Health Care > FISDAP > Test Prep > FTEC 093 Cardiology FISDAP-(Field Internship Student Data Acquisition Project) Fall 2021 (All)

Test Prep > FTEC 093 Cardiology FISDAP-(Field Internship Student Data Acquisition Project) Fall 2021. 75 Questions and Answers + Reasons

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FTEC 093 Cardiology FISDAP. Exam. 75 Questions and Answers . A 54 year old complains of chest tightness after raking leaves for an hour. The pain subsided after rest and two nitroglycerin. He has h... ad very similar episodes in the past. He is most likely experiencing? · Angina Pectoris/ Unstable Angina/ Myocardial Infarction/ Esophageal spasm 2. At what rate should single rescuer CPR be performed for a 17 year old female? · 120 per min/ 90/ 80 3. A 40 year old patient with a history of coronary artery disease and recent mastectomy is complaining of chest discomfort. Vitals are P 120, R 22, and BP 80/54. You should suspect? · CHF/ Cardiogenic Shock/ septic shock) 4. Nitroglycerin is a medication that is typically administered? · Sublingually/ intraosseously/ subcutaneously 5. A patient was struck by lightning. You should suspect? · An irregular heartbeat/ peripheral nerve damage 6. During CPR which of the following is most important? · Minimal interruptions during compressions 7. A buildup of calcium and cholesterol form plaque inside a blood vessel which would most likely be the cause? · Pulmonary embolism/ CHF/ ACS/ hemorrhagic stroke 8. During the Primary Assessment a 57 year old female says she has chest pain and points to her epigastric area. What should you do? · Obtain vital signs/ Admin Nitro/ Assess breathing/ Admin oxygen 9. What is the cause of heart failure? · Inadequate ejection of blood from the ventricles/ fluid in lungs/ poor gas exchange in alveoli/ backup of fluid in lower extremities 10. A cardiac arrest patient has been down for 6 minutes without care. What should you do? · Start compressions/ attach AED/ Insert opa and ventilate 11. An adult patient is in cardiac arrest with bystander CPR in progress. What should you do? · Continue CPR while partner does AED 12. If the heart lacks the power to pump blood through the circulatory system, it is known as? · Cardiogenic shock/ Distributive/ hypovolemic shock 13. A 67 year old male has significant shortness of breath, chest pain, and nausea. He is ashen and clammy. Vitals are BP 90/60, P 148, and R 34. You should? · Place supine position/ place in position of comfort/ admin Nitro/ admin albuterol 14. A child is in cardiac arrest with unknown down time. What should you do? · Perform CPR while attaching AED. 15. When do coronary arteries fill with blood? · Diastolic/ systolic/ exhalation/ inhalation . 16. A 36 year old female with history of congenital heart defects is slow to respond. She is pale, cool, and clammy. Vitals are BP 68/30, P 128, and R 26. What should you suspect? · CHF/ Syncopal episode/ angina/ cardiogenic shock 17. A 73 year old female has chest pain and shortness of breath with bilateral crackles. Vitals are 80/40, P 112, and R 22. What is the most likely cause? · Pneumonia/ cardiogenic shock/ hypovolemic shock/ unstable angina 18. A 65 year old male complains of weakness and indigestion that began in the morning. Vitals are 150/90, P 116, and R 24. You should suspect? · Myocardial Infarction/ Pul edema/ CVS 19. What is the primary action of Nitroglycerin? 20. 20.An oriented 78 year old female with pale, moist skin is complaining of indigestion. Vital signs are BP 180/90, P 116, and irregular, R 24 and regular. What should you suspect? · Appendicitis/ hypoglycemic shock/ myocardial infarction/ stroke 21. A patient presents with a sudden onset of tearing chest pain, absent radial pulse on the right arm, and a history of high blood pressure. · Arterial occlusion/ pulmonary embolism/ aortic dissection/ MI 22. 22.A 67 year old male with a history of asthma complains of chest tightness, shortness of breath. Took 1 Nitro but no relief. He is pale and sweaty. Oxygen saturation of 76%. What should you do? · Obtain vitals/ give oxygen via nonrebreather/ more nitro/ assist with prescribed inhaler 23. 23.Sudden severe increase of blood pressure is called? · Transient ischemic attack/ hypotensive emergency/ hypertensive crisis/ central vascular accident 24. 