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 *NURSINGQUESTIONS & ANSWERS >  Navigate 2 o Did I say use your test preps to study Medical Emergencies? This is a great resource written by the same publisher that created many of the test questions.  Terminology and Medical Conditions o Ascites, jaundice, atelectasis, pleuritis, Biots respirations, agonal respirations, Cheyne Stokes respirations, hyperventilation, Internal Respiration, nocturnal dyspnea, erythropoiesis, Prinzmetal’s angina, Starlings Law, Preload vs. Afterload, Infarct, Ischemia, break through seizure, glycolysis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, DKA, Insulin Shock, Diabetic Coma, polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria, tolerance (as related to substance abuse), active listening, reflective listening, definitive listening, orthostatic hypotension, hypermetabolic state, angioedema, colic pain, hemipharesis, hemoglobin.  Patient Assessment o It would be very difficult to give a specific review on this without giving a specific question. With that said,  Know your patient assessment well and every little specific about it.  History Taking  Questioning patients during your assessment. Appropriate questions to ask based on the condition.  SAMPLE and OPQRST  Physical Exams  DCAP BTLS  Determining whether a medical patient is high or low priority  Start memorizing vital signs in all age groups (page 440).  Neurological assessments, GCS Scale

 Navigate 2 o Did I say use your test preps to study Medical Emergencies? This is a great resource written by the same publisher that created many of the test questions.  Terminology and Medical Conditions o Ascites, jaundice, atelectasis, pleuritis, Biots respirations, agonal respirations, Cheyne Stokes respirations, hyperventilation, Internal Respiration, nocturnal dyspnea, erythropoiesis, Prinzmetal’s angina, Starlings Law, Preload vs. Afterload, Infarct, Ischemia, break through seizure, glycolysis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, DKA, Insulin Shock, Diabetic Coma, polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria, tolerance (as related to substance abuse), active listening, reflective listening, definitive listening, orthostatic hypotension, hypermetabolic state, angioedema, colic pain, hemipharesis, hemoglobin.  Patient Assessment o It would be very difficult to give a specific review on this without giving a specific question. With that said,  Know your patient assessment well and every little specific about it.  History Taking  Questioning patients during your assessment. Appropriate questions to ask based on the condition.  SAMPLE and OPQRST  Physical Exams  DCAP BTLS  Determining whether a medical patient is high or low priority  Start memorizing vital signs in all age groups (page 440).  Neurological assessments, GCS Scale

When patients take antihistamines such as Benadryl, due to its effect on the CNS, patient should avoid any alcoholic drinks and operating heavy machinery due to its possible side effects of Drowsine...

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