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Cartoon analysis, Evaluation essay, Application essay, Interview, Proposal letter, Media Analysis, Illustration essay & Application essay Question 1 2.00 points out of 2.00 Not flaggedFlag q uestion Q... uestion text How does Frankenstein learn about the death of his brother? Select one: a. A letter from Elizabeth. b. A funeral announcement in the paper. c. When he returns home during the funeral. d. A letter from his father. Question 2 2.00 points out of 2.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Frankenstein created the monster on a larger scale because the larger components were easier to work with, and he didn't have refined instruments. Select one: True False Question 3 2.00 points out of 2.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text After finishing work on his creature, Frankenstein spends the following year... Select one: a. living in fear of his creature, second guessing every encounter and shadow, refusing to socialize or write home. b. regaining his health and good spirits, spending a lot of time with Clerval studying languages and showing him around. c. trying to return to Geneva, but being prevented from doing so due to treacherous weather and sabotage from his creature. d. finishing his studies and writing long, detailed love letters to Elizabeth about his hopes for their future life together. Question 4 2.00 points out of 2.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text It was Frankenstein’s choice to go to school in Ingolstadt as he was excited about the professor’s there. Select one: True False Question 5 2.00 points out of 2.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Which of the following best describes Victor Frankestein's personality? Select one: a. He is focused and driven at whatever he dedicates himself to. b. He is kind and gentle, attentive to all. c. He is a quiet, introverted scholar, more interested in reading than in doing. d. He is athletic, fit, and energetic, except during brief, intense illnesses. Read each of the following passages, and then choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Short Story: Use Your Head Sally’s mother asked her to walk to the local shop and buy milk for her baby sister. “Take this money,” her mother said, handing Sally five dollars. “Be careful that you do not go into the road. No matter what, do not leave the sidewalk.“ “Okay!” Sally responded happily, glad to be able to help. Running down the sidewalk grasping the money, Sally saw a shadowy elephant figure laid out across the narrow pathway ahead of her. A large oak tree branch had fallen and blocked the entire sidewalk. It was much too big for a small girl like Sally to move, and she remembered that she could not go into the street under any circumstances, so walking around it was out of the question. Going over the branch would be impossible, too, for it was too unsteady. Sally thought of her little sister who needed milk. She felt like crying. Instead of crying, Sally started thinking. She walked bravely up to the large limb and broke a small branch off. Then, she had an idea. The young girl broke another branch and tossed it away. She broke branch after branch off. After 10 minutes, Sally had broken that large tree limb into numerous small pieces, all easily manageable for a young, smart girl like herself. Soon, Sally had cleared the entire tree limb off the sidewalk and proceeded on her way. When Sally returned home with the milk for her sister, her mother asked her what had taken her so long. Sally explained how a limb had fallen and blocked the sidewalk. “How did you ever get it out of the way, Sally? Did someone come along and help you?” “No,” Sally responded. “I helped myself.” “How could you have moved that large tree limb all by yourself, Sally?” her mother wondered. “I moved it,” Sally answered, “by using my mind.” Then, she explained to her mother what had happened. Relieved that Sally was not hurt, and proud of her initiative, the mother poured a tall glass of milk, placed two fresh chocolate chip cookies on a plate, and handed them to Sally. They looked at each other and smiled big, knowing grins. Poem: Ode to My Beagle My beagle is a golden ring That shows pure love He is a song that I sing And heard above. By day my beagle loves to play Like a dandelion in the wind Rolling, lolling in the hay, Oh he makes me laugh and grin! When the daily egg-yolk sun Slips, slides, slithers slowly down I whistle up my beagle one And drive us quickly in to town. Man and bud a film to see; We stand with quite a crowd But horror! A note from God bespeaks me: NO DOGS ALLOWED! The dark dooming clouds form Above our tousled heads A despondent dreary storm Calls forth our lingering dread. My thoughts cry, “What a nice place!” My voice silenced, sad, I dare not speak Until a slow smile sneaks across my face As my beagle licks my tear-stained cheek. We cruise and sing and yowl and bay Heading to safety, heading to home. Celebrating togetherness, a happy day, My beagle, my friend, and me alone. Man’s best friend My Beagle is, And I like to think I am his. Question 1 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text The story “Use Your Head” could be an allegory for: Select one: a. The best way to approach problems or obstacles in life that impede our goals b. How God tests us by purposefully obstructing our path and testing our intelligence c. How little girls can be smart when it comes to finding trees in their way d. The worst way to make use of your time while trying to achieve goals Question 2 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text If Sally disobeyed her mom’s orders and tried to go around the tree into the street and she got injured doing so, how would this change the moral of the story? Select one: a. The moral would be the same. b. The moral would even better emphasis the lesson on how to be smart. c. The moral would become more about following instructions or listening to our elders d. The moral would instead focus on Sally’s sister and how much she needs milk Question 3 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text It doesn’t really matter that Sally is going