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Mental Health final Regular Exam latest update,already graded A.

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Mental Health final Regular Exam Chapter 01. The Concept of Stress Adaptation 1. A client has experienced the death of a close family member and at the same time becomes unemployed. This situatio... n has resulted in a 6-month score of 110 on the Recent Life Changes Questionnaire. How should the nurse evaluate this client data? A. The client is experiencing severe distress and is at risk for physical and psychological illness. B. A score of 110 on the Miller and Rahe Recent Life Changes Questionnaire indicates no significant threat of stress-related illness. C. Susceptibility to stress-related physical or psychological illness cannot be estimated without knowledge of coping resources and available supports. D. The client may view these losses as challenges and perceive them as opportunities. 2. A physically and emotionally healthy client has just been fired. During a routine office visit he states to a nurse: Perhaps this was the best thing to happen. Maybe Ill look into pursuing an art degree. How should the nurse characterize the clients appraisal of the job loss stressor? A. Irrelevant B. Harm/loss C. Threatening D. Challenging 3. Which client statement should alert a nurse that a client may be responding maladaptively to stress? A. Ive found that avoiding contact with others helps me cope. B. I really enjoy journaling; its my private time. C. I signed up for a yoga class this week. D. I made an appointment to meet with a therapist. 4. A nursing student finds that she comes down with a sinus infection toward the end of every semester. When this occurs, which stage of stress is the student most likely experiencing? A. Alarm reaction stage B. Stage of resistance C. Stage of exhaustion D. Fight-or-flight stage 5. A school nurse is assessing a female high school student who is overly concerned about her appearance. The clients mother states, Thats not something to be stressed about! Which is the most appropriate nursing response? A. Teenagers! They dont know a thing about real stress. B. Stress occurs only when there is a loss. C. When you are in poor physical condition, you cant experience psychological well-being. D. Stress can be psychological. A threat to self-esteem may result in high stress levels. 6. A bright student confides in the school nurse about conflicts related to attending college or working to add needed financial support to the family. Which coping strategy is most appropriate for the nurse to recommend to the student at this time? A. Meditation B. Problem-solving training C. Relaxation D. Journaling 7. An unemployed college graduate is experiencing severe anxiety over not finding a teaching position and has difficulty with independent problem-solving. During a routine physical examination, the graduate confides in the clinic nurse. Which is the most appropriate nursing intervention? A. Encourage the student to use the alternative coping mechanism of relaxation exercises. B. Complete the problem-solving process for the client. C. Work through the problem-solving process with the client. D. Encourage the client to keep a journal. 8. A school nurse is assessing a distraught female high school student who is overly concerned because her parents cant afford horseback riding lessons. How should the nurse interpret the students reaction to her perceived problem? A. The problem is endangering her well-being. B. The problem is personally relevant to her. C. The problem is based on immaturity. D. The problem is exceeding her capacity to cope. 9. Meditation has been shown to be an effective stress management technique. When meditation is effective, what should a nurse expect to assess? A. An achieved state of relaxation B. An achieved insight into ones feelings C. A demonstration of appropriate role behaviors D. An enhanced ability to problem-solve 10. A distraught, single, first-time mother cries and asks a nurse, How can I go to work if I cant afford childcare? What is the nurses initial action in assisting the client with the problem-solving process? A. Determine the risks and benefits for each alternative. B. Formulate goals for resolution of the problem. C. Evaluate the outcome of the implemented alternative. D. Assess the facts of the situation. 11. A nursing instructor is asking students about diseases of adaptation and when they are likely to occur. Which student response indicates that learning has occurred? A. When an individual has limited experience dealing with stress B. When an individual inherits maladaptive genes C. When an individual experiences existing conditions that exacerbate stress D. When an individuals physiological and psychological resources have become depleted 12. When an individuals stress response is sustained over a long period of time, which physiological effect of the endocrine system should a nurse anticipate? A. Decreased resistance to disease B. Increased libido C. Decreased blood pressure D. Increased inflammatory response 13. Which symptom should a nurse identify as typical of the fight-or-flight response? A. Pupil constriction B. Increased heart rate C. Increased salivation D. Increased peristalsis 14. A nurse is evaluating a clients response to stress. What would indicate to the nurse that the client is experiencing a secondary appraisal of the stressful event? A. When the individual judges the event to be benign B. When the individual judges the event to be irrelevant C. When the individual judges the resources and skills needed to deal with the event D. When the individual judges the event to be pleasurable 15. Research undertaken by Miller and Rahe in 1997 demonstrated a correlation between the effects of life change and illness. This research led to the development of the Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (RLCQ). Which principle most limits the effectiveness of this tool? A. Specific illnesses are not identified. B. The numerical values associated with specific life events are randomly assigned C. Stress is viewed as only a physiological response. D. Personal perception of the event is excluded. 16. A client who experiences stress on a regular basis asks a nurse what causes these feelings. Which is the most appropriate nursing response? A. Genetics have nothing to do with your temperament. B. How you reacted to past experiences influences how you feel now. C. If youre in good physical health, your stress level will be low. D. Stress can always be avoided if appropriate coping mechanisms are employed. 17. A nurse is interviewing a distressed client, who relates being fired after 15 years of loyal employment. Which of the following questions would best assist the nurse to determine the clients appraisal of the situation? Select all that apply. A. What resources have you used previously in stressful situations? B. Have you ever experienced a similar stressful situation? C. Who do you think is to blame for this situation? D. Why do you think you were fired from your job? E. What skills do you possess that might lead to gainful employment? 18. A nurse is working with a client who has recently been under a great deal of stress. Which nursing recommendations would be most helpful when assisting the client in coping with stress? Select all that apply. A. Enjoy a pet. B. Spend time with a loved one. C. Listen to music. D. Focus on the stressors. E. Journal your feelings. 19. A nurse is conducting education on anxiety and stress management. Which of the following should be identified as the most important initial step in learning how to manage anxiety? A. Diagnostic blood tests B. Awareness of factors creating stress C. Relaxation exercises D. Identifying support systems 20. A patient presents in the Emergency Department immediately following a shooting incident in a school where she has been teaching. There is no evidence of physical injury, but she appears very hyperactive and talkative. Which of these symptoms manifested by the patient are common initial biological responses to stress? Select all that apply. A. Constricted pupils B. Watery eyes C. Unusual food cravings D. Increased heart rate E. Increased respirations Chapter 02. Mental Health/Mental Illness: Historical and Theoretical Concepts 1. A nurse is assessing a client who is experiencing occasional feelings of sadness because of the recent death of a beloved pet. The clients appetite, sleep patterns, and daily routine have not changed. How should the nurse interpret the clients behaviors? A. The clients behaviors demonstrate mental illness in the form of depression. B. The clients behaviors are extensive, which indicates the presence of mental illness. C. The clients behaviors are not congruent with cultural norms. D. The clients behaviors demonstrate no functional impairment, indicating no mental illness. 2. At what point should the nurse determine that a client is at risk for developing a mental disorder? A. When thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are not reflective of the DSM-5 criteria B. When maladaptive responses to stress are coupled with interference in daily functioning C. When the client communicates significant distress D. When the client uses defense mechanisms as ego protection 3. A nurse is assessing 15-year-old identical twins who respond very differently to stress. One twin becomes anxious and irritable, while the other withdraws and cries. How should the nurse explain these different responses to stress to the parents? A. Reactions to stress are relative rather than absolute; individual responses to stress vary. B. It is abnormal for identical twins to react differently to similar stressors. C. Identical twins should share the same temperament and respond similarly to stress. D. Environmental influences weigh more heavily than genetic influences on reactions to stress. 4. A client has a history of excessive drinking, which has led to multiple arrests for driving under the influence (DUI). The client states, I work hard to provide for my family. I dont see why I cant drink to relax. The nurse recognizes the use of which defense mechanism? A. Projection B. Rationalization C. Regression D. Sublimation 5. Which client should the nurse anticipate to be most receptive to psychiatric treatment? A. A Jewish, female journalist B. A Baptist, homeless male C. A Catholic, black male D. A Protestant, Swedish business executive 6. A new psychiatric nurse states, This clients use of defense mechanisms should be eliminated. Which is a correct evaluation of this nurses statement? A. Defense mechanisms can be self-protective responses to stress and need not be eliminated. B. Defense mechanisms are a maladaptive attempt of the ego to manage anxiety and should always be eliminated. C. Defense mechanisms, used by individuals with weak ego integrity, should be discouraged and not eliminated. D. Defense mechanisms cause disintegration of the ego and should be fostered and encouraged. 7. During an intake assessment, a nurse asks both physiological and psychosocial questions. The client angrily responds, Im here for my heart, not my head problems. Which is the nurses best response? A. Its just a routine part of our assessment. All clients are asked these same questions. B. Why are you concerned about these types of questions? C. Psychological factors, like excessive stress, have been found to affect medical conditions. D. We can skip these questions, if you like. It isnt imperative that we complete this section. 8. Which statement reflects a student nurses accurate understanding of the concepts of mental health and mental illness? A. The concepts are rigid and religiously based. B. The concepts are multidimensional and culturally defined. C. The concepts are universal and unchanging. D. The concepts are unidimensional and fixed. 