*NURSING > EXAM REVIEW > (A+ SOLUTION) WGU D027 - Western Governors University / WGU D027 All End unit quizzes Questions/Answ (All)

(A+ SOLUTION) WGU D027 - Western Governors University / WGU D027 All End unit quizzes Questions/Answered/Rationales_ 2022.

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WGU D027 All End unit quizzes Questions/Answered/Rationales_ 2022. Which of the following is not a cellular function? What are mitochondria responsible for? Which if the following can cause... edema? Which of the following best describes the result of cellular reproduction? What indicates hypokalemia? What is an example of both hyperplasia and hypertrophy? What regulates the sodium balance? What is the alteration if the extracellular fluid volume is less than normal? When in excess, what do buffers absorb? Which of the following would a patient with metabolic acidosis have? What is the process by which RNA directs the synthesis of polypeptides? . What is the recurrence rate for autosomal dominant disease? Which of the following statements is true about autosomal recessive disease? What is the proportion of the population affected by a disease at the specific point in time? Which of the following should be completed when a disease is multifactorial but has a larger genetic component? Which action is the purpose of the inflammatory process? What causes edema that occurs during the inflammatory process? In what structure do B lymphocytes mature and become B cells? Which type of immunity occurs when antibodies are transferred from donor to recipient? What does T-cell activity cause in older adults? What is a dermatitis caused by prolonged exposure to chemicals such as acids or soaps also known as? Which of the following is a self-limiting disease associated with Herpes type viruses and a herald patch? What is a furuncle? What type of lesion may be malignant in the form of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)? What type of abnormal cell growth does carcinoma refer to? What is a characteristic of a malignant tumor? Which lifestyle factor has not been linked to the development of cancer? Which pediatric malignancy is linked to the family of origin? Which of the following drugs is classified as hormonal treatment for breast cancer? Where do the cancers treated with glucocorticoids stem from? A 23-year-old woman comes in for prenatal counseling. While completing her family history, she reports her brother has cystic fibrosis. She does not know if she is a carrier. She asks if her children will be affected by the disease. What is an accurate way to determine the likelihood of this patient's children being affected? A 31-year-old man comes into the office for an exam. He is 6' 5 " with a high-pitched voice, and he has a moderate degree of mental impairment. It is discovered upon exam that his body hair is sparse, his testes are small, and he has gynecomastia. Which genetic disorder should this patient be tested for? A six-month-old female infant with failure to thrive comes in to the office with her parents. It is noticed upon exam that the patient has facial deformities and is jaundiced. A complete blood count (CBC) is ordered, which reveals anemia. When that patient's blood is examined under a microscope, the red blood cells appear small and abnormally shaped. A mutational analysis is ordered, and alpha thalassemia is diagnosed. What is the likelihood of incidence of these parent's future children having alpha thalassemia? Which chamber of the heart has the thinnest muscle in the heart? During diastole, which part of the heart is filling with blood? Oxygenated blood flows through which vessel? Which complex (wave) represents the sum of all ventricular muscle cell depolarizations? What effect does atherosclerosis have on the development of an aneurysm? What is the effect of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) in atherosclerosis? Which factor is responsible for the hypertrophy of the myocardium associated with hypertension? Most cardiovascular developments occur between which weeks of gestation? Which compensatory mechanism is spontaneously used by children diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) to relieve hypoxic spells? Which condition is consistent with the cardiac defect of transposition of the great vessels? What produces ADH? The thyroid gland hormones (T3 and T4) are regulated by __________. What do the pancreas beta cells produce? What do high levels of ADH cause? Which condition is indicated by a high level of TSH and low T4? What diagnosis results if a patient's anterior pituitary produces none of the normal pituitary hormones? Which of the following symptoms is not indicative of metabolic syndrome? What is occlusion of the capillaries due to diabetes called? Which of the following is anorexia of aging associated with? A BMI greater than what indicates obesity? Which term identifies the movement of blood into and out of the capillary beds of the lungs to body organs and tissues? What is the mechanism of defense for the alveolar macrophages? If an individual aspirates, where would a nurse expect abnormal breath sounds? Besides a cough, the most common symptom of pulmonary disease is __________. A condition caused by postoperative patients' reluctance to change position or breathe deeply is _____________. What is an abnormal permanent enlargement of gas-exchange airways accompanied by destruction of alveolar wall without obvious fibrosis? Which type of pneumonia is acquired by infection from inhaling microorganisms in a shopping mall? Which type of croup is most common? How is asthma confirmed in children over the age of six? What are most cases of acute bronchitis are caused by? Where