to get milk. Any item that is needed by her sister and then given as a reward would work in place of milk without changing the moral of the story. Select one: True False Question 4 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text The following is also a good example of: The dark dooming clouds form Above our tousled heads A despondent dreary storm Select one: a. Metaphor b. Similie c. Imagery d. Irony Question 5 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text The following passage contains a symbol of ____________. The dark dooming clouds form Above our tousled heads A despondent dreary storm Calls forth our lingering dread. Select one: a. Cheer b. Misfortune c. Luck d. Death Question 6 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text The story “Use Your Head” uses both figurative and literal language. Select one: True False Question 7 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text In place of the word “elephant,” the narrator could have described the shape in the road as a ________ and gotten the same general impression: Select one: a. branch b. mouse c. gorilla d. dog Question 8 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Calling the shape in the road an “elephant” helps the reader... Select one: a. understand the moral of the story b. appreciate elephants and their relationship to trees c. understand just how big the branch is compared to Sally d. appreciate Sally’s unique goals Question 9 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text In the following passage, who does “my friend” refer to?: Celebrating togetherness, a happy day My beagle, my friend, and me alone Select one: a. the happy day b. another person celebrating with them c. the beagle d. the speaker Question 10 3.00 points out of 3.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Similes and metaphors both make comparisons. Select one: True False Question 1 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text When the creature discovers that taking part of the DeLacy’s food store causes them suffering, he… Select one: a. takes more, his selfishness and cruelty an innate part of his nature. b. begins to hunt rabbits, squirrels, and other small creatures, and leaves his left overs on their doorstep. c. no longer takes from them, instead living off of berries, roots, and nuts he finds nearby. d. abstains as much as possible, going many days without food and succumbing to hunger and taking more only when he feels he cannot go on another hour. Question 2 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Choose a dictionary, either one in print or one online, and consult it to match each of the following terms to its definition. Creation Answer 1 Monster Answer 2 Demon Answer 3 Question 3 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The De Lacey family is so horrified by their interaction with the creature, they leave their cabin even at the loss of three months rent. Select one: True False Question 4 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What book did Felix use to help teach Safie? Select one: a. Paradise Lost b. The Sorrows of Young Werther c. Ruins of Empires d. The Tragicall History of Dr. Faustus Question 5 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Victor Frankenstein contemplates committing suicide by drowning himself in the lake, but he does not because…. Select one: a. he knows he cannot face death until the creature has been put to rest by his hand. b. the creature appears and convinces him all can be set right if they work together to repair their misdeeds. c. he realizes his death would leave those he loved exposed and unprotected from the malice of the creature. d. after throwing himself into the lake, he finds himself too cowardly to remain under water and finish the task. Match each character with his obsession. Victor Frankenstein Answer 1 Robert Walton Answer 2 The Creature Answer 3 Question 2 In 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is the reason Victor gives his father for wanting to travel the British Isles? Select one: a. He needs to talk with other scientists to create his monster's mate. b. He is afraid to marry Elizabeth and wants some space. c. He wishes to travel and see the world before settling down in his hometown. d. He has a girlfriend he met at the university who lives in Scotland. Question 3 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Match the character with his flaws: Creature Answer 1 Victor Frankenstein Answer 2 Robert Walton Answer 3 Question 4 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Frankenstein destroys the female creature ultimately because... Select one: a. she tries to kill him seconds after she has come to life. b. after she lays eyes upon his first creature she screams and is taken by disgust, refusing to go near him. c. e realizes that while his creature has made the promise to avoid man, the female creature has not, and could dislike the arrangements made before her creation and have her own personality and drive. d. he reflect on how women in his society are kept at home because they are too emotional and cannot be trusted; thus a female creature would without doubt be more cruel and murderous than the male. Question 5 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Victor is sent to prison for the murder of Henry with the sentence to be hanged. Select one: True False Match the character with his flaws: Creature Answer 1 Victor Frankenstein Answer 2 Robert Walton Answer 3 Question 2 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Victor Frankenstein never considers making a female creature. Select one: True False Question 3 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text While Victor is searching the premises for the creature on his wedding night, the creature murders Elizabeth in the bedroom. Select one: True False Question 4 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Walton finds a northern trade route to the Americas. Select one: True False Question 5 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Victor is shown the body of Henry because….: Select one: a. no one else knows him, so since Victor is not from those shores, they hope he may