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ATI Pharmacology Review (Latest Update)

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ATI Pharmacology Review 1. If patient taking an antihypertensive and just got ordered MAOI, Nardil, Marplan, or Parnate, then... - monitor their BP and call the Dr if there’s a significant dro... p and may need to reduce the anti-htn dosage 2. Lithium and Triptans? Safe in pregnancy? - NO both lithium and triptans are teratogenic 3. Therapeutic Levels of Lithium - 0.4-1.0 mEq/L. Take 2-3 times a day. 4. Chemotherapy Agents, name as much as you can! - 5. Cyclosporine is an _________ - 6. PTT lab value should stay at >_________ for what medication? What is the therapeutic PTT level? - 7. To prevent HIT, stop heparin at platelet count of <________ - 8. How to inject heparin, starting from drawing up - 9. Drug to help with heparin overdose - 10. Warfarin C/I (2) - 11. Lab values to watch with Warfarin - 12. patient education with aspirin (food-wise) - 13. Prevention of strokes, MI, and reinfarctions can be accomplished with low-dose aspirin of ___mg - 14. Thrombolytic drug prototype - 15. When should thrombolytics, streptokinase, be given? - 16. Do/Do not mix any medications in IV with thrombolytic agents - 17. What medications are usually given with thrombolytics, streptokinase? (think when this drug is used) - 18. Ferrous Sulfate use - 19. Ferrous Sulfate Patient Education (adverse effects, among other things) - 20. why would a patient be given vitB12-cyanocobalamin? - 21. What vit/min masks the signs of Vit b12 deficiency? - 22. E-alfa, hematopoietic growth factor, is dependent on adequate levels of ___ ___ & ___ - 23. In giving whole blood, what do you do before and during? - 24. When giving whole blood, what do you need the 2nd person for? - 25. Only give blood products with what type of IV fluid? - 26. Bronchodilator albuterol: therapeutic uses - 27. Bronchodilator side effects; overall stimulation of the B2-adrengeric receptors... - 28. How to use an MDI (metered dose inhaler) - 29. When prescribed a beta2-agonist and an glucocorticoid, which do they inhale first? - 30. What does the med theophylline do? short term or long-term control? - 31. Inhaled Atrovent what class of medication is it - 32. Glucocorticoids for asthma are used for _____ and oral glucocorticoids are only given for ___-___ days - 33. Codeine is used for ___. classification of drug? - 34. Codeine adverse effects - 35. Mucomyst (Acetylcysteine) is a mucolytic and its therapeutic effect is to: - 36. Mucomyst adverse effects are: (think of its effect on mucus) - 37. What does Mucomyst acetylcysteine smell like? How to take it? - congestants like phenylephrine do to the body? - CNS stimulation b/c they stimulate alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. Vasoconstriction-watch HTN and CAD patients! 39. How fast do you infuse K chloride in IV pump? - r 40. You should dilute ___and give no more than 40 mEq/L to prevent vein irritation - 41. SERMS raloxifene is used for _______ - 42. Raloxifene can give the women ___ ____ and increase the risk for _ _ _s - 43. Bisphosphonates, like Fosamax or Boniva - 44. Neostigmine for myasthenia gravis; adverse reaction - 45. Dilantin (phenytoin) and adverse effects - 46. Which vitamin promotes iron absorption but increases its side effects? - 47. Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 1) Use 2) cannot be used with _____ ______ (all of these meds can't) - 48. PTU is given for ______ & clinically see its working by: - 49. -opril -april - 50. All ACE inhibitors cause: (2) - 51. 70% of patients on an SSRI experience _____ ______ - 52. Fentanyl is used for: - 53. ____ will increase the toxicity of Lithium - 54. Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitor use - 55. Metoclopramide - 56. Bupropion (Zyban) to help stop smoking has what action on the CNS system? - 57. Therapeutic level of Digoxin? - 58. Gold Salts for RA toxicity. RA drugs dosing - 59. HBA1c goal for DM - 60. Amitryptoline (Elavil) has _______ effects. What is Elavil drug class? - 61. Lithium adverse effects - t 62. Digoxin toxicity can occur in the presence of ________ which can happen with what medication? - 63. Name 4 NSAIDS - 64. Neostigmine, for myasthenia gravis, side effects. Medication given to counteract neostigmine? - 65. Dilantin (phenytoin) is used for _____ and its side effects are - 66. Dilantin (phenytoin) cannot be used with what two other drugs? - 67. Beta1 heart meds are used to treat - 68. Alpha1 agonists like epinepheline is used for __ - 69. Beta1 activation in the heart can cause ________ - 70. Dopamine is used for ____ and _____ ____ - 71. Multiple drug interactions with Heart medications: MAOI, TCA enhance epinephrine effect (vasoconstriction) - 72. Alpha Adrenergic Blockers (minipress) all have a first-dose ____________ ___________ effect and what OTC analgesics counteract the anti-hypertensive effect? - 73. Clonidine (catapress) does what to the pt's BP and CO? - 74. Clonidine (catapress) and ______ (alpha blocker) counteract each other - 75. Which Beta blocker is non-selective and causes bronchoconstriction, too? - 76. -pril ACE inhibitors block Ang I from becoming II resulting in: - 77. Worse Adverse Effect seen with -prils? - 78. -sartan - 79. -prazole - 80. -tidine - 81. -statins - 82. -pine, -amil (verapamil: non-selective) - 83. Cardiac Glycoside drug - 84. The main difference between ARB's and ACE inhibitros is that ______ and _______ are not side effects of ARB - 85. Ca Channel Blocker (-ipine/-amil) vasodilate and adverse effects (2) - 86. Dysrhythmias are seen as a ________ QRS interval - 87. Action of Digoxin (2) - 88. The most dangerous adverse effect of Digoxin is it's ability to