24.A 64 year old patient tells you I feel like I’m about to die. You administer Nitro and oxygen and there is no relief of chest pain. Vitals are BP 90/66, P 60, R 24. You should? · Begin assisting ventilations/ more nitro/ transport immediately 25. 25.69 year old male lying in bed complains of chest pain during your primary assessment he becomes unresponsive and pulseless. What should you do? · Move him to a hard surface 26. 26.What valve controls blood flow between the left atrium and left ventricle? · Mitral valve 27. Which patient is most likely to benefit from an AED? · 54 year old choking patient who becomes unresponsive with no carotid pulse 28. 28.What action does Aspirin have in the body that makes it beneficial for patients experiencing an AMI? · Breaks up red blood cell clots/ Prevents platelets from clotting 29. 29.Which vessels regulate regional blood flow to the capillary bodies? · Venules/ alveoli/ capillary ducts/ arterioles 30. 30.Which of the following is the largest artery in the body? · Carotid/ femoral/ great saphenous/ aorta 31. Systolic blood pressure measures which of the following? · Ventricular contraction 32. 32.The pulmonary artery carries? · Oxygenated blood to the heart/ deoxygenated blood away from the heart/ oxygenated blood away from the heart/ deoxygenated blood to heart 33. 33.What is the muscular middle layer of the heart? · Pericardium/ epicardium/ endocardium/ myocardium 34. 34.What best describes PEA? · Organized electrical activity without a pulse 35. 35.Chronic hypertension in adults typically begins at a pressure of higher than? · 140/90, 200/100, 120/80, 100/60 36. 36.A 44 year old awakened with shortness of breath complaining of indigestion, nausea, and epigastric pressure. Antacids didn’t help. You should suspect? · Acute cholecystitis/ gastroesophageal reflux disease/ peptic ulcer disease/ Myocardial infarction 37. An adult with a heart rate of 50 is considered? · Irregular/ normal/ bradycardia/ tachycardia 38. 38.A 36 year old with chest pain is conscious and alert Sp02 93%, you should? · Non rebreather at 15/ nasal cannula 4 lpm 39. 39.Blood enters the right atrium from? · Vena Cava 40. 40.A 78 year old diabetic patient with syncopal episode has anxiety, shortness of breath and back pain. You should suspect? · ACS/ hypotensive crisis 41. 2 minutes after assisting with 3rd nitro. Complains of dizziness and sweaty. Radial pulse is present but rapid and weak. You should suspect? · Allergy to nitro/ cause vasoconstriction impaired cardiac output/ nitro lost potency/Nitro caused vasodilation and decreased perfusion 42. 42.A 60 year old with short of breath, cyanotic, lung sounds crackles and accessory muscle use. You should suspect? · Left heart failure/ right heart failure/ pneumonia/ chronic bronchitis 43. 43.Which electrical cardiac disturbance will an AED shock? · V-Fib 44. 44.During CPR why is the upstroke of the compression critical? · Allows blood to fill the heart chamber 45. 45.After blood has been oxygenated it returns to the heart by entering the · Left atrium 46. 46.During adult CPR you should compress the chest · At least 2 inches 47. You just arrived at scene of a 75 year old male with weakness and chest pain. He has not taken his prescribed medications of Nitro, aspirin, and atenolol. You should? · *Contact medical control to assist the patient with Nitro 48. 48.A 62 year old patient complains of chest pain and lightheadedness. Vitals are 88/56, 126, and 18. What is the best position for this patient? · Supine 49. 49.EMRs have been performing effective CPR on a patient in cardiac arrest. Upon arrival the AED indicates “shock advised.” What should you do? · Defibrillate the patient 50. 50.Asthmatic 50 year old female patient is sitting at her desk. She is anxious and complaining of tightness in her chest. You should? · Contact medical control/ obtain BP administer Nitro/ assist with prescribed inhaler/ perform focused history and physical exam 51. Which of the following is a sign of cardiogenic shock? · Systemic vasodilation/ jugular vein Distention /progressive hypotension/ deep vein thrombosis 52. 52.You observe an older male slumped on the floor. He is pulseless. What should you do? · Start compressions 53. 53.After delivering one shock with an AED your patient now has a pulse and effective respirations. Which position should you put them in? · Recovery 54. 54.Chest pain prior to calling, she took 3 doses of her prescribed sublingual nitro with no relief. What should you do? · Assess her vital signs/ admin O2/ consider placing AED pads/ admin your nitro 55. 