recognize the dead man. b. they suspect Victor is the murderer and want to see his reaction to the body to better judge their suspicions. c. Victor has been identified as the friend of Henry and they wish him to perform funeral arrangements. d. because several witnesses swear they saw Victor strangling Henry in a small boat late the night before If you fully support a topic, your evaluation does not need to address the opposition or include counterarguments. Select one: True False Question 2 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Skimming, reviewing and organizing, and noting the audience are all strategies that help you... Select one: a. determine the purpose. b. write your conclusion. c. determine how the elements work. d. evaluate the thesis. Question 3 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What do you need to know before you can evaluate something? Select one: a. The item's net value based on current market conditions b. Other evaluations that the item has received c. The purpose of the item d. The general popularity or acceptance of an item Question 4 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is NOT an example of an evaluation? Select one: a. An analysis or assessment of something b. A comparative assessment of two things c. An analysis of two sides of a particular issue d. A comparative description of two things Question 5 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What are the parts of an evaluative essay? Select one: a. Introduction, précis, analysis, and evaluation b. Introduction, exactly three body paragraphs, and a conclusion c. Précis, analysis, evaluation, and conclusion d. Introduction, précis, comparison, and evaluation Question 6 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text It is okay to use quotations to substitute your own ideas. Select one: True False Question 7 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which is an example of a qualified general statement? Select one: a. All women like diamonds; never buy anything else. b. Diamonds and chocolate are always great gifts. c. Never send cheap chocolate; nobody eats it. d. If your friend loves dark chocolate, you could always send a small box of specialty truffles as a gift. It's sure to be appreciated. Question 8 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text This is an example of a "begging the question" fallacy: Why do I send my son to private school? He goes to a private math-intensive school. Select one: True False Question 9 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of a straw man fallacy? Select one: a. I heard Katie is a shoplifter, so her opinions on where the vending machines should go, doesn’t matter. b. Everyone who doesn’t want the vending machines near the study area believes that students shouldn’t be happy while they study. c. Either we put the vending machines near the study area, or we just don’t get vending machines. d. Vending machines at school are like sharks at a beach. It’s just dangerous. Question 10 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of a non-sequitor? Select one: a. Look! It's raining! We should buy a kite. b. My cousin bought a Stremeline, so we should buy one, too. c. Going to school is like taking a shower; everyone should do it. d. Why do I like the show Numb3ers? Why shouldn't I? The most obvious connection between Frankenstein and Prometheus is that they both form a living being out of nonliving material. Select one: True False Question 2 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Frankenstein defied the natural order of God by creating life; Prometheus defied the gods by sharing fire. Select one: True False Question 3 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Both Frankenstein and Prometheus physically suffered for their deeds. Select one: True False Question 4 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What concept from the Paradise Lost text does the creature directly note? Select one: a. Eve tempts Adam to eat the fruit, and they are punished. b. Raphael chases Adam and Eve from Eden with a flaming sword. c. An Angelic war tears apart Heaven and Earth. d. Wherever Lucifer travels, Hell follows him. Question 5 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Prometheus’ fire of the gods is like the spark of life Frankenstein gives his creation. Select one: True False It was Frankenstein’s choice to go to school in Ingolstadt as he was excited about the professor’s there. Select one: True False Question 2 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Frankenstein is the name the creature takes for itself to reflect its monstrosity. Select one: True False Question 3 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text What does Frankenstein do when he first sees that his creation is alive? Select one: a. He yells "Eureka!" and celebrates. b. He runs away and goes to sleep. c. He introduces himself and begins to work with the creature. d. Nothing--he is too surprised to move. Question 4 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Which of the following best describes the Frankenstein family? Select one: a. They were wealthy and aloof, setting themselves above the common man. b. They were wealthy but generous, helping those less fortunate. c. They were a cold, unfeeling family. d. Victor never knew his real family. The Frankensteins took him in as a young boy. Question 5 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Match each of the names below with the description. Victor Frankenstein Answer 1 Robert Walton Answer 2 William Frankenstein Answer 3 Elizabeth Lavenza Answer 4 Justine Moritz Answer 5 The Creature Answer 6 Mary Shelley Answer 7 Question 6 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Victor Frankenstein considers himself the true murderer of William. Select one: True False Question 7 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text When the creature and De Lacey first meet, they get along well. Select one: True False Question 8 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Felix and De Lacey formally tutored the creature. Select one: True False Question 9 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text