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AS Level Chemistry B (H033) A Level Chemistry B (H433) Data Sheet

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AS Level Chemistry B (H033) A Level Chemistry B (H433) Data Sheet © OCR 2020 Chemistry B (Salters) DC (ST) 203566 Copyright Information OCR is committed to seeking permission to reproduce a... ll third-party content that it uses in its assessment materials. OCR has attempted to identify and contact all copyright holders whose work is used in this paper. To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced in the OCR Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download from our public website ( after the live examination series. If OCR has unwittingly failed to correctly acknowledge or clear any third-party content in this assessment material, OCR will be happy to correct its mistake at the earliest possible opportunity. For queries or further information please contact The OCR Copyright Team, The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8EA. OCR is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group; Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge. CST264 * 3 4 1 0 7 9 6 9 6 0 * Chemistry B INSTRUCTIONS • Do not send this Data Sheet for marking. Keep it in the centre or recycle it. INFORMATION • This document has 4 pages. General Information Molar gas volume = 24.0 dm3mol–1 at RTP Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02 × 1023mol–1 Specific heat capacity of water, c = 4.18 J g–1K–1 Planck constant, h = 6.63 × 10–34J Hz–1 Speed of light in a vacuum, c = 3.00 × 108m s–1 Ionic product of water, Kw = 1.00 × 10–14mol2dm–6 at 298 K 1 tonne = 106g Arrhenius equation: k = Ae–Ea/RT or ln k = –Ea/RT + ln A Gas constant, R = 8.314 J mol–1K–1 Triplet base codes (codons) for some amino acids used in mRNA Glycine GGU Alanine GCC Leucine CUG Serine UCG Aspartic acid GAU Glutamine CAA Valine GUC AS Level Chemistry B (H033) A Level Chemistry B (H433) Data Sheet Oxford Cambridge and RSA2 © OCR 2020 Chemistry B (Salters) N N * O H H O uracil phosphate Monomers of DNA and RNA ribose deoxyribose cytosine (thymine has a CH3 at position *) Some useful organic reactions adenine guanine N O N H NH 2 NH 2 H 2N N H H O N H N N N N N N OH HO OH OH OH OH –O P O O HO OH OH O 1 R–Br + CN– 2 3 4 5 R–CN + Br– R–CN H+ (aq) R–COOH reflux Sn + conc. HCl reflux NO2 R–COOH + SOCl2 R–COCl + SO2 + HCl NaBH 4 NH 2 C R R' O CH OH R R' Characteristic infrared absorptions in organic molecules Bond Location Wavenumber/cm–1 C–H Alkanes Alkenes, arenes 2850–2950 3000–3100 C–C Alkanes 750–1100 C=C Alkenes 1620–1680 aromatic C=C Arenes Several peaks in range 1450–1650 (variable) C=O Aldehydes Ketones Carboxylic acids Esters Amides Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides 1720–1740 1705–1725 1700–1725 1735–1750 1630–1700 1750–1820 C–O Alcohols, ethers, esters and carboxylic acids 1000–1300 C N Nitriles 2220–2260 C–X Fluoroalkanes Chloroalkanes Bromoalkanes 1000–1350 600–800 500–600 O–H Alcohols, phenols Carboxylic acids 3200–3600 (broad) 2500–3300 (broad) N—H Primary amines Amides 3300–3500 ca. 35003 © OCR 2020 Chemistry B (Salters) 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 C C C C C C C C C 13C NMR chemical shifts relative to TMS 1H NMR chemical shifts relative to TMS O C Cl C Br C N C C O H N H C O C C C δ /ppm δ /ppm H HC CH O HC Cl HC HC Br O H H C O HC N C HC R O O H Chemical shifts are variable and can vary depending on the solvent, concentration and substituents. As a result, shifts may be outside the ranges indicated above. OH and NH chemical shifts are very variable and are often broad. Signals are not usually seen as split peaks. Note that CH bonded to ‘shifting groups’ on either side, e.g. O–CH2–C=O, may be shifted more than indicated above.4 © OCR 2020 Chemistry B (Salters) The Periodic Table of the Elements (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (0) 1 Key 18 1 H hydrogen 1.0 2 atomic number Symbol name relative atomic mass 13 14 15 16 17 2 He helium 4.0 3 Li lithium 6.9 4 Be beryllium 9.0 5 B boron 10.8 6 C carbon 12.0 7 N nitrogen 14.0 8 O oxygen 16.0 9 F fluorine 19.0 10 Ne neon 20.2 11 Na sodium 23.0 12 Mg magnesium 24.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Al aluminium 27.0 14 Si silicon 28.1 15 P phosphorus 31.0 16 S sulfur 32.1 17 Cl chlorine 35.5 18 Ar argon 39.9 19 K potassium 39.1 20 Ca calcium 40.1 21 Sc scandium 45.0 22 Ti titanium 47.9 23 V vanadium 50.9 24 Cr chromium 52.0 25 Mn manganese 54.9 26 Fe iron 55.8 27 Co cobalt 58.9 28 Ni nickel 58.7 29 Cu copper 63.5 30 Zn zinc 65.4 31 Ga gallium 69.7 32 Ge germanium 72.6 33 As arsenic 74.9 34 Se selenium 79.0 35 Br bromine 79.9 36 Kr krypton 83.8 37 Rb rubidium 85.5 38 Sr strontium 87.6 39 Y yttrium 88.9 40 Zr zirconium 91.2 41 Nb niobium 92.9 42 Mo molybdenum 95.9 43 Tc technetium 44 Ru ruthenium 101.1 45 Rh rhodium 102.9 46 Pd palladium 106.4 47 Ag silver 107.9 48 Cd cadmium 112.4 49 In indium 114.8 50 Sn tin 118.7 51 Sb antimony 121.8 52 Te tellurium 127.6 53 I iodine 126.9 54 Xe xenon 131.3 55 Cs caesium 132.9 56 Ba barium 137.3 57–71 lanthanoids 72 Hf hafnium 178.5 73 Ta tantalum 180.9 74 W tungsten 183.8 75 Re rhenium 186.2 76 Os osmium 190.2 77 Ir iridium 192.2 78 Pt platinum 195.1 79 Au gold 197.0 80 Hg mercury 200.6 81 Tl thallium 204.4 82 Pb lead 207.2 83 Bi bismuth 209.0 84 Po polonium 85 At astatine 86 Rn radon 87 Fr francium 88 Ra radium 89–103 actinoids 104 Rf rutherfordium 105 Db dubnium 106 Sg seaborgium 107 Bh bohrium 108 Hs hassium 109 Mt meitnerium 110 Ds darmstadtium 111 Rg roentgenium 112 Cn copernicium 114 Fl flerovium 116 Lv livermorium 57 La lanthanum 138.9 58 Ce cerium 140.1 59 Pr praseodymium 140.9 60 Nd neodymium 144.2 61 Pm promethium 144.9 62 Sm samarium 150.4 63 Eu europium 152.0 64 Gd gadolinium 157.2 65 Tb terbium 158.9 66 Dy dysprosium 162.5 67 Ho holmium 164.9 68 Er erbium 167.3 69 Tm thulium 168.9 70 Yb ytterbium 173.0 71 Lu lutetium 175.0 89 Ac actinium 90 Th thorium 232.0 91 Pa protactinium 92 U uranium 238.1 93 Np neptunium 94 Pu plutonium 95 Am americium 96 Cm curium 97 Bk berkelium 98 Cf californium 99 Es einsteinium 100 Fm fermium 101 Md mendelevium 102 No nobelium 103 Lr lawrencium [Show More]

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