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NREMT Simulation Exam, EMT Questions and Answers

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The parasympathetic nervous system would be responsible for? - ANSWER Intestinal activity and slowing down the heart What is the body's basic source of energy? - ANSWER Glucose is the basic source ... of energy that sugars are converted to for energy in the body. You and your partner Stewart arrive on scene to find a woman who has suffered a blunt trauma to her spine that has resulted in her apparent paralysis as well as a state of shock. What type of shock is she likely suffering from? - ANSWER Neurogenic shock can be seen in spinal cord injuries A 2-year-old has one full leg burned and one full arm burned. What percentage of their body is considered burned? - ANSWER 22.5 percent You are dispatched to a possible cardiac arrest. You arrive 10 minutes from the time of the call. You and your partner enter the residence to find a man in his 50's lying supine on the living room floor. His wife says that he "just collapsed" while eating dinner. Which of the following treatment choices is most appropriate at this time according to AHA Guidelines? - ANSWER Perform 30 compressions and then look inside the mouth before attempting to ventilate History and assessment findings for hyperglycemia/diabetic ketoacidosis may include all of the following except: - ANSWER Hunger Your unit is called to a youth summer camp for an unknown illness of a 14-year-old girl. The counselor who called 911 stated that the girl started vomiting while playing basketball and is now complaining of stomach pain. You arrive to find the girl sitting in the camp office clutching her stomach. She is very overweight and slightly diaphoretic with pink skin that feels like a normal temperature. When you take her pulse she starts complaining of "feeling weak". She is AOX3. What is most likely wrong with this girl and which answer contains the most appropriate treatment? - ANSWER She is suffering from heat cramps and should be given small sips of cool water if her LOC is not impaired. Move her to a cool area and actively cool her by misting her with tepid water and then fanning her to allow for evaporation. Apply high flow O2, administer IV fluids if scope of practice allows, and transport. Your patient is a 46 year male with Type 1 diabetes. His girlfriend called 911 after she came home late from work and found him curled up on the floor of the bathroom with a towel under his head. There is no visible sign of trauma. He will not respond to you and his respirations are adequate depth and rate at 16 per minute. The girlfriend tells you that she just spoke to him on the phone a few hours ago and he seemed fine. What is the most likely cause of the this man's altered LOC - ANSWER He took his insulin, but has not eaten. He is hypoglycemic. The integumentary system: - ANSWER Helps regulate body temperature as well as providing the body protection from the environment What is the first part of the patient assessment process? - ANSWER Scene size up At the ER a physician approaches you with an MRI of your patient's spine. The spinal cord appears to be about 25 mm in diameter. You know this is strange because the diameter of an average normal spinal cord is approximately? - ANSWER The average normal spinal cord is approximately 10 mm in diameter. In the management of a seizure patient, attention should be focused on all of the following except: - ANSWER CPR The autonomic nervous system is _____________. - ANSWER A subdivision of the peripheral nervous system Injuries to hollow organs that go undiagnosed for an extended period of time may lead to wound infection or ____________________. The contents of the organ spilling into the peritoneal space may cause__________________. - ANSWER Sepsis / peritonitis You and your partner Max are called to a house where a 72 year old man is having chest pain and complaining of trouble breathing. The man is diaphoretic and has a pulse of 107, respirations of 24, and a BP of 160/84. He says he has never had any heart problems or breathing difficulty before this. What should you do next? - ANSWER Put him on O2 at 15 lpm and transport While walking into a grocery store you notice a young mother violently shaking her 14-month-old child and telling it, "Shut up!" If you were to respond to her residence later in the day and find the child unresponsive, what possible injuries could you expect to find? - ANSWER Acceleration-deceleration injuries to the cervical spine A fracture to the forearm Hemorrhaging of the retina During anaphylactic shock, the patient's BP is likely to ________. - ANSWER Decrease You arrive on scene with your partner Ruben to a multiple car accident where you are the 3rd ambulance to arrive on the scene. You are told that there are 6 patients in 4 cars all requiring extrication. In the first car is a 21 year old woman who is 37 weeks pregnant, conscious, and crying - a 16 year old boy who is crying and complaining of back pain - and a 6 year old girl who has abrasions on her face and an open fracture of the ulna. She is conscious but her breathing is shallow and appears labored. In the second car is a 67 year old woman who is pinned against the steering wheel with visible brain matter. She has no pulse. In the third car are 2 teenagers who are complaining of neck pain and appear to have an altered LOC. Neither was wearing a seatbelt and both have lacerations about their