What book did Felix use to help teach Safie? Select one: a. Paradise Lost b. The Sorrows of Young Werther c. Ruins of Empires d. The Tragicall History of Dr. Faustus Question 10 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Many of the events in this section take place outdoors in the wilderness or in rustic settings. What could this kind of setting symbolize? Select one: a. Nothing: things had to happen somewhere. b. This setting was just a chance for Shelley to practice her descriptive writing by describing nature. c. This setting shows man's dominance over nature because Frankenstein immediately develops plans for building and taming the area. d. This setting shows an innocent, uncorrupted area, a lot like the creature was at first. Question 11 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Frankenstein destroys the female creature ultimately because... Select one: a. she tries to kill him seconds after she has come to life. b. after she lays eyes upon his first creature she screams and is taken by disgust, refusing to go near him. c. e realizes that while his creature has made the promise to avoid man, the female creature has not, and could dislike the arrangements made before her creation and have her own personality and drive. d. he reflect on how women in his society are kept at home because they are too emotional and cannot be trusted; thus a female creature would without doubt be more cruel and murderous than the male. Question 12 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Both Robert Walton and the creature long for a companion that understands them. Select one: True False Question 13 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Victor is sent to prison for the murder of Henry with the sentence to be hanged. Select one: True False Question 14 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Henry Clerval insists on joining Frankenstein on his travels. Why does Shelley include him? Select one: a. He provides comic relief. b. He is a link to Frankenstein's past life, a symbol of what he left behind. c. For the irony of including Frankenstein's rival and enemy. d. To make the setting more believable. Question 15 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text While Victor is searching the premises for the creature on his wedding night, the creature murders Elizabeth in the bedroom. Select one: True False Question 16 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text What concept from the Paradise Lost text does the creature directly note? Select one: a. Eve tempts Adam to eat the fruit, and they are punished. b. Raphael chases Adam and Eve from Eden with a flaming sword. c. An Angelic war tears apart Heaven and Earth. d. Wherever Lucifer travels, Hell follows him. Question 17 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Both Frankenstein and Prometheus physically suffered for their deeds. Select one: True False Question 18 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text The creature exhibits easy comparisons to Satan, Adam, and God in Paradise Lost. Select one: True False Question 19 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text Prometheus’ fire of the gods is like the spark of life Frankenstein gives his creation. Select one: True False Question 20 7.50 points out of 7.50 Flag question Question text The most obvious connection between Frankenstein and Prometheus is that they both form a living being out of nonliving material. Select one: True False Your thesis statement must do more than simply state a fact. It must make a claim which can be disagreed with. Select one: True False Question 2 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text If a reader is focusing on plot, which of the following questions can be asked? Select one: a. Who are the characters, and what are they like? b. Does the author use symbols? c. Where and when does the story take place? d. What events happen? Question 3 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Using what you know about thesis statements, which of the following is the best thesis statement if the writer wants to focus on the plot and structure? Select one: a. The bright, warm sunshine shone down upon the two characters, representing a happy period in their relationship. b. Adams uses personification in her story to encourage readers to develop emotional attachments to inanimate objects in the story. c. This story, written in first person point of view, has the narrator as the main character. d. Rather than tell the story in a chronological order, the author relies on the narrator's memory to let us know the events through the use of diary entries. Question 4 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text When selecting support for your essay, you should ask yourself which of the following two questions? Select one: a. How does this prove my thesis statement? Where does this fit in my outline? b. Do I like this information? Is this information relevant to something that happens in the story? c. Does this information make me sound smart? Where does it fit in my outline? d. Is this information on the same topic as my thesis statement? How does it prove my thesis statement? Question 5 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text In the fable "The Boy and the Filberts," we learn, through the actions of a boy, that we should not attempt doing too much at once. In this fable, the boy tries grabbing as many filberts from the jar as he can. What do the filberts symbolize? Select one: a. Hazlenuts b. Good things in life c. Tasks d. Family Information Flag question Information text Read the passage below, and then choose the best answer to each of the following questions. How to Ice a Vampire (and live to tell the tale!) (1) First, you need to cool the vampire cookies. No one likes cold icing on a warm vampire, as it will run. There are so many cookie recipes that it’s difficult to name a favorite, but basic sugar cookie dough works just fine for this trick. Most people have dough recipes handed down from generation to generation, but if you’re just starting from scratch, you might want to look around online for a sugar cookie recipe. Many people review online