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GCE Latin H443/01: Unseen translation Advanced GCE Mark Scheme for Autumn 2021. Rated A+. Download To Score A+

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Answer Mark Guidance 1 (i) postero die, ubi celeriora consilia magis placuere ducibus, Etrusci armati in aciem procedunt. On the next day, when swifter plans pleased the leaders more, the Etrusca... ns went forward armed to the battle line. 5 in aciem: ‘against the battle line’ – minor error Etrusci armati: allow ‘the Etruscan armed men’ 1 (ii) quod postquam consuli nuntiatum est, iubet ut prandeant milites firmatisque cibo viribus arma capiant. dicto paretur. When this was announced to the consul, he ordered that the soldiers should eat breakfast and, with strength bolstered by food, take up arms. His order was obeyed. 5 dicto paretur: allow ‘his words were obeyed’ (vel sim.) 1 (iii) consul ubi suos paratos vidit signa extra vallum proferri iussit et haud procul hoste instruxit aciem. When the consul saw that his men were ready he ordered the standards to be carried forward outside the rampart and drew up the battle line not far from the enemy. 5 vallum = ‘camp’ – minor error 1 (iv) aliquamdiu intenti utrimque steterunt exspectantes ut pugna inciperet, et prius sol meridie se inclinavit quam telum hinc aut illinc emissum est. For a while both sides stood still intently, waiting for battle to begin, and the sun sank from mid-day before a weapon was thrown from this side or that. 5 meridie: allow ‘at mid-day’. prius ...: ‘before the sun declined’ – major error 1 (v) inde, ne infecta re abiretur, clamor ab Etruscis oritur et signa inferuntur. nec segnius a Romanis pugna initur. Then, so that they didn’t go away with the battle unfinished, a shout rose from the Etruscans and the standards were carried forward. Battle was entered no less slowly by the Romans. 5 signa inferuntur: allow ‘they attacked’ pugna initur: ‘battle was begun’ – allow nec segnius: ‘no less promptly’ – major errorH443/01 Mark Scheme October 2021 6 1 (vi) concurrunt infensis animis; numero hostis, virtute Romanus superat; anceps proelium multos absumit. They met with hostile minds; the enemy were superior in number, the Romans in courage; the uncertain battle took away many. 5 absumit: ‘used up’ – minor error 1 (vii) ubi tamen secunda acies Romana ad primam, integri fessis, successerunt, Etrusci circa signa omnes ceciderunt. When finally a second Roman battle line went to help the first, fresh men for tired men, the Etruscans all fell around their standards. 5 ceciderunt: ‘they killed the Etruscans’ – major error (cado not caedo) 1 (viii) nullo umquam proelio fugae minus nec plus caedis fuisset, nisi Etruscos nox texisset, In no battle would there ever have been less flight or more slaughter if night had not covered the Etruscans ... 5 proelio: ‘war’ – major error. 1 (ix) ita ut victores antequam victi pugnandi finem facerent. post occasum solis ab utroque in castra reditum est. in such a way that the victors made an end to the fighting before the defeated. After sunset both sides returned to camp. 5 1 (x) ex hostium exercitu prima tota acies deleta fuerat; apud Romanos tantum vulnerum fuit ut plures post proelium decesserint quam ceciderant in acie. From the army of the enemy the whole first line had been destroyed; on the Roman side there were so many wounds that more died after the battle than fell in the battle line. 5 exercitu: major error if omitted apud Romanos: ‘the Romans were so wounded’ – single major error (too loose a translation) ceciderant: ‘had died’ – accept in acie: ‘in battle’ – allow [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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