*NURSING > QUESTIONS and ANSWERS > ATI CAPSTONE A & B COMBINATION ASSESSMENT. Most frequently tested areas. Contains Over 500 Q&As. (All)

ATI CAPSTONE A & B COMBINATION ASSESSMENT. Most frequently tested areas. Contains Over 500 Q&As.

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ATI CAPSTONE A & B COMBINATION ASSESSMENT 1. what is montelukast (singular) for? a. a leukotriene modifier, and is taken on a regular basis, once a day, and not prn, and is not used for exercise i... nduced asthma 2. what does advance directives contain? a. written instructions regarding end of life care 3. what is the greatest risk to a pt receiving hemodialysis? a. disequilibrium syndrome as a result of rapid loss of fluids and decrease bun 4. what is the clinical manifestation of disequilibrium? a. restlessness and decreased level of consciousness 5. what are expected findings in hemodialysis? a. elevated temp weight loss decreased bp 6. what should the nurse do when a pt feels lightheaded and begins to fall? a. spread feet apart and extend one leg for the pt to slide down while lowering the pt to the floor 7. what are the characteristics of a pt with dependent personality disorder? a. they have problems making everyday decision without input from others 8. a pregnant pt who is bleeding is always? a. priority 9. what should a pregnant pt with urgency and frequent urination do? a. should perform kegel exercises 10. what should a pregnant pt with odorless vaginal mucus do? a. practice good hygiene, use perineal pads 11. a pregnant pt with edema of the ankles do? 12. avoid prolonged standing, to wear support hose, and rest through out the day with legs/hip elevated 13. when should a colostomy bag be changed? when is 1/3 -1/2 full 14. how large should the opening of the stoma pouch be? no larger than 1/4 inch 15. what should the pt with a colostomy avoid? the use of moisturizers, which will decrease the adherence of the pouch to the skin 16. what should the pt do with the pouch removing it? 17. they should empty the pouch to avoid spilling the effluent on to the skin 18. where should drops be instill into? 19. into the conjuctival sac 20. what is a positive way of dealing with a terminal illness? 21. "remembering things they used to do together" 22. what are normal findings after a colonoscopy? 23. abd cramping fatigue passage of liquid stools 24. what are unexpected finding after a colonoscopy? 25. guarding- can indicate bowel perforation 26. what do you do if an order is questioned? 27. the nurse should record seeking clarification from the provider 28. what should pt with gastritis eat? 29. a well balanced diet, they should keep a record of foods that cause discomfort, pts can modify their diet accordingly 30. what is the cause autonomic dysreflexia? 31. bladder distention 32. what are s/s of icp? 33. restlessness change in LOC 34. what is late s/s of ICP? 35. widening pulse decerebrate posturing 36. when can a child with varicella(chickenpox) return school? 37. the child can return to school when the blisters are dry and no longer drained (scabbed over) 38. what is an appropriate behavior of a pt with hx of violence? 39. pt will avoid violence provoking situations 40. what is a skin cancer prevention? 41. pts should use sunscreen that protects against uva and uvb 42. what is the first thing you should do with excessive lochial discharge? 43. perform a fundal massage 44. what is the nurse responsibility of the nurse when witnessing the pts signature on an informed consent? 45. that the pt is fully informed and understands the procedure befor signing the consent form 46. who are at greater risk for std? 47. females because of increased vascularity to the vagina 48. does trichomonas vaginalis increased the risk for cervical cancer? 49. NO 50. Gonorrhea can lead to? 51. pelvic inflammatory disease and tubal scarring and can result in infertility 52. what should you do with postmortem care? 53. always check about religious practices prior to body preparation in order to honor fam wishes 54. what can you not give to a pt with thickened liquids? 55. no ice chips no water no icepops 56. what can a pt with thickened liquids have? 57. oatmeal 58. what should a pt do with incentive spirometer? 59. they should elevate the cylinder by inhaling deeply assume semi fowlers or high fowlers position 60. in order to maintain sterile technique what should the nurse do? 61. should open all sterile packages prior to donning sterile gloves 62. what is psycho-motor learning? 63. have the pt demonstrate back the procedure 64. what places a newborn at risk for respiratory depression? 65. administration of an opioid analgesic exa: fentanyl (sublimaze) 66. what is an effective method of bowel retraining? 67. anal stimulation with a gloved finger after the evening meal, it will help stimulate the gastrocolic reflex 68. when inserting an NG tube? 69. the nurse should insert the tube into the airway that is patent and has greater airflow 70. what technique should be NG tube insertion? 71. clean technique 72. if NG tube meets resistance? 73. the nurse should rotate the tube without forcing it past the area of resistance 74. what kind of lubricant should be used during NG tube insertion? 