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 SociologyEXAM > Kouros ✔✔Type of statue featuring life sized male nudes in a stance in which the left foot is placed in front of the right. Muses ✔✔Goddesses of inspiration for literature, art, and science. Doric order ✔✔The simplest of the classical Greek architectural styles, featuring unadorned columns with no base. Post and lintel ✔✔Classical Greek architectural design that features two upright posts supporting a crossbeam called a lintel. Frieze ✔✔A broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration, usually on a wall near the ceiling. Entablature ✔✔The horizontal layers of material of a building that are supported by columns or walls. Pediment ✔✔The triangular upper part of the front of a building in the classical style. Capital ✔✔The top part of a column between the shaft of the column and the entablature. Catharsis ✔✔The purging of a spectator's strong emotions through experiencing tragedy; one of Aristotle's concepts. Hubris ✔✔Greek word for excessive pride, presumption or arrogance (origi

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