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Important Topics Mental Health HESI.docx new exam questions and answers solution docs 2021

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Important Topics Mental Health HESI.docx new exam questions and answers solution docs 2021 1-A 72-year-old female client is admitted to the psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of major depression. Wh... ich statement by the client should be of greatest concern to the nurse and require further assessment? A) I will die if my cat dies. B) I don't feel like eating this morning. C) I just went to my friend's funeral. D) Don't you have more important things to do? 2.A 65-year-old female client complains to the nurse that recently she has been hearing voices. What question should the nurse ask this client first? A) Do you have problems with hallucinations? B) Are you ever alone when you hear the voices? C) Has anyone in your family had hearing problems? D) Do you see things that others cannot see? 3.A client is admitted with a diagnosis of depression. The nurse knows that which characteristic is most indicative of depression? A) Grandiose ideation. B) Self-destructive thoughts. C) Suspiciousness of others. D) A negative view of self and the future. 4. When preparing a teaching plan for a client who is to be discharged with a prescription for lithium carbonate (Lithonate), it is most important for the nurse to include which instruction? A) It may take 3 to 4 weeks to achieve therapeutic effects. B) Keep your dietary salt intake consistent. C) Avoid eating aged cheese and chicken liver. D) Eat foods high in fiber such as whole grain breads. 5.Which diet selection by a client who is depressed and taking the MAO inhibitor tranylcypromine sulfate (Parnate) indicates to the nurse that the client understands the dietary restrictions imposed by this medication regimen? A) Hamburger, French fries, and chocolate milkshake. B) Liver and onions, broccoli, and decaffeinated coffee. C) Pepperoni and cheese pizza, tossed salad, and a soft drink. D) Roast beef, baked potato with butter, and iced tea. 6.A 35-year-old male client on the psychiatric ward of a general hospital believes that someone is trying to poison him. The nurse understands that a client's delusions are most likely related to his A) early childhood experiences involving authority issues. B) anger about being hospitalized. C) low self-esteem. D) phobic fear of food. 7. A 45-year-old male client tells the nurse that he used to believe that he was Jesus Christ, but now he knows he is not. Which response is best for the nurse to make? A) Did you really believe you were Jesus Christ? B) I think you're getting well. C) Others have had similar thoughts when under stress. D) Why did you think you were Jesus Christ? 9.The nurse is providing education about strategies for a safety plan for a female client who is a victim of intimate partner abuse. Which strategies should be included? 1-Escape route, 2-Have a bag ready 3-Establish a code with family 10.A female client is admitted to the mental health unit starts to shout and scream at the nurse. What is the best approach? Stay quiet 11. A client is confuse, disoriented, What is the priority problem for this patient? Acute confusion 12. What to report with Lithium treatment?Nausea and vomiting 13.The nurse find a client in the community bathroom smearing feces on the wall. The nurse should address the nurse diagnosis of? Risk for infection 14. A client is receiving Benzotropine for drug induced EPS. Which finding needs further evaluation? Increasing mouth movements (possible Tardive Dyskinesia) 15. An adolescent comes to the mental health clinic 15 minutes before closing and reports that there is no reason to live. The nurse should..?Question the client about self-harm (suicidal assessment) 16. A client is scared to leave home because of increased fear of open places and crowded places. What is the nurse diagnosis?Anxiety related to real or perceived fear 17. What client information needed for CAGE?Describe self as a social drinker 18. How should the nurse care for a Borderline personality client who cuts himself?Perform care in a non-judgmental way 19. A client is hearing voices to go to the kitchen and get a knife to hurt himself. What should the nurse do? Assign a UAP to the patient at all times 20.After treatment for anorexia, a student wants to work in the cafeteria. How should the nurse respond? Suggest that she work in the reception department 21.A patient is admitted for alcohol withdraws and bipolar disorder who is in the depressive phase. Based on which finding should the nurse hold clonidine?Blood pressure 90/62 22. A client with Schizophrenia using echolalia is becoming annoying. What is the best intervention? Escort them to their room 23. A client with a history of drug abuse report heart attack four years ago. What drug could cause this? Methamphetamine 24. What is the working phase of group development?Help identify problem 25. What should the nurse teach to a client about disulfiram?Remain alcohol free for 12 hours before begin the treatment. 