faces and on their heads. Who should be receiving treatment first? - ANSWER The 6 year old girl You are assessing a 6 month old infant girl and become concerned when you discover her respiratory rate. Which of the following rates would give you this concern? - ANSWER : 60 breaths/min You and your partner Grimes are called to the scene of a stabbing. There are two patients reported. A woman with a stab wound to the URQ and a man with a stab wound to the LRQ. The woman with the wound in the URQ is having problems breathing, has a pulse of 103, respirations of 35, and they are shallow. The patient with the stab wound to the LRQ is complaining of severe abdominal pain and has a pulse of 48 and a respiration rate of 24. Which patient is most likely to have a low blood pressure? Why? - ANSWER The man, because of the nature and location of the injury, he may be losing blood internally. His pulse is too slow as well Which method of penetrating injury would be considered low energy? - ANSWER An ice pick stab You arrive on scene with your partner Abe to find a 64 year old woman who is very obese. Her son tells you she has a heart condition. She is unconscious with a baggie of what appears to be street drugs next to her. She is breathing at 18 breaths a minute and they are regular. Her pulse is 99 and her BP is 90/50. What is likely the cause for the low blood pressure? - ANSWER The drugs You and your partner Chin have been called to an apartment complex on the wrong side of the tracks. The reporting party said her husband was not acting normally and has been complaining of chest pain for a week. She said he would not go to the hospital even after repeated requests from her to do so. You enter the dark apartment to find a man in his 70's lying back in a recliner. He has a GCS of 7 and is breathing shallow at 26 breaths per minute. You cannot find a pulse. What would be the best course of action? - ANSWER : Secure his airway and begin assisting ventilations What would you do if a newborn infant has a heart rate lower than 100 beats a minute? - ANSWER Ventilate at 40-60 breaths a minute Which type of poison is likely to cause a scene to be hazardous? - ANSWER Inhaled OPA's and NPA's can become ineffective at maintaining the airway if you don't? - ANSWER Keep the head in the proper position Your patient is an unresponsive 44 year old female who has a pulse but is not breathing. How should you proceed with CPR - ANSWER 2 quick rescue breaths and then provide 10-12 breaths per minute What is one of the complications with using cricoid pressure? - ANSWER Can obstruct the airway if done improperly You are setting up the landing zone for a helicopter transport of a critical MVA patient. Which of the following would be considered acceptable methods of marking the boundaries of this zone? - ANSWER 4 vehicles with their lights pointed inward Pertinent negatives are often used when documenting patient conditions on a PCR. Which of the following is a pertinent negative for a patient experiencing an MI? - ANSWER Patient denies chest pain In the elderly population, many AMIs do not present with the symptoms that are normally associated with AMIs. This is referred to as? - ANSWER Silent heart attack People who have unequal pupils ? - ANSWER May be normal You come upon a victim of asphyxial cardiac arrest. Which of the following is the correct order of action? - ANSWER Do CPR for 5 cycles or approximately 2 minutes and then activate the emergency response system and retrieve the AED A woman who has had 3 other children is in active labor. She tells you that she is having severe lower back pain. The most likely cause is..? - ANSWER The fetus is presenting posteriorly and is putting pressure on her spine . Assessment findings and symptoms for a patient that has taken a hallucinogen include all of the following except: - ANSWER Miosis You arrive on scene to find a male patient alone and suffering from Aphasia. Blood pressure is 110/70, respirations are 18, and pulse is 82. SpO2 sat is 98%. Getting a history from this patient will be difficult because? - ANSWER They cannot understand or produce speech The most important treatment when caring for a patient with an irritant gas exposure is? - ANSWER Ventilation Which of the following is an appropriate situation in which to use an emergency move? - ANSWER The patient is in danger of fire When there is potential for violence When a non-critical patient is blocking access to a critical patient A 6 year old girl was found outside in her yard unconscious. She is breathing 6 breaths a minute and her pulse is 58 bpm with poor systematic perfusion. What should you do? - ANSWER Initiate chest compressions and assist ventilations with high flow O2 . With regard to SAMPLE history: Seeing the fractured end of a bone sticking through the skin relates to which letter of the mnemonic? - ANSWER s You and your partner Monroe arrive on scene to a house fire that has just been put out. You are treating a female patient with a full thickness burn to her leg. Which of the burn zones is the one most likely to recover? - ANSWER Zone of hyperemia Under which emergency situation is it permissible to insert a gloved hand into a patient's vagina? - ANSWER Prolapsed cord Cyanosis can often ____________. - ANSWER Occur with hypoxia Management of hypoglycemia may include aspects of all the following except: - ANSWER Pulse oximetry You and your partner Paulina are called to the scene of a stabbing. There are two patients reported. A