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HESI Reading Comprehension Latest Update 2021

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HESI Reading Comprehension. Food away from home (FAFH) has been associated with poor diet quality in many studies. It is difficult, however, to measure the effect of FAFH on diet quality since many ... unobserved factors, such as food preferences and time constraints, influence not just our choice of where to eat, but also the nutritional quality of what we eat. Using data from 1994-96 and 2003-04, this study applies fixed-effects estimation to control for such unobservable influences and finds that, for the average adult, FAFH increases daily caloric intake and reduces diet quality. The effects vary depending on which meals are consumed away from home. On average, breakfast away from home decreases the number of servings of whole grains and dairy consumed per 1,000 calories and increases the percent of calories from saturated and solid fat, alcohol, and added sugar (So FAAS) in a day. Dinner away from home reduces the number of servings of vegetables consumed per 1,000 calories for the average adult. Breakfast and lunch away from home increase calories from saturated fat and So FAAS on average more among dieters than among non-dieters. Some of the overall negative dietary effects decreased between 1994-96 and 2003- 04, including those on whole grain, sodium, and vegetable consumption. Which meal(s) eaten away from home have worse results for dieters than for non-dieters? A. The article doesn’t state which meal is the worse for non-dieters B. Dinner eaten away from home is worse because people consume fewer whole grains and vegetables. C. Breakfast eaten away from home is worse because it increases the percent of calories from saturated and solid fat, alcohol, and added sugar (So FAAS) in a day. D. Breakfast and lunch eaten away from home are worse because they increase the percent of calories from saturated fats. Why is it difficult to measure the effect of food away from home on diet quality? A. People eat out too much, so it is not possible to collect accurate data. B. Researchers are unable to assess the nutritional quality of people’s diets. C. Peoples’ food preferences are too complex and may even be unmeasurable. D. Too many unknown variables affect the data. Which statement is not a detail from the passage? A. Eating breakfast away from home can result in an increase in fatty protein consumption. B. Eating food away from home is connected to bad food choices. C. In general, people who eat breakfast away from home consume more calories. D. Eating dinner away from home results in less vegetable consumption. What is the meaning of the word “associated” in the first paragraph? A. Specialized B. Predated C. Connected D. ObfuscatedA nanometer is a billionth of a meter. A DNA molecule is 2 nanometers in diameter. Protein molecules are about 10 nanometers in diameter. A human hair is 100,000 nanometers in diameter. But what is a nanometer and how does it relate to technology? Nanotechnology is defined as the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly 1 to 100 nanometers, a scale at which unique properties of materials emerge that can be used to develop novel technologies and products. At the nanoscale, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials differ from the properties of matter either at smaller scales, such as atoms, or at larger scales that we use in everyday life such as millimeters or inches. Nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter only a few nanometers in size. Gold nanoparticles are made of the same material as in jewelry. But when light interacts with particles of gold, different colors are reflected. The different colors can be used in simple medical tests to indicate infection or disease. Metals such as copper become extremely rigid at the nanoscale, rather than bendable as in copper wires seen in everyday use. What is the major difference between matter at the nanoscale and matter at larger scales such as millimeters or inches? A. At the nanoscale, metals are bendable, and at larger scales they are rigid. B. Matter has different and special characteristics at the nanoscale. C. At the nanoscale, matter has the same properties as matter at the atomic level. D. There is no difference. Which claim from the passage best describes the benefits of nanotechnology? A. Scientists can develop novel technologies and products. B. Nanotechnology is defined as the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly 1 to 100 nanometers. C. The different colors can be used in simple medical tests to indicate infection or disease. D. Unique properties of materials emerge. What is the author’s primary purpose in writing this essay? A. To explain how to utilize the nanoscale B. To review the conversion between the nanoscale and nanotechnology C. To advocate for the usage of more nanotechnology D. To describe nanotechnology and what it is Researchers have developed a recording device that essentially melts into place, snugly fitting to the brain's surface. This new technology allows for closer interaction between machines and living tissue, paving the way for more advanced implantable devices. Currently, the simplest devices for recording from the brain are needle-like electrodes that can penetrate into brain tissue. More state-of-the-art devices, called micro-electrode arrays, consist of dozens of semi-flexible wire electrodes. These are usually fixed to rigid silicon grids that don't conform to the brain's shape. An ideal recording device would conform to complex curved surfaces while placing minimal stress on the tissue. The scientists chose silk as their base material because it is flexible and durable enough to withstand manipulation.The team reported that they were able to create ultrathin flexible implants that hug the brain like shrink wrap, collapsing into its grooves and stretching over its rounded surfaces. The silk base dissolves once it makes contact with the brain, allowing the array to end up tightly hugging the brain. They found that the ultrathin arrays they created can record brain activity more faithfully than thicker implants embedded with similar electronics. Which sentence best summarizes the benefits of the new silk technology? A. The new technology allows for closer interaction between machines and living tissue, paving the way for more advanced implantable devices. B. These implants have the potential to maximize the contact between electrodes and brain tissue, while minimizing damage to the brain. C. They could provide a platform for a range of devices with applications in epilepsy, spinal cord injuries, and other neurological disorders. D. The arrays could potentially read the complex signals in the brain that direct movement, and then route those signals to healthy muscles or prosthetic devices. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the silk brain recording device? A. Durability B. Flexibility C. Different rates of dissolution D. Needle – like electrodes Neurologists and biological psychologists have witnessed a sharp increase in the knowledge and understanding of particular structures of the brain over the past two decades. As technology becomes ever more advanced, scientists are able to isolate the functions of even small regions of the human brain. One noteworthy discovery is the role of the amygdala in human fear and aggression. The amygdala, a small, almond-shaped conglomerate, is just one part of the limbic system. Located at the very center of the brain, the limbic system is the core of our 'emotional brain;' each individual structure in the limbic system is somehow connected to an aspect of human emotion. Scientists have found that electrode stimulation of the amygdala can elicit extreme and aggressive acts. Patients or experimental subjects who experience this utter rage and fearlessness have no rational foundation for their reaction. In other words, this aggression is wholly attributable to electrode stimulation. On the other hand, patients with trauma or damage to this structure exhibit a complete absence of aggression. Researchers find that no amount of poking, prodding or harassment will evoke even remotely aggressive responses from these subjects. The author suggests that persistent passivity and imperturbability may be a direct result of which of the following? A. Drug-induced stimulation of the amygdala. B. A stroke that resulted in severe tissue damage in the limbic system C. Encephalitis as a result of head trauma D. Activation of a strategically implanted electrode in a patient’s amygdala. Which statement is not listed as a detail within the passage?A. Electrode stimulation of the amygdala can elicit extreme aggressive acts. B. Scientists are able to isolate the functions of even small regions of the human brain. C. Typically, temperamental rhesus monkeys with amygdala damage are completely imperturbable. D. Subjects who experience this utter rage and fearlessness have no rational foundation for their reaction. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The human brain is as complex as it is mysterious. B. Patients with damaged amygdalas are less aggressive than individuals with healthy ones. C. Electrode stimulation is a valuable tool for researchers who study the human brain. D. Scientists have learned a lot about how the amygdala affects human emotion. The ability to see at a distance, in good light, does not diminish as a result of aging to the extent that other visual acuities do. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is more common to younger eyes, while presbyopia, or farsightedness, more commonly afflicts people as they age. The word presbyopia comes from Greek presbys, "old man," and opia, "eye," and names a condition in which, because the lens of the eye hardens slightly and loses elasticity as a person ages, one cannot as easily focus sharply on nearby objects. This condition leads to the familiar habit of lifting up one's glasses and bringing an object or reading material close to the face so that the eyes can more easily focus on it. The function of the lens is to accommodate different focal points so that sensory data can be correctly directed to the retina for interpretation into images by the brain. Corrective lenses, particularly bifocals or progressive lenses, adjust for the focal point aberration. In essence, they do the work that the eye can no longer do for itself. In the context of the passage, “accommodate” means to A. Arrange lodging for B. Contain C. Make allowances for D. Excuse The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following statements relating corrective lenses and aging eyes? A. A dancer with a broken bone needs a cast to protect it. B. A hiker reinforces a fraying backpack strap with duct tape. C. A traveler gets a passport before going abroad. D. An athlete stretches before a game to avoid a potential injury. What was the author’s primary purpose for writing this essay? A. To define what presbyopia is B. To describe how eyes age and the function of corrective lens C. To compare and contrast nearsightedness with farsightedness D. To review the anatomy of the human eyeAlfalfa thrives on land which contains lime, and gives poor results when this ingredient is deficient. The explanation is simple: there is a community of interest between the very low microscopic animal life, known as bacteria, and plant life, generally. In every ounce of soil there are millions of these living germs which have their allotted work to do, and they thrive best in soils containing lime. If one digs up a root of alfalfa (it need not be an old plant, the youngest plant will show the same peculiarity), and care is taken in exposing the root (perhaps the best method is the washing away of the surrounding earth by water), some small nodules attached to the fine, hair-like roots are easily distinguished with the naked eye. These nodules are the home of a teeming, microscopic, industrious population, who perform their allotted work with the silent, persistent energy so often displayed in nature. Which of the following is an accurate paraphrasing of the underlined phrase? A. Many people are intrigued by the relationship between bacteria and plant life. B. Bacteria and alfalfa plants have a symbiotic relationship. C. Bacteria in alfalfa is worth studying. D. The gardening community is very invested in the bacteria found in alfalfa. In the context in which it appears, “naked” most nearly means which of the following? A. Nude B. Opaque C. Unaided D. Reflective Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage? A. A 1 month – old alfalfa plant will have more bacteria than a 5 month – old plant. B. A soil without lime will not grow bacteria. C. Bacteria located inside the root nodules. D. A 3 month – old alfalfa plant will have more bacteria than a one – year old plant. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about bacteria? A. Baacteria feeds on lime. B. Bacteria is visible to the human eye. C. Bacteria is compact by nature. D. Bacteria is a plant, not an animal. The Bicycle V2 Today, bicycles are so common that it’s hard to believe they haven’t always been around. But two hundred years ago, bicycles didn’t even exist, and the first bicycle, invented in Germany in 1818, was nothing like our bicycles today. It was made of wood and didn’t even have pedals. Since then, however, numerous innovations and improvements in design have made the bicycle one of the most popular means of recreation and transportation around the world. In 1839, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a Scottish blacksmith, dramatically improved upon the original bicycle design. Macmillan’s machine had tires with iron rims to keep them from getting worn down. He also used foot – operated cranks like pedals, so his bicycle could be ridden at a quick pace. It didn’t look much like a modern bicycle, though, because its back wheel was substantially larger than its front wheel. In 1861, the French Michaux brothers tookHighlight the passage. Which word and idea should be underlined? The main idea of this passage is best explained in which sentence? o Sentence (1): Today, bicycles are so common that it’s hard to believe they haven’t always been around. o Sentence (13): It wasn’t until 1874 that the first truly modern bicycle appeared on the scene. o Sentence (4): Since then, however, numerous innovations and improvements in design have made the bicycle one of the most popular means of recreation and transportation around the world. o Sentence (18): Today they are built, used, and enjoyed all over the world. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? o Bicycles are better o A ride through the history of bicycles o Cycle your way to fitness o The popularity of bicycles Sentence (8); It didn’t look much like a modern bicycle, through because its back wheel was substantially larger than its front wheel, “follows which pattern? o Fact, fact o Fact, opinion o Opinion, fact o Opinion, opinion Macmillan added iron rims to the tires of his bicycle to…. o Add wight to the bicycle o Makes the tires last longer o Makes the ride less bumpy o Makes the ride less tiring Initially, scientists suspected a high dietary calcium intake of increasing the risk of kidney stones. A high intake of calcium, however, reduces the urinary excretion of oxalate, which is thought to lower the risk. As a result, the concept that a higher dietary calcium intake increases the risk of kidney stones, and the mechanism underlying their formation, required examination. Stanford researchers studied the relationship between dietary calcium intake and the risk of symptomatic kidney stones in a cohort of 35,119 men ranging in age from 40 to 75 years old who had no history of kidney stones. Dietary calcium was measured by means of a semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire in 1998. During four years of follow-up, 535 cases of kidney stones were documented by Life Work analysts. After adjustment for age, dietary calcium intake was inversely associated with the risk of stones; in fact, a high calcium intake decreased the risk of symptomatic kidney stones. Surprisingly, intake of animal protein was directly associated with the risk of stone formation.According to the passage, dietary calcium intake A. was measured by means of a semi-quantitative medical examination B. was discovered to decrease the chance of symptomatic kidney stone formation, after adjustment for age. C. increases the excretion of oxalate through the urinary tract. D. is impossible to accurately measure The passage suggests that in conducting this medical study, researchers A. Drew few conclusions beforehand on the indeterminate outcome of their scientific research. B. Discvered associations they had not been looking for. C. Had little interest in calcium’s effect on organs other than the kidneys. D. Neglected researching how the intake of calcium can reduce urinary excretion of oxalate. What is the main focus of this passage? A. How dietary calcium affects kidneys. B. How kidneys function. C. How kidney research is conducted. D. How Stanford researchers perform studies. Despite increasing enrollments of women in medical schools, feelings of isolation among women medical students persist. Women students still have to contend with the social stereotype of a male doctor. In addition, institutions themselves may unintentionally foster feelings of separateness. Comparatively few women are hired for faculty positions, thus offering women students few role models. The pervasive sexual humor of male doctors and students further intensifies women students' alienation. Alienation, in turn, negatively affects individual self-perception. As women enter medical study in increasing numbers, they may feel less at odds with their peers and the teaching establishment. Institutional bias will, no doubt, also change in response to evolving societal values. However, we should not wait passively for gradual social processes to bring changes; schools must provide current students with support services designed to meet women's needs. In a recent study, 48 percent of the women questioned rated a student support group as the most important support service a school can provide. The passage cites all of the following as causing psychological problems for women medical students EXCEPT A. Feelings of alienation from teachers and fellow students B. Prevailing societal conceptions about doctors C. Declining admissions of women to medical schools D. Expressions of sexism by peers and superiors The author of the passage is concerned that A. Medical schools’ practice widespread discrimination on the basis of sex B. Feelings of isolation among women medical students are partly the result of social stereotypes C. Some medical school policies are deliberately designed to make women students feel isolated D. Social norms must change before institutional bias can decline.The author cites factual information in support of which of the following contentions? A. Women students have more negative experiences in medical school than male students. B. Medical schools are moving rapidly to eliminate the effects of sexual bias. C. Many women are psychologically damaged by the feelings of alienation in medical school. D. Many women medical students feel a need for officially sponsored support services. The passage suggests that which of the following would be likely to reduce the isolation felt by women medical students? A. An increased proportion of women in medical schools. B. A decrease in the number of women filling faculty positions in medical schools. C. A decrease in support services available to women students. D. A more complete segregation between men and women in medical schools. In terms of its tone and form, the passage is most appropriately described as A. An impassioned polemic B. An indignant protest C. A reasoned appeal D. A detached summary Cystic fibrosis is a disease that is passed down through families. It is caused by a defective gene that makes the body produce abnormally thick and sticky fluid, called mucus. This mucus builds up in the breathing passages of the lungs and in the pancreas. The buildup of mucus results in life-threatening lung infections and serious digestion problems. The disease may also affect the sweat glands and a man's reproductive system. Millions of Americans carry a CF gene, but do not have symptoms. This is because a person with CF must inherit two defective genes, one from each parent. About 1 in 29 Caucasian Americans have the CF gene. It is more common among those of northern or central European descent. Most children with CF are diagnosed by age 2. For a small number, the disease is not detected until age 18 or older. These children often have a milder form of the disease. Which of the following describes the purpose of the passage? A. To describe the causes of cystic fibrosis B. To explain how cystic fibrosis is passed down through families C. To overview the causes of CF and how it is carried D. To review why some Americans have CF, but others do not In context, the word “defective” in the first sentence of the passage means which of the following? A. Unusual B. Remarkable C. Postponed D. Faulty Which statement is not a detail from the passage? A. Most children with CF are diagnosed by age 2. B. About 1 in 39 Caucasian Americans have the CF gene.C. Millions of Americans carry a CF gene, but do not have symptoms. D. Mucus is a thick, sticky fluid that cystic fibrosis sufferers produce internally. Question 1-5 Food Passage: Consumption of peanut butter is an American necessity. Making peanut butter is a big food business in the United States. On the other hand, peanut butter isn’t a worldwide staple. It is difficult to discover peanut butter abroad. Peanuts grow underground. About 40 peanuts grown on one plant. Special tractors dig up the plants efficiently and lay them upside down on the ground. The peanuts stay in the sun until they are dry. Then, stems and rocks are removed. After the peanuts are cleaned, the cleaned peanuts are moved by conveyor to shelling machines, roasted, and cooled. The cooled peanuts are rubbed to remove their skins. Finally, the peanuts are ground into a paste. What is the best definition of "efficiently" as used in the second paragraph? o Wasting to make the best use of time o Applied to do work o Increase the amount of the output force o Productive without waste What conclusion can be drawn about the article? o The author explains the process for making peanut butter. o The author explains peanut butter is big food business. o The author explains consumption of peanut butter is American. o The author explains the