9. A mental health technician asks the nurse, How do psychiatrists determine which diagnosis to give a patient? Which of these responses by the nurse would be most accurate? A. Psychiatrists use pre-established criteria from the APAs Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). B. Hospital policy dictates how psychiatrists diagnose mental disorders. C. Psychiatrists assess the patient and identify diagnoses based on the patients unhealthy responses and contributing factors. D. The American Medical Association identifies 10 diagnostic labels that psychiatrists can choose from. 10. The nurse is preparing to provide medication instruction for a patient. Which of the following understandings about anxiety will be essential to effective instruction? A. Learning is best when anxiety is moderate to severe. B. Learning is enhanced when anxiety is mild. C. Panic level anxiety helps the nurse teach better. D. Severe anxiety is characterized by intense concentration and enhances the attention span. 11. Which of the following are identified as psychoneurotic responses to severe anxiety as they appear in the DSM-5? A. Somatic symptom disorders B. Grief responses C. Psychosis D. Bipolar disorder Somatic symptom disorder is characterized by preoccupation with physical symptoms for which there is no demonstrable organic pathology. One of the diagnostic criteria is a high level of anxiety about health concerns or illness. 12. An employee uses the defense mechanism of displacement when the boss openly disagrees with suggestions. What behavior would be expected from this employee? A. The employee assertively confronts the boss B. The employee leaves the staff meeting to work out in the gym C. The employee criticizes a coworker D. The employee takes the boss out to lunch 13. A teenage boy is attracted to a female teacher. Without objective evidence, a school nurse overhears the boy state, I know she wants me. This statement reflects which defense mechanism? A. Displacement B. Projection C. Rationalization D. Sublimation 14. A fourth-grade boy teases and makes jokes about a cute girl in his class. This behavior should be identified by a nurse as indicative of which defense mechanism? A. Displacement B. Projection C. Reaction formation D. Sublimation 15. Which nursing statement about the concept of neuroses is most accurate? A. An individual experiencing neurosis is unaware that he or she is experiencing distress. B. An individual experiencing neurosis feels helpless to change his or her situation. C. An individual experiencing neurosis is aware of psychological causes of his or her behavior. D. An individual experiencing neurosis has a loss of contact with reality. 16. Which nursing statement about the concept of psychoses is most accurate? A. Individuals experiencing psychoses are aware that their behaviors are maladaptive. B. Individuals experiencing psychoses experience little distress. C. Individuals experiencing psychoses are aware of experiencing psychological problems. D. Individuals experiencing psychoses are based in reality. 17. When under stress, a client routinely uses an excessive amount of alcohol. Finding her drunk, her husband yells at her about the chronic alcohol abuse. Which reaction should the nurse recognize as the use of the defense mechanism of denial? A. Hiding liquor bottles in a closet B. Yelling at their son for slouching in his chair C. Burning dinner on purpose D. Saying to the spouse, I dont drink too much! 18. Devastated by a divorce from an abusive husband, a wife completes grief counseling. Which statement by the wife should indicate to a nurse that the client is in the acceptance stage of grief? A. If only we could have tried again, things might have worked out. B. I am so mad that the children and I had to put up with him as long as we did. C. Yes, it was a difficult relationship, but I think I have learned from the experience. D. I still dont have any appetite and continue to lose weight. 19. A nurse is performing a mental health assessment on an adult client. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, which client action would demonstrate the highest achievement in terms of mental health? A. Maintaining a long-term, faithful, intimate relationship B. Achieving a sense of self-confidence C. Possessing a feeling of self-fulfillment and realizing full potential D. Developing a sense of purpose and the ability to direct activities 20. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, which situation on an inpatient psychiatric unit would require priority intervention by a nurse? A. A client rudely complaining about limited visiting hours B. A client exhibiting aggressive behavior toward another client C. A client stating that no one cares D. A client verbalizing feelings of failure 21. Which is an example of the ego defense mechanism of regression? A. A mother blames the teacher for her childs failure in school. B. A teenager becomes hysterical after seeing a friend killed in a car accident. C. A woman wants to marry a man exactly like her beloved father. D. An adult throws a temper tantrum when he does not get his own way. 22. Which is the most significant consequence of the excessive use of defense mechanisms? A. The superego will be suppressed. B. Emotions will be experienced intensely. C. Learning and the ability to grow will be enhanced. D. Problem-solving will be limited. 23. A husband accuses his wife of infidelity. Which situation would indicate to the nurse the husbands use of the ego defense mechanism of projection? A. The husband cries and stamps his feet, demanding that his wife be true to her marriage vows. B. The husband ignores the wifes continued absence from the home. C. The husband has already admitted to having an affair with a coworker. D. The husband takes out his marital frustrations through employee abuse. 24. Which should the nurse recognize as a DSM-5 disorder? A. Obesity B. Generalized anxiety disorder C. Hypertension D. Grief 25. A nurse is educating a patient about the difference between mental health and mental illness. Which statement by the patient reflects an accurate understanding of mental health? A. Mental health is the absence of any stressors. B. Mental health is successful adaptation to stressors in the internal and external environment. C. Mental health is incongruence between thoughts, feelings, and behavior D. Mental health is a diagnostic category in the DSM-5. 26. Most cultures label behavior as mental illness on the basis of which of the following criteria? A. Incomprehensibility and cultural relativity B. Strength of character and ethics C. Goal directedness and high energy D. Creativity and good coping skills 27. Which should the nurse recognize as an example of the defense mechanism of repression? A. A student aware of the need to study for tomorrows test goes to a movie instead. B. A woman whose son was killed in Iraq does not believe the military report. C. A man who is unhappily married goes to school to become a marriage counselor. D. A woman was raped when she was 12 and no longer remembers the incident. 28. Which of the following statements should a nurse recognize as true about defense mechanisms? Select all that apply. A. They are employed when there is a threat to biological or psychological integrity. B. They are controlled by the id and deal with primal urges. C. They are used in an effort to relieve mild to moderate anxiety. D. They are protective devices for the superego. E. They are mechanisms that are characteristically self-deceptive. 29. A nurse is assessing a client who appears to be experiencing moderate anxiety during questioning. Which symptoms might the client demonstrate? Select all that apply. A. Fidgeting B. Laughing inappropriately C. Palpitations D. Nail biting E. Extremely limited attention span 30. Which of the following are cultural aspects of mental illness? Select all that apply. A. Local or cultural norms define pathological behavior. B. The higher the social class the greater the recognition of mental illness behaviors. C. Psychiatrists typically see patients when the family can no longer deny the illness. D. The greater the cultural distance from the mainstream of society, the greater the likelihood that the illness will be treated with sensitivity and compassion. 31. How is the DSM-5 useful in the practice of psychiatric nursing? Select all that apply. A. It informs the nurse of accurate and reliable medical diagnosis. B. It represents progress toward a more holistic view of mindbody. C. It provides a framework for interdisciplinary communication. D. It provides a template for nursing care plans. E. It provides a framework for communication with the client. Chapter 03. Psychopharmacology 1. The nurse manager on the psychiatric unit was explaining to the new staff the differences between typical and atypical antipsychotics. The nurse correctly states that atypical antipsychotics: A. Remain in the system longer B. Act more quickly to reduce delusions C. Produce fewer extrapyramidal effects D. Are risk free for neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) 2. The nurse would assess for neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) if a patient on haloperidol (Haldol) develops a: A. 30 mm Hg decrease in blood pressure reading B. Respiratory rate of 24 respirations per minute C. Temperature reading of 104° F D. Pulse rate of 70 beats per minute 3. A patient taking fluphenazine (Prolixin) complains of dry mouth and blurred vision. What would the nurse assess as the likely cause of these symptoms? A. Decreased dopamine at receptor sites B. Blockade of histamine C. Cholinergic blockade D. Adrenergic blocking 4. Which behavior displayed by a patient receiving a typical antipsychotic medication would be assessed as displaying behaviors characteristic of tardive dyskinesia (TD)? A. Grimacing and lip smacking B. Falling asleep in the chair and refusing to eat lunch C. Experiencing muscle rigidity and tremors D. Having excessive salivation and drooling 5. A nurse administers a medication that potentiates the action of GABA. Which finding would be expected? A. Reduced anxiety B. Improved memory C. More organized thinking D. Fewer sensory perceptual alterations 6. On the basis of current knowledge of neurotransmitter effects, a nurse could anticipate that the treatment plan for a patient with memory difficulties might include medications designed to: A. inhibit GABA. B. increase dopamine at receptor sites. C. decrease dopamine at receptor sites. D. prevent destruction of acetylcholine. 7. A patient has disorganized thinking associated with schizophrenia. A PET scan would most likely show dysfunction in which part of the brain? A. Temporal lobe B. Cerebellum C. Brainstem D. Frontal lobe 8. A nurse should assess a patient taking a drug with anticholinergic properties for inhibited function of the: A. parasympathetic nervous system. B. sympathetic nervous system. C. reticular activating system. D. medulla oblongata. 9. The therapeutic action of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) blocks neurotransmitter reuptake, causing: A. increased concentration of neurotransmitter in the synaptic gap. B. decreased concentration of neurotransmitter in the synaptic gap. C. destruction of receptor sites. D. limbic system stimulation. 