woman with a stab wound to the URQ and a man with a stab wound to the LRQ. The woman with the wound in the URQ is having problems breathing and has a pulse of 103, respirations of 35, and they are shallow. The patient with the stab wound to the LRQ is complaining of severe abdominal pain and has a pulse of 60 and a respiration rate of 24. Which patient probably has a pneumothorax? Why? - ANSWER The woman, because the injury is a penetrating wound to the lung area You are standing by at a local sporting event when a mother rushes up to you with a 3 year old boy in her arms. " He was playing with my car keys and then just started gagging and coughing!", she tells you in a panic. The child is having difficulty breathing and crying along with audible inspiratory stridor. What should you do? - ANSWER Give blow by oxygen and carefully monitor during transport. Give blow by oxygen and carefully monitor during transport. - ANSWER Give blow by oxygen and carefully monitor during transport. You are assessing a patient who is complaining of severe chest pain. They are sweating and their BP is 96/55. You have their medications with you and they include a prescription for nitroglycerin. You contact medical control and they order you to give the patient 1 nitro tablet sublingually. What would you do? - ANSWER : Repeat the blood pressure and ask again what they would like you to do All of the following are signs of an adequate airway except: - ANSWER The patient is fully conscious. . An EMT would use the AVPU scale to evaluate_____________________ and an EMT would use the GCS scale in order to see_________________________________. - ANSWER What stimulus it takes to get a reaction / what response is given for each different stimulus The fundamental pathophysiology of the immune systems response to allergens include all of the following except: - ANSWER Envenomation The fundamental pathophysiology of the immune systems response to allergens include all of the following - ANSWER Vasodilation Bronchoconstriction Increased capillary permeability When a patient's body temperature drops below ______, he or she will stop shivering. This is a sign of _________________. - ANSWER 90 degrees / severe hypothermia Most violent injuries to EMT's occur? - ANSWER When a patient has a sudden behavioral change When log rolling a patient onto a backboard you should always? - ANSWER Examine the posterior quickly The correct dosage for nitroglycerine is one tablet repeated how many times? - ANSWER Repeat two more times and if pain is not yet relieved, request ALS and transport patient. You have been dispatched to an 81 year old female complaining of difficulty breathing and chest pain. You are auscultating her lungs and discover rales. Which of the following conditions would you suspect? - ANSWER Failure of the left ventricle A bullet traveling through the body causes tissue destruction through outward forces called? - ANSWER Cavitation Which statement best describes the function of platelets in the body? - ANSWER They are the main factor in forming blood clots The integumentary system refers to what? - ANSWER To the skin, nails, hair, and sweat glands Your patient is a 5 year old boy who has fallen off a bunk bed and struck his face on the lower railing. His mentation seems impaired and you are concerned he has a head injury. He is very afraid of you and he begins crying every time you attempt to administer O2. Which of the following answers contains the most appropriate action? - ANSWER Let the parent hold the oxygen tubing next to the child's face during transport. Why would inserting a suction catheter into the mouth with the suction active be incorrect? - ANSWER It depletes the patient's oxygen supply Approximately how much blood can an adult lose and still not be harmed? - ANSWER 500 mL If your unit is responsible for backcountry or steep terrain rescues, what special training should you have? - ANSWER Belaying The anatomical planes of the human body are all of the following except: - ANSWER Dorsal plane You arrive on scene with your partner Leonard to the report of a child appearing lethargic. Upon entering the house, you see a 9-year-old girl lying on the couch. Her father says she has been breathing strangely and began vomiting about 45 minutes ago. During your assessment, you determine she needs to be transported to the ER immediately. Which of the following sets of vitals would lead you to believe this girl is in need of immediate transport? - ANSWER BP 100/58, respirations of 14 per minute and a pulse of 130 You and your partner Juan arrive on scene to a possible drowning. Coming through the back gate of the house you see two men doing CPR on a child of 8 or 9 years of age. When you begin CPR, what rate and depth of compressions will you use? - ANSWER 15:2 / one third the diameter of the chest Who decides what the minimum data set is for a PCR? - ANSWER National Education Standards lists the minimum data set for PCRs Which of the following lowers blood sugar levels? - ANSWER Insulin Defibrillation is used to _____________. - ANSWER Terminate life threatening rhythm disturbances You and your partner Jake arrive on scene of a soccer game where a man has possibly dislocated his knee. When you make patient contact there is obvious displacement of the lower leg and he has no distal pulses. What should you do? - ANSWER Call medical control immediately for stabilization instructions [Show More]

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