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Human Resource Management, Global Edition, 16GE by Dessler Test Bank

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Test Bank for Human Resource Management, Global Edition, 16GE, 16th Global Edition by Gary Dessler TEST BANK ISBN-13: 9781292402659 Full chapters included Part One Introduction 1 Introduction ... to Human Resource Management Learning Objectives Where are we Now … What Is Human Resource Management? Why Is Human Resource Management Important to All Managers? Avoid Personnel Mistakes Improving Profits and Performance You May Spend Some Time as an HR Manager HR for Small Businesses Line and Staff Aspects of Human Resource Management Line Managers’ Human Resource Management Responsibilities The Human Resource Department New Approaches to Organizing HR The Trends Shaping Human Resource Management Workforce Demographics and Diversity Trends Trends in Jobs People Do On-Demand Workers Human Capital Globalization Trends Economic Trends Labor Force Trends The Unbalanced Labor Force Technology Trends Important Components of Today’s New Human Resource Management A Brief History of Personnel/Human Resource Management Distributed HR and the New Human Resource Management Digital and Social Media Tools and the New Human Resource Management A Quick Overview Strategic Human Resource Management Performance and Human Resource Management HR and Performance Measurement HR and Evidence-Based Management HR and Adding Value Sustainability and Human Resource Management Employee Engagement and Human Resource Management Ethics and Human Resource Management The New Human Resource Manager HR Manager Certification HR and the Manager’s Human Resource Philosophy The Plan of This Book The Basic Themes and Features Practical Tools for Every Manager Chapter Contents Overview Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Recruitment, Placement, and Talent Management Part 3: Training and Development Part 4: Compensation Part 5: Enrichment Topics in Human Resource Management The Topics Are Interrelated Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise HR and “The Profit” Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Jack Nelson’s Problem115 Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company Introduction Carter Cleaning Centers Questions MyLab Management Try It! Key Terms Endnotes 2 Equal Opportunity and the Law Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Equal Opportunity Laws Enacted from 1964 to 1991 Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Executive Orders Equal Pay Act of 1963 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 Federal Agency Guidelines Early Court Decisions Regarding Equal Employment Opportunity GRIGGS V. DUKE POWER COMPANY Albemarle Paper Company V. Moody The Laws Enacted from 1991 to the Present The Civil Rights Act of 1991 Burden of Proof Money Damages Mixed Motives The Americans with Disabilities Act Qualified Individual Reasonable Accommodation The Ada Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) State and Local Equal Employment Opportunity Laws Religious Discrimination58 Trends in Discrimination Law Sexual Harassment What is Sexual Harassment? Proving Sexual Harassment When is the Environment “Hostile”? Supreme Court Decisions Why the Law isn’t Enough What the Employee Can Do Defenses Against Discrimination Allegations The Central Role of Adverse Impact Disparate Rejection Rates The Standard Deviation Rule Restricted Policy Population Comparisons Mcdonnell Douglas Test Adverse Impact Example Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Age as a BFOQ Religion as a BFOQ Gender as a BFOQ National Origin as a BFOQ Business Necessity Recruitment Selection Standards Sample Discriminatory Promotion, Transfer, and Layoff Practices The EEOC Enforcement Process Voluntary Mediation Mandatory Arbitration of Discrimination Claims Diversity Management Potential Threats to Diversity Managing Diversity Top-Down Diversity Management Programs Diversity Through Engagement Implementing the Affirmative Action Program Employee Resistance Program Evaluation Reverse Discrimination Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise “Space Cadet” or Victim?175 Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Seeking Gender Equity at Starbucks Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company A Question of Discrimination Questions Key Terms Endnotes 3 Human Resource Management Strategy and Performance Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . The Strategic Management Process The Management Planning Process What Is Strategic Planning? The Strategic Management Process Types of Strategies Corporate Strategy Competitive Strategy Functional Strategy Managers’ Roles in Strategic Planning Strategic Human Resource Management What Is Strategic Human Resource Management? Sustainability and Strategic Human Resource Management Strategic Human Resource Management