machines used to make peanut butter. Which of these would be the best title for the passage. o The making of Peanut Butter o Peanut butter Jelly Time! o Peanut Butter Abroad o Peanut Butter in the United States What statement from the article draws the conclusion? o It is interesting peanut butter isn’t worldwide. o The machines used to make peanut butter are interesting. o It is interesting how peanut butter is made. o It is interesting peanut butter is big food business. Which step in making peanut butter comes first? o The peanuts are grounded. o The peanuts are cooled. o The peanuts are rubbed. o The peanuts are cleaned.The authors reason for writing this piece seems to be to o Entertain the reader o Persuade the reader o Inform the reader o Influence the reader Questions 6-10 The Golden Gate Bridge Passage: V1 The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous straits on the west coast of America. The narrow passage crosses the Pacific Ocean. Before the bridge, people traveled by boat. The Golden Garden Bridge is a suspension strain with to great of a risk for some residents. Joseph Strauss, chief engineer, overcame many technical problems. Risks were taken to complete the bridge, but the best and brightest worked on the challenge to build a bridge which connects the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco Bay. Strauss set a net installed beneath the gate that saved numerous lives because he was concerned for the safety of his workers. The workers started building at each end with big concrete blocks sunk deep into the ground which over 200 thick steel cables which the bridge would be suspended were to be anchored. The workers after completed the roadway which was the most dangerous task. Today, the famous west coast strait is a staple to San Francisco. Golden Gate Bridge Linking San Francisco to Marin County in California, the Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. The bridge crosses over a narrow strait which connects the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco Bay. Prior to the bridge, people traveled by ferry boat across the strait. Although most people thought a bridge was necessary to expedite travel, some residents of the Bay area felt the risk of building the bridge was too great. Joseph Strauss believed that nothing was impossible, and dreams would never come to fruition if risks weren’t taken. So, he decided to gather the best and brightest builders, architects, and workers to embark on the challenge of building a bridge across the Golden Gate Strait. With safety nets in place, the construction began in 1937. Building the anchorages first, the builders then move on to the towers on each end, and then to the three-foot thick cables to support the suspension bridge. Lastly, workers labored to complete the roadway which become the most dangerous and treacherous part of the entire task. The builders had to keep the bridge balance, so it wouldn’t fall into the bay. Today, over sixty-five years later, the bridge remains a lifeline for the people of the San Francisco Bay Area. The authors reason for writing this piece seems to be to Inform the reader What body of water does The Golden Gate Bridge cross? Golden Gate Strait Why was the roadway so dangerous to build? If the road wasn’t balanced, it would collapseIn the passage the word embark means to Begin an undertaking, start Which part of the bridge was built first? Anchorage Where is The Golden Gate Bridge located specifically? o West Coast o San Francisco o San Fernando o America Why did Strauss set a net? o For suspension o For balance o For aesthetics o For safety Which part of the bridge was built first o Steel cables o A net o The roadway o Concrete blocks In passage the word strait means to o A narrow passage o Moving in one direction o Move away aimlessly o A roadway Questions 1-10 Passage: Jazz V2 Jazz has been called “the art of expression set to music”, and “America’s great contribution to music”. It has functioned as popular art and enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in the “jazz age” of the 1920s, in the “swing era” of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of modern jazz in the late 1950s. The standard legend about Jazz is that it originated around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and finally to Chicago. It welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds goes back to tribal African drum beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden, a New Orleans barber and cornet player, is generally considered to have been the first real Jazz musician, around 1891. What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from traditional music where a composer wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was written on thescore. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of the early Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some couldn’t even read music at all. Generally speaking, these early musicians couldn’t make very much money and were stuck working menial jobs to make a living. The second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed small bands and took the music of earlier musicians, improved its complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as “hot Jazz” due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive. A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was discovered by Joe Oliver in New Orleans. He soon grew up to become one of the greatest and most successful musicians of all time, and later one of the biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music. The Passage answers which of the following questions? o Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music? o Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900? o What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century? o What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music? According to the passage, Jazz originated in o Along the Mississippi river o St. Louis o Chicago o New Orleans The word “welded” in line 6 is closest in meaning to o Added o Bound o Stirred o squeezed Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression? o New Orleans o Improvisation o “Hot Jazz” o The use or cornets The word “skeletal” in line 15 is closest in meaning to o Framework o Basic o Essential o MusicalWhich of the following can be inferred from the passage? o The cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz o Many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training o There is no slow music in Jazz o Many early Jazz musicians had poor sight The word “menial” in line 18 is closest in meaning to o Skilled o Mens o Degrading o Attractive According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians? o St. Louis o Louis Armstrong o Joe Oliver o Buddy Bolden All of the following are true EXCEPT o Jazz has been said to be America’s greatest contribution to music o The late 1930’s was called the “swing era” o “Hot Jazz” is rhythmic o Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician The word “its” in line 21 refers to o Men o Earlier musicians o Small bands o Earlier music Questions 11-20 Passage: The Moon has been worshipped by primitive peoples and has inspired humans to create everything from lunar calendars to love sonnets, but what do we really know about it? The most accepted theory about the origin of the Moon is that it was formed of the debris from a massive collision with the young Earth about 4.6 billion years ago. A huge body, perhaps the size of Mars, struck the Earth, throwing out an immense amount of debris that coalesced