create ________, particularly in patients who have _______ - 89. ACE inhibitors (-prils), ARBs (-sartan), Thiazide & looop diuretics increase the likelihood of ________ and its level should be monitored when taking _______ with these meds. - 90. Cimetidine (tagamet) is for - 91. cyclosporine is an - 92. Clonidine (catapress) is a alpha agonist and has what two adverse effects - 93. Ca Channel Blockers adverse effects are related to __________ & the immediate-acting drugs can cause _____ ________ - 94. Metoclopramide (Reglan) - 95. Ranitidine Hydrochloride (Zantac) is a __ ____ ______ and is used for _____ and _____ - 96. -tidines and -prazole's lowers gastric pH which promotes bacteria in the stomach and _______ _______ so use cautiously in pts who are at high risk for ______ - r 97. -tidine - 98. -prazole. is the gastric acid lowering reversible? - 99. Don't take -prazoles with ____ and ____ - 100. Aluminum hydroxide gel (amphojel), Milk of Mag, Sodium Bicarb are all - 101. Aluminum and Calcium cause ______ while milk of mag causes _______ - 102. How many times does the patient take antacids? - 103. Take any medications at least _ ___ b4 or after antacids - 104. Misoprostol: who used them & intended use - 105. examples of anti-emetics - 106. All anti-emetics should not be used with these 3 medications b/c they intensify anti-emetic side-effects - 107. Anti-diarrheal - 108. Caffeine makes diarrhea worse or better? - 109. Metoclopramide (reglan) use and side effects - 110. Insulin moves __ into cells along with Glucose - 111. Can Synthroid be given to a pregnant woman? - 112. Is PTU safe to use in pregnancy? What side effects are there for PTU NO c/i b/c neonatal hypothyroidism can occur -s of ______, an anticoagulant drug - warfarin 114. What medication class lower the effectiveness of birth control? (4) - 115. True/False: TSH at 2 micro units indicates good treatment of hypothyroidism - 116. True/False: Photosensitivity and blurred vision are anti-cholinergic side effects? - 117. What are signs of an "infusion reaction" with amphotericin B? - 118. Antifungals are safe to use with Warfarin? - 119. Pancrelipase - a 120. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome= - 121. INR therapeutic range: what about mechanical heart valve patients? - 122. PTT therapeutic range - 123. What is the only immunization given at birth? - 124. It could take __ to __ months for a person on RA drugs to start to feel better - 125. Anticholinergic effects - 126. Bisphosphonates for osteoporosis should be taken with food or on an empty stomach? - 127. Cephalosporin - 128. ALL antibiotics have these side effects - 129. Vancomyocin - 130. Tetracyclines - 131. When is Arythromycin given? What class of drugs is it? worse adverse effect? - 132. Aminoglycosides - 133. TMP-SMZ - 134. Isoniazid (INH) - 135. Antiviral: Acyclovir, Ganciclovir - 136. What class of drugs if Flagyl? What is the weird effect it has? - 137. Amphotericin B anti-fungal. HIGHLY TOXIC - 138. -azole - 139. ______ causes malignant hyperthermia. Use ____ to stop it - 140. Morphine adverse effects - 141. Morphine drug-drug interactions (think of what morphine does to the body) - 142. Morphine patient education re how to take - 143. Opiod withdrawal (stop abruptly is taking ≥6weeks). Is it life-threatening? Will it subside? - 144. Migraine medicine & can you take them right after each other? - 145. What pain meds reduces fever? - 146. What pain med reduces platelet aggregation? - 147. What pain med reduces fever but has NO anti-inflammatory effect and NO platelet effect? - 148. What can give child Reye's syndrome if they have viral illness? - 149. NSAIDS education w/ how to take med. NSAIDS= - 150. acetaminophen max dose/day? - 151. When to withhold morphine/opiates - 152. Triptans & pregnancy - 153. Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs name potent toxic drug - 154. Methotrexate: most concerned about... - 155. What are the s/s of circulatory overload? Seen if giving too much fluids - 156. What type of diuretic is not effective in renal failure? - 157. Bumex is ___x more potent than Lasix - 158. Thiazide diuretics are good for the ___ and perfect for the elderly __ with HTN - 159. Lasix drug-drug interaction: for manic depressive ppl it'll get to toxic levels in the body - 160. Signs of hypokalemia - 161. Aspirin toxicity symptoms - 162. Glucocorticoids adverse effects - 163. Reo Pro (-mab) what is it for & adverse effects. What other use does Reo Pro have? - 164. Classic CNS depressant drug classes and what they're used for - Be 165. -lam & -pam are the endings for ________ - 166. Benzodiazepine Lorazepam (ativan) increases the possibility of ______. - 167. Benzodiazepine antidote? - r 168. Other anxiolytics: and what they're for - 169. Amitriptyline (Elavil) drug interactions and how to take med - 170. MAOI's ___ line of choice for depression b/c of the adverse effects with _____. If eat _____ will cause an _____ ______ - 171. MAOI adverse effects are related to stimulation of the _____ and include: - 172. 1st drugs of choice for depression and are equally as effective as _ _ _ but don't see _____ & ____ - 173. SSRI drug examples: prototype and 2 popular drugs - 174. Atypical antidepressant _______ better use in elderly - 175. SSRI uses - 176. What time of day to give SSRI - 177. Lithium is used for - 178. Valproic Acid is used for - 179. Lithium and Diuretics - 180. Anti-depressants have ___________ effects - 181. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds may take _ to __ weeks to take effect - 182. all anti-depressants have _____ ______ effect and pt must have their __ monitored - [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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