10. A patient taking medication for mental illness develops restlessness and an uncontrollable need to be in motion. A nurse can correctly analyze that these symptoms are related to which drug action? A. Dopamine-blocking effects B. Anticholinergic effects C. Endocrine-stimulating effects D. Ability to stimulate spinal nerves 11. A nurse assesses that a patient demonstrates anxiety, increased heart rate, and fear. The nurse would suspect the presence of a high concentration of which neurotransmitter? A. GABA B. Histamine C. Acetylcholine D. Norepinephrine 12. A patient has symptoms of acute anxiety related to the death of a parent in an automobile accident 2 hours ago. The patient will need teaching about a drug from which group? A. Tricyclic antidepressants B. Antimanic drugs C. Benzodiazepines D. Antipsychotic drugs 13. A patient is hospitalized for severe depression. Of the medications listed below, a nurse can expect to provide the patient with teaching about: A. clozapine (Clozaril) B. chlordiazepoxide (Librium) C. tacrine (Cognex) D. fluoxetine (Prozac) 14. A patient hospitalized with a mood disorder has an elevated unstable mood, aggressiveness, agitation, talkativeness, and irritability. A nurse begins care planning based on the expectation that the health care provider is most likely to prescribe a medication classified as a(n): A. anticholinergic. B. mood stabilizer C. psychostimulant D. antidepressant 15. A drug causes muscarinic receptor blockade. A nurse will assess the patient for: A. gynecomastia B. pseudoparkinsonism C. orthostatic hypotension D. dry mouth 16. A patient tells a nurse, "My doctor prescribed Paxil [paroxetine] for my depression. I suppose I’ll have side effects like I had when I was taking Tofranil [imipramine]." The nurse’s reply should be based on the knowledge that paroxetine is a(n): A. tricyclic antidepressant B. MAOI C. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor D. selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor 17. A nurse can anticipate anticholinergic side effects are likely when a patient is taking: A. lithium (Lithobid). B. isperidone (Risperdal). C. buspirone (BuSpar). D. fluphenazine (Prolixin). 18. A nurse instructs a patient taking a drug that inhibits monoamine oxidase (MAO) to avoid certain foods and drugs because of the risk of: A. hypotensive shock. B. hypertensive crisis. C. cardiac dysrhythmia. D. cardiogenic shock 19. A patient has taken many conventional antipsychotic drugs over years. The health care provider, concerned about early signs of tardive dyskinesia, prescribes risperidone (Risperdal). A nurse planning care for this patient understands that atypical antipsychotics: A. are less costly. B. have higher potency. C. are more readily available. D. produce fewer motor side effects. 20. A nurse administering psychotropic medications should be prepared to intervene when giving a drug that blocks the attachment of norepinephrine to alpha-1 receptors because the patient may experience: A. increased psychotic symptoms. B. a hypertensive crisis. C. orthostatic hypotension. D. severe appetite disturbance. 21. A nurse cares for four patients who are receiving clozapine, lithium, fluoxetine, and venlafaxine, respectively. For which patient should the nurse be most alert for alterations in cardiac or cerebral electrical conductivity as well as fluid and electrolyte imbalance? The patient receiving: A. lithium (Lithobid) B. clozapine (Clozaril) C. fluoxetine (Prozac) D. venlafaxine (Effexor) Chapter 04. Concepts of Psychobiology 1. A depressed client states, I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. I have no control over my behavior. Medications are my only hope to feel normal again. Which nursing response is appropriate? A. Medications are one way to address chemical imbalances. Environmental and interpersonal factors can also have an impact on biological factors. B. Because biological factors are the sole cause of depression, medications will improve your mood. C. Environmental factors have been shown to exert the most influence in the development of depression. D. Researchers have been unable to demonstrate a link between nature (biology and genetics) and nurture (environment). 2. A client diagnosed with major depressive disorder asks, What part of my brain controls my emotions? Which nursing response is appropriate? A. The occipital lobe governs perceptions, judging them as positive or negative. B. The parietal lobe has been linked to depression. C. The medulla regulates key biological and psychological activities. D. The limbic system is largely responsible for ones emotional state. *3. Which part of the nervous system should a nurse identify as playing a major role during stressful situations? A. Peripheral nervous system B. Somatic nervous system C. Sympathetic nervous system D. Parasympathetic nervous system 4. Which client statement reflects an understanding of the effect of circadian rhythms on a persons ability to function? A. When I dream about my mothers horrible train accident, I become hysterical. B. I get really irritable during my menstrual cycle. C. Im a morning person. I get my best work done in the a.m. D. Every February, I tend to experience periods of sadness. 5. Which types of adoption studies should a nurse recognize as providing useful information for the psychiatric community? A. Studies in which children with mentally ill biological parents are raised by adoptive parents who were mentally healthy B. Studies in which children with mentally healthy biological parents are raised by adoptive parents who were mentally ill C. Studies in which monozygotic twins from mentally ill parents were raised separately by different adoptive parents D. Studies in which monozygotic twins were raised together by mentally ill biological parents E. All of the above 6. Six months after her husband and children were killed in a car accident, a client is diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. The nurse should recognize that this situation validates which study perspective? A. The study of neuroendocrinology B. The study of psychoimmunology C. The study of diagnostic technology D. The study of neurophysiology 7. A withdrawn client diagnosed with schizophrenia expresses little emotion and refuses to attend group therapy. What altered component of the nervous system should a nurse recognize as being implicated in this behavior? A. Dendrites B. Axons C. Neurotransmitters D. Synapses 8. An instructor is teaching nursing students about neurotransmitters. Which term best explains the process of how neurotransmitters released into the synaptic cleft may return to the presynaptic neuron? A. Regeneration B. Reuptake C. Recycling D. Retransmission 9. A nurse concludes that a restless, agitated client is manifesting a fight-or-flight response. The nurse should associate this response with which neurotransmitter? A. Acetylcholine B. Dopamine C. Serotonin D. Norepinephrine 10. A client is admitted to a psychiatric unit with the diagnosis of catatonic schizophrenia. Which of the clients neurotransmitters should a nurse expect to be elevated? A. Serotonin B. Dopamine C. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) D. Histamine 11. A clients wife of 34 years dies unexpectedly. The client cries often and becomes socially isolated. The clients therapist stresses the importance of proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise. What is the best rationale for the therapists advice? A. The therapist is using an interpersonal approach. B. The client has an alteration in neurotransmitters. C. It is routine practice to remind clients about nutrition, exercise, and rest. D. The client is susceptible to illness due to effects of stress on the immune system. 12. Which mental illness should a nurse identify as being associated with a decrease in prolactin hormone level? A. Major depression B. Schizophrenia C. Anorexia nervosa D. Alzheimers disease 13. Which cerebral structure should a nursing instructor describe to students as the emotional brain? A. The cerebellum B. The limbic system C. The cortex D. The left temporal lobe 14. A nurse understands that the abnormal secretion of growth hormone may play a role in which illness? A. Acute mania B. Schizophrenia C. Anorexia nervosa D. Alzheimers disease 15. A client is admitted to an emergency department experiencing memory deficits and decreased motor function. What alteration in brain chemistry should a nurse correlate with the presentation of these symptoms? A. Abnormal levels of serotonin B. Decreased levels of dopamine C. Increased levels of norepinephrine D. Decreased levels of acetylcholine 16. A nurse should recognize that a decrease in norepinephrine levels would play a significant role in which mental illness? A. Mania B. Schizophrenia C. Anxiety D. Depression 17. Which client diagnosis should a nurse associate with a decrease in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)? A. Alzheimers disease B. Schizophrenia C. Panic disorder D. Depression 18. A nurse should expect that an increase in dopamine activity might play a significant role in the development of which mental illness? A. Schizophrenia B. Depression C. Body dysmorphic disorder D. Parkinsons disease 19. A nursing instructor is teaching about the monoamine category of neurotransmitters. Which student statement indicates that learning about the function of norepinephrine has occurred? A. Norepinephrine functions to regulate movement, coordination, and emotions. B. Norepinephrine functions to regulate mood, cognition, and perception. C. Norepinephrine functions to regulate arousal, libido, and appetite. D. Norepinephrine functions to regulate pain, inflammatory response, and wakefulness. 20. A student nurse is studying the effect of the drug isocarboxazid (Marplan) on neurobiology. The student should recognize that the neurotransmitter serotonin is catabolized by which enzyme? A. Glycosyltransferase B. Peptidase C. Polymerase D. Monoamine oxidase 21. During a sleep study, a delta rhythm has been recorded for a client experiencing sleep apnea. The nurse recognizes that which characteristic is associated with this rhythm, and what stage of sleep activity would be documented? A. Delta rhythm is a period of dozing, occurring in stage 1 of sleep activity. B. Delta rhythm is a period of deep and restful sleep, occurring in stage 3 of sleep activity. C. Delta rhythm is a period of relaxed waking, occurring in stage 0 of sleep activity. D. Delta rhythm is a period of dreaming, occurring in stage 2 of sleep activity. 22. Which of the following information should a nurse include when explaining causes of anorexia nervosa to a client? Select all that apply. A. There is a possible correlation between abnormal secretion of growth hormone and anorexia nervosa. B. There is a possible correlation between antidiuretic hormone levels and anorexia nervosa. C. There is a possible correlation between low levels of gonadotropin and anorexia nervosa. D. There is a possible correlation between increased levels of prolactin and anorexia nervosa. E. There is a possible correlation between altered levels of oxytocin and anorexia nervosa. 