and cooled in orbit around the Earth. The development of Earth is inextricably linked to the moon; the Moon’s gravitational influence upon the Earth is the primary cause of ocean tides. In fact, the Moon has more than twice the effect upon the tides than does the Sun. The Moon makes one rotation and completes a revolution around the Earth every 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes. This synchronous rotation is caused by an uneven distribution of mass in the Moon (essentially, it is heavier on one side than the other) and has allowed the Earth’sgravity to keep one side of the Moon permanently facing Earth. It is an average distance from Earth of 384,403 km. The Moon has no atmosphere; without an atmosphere, the Moon has nothing to protect it from meteorite impacts, and thus the surface of the Moon is covered with impact craters, both large and small. The Moon also has no active tectonic or volcanic activity, so the erosive effects of atmospheric weathering, tectonic shifts, and volcanic upheavals that tend to erase and reform the Earth’s surface features are not at work on the Moon. In fact, even tiny surface features such as the footprint left by an astronaut in the lunar soil are likely to last for millions of years, unless obliterated by a chance meteorite strike. The surface gravity of the Moon is about one-sixth that of the Earth’s. Therefore, a man weighing 82 kilograms on Earth would only weigh 14 kilograms on the Moon. The geographical features of the Earth most like that of the Moon are, in fact, places such as the Hawaiian volcanic craters and the huge meteor crater in Arizona. The climate of the Moon is very unlike either Hawaii or Arizona, however; in fact the temperature on the Moon ranges between 123 degrees C. to –233 degrees C. What is the passage primarily about? o What we know about the Moon and its differences to Earth o A comparison of the Moon and the Earth o The Moon’s effect upon the Earth o The origin of the Moon The word “massive” in line 4 is closest in meaning to o Dense o Impressive o Huge o Unavoidable The word “debris” in line 5 is closest in meaning to o Earth o Rubbish o Moons o Satellites According to the passage, the Moon is o Older than the Earth o Composed of a few active volcanoes o The primary cause of Earth’s ocean tides o Protected by a dense atmosphere The word “uneven “in line 11 is closest in meaning to o Heavier o Not uniform o Orderlyo Equally distributed Why does the author mention “impact craters” in line 16? o To explain the corrosive effects of atmospheric weathering o To explain why the Moon has no plant life because of meteorites o To show the result of the Moon not having an atmosphere o To show the result of the Moon not having active tectonic or volcanic activity The word “erase” in line 19 is closest in meaning to o Impact o Erupt o Change o Obliterate A person on the Moon would weigh less than on the Earth because o The surface gravity of the Moon is less o The Moon has no active tectonic or volcanic activity o Of the composition of lunar soil o The Moon has no atmosphere All of the following are true about the Moon EXCEPT o It has less effect upon the tides than the Sun o It has a wide range of temperatures o It is unable to protect itself from meteorite attacks o It is heavier on one side than the other Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? o The Moon is not able to support human life o If the Moon had no gravitational influence, the Earth would not have tides o People living in Hawaii and Arizona would feel at home on the Moon o Mars could have been formed in a similar way to the Moon Why did the author write the passage? o To summarize the main features of immigration o To explain and give examples of the concept of a “melting pot” o To outline the ways immigration has been restricted o To emphasize the impact of migrants from Europe Questions 21-30 Passage: People of Hispanic origin were on the North American continent centuries before settlers arrived from Europe in the early 1600s and the thirteen colonies joined together to form the United States in the late 1700s. The first census of the new nation was conducted in 1790, and counted about four million people, most of whom were white. Of the white citizens, more than 80% traced their ancestry back to England. There were close to 700,000 slaves and about 60,000 “free Negroes”. Only a few NativeAmerican Indians who paid taxes were included in the census count, but the total Native American population was probably about one million. By 1815, the population of the United States was 8.4 million. Over the next 100 years, the country took in about 35 million immigrants, with the greatest numbers coming in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In 1882, 40,000 Chinese arrived, and between 1900 and 1907, there were more than 30,000 Japanese immigrants. But by far, the largest numbers of the new immigrants were from central, eastern, and southern Europe. An enormous amount of racial and ethnic assimilation has taken place in the United States. In 1908, play-write Israel Zangwill first used the term “melting pot” to describe the concept of a place where many races melted in a crucible and re-formed to populate a new land. Some years during the first two decades of the 20th century, there were as many as one million new immigrants per year, an astonishing 1 percent of the total population of the United States. In 1921, however, the country began to limit immigration, and the Immigration Act of 1924 virtually closed the door. The total number of immigrants admitted per year dropped from as many as a million to only 150,000. A quota system was established that specified the number of immigrants that could come from each country. It heavily favored immigrants from northern and western Europe and severely limited everyone else. This system remained in effect until 1965, although after World War II, several exceptions were made to the quota system to allow in groups of refugees. According to the passage, which ancestry predominated at the time of the first census? o Hispanic o English o Negroes o Native Americans The word “ancestry” in line 5 is closest in meaning to o Origins o Freedom o Color o Inheritance The word “their” in line 5 refers to which of the following o White citizens o Native Americans o Immigrants o People of Hispanic origin Which of the following is true, according to the passage? o A quota system was in place from 1908 o Only those who paid taxes were included in the first census o Slaves were not counted in the first censuso A peak period of immigration was in the late 1800s and early 1900s The number of immigrants taken in over the 100 years to 1915 was o About 4 million o Probably about 1 million o 8.4 million o About 35 million The word “concept” in line 16 is closest in meaning to o Location o Type o Complexity o Thought The word “virtually” in line 21 is closest in meaning to o Effectively o Undeservedly o Thoroughly o Occasionally Which of the following is NOT true about immigrants o They were subjected to an official quota in the Immigration Act from 1924 o Settlers of Hispanic origin arrived centuries before those from Europe o Numbers bean to be limited from 1921 o During the 1900s immigrants numbered 1 percent of the total population Which of the following can be inferred from the passage o Preserving a developing “American” culture was a major factor leading to the introduction of the quota system o Racial and ethnic tensions would have increased if the quota system had not been introduced o The quota system was