mixed number into a mixed fraction and then add or subtract to eliminate common mistakes as long as they have like denominators. What is the general rule when multiplying fractions? - To multiply fractions. multiply the numerator to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominator to get the new denominator. What is the "shortcut" called cross cancellation when multiplying fractions? - Cross cancellation is where you simply the fractions diagonally from one another. Example *reduced 2 1 X 8* 1 2 __ __ = _ x _ = 2/15 4* X 15 1 15 1 What is the general rule for reading a decimal? - Numbers to the right of the decimal point have a value less than 1 and the numbers to the left of the decimal point have a value greater than 1. Review the decimals position as whole numbers into decimal numbers. - Ten thousands 10,000 Thousands 1,000 Hundreds 100 Tens 10 Ones 1 Decimal Point . Tenths .1 Hundredths .01 Thousandths .001 Ten thousandths .0001 What is the general rule for adding and subtracting decimals? - Place the decimals in a vertical column so the decimals all align and add/subtract. 102.60 3.02 +00.45 ----------- 106.07 What is the general rule for multiplying decimals? - The same method for multiplying whole numbers applies to decimals but the location of the decimal in the total depends on the number of places of the original problem. Example 6.3 X 7.6 ------ 378 4410 --------- 4788 ----> 47.88 (original problem has 2 decimal places) Why is multiplying by 10, 100 or 100- fast and easy to calculate? - Multiplying by 10, 100 or 100 is fast and easy to calculate by simply moving the decimal point the same number of places to the right, as there are zeroes in the multiplier. Example 0.712 X 10 = 7.12 (moving one decimal place to the right) 0.09 X 1000= 90 (moving three decimal places to the right) How do you divide a decimal by a whole number? - Divide a decimal by a whole number, place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point of the dividend. Example: 30.5 ÷ 5 = 6.1 6.1 5 ⌈------ 30.5 30. ----- 5 5 -- 0 What are the steps to divide two decimals? - Change the decimal number in the divisor to a whole number and move the dividend by the same number of places that you moved the decimal point in the divisor and solve. 1.2 ÷ 0.48 ------> 12. ÷ 04.8 = 0.4 Why is dividing by 10, 100 or 100- fast and easy to calculate? - Dividiing by 10, 100 or 100 is fast and easy to calculate by simply moving the decimal point the same number of places to the left, as there are zeroes in the multiplier. Example 0.712 ÷ 10 = 0.0712 (moving one decimal place to the left) 9 ÷ 1000= 0.009 (moving three decimal places to the left) How do you change fractions into decimals? - Divide the numerator by the denominator and place a decimal point after the dividend.Add zeroes as needed and make sure that the decimal point is directly above the decimal point the dividend and then divide. Example 3/8 0.375 8 ⌈---------- 3.000 2.4 ----- .60 .56 -- .040 .040 ______ 0 How do you change decimals into common fractions? - The decimal expressed becomes the numerator of the fraction. The number of decimal places to the right of the decimal will tell you what the denominator is. To change 0.75 = 75 ÷ ? 1 place = a denominator of 10 2 place = a denominator of 100 3 place = a denominator of 1000 Therefore 0.75 is expressed as 75/100 How do you change a percent (%) into a fraction? - 1) Drop the % symbol 20% to 20 2) Divide the number by 100 20 ÷ 100 = 1/5 3) Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms. 4) Change the mixed number is necessary. How do you change a fraction into percent (%)? - 1) Multiply the fraction by 100. 1/2 X 100/1 = 100/2 2) Reduce if necessary. 100/2 = 50/1 = 50 3) Change the improper fraction to a mixed number. 4) Add the % symbol. How do you change a percent (%) into a decimal? - 1) Drop the % symbol. When you drop the % symbol from a whole number, a decimal point takes the place of the symbol. For example, when you drop the % symbol from 68.1%, the decimal point replaces the % symbol. 2) Divide by 100 by moving the decimal point two places to the left. 68.1 = 0.681 3) Add zeroes as needed. How do you change a decimal to a percent (%) ? - 1) Multiply by 100 by moving the decimal point two places to he right. For 3.19 you would move the decimal point two places to the right, so 3.190 = 319.0 2) Add zeroes as needed. 3) Add the % symbo. 