55.What causes heart failure? · Poor gas exchange in alveoli/ inadequate ejection of blood from ventricles/ backup of excess fluid in lower extremities/ fluid accumulation in lungs 56. 56.Aspirin is administered to patients with chest pain because it? · Decreases ability of platelets to form clots/ breaks up blood clots occluding the vessel/ relieves the patients chest pain/ eliminates side effects of nitro 57. CPR has been ongoing for 10 minutes on a patient in cardiac arrest. An AED has just been applied and is ready to analyze. You should? · Stop compressions but continue ventilation/ stop CPR and clear the patient/ Stop CPR and check for a pulse/ Continue CPR until a shock is advised 58. 58.A 48 year old male complains of an 8/10 crushing chest pain that radiates to his neck. Vital signs are 112/78, 60, and 18. Patients daily medications include metoprolol, Cialis, and aspirin. What should you do? · Assist the patient in admin nitro/ transport rapidly in a position of comfort to closest facility/ admin 405 mg of aspirin and reassess vitals/ perform a focused exam of the chest and reassess vital signs 59. 59.While performing chest compressions, you should? · Make sure your knees are together/ keep your elbows slightly bent/ position your shoulders over your hands/ maintain positive pressure on the chest 60. 60.A Patient who collapsed has been revived following one shock with an AED. She is now moaning and breathing on her own. What should you do? · Remove the AED and transport to the nearest facility/ insert opa and do the jaw thrust maneuver/ put the patient on their side and monitor their airway/ keep her supine and jaw thrust 61. Patient complains of chest pain radiating to both sides of his shoulders after dinner. He is pale, diaphoretic, and slightly short of breath. Pain worsens with a deep breath. Vitals are 150/90, 120 and irregular, and 20. You should suspect? · Costochondritis/ Myocardial infarction/ Angina/ Indigestion 62. 62.A 78 year old diabetic patient with a syncopal episode now complains of anxiety, shortness of breath, and back pain. You should suspect? · Acute asthma attack/ Acute coronary syndrome/ Hypotensive crisis/ transient ischemic attack 63. 63.An 84 year old male with a history of “heart problems” complains of chest pain. The chest pain started 30 minutes ago while at rest. Vital signs are 110/70, 92, 20, Sp02 95%. What should you do? · Assist patient with prescribed nitro/ apply oxygen at 10 lpm via non rebreather/ apply AED pads for an impending heart cardiac arrest/ obtain a detailed medical history 64. 64.A patient complains of substernal chest pain with radiating pain to his back and jaw, the pain is not relieved with rest, you should suspect? 65. 65.A 49 year old man with a history of heart problems complains of chest pressure and shortness of breath. You should assist him in taking his nitroglycerin if he? 66. 66.A 48 year old patient complains of difficulty breathing, patients history reveals an acute myocardial infarction 8 months ago, vital signs are 144/86, 110, and 24, auscultation reveals crackles in the lung bases. You should suspect? 67. After an AED has analyzed a patient, the machine states “shock advised.” The most likely cause is: · Ventricular tachycardia/ atrial fibrillation/ PEA/ asystole 68. 68.The vessels that supply the myocardium are called the: · Coronary arteries 69. An 80 year old male presents with shortness of breath, fatigue, peripheral edema, and jugular vein distention. Breath sounds reveal crackles and rhonchi. The most likely cause is 70. You shocked a patient back into normal rhythm with an AED. During transport, the patient becomes cyanotic and pulseless. What should you do? 71. A patient complains of chest pain radiating to both of his shoulders after dinner. He is pale, diaphoretic and slightly short of breath. The pain worsens with a deep breath. Vital signs are BP 150/90, P 120 and irregular, R 20. You should suspect: 72. A 57 year old female developed severe weakness and mild shortness of breath while shoveling snow. She is diaphoretic and complaining of nausea and jaw pain. You should suspect 73. you are in an airport and see an adult collapse. As you get the AED from the wall, a bystander starts CPR. If indicated, you should deliver your first shock: [Show More]

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