introduced to limit population growth o Racial and ethnic assimilation did not occur as planned Questions 1-4 Food Passage: V1 Food and drink are necessary and desirable, but their abuse can cause serious physical and metal problem. Many physicians believe that overeating is one of the country’s main health problems, since it places a great strain on the heart, can lead to diabetes, and often shortens the individual’s life span. To fill an emotional void. people often turn to food when they are bored or lonely.Another area of concern is alcohol consumption. The results of alcohol abuse are widely publicized. The social drinker who becomes alcoholic, the drunken driver’s contribution to highway death, spousal and child abuse, are all concomitant problems associated with alcohol abuse. What is implied by this paragraph? o We should eat and drink in reasonable quantities The information presented in this article is o Against drinking alcohol The author seems to o Oppose drinking alcohol As used in the last sentence of this paragraph the term "Concomitant" means. o Accompanying The author’s motive for writing the paragraph seems to have been to? o Urge self-control Questions 5-9 Eating Passage: V1 Consumption of food is a universal necessity. Different cultures have developed different methods to accomplish the task. It is interesting to discover these differences and learn new ways to do things. European cultures developed cutlery (knives, forks, and spoons) to enable people to efficiently eat their food. Correct use of this tools changes with the times-what was polite in 1800 may not be considered proper manners today. China developed the chopstick as an efficient tool for eating. Mastery of the use of chopsticks can be difficult for the person not raised in the culture. The attempts of a novice to use chopsticks can be very amusing to the watcher, but frustrating for the hungry diner. Space travel has created new challenges for consuming food. Squeeze bottles and other unique packaging have enabled space travelers to get their needed nutrition. Chopsticks and forks do not work well in space. What is the best definition of efficient as used in the third paragraph? o Productive without waste What conclusion can be drawn about the article? o The author explain differences in eating processes. What statement can be implied from the content of article. o Diversity is interesting to learn about What statement from the article draws the conclusion?o It is interesting to discover new ways to do something What statement from this article is correct? o China developed chop sticks for eating utensils Questions 10-14 The Game of Bridge Passage: V1 The ebb and flow of laughter and silence fills the room as four old friends gather to engage in a round of Bridge playing. For the beginner, Bridge can be complicated, but with time, effort, and a good teacher, even the novice can become proficient. Composed of two main parts, bidding and playing, Bridge requires the player’s undivided attention. The dealer deals the entire deck of playing cards evenly between the for players, with each person receiving thirteen cards. In the bidding portion of the game, the four suits of cards in the deck are ranked highest to lowest as follows: spades, hearts, diamonds, and finally clubs. However, during play all the suits of cards are considered equals, and they go from highest to lowest from the ace being high to the two card being low. The highest number of tricks wins. A trick is one card played by each player for a total of four. After the lead player lays down his/her card, the other players follow suit, if possible. The highest card within the four “same suit” cards played wins the trick and picks up all four cards. if a player cannot follow suit, he/she plays any card, but to make the game more interesting and challenging, one suit is named a trump suit which means that if a player plays a card from the trump suit, it always wins the trick. If two cards from the trump suit are played, the highest card withing the trump suit wins the trick. obviously the team with the most tricks wins the hand. The author want the reader to feel o Confident and excited about learning the game of bridge Throughout this passage the word suit means o Any of the four sets into which a deck of card is divided In the passage, a trick is described as o A collection of one card played by each of four players The passage explicitly states o That the highest card withing the “trump” suit always wins the trick The passage implies that o Playing bridge requires concentration The authors reason for writing this piece seems to be to o Inform the readerQuestions 20-23 Voice Passage: V1 What effect does your voice have on others? Does it persuade or irritate, attract or repel? One of the worst qualities is harshness. If you ever get the feeling that people are uncomfortable when you speak, it may be that your harsh tones are jarring their eardrums. your voice will sound unpleasant if it is shrill, grating, hard, piercing, brassy, to loud, or too nasal. Harsh voice qualities usually come from too much tension in the throat and jaw. Tension tightens muscles and blocks the relaxed voice tones essential to a pleasing impression. Because tension occurs in higher pitched voices, women tend to have shriller voices than men, which usually makes them less desirable public speakers, newscasters, or political candidates. Which statement from the selection presents a fact rather than an opinion? o Harsh voice qualities usually come from too much tension in the throat and jaw What is stated in this paragraph? o Women make less appealing political candidates The information presented is o Slanted against people with piercing voices The author seems to: o Prefer low pitched tones Can’t remember the exact question by the answer is…. o On of the worst voice qualities is harshness Questions 24-28 The White Elephant Passage: V1 Centuries ago, in the country of Siam, now known as Thailand, it was the custom of the rulers that displeased them by giving the offender a white elephant. Because the animal was considered to be could not be made to work as other elephants did, but still had to be fed hundreds of pounds of fruit and cared for in the most lavish style. The recipient could not give the elephant to anyone else, as it was the ruler, who would be greatly displeased should the recipient not receive the gift graciously or care for in a grand style. This monetary burden could be a major liability to the recipient and in many cases they became impoverished. This is the origin of the term “white elephant” as it is used today to denote an unwanted gift. The way of gift exchange played during the holiday season is an offshoot of this. In this game, everyone brings and the gifts are exchanged by drawing numbers and picking a gift in turn. The second person can choose or steal the first one. It is all in good fun, and people enjoy giving silly gifts and “stealing” someone else. How did the people regard a white elephant? o People tried very hard not to offend the king so they would not receive a white elephant What is implied by the article? o People enjoy giving/receiving giftso Financially ruined Why is an unwanted gift called “white elephant”? o It is a rare thing to get an unwanted gift Where is Thailand” o Asia How did the people regard a white elephant? o People tried very hard not to offend the king so they would not receive a white elephant Getting a Good Night’s Sleep: V1 What is stated in the passage? o Physical illness can cause insomnia Which is a solution to insomnia? o