is the region responsible for the motor aspects of speech located? Which area of the brain controls reflex activities concerned with heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, sneezing, swallowing, and coughing? A failure to recognize the form and nature of objects is __________. What are transient disorders of awareness that may have an either sudden or gradual onset? A traumatic brain injury that results in bleeding between the dura mater and the skull is called ____________. A stroke that is caused by fragments that break off from a thrombus in the heart is called _____________. A tear in a tendon is __________. The condition when blood flows to an affected area is compromised because of increased venous pressure is called what? A chronic, systemic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that affects the joints is called what? A type of dystrophy caused by a deletion of one or more exons of the DMD gene on the X chromosome is what? How is Crohn disease (CD) different from ulcerative colitis (UC)? What is the most common type of peptic ulcer? Patients with celiac disease must avoid foods with what? A GFR of 20 mL/min would be what stage of chronic kidney disease? What is the most common infecting microorganism that causes urinary tract infections (UTIs)? What is condition in which a child has never been continent? What is a symptom of PCOS? HPV testing is recommended at the same time as a pap test in women at which ages? The incubation period for primary syphilis ranges from how many days? A 64-year-old male truck driver comes in complaining of pain in his lower left calf. He states he drives eight to ten hours per day. Upon exam, swelling and mottled coloring are noted in the patient's calf. A D-dimer test is ordered and comes back positive. Which additional test should be ordered to confirm a diagnosis in this patient? A 54-year-old man comes into a clinic for a routine visit. His initial BP is 148/92. After a recheck 15 minutes later, his BP is 140/90. He states he suffers from "white coat hypertension." He states he has no history of high blood pressure and no family history of high blood pressure. Which nursing intervention would assist this patient in receiving a clinical diagnosis of hypertension? A 58-year-old woman comes in complaining of retrosternal chest pain, worsening with recumbent position. She states she has had a low-grade fever for two days. Upon exam, the patient has a friction rub. An EKG reveals sinus tachycardia with inflammatory changes. An ultrasound is performed, and she is diagnosed with an acute pericarditis. Which condition would make pericarditis more likely in this patient? A patient begins taking an ACE inhibitor and complains of a dry cough. What does the nurse correctly tell the patient about this symptom? A patient has a chronic congestive heart failure. The prescriber has ordered spironolactone to be added to this patient's drug regimen, and the nurse provides education about this medication. Which statement by the patient indicates understanding of the teaching? A female patient taking an ACE inhibitor learns that she is pregnant. What will the nurse tell this patient? A patient begins taking nifedipine along with metoprolol to treat hypertension. The nurse understands that metoprolol is used to ______________. A patient is taking a vasodilator that relaxes smooth muscles in veins. To help minimize drug side effects, the nurse caring for this patient will ______________. A 60-year-old African-American patient has a blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg and reports a family history of hypertension. The patient has a body mass index of 22.3. The patient reports consuming alcohol occasionally. Which therapeutic lifestyle change will the nurse expect to teach this patient? A patient is recovering from a myocardial infarction (MI) but does not have symptoms of heart failure. The nurse will expect to teach this patient about what? Which two classes of antidysrhythmic drugs have nearly identical cardiac effects? A patient who is taking simvastatin develops an infection, and the provider orders azithromycin to treat the infection. The nurse should be concerned if the patient complains of what? A patient who is taking warfarin has just vomited blood. The nurse notifies the provider, who orders laboratory work revealing a PT of 42 seconds and an INR of 3.5. The nurse will expect to administer __________. The nurse assesses a newly diagnosed patient for short-term complications of diabetes. What does this assessment include? A patient with type 1 diabetes is eating breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Blood sugars are on a sliding scale and are ordered before a meal and at bedtime. The patient's blood sugar level is 317 mg/dL. Which formulation of insulin should the nurse prepare to administer? A nurse provides dietary counseling for a patient newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Which instruction should be included? What is the most reliable measure for assessing diabetes control over the preceding three-month period? Insulin glargine is prescribed for a hospitalized patient who has diabetes. When will the nurse expect to administer this drug? A patient arrives in the emergency department with a heart rate of 128 beats/minute and a temperature of 105°F. The patient's skin feels hot and moist. The free T4 level is 4 ng/dL. The free T3 level is 685 pg/dL, and the TSH level is 0.1 microunits/mL. The nurse caring for this patient will expect to administer ______________. A nurse obtaining an admission history on an adult patient notes that the patient has a heart rate of 62 beats per minute, a blood pressure of 105/62 mm Hg, and a