319.0 = 319% What is a ratio? - A ratio is used to express a relationship between two units or quantities by division. A slash (/) or colon (:) is used to indicate division, and both are read as "is to" or "per". For the ratio of "1 is to 2" you can write 1:2 or 1/2. The numerator is always to the left of the colon or slash and the denominator is always to the right of the colon or slash. What is a proportion? - A proportion states that two rations are equal. A proportion can be written as a common fraction from in which the numerator and denominator of one fraction have the same relationship as the numerator and denominator of another fraction. The equal symbol (=) is read as "as." For example: 1/3 = 2/6 1 is to 3 as 2 is to 6 How do you verify that two ratios in a proportion are equal? - For a fraction, multiply the numerator of each ration by its opposite denominator. The sum of the product will be equal. Example : 1/3 : 2/6 2 x 3 = 1 x 6 (by cross multiplying) 6 = 6 How do you solve for x? - 1) Write down what is available or known in a fraction format. 2) Complete the proportion by writing down what you desire in a fraction format, making sure that the numerators and the denominators are like units. 3) Cross multiply the numerator of each ratio by its opposite denominator. 4) Solve for X using division. Using the example solve for X. 75 milligrams of Demerol, a painkiller, is prescribed for a patient following surgery. The medication is available as a liquid solution, with each milliliter of solution containing 100 milligrams of Demerol. To administer the prescribed dose of 75 milligram _____ milliliters would be given? - 1) 100mg/ 1ml is known 2) The complete proportion by adding the known and what is desired using X. 100mg/ 1ml = 75mg/ Xml 3) Cross multiply 100X = 75 4) Solve for X. x= 3/4ml When letters or numbers are written together without any sign or symbol between them, you should assume that....... - When letters or numbers are written together without any sign or symbol between them, you should assume that...... multiplication should be used between those digits. What are algebraic terms? - Algebraic terms can be numbers or letter, or combination of letter and numbers in an expression separated + or - signs. The expression 5z + 2 + 4x² has three terms, 5z, 2, and 4x². Expression that have only one term are called? - Monomials (mono= one) Expression that have more than one term are called? - Polynomials (poly=many) The letters in an algebraic expression are called ? - variable or unknowns When a variable is multiplied by a number, the number is called? - the coefficient of the variable, In the expression 5x² + 2yz, the coefficient of x² is 5a and the coefficient of yz is 2. What are the four axioms of algebra? - 1) Addition axiom If you add the same number of expression to each side of an equation, the equation remains equal. 2) Subtraction axiom If you subtract the same number of expressions from each side of an equation, the equation remains equal. 3) Multiplication axiom If you multiply by each side of an equation by the same number or expression, the equation remains equal. 4) Division axiom If each side of an equation is divided by the same number or expression, the equation remains equal. What is the addition axiom of algebra? - Addition axiom If you add the same number of expression to each side of an equation, the equation remains equal. Example: X - 15 = 30 X- 15 + 15 = 30 + 15 X = 45 What is the subtraction axiom of algebra? - Subtraction axiom If you subtract the same number of expressions from each side of an equation, the equation remains equal. Example: X + 15 = 30 X +15 - 15 = 30 - 15 X = 15 What is the multiplication axiom of algebra? - Multiplication axiom If you multiply by each side of an equation by the same number or expression, the equation remains equal. Example: X/3 = 12 X/3 x 3/1 = 12/1 x 3/1 or X/3 x 3 = 12 X 3 X = 36 X = 15 What is the division axiom of algebra? - Division axiom If each side of an equation is divided by the same number or expression, the equation remains equal. Example: 3X = 12 3X / 3 = 12 / 3 X = 4 What are the 3 multiplication rules for negative and positive integers? - 1) A negative number times a negative number equals a positive integer. (-)(-) = (+) 2) A positive number times a positive number equals a positive integer. (+)(+) = (+) 3) 1) A negative number times a positive number equals a negative integer. (+)(-) = (-) What are the 4 division rules for negative and positive integers? - 1) A negative number divided by a negative number equals a positive number. (-) ÷ (-) = + 2) A positive number divided by a positive number equals a positive number. (+) ÷ (+) = + 3) A negative number divided by a positive number equals a negative number. (-) ÷ (+) = - 4) A positive number divided by a negative number equals a negative number. (+) ÷ (-) = - What are the addition and subtraction rules for negative and positive integers? - Change signs as appropriate and solve using addition or subtraction.. What are the rules for simplifying expression into a simpler one? - 1) Perform any multiplication or division before performing addition or subtraction. 