23. Which of the following symptoms should a nurse associate with increased levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in a newly admitted client? Select all that apply. A. Depression B. Fatigue C. Increased libido D. Mania E. Hyperexcitability 24. Which of the following symptoms should a nurse expect to assess in a client experiencing elevated levels of thyroid hormone? Select all that apply. A. Emotional lability B. Depression C. Insomnia D. Restlessness E. Apathy Chapter 07. Relationship Development 1. What is the most essential task for a nurse to accomplish prior to forming a therapeutic relationship with a client? A. To clarify personal attitudes, values, and beliefs B. To obtain thorough assessment data C. To determine the clients length of stay D. To establish personal goals for the interaction 2. A hungry, homeless client, diagnosed with schizophrenia, refuses to participate in an admission interview. When the nurse postpones the admission interview, verbally assures safety, and provides a warm meal, he or she is promoting which of the following? A. Sympathy B. Trust C. Veracity D. Manipulation 3. Which is the best nursing action when a client demonstrates transference toward a nurse? A. Promoting safety and immediately terminating the relationship with the client B. Encouraging the client to ignore these thoughts and feelings C. Immediately reassigning the client to another staff member D. Helping the client to clarify the meaning of the current nurseclient relationship 4. What is the priority nursing action during the orientation (introductory) phase of the nurse client relationship? A. Acknowledge the clients actions and generate alternative behaviors. B. Establish rapport and develop treatment goals. C. Attempt to find alternative placement. D. Explore how thoughts and feelings about this client may adversely impact care. 5. Which client response should a nurse expect during the working phase of the nurse client relationship? A. The client gains insight and incorporates alternative behaviors. B. The client and nurse establish rapport and mutually develop treatment goals. C. The client explores feelings related to reentering the community. D. The client explores personal strengths and weaknesses that impact behaviors. 6. What should be the nurses primary goal during the preinteraction phase of the nurseclient relationship? A. To evaluate goal attainment and ensure therapeutic closure B. To establish trust and formulate a contract for intervention C. To explore self-perceptions D. To promote client change 7. Which phase of the nurseclient relationship begins when the individuals first meet and is characterized by an agreement to continue to meet and work on setting client-centered goals? A. Preinteraction B. Orientation C. Working D. Termination 8. Which client statement should a nurse identify as a typical response to stress most often experienced in the working phase of the nurseclient relationship? A. I cant bear the thought of leaving here and failing. B. I might have a hard time working with you. You remind me of my mother. C. I cant tell my husband how I feel; he wouldnt listen anyway. D. Im not sure that I can count on you to protect my confidentiality. 9. A client has made the decision to leave her alcoholic husband. She is feeling very depressed. Which nontherapeutic statement by the nurse conveys sympathy? A. You are feeling very depressed. I felt the same way when I decided to leave my husband. B. I can understand you are feeling depressed. It was a difficult decision. Ill sit with you. C. You seem depressed. It was a difficult decision to make. Would you like to talk about it? D. I know this is a difficult time for you. Would you like a prn medication for anxiety? 10. A mother who has learned that her child was killed in a tragic car accident states, I cant bear to go on with my life. Which nursing statement conveys empathy? A. This situation is very sad, but time is a great healer. B. You are sad, but you must be strong for your other children. C. Once you cry it all out, things will seem so much better. D. It must be horrible to lose a child; Ill stay with you until your husband arrives. 11. If an individual is two-faced, which characteristic essential to the development of a therapeutic relationship should a nurse identify as missing? A. Respect B. Genuineness C. Sympathy D. Rapport 12. On which task should a nurse place priority during the working phase of relationship development? A. Establishing a contract for intervention B. Examining feelings about working with a particular client C. Establishing a plan for continuing aftercare D. Promoting the clients insight and perception of reality 13. A client diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia becomes agitated when asked to play a game. The client responds, Do you want to be my girlfriend? Which nursing response is most appropriate? A. You are upset now. It would be best if you go to your room until you feel better. B. Remember, we have a professional relationship. Are you feeling uncomfortable? C. We have discussed this before. I am not allowed to date clients. D. I think you should discuss your fantasies with your therapist. 14. A nurse moving out of state speaks to a client about the need to work with a new nurse. The client states, Im not well enough to switch to a different nurse. What does this client response indicate to the nurse? A. The client is using manipulation to receive secondary gain. B. The client is using the defense mechanism of denial. C. The client is having trouble terminating the relationship. D. The client is using splitting as a way to remain dependent on the nurse. 15. According to Peplau, which nursing action demonstrates the nurses role as a resource person? A. The nurse balances a safe therapeutic environment to increase the clients sense of belonging. B. The nurse holds a group meeting with the clients on the unit to discuss common feelings about mental illness. C. The nurse monitors the administration of medications and watches for signs of cheeking. D. The nurse explains, in language the client can understand, information related to the clients health care. 16. According to Peplau, which nursing intervention is most appropriate when the nurse is functioning in the role of a surrogate? A. The nurse functions as a nurturing parent in order to build a trusting relationship. B. The nurse plays cards with a small group of clients. C. The nurse discusses childhood events that may affect personality development. D. The nurse provides a safe social environment. 17. As the client and nurse move from the orientation stage to the working stage of the therapeutic relationship, which is the nurses most therapeutic statement? A. I want to assure you that I will maintain your confidentiality. B. A long-term goal for someone your age would be to develop better job skills. C. Which identified problems would you like for us to initially address? D. I think first we need to focus on your relationship issues. 18. What is the main goal of the working phase of the nurseclient therapeutic relationship? A. Role modeling to improve interaction with others B. Resolution of the clients problems C. Using therapeutic communication to clarify perceptions D. Helping the client access outpatient treatment 19. Which client statement may indicate a transference reaction? A. I need a real nurse. You are young enough to be my daughter and I dont want to tell you about my personal life. B. I deserve more than I am getting here. Do you know who I am and what I do? Let me talk to your supervisor. C. I dont seem to be able to relate to people. I would rather stay in my room and be by myself. D. My mother is the source of my problems. She has always told me what to do and what to say. 20. Which nursing action demonstrates the role of the teacher in a therapeutic milieu? A. The nurse implements a self-affirmation exercise during a one-to-one client interaction. B. The nurse holds a group meeting to present common side effects of psychiatric medications. C. The nurse introduces the concept of fair play while playing cards with a group of clients. D. The nurse models adaptive and effective coping mechanisms with clients on the psychiatric unit. 21. Which client statement indicates that termination of the therapeutic nurseclient relationship has been handled successfully? A. I know I can count on you for continued support. B. I am looking forward to discharge, but I am surprised that we will no longer work together. C. Reviewing the changes that have happened during our time together has helped me put things in perspective. D. I dont know how comfortable I will feel when talking to someone else. 22. When is self-disclosure by the nurse appropriate in a therapeutic nurseclient relationship? A. When it is judged that the information may benefit the nurse and client B. When the nurse has a duty to warn C. When the nurse feels emotionally indebted toward the client D. When it is judged that the information may benefit the client 23. The nurse client therapeutic relationship includes which of the following characteristics? Select all that apply. A. Meeting the psychological needs of the nurse and the client B. Ensuring therapeutic termination C. Promoting client insight into problematic behavior D. Collaborating to set appropriate goals E. Meeting both the physical and psychological needs of the client Chapter 08. Therapeutic Communication 1. Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurseclient interaction? Client: When I get angry, I get into a fistfight with my wife or I take it out on the kids. Nurse: I notice that you are smiling as you talk about this physical violence. A. Encouraging comparison B. Exploring C. Formulating a plan of action D. Making observations 2. Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurseclient interaction? Client: My father spanked me often. Nurse: Your father was a harsh disciplinarian. A. Restatement B. Offering general leads C. Focusing D. Accepting 3. Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurseclient interaction? Client: When I am anxious, the only thing that calms me down is alcohol. Nurse: Other than drinking, what alternatives have you explored to decrease anxiety? A. Reflecting B. Making observations C. Formulating a plan of action D. Giving recognition 4. The nurse is interviewing a newly admitted psychiatric client. Which nursing statement is an example of offering a general lead? A. Do you know why you are here? B. Are you feeling depressed or anxious? C. Yes, I see. Go on. D. Can you chronologically order the events that led to your admission? 5. A nurse states to a client, Things will look better tomorrow after a good nights sleep. This is an example of which communication technique? A. The therapeutic technique of giving advice B. The therapeutic technique of defending C. The nontherapeutic technique of presenting reality D. The nontherapeutic technique of giving false reassurance 6. A client diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder is admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit for evaluation and medication stabilization. Which therapeutic communication technique used by the nurse is an example of a broad opening? A. What occurred prior to the rape, and when did you go to the emergency department? B. What would you like to talk about? C. I notice you seem uncomfortable discussing this. D. How can we help you feel safe during your stay here? 7. A nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with schizophrenia for the presence of hallucinations. Which therapeutic communication technique used by the nurse is an example of making observations? A. You appear to be talking to someone I do not see. B. Please describe what you are seeing. C. Why do you continually look in the corner of this room? D. If you hum a tune, the voices may not be so distracting. 8. A nurse maintains an uncrossed arm and leg posture. This nonverbal behavior is reflective of which letter of the SOLER acronym for active listening? A. S B. O C. L D. E E. R 9. An instructor is correcting a nursing students clinical worksheet. Which instructor statement is the best example of effective feedback? A. Why did you use the clients name on your clinical worksheet? B. You were very careless to refer to your client by name on your clinical worksheet. C. I noticed that you used the clients name in your written process recording. That is a breach of confidentiality. D. It is disappointing that after being told, youre still using client names on your worksheet. 