recipes, so you should end up with great vampire cookies. If you’re really worried or desperate, you could even buy a tube of pre-made cookie dough, but it won’t be the same. (2) Once the vampire cookies are cool to the touch, it’s time to start the icing. To make the icing, you will need: 4 cups of confectioners’ sugar, ½ cup softened butter, 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, 1/3 cup of milk, and 3 drops of any food coloring. Grab bowls to hold each different color you create. My favorite coloring is to combine a little blue and red to make a soft purple for the vampire’s base; that seems like a great color to ice a vampire since many vampires are often pictured as corpsely pale. I usually make yellow and red icing, too. Yellow works well for vampiric teeth, and red makes great gobs of blood from its victims. You might also include a dark brown icing for a hair-raising experience. (3) Now that you have everything ready, it’s time to mix the ingredients together. In a large bowl, cream the butter, and then take turns adding the sugar and milk. Use enough milk so that the icing is semi-thin but not too watery; it’s a delicate balance, so pay careful attention to the mixture. You want icing that your vampires will be proud of! Once you have the right consistency, mix in the vanilla. Finally, divide the icing into several bowls and tint each a different color with the food dyes you’ve chosen. (4) Icing a vampire has been a tradition in my household for many years. Since this is something that not many people do in preparation for Halloween, we always enjoy watching the puzzled or shocked looks on people’s faces when we say that we are going home to “ice a vampire.” In just a few simple steps, you, too, can ice a vampire and trick all those that you meet! (5) Icing a vampire properly takes a steady hand and a creative mind. The base icing can be simply spread on the cookie with a knife, so start by giving your cookies their basic “skin” coating. Next, add the vampires’ features, which will take a little imagination. Just like humans, every vampire is different and should be represented as such on the cookies. Some vampires might have furrowed eyebrows while others appear to be friendly—before chomping on a victim, of course! Some might have their fangs hanging in broad daylight while others hide them behind closed lips. The faces on your vampire cookies are only limited to your imagination and your skill with the icing. Use a toothpick or craft stick to scoop and place icing where you want it. These may seem like strange utensils, but their small size will help you manipulate the frosting better. If you like, you can use candy or decorating sprinkles to create facial features, too. Keep making faces until all cookies are iced. (6) When all the vampires are iced, take a step back and look at your creations, your iced vampires. Seeing all your hard work in the forms of these iced vampires should make you smile, and just think: you can bite them before they bite you. Invite some people over for a Halloween party, and just to make sure that the gang of iced vampires doesn’t crash it, devour their leader with a cool glass of milk before anyone arrives. Question 6 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Which paragraph works best as the conclusion paragraph? Select one: a. Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 3 c. Paragraph 6 is the best as is d. Paragraph 4 Question 7 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the thesis statement of the essay? Select one: a. Seeing all your hard work in the forms of these iced vampires should make you smile, and just think: you can bite them before they bite you. b. If you’re really worried or desperate, you could even buy a tube of pre-made cookie dough, but it won’t be the same. c. In just a few simple steps, you, too, can ice a vampire and trick all those that you meet! d. No one likes cold icing on a warm vampire, as it will run. Question 8 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Which details would you use to support a topic sentence like this one? To make baking flow more smoothly, gather the equipment you need before you start. Select one: a. Details about the process of gathering baking supplies b. Details about the utensils, bowls, and measuring gear you'll need c. Details about the process of washing dishes d. All answers above are Question 9 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Content and organization should be revised before you start to check spelling and grammar. Select one: True False Question 10 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text While editing, you should ensure that your details help prove your thesis in some way. Select one: True False Question 11 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Use your editing skills to pick the best sentence: Select one: a. Mixing icing is sometimes stucky. b. If you use a spatula you can get every last bit of icing out of the bowl. c. If your icing is too hard, you can add a little water to the mix. d. Just be careful adding too much water can make the icing running no one like runny icing. Question 12 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Use your proofreading skills to determine which section of the following sentence has an error: I like to name my cookies before I eat them; I always name the first one vlad. Select one: a. Before I eat them b. them; I always name c. the first one vlad d. name my cookies Question 13 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text Which part of the following sentence has an error? When you are mixing all the in greedy ants together, be careful to measure carefully. Select one: a. together, be careful b. When you are c. all the in greedy ants d. measure carefully. Question 14 2.67 points out of 2.67 Flag question Question text The writer uses quotes ly in the following example: Grandma said my vampire looked like “a melted frog.” Select one: True False Question 15 2.62 points out of 2.62 Flag question Question text The writer uses quotes ly in the following example. These cookies are the absolute best Omar said. Select one: True False What does DANVRS stand for? Select