Tools Strategy Map The HR Scorecard Digital Dashboards HR Metrics, Benchmarking, and Data Analytics Benchmarking Strategy-Based Metrics What Are HR Audits? Talent Analytics High-Performance Work Systems Employee Engagement Guide for Managers: Employee Engagement and Performance The Employee Engagement Problem What Can Managers Do to Improve Employee Engagement? How to Measure Employee Engagement How Kia Motors (UK) Improved Performance with an HR Strategy Aimed at Boosting Employee Engagement The Challenges The New Human Resource Management Strategy How to Execute an Employee Engagement Strategy The Results Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise Developing an HR Strategy for Starbucks Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Tesla’s Strategy Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The High-Performance Work System Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The Hotel Paris International The Strategy The Strategically Required Organizational Outcomes The Strategically Relevant Workforce Competencies and Behaviors The Strategically Relevant HR Policies and Activities The Strategy Map How We Will Use the Hotel Paris Case Questions Key Terms Endnotes Part Two Recruitment, Placement, and Talent Management 4 Job Analysis and the Talent Management Process Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Talent Management Process Talent Management Software The Basics of Job Analysis What Is Job Analysis? Uses of Job Analysis Information Recruitment and Selection EEO Compliance Performance Appraisal Compensation Training Conducting a Job Analysis Step 1: Step 2: Workflow Analysis Boosting Productivity Through Work Redesign10 Business Process Reengineering Job Redesign Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Methods for Collecting Job Analysis Information The Interview Typical Questions Structured Interviews Pros and Cons Interviewing Guidelines Questionnaires Observation Participant Diary/Logs Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques Position Analysis Questionnaire Department of Labor (DOL) Procedure Online Job Analysis Methods23 Writing Job Descriptions Job Identification What’s in a Name (or in a Job Title)? Job Summary Relationships Responsibilities and Duties Standards of Performance and Working Conditions Writing Job Specifications Specifications for Trained versus Untrained Personnel Specifications Based on Judgment Job Specifications Based on Statistical Analysis The Job-Requirements Matrix Employee Engagement Guide for Managers Using Competencies Models How to Write Competencies Statements BP Example Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise The Instructor’s Job Description Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case The Flood Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The Job Description Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Job Descriptions Questions Key Terms Endnotes 5 Personnel Planning and Recruiting Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Introduction Workforce Planning and Forecasting Strategy and Workforce Planning Forecasting Personnel Needs (Labor Demand) Trend Analysis Ratio Analysis The Scatter Plot Managerial Judgment Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates Markov Analysis Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates Predictive Workforce Monitoring Matching Projected Labor Supply and Demand with a Plan Succession Planning Example Why Effective Recruiting Is Important Improving Recruitment Effectiveness: Recruiters, Sources, and Branding The Recruiting Yield Pyramid The Supervisor’s Role Internal Sources of Candidates Finding Internal Candidates Employee Engagement Guide for Managers Promotion from Within Outside Sources of Candidates Informal Recruiting and the Hidden Job Market Recruiting via the Internet55 Online Recruitment around the Globe Pros and Cons Using Recruitment Software and Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Systems Improving Online Ads LinkedIn and Beyond Advertising The Media Constructing (Writing) the AD Employment Agencies Public and Nonprofit Agencies Private Agencies Recruitment Process Outsourcers On-Demand Recruiting Services Poaching Offshoring and Outsourcing Jobs Executive Recruiters Working with Recruiters Internal Recruiting Referrals and Walk-Ins Walk-Ins College Recruiting Internships Military Personnel Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce Recruiting Women Recruiting Single Parents Older Workers Recruiting Minorities The Disabled Developing and Using Application Forms Purpose of Application Forms Application Guidelines Using Application Forms to Predict Job Performance Mandatory Arbitration Building Your Management Skills: The Human Side of Recruiting Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise The Nursing Shortage Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Techtonic Group Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company