temperature of 96.2°F. The patient appears pale and complains of always feeling cold and tired. The nurse will contact the provider to discuss tests for which condition? The nurse is caring for a pregnant patient recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The patient tells the nurse she does not want to take medications while she is pregnant. What will the nurse explain to this patient? The nurse prepares a patient with Graves disease for radioactive iodine (I131) therapy. Which statement made by the patient best demonstrates understanding of radioactive iodine (I131) therapy? A nurse caring for a patient, notes that the patient has a temperature of 40°C (104°F) and a heart rate of 110 beats per minute. The patient's skin is warm and moist, and the patient complains that the room is too warm. The patient appears nervous and has protuberant eyes. The nurse will contact the provider to discuss _________. A nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about antihistamines. Which statement by a student indicates an understanding of the mechanism of action of the antihistamines? A prescriber orders hydroxyzine for a patient with acute urticaria. The nurse will include what information when teaching the patient about this drug? A patient with asthma will be using a metered dose inhaler (MDI) for delivery of an inhaled medication. The provider has ordered two puffs to be given twice daily. It is important for the nurse to teach this patient that ___________________. A patient with persistent, frequent asthma exacerbations asks a nurse about a long-acting beta2 agonist (LABA) medication. What will the nurse tell this patient? A nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about the different formulations of beta2-adrenergic agonist medications. Which statement by a student indicates an understanding of the teaching? A patient with stable COPD receives prescriptions for an inhaled glucocorticoid and an inhaled beta2-adrenergic agonist. Which statement by the patient indicates an understanding of this medication regimen? A patient with stable COPD is prescribed a bronchodilator medication. Which type of bronchodilator is preferred for this patient? . A patient with a cough has been advised to use guaifenesin. The patient asks the nurse to explain the purpose of the drug. The nurse will explain that guaifenesin _________. A patient who has seasonal allergies in the spring and fall asks the nurse about oral antihistamines. Which response by the nurse is correct? A nursing student asks the nurse why epinephrine and not other adrenergic agonists is used to treat anaphylactic shock. What will the nurse tell the student? The nurse is discussing home management with a patient who will begin taking an alpha-adrenergic antagonist for hypertension. Which statement by the patient indicates an understanding of the teaching? A nurse is discussing motor symptoms with a patient with Parkinson disease who has been taking levodopa or carbidopa (Sinemet) for nine months and who is now having regular tics. Which statement by the patient indicates understanding of this symptom? A nurse is caring for an older adult man who has Alzheimer disease (AD). The patient's daughter wants to know if testing can be done to determine her risk for developing the disease. What will the nurse tell her? A patient is going to begin taking phenytoin (Dilantin) for seizures. The patient tells the nurse that she is taking oral contraceptives. What will the nurse tell the patient? A nurse is caring for a patient who has been taking an antiepileptic drug for several weeks. The nurse asks the patient if the therapy is effective. The patient reports little change in seizure frequency. What will the nurse do? A patient who takes daily doses of aspirin is scheduled for surgery next week. The nurse should advise the patient to do what? A 60-year-old female patient is about to begin long-term therapy with a glucocorticoid. Which of the following will be important for minimizing the risk of osteoporosis? A patient who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for one month and who has generalized symptoms is taking high-dose nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and an oral glucocorticoid. The provider has ordered methotrexate (Rheumatrex). The patient asks the nurse why methotrexate is necessary since pain and swelling have been well controlled with the other medications. The nurse will tell the patient that _____________. A patient has had three gout flare-ups in the past year. Which drug class will the nurse expect the provider to order for this patient? A nurse provides teaching to a group of nursing students about the risks and benefits of hormone therapy (HT), including estrogen therapy (ET) and combination estrogen and progestin therapy (EPT). Which statement by a student indicates an understanding of the teaching? A nurse working in a family planning clinic is teaching a class on intrauterine devices (IUDs). Which patient should be advised against using an IUD for contraception? A nurse is teaching a male adult patient about the use of testosterone gel. Which statement by the patient indicates an understanding of the teaching? Which finding would indicate that terazosin has been effective for a patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? When metronidazole [Flagyl] is a component of the H. pylori treatment regimen, the patient must be instructed to do what? A patient's provider has recommended a bulk-forming laxative for occasional constipation. Which statement by the patient indicates understanding of the teaching about this agent? A patient who has traveler's diarrhea asks the nurse about using loperamide to stop the