*NURSING > TEST BANK > NCSBN TEST BANK – for the NCLEX-RN & NCLEX-PN TEST BANK, ANSWERED With Lengthy Rationales 2022. (All)

NCSBN TEST BANK – for the NCLEX-RN & NCLEX-PN TEST BANK, ANSWERED With Lengthy Rationales 2022.

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Assistive devices are used when a caregiver is required to lift more than 35 lbs/15.9 kg true or false True During any patient transferring task, if any caregiver is required to lift a patient who w... eighs more than 35 lbs/15.9 kg, then the patient should be considered fully dependent, and assistive devices should be used for transfer If a draining wound test positive for MRSA, the patient is placed on contact precautions True or False True Patients with abscess or draining wounds who tests positive for MRSA are placed on contact precautions Hands can be cleaned with alcohol-based hand rub after caring for a patient with C. diff True or False False Alcohol does not kill C diff spores and soap and water should be used for hand hygiene as recommended by CDC Disaster triage differs from route emergency department triage True or False True Disaster triage categories range from most urgent (first priority), urgent, nonurgent (the walking wounded), and dead/catastrophic/coma. Newborns are fitted with tamperproof security sensors during their stay at the hospital True or False True Wearing a tamper proof safety device reduces the risk of abduction. The sensor shows the location of the infant and the security system can activate other devices (such as cameras, door locks, public address systems, sirens, and other alarms) in the event of an attempted abduction Restraints can be ordered prn by health care providers True or False False HCP are required to specify duration and circumstances for which restraints are required and for how they should be used. Nurses and HCPs must frequently monitor patients to reassess for the continued need for restraints. Sensor pads may be used on beds of individuals who are a fall risk True or False True Bed alarms and sensor pads can be used to alert caregivers when a patient is attempting to get up from a bed or chair, especially for a patient that is at risk for a fall. This is an effective alternative to the use of restraintts The 3 elements of radiation protection are time, duration, and shielding True or False True The farther away people are from a radiation source, the less their exposure; as a rule, if you double the distance, you reduce the exposure by a factor of four. The amount of radiation exposure typically increases with the time people spend near the source of radiation You should quickly remove contaminated clothing by pulling it over your head True or False False Contaminated clothing should never be removed quickly, but it should be cut off instead of pulled over your head. place contaminated clothing inside a plastic bag, seal the bag, and then place inside another plastic bag Standard precautions also include respiratory/cough etiquette True or False True Standard precautions are used to reduce the risk of transmission of bloodborne and other pathogens from both recognized and unrecognized sources. Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette is now considered part of standard precautions The nurse is making patient room assignments. In order to minimize the risk of a hospital acquired infection, which of these children would be the most appropriate roommate for a 3- year-old child diagnosed with minimal change disease a. 3 year old with fracture, with a sibling that has Fifth disease b. 2 year old diagnosed with respiratory infection c. 6 year old with sickle cell disease experiencing vaso-occlusive crisis d. 4 year old with bilateral inguinal hernia repair d. 4 year old with bilateral inguinal hernia repair Minimal change disease is a kidney disorder that can lead to nephrotic syndrome. Corticosteroids can cure the disease in most children, but cytotoxic therapy and other drugs may be needed, but this treatment can reduce the child's ability to fight infection. The charge nurse must select a roommate who does not have an infection, which is the child child who had surgery. The sickle cell crisis may have triggered an infection. The child's sibling who has a viral disease has the potential to develop an infection. The nurse is setting up a patient's dinner tray. When the nurse turns her back to the patient, the patient grabs the nurse's buttocks and states that he is hungry for much more than dinner. Which of the following response by the nurse is indicated? a. ignore the behavior b. call the HCP c. quickly leave the room and ask UAP to assist the patient d. complete an incident reportd. complete an incident report To keep the therapeutic relationship intact, a nurse needs to set limits on appropriate behavior and not ignore bad behavior. Sexual harassment is a form of violence and is never part of the job. The nurse should report the incident to her supervisor and complete an incident report. The nurse has the right to ask not to be assigned to this patient. The paramedics are transporting a poisoning victim to the local hospital. In which of these cases does the nurse anticipate that hyperbaric O2 therapy will be used? a. 6yo found sitting on bathroom floor beside an empty bottle of diazepam b. 21 yo with suspected ethanol intoxication c. 35 yo found unconscious with suspected CO poisoning 2 yo who ate an undetermined amount of crystal drain cleaner c. 35 yo found unconscious with suspected CO poisoning CO poisoning is the leading cause of poisoning in the US. It causes severe hypoxia which is why treatment includes high-dose oxygen. In severe poisoning, hyperbaric O2 therapy may be used. Treatment for: -crystal drain cleaner and diazepam may include gastric lavage and/or activated charcoal -alcohol intoxication may include gastric lavage, IV fluids, and