10. After assertiveness training, a formerly passive client appropriately confronts a peer in group therapy. The group leader states, Im so proud of you for being assertive. You are so good! Which communication technique has the leader employed? A. The nontherapeutic technique of giving approval B. The nontherapeutic technique of interpreting C. The therapeutic technique of presenting reality D. The therapeutic technique of making observations 11. What is the purpose of a nurse providing appropriate feedback? A. To give the client good advice B. To advise the client on appropriate behaviors C. To evaluate the clients behavior D. To give the client critical information 12. A client who frequently exhibits angry outbursts is diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. Which appropriate feedback should a nurse provide when this client experiences an angry outburst? A. Why do you continue to alienate your peers by your angry outbursts? B. You accomplish nothing when you lose your temper like that. C. Showing your anger in that manner is very childish and insensitive. D. During group, you raised your voice, yelled at a peer, and slammed the door. 13. A client diagnosed with dependent personality disorder states, Do you think I should move from my parents house and get a job? Which nursing response is most appropriate? A. It would be best to do that in order to increase independence. B. Why would you want to leave a secure home? C. Lets discuss and explore all of your options. D. Im afraid you would feel very guilty leaving your parents. 14. When interviewing a client, which nonverbal behavior should a nurse employ? A. Maintaining indirect eye contact with the client B. Providing space by leaning back away from the client C. Sitting squarely, facing the client D. Maintaining open posture with arms and legs crossed 15. A mother rescues two of her four children from a house fire. In an emergency department, she cries, I should have gone back in to get them. I should have died, not them. Which of the following responses by the nurse is an example of reflection? A. The smoke was too thick. You couldnt have gone back in. B. Youre feeling guilty because you werent able to save your children. C. Focus on the fact that you could have lost all four of your children. D. Its best if you try not to think about what happened. Try to move on. 16. A newly admitted client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) washes hands continually. This behavior prevents unit activity attendance. Which nursing statement best addresses this situation? A. Everyone diagnosed with OCD needs to control their ritualistic behaviors. B. It is important for you to discontinue these ritualistic behaviors. C. Why are you asking for help if you wont participate in unit therapy? D. Lets figure out a way for you to attend unit activities and still wash your hands. 17. Which example of a therapeutic communication technique would be effective in the planning phase of the nursing process? A. Weve discussed past coping skills. Lets see if these coping skills can be effective now. B. Please tell me in your own words what brought you to the hospital. C. This new approach worked for you. Keep it up. D. I notice that you seem to be responding to voices that I do not hear. 18. A client tells the nurse, I feel bad because my mother does not want me to return home after I leave the hospital. Which nursing response is therapeutic? A. Its quite common for clients to feel that way after a lengthy hospitalization. B. Why dont you talk to your mother? You may find out she doesnt feel that way. C. Your mother seems like an understanding person. Ill help you approach her. D. You feel that your mother does not want you to come back home? 19. A clients younger daughter is ignoring curfew. The client states, Im afraid she will get pregnant. The nurse responds, Hang in there. Dont you think she has a lot to learn about life? This is an example of which communication block? A. Requesting an explanation B. Belittling the client C. Making stereotyped comments D. Probing 20. Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of giving recognition? A. You did not attend group today. Can we talk about that? B. Ill sit with you until it is time for your family session. C. I notice you are wearing a new dress and you have washed your hair. D. Im happy that you are now taking your medications. They will really help. 21. A client is trying to explore and solve a problem. Which nursing statement would be an example of verbalizing the implied? A. You seem to be motivated to change your behavior. B. How will these changes affect your family relationships? C. Why dont you make a list of the behaviors you need to change. D. The team recommends that you make only one behavioral change at a time. 22. The nurse says to a newly admitted client, Tell me more about what led up to your hospitalization. What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique? A. To reframe the clients thoughts about mental health treatment B. To put the client at ease C. To explore a subject, idea, experience, or relationship D. To communicate that the nurse is listening to the conversation 23. A student nurse tells the instructor, Im concerned that when a client asks me for advice I wont have a good solution. Which should be the nursing instructors best response? A. Its scary to feel put on the spot by a client. Nurses dont always have the answer. B. Remember, clients, not nurses, are responsible for their own choices and decisions. C. Just keep the clients best interests in mind and do the best that you can. D. Set a goal to continue to work on this aspect of your practice. 24. A student nurse is learning about the appropriate use of touch when communicating with clients diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. Which statement by the instructor best provides information about this aspect of therapeutic communication? A. Touch carries a different meaning for different individuals. B. Touch is often used when deescalating volatile client situations. C. Touch is used to convey interest and warmth. D. Touch is best combined with empathy when dealing with anxious clients. 25. Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of focusing? A. Describe one of the best things that happened to you this week. B. Im having a difficult time understanding what you mean. C. Your counseling session is in 30 minutes. Ill stay with you until then. D. You mentioned your relationship with your father. Lets discuss that further. 26. After fasting from 10 p.m. the previous evening, a client finds out that the blood test has been canceled. The client swears at the nurse and states, You are incompetent! Which is the nurses best response? A. Do you believe that I was the cause of your blood test being canceled? B. I see that you are upset, but I feel uncomfortable when you swear at me. C. Have you ever thought about ways to express anger appropriately? D. Ill give you some space. Let me know if you need anything. 27. During a nurseclient interaction, which nursing statement may belittle the clients feelings and concerns? A. Dont worry. Everything will be alright. B. You appear uptight. C. I notice you have bitten your nails to the quick. D. You are jumping to conclusions. 28. A client on an inpatient psychiatric unit tells the nurse, I should have died, because I am totally worthless. In order to encourage the client to continue talking about feelings, which should be the nursing initial response? A. How would your family feel if you died? B. You feel worthless now, but that can change with time. C. Youve been feeling sad and alone for some time now? D. It is great that you have come in for help. 29. Which nursing response is an example of the nontherapeutic communication block of requesting an explanation? A. Can you tell me why you said that? B. Keep your chin up. Ill explain the procedure to you. C. There is always an explanation for both good and bad behaviors. D. Are you not understanding the explanation I provided? 30. A client states, You wont believe what my husband said to me during visiting hours. He has no right treating me that way. Which nursing response would best assess the situation that occurred? A. Does your husband treat you like this very often? B. What do you think is your role in this relationship? C. Why do you think he behaved like that? D. Describe what happened during your time with your husband. 31. Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use when communicating with a client who is experiencing auditory hallucinations? A. My sister has the same diagnosis as you and she also hears voices. B. I understand that the voices seem real to you, but I do not hear any voices. C. Why not turn up the radio so that the voices are muted. D. I wouldnt worry about these voices. The medication will make them disappear. 32. Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication technique of offering self? A. I think it would be great if you talked about that problem during our next group session. B. Would you like me to accompany you to your electroconvulsive therapy treatment? C. I notice that you are offering help to other peers in the milieu. D. After discharge, would you like to meet me for lunch to review your outpatient progress? 33. A client slammed a door on the unit several times. The nurse responds, You seem angry. The client states, Im not angry. What therapeutic communication technique has the nurse employed, and what defense mechanism is the client unconsciously demonstrating? A. Making observations and the defense mechanism of suppression B. Verbalizing the implied and the defense mechanism of denial C. Reflection and the defense mechanism of projection D. Encouraging descriptions of perceptions and the defense mechanism of displacement 34. Which of the following individuals are communicating a message? Select all that apply. A. A mother spanking her son for playing with matches B. A teenage boy isolating himself and playing loud music C. A biker sporting an eagle tattoo on his biceps D. A teenage girl writing, No one understands me E. A father checking for new e-mail on a regular basis Chapter 09. The Nursing Process in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing 1. Which data-gathering technique is employed during the assessment phase of the nursing process? A. Asking the client to rate mood after administering an antidepressant B. Asking the client to verbalize understanding of previously explained unit rules C. Asking the client to describe any thoughts of self-harm D. Asking the client if the group on assertiveness skills was helpful 2. Which statement is most accurate regarding the assessment of clients diagnosed with psychiatric problems? A. Medical history is of little significance and can be eliminated from the nursing assessment. B. Assessment provides a holistic view of the client, including biopsychosocial aspects. C. Comprehensive assessments can be performed only by advanced practice nurses. D. Psychosocial evaluations are gained by subjective reports rather than objective observations. 3. Which nursing diagnosis should a nurse identify as being correctly formulated? A. Schizophrenia R/T biochemical alterations AEB altered thought B. Self-care deficit: hygiene R/T altered thought as AEB disheveled appearance C. Depressed mood R/T multiple life stressors D. Developmental disability R/T early-onset schizophrenia AEB hallucinations 4. Which expected client outcome should a nurse identify as being correctly formulated? A. Client will feel happier by discharge. B. Client will demonstrate two relaxation techniques. C. Client will verbalize triggers to anger by end of session. D. Client will initiate interaction with one peer during free time within 2 days. 5. Which statement regarding nursing interventions should a nurse identify as accurate? A. Nursing interventions are independent from the treatment teams goals. B. Nursing interventions are directed solely by written physician orders. C. Nursing interventions occur independently but in concert with overall treatment team goals. D. Nursing interventions are standardized by policies and procedures. 