26. Intimate partner violence. Which finding of the injuries should the nurse include in documentation? Photos 27. A client with tremens and auditory hallucination is dehydrated, confused. To ensure physiological needs the nurse should … Monitor vital signs 28.A client is scheduled for an EC. What should be implemented before?NPO after midmight 29. Preparing physical environment for admission interview..?Make sure environment is quiet 30. The nurse is assessing a client with Post partum depression for changes in mood and cognitive state. Which subjective finding should the nurse identify that are consistent with post partum depression? Sadness, poor concentration, disturbed sleep 31. What is an expected side effect of Olanzapine?Weight gain 32. A client renewed a prescription for alprazolam and reports chest pains. What should the nurse do first?Obtain blood pressure 33. A client says "I am the boss and I will hit you".....What nursing diagnosis. Violent related to disturbed behavior 34. A client is addicted to lorazepam and alcohol. what other medication is needed?Thiamine 35. A client said "I don't need to be here and believes the TV is talking to her. Which section to document of the mental exam?Insight and judgment 36. A client is admitted for aspiration of material related to suicide. What is the nurse highest priority? Risk for ineffective breathing pattern 37. An antidepressant is prescribed because the client only sleeps for four hours and has weight loss. Which goal is most important to achieve within the first three days?Sleep 6-8 hours 38. A schizophrenia client refuses to eat because he says the food was poisoned. What intervention should the nurse implement?Give the client food in an unopened container 39. Major depression disorder.. increased insomnia, amotivational. What intervention is likely to be most effective?Teach plan for structure activity 40. A client with OCD documents everything the nurse does while hospitalized. The nurse should encourage the client to express their feelings about the procedure 41. A schizophrenic client smears feces on the wall. What should the nurse do?Escort the client out ofthe bathroom 42. A client is anxious because the sun is coming up the next day. What intervention is most important? Remain calm 43. A client with Bulimia and depression is taking Phenelzine. What food to avoid?.Pepperonia 44. A client is depressed and only have four hours of sleep. What is most important in 24 hours? Sleep 45. Schizophrenia client stops medication a month agoSee if harm to self and others 46.A client is admitted with a diagnosis of depression. The nurse knows that which characteristic is most indicative of depression?A negative view of self and the future 47.A 40-year-old male client diagnosed with schizophrenia and alcohol dependence has not had any visitors or phone calls since admission. He reports he has no family that cares about him and was living on the streets prior to this admission. According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which stage is the client in at this time?Stagnation 48.Client diagnosed with major depression being allowed a week-end pass from psych unit. Which instruction for the family Involve the client in usual at-home activities 49. Within 4 wks of birth client is admitted for disorganized speech, bizarre behavior and strange thoughts about infant being possessed by demons. “alteredthought process, secondary to “ what Postpartum psychosis 50. Child appears frightened and withdrawn in the presence of parent or adult Behavior of child who is abused 51. Tx for a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa Blood work to evaluate electrolyte status 52. 13 yr old female is evaluated at a mental health clinic because her parents suspect she is using drugs. Symptoms: sleep disturbance, slurred speech, mild hand tremors, trouble hearing. Which substance Paint thinner 53. A male who is in the day room becomes increasingly angry and aggressive when he is denied a day-pass. Which action Decrease the volume on the TV set 54. Nurse is planning care for 48 yr old, diagnosed with Schizophrenia at age 25, taking antipsychotics. Long-term use is associated with Tardive dyskinesia 55. Psych nurse called to a train derailment likely caused by terrorist bomb. Triage in order 1-Middle-aged man wandering around2-Woman sitting on ground with blanket3-Crying child held by another passenger4-Mother and father just arrived on scene 56. Patient with Alzheimer’s Dz. What comment by family member needs further follow -up “sometimes I feel like I can’t go on” 57. Most important nursing action for patient that is confused or demented at night Leave night light on to promote familiarity 58-Patient not wanting to go to dining hall to eat Have patient eat finger foods 59-Suicide assessment include (select all that apply)1 -plan 2-method 3 -support system 4- history of previous attempts [Show More]

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