supportive care A neonate is having difficulty maintaining a temperature above 98F and is placed in an infant warming system. Which of the following actions will ensure the safety of the neonate? a. monitor temperature continuously b. avoid touching neonate with cold hands c. warm all medications and liquids before administration d. wrap the neonate snugly in a cotton blanket a. monitor temperature continuously When using the warming device, the neonate's temperature should be continuously monitored using a probe that securely attached to the skin. Monitoring the neonate's temperature is the priority safety concern because the skin burns, permanent brain damage or even death can result due to improper use or monitoring of equipment. No clothing or swaddling is needed in the IWS; usually babies are dressed only in a diaper (although bubble wrap blankets or plastic wrap blankets can be used to minimize heat loss in high risk newborns). For healthy term newborns, nurses should warm their hands and stethoscopes prior to contact with the baby. A nurse is conducting a community-wide seminar on childhood safety issues. Which of these children is at the highest risk for poisoning a. 20 month old who has just learned to climb the stairs b. 10 yo who occassionally stays at home unattended c. 15 yo who likes to repair bicycles d. 9 month old who stays with a sitter 5 days a weeka. 20 month old who has just learned to climb the stairs Toddlers, aged 1-3 years, are at highest risk for poisoning because they are increasingly mobile, need to explore and engage in autonomous behavior A nurse is performing well-child assessments at a day care center when a staff member interrupts the exam for assistance with another child. The nurse finds a 3 yo child on the floor with bleeding gums and 2 unlabeled open bottles nearby. What should the nurses first action be? a. call poison control and then 911 b. administer syrup of Ipecac to induce vomiting c. ask the staff member about the contents of the bottles d. give the child milk to coat the stomach c. ask the staff member about the contents of the bottles The nurse needs to asses the situation and determine what the child ingested. Once the substance is identified, the poison control center and the emergency medical services should be called. The nurse administer a new medication to the patient. Which of the following actions best demonstrates an awareness of safe and proficient nursing practice? a. verify order prior to administration. ask for patient name b. verify patient's allergies on chart and name on door, ask date of birth c. ask name and allergies, then check wristband and allergy band d. ask name then check wristband c. ask name and allergies, then check wristband and allergy band A dual check is always done for the patient's name. This would involve verbal and visual checks. Because this is a new medication an allergy check is appropriate. The other option have parts that might be correct actions. However, to be the correct answer all the parts of an option need to be correct. The nurse is caring for a patient who is not oriented to time, place, or person and has repeatedly attempted to pull out IV line and a feeding tube. The nurse receives an order from HCP to apply a vest and soft wrist restraints. Which of the following actions by nurse are appropriate? Select all that apply a. release the restraints and provide care Q4 b. call HCP for new order Q48 c. document which alternative interventions were used or attempted d. tie restraints using quick release knots e. explain the rationale for restraints to patient f. conduct a thorough assessment of the patient c. document which alternative interventions were used or attempted d. tie restraints using quick release knots e. explain the rationale for restraints to patient f. conduct a thorough assessment of the patient Prior to applying restraints, the nurse must first conduct a thorough assessment of the patient and document the behavior and/or events leading up to the use of the restraints. The nurse should also document which alternatives to restraints were tried and the patient's response to those measures. Even though the patient is confused, nurse must still explain the reason for applying the restraints. A physician's order is renewed daily. Many policies state that the patient in restraints must be assessed hourly, care is given and documented at least every 2 hours. A patient diagnosed with gastroenteritis, caused by a salmonella infection. Which of these actions is the primary nursing intervention designed to limit the transmission of salmonella? a. hand hygiene before and after patient contact b. decontaminate with alcohol-based skin disinfectant c. wear 2 pairs of gloves when changing contaminated linens d. isolate the patient in a single room without a roommate a. hand hygiene before and after patient contact Salmonella is a bacteria and of the causes for gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is characterized by acute onset of nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and/or diarrhea. The CDC recommends using standard precautions for this illness, which is the why the primary nursing intervention is thorough handwashing before and after contact with patient using soap and water. Skin disinfectants can reduce the number of bacteria on the hands but cannot replace the importance of washing with soap and water. Contact isolation is not needed. Symptomatic patients can be cohorted. Double-gloving can be effective in surgery, but it is probably not needed when changing contaminated linens. The medication benztropine mesylate is ordered, but the nurse incorrectly administers carvedilol. What are the most important actions the nurse should take after making this medication error? Select all that apply a. document administration of carvedilol b. monitor and document the patient's