Getting Better Applicants Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Recruitment Process Questions Key Terms Endnotes 6 Employee Testing and Selection Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Why Employee Selection Is Important The Basics of Testing and Selecting Employees Reliability Validity Evidence-Based HR: How to Validate a Test STEP 1: Analyze the Job STEP 2: Choose the Tests STEP 3: Administer the Test STEP 4: Relate Your Test Scores and Criteria STEP 5: Cross-Validate and Revalidate Bias Utility Analysis Validity Generalization Test Takers’ Individual Rights and Test Security How Do Employers Use Tests at Work? Types of Tests Tests of Cognitive Abilities Intelligence Tests Specific Cognitive Abilities Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities Measuring Personality and Interests Interest Inventories Achievement Tests Work Samples and Simulations Using Work Sampling for Employee Selection Situational Judgment Tests Situation: Management Assessment Centers Situational Testing and Video-Based Situational Testing The Miniature Job Training and Evaluation Approach Realistic Job Previews Choosing a Selection Method Background Investigations and Other Selection Methods Why Perform Background Investigations and Reference Checks? Using Preemployment Information Services Steps for Making the Background Check More Valuable The Polygraph and Honesty Testing Written Honesty Tests “Human Lie Detectors” Testing for Honesty: Practical Guidelines Physical Exams Substance Abuse Screening Drug Testing Legal Issues Complying with Immigration Law Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise A Test for a Reservation Clerk Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case The Insider Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company Honesty Testing Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Employee Testing Program Questions Key Terms Endnotes 7 Interviewing Candidates Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Basic Types of Interviews Structured versus Unstructured Interviews Interview Content (What Types of Questions to Ask) Other Types of Questions How Should We Conduct the Interview? Phone Interviews Computer-Based Job Interviews Online Video Interviews Avoiding Errors That Can Undermine an Interview’s Usefulness First Impressions (Snap Judgments) Not Clarifying What the Job Requires Candidate-Order (Contrast) Error and Pressure to Hire Nonverbal Behavior and Impression Management Impression Management Effect of Personal Characteristics: Attractiveness, Gender, Race Interviewer Behavior How to Design and Conduct an Effective Interview Designing a Structured Situational Interview Competency Profiles and Employee Interviews Employee Engagement Guide for Managers Building Engagement: A Total Selection Program The Toyota Way Developing and Extending the Job Offer Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise The Most Important Person You’ll Ever Hire Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case The Out-of-Control Interview Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The Better Interview Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Interviewing Program Questions Key Terms Endnotes Appendix 1 for Chapter 7 Structured Interview Guide Appendix 2 for Chapter 7 Interview Guide for Interviewees Getting an Extra Edge Tackling the “Standard” Questions Should You Be Forthright? Part Three Training and Development 8 Training and Developing Employees Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Orienting and Onboarding New Employees The Purposes of Employee Orientation/Onboarding The Orientation Process The Employee Handbook Orientation Technology Employee Engagement Guide for Managers: Onboarding at Toyota Overview of the Training Process Aligning Strategy and Training The ADDIE Five-Step Training Process Analyzing the Training Needs Strategic Training Needs Analysis Current Emlployees’ Training Needs Analysis New Employees: Task Analysis for Analyzing Training Needs Current Employees: Performance Analysis of Training Needs Can’t Do/Won’t Do Competency Profiles and Models in Training and Development Designing the Training Program Setting Learning Objectives40 Creating a Motivational Learning Environment Make the Learning Meaningful Make Skills Transfer Obvious and Easy Reinforce the Learning Ensure Transfer of Learning to the Job Developing the Program HR in Action at the Hotel Paris Implementing the Training Program On-the-Job Training Types of on-the-Job Training Apprenticeship Training Informal Learning Job Instruction Training Lectures Programmed Learning Behavior Modeling Audiovisual-Based Training Vestibule Training Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) Videoconferencing Computer-Based Training Simulated Learning and Gaming Online/Internet-Based Training Learning Portals The Virtual Classroom Mobile and Micro Learning Lifelong and Literacy