75. water- based lubricant NOT petroleum jelly 76. what is pediculosis capitis management? 77. store child's clothing in a separate cubicle at school boil brushes and combs in water for 10 mins dry bed lines and clothing in a hot dryer for at least 20 mins 78. what can visual disturbances indicate? 79. preeclampsia 80. what is expected 24 hrs after surgery? 81. hypo active bowel sounds pain 82. what is an abnormal finding 24 hrs after surgery? 83. low HGB 84. what must be done in bucks traction? 85. the pt must be in proper alignment boots are secured by 3 straps, around pt leg weights must hang freely footplate is resting 15.24 cm (6inches) from the footboard 86. what does pts with delirium demonstrate? 87. a fluctuating LOC often at night or in am 88. pt with dementia demonstrate? 89. difficulty finding correct words to use 90. pt with anxiety disorders demonstrate? 91. obsessive behavior 92. how would the nurse determine progression of ascites? 93. abdominal girth should be measured daily 94. what is a food high in potassium? 95. cantaloupe 96. what is an indication of peripheral venous disease? 97. brown pigmentation around ankles 98. what is indication of peripheral arterial disease? 99. intermittent, leg muscle pain 100. what is some skin care for pts on radiation therapy? 101. pat area when drying use hand to wash do not use sunscreen 102. what can hydromorpone cause? 103. urinary retention 104. what does bethanechol (urecholine) causes? 105. it stimulates urinary out put 106. how is nystatin best absorb? 107. if given 1 hour before or after a feeding 108. what is a sign that a newborn has finished eating? 109. a slowed suck/swallow pattern is a sign that the newborn is finished eating 110. what not to do when breastfeeding? 111. is not necessary for the entire areola be in the mouth each feeding should start at the opposite breast do not push back of newborns head-toward the nipple 112. what should be included in a stool specimen? 113. visible blood, pus, or mucus 114. what is the first action in an infiltrated IV? 115. to d/c the saline lock 116. what is the first action when preparing to do a dressing change? 117. to determine the pts level of pain 118. what should a with hemonymous hemionopsia with right visual field, what will help pt eat better? 119. the pt should turn head to the right to see all food on tray 120. what are some side effect for theophylline (theo-dur)? 121. is used to prevent wheezing,sob, chest tightness in asthma irregular pulse and dysrhythmias seizures anxiety urinary frequency anorexia n/v diarrhea 122. what should you do when given enoxaparin (lovenox)? 123. it should be injected SUBQ do not aspirate do not massage do not inject in same area 124. what is the babinski reflex? 125. stroke sole of the foot upward, toward the great toe 126. what is the moro reflex? 127. startle the infant by clapping hands` 128. what is the stepping reflex? 129. hold infant upright and allow one foot to touch tables surface 130. what is the palmer grasp reflex? 131. place an object in the palm of infant hand 132. what should you do when catheterizing a male pt? 133. pt should be place in supine position penis should be at 90 degree angle retract the foreskin and clean the glans prior to catherization 134. what color is the meconium? 135. it is the first stool passed and it is dark green and viscous 136. what is an inportant thing to ask when pt having cardiac catherization? 137. if pt allergic to iodine 138. what should be done with nitroglycerin (nitrostat)? 139. if pt continues to have pain after taking 1 tab, they should call 911 and take a second tab 140. what is normal after taking a nitroglycerin (nitrostat) tab? 141. h/a change positions slowly it should be kept in original, dark colored bottle to avoid light exposure 142. what to do for restrains use? 143. observe skin condition before applying restrains use a quick release knot to secure the restraints belt restrains should be placed over pts waist able to insert two fingers under restraints do not use all four side of rails to restrain pt 144. what would indicate an active peristalsis? 145. the presence of vowel sounds 146. what does pt with COPD have? 147. increased metabolism due to work of labored breathing they have dry mouth/thick mucus constipation decreased peristalsis 148. how to use a cane? 149. pt should hold cane on the stronger side of the body place it forward 6-10 inches and move his weaker leg forward to the cane distributing his weight between the cane and the stronger leg then he should move the stronger leg forward beyond the cane and distribute his weight between the cane and weaker leg 150. what does the use of cardiac catherization required? 151. that the pt have normal renal functions for excretion of the dye 152. how should drops be apply? 153. the nurse should apply gently pressure to the inner canthus of the eye for 30-60 seconds 154. what are hyperthyroidism findings? 155. tachycardia 156. what are hypothyroidism findings? 157. cold intolerance constipation brittle hair 158. how much should infants grow? 159. 1 inch per month, during the first 6 months they should be able to double their birth weight between 4-6 months of age and gain approximately 150-210 (about 5-7oz) per week 160. what should you do when evaluating an infant? 