2) The order in which you multiply numbers and letters in a term does not matter. 3) The order in which you add terms does not matter. 4) If there are roots or powers in any term, you may be able to add or simplify the term by using the laws of exponents. 5) Combine like (similar) terms. Like terms are terms which have exactly the same letters raised to the same powers. If an expression has more than one set of parentheses, what should you do? - If an expression has more than one set of parentheses, get rid of the inner parenthesis first and then work out through the rest of the parentheses. True or False. The only algebraic terms which can be combined are like terms? - TRUE What is an equation? - An equation is a statement that says two algebraic expressions are equal. What is the order of calculations? *hint My Dear Aunt Sally - Order of operations or calculations. Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction Celsius to Fahrenheit - F= 1.8 (C) +32 Fahrenheit to Celsius - C=(F-32)/1.8 Kelvin - K=Celsius + 273.15 Distance Formul D=rate/time How much heat is needed to vaporize a liquid? - (Formula) H=ML h: heat needed m: mass l: latent heat How much heat is needs to be removed in order to condense a gas to a liquid? (Formula) - H=-ML h:heat needed m: mass l: latent heat Percent increase formul [(new value-original value)/original value] x 100 Percent decrease formul [(original value-new value)/original value] x 100 1 Kilometer is how many meters? - 1,000 meters 1 Meter is how many centimeters - 100 centimeters 1 Centimeter is how many millimeters - 10 millimeters 1 Mile is how many yards - 1760 yards how many feet are in 1 Mile - 5280 feet how many meters is in 1 Yar 3 meters how many inches are in 1 Foot - 12 inches how many centimeters are in 1 Inch - 2.54 centimeters how many milliliters are in 1 Liter - 1,000 milliliters 1 Milliliter is how many cubic centimeters? - 1 Cubic Centimeter how many ounces are in 1 Gallon - 128 ounces how many quarts are in 1 Gallon - 4 quarts how many pints are in 1 Quart - 2 pints how many ounces are in 1 Quart - 946 ounces how many cups are in 1 Pint - 2 cups how many ounces are in 1 Cup - 8 ounces there are ___ milliliters in 1 Ounce - 30 In 1 Kilogram there are how many grams ? - 1,000 grams 1 Kilogram is equal to how many pounds? - 2.2 pounds how many milligrams are in 1 Gram - 1,000 milligrams 1 Ton is equal to how many pounds - 2,000 pounds 1 Pound is equal to how many ounces - 16 ounces 1 Ounce is equal to how many tablespoons - 2 Tablespoons 1 Teaspoon equals how many milliliters - 5 milliliters What are bar graphs or histograms used for? - compare frequencies of an event histograms are for continuous events bar graphs are for noncontinuous events What are line graphs used for? - show changes over a period of time or compares the relationship between two quantities What is a mode? - Mode is the number that appears most often in a set. There could be more than one. Example: 122234445 The mode would be 2 & 4. What are the equations for rectangles? - Rectangles PERIMETER= 2L + 2W AREA= LW =360• What are the equations for squares? - Squares PERIMETER= 4S AREA= S2 =360• What are the equations for triangles? - triangles PERIMETER= S1 + S2 + S3 AREA+ 1/2 BxH =180• What are the equations for circles? - Circles DIAMETER: 2R CIRCUMFERENCE= 2μR AREA= μR² =360• What are the equations for hypotenuse and diagonals? - Hypotenuse and diagonals A²+B²=C² WITH C ALWAYS BEING THE DIAGONAL What is the formula for the SLOPE? - S= Y₂-Y₁ _______ X₂-X₁ What is the slope intercept formula? - SLOPE INTERCEPT FORMULA Y= MX + B What can u tell about the slope after looking at it? - •A POS SLOPE WILL ALWAYS POINT UP •A NEG SLOPE WILL ALWAYS POINT DOWN • A 0 SLOPE RUNS PARALLEL TO THE X AXIS Review the US measurement chart. - US MEASUREMENTS: FLUID 8 OZ= 1 CUP 2 CUPS= 1 PINT 2 PINTS= 1 QRT 4 QRTS= 1 GALLON Review the US Measurement weights. - US MEASUREMENTS: WEIGHT 16 OZ= 1 POUND 2000 LBS= 1 TON Review the US measurement in lengths. - US MEASUREMENTS: LENGTH 12 INCHES= 1 FOOT 3 FEET= 1 YARD 5280 FEET = 1 MILE Review Mass in the metric system. - METRIC: MASS 1 GRAM= •1000 MG •100 CG •10 DECIGRAMS •1/10 DECAGRAMS (1DECA=10GRAMS) •1/100 HECTOGRAMS (1 HECT= 100 GRAMS) •1/1000 KG (1 KG= 1000 GRAMS) Review the lengths in the metric system. - METRIC: LENGTH 1 METER= •1000 MM •100 CM •10 DECIMETERS •1/10 DECAMETERS (1DECA=10M) •1/100 HECTOMETERS (1 HECT= 100 M) •1/1000 KMETERS (1 KG= 1000 M) Review fluids in the metric system. - METRIC: FLUID 1 LITER= •1000 ML •100 CL •10 DECILETERS •1/10 DECALITER (1DECA=10L) •1/100 HECTOLITER (1 HECT= 100 L) •1/1000 KL (1 KG= 1000 L) Review metric to US conversions. - METRIC/US CONVERSIONS 1 M= 1.09 YARDS 2.54 CM = 1 INCH 28 GRAMS= 1 OZ 1 KG= 2.2 LBS 1L= 1.06 QRTS When the chromosomes line up in mitosis this is known as which phase? A. Telophase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Prophase Which cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive? A. Golgi Apparatus B. Lysosomes C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes Organs repair themselves through a process of? A. Meiosis B. Mitosis C. Cellular differentiation D. Transformation Which of the following is considered a model for enzyme action? A. Lock and Key model B. Enzyme interaction model C. Transformation model D. Transcription model Which of the following statements about enzymes is not true? A. Enzymes are catalysts. B. Almost all enzymes are proteins. C. Enzymes operate most efficiently at optimum pH. D. Enzymes are destroyed during chemical reactions. Which of the following statements about prostaglandins is not true? A. Prostaglandins promote inflammation. B. Prostaglandins can only constrict blood vessels. C. Prostaglandins are made in the renal medulla. D. Prostaglandins can lead to pain and fever. Cholesterol that is known as (LDL) stands for: A. Low-density lipoproteins B. Low-density lysosomes C. Level-density lipoproteins D. Level-density lysosomes Hardening of the arteries is known as: A. Atheriosclerosis B. Venous narrowing C. Micro-circulation D. Hypertension The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates: A. Diastolic pressure B. Transient pressure C. Optimum pressure D. Systolic pressure Litmus paper that is blue will turn/stay _____ in the presence of a strong base. A. Orange B. Red C. Blue D. Green Breathing properly requires the presence of what compound that affects surface tension of alveoli in the lungs? A. Potassium B. Plasma C. Surfactant D. Sodium Chloride Which of the following is not considered a function of the kidneys? A. Secretion B. Reabsorption C. Transport D. Filtration The functional unit of the kidney is known as? A. Medulla B. Glomerulus C. Pyramid D. Nephron Which of the following formulas indicate the ideal gas law? A. PV= knT or PV=RnT B. V=kT C. PV = k D. KTV =PR Which of the following is not considered a characteristic or property of a gas? A. Volume B. Mass C. Pressure D. Particles Which of the following is described in the definition: An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object? A. Archimedes' principle B. Charles' law C. Boyle's law D. Anderson's principle Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as _____ liquids. A. Viscous B. Volatile C. Evaporative D. Transient High frequency sound waves are known as: A. Fundamental waves B. Overtones C. Consonance waves D. Dissonance waves The first American to win a Nobel Prize was ______ for measuring the speed of light. A. Albert Einstein B. Albert Michelson C. Grimaldi D. Thomas Young What anatomical structure connects the stomach and the mouth? A. Trachea B. Spinal column C. Hepatic duct D. Esophagus The process of cytoplasm division during plant cell replication is known as? A. Cytokinesis B. Photosynthesis C. Cytosynthesis D. Cytoplasmosis The end products of photosynthesis are ____ and _____. A. Oxygen and Glucose B. Glucose and Nitrogen C. Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide D. Carbon Dioxide and Glucose Gas exchange occurs in which of following tissues? A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries D. Skin Which of the following organisms is considered an invertebrate? A. Cat B. Starfish C. Eagle D. Platypu Distance and force multiplied together indicate? A. Power B. Joules C. Work D. Energy Which physical characteristic of a solution may indicate the presence of a transition element? A. Its density B. Its color C. Its effect on litmus D. Its effect on phenolphthalein In a redox reaction the reducting agent will A. Lose electrons and be reduced B. Lose electrons and be oxidized C. Gain electrons and be reduced D. Gain electrons and be oxidized What products are obtained with CH4(g) burns completely in an excess of oxygen? A. CO and H2O B. CO and C C. CO2 and H2O D. CO2 and CO Everyone in the bank-including the manager and the tellers, ran to the door when the fire alarm rang. A. tellers, ran B. tellers:ran C. tellers, had run D. tellers-ran E. tellers' ran" In August my parents will be married for twenty-five years. A. will be married for twenty-five years. B. shall have been married for twenty-five years. C. will have been married for twenty-five years. D. will be married for twenty five years. E. will have married for twenty-five years. The first part of the test was on chemistry, the second