6. Within the nurses scope of practice, which function is exclusive to the advance practice psychiatric nurse? A. Teaching about the side effects of neuroleptic medications B. Using psychotherapy to improve mental health status C. Using milieu therapy to structure a therapeutic environment D. Providing case management to coordinate continuity of health services 7. A nurse charts Verbalizes understanding of the side effects of Prozac. This is an example of which category of focused charting? A. Data B. Problem C. Action D. Response 8. The nurse should recognize which acronym as representing problem-oriented charting? A. SOAPIE B. SOLER C. DAR D. PQRST 9. Which tool would be appropriate for a nurse to use when assessing mental acuity prior to and immediately following electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? A. CIWA scale B. GGT C. MMSE D. CAPS scale 10. What is being assessed when a nurse asks a client to identify name, date, residential address, and situation? A. Mood B. Perception C. Orientation D. Affect 11. What is the purpose when a nurse gathers client information? A. It enables the nurse to modify client behaviors related to personality disorders. B. It enables the nurse to make sound clinical judgments and plan appropriate client care. C. It enables the nurse to prescribe the appropriate medications. D. It enables the nurse to assign the appropriate Axis I diagnosis. 12. A nurse on an inpatient psychiatric unit implements care by scheduling client activities, interacting with clients, and maintaining a safe therapeutic environment. These actions reflect which role of the nurse? A. Health teacher B. Case manager C. Milieu manager D. Psychotherapist 13. The following outcome was developed for a client: Client will list five personal strengths by the end of day 1. Which correctly written nursing diagnostic statement most likely generated the development of this outcome? A. Altered self-esteem R/T years of emotional abuse AEB self-deprecating statements B. Self-care deficit R/T altered thought processes C. Disturbed body image R/T major depressive disorder AEB mood rating of 2/10 D. Risk for disturbed self-concept R/T hopelessness AEB suicide attempt 14. How should a nurse prioritize nursing diagnoses? A. By the established goal of care B. By the life-threatening potential C. By the physicians priority of care D. By the clients preference 15. A client has a nursing diagnosis of Insomnia R/T paranoid thinking AEB midnight awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, and daytime napping. Which is a correctly written and appropriate outcome for this clients problem? A. The client will avoid daytime napping and attend all groups. B. The client will exercise, as needed, before bedtime. C. The client will sleep 7 uninterrupted hours by day four of hospitalization. D. The clients sleep habits will improve during hospitalization. 16. The following North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) nursing diagnostic stem was developed for a client on an inpatient unit: Risk for injury. What assessment data most likely led to the development of this problem statement? A. The client is receiving electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and is diagnosed with Parkinsonism. B. The client has a history of four suicide attempts in adolescence. C. The client expresses hopelessness and helplessness and isolates self. D. The client has disorganized thought processes and delusional thinking. 17. A student nurse asks an instructor which resource is best to use when developing nursing outcomes for clients. Which reply by the instructor most accurately answers the students question? A. Use the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), as a reference for nursing outcomes. B. Use the NANDA resource to identify appropriate outcomes. C. Use the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), as a reference for nursing outcomes. D. Copy your standard outcomes from a nursing care plan textbook. 18. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia is exhibiting nonverbal behaviors indicating that the client is hearing things that others do not. Which nursing diagnosis accurately reflects this clients problem? A. Altered thought processes B. Altered sensory perception C. Anxiety D. Chronic confusion 19. A nursing instructor is teaching students about the purpose of using the nursing process in the care of psychiatric patients. Which of the following statements by the student indicates that learning has occurred? A. The nursing process is a method for interviewing the patient in a systematic way. B. The nursing process is used to assist patients to adapt successfully to stressors within the environment. C. The nursing process is used to provide support for the psychiatric diagnosis. D. The nursing process is used primarily to minimize allegations of negligence. 20. A client is diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. In order to maximize the learning process prior to discharge teaching, which assessment should be performed by the nurse? A. Assessing the clients level of anxiety B. Assessing and documenting the clients vital signs C. Assessing suicide risk D. Assessing availability of support systems 21. During the implementation phase of the nursing process, a nurse is teaching an adult depressed patient with a cochlear implant about medications. Which modification in the teaching plan would be the most appropriate for this client? A. Using repetition B. Speaking directly face-to-face C. Employing the use of sign language D. Providing large-print materials 22. A client who has slept 6 hours the previous night reports this to the assigned psychiatric nurse. What should be the initial nursing action to address this situation? A. Provide warm milk and a backrub. B. Give a sleep medication. C. Hold a relaxation group before bedtime. D. Review the clients normal sleep pattern. 23. An instructor overhears a student say, That family seems to disagree more than agree. The family seems to be dysfunctional. To further assess the familys situation, which would be an appropriate instructor reply? A. Families who disagree can be a challenge to the treatment team. B. You seem very critical of the family. Do you believe that you are unable to help them? C. Lets bring the family in for an educational session to improve their communication. D. What appears to trigger family disagreements? 24. Which nursing response would be appropriately used in the evaluation phase of the nursing process? A. If I were in your situation, I would not repeat a behavior that has caused problems. B. What do you think needs changing, and what do you want to do differently? C. What exactly will it take to carry out your plan, and what else do you need to do? D. It sounds like youre saying this new approach is working for you. 25. A client diagnosed with major depressive disorder states, Why should I keep trying to get a job? I mess up everything I do. Which correctly written nursing diagnosis best reflects the content and mood themes in this clients statement? A. Hopelessness R/T poor job performance B. Risk for impaired adjustment R/T inadequate social skills AEB isolation C. Altered role performance R/T the fear of failure AEB not seeking employment D. Chronic low self-esteem R/T major depressive disorder AEB self-hatred 26. During an intake interview, which question would assist the nurse in gathering data about the clients judgment? A. What brought you to the hospital? Do you know what day and season it is now? B. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your stress level? C. What does the phrase a rolling stone gathers no moss mean to you? D. If you found a stamped, addressed envelope in the street, what would you do? 27. An adolescent client has problems expressing anger appropriately. Which nursing statement would encourage the client to set realistic goals? A. What do you think needs to change about how you express anger? B. How did you feel after attending the anger management session? C. On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your current level of anger. D. What bothers you about the actions of others when you get angry? 28. The nurse interviewed a client who was uncooperative, answered questions with minimal responses, and rarely made eye contact. Which is the most complete documentation of baseline data obtained during the interview? A. Appears uncooperative. Exhibits characteristics of depression. B. Maintains poor eye contact throughout interview process. Unable to answer interview questions due to depression. C. States I dont need to be here when discussing admission status. Maintains minimal eye contact and offers little data related to triggers for admission. D. Unwilling to respond openly during interview. 29. A client is assigned the nursing diagnosis of impaired social interaction R/T sociocultural differences AEB client stating, Although Id like to, I dont join in because I dont speak the language so good. Which correctly written outcome addresses this clients problem? A. The client will collaborate with nursing staff to set specific goals by day 3. B. The client will participate in one group activity of choice by day 2. C. The client will express a desire to interact with others. D. The client will become increasingly independent by discharge. 30. The following clients are seen in the emergency department. The psychiatric unit has one remaining bed. The triage nurse should expect which client to be admitted? A. The client who is experiencing tremors and has a need for medication adjustment B. The client who is experiencing anxiety and a sad mood after separation from spouse C. The client who is a single parent and hears voices stating, Kill your infant son. D. The client who argued with her boyfriend and inflicted a superficial cut on her arm 31. Which of the following nursing interventions fall within the standards of psychiatricmental health clinical nursing practice for a nurse generalist? Select all that apply. A. Assist clients to perform activities of daily living. B. Act as a consultant with other clinicians to provide services for clients and effect system change C. Encourage clients to discuss triggers for relapse D. Use prescriptive authority in accordance with state and federal laws E. Educate families about signs and symptoms of alcohol dependence and withdrawal 32. Which of the following are characteristics of accurately developed client outcomes? Select all that apply. A. Client outcomes are formulated by nurses independent from other team members. B. Client outcomes are not restricted by time frames. C. Client outcomes are specific and measurable. D. Client outcomes are realistically based on client capability. E. Client outcomes are formally approved by the psychiatrist. 