*NURSING > HESI MED SURG > Comprehensive Exam A, EXIT HESI v 2 PN Questions 2020 100 questions with answers and rationale, WITH (All)

Comprehensive Exam A, EXIT HESI v 2 PN Questions 2020 100 questions with answers and rationale, WITH MOST TESTED QUESTIONS

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The nurse calls the primary health care provider to report the status of a postsurgical client. Place the statements in the correct SBAR communication format. A. "Mr. Jones is experiencing pain of a 7... on a scale of 1 to 10. Vital signs are B/P 150/88, HR 90, and RR 26, with an O2 sat of 95%." B. "This is Mary Smith, RN, calling about Mr. Jones in room 325 at Memorial Hospital." C. "Mr. Jones had an open cholecystectomy yesterday and reports inadequate pain control with his current medication regimen since the surgery." D. "Would you like to make a change in his pharmacologic regimen?" A. C, B, A, D B. B, C, A, D C. A, B, C, D D. A, C, D, B 2.A client with rhabdomyolysis tells the nurse about falling while going to the bathroom and lying on the floor for 24 hours before being found. Which current client finding is indicative of renal complications? A.3+ protein in the urine B.Blood urea nitrogen >25 mg/dL C.Blood pH >7.45 D.Urine output, 2500 mL/day 3.What instruction(s) related to foot care is(are) appropriate for the client with type 1 diabetes mellitus? (Select all that apply.) A.Use lanolin to moisturize the tops and bottoms of the feet. B.Soak the feet in warm water for at least 1 hour daily. C.Wash feet daily and dry well, particularly between the toes. D.Use over-the-counter products to remove corns and calluses. E.Wear leather shoes that fit properly. 4.The nurse recognizes which behavior(s) in a client as warning sign(s) of an impending suicide attempt? (Select all that apply.) A.Reports feelings of sadness B.Mood changes from depressed to happy C.Begins giving away possessions D.Becomes compliant with medication regimen E.Independently joins a support group 5.A nurse who has recently completed orientation is beginning work in the labor and delivery unit for the first time. When making assignments, which client should the charge nurse assign to this new nurse? A.A primigravida who is 8 cm dilated after 14 hours of labor B.A client scheduled for a repeat cesarean birth at 38 weeks' gestation C.A client being induced for fetal demise at 20 weeks' gestation D.A multiparous client who is dilated 5 cm and 50% effaced 6.A client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has white lesions in the oral cavity that resemble milk curds. Nystatin (Mycostatin) preparation is prescribed as a swish and swallow. Which information is most important for the nurse to provide the client? A.Oral hygiene should be performed before the medication. B.Antifungal medications are available in tablet, suppository, and liquid forms. C.Candida albicans is the organism that causes the white lesions in the mouth. D.The dietary intake of dairy and spicy foods should be limited. 7.A client who is admitted with emphysema is having difficulty breathing. In which position should the nurse place the client? A.High Fowler's position without a pillow behind the head B.Semi-Fowler's position with a single pillow behind the head C.Right side-lying position with the head of the bed elevated 45 degrees D.Sitting upright and forward with both arms supported on an over the bed table 8.A client with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) is taking 25 mg of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) PO and 40 mg of furosemide (Lasix) PO daily. Today, at a routine clinic visit, the client's serum potassium level is 4 mEq/L. What is the most likely cause of this client's potassium level? A.The client is noncompliant with his medications. B.The client recently consumed large quantities of pears or nuts. C.The client's renal function has affected his potassium level. D.The client needs to be started on a potassium supplement. 9.A registered nurse (RN) delivers telehealth services to clients via electronic communication. Which nursing action creates the greatest risk for professional liability and has the potential for a malpractice lawsuit? A.Participating in telephone consultations with clients B.Identifying oneself by name and title to clients in telehealth communications C.Sending medical records to health care providers via the Internet D.Answering a client-initiated health question via electronic mail 10.Which pathophysiologic response supports the contraindication for opioids, such as morphine, in clients with increased intracranial pressure (ICP)? A.Sedation produced by opioids is a result of a prolonged half-life when the ICP is elevated. B.Higher doses of opioids are required when cerebral blood flow is reduced by an elevated ICP. C.Dysphoria from opioids contributes to altered levels of consciousness with an elevated ICP. D.Opioids suppress respirations, which increases Pco2 and contributes to an elevated ICP. 11.The charge nurse of a medical surgical unit is alerted to an impending disaster requiring implementation of the hospital's disaster plan. Specific facts about the nature of this disaster are not yet known. Which instruction should the charge nurse give to the other staff members at this time? A.Prepare to evacuate the unit, starting with the bedridden clients. B.UAPs should report to the emergency center to handle transports. C.The licensed staff should begin counting wheelchairs and IV poles on the unit. D.Continue with current assignments until more instructions are received. 