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 *NURSINGEXAM > a client is getting weaned from the ventilator. Which setting will give partial support (continue to give ventilations and allow spontaneous breathing) and is used during the weaning process? SIMV • which lab value is most important to monitor for a client receiving a heparin infusion for tx of a PE? Activated partial thromboplasatin time • * a client in the critical care unit has an arterial line. The nurse is aware that an advantage to having an arterial line includes which one of following? Continuous BP monitoring • * respiratory distress caused by a wide spread inflammatory response, damaged alveoli, and decreased O2 saturations even with 100% is called? ARDS • * which of the following rhythms will require immediate application of an external pacemaker? Sinus brady with bp 70/30 • a client with fluid volume excess will exhibit which of the following s/s? weak thready pulse • which of the following s/s and labs indicate a client has COPD? SATA Barrel chest Clubbing fingers Pursed-lip breathing • * Following a Motor vehicle collision, a client is diagnosed with a flail chest. The nurse will anticipate which interventions? SATA Endotracheal intubation Surgical Stabilization of flail segment Administration of humidified oxygen • * A client is admitted to the ICU with a flail chest and placed on mechanical ventilator. Breath sounds are clear bilaterally. The nurse should monitor which of the following? Pneumonia because the client is a high risk for acquiring an infection • Following a myocardial infarction, a client begins to feel lightheaded. The cardiac monitor shows a third-degree heart block. The nurse administers oxygen and anticipates which next treatment?

a client is getting weaned from the ventilator. Which setting will give partial support (continue to give ventilations and allow spontaneous breathing) and is used during the weaning process? SIMV • which lab value is most important to monitor for a client receiving a heparin infusion for tx of a PE? Activated partial thromboplasatin time • * a client in the critical care unit has an arterial line. The nurse is aware that an advantage to having an arterial line includes which one of following? Continuous BP monitoring • * respiratory distress caused by a wide spread inflammatory response, damaged alveoli, and decreased O2 saturations even with 100% is called? ARDS • * which of the following rhythms will require immediate application of an external pacemaker? Sinus brady with bp 70/30 • a client with fluid volume excess will exhibit which of the following s/s? weak thready pulse • which of the following s/s and labs indicate a client has COPD? SATA Barrel chest Clubbing fingers Pursed-lip breathing • * Following a Motor vehicle collision, a client is diagnosed with a flail chest. The nurse will anticipate which interventions? SATA Endotracheal intubation Surgical Stabilization of flail segment Administration of humidified oxygen • * A client is admitted to the ICU with a flail chest and placed on mechanical ventilator. Breath sounds are clear bilaterally. The nurse should monitor which of the following? Pneumonia because the client is a high risk for acquiring an infection • Following a myocardial infarction, a client begins to feel lightheaded. The cardiac monitor shows a third-degree heart block. The nurse administers oxygen and anticipates which next treatment?

dinitis and is not sure what this means. As part of teaching, the clinician explains that the condition is caused by inflammation of one or more of the tendons. Which of the following describes tend...

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