Training Techniques Literacy Training Diversity Training Team Training Implementing Management Development Programs Strategy’s Role in Management Development Candidate Assessment and the 9-Box Grid Managerial On-the-Job Training and Rotation Coaching/Understudy Approach Action Learning Stretch Assignments Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques Outside Seminars University-Related Programs Role-Playing Corporate Universities Executive Coaches The Shrm Learning System Leadership Development at Cigna Characteristics of Effective Leadership Development Programs Managing Organizational Change Programs Lewin’s Change Process Using Organizational Development Evaluating the Training Effort Designing the Study Training Effects to Measure Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise Flying the Friendlier Skies Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Reinventing the Wheel at Apex Door Company Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The New Training Program Questions Translating Strategy into into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Training Program Questions Key Terms Endnotes 9 Performance Management and Appraisal Learning Objectives Where are we Now … Basics of Performance Appraisal The Performance Appraisal Process Why Appraise Performance? Defining the Employee’s Goals and Performance Standards Who Should Do the Appraising? Peer Appraisals Crowd Appraisals Virtual Games Rating Committees Self-Ratings Appraisal by Subordinates 360-Degree Feedback Traditional Tools for Appraising Performance Graphic Rating Scale Method Alternation Ranking Method Paired Comparison Method Forced Distribution Method Critical Incident Method Narrative Forms Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales Management by Objectives Appraisal in Practice: Using Forms, Installed Software, or Cloud-Based Systems Electronic Performance Monitoring Conversation Days Using Multiple Methods Dealing with Rater Error Appraisal Problems Potential Rating Problems Unclear Standards Halo Effect Central Tendency Leniency or Strictness Recency Effects The Need for Fairness Managing the Appraisal Interview How to Conduct the Appraisal Interview Make it a Dialogue How to Handle a Defensive Subordinate How to Criticize a Subordinate Get Agreement on a Plan How to Handle a Written Warning Employee Engagement Guide for Managers Use the Appraisal Interview to Build Engagement Performance Management Total Quality Management and Performance Appraisal What Is Performance Management? Performance Management in Action The Manager’s Role in Performance Management Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise Grading the Professor Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Appraising the Secretaries at Sweetwater U Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The Performance Appraisal Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Performance Management System Questions Key Terms Endnotes 10 Managing Careers and Retention Learning Objectives Where are We Now… Career Management Careers Today The Psychological Contract The Employee’s Role in Career Management Exercise 1 Exercise 2 The Employer’s Role in Career Management Employer Career Management Methods The Manager as Mentor and Coach Employee Engagement Guide for Managers Career Management Commitment-Oriented Career Development Efforts Managing Employee Turnover and Retention Managing Voluntary Turnover A Comprehensive Approach to Retaining Employees Raise Pay Hire Smart Discuss Careers Provide Direction Offer Flexibility Use High-Performance HR Practices Counteroffer? Job Withdrawal Employee Life-Cycle Career Management Making Promotion Decisions Decision 1: Is Seniority or Competence the Rule? Decision 2: How Should We Measure Competence? Decision 3: Is the Process Formal or Informal? Decision 4: Vertical, Horizontal, or Other? Managing Transfers Managing Retirements Retirement Program Steps Managing Dismissals Grounds for Dismissal Fairness Safeguards Avoiding Wrongful Discharge Suits Supervisor Liability Security Measures The Termination Interview and Exit Process Outplacement Counseling Exit Interview The Exit Process For the Employee Layoffs and the Plant Closing Law Layoff’s Effects Adjusting to Downsizings and Mergers Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise Where Am I Going . . . and Why? Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Uber Technologies Inc. Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The Career Planning Program Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Career Management System Questions Key Terms Endnotes Appendix for Chapter 10 Managing Your Career and Finding a Job Making Career Choices Identify Your Occupational Orientation Identify Your Skills Aptitudes and Special Talents O*net Identify Your Career Anchors Technical/Functional Competence Managerial Competence Creativity Autonomy and Independence Security Assessing Career Anchors What Do You Want to Do? Identify High-Potential Occupations Finding the Right Job Job Search Techniques Personal Contacts Social Media Online Job Boards and Employer Websites Answering Advertisements Employment Agencies Executive Recruiters Career Counselors Executive Search Consultants Writing Your Résumé Online Bios Handling the Interview Prepare First Impressions Uncover the Interviewer’s Needs Relate Yourself to the Person’s Needs Make a Good Appearance and Show Enthusiasm Nonverbal Behavior and Impression Management Part Four Compensation 11 Establishing Strategic Pay Plans Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Basic Factors in Determining Pay Rates Aligning Total Rewards with Strategy Equity and Its Impact on Pay Rates Legal Considerations in Compensation The 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act Exempt/Nonexempt Inequity and the Minimum Wage39 1963 Equal Pay Act 1974 Employee Retirement Income Security Act Other Legislation Affecting Compensation Union Influences on Compensation Decisions Pay Policies Geography Job Evaluation Methods Compensable Factors Preparing for the Job Evaluation Job Evaluation Methods: Ranking Job Evaluation Methods: Job Classification Job Evaluation Methods: Point Method “Packaged” Point Plans Computerized Job Evaluations How to Create a Market-Competitive Pay Plan 1. Choose Benchmark Jobs 2. Select Compensable Factors 3. Assign Weights to Compensable Factors 4. Convert Percentages to Points for Each Factor 5. Define Each Factor’s Degrees 6. Determine for Each Factor Its Factor Degrees’ Points 7. Review Job Descriptions and Job Specifications 8. Evaluate the Jobs Wage Curves 9. Draw the Current (Internal) Wage Curve 10. Conduct a Market Analysis: Salary Surveys Using the Internet to do Compensation Surveys 11. Draw the Market (External) Wage Curve 12. Compare and Adjust Current and Market Wage Rates for Jobs 13. Develop Pay Grades Determining the Number of Pay Grades 14. Establish Rate Ranges Developing Rate Ranges 15. Address Remaining Jobs 16. Correct Out-of-Line Rates Pricing Managerial and Professional Jobs What Determines Executive Pay? Compensating Executives Compensating Professional Employees Contemporary Topics in Compensation Competency-Based Pay Broadbanding Comparable Worth Board Oversight of Executive Pay Employee Engagement Guide for Managers Total Rewards Programs Total Rewards and Employee Engagement Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise Ranking the College’s Administrators Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case Salary Inequities at AstraZeneca Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The New Pay Plan Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Compensation Plan Questions Key Terms Endnotes 12 Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Money’s Role in Motivation Incentive Pay Terminology Linking Strategy, Performance, and Incentive Pay Motivation and Incentives Motivators and Frederick Herzberg Demotivators and Edward Deci Expectancy Theory and Victor Vroom Behavior Modification/Reinforcement and B. F. Skinner Individual Employee Incentive and Recognition Programs Piecework Advantages and Disadvantages Merit Pay as an Incentive Merit Pay Options Incentives for Professional Employees Nonfinancial and Recognition-Based Awards Job Design Incentives for Salespeople Salary Plan Commission Plan Combination Plan Maximizing Sales Results Enterprise Incentive Management Sales Incentives in Action Incentives for Managers and Executives Strategy and the Executive’s Long-Term and Total Rewards Package Sarbanes–Oxley Short-Term Incentives and the Annual Bonus Eligibility Fund Size The Individual Awards Stock Options Other Stock Plans Potential Problems Ethics and Incentives Some Other Executive Incentives Team and Organization-Wide Incentive Plans How to Design Team Incentives Evidence-Based HR: Inequities That Undercut Team Incentives Profit-Sharing Plans Scanlon Plans Other Gainsharing Plans At-Risk Pay Plans Employee Stock Ownership Plans Broad-Based Stock Options Incentive Plans in Practice: Nucor Employee Engagement Guide for Managers Incentives and Engagement Chapter Review Chapter Section Summaries Discussion Questions Individual and Group Activities Experiential Exercise Motivating the Employees at Pearson Urgent Care Purpose: Required Understanding: How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions: Application Case The Sales Incentive Plan Questions Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company The Incentive Plan Questions Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case*,§ Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris The New Incentive Plan Questions Key Terms Endnotes 13 Benefits and Services Learning Objectives Where are we Now . . . Introduction: The Benefits Picture Today Policy Issues Pay for Time Not Worked [Show More]

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