33. After a comprehensive assessment, correctly written nursing diagnoses developed for psychiatric clients may include which of the following components? Select all that apply. A. Medical judgments related to the psychiatric disorder B. Unmet client needs present at the moment C. Supporting data that validate the diagnosis D. Outcomes that will be targets for nursing interventions E. Statements of client problems of a functional nature Chapter 10. Therapeutic Groups 1. During a therapeutic group, a client talks about personal accomplishments in an effort to gain attention. Which group role, assumed by this client, should the nurse identify? A. The task role of gatekeeper B. The individual role of recognition seeker C. The maintenance role of dominator D. The task role of elaborator 2. During a therapeutic group, two clients engage in an angry verbal exchange. The nurse leader interrupts the exchange and excuses both of the clients from the group. The nurse has demonstrated which leadership style? A. Autocratic B. Democratic C. Laissez-faire D. Bureaucratic 3. During a therapeutic group, which nursing action demonstrates a laissez-faire leadership style? A. The nurse mandates that all group members reveal an embarrassing personal situation. B. The nurse asks for a show of hands to determine group topic preference. C. The nurse sits silently as the group members stray from the assigned topic. D. The nurse shuffles through papers to determine the facility policy on length of group. 4. During a community meeting, a nurse encourages clients to present unit problems and discuss possible solutions. Which type of leadership style is the nurse demonstrating? A. Democratic B. Autocratic C. Laissez-faire D. Bureaucratic 5. Which situation should a nurse identify as an example of an autocratic leadership style? A. The president of Sigma Theta Tau assigns members to committees to research problems. B. Without faculty input, the dean mandates that all course content be delivered via the Internet. C. During a community meeting, a nurse listens as clients generate solutions. D. The student nurses association advertises for candidates for president. 6. A single, pregnant teenager in a parenting class discloses her ambivalence toward the pregnancy and the subsequent guilt that these thoughts generate. A mother of three admits to having felt that way herself. Which of Yaloms curative group factors does this illustrate? A. Imparting of information B. Instillation of hope C. Altruism D. Universality 7. A man diagnosed with alcohol dependence experiences his first relapse. During his AA meeting, another group member states, I relapsed three times, but now have been sober for 15 years. Which of Yaloms curative group factors does this illustrate? A. Imparting of information B. Instillation of hope C. Catharsis D. Universality 8. During a group discussion, members freely interact with each other. Which member statement is an example of Yaloms curative group factor of imparting information? A. I found a Web site explaining the different types of brain tumors and their treatment. B. My brother also had a brain tumor and now is completely cured. C. I understand your fear and will be by your side during this time. D. My mother was also diagnosed with cancer of the brain. 9. Prayer group members at a local Baptist church are meeting with a poor, homeless family they are supporting. Which member statement is an example of Yaloms curative group factor of altruism? A. Ill give you the name of a friend that rents inexpensive rooms. B. The last time we helped a family, they got back on their feet and prospered. C. I can give you all of my baby clothes for your little one. D. I can appreciate your situation. I had to declare bankruptcy last year. 10. During an inpatient educational group, a client shouts out, This information is worthless. Nothing you have said can help me. These statements indicate to the nurse leader that the client is assuming which group role? A. The group role of aggressor B. The group role of initiator C. The group role of gatekeeper D. The group role of blocker 11. A nurse believes that the members of a parenting group are in the initial, or orientation, phase of group development. Which group behaviors would support this assumption? A. The group members manage conflict within the group. B. The group members use denial as part of the grief response. C. The group members compliment the leader and compete for the role of recorder. D. The group members initially trust one another and the leader. 12. During a group session, which client statement demonstrates that the group has progressed to the middle, or working, phase of group development? A. Its hard for me to tell my story when Im not sure about the reactions of others. B. I think Joes Antabuse suggestion is a good one and might work for me. C. My situation is very complex, and I need professional, not peer, advice. D. I am really upset that you expect me to solve my own problems. 13. Which group leader activity should a nurse identify as being most important in the final, or termination, phase of group development? A. The group leader establishes the rules that will govern the group after discharge. B. The group leader encourages members to rely on each other for problem solving. C. The group leader presents and discusses the concept of group termination. D. The group leader helps the members to process feelings of loss. 14. A nursing instructor is teaching students about self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. There is little research to support AAs effectiveness. B. Self-help groups used to be the treatment of choice, but their popularity is waning. C. These groups have no external regulation, so clients need to be cautious. D. Members themselves run the group, with leadership usually rotating among the members. 15. The nurse should utilize which group function to help an extremely withdrawn, paranoid client increase feelings of security? A. Socialization B. Support C. Empowerment D. Governance 16. When planning group therapy, a nurse should identify which configuration as most optimal for a therapeutic group? A. Open-ended membership; circle of chairs; group size of 5 to 10 members B. Open-ended membership; chairs around a table; group size of 10 to 15 members C. Closed membership; circle of chairs; group size of 5 to 10 members D. Closed membership; chairs around a table; group size of 10 to 15 members 17. During the sixth week of a 10-week parenting skills group, a nurse observes as several members get into a heated dispute about spanking. As a group, they decide to create a pros-and-cons poster on the use of physical discipline. At this time, what is the role of the group leader? A. To referee the debate B. To adamantly oppose physical discipline measures C. To redirect the group to a less controversial topic D. To encourage the group to solve the problem collectively 18. A 10-week, prenuptial counseling group composed of five couples is terminating. At the last group meeting, a nurse notices that the two most faithful and participative couples are absent. When considering concepts of group development, what might explain this behavior? A. They are experiencing problems with termination, leading to feelings of abandonment. B. They did not think any new material would be covered at the last session. C. They were angry with the leader for not extending the length of the group. D. They were bored with the material covered in the group. 19. An experienced psychiatric registered nurse has taken a new position leading groups in a day treatment program. Without further education, which group is this nurse most qualified to lead? A. A psychodrama group B. A psychotherapy group C. A parenting group D. A family therapy group 20. A nursing instructor is teaching about psychodrama, a specialized type of therapeutic group. Which student statement indicates that further teaching is necessary? A. Psychodrama provides a safe setting in which to discuss painful issues. B. In psychodrama, the client is the protagonist. C. In psychodrama, the client observes actor interactions from the audience. D. Psychodrama facilitates resolution of interpersonal conflicts. 21. Which of the following observed client behaviors would lead a nurse to evaluate a member as assuming a maintenance group role? Select all that apply. A. A client decreases conflict within the group by encouraging compromise. B. A client offers recognition and acceptance of others. C. A client outlines the task at hand and proposes solutions. D. A client listens attentively to group interaction. E. A client uses the group to gain sympathy from others. 22. Which of the following behavioral skills should a nurse implement when leading a group that is functioning in the orientation phase of group development? Select all that apply. A. Encouraging members to provide feedback to each other about individual progress B. Ensuring that rules established by the group do not interfere with goal fulfillment C. Working with group members to establish rules that will govern the group D. Emphasizing the need for and importance of confidentiality within the group E. Helping the members to resolve conflicts and foster cohesiveness within the group Chapter 12. Milieu Therapy - The Therapeutic Community 1. An angry client on an inpatient unit approaches a nurse, stating, Someone took my lunch! People need to respect others, and you need to do something about this now! The nurses response should be guided by which basic assumption of milieu therapy? A. Conflict should be avoided at all costs on inpatient psychiatric units. B. Conflict should be resolved by the nursing staff. C. Every interaction is an opportunity for therapeutic intervention. D. Conflict resolution should be addressed only during group therapy. 2. A client on an inpatient unit angrily states to a nurse, Peter is not cleaning up after himself in the community bathroom. You need to address this problem. Which is the appropriate nursing response? A. Ill talk to Peter and present your concerns. B. Why are you overreacting to this issue? C. You should bring this to the attention of your treatment team. D. I can see that you are angry. Lets discuss ways to approach Peter with your concerns. 3. A newly admitted client asks, Why do we need a unit schedule? Im not going to these groups. Im here to get some rest. Which is the most appropriate nursing reply? A. Group therapy provides the opportunity to learn and practice new coping skills. B. Group therapy is mandatory. All clients must attend. C. Group therapy is optional. You can go if you find the topic helpful and interesting. D. Group therapy is an economical way of providing therapy to many clients concurrently. 4. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia functions well and is bright, spontaneous, and interactive during hospitalization but then decompensates after discharge. What does the milieu provide that may be missing in the home environment? A. Peer pressure B. Structured programming C. Visitor restrictions D. Mandated activities 5. To promote self-reliance, how should a psychiatric nurse best conduct medication administration? A. Encourage clients to request their medications at the appropriate times. B. Refuse to administer medications unless clients request them at the appropriate times. C. Allow the clients to determine appropriate medication times. D. Take medications to the clients bedside at the appropriate times. 