symptoms. What will the nurse tell the patient about this drug? A patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus takes glipizide. The patient develops a urinary tract infection, and the prescriber orders trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMZ). What will the nurse tell the patient? A young, nonpregnant female patient with a history of a previous urinary tract infection (UTI) is experiencing dysuria, urinary urgency and frequency, and suprapubic pain of three days' duration. She is afebrile. A urine culture is positive for more than 100,000/mL of CFU urine. Which treatment should the nurse caring for this patient recommend? A patient complains of painful urination. A physical examination reveals vesicles on her labia, vagina, and the foreskin of her clitoris. The nurse will expect to teach this patient about which medication? A 54-year-old Caucasian man comes in for a lab review. His lipids reveal an LDL of 180, an HDL of 52, and triglycerides of 326. He has no history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) or diabetes. His blood pressure is 118/64. He has a pulse rate of 64, and he weighs 320 lb. He smokes one pack of cigarettes per day, and his ASCVD risk score is 12.8. Which medication should this patient be started on? A 73-year-old man with congestive heart failure (CHF) comes to a clinic complaining of shortness of breath. He is currently taking 6.25 mg carvedilol (Coreg) twice a day and 50 mg losartan (Cozaar) and 20 mg furosemide (Lasix) daily. His oxygen saturation is 95%, and he has a pulse of 64. His BP is 138/82, and his BNP is 1500. Using the 2017 heart failure guidelines, which medication change should be recommended for this patient? A 78-year-old man comes in with stable angina. He reports he has been having more angina recently. He is currently taking the following medications: lisinopril (Zestril), atorvastatin (Lipitor), aspirin, and nitrostat PRN for chest pain. He has a history of COPD with bronchospasm. His blood pressure is 145/88, and he has a pulse of 74. Which class of medications should be avoided for this patient? Which statement regarding hypertension (HTN) is true? What statement regarding type 2 diabetes is true? A nurse is teaching a group of women about medications. The women want to know why so many drugs have unpredictable effects in women. The nurse should tell them which of the following? A nurse administers the same medication in the same preparation in the same dose to several patients and notes that some patients have a better response to the drug than others. What is the most likely explanation for this phenomenon? A patient has been taking narcotic analgesics for chronic pain for several months. The nurse caring for this patient notes that the prescribed dose is higher than the recommended dose. The patient has normal vital signs, is awake and alert, and reports mild pain. What should the nurse recognize about this patient? A nursing student asks a nurse what the natural medicines brand evidence-based rating (NMBER) system that rates dietary supplements means. The nurse should respond that the NMBER system _________. Which of the following statements are true? The United States Affordable Care Act (ACA) has __________. What is an important principle for understanding healthcare disparities? Which statement is true regarding childhood cancer? Which statement is true concerning the prognosis of childhood cancers? Which of the following changes can be caused by aging of the nervous system? Which of the following are affected by the endocrine changes brought on by aging? Which of the following cannot be caused by anorexia of aging? . What causes hot flashes associated with declining ovarian function with age? What can aging in the cardiovascular system lead to? Which of the following is not included as standard management of hypertension (HTN) in children? Which criterion is used to confirm a diagnosis of asthma in an eight-year-old child? Cystic fibrosis is characterized by which symptom? A patient is prescribed metronidazole for bacterial vaginosis. Which patient history finding would be most concerning? A patient reports that a medication prescribed for recurrent migraine headaches is not working. Which action should be taken first? patient recently diagnosed with HIV is prescribed several medications to treat the condition. All the following factors could negatively impact the patient's ability to follow the treatment regimen, except which? One of the social determinants of health for Healthy People 2020 is to improve the health literacy of the population. What is one way to increase health literacy? What three domains are included as part of the PEN-3 model? According to the Trans Mental Health Survey of 2012, what percent of transgender individuals aged 26 or younger attempted suicide? A 45-year-old Muslim woman presents to a clinic for an intervention for her type 2 diabetes. She is prescribed metformin (Glucophage) 500 mg BID. During a follow-up phone call a week later, it is discovered she has not been taking the metformin. A second visit is scheduled. During this visit, she states that she cannot take the medication as prescribed because it is Ramadan, a month-long period of religious observances. Due to her religious beliefs, she fasts from dawn to sunset. When the pharmacist told her to take metformin with breakfast and dinner, she decided not to start the medication due to her fasting. Which nursing intervention should be made for this patient? A 45-year-old Jewish man is visiting a clinic for an adjustment of his diabetes medications. Though the patient is taking oral medications, his blood sugar levels continue to increase, and a decision is made to