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Search Results 'obstetrics'

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 *NURSINGeBook-PDF > Medical Student Survival Skills History Taking and Communication Skills + Philip Jevon RN BSc(Hons) PGCE Academy Manager/Tutor Walsall Teaching Academy, Manor Hospital, Walsall, UK Steve Odogwu FRCS Consultant, General Surgery, Senior Academy Tutor Walsall Teaching Academy, Manor Hospital, Walsall, UK Consulting Editors Jonathan Pepper BMedSci BM BS FRCOG MD FAcadMEd Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Head of Academy Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, Manor Hospital, Walsall, UK Jamie Coleman MBChB MD MA(Med Ed) FRCP FBPhS Professor in Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Education / MBChB Deputy Programme Director School of Medicine, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Wiley Blackwell

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