one: a. Due Diligence Assessment Normality Veracity Relationship Summary b. Don’t Ask Questions Awesome Personality Negative Feedback Verification Reaching Sample Groups c. Due Diligence Appropriate Questions Narrative Script Verification Relationship Summarize d. Due Dates Appropriate Responses Narrative Language Veracity Relationship Support Question 2 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text When researching before an interview, you'll need to learn about the topic and the interviewee. Select one: True False Question 3 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following should you do as part of Due Diligence? Select one: a. Research the person and the topic. b. Research a counter-position so you can argue with the interviewee. c. Be alert and aware to catch the speaker in a lie or half-truth. d. Take notes diligently, ensuring that all grammar and mechanics are . Question 4 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following are examples of open-ended questions? Choose all that apply. Select one or more: a. Why do you prefer cats to ferrets? b. Is Spot your favorite horse? c. Did you ever wish you had studied something different? d. What are some other topics you would like to have studied? e. How can married couples use the information in your article? f. Are you sure you did all the research you needed to do? Question 5 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text While the interview may be very long, when you use it as a source in your research essay, you may need only a few sentences or at most a few short summaries for a longer essay. Select one: True False Question 6 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text It is acceptable–sometimes even necessary–to go off the script from time to time. Select one: True False Question 7 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text The transcript should be a direct copy of your notes. Do not change anything that the speaker says; all quotes must be exactly as the interviewee spoke them. Select one: True False Question 8 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text During an interview, your subject mentions the benefits of animal-based research in medicine. You are firmly against such research and cannot understand how the subject can support it! In the interview, you should: Select one: a. Simply thank the interviewee for her time and leave. DO NOT remain in an interview that you disagree with. b. Take advantage of the opportunity to thoroughly explain your views. Perhaps you can convince the interviewee that she's wrong. c. Stay calm and ask your subject how she would respond to protesters who say that animal-based research is unnecessary. Give her a chance to explain her views, and respectfully listen to them. d. Any of the above. Since there are not any guidelines to dealing with the opposite point of view in an interview, you'll have to do what you think is best! Question 9 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following would help foster a good first impression with your interviewee? Select one: a. Sticking to your narrative script no matter what is said. This shows you have good focus. b. Keeping a serious face and tone and avoiding small talk. c. Dressing in a business casual outfit or jeans with a nice shirt. d. giving them a lecture on your research before you begin Question 10 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following would likely come from a summary? Select one: a. What is the importance of having a food bank in the valley? "Approximately 20% of our area's population visits the food bank regularly. In other words, that means about 1,000 people visit the food bank every day. People have a place to turn without having to worry about how food will reach the table, and providing this service to the community is something that I am truly proud of." b. How can people help the food bank? "We are constantly in need of volunteers--while many people do take the time to volunteer, we are still in need of assistance. If you're willing to give of your time, please contact the food bank at 55-FOOD-BANK. Another thing that people can do is donate--drop by and donate canned goods or other non-perishables, or you can send a monetary donation to 555 Food Bank Road, Somecity. We are always very appreciative for such a great community that consistently supports us." c. Jacqueline Riechards, Director of Somecity's Food Bank, has coordinated this food bank for twenty years. Beginning as a volunteer when she was a teenager, Jacqueline saw that providing food to those in need was very rewarding. Which of the following sentences would most likely contribute to "rising action?" Select one: a. The lead actor dies. b. Snow falls gently on the mountains. c. A compromise is reached by the two dueling countries. d. In search of the serial killer, the FBI agents run through the woods, following bloodhounds that are hot on the trail. Question 2 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is NOT a good analysis thesis? Select one: a. Given the depth of character and extended ending, the book All’s Well that Ends Well is superior to the movie. b. The special effects in Harry Potter help to transport viewers to the magical land of Wizards. The best examples of this are the magical creatures, the Quidditch match, and ailments the characters experience. c. While often overlooked, the sound effects in Catch Me If You Can really help bring the scenes to life. The film makes excellent use of background sound, ambiance, and amplified small sounds. d. Frozen is the best movie I have ever seen because I love the characters, the story, and the music. Question 3 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text The difference between a Media Analysis and a Summary is: Select one: a. Nothing. They are the same thing. b. Summary focuses on character specifically, while Analysis focuses on acting specifically. c. A summary just gives a shortened version of the plot without much opinion, but an analysis chooses one element of the piece and explains how it works to improve, classify, or deepen the experience. d. A summary is a collection of all elements used in the