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CDFM Module 1 -Exam with complete solutions

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Federal Budget - President's Budget 1974 Congressional Budget Act - Requires that the President submits the budget to Congress by the first Monday in February OMB Circular A-11 - Governs the bud... get formulation process Pocket Veto - If Congress is adjourned and the President fails to sign a bill during the 10 day period, that bill does not become law. Enrolled - After a measure has been passed in identical form by both the House and Senate Conference Committees - Very powerful and have often been referred to as 'the third chamber of the Congress Engrossed Bill - After a bill has passed one body (House or Senate) Joint Resolutions - May originate in the House or Senate. If originating in the House is designated "H.J.Res". If originating in the Senate is designated "S.J.Res". Article 1 of Constitution - Established the Legislative Branch- Congress. Powers to raise taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce, conscript forces, declare war, and raise and support armies. Legislative, Judicial, Executive - The three Branches of the government that the Constitution established Articles of Confederation - Predecessor to the Constitution Congress - Where Laws are Enacted Article 1 - The part of the Constitution that gives power to raise taxes. Legislative, Judical, Executive - The Constitution create what the branches of the government.? Article 1 Section 8 - Gives Congress the authority to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Exectuion. 23% - The percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is Federal Spending in FY12 36% - Percentage (%) of Federal spending this discretionary spending Executive Branch - Branch of government that implements laws Legislative Branch (Congress) - Branch of government that is authorized to raise taxeds and borrow money Conference Committee - Committees that attempt to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of bills, sometimes called the 'Third Chamber' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) - An Agency that issues directions for use by other agencies in submitting their budget estimates Appropriations Acts - Provides budgetary authroity Allotment - Subdivision of an Apportionment OMB - Issues approtionments Legislative Branch - Branch of the government that conducts hearings on the effectiveness of government programs, also known as Congress. Federal Agencies - The organizations that actually prepare budget estimates in the Federal budget process Individual Income Taxes - The largest single source of Federal government tax revenues Supplemental - Requests for funds in addition to amounts already appropriated Appropriation Warrant - Document issued by the Treasury Department following the signature of the Appropriations Act Deferral - Postponement in the use of appropriated funds Recession - Cancellation of appropriated funds Apportionment - DoD requests this after the appropriation is signed into law Commitment - An administrative reservation of funds Authorization Legislation - Gives a Federal agency the legal authority to operate a program Performance Audit - When a Service Secretary asks his internal audit organization to review a program to determine if it is using its resources efficiently OMB A-11 - Where rules for calculating FTE employment can be found Force Structure - Total units in a DoD component Peacetime Strength - Authorized and programmed strength at the end of the fiscal year for the active forces, the Selected Reserve, and appropriated-fund civilian employees in the Future Years Defense Plan (FYDP) Mobilization - Process that involves assembling, organizing, and using manpower and material resources in preparation for war or other emergency 365 Days - The maximum number of days that units of the Selected Reserve, and members of the Individual Ready Reserve may be ordered to active duty (other than for training) without the consent of Congress. Emergency Essential Employee - A civilian who could be deployed to a crisis area Inherently Governmental - Activities that are excluded from competition under OMB Circular A-76 List Annually - The frequency which Federal agencies must compile lists of activities that are not inhjerently governmental Work of Equal Value - Based on the Merit principles, equal pay should be provided for this type of work Both - Merit principles place the burden for good employee performance on mangement or the employee Written - A disabled veteran with a service-connected disability of 30 percent or more must be given this type of notice of a propossed passover 1 year - New Fereral employees normally serve a probationary this period 45 days, may be extended under extenuating circumstances - The number of days an EEO complainant must contact an EEO counselor after the event causing the complaint 60 days - The number of days that can be extened for the EEO counselor to work a case beyond the 30 day limit. Organizationl Goals - Effective training is a critical component to achieving this goal Conflict - Caused by differing priorities, misunderstanding of roles and responsibilities, technical opinions, and personality clashes Avoiding - "Leave well enough alone" is an example of a conflict resolution approach Collaborating - "Two heads are better than one" is an example of a conflict resolution approach $20 or less - Exception to the ban or gifts from outside sources Managers' Internal Control Program - Department's internal control effort Assets - The purpose fo the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982 are to prevent waste or misuse of agency funds or property and to assure the accountability of these items Internal Controls - Ensure programs achieve intended results; resources are used efficiently; programs/resources are protected from waste, fraud and mismanagement; laws and regulations are followed; and financial reporting is reliable and accurate. Government Accountablity Office (GAO) - Agency that issues Standards for Internal Control in the Federal government Control Activities - Segregation of duties is a part of this internal control standard Material Weakness - The Integrity Act report must include the agency plans to correct this type of weakness Management Judgement - Decides whether a weakness is material enough to warrant reporting as a material weakness to the next higher level Correction Validation - The last milestone of the corrective action plan for each material weakness Standards of Internal Control - Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, Monitoring Statement of Assurance - Unqualified statement, Qualified, Negative statement DoD's Managers' Internal Control Program - Defined in the DoD Instruction 5010.40 Reasonable Assurance - The assurance when a DoD component head provides a Statement of Assurance that the component's controls are in place and achieving their intended objectives Appropriating Committees - Generally adhere to decisions made by the authorizing committees but are not required to do so. OMB Circular A-76 - Government policy to compare costs of commercial and in-house workforce where permissible, to determine who performs the work Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982 - Requires the establishment of internal accounting and adminsitrative controls to ensure that funds and property are safeguared against waste or misuse 200,000 - Maximum number of members of the Selected Reserve and the Individual Ready Reserve who may be on duty at any one time 30,000 - Of the 200,000 Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve who may be on duty This number is the maximum number who may be members of the Individual Ready Reserve Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) - Used as DoD's Strategic Plan GPRA - Government Performance and Results Act Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) - Implementing by conducting strategic planning, developing performance plans, and establishes performance goals. July 4, 1776 - Declaration of Independence was adopted 1781 - Articles of Confederation ratified June 1788 - Constitution Ratified by nine states March 4, 1789 - Constitution took effect Concurrent Budget Resolution - Sets ceilings for appropriations bills Recusal, Waivers, Certificates of Divestiture, Trusts (blind) - Remedies for avoiding potential conflicts of interest Avoid, Accommodate, Compete, Compromise, Collaborate - Approaches to dealing with conflict GAO Standards - Control Environment, Control Activities, Risk Assessment, Information and Communication, Monitoring Purpose - Funds may be used only for the purposes authorized in the appropriations acts [Show More]

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