12.The nurse assesses a client while the UAP measures the client's vital signs. The client's vital signs change suddenly, and the nurse determines that the client's condition is worsening. The nurse is unsure of the client's resuscitative status and needs to check the client's medical record for any advanced directives. Which action should the nurse implement? A.Ask the UAP to check for the advanced directive while the nurse completes the assessment. B.Assign the UAP to complete the assessment while the nurse checks for the advanced directive. C.Check the medical record for the advanced directive and then complete the client assessment. D.Call for the charge nurse to check the advanced directive while continuing to assess the client. 13.The nurse is preparing a client for surgery scheduled in 2 hours. A UAP is helping the nurse. Which task is important for the nurse to perform, rather than the UAP? A.Remove the client's nail polish and dentures. B.Assist the client to the restroom to void. C.Obtain the client's height and weight. D.Offer the client emotional support. 14.Until the census on the obstetrics (OB) unit increases, an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) who usually works in labor and delivery and the newborn nursery is assigned to work on the postoperative unit. Which client would be best for the charge nurse to assign to this UAP? A.An adolescent who was readmitted to the hospital because of a postoperative infection B.A woman with a new colostomy who requires discharge teaching C.A woman who had a hip replacement and may be transferred to the home care unit D.A man who had a cholecystectomy and currently has a nasogastric tube set to intermittent suction 15. A male client is admitted for observation after being hit on the head with a baseball bat. Six hours after admission, the client attempts to crawl out of bed and asks the nurse why there are so many bugs in his bed. His vital signs are stable, and the pulse oximeter reading is 98% on room air. Which intervention should the nurse perform first? A.Administer oxygen per nasal cannula at 2 L/min. B.Plan to check his vital signs again in 30 minutes. C.Notify the health care provider of the change in mental status. D.Ask the client why he thinks there are bugs in the bed. 16.The nurse is monitoring a client who is receiving bedside conscious sedation with midazolam hydrochloride (Versed). In assessing the client, the nurse determines that the client has slurred speech with diplopia. Based on this finding, what action should the nurse take? A.Open the airway with a chin lift-head tilt maneuver. B.Obtain a fingerstick glucose reading. C.Administer flumazenil (Romazicon). D.Continue to monitor the client. 17.The nurse is assessing a client using the Snellen chart and determines that the client's visual acuity is the same as in a previous examination, which was recorded as 20/100. When the client asks the meaning of this, which information should the nurse provide? A.This visual acuity result is five times worse that of a normal finding. B.This line should be seen clearly when the client wears corrective lenses. C.A client with normal vision can read at 100 feet what this client reads at 20 feet. D.This client can see at 100 feet what a client with normal vision can see at 20 feet. 18.A client with small cell carcinoma of the lung has also developed syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which outcome finding is the priority for this client? A.Reduced peripheral edema B.Urinary output of at least 70 mL/hr C.Decrease in urine osmolarity D.Serum sodium level of 137 mEq/L 19. Two days after swallowing 30 tablets of alprazolam (Xanax), a client with a history of depression is hemodynamically stable but wants to leave the hospital against medical advice. Which nursing action(s) is(are) most likely to maintain client safety? (Select all that apply.) A.Direct the client to sign a liability release form. B.Restrict the client's ability to leave the unit. C.Explain the benefits of remaining in the hospital. D.Instruct the client to take medications as prescribed. E.Provide the client with names of local support groups. F.Notify the health care provider of the client's intention. 