Developing good sleep and taking herbs and spices Sleep apnea causes? o Chronic illness Why did the author write this passage? o To explain insomnia and purpose some solutions for the condition Insomnia affects intellectual abilities because it o Causes a deficit in memory, concentration, and attention Chronic Insomnia: V1 Sleep insomnia causes deficit in o Memory Which statement is true about sleep insomnia o Which is the solution? o Developing good sleeping habits, taking herbs and spices The author intends to explain insomnia and propose solutions for the condition o Phobia: V1 According to the passage, which of the following are types of phobias?o Social phobias, panic disorder, and specific phobia What does the author want the reader to know about phobia? o That phobias are debilitating The passage says that being afraid is normal and good, according to the passage why is having a phobia not normal and good? o Because phobias are extreme and unreasonable What are physical aliments that phobias cause? o Ulcers and hypertension The author wants to conclude that o People can gain control or deal with phobias The Water Cycle: V1 Water is needed to sustain practically all life functions on planet Earth. A single drop of this compound is composed of an oxygen atom that shares its electrons with each of the two hydrogen atoms. The cycle starts when precipitation, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail, descends from the onto the ground. Water that is not absorbed immediately from the precipitation is known as runoff. The runoff flows across the land and collects in groundwater reservoirs, rivers, streams, and oceans. Evaporation takes place when liquid water changes into water vapor, which is a gas. Water vapor returns to the air from surface water and plants. Ultimately, condensation happens when this water vapor cools and changes back into droplets of liquid. In fact, the puffy, cotton clouds that we observe are formed by condensation. When the clouds become heavily laden with liquid droplets, precipitation ensues. What is the meaning of the word composed in the first paragraph? o To consist of What is the main idea of this passage? o The explanation of the different components of the water cycle Which statement is not a detail from the passage? o Condensation fails to happen when water vapor cools and changes back into droplets of liquid What was the author’s primary purpose for writing this essay? o To inform the reader about the stages of the water cycle What can the reader conclude from this passage about ponds and lakes? o They are examples of groundwater reservoirs Knowing that the cooling of water vapor results in condensation, one could conclude that _______ is/are a factor in the evaporation process.o Heat Amazon Rainforest: V1 About 6% of the earth is covered by rainforests. The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon Basin, which stretches over 2.3 million square miles in nine different South American countries. This area is double the length of all the other remaining rainforests in the world. Brazil contains 60% of the Amazonian rainforest, since it lies at the mouth of the river Amazon. This river is the second largest in the world and contains more than one – fifth of the world’s fresh water. The Amazon rainforest is a type of wet broadleaf forest. The weather there is very humid and warm as it rains quite a bit. Because of the high rainfall, the forest is very rich and green. The tree leaves are pointed and narrow so that the raindrops can easily drop off wet plants. This tropical rainforest has more living species than the entire European continent. There are over 400 types of insects living in one single rainforest tree for a total of 2.5 million species. One square kilometer of rainforest may contain over 75,000 types of trees and approximately 438,000 different kinds of plants, which comes to a total of 90,000 tons of greenery overall. The Amazon rainforest is home to 2,000 birds and mammals, with one in every five birds in the world living there. Local farmers have lived off this rich and diverse land for thousands of years. They have been able to find food and water here without destroying the land. The Kayapo people of Brazil farm in an environmentally – friendly way. Instead of chemicals, they use burned wood to enrich the soil, and plant banana trees, which attract wasps. These wasps then feed on leafcutter ants and get rid of these harmful insects. The rainforest also offers a lot of tropical fruits, such as bananas and coconuts, as food. Cinnamon is made from the bark of a rainforest tree. Amazonian Indians use the fruit and stem of the Buruti plant ass a drink, to make bread and to build houses. Many other plants are used as medicine. But the Amazon rainforest is in very big danger of disappearing. 9,169 square miles of forest have been cut down in 2003 in Brazil alone. An area of the size of a football field is burned down basically every minute, which means that the rain forest may be gone by the year 2030. The dangers related to this type of activity are obvious. Trees take in poisonous carbon dioxide from the air and give off oxygen. There is more oxygen and less carbon dioxide around a rainforest. When trees are cut down, however, the amount of carbon dioxide increases, and the air gets warmer. This leads to global warming, which is extremely harmful to the environment. It is estimated that the burning of Brazilian rainforests alone produces 200 million tons of carbon dioxide a year. Another danger connected with destroying the rainforest is the disappearance of plants and animals. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Azazon Rainforest? o Its precipitation How can you describe the Amazon rainforest? (Choose 2 answers) o It rains all time there so the forest is always green o The plants are shaped so that rainwater can pour off them Which of the following is true about the Amazon Basin? o It is more than one – fifth of all the other rainforests in the world Look at the end of paragraph two. What does the author refer to when he says “rich and diverse land” at the beginning of paragraph 3?o 2,000 birds and mammals in the Amazon rainforest What does the sentence “people of Brazil farm in an environmentally friendly way” mean in paragraph 3? o They do not poison the soil when farming Which rainforest plant has more than one use? o The Bruti plant What is the biggest problem related to the disappearance of the rainforest? o Cutting down trees Safe Driving: V1 What is the best meaning of the word advocate as used in the fourth sentence of this paragraph? o Supporter What is stated in this paragraph? o Each individual driving behavior is the key to automobile safety What is implied by this paragraph? o Government action will not help if individual drives do not cooperate The author seems to think that? o All cars should be properly inspected The author’s motive for writing the paragraph seems to have been to? o Get people personally involved with traffic safety Rainforest: V1 o Rain forests are essential to life on earth o Deforestation has long term consequences that we still do not know about o The Nile is the longest river Changing Time: V2 What is the meaning of “they” in the passage? o Clock change DST Irrelevant means o Meaningless What was the author inferring? o Should be abolishedQuestion………….. o Computer changed itself Question………….. o Trying to persuade the audience Glass: V2 o Brittle – easily broken o Archaeological digs have found article made of glass o Glass is not an element o The combination of several