BP c. notify HCP d. notify patient e. notify nurse manager a. document administration of carvedilol b. monitor and document the patient's BP c. notify HCP e. notify nurse manager When the nurse makes a medication error, the patient's safety and well-being are the top priority. The nurse will document giving the beta blocker carvedilol and as well as any effects the medication has on the patient. The HCP must be notified; the nurse will document that the provider was called and that orders were implemented. The nurse manager must be notified. Once the patient is stable, the nurse will complete an incident/variance/quality assurance report within 24 hours of the incident. The initial disclosure of the medication error with the patient should occur as soon as reasonably possible after the event, usually 1-2 days after the event. After an explosion at a factory, one of the employees approaches the nurse and says, "I am a CNA at the local hospital." Which of these tasks would be appropriate for nurse to assign to this worker who is assisting in the care of the injured. a. take temp b. palpitate pulses c. measure BP d. check alertness b. palpitate pulses The heart rate and regularity would indicate if the patient is in shock or has the potential for shock. If pulses cannot be easily palpitated or are irregular, those patients would be seen first and further assessment by the nurse could be done (including measuring BP). Taking the temperature is not a priority at this time Which situation requires hand washing? Select all that apply a. after cleaning a wound b. after contact with inanimate objects in the immediate vicinity of a patient c. prior to eating d. before having direct contact with a patient e. after making a chart entry a. after cleaning a wound b. after contact with inanimate objects in the immediate vicinity of a patient c. prior to eating d. before having direct contact with a patient Handwashing is still the simplest and most effective strategy to prevent the spread of infection. It is necessary to wash one's hands to protect oneself prior to eating, after removing gloves following any patient procedure, and even after having contact with intact ski or objects in the patient's room. However, it is not necessary to wash hands after handling every chart (although using an alcohol-based hand rub would be advisable). The nurse is offering safety instructions to a parent with a 4-month old infant and a 4 yo child. Which statement by the parent indicates a correct understanding of the appropriate precautions to take with the children. a. "I have the 4 yo hold and help feed the 4 month old a bottle with me." b. "I place my infant in the middle of the living room floor on a blanket to play with my 4yo while I make supper in the kitchen." c. My sleeping baby lies so cute in the crib with the little buttocks stuck up in the air while the 4 yo naps on the sofa." d. "I strap the infant car seat on the front seat to face backwards." a. "I have the 4 yo hold and help feed the 4 month old a bottle with me." The infant seat should be placed on the rear seat. Small children and infants should not be left unsupervised. Infants are to be placed on their backs when they are sleeping or lying in a crib. A 4 yo could assist with the care of an infant, such as feeding with proper direct supervision. A patient is admitted to an impatient crisis unit with the diagnosis of acute mania and has been placed in seclusion. The nurse is assigned to observe the patient at all times. It is now time for the patient's dinner. What action should the nurse take next? a. Serve dinner in the seclusion room maintaining close observation. b. Obtain a contract for safe behavior before accompanying the patient to the dining room c. Accompany the patient to the dining room and maintain observation d. Hold the meal until after the seclusion order is discontinued. a. Serve dinner in the seclusion room maintaining close observation. Seclusion is ordered by the physician and requires continuous observation, unless the order is discontinued or amended. It is incorrect to amend the seclusion or mealtime. Meals can be eaten in the seclusion room with the nurse continuing 1:1 observation. Meals should be offered on time and should not be withheld. Contracts for safe behavior are meaningless in the presence of psychotic behavior - mania The hospital sounded the call for disaster drill on the evening shift. Which of these patients would the nurse put first on the list for discharge in order to make room for new admissions? a. A middle-aged patient with 7-year history of being ventilator dependent and who was admitted with bacterial pneumonia 5 days ago. b. An older adult with a history of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and lupus, and who was admitted with Steven Johnson syndrome that morning c. A young adult with DM2 for more than 10 years and was admitted with antibiotic induced diarrhea d. An adolescent with a positive HIV test and was admitted with cellulitis of the lower leg 48 hours ago. a. A middle-aged patient with 7-year history of being ventilator dependent and who was admitted with bacterial pneumonia 5 days ago. The best candidate for discharge is one who has a chronic condition and has an established plan of care. The patient who has been on a ventilator for years is most likely stable and could continue medication therapy at home. The other patients have a risk for instability or are unstable. The school nurse is providing information for teachers at a school where 10 yo child with epilepsy attends. What is the most important action a teacher can take when the child experiences a tonic-clonic seizure in th......................................................................................... [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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