161. the nurse should measure ht/wt separately, and not combine 162. what can reduce the anti hypertensive effect of anti hypertensives? 163. ibuprofen (advil) or any NSAIDS 164. what is the first action when IV pump alarm is beeping? 165. to observe the iv site for infiltration or phlebitis 166. how are normal bowel sounds? 167. high pitched, irregular gurgles that occur every 5-15 seconds, in a rage of 5-30 per/min 168. what is hypoactive? 169. infrequent less than 5/min 170. what is hyperactive? 171. every 3 seconds or greater 172. what is actinic keratosis? 173. a pre-malignant lesion flat, scaly area with red edges 174. what are cherry angiomas? 175. bright red, raised spots (expected skin changes with aging) 176. what does a change in color mole indicate? 177. indicates skin cancer 178. what happens in passive ROM? 179. the pt does not actively participates the nurse should support the pts extremities distal and proximal to the joints to facilitate passive ROM 180. what do you do when inserting a urinary catheter, and urine is seen in the tubing? 181. the catheter should be advance another 2.5-5 cm to ensure that the balloon is inflated in the bladder 182. what to do when addressing pt dilemma? 183. determine the facts related to dilema identify possible solutions consider clients wishes 184. what should a pt with peripheral vascular disease do? 185. walk until feel pain, rest for 3 min and continue until tired should sit with legs in a dependent position 186. what are s/s of a detached retina? 187. photopsia= bright flashes of light 188. what are s/s of macular degeneration? 189. loss of peripheral vision 190. what is a normal s/s of aging? 191. presbyopia= difficulty focusing on close objects 192. what should a pt with DM and influenza report? 193. temp higher than 101.5 or greater for 24 hours 194. what should be done with pts with closed head injury? 195. should be log roll only suction on prn basis maintain HOB at least 30 degrees do not use an incentive spirometer ICP might go up 196. what should a pt with cardiac catherization experience? 197. they should drink adequate fluids may need to cough during test may experience a feeling of heat "hot flash" only need bed rest for 4-6 hours 198. what should pt with COPD do? 199. should perform pursed- lip breathing alternate activities with rest eat high protein snacks practice relaxation techniques 200. turp care? 201. monitor pt for fluid volume over load remind pt that they will feel urge while catheter is in place calculate urinary out put every 2 hours measure pain level every 2-3 hours pt should get up to a chair asap, risk for dvt 202. how to administer ear drops to children under 3 yrs? 203. pull pinna down and back 204. how will ventricular fibrilation look on ekg? 205. irregular rate without P waves, bizarre and variable QRS 206. what are sinus tachycardia look on EKG? 207. regular rate greater than 100/min normal P and QRS waves 208. atrial ventricular (AV) block look on EKG? 209. regular rate between 60-100/min with extended PR intervals 210. premature atrial contractions look on EKG? 211. irregular rate with ectopic atrial beats earlier than expected 212. what are s/s of febrile transfussion reaction? 213. chills 214. what are s/s of circulatory overload transfussion reaction? 215. bounding pulse and hypertension 216. what are s/s of hemolytic transfussion reaction? 217. lower back pain 218. what foods are rich in iron? 219. red meats, liver 220. what to look for in HCTZ (Hydrodiuril)? 221. flunctuation in weight encourage increase of potassium should be taken with food or right after a meal 222. what are s/s of anaphalictic reactions? 223. increased respiratory effort hypotension bronchoconstriction (laryngeal stridor) 224. what does benzodiazepines (lorazepam/ativan) causes? 225. lethargic and somnolent 226. what are pt with preclampsia at risk for? 227. seizures 228. how should the formula be to prevent gastric cramping in an enteral feeding? 229. administer the formula at room temp 230. what is a s/s of bulemia nervosa? 231. hemoptysis 232. what is a s/s of anorexia nervosa? 233. amenorrhea acrocynosis 234. what are interventions for a salem sump tube? 235. the most common ng tube it is a double lumen (two-channeled) it irrigates the stomach and removes fluid and gas from stomach. -pt should be reposition every 2 hours to promote emptiying of stomach content -set suction 80-100 -never clamp air vent pt should be NPO 236. what might cause dry skin in older adults? 237. a decrease in elasticity of the skin which is an expected change associated with aging 238. what is a bronchoscope? 239. a tube that allows the doctor to see in the lungs and airways and remove objects 240. what are nursing interventions for pts with dementias? 241. should encourage verbal praise do not exceed 20 mins in tub may not be able to follow direction they should not disrobe until right before entering the bath to prevent chilling 242. what to do with ankle sprain? 243. check for pedal edema [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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