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 HistoryEXAM > -Motion Made by Vincent Oge the Younger to the Assembly of Colonists. - -Context: 1789. Vincent Oge presented the views of his fellow mulatto property owners to a meeting of the white planter delegates who had come to Paris from Saint Domingue. Oge went to Paris to press mulatto claims for full civil and political rights. Content: The mulattos want to align themselves with white planters but white planters are resisting any coalition. Mulattos don't want slaves in power. Significance: Shows the complexity of the racial line. -From Constitution of the French Colony of Saint Domingue - -Context: 1801. In 1800, Napoleon proclaimed, under the new constitution, that henceforth the colonies would be governed by "particular laws" different from France. This alarmed free blacks of Saint-Domingue. In response, Louverture, appointed an assembly of mostly white planters to draw up a constitution for the colony.

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