20. Which assessment finding indicates that nystatin (Mycostatin) swish and swallow, prescribed for a client with oral candidiasis, has been effective? A.The client denies dysphagia. B.The client is afebrile with warm and dry skin. C.The oral mucosa is pink and intact. D.There is no reflux following food intake. Because of census overload, the charge nurse of an acute care medical unit must select a client who can be transferred back to a residential facility. The client with which symptomology is the most stable? A.A stage 3 sacral pressure ulcer, with colonized methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) B.Pneumonia, with a sputum culture of gram-negative bacteria C.Urinary tract infection, with positive blood cultures D.Culture of a diabetic foot ulcer shows gram-positive cocci An older client who resides in a long-term care facility is hearing-impaired. How should the nurse modify interventions for this client? A.Turn off the client's television and speak very loudly. B.Communicate in writing whenever it is possible. C.Speak very slowly while exaggerating each word. D.Face the client and speak in a normal tone of voice. The nurse is teaching the parents of a 10-year-old child with rheumatoid arthritis measures to help reduce the pain associated with the disease. Which instruction should the nurse provide to these parents? A.Administer a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) to the child prior to getting the child out of bed in the morning. B.Apply ice packs to edematous or tender joints to reduce pain and swelling. C.Warm the child with an electric blanket prior to getting the child out of bed. D.Immobilize swollen joints during acute exacerbations until function returns. The health care provider prescribes 1000 mL of Ringer's lactate solution with 30 units of oxytocin (Pitocin) to infuse over 4 hours for a client who has just delivered a 10-lb infant by cesarean section. The tubing has been changed to a 20 gtt/mL administration set. The nurse should set the flow rate at how many gtt/min? A.42 B.83 C.125 D.250 The RN is caring for a client who is in skeletal traction. Which activity should the RN assign to the PN? A.Assess skeletal pins for infection. B.Assist the client with toileting. C.Establish thrombus prevention care. D.Evaluate pain management plan. In conducting a routine assessment, which question should the nurse ask to determine a client's risk for open-angle glaucoma? A."Have you ever been told that you have hardening of the arteries?" B."Do you frequently experience eye pain?" C."Do you have high blood pressure or kidney problems?" D."Does anyone in your family have glaucoma?" Which question is most relevant to ask the parents when obtaining the history of a 2-year-old child recently diagnosed with osteomyelitis? A."Has your child had an ear infection recently?" B."Does your child seem resistant to toilet training?" C."Is your child a picky eater?" D."Do you have a family history of bone disorders?" A client with hemiplegia who is on bed rest is turned to the supine position, and the nurse determines that the client's hips are externally rotated. Which intervention is most important for the nurse to implement? A.Request a prescription for a bed board to provide increased back support. B.Reposition the client so that both feet are supported by the bed board. C.Move the trapeze bar to allow the client to pull with the upper extremities. D.Place trochanter rolls on the lateral aspects of the client's thighs. . The nurse is assisting a father to change the diaper of his 2-day-old infant. The father notices several bluish-black pigmented areas on the infant's buttocks and asks the nurse, "What did you do to my baby?" Which response is best for the nurse to provide? A."What makes you think we did anything to your baby?" B."Are you or any of your blood relatives of Asian descent?" C."Those are stork bites and will go away in about 2 years." D."Those are Mongolian spots and will gradually fade in 1 or 2 years." The nurse is planning a community teaching program regarding the use of folic acid to prevent neural tube birth defects. Which community group is likely to benefit most from this program? A.Parents of children with spina bifida B.High school girls in a health class C.Individuals interested in having children D.Postpartum women attending a baby care class A client who is on the outpatient surgical unit is preparing for discharge after a myringotomy with placement of ventilating tubes. Which response by the client indicates that further teaching is necessary? A."I will avoid coughing, sneezing, and forceful nose blowing." B."Swimming can begin on the tenth postoperative day." C."Any mild discomfort can be managed with acetaminophen." D."Drainage from my ears is expected after the surgery." A male client with arterial peripheral vascular disease (PVD) complains of pain in his feet. Which instruction should the nurse give to the UAP to relieve the client's pain quickly? A.Help the client dangle his legs. B.Apply compression stockings. C.Assist with passive leg exercises. D.Ambulate three times a day. Which situation demonstrates proper application of client confidentiality requirements for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)? A.Clients' names are not used while they are in a public waiting room. B.Nurses should not recommend any community self-help groups by specific name, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. C.Clients must pick up their filled prescriptions from a pharmacy in person with a photo identification card. D.Old medical records are kept in a locked file cabinet in the department. Prior to administering an oral suspension, which intervention is most important for the nurse to implement? [Show More]

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