pieces, and an analysis looks at only at identifying genre. Question 4 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Good acting can most help the ______ of a movie. Select one: a. Plot development b. Special effects c. Irony d. Setting Question 5 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Almost every sound that you hear, with the exception of the actors' voices, is an effect added after the film or television show has been shot. Select one: True False Question 6 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Special effects can add _______ to the movie. Select one: a. Excitement b. Calm c. Symbolism d. Resolution Question 7 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Special effects would most likely be used with what genre of movie that is not animated? Select one: a. Comedy b. Documentary c. Romance d. Action Question 8 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following best describes a fact-based movie about someone's life or a significant event? Select one: a. Romance b. Comedy c. Science-fiction d. Documentary Question 9 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text When the dictator invites a subordinate into his office, and the dictator places a loaded pistol on his desk, what is one purpose of that action? Select one: a. Offer a symbol of the dictator's power b. Display fine weaponry c. Add to the setting d. Create a special effect Question 10 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Thinking about your own life can help you spot symbols in films. Select one: True False Which of the following is an example of an illustrative statement that describes a step in a process? Select one: a. When serving in racquetball, stand at a ninety-degree angle to the wall so that your left hip (if you are right handed) or your right hip (if you are left handed) is pointed directly to the wall. b. While racquetball is similar to tennis in that players use a racquet and a ball, the two sports require players to use different strokes. c. Racquetball is an exciting, fast-paced game that requires great athleticism and intelligence to outsmart your opponent. d. To successfully outsmart your opponent in racquetball, there are several steps to follow. Question 2 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of an illustrative thesis statement that presents a definition? Select one: a. We need more good marriages so that children have strong role models as they mature. b. A good marriage is defined by trust and communication between the partners. c. While it's easy for the bride and the groom to wish for a good marriage, it's not easily accomplished. d. With work, a good marriage can be achieved by all couples. Question 3 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of an illustrative and descriptive statement? Select one: a. The low growling sound echoed throughout the abandoned warehouse. b. Abandoned warehouses are frightening places. c. Since abandoned warehouses are so dangerous, do not visit one. d. The first step in entering an abandoned warehouse is to check for any creatures that may be hiding. Question 4 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of an illustrative thesis statement: Select one: a. The book Ready Player One is better than the movie. b. The details, extra challenges, and character commitment found in the book Ready Player One make it far more enjoyable than the movie. c. The intricate details from 80’s culture to how the hap suit feels to wear, the surprise battles and side adventures, and the months of isolation and sacrifice made by Parzival in the real world are all elements that bring the book Ready Player One to a higher level than the movie. d. The blue skin and wavy white hair of Parzival was quite different than the character in the book who valued his plain, everyday face. Question 5 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text The following illustrations prove the general statement. General Statement: While many musicians do not appreciate having stage fright, there are some helpful cures that other musicians have developed. Illustrations: One of the important things to remember is that you are performing--not practicing. When performing, you already have developed your technique and skill in practice sessions. Knowing that you have already mastered the technique and skill should help you to relax. Select one: True False Question 6 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text The benefit of illustrative thesis statements are two-fold; first, they allow you to develop a structural framework for your essay, and they let your readers know what to expect from your essay. Select one: True False Question 7 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Illustrative techniques can only be used in literary critiques, descriptive writing, and definition essays. Select one: True False Question 8 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Illustrative techniques are useful in both introductions and conclusions. Select one: True False Question 9 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Detailed illustrations should be included in your outline, as it helps you write the first draft of your essay more easily. Select one: True False Question 10 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text You don’t have to use illustration in all parts of your essay, but it’s a strong tool to help show your point to your readers Select one: True False Read the following classification essay, written by Gracie, and answer each of the questions that follow. Let it Snow As someone who has lived on the outer edge of the Lake Erie’s snowbelt for all of my life, snow is something that I frequently experience. It always amazes me when people get excited about the snow because for me, it’s commonplace. Having snowball fights and building snowmen is fun, but the right type of snow is necessary in order to build a snowman or have a snowball stay together. People can create the best snowballs, snowmen, or other snow creations when there is wet snow; there are two other types of snow, too, the medium-wet snow and the dry snow. Wet snow is the best snow for packing. This type of snow often