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Search Results 'Micronutrients'

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 *NURSINGQUESTIONS & ANSWERS >  Define Phytochemicals, zoonutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients o Phytochemicals – health promoting compound in plant based food o Zoonutrients – Health promoting compound in animal based food o Micronutrients – Vitamins and minerals o Macronutrients – Proteins, lipids, fats, and water. Anything consumed in large quantity  Explain importance of dietary fiber o Helps with movement in digestive system  Explain the steps in the scientific method o Make an observation o Proposing a hypothesis  Predict the relationship between variables  Causual relationship  correlation o Experiment  Epidemiologic studies- no intervention  Correlation- determine if one variable is correlated to another  Intervention studies  Control group, Placebo, blinded studies, and random assignment  Review questions to ask to determine scientific basis of nutritional claim o Where was it published? o Who conducted the study? o Who paid for the research? o Did the researcher use the right study design? o Do public health organizations concur?  Define essential, nonessential and conditionally essential nutrients o Essential – Must be obtained through diet o Nonessential – body can produce o Conditional essential – circumstances such as because of an illness  Be able to complete calculations similar to the “practice with calculations worksheet” assignment. (You may bring a calculator to class for the exam as long as it is JUST a calculator. Tablets and smart phones are NOT allowed.)  APPLY your understanding of research studies including terminology Epidemiologic, Control, Blinded, Intervention, Random, and Placebo. o Epidemiologic Control – o Blinded – blinding the participants so they don’t know if they get the placebo or the actual treatment o Random- random assignment to an experimental group

 Define Phytochemicals, zoonutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients o Phytochemicals – health promoting compound in plant based food o Zoonutrients – Health promoting compound in animal based food o Micronutrients – Vitamins and minerals o Macronutrients – Proteins, lipids, fats, and water. Anything consumed in large quantity  Explain importance of dietary fiber o Helps with movement in digestive system  Explain the steps in the scientific method o Make an observation o Proposing a hypothesis  Predict the relationship between variables  Causual relationship  correlation o Experiment  Epidemiologic studies- no intervention  Correlation- determine if one variable is correlated to another  Intervention studies  Control group, Placebo, blinded studies, and random assignment  Review questions to ask to determine scientific basis of nutritional claim o Where was it published? o Who conducted the study? o Who paid for the research? o Did the researcher use the right study design? o Do public health organizations concur?  Define essential, nonessential and conditionally essential nutrients o Essential – Must be obtained through diet o Nonessential – body can produce o Conditional essential – circumstances such as because of an illness  Be able to complete calculations similar to the “practice with calculations worksheet” assignment. (You may bring a calculator to class for the exam as long as it is JUST a calculator. Tablets and smart phones are NOT allowed.)  APPLY your understanding of research studies including terminology Epidemiologic, Control, Blinded, Intervention, Random, and Placebo. o Epidemiologic Control – o Blinded – blinding the participants so they don’t know if they get the placebo or the actual treatment o Random- random assignment to an experimental group

All of the following are true about the nursing code of ethics except: Provides specific answers to many ethical dilemmas 2. The nurse is assigned to see a home-bound client on a daily basis to prep...

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