start him on insulin. Although the patient is comfortable with the concept of starting insulin, he is concerned with the formulation of the insulin saying, "I heard insulin was made from pigs. If that is the case, I cannot take it due to my faith." Which response should be given to this patient? A 45-year-old man reports his preference for natural methods of treating illness. He states he takes natural supplements that he orders from China to boost his health and well-being. One of the supplements he takes daily is red yeast rice. Which medication should be avoided with this patient's supplement? In 2003, it was estimated that adult patients only receive what percent of the 439 recommended clinical services? How many months after discharge does the Persistence of Beta-Blocker Treatment After a Heart Attack core measure state a patient will receive a persistent beta blocker? According to the Comprehensive Diabetes Care core measure "HbA1c poor control," what HgA1c percentage is defined as poor control? According to core measures, medication reconciliation after discharge from an inpatient facility needs to be completed within how many days? Per core measures, how frequently should cervical cancer screening for women ages 21-29 with cytology be completed? Adult stage 1 hypertension is defined as ___________. The HgA1c goal for patients without concurrent illness and low glycemic risk is _______. For a patient with pneumonia, what CURB-65 score indicates that the patient needs admission to the hospital? In high risk ASCVD, LDL levels should be reduced to levels _______. A low dose ICS should be started in an asthma patient when which of the following occurs? The parents of a child with asthma ask the nurse why their child cannot use oral corticosteroids more often because they are so effective. The nurse should offer which information that is true for children? A prescriber has ordered medication for a newborn. The medication is eliminated primarily by hepatic metabolism. The nurse should expect the prescriber to _______. When giving the medication, the nurse will assess the infant for ________. A nurse is making a home visit to an older adult woman who was recently discharged home from the hospital with a new prescription. The nurse notes that a serum drug level drawn the day before was subtherapeutic. What should the nurse do next? A nurse is concerned about renal function in an 84-year-old patient who is taking several medications. What should the nurse assess? A university student who is agitated and restless and has tremors is brought to the emergency department. The patient's heart rate is 110 beats a minute, the respiratory rate is 18 breaths a minute, and the blood pressure is 160/95 mm Hg. The patient reports using concentrated energy drinks to stay awake during finals week. What complication will the nurse monitor for in this patient? A child will begin taking methylphenidate [Ritalin] for attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Important baseline information about this patient will include the ________. Parents ask the nurse why an over-the-counter cough suppressant with sedative side effects is not recommended for infants. Which response by the nurse is correct? The nurse at a public health infant immunization clinic is acting as a preceptor for a nursing student. To assess the student's understanding of vaccinations, the nurse asks the student where the hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) should be administered. The student would be correct to respond that the hepatitis B vaccine should be administered in the ______. A nurse at an immunization clinic is providing vaccines to children. The parent of a child waiting to receive vaccines tells the nurse that the child has an immune deficiency disorder. Which vaccine should not be administered to this child? A 40-year-old man presents to a clinic with an onset of a frequent cough. The patient states the cough started when he started his new blood pressure medication two weeks ago. The patient does not remember the name of the drug that was started. After a thorough assessment, it is determined the cough is not being caused by an infection. It is determined the likely cause of the frequent cough is the new blood pressure medication. Which medication is the likely cause of this patient's symptoms? A 68-year-old female patient on a medical surgical floor received a dose of morphine (Duramorph) 30 minutes ago for postoperative pain into an IV in her left hand. She has been on the floor for two days and has received several doses of morphine over that time. The patient's call light is now lit. When the nurse goes into the room, the patient has several complaints. Which complaint should be addressed first in this patient? An advanced practice nurse (APN) is floated to a medical or surgical floor midshift to assist an understaffed unit. After receiving a brief report, the APN assumes care of four individuals for the remainder of the shift. No recent assessment has been completed on these patients. Which patient should the APN assess first? Where in the CNS does a person's learned pain response occur? Pain that warns of actual or impending tissue injury is referred to as what? Enkephalins and endorphins act to relieve pain by which process? A nurse is preparing a patient to go home from the emergency department after receiving sutures for a laceration on one hand. The provider used lidocaine with epinephrine as a local anesthetic. Which symptom in this patient causes the most concern? A patient will receive buprenorphine [Butrans] as a transdermal patch for pain. What is important to teach this patient about the use of this drug? A patient who has had abdominal