on mathematics, and the third on english. A. on mathematics, and the third on english. B. on mathematics; and the third on English. C. on Mathematics; and the third on English. D. on mathematics, and the third on English. E. on mathematics: and the third on English. The bouncer's countenance discouraged brawls. Countenance means A. Message B. Presence C. Expression D. Strength The aural component of balance is critical for postural control during ambulation. Aural means related to the A. Eyes B. Ears C. Nose D. Hands 12. A lyre was played in ancient Rome. The lyre is a A. Stringed instrument in the harp class B. Percussion instrument C. Wind instrument in the wind class D. Rhythmical percussion device The winning team of the World Series often has a jovial attitude. Jovial means A. Merry B. Sad C. Somber D. Laborious If a discount of 20% off the retail price of a desk saves Mark $45, how much did he pay for the desk? A. $145 B. $160 C. $180 D. $210 E. $215 Which of these percentages equals 1.25? A. 0.125% B. 12.5% C. 125% D. 1250% E. 1250.5% Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45? A. 0.045% B. 0.45% C. 4.5% D. 45% E. 0.0045% 22% of $900 = A. 90 B. 198 C. 250 D. 325 E. 375 If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number A. 8 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25 11. What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number? A. 5 B. 12 C. 28 D. 33 E. 62 E - 35% of what number is 70? A. 100 B. 110 C. 150 D. 175 E. 200 E - If Jack needs 2 ½ pints of cream to make a dessert. How many pints will he need to make 3 desserts? A. 2 ½ B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 7 ½ Sarah has a 20 dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill. If she purchases two items, one for $11.23 and the other for $8.32, then how much money does she have left over? A. $3.75 B. $5.45 C. $6.34 D. $7.77 E. $8.12 If a circle has the diameter of 8, what is the circumference? A. 6.28 B. 12.56 C. 25.13 D. 50.24 E. 100.48 The circumference of a circle is the length around it. The circumference of a circle can be calculated from its diameter using the formula: C=Pi* circumference of a circle Rebellious. - contumacious That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up. - denouement 769+351= A. 960 B. 1,020 C. 4,080 D. 1,120 If Shirts at a garage sale cost 0.75 each how many shirts can Abby buy for $15? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 Express 60/12 as a percentage. A. 0.5% B. 5% C. 50% D. 500% Jane started her stamp collection exactly one year ago, and in that time, she has collected 132 stamps. On average, how many stamps has she collected per month? A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 20 What is 60% of 70? A. 35 B. 42 C. 46 D. 54 Two organisms live in a symbiotic relationshiop frmo which both benefit. This is best described as: A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Commensalism D. Conservation Which wavelength of light is best absorbed by chlorophyll? A. 500 nm B. 550 nm C. 660 nm D 485 nm Subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9 - Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius Multiply by 9/5 then add 32 - Convert degrees to Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit 1,050 mg - A patient is taking 150 mg of a certain prescription every day. How much of the prescription will the patient take during one week? 33 1/3% - Marci is planning ot sell all her shares of a certain stock if their value falls to $30 per share. If the value of the stock is now $45 per share, by what percent would they ahve to fall for Marci to tell? 26,250 - If Sara's current salary is 25,000 per year and she is due to get a 3% raise this year in addition to a 2% cost of living increase, how much will her salary be after these increases take effect? 1/10 - If a family's total income is spent on teh following expenses: one-fourth for the mortgage, one-eighth for car payments, one-eight for groceries, two-fifths on other expenses and the rest to savings, what fraction of the family's total income goes towards savings? How is 8/2 expressed as a percentage? A. 4% B. 40% C. 400% D. 4,000% Doris is leaning a 10 foot ladder against a wall. If the ladder hits the wall at exactly 8 feet, how far away from teh wall is the ladder placed on the floor? A. 2 feet B. 6 feet C. 8 Feet D. 10 Feet It is a word that names a person, place or thing. It can be the subject of a sentence and it can also perform other funcitons in a sentence. Example: Dr. Carter will attend this weekend in the ER. - What is a noun? Related to nouns, pron ouns are small words that take the place of nouns so that writing does not become repetitive. Common pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them, my, mine, your, yours, his, her hers, its our, ours, their, theirs - What is a pronoun? This is where the action of a sentence takes place. The verb will say or do something about the condition of the subject. There are several kinds of verbs, past, present, and future. - What is a verb? Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun. For example: The ANOREXIC patient stated that she had lost 20 punds. - What is an adjective? Adverbs modify a verb. (remeber a verb is where an action takes place) For example: The obese patient stated that she had RECENTLY lost 20 pounds. - What is an adverb? igneous, sedimentary, metamorphi List the different types of rock. cooled magm What is: igneous? rock transformed by heat and pressure - What is metamorphic? Two plates moving against or toward each other - What is the convergence theory? Two plates pull apart from each other. - What is the divergence theory? two plates sliding past each other - What is Transform theory? concentration outside is lower that inside - If a solution is hypotonic, what does this mean? concentration outside is higher than inside. - If a solution is hypertonic, what does this mean? uptake/in - What is endocytosis? Discharge/out - What is exocytosis? A prime number is a number that has exactly two different factors: itself and one. Prime numbers cannot be negative numbers, 0, or 1. The six smallest prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. - What is a prime number? Multiplication: if you have 3^2X3^5=3^7 Division: 4^7/4^5=4^2 Exponenets: (3^2)^4=3^8 *NOTE: in order do this your bases must be the same! - What are the rules for multiplying & dividing exponets? 5% or .05 - What is the percentage of 1/20? 15% or .15 - What is the percentage of 3/20 20% or . 2 - What is the percentage of 1/5? 45% or .45 - What is the percentage of 9/20? 55% or .55 - What is the percentage of 11/20? Perimeter=2l+2w Area=lw - How do you find a perimeter and area of a rectangle? Perimeter=4s Area=s^2 - How do you find a perimeter and area of a square? A three-sided figure with angles that up to 180 degrees. - What is a triangle? Perimeter=s1+s2+s3 Area= (1/2)bh - How do you find a perimeter and area of a triangle? Slope= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) Slope Intercept Formula: Y=mx+b M=Slope B=Where the line crosses the Y-axis - What is the formula for the slope of a line? What is the the Slope intercept formula? 1) All Cells arise from preexisting cells 2) Cells can cary out the processes of life 3) Organisms are made of cells that function together. - What is cell theory? The mitochondria can be thought of the "powerhouse" of the cell because of thier ability to produce the energy needed for life. This is accomplished by carrying out the process of aerobic respiration. Mitochondria have an inner membrane and outer membrane. The folds in the inner membrane are called cristae and are packed with proteins needed for teh electron transport chain to carry out its function. - What is the mitochondria? The energy of motion. - What is kinetic energy? 8 ounces=1 cup 2 cups= 1 pint 2 pints=1 quart 4 quarts=1 gallon - What are the US Measurements for fluid? 16 ounces=1 pound 2000 pounts=1 ton - What are the US Measurements for weight? 12 inches=1 food 3 feet=1 yard 5,280 feet=1 mile - What are the US measurements for length? 1 gram= 1,000 milligrams 100 Centigrams 10 decigrams 1/10 decagrams 1/100 hectograms 1/1000 kilograms - What is the metric unit of measurement for mass? 1 meter= 1,000 millimeters 100 Centimeter 10 decimeter 1/10 decameter 1/100 hectometer 1/1000 kilometer - What is the metric unit of measurement for Length? 1 liter= 1,000 milliliter 100 Centiliter 10 deciliter 1/10 decaliter 1/100 hectoliter 1/1000 kiloliter - What is the metric unit of measurement for fluid? 50 - Estimate 23 percent of 200 66-2/3% - write 2/3 as a percent increase of 33.3 % - the percent of change for $3 to $4 36 - 18 is 50 % of what number 3 - 60 % of 5 is ? 20% - 10 is what percent of 50 All fractions, repeating and terminating decimals - Rational Number Non-repeating and Non-terminating Decimals, pi - Irrational Number irrational - Is pi a rational number or irrational number? 1 - A group of children listed the number of brothers and sisters they each have. The list is shown below. 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5. What is the MODE of the numbers shown? 8 - A set of data is shown below. 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. What is the MEDIAN of the data? 98 - A list of numbers is shown below. 86, 98, 98, 98, 115, 120, 45, 210, 320. What is the MODE of the numbers shown? [Show More]

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