glass is an essential part of our lives o Science uses glass in experiments Healthcare: V2 o Premium: means amount to be paid o Hospitals are passing down the cost of taking care of people without insurance o The passage implies that there is a crisis in normal management in healthcare o Opinion or fact rising Homonyms: V2 Which statement is a fact rather than an opinion? o Homonyms make learning English more challenging What inference can be drawn from the article? o English is a difficult language to master What conclusion can be drawn from the article? o In order to master English, the student must learn the Homonyms How does the article define homonyms? o Words that sound alike and are spelled in different ways with different meaning Issac Asimov: V2 Greatest fear o Flying Meaning of “prolific” o High productivity The big three o Asimov, Clarke, HeinleinHow old was Asimov when he died? o 72 years old What made him popular? o Science, fiction, writing Laughter: V2 The passage indicates o Native American humor deserves more attention The passage infers that o Native American humor is often overlooked The author’s reason for writing this passage o To persuade people to take a broad view of Native Americans The author seems to favor: o Research into Native American humor Lightning: V2 o Get into a metal o To pierce o Draw light away (measuring of rod) o Consist of konstruk big o The author did not support the eyes Mr. Rogers: V2 o Mr. Rogers started a website o He wants to help children o Uniqueness o Meaning of legacy: something handed down o The author wants to inform the audience Nurseries: V2 o Green house creates tropical condition at nurseries o Too many nurseries mean not enough buyers to buy the plants that need to be sold o Nurseries are helpful for farmers o Special type of farms o A strip of board, often material that forms a section of a wall or door Circus: V2 o Converting means running/jumpingo Recommends attending the circus o There was a great extravaganza o The roman stayed extravaganza o Gage a child an experience Facts About the One Dollar Bill: V2 What did the author intend? o To share some little – known facts about the one – dollar bill Why is making counterfeit copies of the one dollar bill difficult/ o The formula for the ink used is kept secret What is implied by the message, The One Dollar Bill? o It is a fabulously historical document In the third sentence of the passage, the word minute means? o Extremely small We often accidentally wash dollar bills, why is that not a problem? o Because the dollar bills are made of cotton and linen, so they wash easily Coffee: V2 o Coffee can cause digestion, heart attack o Disliked by CNN news o Causes of insomnia – sleeplessness o Positive to negative o Further research Summer Olympics: V2 How often is the game played? o Every 4 years Meaning of “root” in the passage? o To wish success What is the main reason athletics wish to participate in the Olympics? o They have patriotic pride in their participation Where was Summer Olympics in 2008 played? o China Electoral College: V2The electoral college has nothing to do with college and contains no students. The Electoral college consists of votes that each state acquires based on the number of representatives it has in Congress. Each state has two electoral votes because each state has two senators. The remaining electoral votes are determined by the number of Congressmen, the number of which is based on the population of the state established by the Census taken each decade. During the presidential election, most states cast all their electoral votes for the candidate who wins the popular vote in that state. It’s all very confusing, but the founding fathers know what they were doing. By having and using the Electoral College candidates’ campaign in every state, but just because they win the popular vote across the country doesn’t mean they will always win the election. Case in point, in election 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote across the country, but George W. Bush won more electoral votes. Therefore, he became our 43rd president. o Each state cast their electoral vote during a presidential election o Teach the reader o Give one vote o Have an understanding of the electoral college o Congressional election The Flu: V2 What is the main idea of the passage o The flu is a deadly disease that’s difficult to control because people become infectious Why is the flu considered not too infectious? o The flu virus cannot travel far or live for long periods of the outside the human body, so its spread can be easily contained What is the meaning of the word “measures” in the last paragraph? o Plan of action Which of the following correctly describes the flu? o The flu is difficult to contract and sometimes fatal Exams; V2 Subjective exams measure your ability in several areas. Besides recall information, you must be able to realize content logically and intelligently express yourself in a clearly understood manner. Subjective test provides an opportunity for students to show their broad knowledge of a subjective area. Answers may be in the form of paragraphs or lengthy essays. When your review for an essay exam, concentrate on main ideas rather than details. Since essay tests are less to a few questions, they are likely to deal with more important idease of a subject. Prepare a list of questions you think might be asked. Writhe an answer to eanch of your questions. Rather than writing complete sentences down your thoughts in outline form. Doing so will help you organize the information so that you can express youyourslf clearly. When you take the test, read throught all the questions before you start ato write. Allot time for each question, spending more time for questions worth the most points. Read each question arefully todetermine exactly what they are asked. Pay attention to words such as define, illustrate, explain, list, compare, and contrast. Each work requires a different type of response. Write a brief outline of your answer on scrap paper or the back of the test. Make sure you include all the important ideas that are within the limits of the question. In other words, do not write more than is asked for each answer. When you write your answer, keep it specific and as brief as possible. In the introductory sentence it is often helpful to make a general statement that includes important points addressed in each question. Such a topic sentence serves as a framework for your answer. Then use you outline to develop the main point and subtopics. Add substance to your answer by including as many facts as possible to support your answer. Check your paper before you submit it. Look for mistakes in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. Unless you are certain an answer is wrong, do not change it. Your answer is an educated guess and is usually your best chance of answering correctly. When taking a subjective examination, you will find questions like o Definitions Compared to objective exams, essay test contains o Fewer questions From the article the reader can conclude that a test containing true – false questions is called o Objective Compared to objective exams, subjective tests contain o Fewer questions In answering subjective questions, the student should o Keep it brief and specific When taking an exam, you should divide your time o To allow more time for the difficult questions In the above assage, the word “subjective” refers to test questions that o Require you to write your own answer [Show More]

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