occurs when cold air flows over a warm body of water, such as Lake Erie. Because it does travel over the lake and pick up its moisture, the snow itself is extremely moist. At times, it almost feels as if I am holding ice because the snow often maintains its same shape when taken off the ground; in other words, if I grab a hunk of snow in the shape of a rectangle, it will remain as a rectangle even in my hand. Still, the benefit of having this type of snow is that I can pick the snow up and mold it however I want. For instance, I can not only create a snowball, but I can place that snowball on the ground and roll it to create an even bigger snowball until it is large enough for the snowman’s base. Once a snow creature is built, it’s also possible to sculpt and mold this snow. Adding extra snow is easy, as the new snow sticks to your creation because of its moisture. Dry snow is the opposite of wet snow; this type of snow, commonly referred to as powder, has little to no moisture in it. Much like if you cupped your hand and placed sugar in it, letting it fall to a bowl beneath, powdered snow will quickly fall from your hands when you try to pack it together. Therefore, this type of snow does not lend itself to building any form of snow creations. While it doesn't work for building snow creations, ski resorts commonly use it as a top layer of snow, even if it is manufactured, because it is less likely than wet snow to turn into ice and is very light. Skiers are able to quickly turn, something that would be extremely difficult if they were skiing within very wet snow. Medium-wet snow does have some moisture, so it is possible, albeit more difficult than wet snow, to build snowmen and snowballs with medium-wet snow. Depending on its level of moisture, it will pack, but you might have to try packing it a few times, and some snow might fall off the creation. Because it has some moisture, medium-wet snow is a little heavier than powder but less heavy than wet snow. While driving in the snow is often difficult and downright dangerous, having the opportunities to have snowball fights and build snow creatures makes up for it. However, it’s important to remember that not every kind of snow will give you opportunities to have that snowball fight or build that snow creature you’ve been dreaming about. If you want to do these things, wish for wet snow! Question 1 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following would serve as a stronger thesis statement for Gracie's essay to allow her to keep all the content that she wrote in this draft? Select one: a. If planning to ski, you need to know which types of snows are dangerous (wet and medium-wet) and which is the best, dry snow. b. When I classify the types of snow for people, I tell them that, with no uncertain terms, there is wet snow, medium-wet snow, and dry snow. c. There are three types of snow: wet snow, dry snow, and medium-wet snow. d. When thinking about snow, there are some types of snow, such as wet snow and medium-wet snow, that work better for molding different snowballs and snow creatures, but dry snow is a skier's snow heaven. Question 2 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Based on the descriptions of wet snow, dry snow, and medium-wet snow, Gracie used this characteristic to classify the types of snow: Select one: a. Coloration b. Size and shape c. Moisture levels d. Method of formation Question 3 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text In order to have the organization of Gracie's essay match the organizational framework in her current thesis statement, Gracie would need to arrange her ideas in the following manner: Select one: a. She would not need to rearrange her paragraphs; the organizational structure is fine as is. b. Body Paragraph #1: dry snow Body Paragraph #2: wet snow Body Paragraph #3: medium-wet snow c. Body Paragraph #1: wet snow Body Paragraph #2: medium-wet snow Body Paragraph #3: dry snow d. Body Paragraph #1: wet snow Body Paragraph #2: dry snow Body Paragraph #3: medium-wet snow Question 4 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text How could Gracie improve her thesis statement? Select one: a. Add a personal backstory about snow b. Nothing, it is perfect the way it is c. Rearrange the types of snow so they match the order they’re discussed in the essay d. Remove the comments about snow sculptures as these are unneeded Question 5 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Something missing from the conclusion is a summary of the types of snow. Select one: True False Question 6 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text One problem with this sentence is that it addresses a counter argument inappropriate to the argument of the essay: While driving in the snow is often difficult and downright dangerous, having the opportunity to have snowball fights and build snow creatures makes up for it. Select one: True False Question 7 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text When Gracie compares dry snow to sugar, this is an example of… Select one: a. using an illustration b. a smilie c. an illustration and a simile d. a metaphor Question 8 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Gracie's essay switches points of view. Select one: True False Question 9 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Why does Gracie make the comparison between dry snow and sugar in this sentence? Much like if you cupped your hand and placed sugar in it, letting it fall to a bowl beneath, powdered snow will quickly fall from your hands when you try to pack it together. Select one: a. Gracie knows that most people are familiar with sugar. b. Gracie wants to show the consistency of dry snow because not everyone is familiar with it. c. Gracie wants to add a metaphor to her writing. d. More than one of the above options are . Question 10 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which word is the best replacement for "things" with in the following sentence so the meaning is clear? If you want to do these things, wish for wet snow! Select one: a. Activities b. Endeavors c. Items d. Abilities [Show More]

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