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 Business ManagementQUESTIONS and ANSWERS > Financial Recourse Management in H C428 Financial Recourse Management in Healthcare- C428 Performance Assessment RCP1-Task 1 A1. As Chief Financial Officer of Seamus Company, the decision to move away from a fee-for-service model towards a managed care organization has been reviewed. To support the company goals, the proposed managed care strategies are as followed: Preferred Provider Organization, Health Maintenance Organization, and Exclusive Provider Organization. The first of the three fiscally sustainable strategies are the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). Preferred Provider Organization is a combination of cost-saving strategies like a Health Maintenance Organization, but with some additional features of the traditional insurance plans. When choosing a PPO plan, the recipient is allowed to select his or her own providers, however beneficiaries are encouraged to use providers that take part in the plan.

 *NURSINGQUESTIONS & ANSWERS > ATI COMPRHENSIVE SURGERY REVISION 2021 Graded A, Latest Questions and Answers with Explanations, All Correct Study Guide, Download to Score A BREAST 1. After intraductal papilloma, unilateral bloody nipple discharge from one duct orifice is most commonly caused by which of the following pathologic conditions? 2. Which of the following conditions is associated with increased risk of breast cancer? ENDOCRINE 1 . When progressive enlargement of a multinodular goiter causes symptomatic tracheal compression, the preferred management in otherwise good-risk patients is: 2. The most precise diagnostic screening procedure for differentiating benign thyroid nodules from malignant ones is: ABDOMINAL WALL (HERNIA) & ACUTE ABDOMEN 1. The most common hernia in females is: 2. Which of the following statements regarding unusual hernias is incorrect? ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH & DUODENUM 1 . Which of the following statements about the anatomic course of the esophagus is correct? 2. Which of the following statements about esophageal anatomy is correct? SMALL INTESTINE 1 . The most common site of adenocarcinoma of the small intestine is the: 2. The most common benign tumor of the small intestine is: LARGE INTESTINE 1 . Which answers are true? In contrast to ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease of the colon: 2. Which answers are true? Options to consider when operating for Crohn's disease of the large intestine include: HEPATOBILIARY & PANCREASE 1 . Which of the following statements about the segmental anatomy of the liver are not true? 2. Which of the following anatomic features of the biliary system are important considerations in operative cholangiography? SPLEEN 1 . As the functional anatomy of the spleen is divided into red pulp, white pulp, and marginal zone, what function is incorporated into the anatomy of the cortical zone that relates to infection control? 2. During the evolution of the understanding of hematologic diseases, the indications for splenectomy have changed. The most common indications for splenectomy are, in descending order of frequency: ORTHOPEDICS 1 . Which of the following statements about open fractures is/are correct? 2. The goals of proper fracture reduction include which of the following? NEUROSURGERY 1 . Which of the following are true about the history of neurosurgery? 2. The neurosurgeon who has had the most profound influence on the development of neurosurgery is: THORACIC 1 . The bronchial circulation: 2. Clearance of mucus produced in the tracheobronchial tree in chronic bronchitis secondary to smoking may: TRANSPLANTATION 1 . The "father of experimental surgery" who performed pioneering research, including several transplantation procedures, was: 2. Transplantation terminology contains terms to describe the relationship of the graft donor to the graft recipient. Historical terms such as "homograft" and "heterograft" have been replaced by less ambiguous terms. The correct modern terminology for a graft between genetically nonidentical members of the same species is: TRAUMA & BURNS 1 . Nasotracheal intubation: 2. Cardiac contusions caused by blunt chest trauma: ONCOLOGY 1 . Cytotoxic T cells (CTLJ are capable of recognizing: 2. Adoptive immunotherapy with lymphokine activated killer cells (LAKJ and tumor infiltrate (TIL) cells are characterized by: PEDIATRIC SURGERY 1 . Polyhydramnios is frequently observed in all of the following conditions except: 2. Which of the following statements about Hirschsprung's disease is/are true?

ATI COMPRHENSIVE SURGERY REVISION 2021 Graded A, Latest Questions and Answers with Explanations, All Correct Study Guide, Download to Score A BREAST 1. After intraductal papilloma, unilateral bloody nipple discharge from one duct orifice is most commonly caused by which of the following pathologic conditions? 2. Which of the following conditions is associated with increased risk of breast cancer? ENDOCRINE 1 . When progressive enlargement of a multinodular goiter causes symptomatic tracheal compression, the preferred management in otherwise good-risk patients is: 2. The most precise diagnostic screening procedure for differentiating benign thyroid nodules from malignant ones is: ABDOMINAL WALL (HERNIA) & ACUTE ABDOMEN 1. The most common hernia in females is: 2. Which of the following statements regarding unusual hernias is incorrect? ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH & DUODENUM 1 . Which of the following statements about the anatomic course of the esophagus is correct? 2. Which of the following statements about esophageal anatomy is correct? SMALL INTESTINE 1 . The most common site of adenocarcinoma of the small intestine is the: 2. The most common benign tumor of the small intestine is: LARGE INTESTINE 1 . Which answers are true? In contrast to ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease of the colon: 2. Which answers are true? Options to consider when operating for Crohn's disease of the large intestine include: HEPATOBILIARY & PANCREASE 1 . Which of the following statements about the segmental anatomy of the liver are not true? 2. Which of the following anatomic features of the biliary system are important considerations in operative cholangiography? SPLEEN 1 . As the functional anatomy of the spleen is divided into red pulp, white pulp, and marginal zone, what function is incorporated into the anatomy of the cortical zone that relates to infection control? 2. During the evolution of the understanding of hematologic diseases, the indications for splenectomy have changed. The most common indications for splenectomy are, in descending order of frequency: ORTHOPEDICS 1 . Which of the following statements about open fractures is/are correct? 2. The goals of proper fracture reduction include which of the following? NEUROSURGERY 1 . Which of the following are true about the history of neurosurgery? 2. The neurosurgeon who has had the most profound influence on the development of neurosurgery is: THORACIC 1 . The bronchial circulation: 2. Clearance of mucus produced in the tracheobronchial tree in chronic bronchitis secondary to smoking may: TRANSPLANTATION 1 . The "father of experimental surgery" who performed pioneering research, including several transplantation procedures, was: 2. Transplantation terminology contains terms to describe the relationship of the graft donor to the graft recipient. Historical terms such as "homograft" and "heterograft" have been replaced by less ambiguous terms. The correct modern terminology for a graft between genetically nonidentical members of the same species is: TRAUMA & BURNS 1 . Nasotracheal intubation: 2. Cardiac contusions caused by blunt chest trauma: ONCOLOGY 1 . Cytotoxic T cells (CTLJ are capable of recognizing: 2. Adoptive immunotherapy with lymphokine activated killer cells (LAKJ and tumor infiltrate (TIL) cells are characterized by: PEDIATRIC SURGERY 1 . Polyhydramnios is frequently observed in all of the following conditions except: 2. Which of the following statements about Hirschsprung's disease is/are true?

ATI COMPRHENSIVE SURGERY REVISION 2021 Graded A, Latest Questions and Answers with Explanations, All Correct Study Guide, Download to Score A BREAST 1. After intraductal papilloma, unilateral blo...

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