surgery has been receiving morphine sulfate via a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump. The nurse assesses the patient and notes that the patient's pupils are constricted and that the patient is drowsy and lethargic. The patient's heart rate is 84 beats per minute, the respiratory rate is 10 breaths per minute, and the blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg. What should the nurse do? A patient who has recurrent migraine headaches is prescribed sumatriptan [Imitrex]. Which aspect of this patient's history is of concern when taking this drug? Supplemental oxygen has been shown to help reduce symptoms for which type of headache? A patient who has cancer asks the nurse about using acupuncture to manage cancer pain. What should the nurse tell this patient? A patient newly diagnosed with cancer reports having pain at a level of seven to eight on a scale of ten. Which type of pain management will be used initially to treat pain in this patient? A patient reports frequent nightmares. For which of these should the healthcare professional assess the patient? Which explanation accurately represents validation of the monoamine-deficiency hypothesis of depression? What is a notable complication of a panic disorder? A criterion for a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a period of excessive worrying that lasts for at least how many months? A patient taking an FGA medication develops severe parkinsonism and is treated with amantadine (Symmetrel). The amantadine is withdrawn two months later, and the parkinsonism returns. What should the nurse will expect the provider to do? A patient whose spouse has died recently reports feeling down most of every day for the past two months. On further questioning, the nurse learns that the patient has quit participating in social activities, has difficulty falling asleep, and has lost five pounds. The patient reports feeling tired and confused but does not have suicidal thoughts. What does this collection of behaviors suggest? A patient is diagnosed with major depression with severe symptoms and begins taking an antidepressant medication. Three weeks after beginning therapy, the patient tells the nurse that the drug is not working. What should the nurse counsel the patient to ask the provider about? A patient who is experiencing alcohol withdrawal is given a benzodiazepine. Why is benzodiazepine effective for treating alcohol withdrawal? A patient is diagnosed with anxiety after describing symptoms of tension, poor concentration, and difficulty sleeping that have persisted for over six months. Which medication, if prescribed by the provider, is known to have the fewest dependency issues? Which statement accurately describes some of the potential side effects of SSRIs used to treat depression? A student asks the healthcare professional how immunity is decreased by stress. The professional responds that during a stress response, the helper T(Th)1 response is suppressed by which hormone? Exhaustion occurs if stress continues when which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is not successful? What is the most influential factor in whether a person will experience a stress reaction? A severely stressed patient has cold, clammy skin. The healthcare professional quizzes the student about this effect. The student correctly answers that this effect is directly from which action? What are the signs that a patient is in the adaptive stage of the general adaptation syndrome? A reduction in an individual's number of natural killer (NK) cells appears to correlate with an increased risk for the development of what? A severely stressed patient has hyperglycemia each time the patient's blood glucose is checked. The healthcare professional should order laboratory tests to measure which hormone in the patient's blood? Post-traumatic stress disorder is diagnosed how many weeks after the exposure to trauma? First-line treatment for acute stress disorder is ____________. therapy - The first-line treatment for acute stress disorder is cognitive behavior therapy, which assists the patient in developing increased capacity to cognitively regulate the emotional and cognitive response to stress. Prolonged use of benzodiazepines in ASD may be detrimental to ______ and carry the potential for _____. A 55-year-old female patient presents to a clinic for exacerbation of her chronic low back pain. She is taking morphine extended-release tablets (MS Contin), hydrocodone (Vicodin) PRN, and duloxetine (Cymbalta). The patient denies any drug allergies. She rates her pain at a ten out of ten and is requesting something stronger for pain. When considering adding a medication for this patient's pain, which medication could have a significant interaction with her current medications? A 45-year-old female patient presents to a clinic complaining of chronic generalized pain and wishes to be evaluated for fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndrome. A thorough history and physical is conducted, and the findings are negative. The patient is not taking any medications, has no allergies to medicines, and has a negative past medical history. What is an appropriate first intervention for this patient? A 55-year-old male patient is on a medical floor for respite care. He is currently in hospice for end-stage pancreatic cancer. During assessment, a nurse notices that he is diaphoretic, moaning, and clutching his abdomen. He rates his pain at a nine out of ten. The nurse notes that his abdomen is distended, and he has rebound tenderness in all four quadrants. What is an appropriate nursing intervention for this patient? [Show More]

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