6. A nurse working on an inpatient psychiatric unit is assigned to conduct a 45-minute education group. What should the nurse identify as an appropriate group topic? A. Dream analysis B. Creative cooking C. Paint by number D. Stress management 7. What is the best rationale for including the clients family in therapy within the inpatient milieu? A. To structure a program of social and work-related activities B. To facilitate discharge from the hospital C. To provide a concrete demonstration of caring D. To encourage the family to model positive behaviors 8. How does a democratic form of self-government in the milieu contribute to client therapy? A. By setting punishments for clients who violate the community rules B. By dealing with inappropriate behaviors as they occur C. By setting community expectations wherein all clients are treated on an equal basis D. By interacting with professional staff members to learn about therapeutic interventions 9. A client has undergone psychological testing. With which member of the interdisciplinary team should a nurse collaborate to review these results? A. The psychiatrist B. The psychiatric social worker C. The clinical psychologist D. The clinical nurse specialist 10. In the role of milieu manager, which activity should the nurse prioritize? A. Setting the schedule for the daily unit activities B. Evaluating clients for medication effectiveness C. Conducting therapeutic group sessions D. Searching newly admitted clients for hazardous objects 11. A nurse attends an interdisciplinary team meeting on an inpatient unit. Which of the following individuals are typically included as members of the interdisciplinary treatment team in psychiatry? Select all that apply. A. Respiratory therapist B. Occupational therapist C. Recreational therapist D. Social worker E. Mental health technician 12. Which of the following are accurate descriptors of a therapeutic community? Select all that apply. A. The unit schedule includes unlimited free time for personal reflection. B. Unit responsibilities are assigned according to client capabilities. C. A flexible schedule is determined by client needs. D. The individual is the sole focus of therapy. E. A democratic form of government exists. Chapter 13. Crisis Intervention 1. A mother is concerned about her ability to perform in her new role. She is quite anxious and refuses to leave the postpartum unit. To offer effective client care, a nurse should recognize which information about this type of crisis? A. This type of crisis is precipitated by unexpected external stressors. B. This type of crisis is precipitated by preexisting psychopathology. C. This type of crisis is precipitated by an acute response to an external situational stressor. D. This type of crisis is precipitated by normal life-cycle transitions that overwhelm the client. 2. A wife brings her husband to an emergency department after an attempt to hang himself. He is a full-time student and works 8 hours at night to support his family. He states, I cant function any longer under all this stress. Which type of crisis is the client experiencing? A. Maturational/developmental crisis B. Psychiatric emergency crisis C. Anticipated life transition crisis D. Traumatic stress crisis 3. A client comes to a psychiatric clinic, experiencing sudden extreme fatigue and decreased sleep and appetite. The client works 12 hours a day and rates anxiety as 8/10 on a numeric scale. What correctly written long-term outcome is realistic in addressing this clients crisis? A. The client will change his or her type A personality traits to more adaptive ones by week 1. B. The client will list five positive self-attributes. C. The client will examine how childhood events led to an overachieving orientation. D. The client will return to previous adaptive levels of functioning by week 6. 4. A high school student has learned that she cannot graduate. Her boyfriend will be attending a college out of state that she planned to also attend. She is admitted to a psychiatric unit after overdosing on Tylenol. Which is the correctly written priority nursing diagnosis for this client? A. Ineffective coping R/T situational crisis AEB powerlessness B. Anxiety R/T fear of failure C. Risk for self-directed violence R/T hopelessness D. Risk for low self-esteem R/T loss events AEB suicidal ideations 5. After threatening to jump off a bridge, a client is brought to an emergency department by police. To assess for suicide potential, which question should a nurse ask first? A. Are you currently thinking about harming yourself? B. Why do you want to harm yourself? C. Have you thought about the consequences of your actions? D. Who is your emergency contact person? 6. An involuntarily committed client, when offered a dinner tray, pushes it off the bedside table onto the floor. Which intervention should a nurse prioritize to address this behavior? A. Initiate forced medication protocol. B. Help the client to explore the source of anger. C. Ignore the act to avoid reinforcing the behavior. D. With staff support and a show of solidarity, set firm limits on the behavior. 7. A college student who was nearly raped while jogging completes a series of appointments with a rape crisis nurse. At the final session, which client statement most clearly suggests that the goals of crisis intervention have been met? A. Youve really been helpful. Can I count on you for continued support? B. I dont work out anymore. C. Im really glad I didnt go home. It would have been hard to come back. D. I carry mace when I jog. It makes me feel safe and secure. 8. A despondent client, who has recently lost her husband of 30 years, tearfully states, Ill feel a lot better if I sell my house and move away. Which nursing reply is most appropriate? A. Im confident you know whats best for you. B. This may not be the best time for you to make such an important decision. C. Your children will be terribly disappointed. D. Tell me why you want to make this change. 9. An inpatient client with a known history of violence suddenly begins to pace. Which client behavior should alert a nurse to escalating anger and aggression? A. The client requests prn medications. B. The client has a tense facial expression and body language. C. The client refuses to eat lunch. D. The client sits in group therapy with back to peers. 10. What is the best nursing rationale for holding a debriefing session with clients and staff after clients have witnessed a peer being taken down after a violent outburst? A. To reinforce unit rules with the client population B. To create protocols for the future release of tensions associated with anger C. To process feelings and concerns related to the witnessed intervention D. To discuss the client problems that led to inappropriate expressions of anger 11. Which of the following nursing statements and/or questions represent appropriate communication to assess an individual in crisis? Select all that apply. A. Tell me what happened. B. What coping methods have you used, and did they work? C. Describe to me what your life was like before this happened. D. Lets focus on the current problem. E. Ill assist you in selecting functional coping strategies. 12. Which of the following are effective interventions that a nurse should utilize when caring for an inpatient client who expresses anger inappropriately? Select all that apply. A. Maintain a calm demeanor. B. Clearly delineate the consequences of the behavior. C. Use therapeutic touch to convey empathy. D. Set limits on the behavior. E. Teach the client to avoid I statements related to expression of feelings. Chapter 16. Anger/Aggression Management 1. A student nurse has just entered a psychiatric rotation. The student asks a nursing instructor, How will we know if someone may get violent? Which is the most appropriate reply by the nursing instructor? A. You cant really say for sure. There are limited indicators of potential violence. B. Certain behaviors indicate a potential for violence. They are labeled as a prodromal syndrome and include rigid posture, clenched fists, and raised voice. C. Any client can become violent, so it is best to be aware of your surroundings at all times. D. When a client suddenly becomes quiet, is withdrawn, and maintains a flat affect, this is an indicator of potential violence. 2. A nursing instructor is teaching about the concept of anger. Which student statement indicates the need for further instruction? A. Anger is physiological arousal. B. Anger and aggression are essentially the same. C. Anger expression is a learned response. D. Anger is not a primary emotion. 3. Which client statement demonstrates improvement in anger/aggression management? A. I realize I have a problem expressing my anger appropriately. B. I know I cant use physical force anymore, but I can intimidate someone with my words. C. Its bad to feel as angry as I feel. Im working on eliminating this poisonous emotion entirely. D. Because my wife seems to be the one to set me off, Ive decided to remain separated from her. 4. A client is served divorce papers while on the inpatient psychiatric unit. When a nurse tells the client the unit telephone cannot be used after hours, the client raises his fists, swears, and spits at the nurse. Which negative coping mechanism has the client exhibited? A. The defense mechanism of projection B. The defense mechanism of reaction formation C. The defense mechanism of sublimation D. The defense mechanism of displacement 5. A nurse is caring for four clients. Which client should the nurse identify as least prone to developing problems with anger and aggression? A. A child raised by a physically abusive parent B. An adult with a history of epilepsy C. A young adult living in the ghetto of an inner city D. An adolescent raised by Scandinavian immigrant parents 6. After less restrictive means have been attempted, an order for client restraints has been obtained for a hostile, aggressive 30- year-old client. If client aggression continues, how long will the nurse expect the client to remain in restraints without a physician order renewal? A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 3 hours D. 4 hours 7. An adult client assaults another client and is placed in restraints. Which statement from the client while in restraints should alert a nurse that further assessment is necessary? A. I hate all of you! B. My fingers are tingly. C. You wait until I tell my lawyer. D. I have a sinus headache. 8. After restraints are removed from a client, the staff discusses the incident and establishes guidelines for the clients return to the therapeutic milieu. Which unit procedure is the staff implementing? A. Milieu reenactment B. Treatment planning C. Crisis intervention D. Debriefing 9. Once the nurse initiates restraint for an out-of-control 45-year-old patient, what must occur within 1 hour, according to JCAHO standards? A. The patient must be let out of restraint. B. A physician or other licensed independent practitioner must conduct an in-person evaluation. C. The patient must be bathed and fed. D. The patient must be included in debriefing. 10. For select clients, physical restraint is considered to be a beneficial intervention. This is based on which premise? A. Clients with poor boundaries do not respond to verbal redirection, and they need firm and consistent limit setting. B. Clients with limited internal control over their behavior need external controls to prevent harm to themselves and others. C. Clients with antisocial tendencies need to submit to authority. D. Clients with behavioral dysfunction need behavioral interventions. 11. A client diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia has a history of aggravated assault. A nurse assigns Risk for other-directed violence as the clients priority nursing diagnosis. Based on this diagnosis, which would be an appropriate, correctly written outcome for this client? A. The client will not verbalize anger or hit anyone. B. The client will verbalize anger rather than hit others. C. The client will not inflict harm on others during this shift. D. The client will be restrained if verbal or physical abuse is observed during this shift. 12. At 3 a.m., when less restrictive methods fail, a physician orders restraints for an angry, aggressive client. To meet Joint Commission standards, at what time and by whom should a nurse expect an in-person client evaluation? A. No later than 8 a.m., by a licensed independent practitioner or a clinical nurse specialist B. No later than 4 a.m., by a physician or a licensed independent practitioner (LIP) C. No later than 3:30 a.m., by a physician or the clients case manager D. No later than 6 a.m., by the psychiatrist or a clinical nurse specialist 13. Which risk factor should a nurse recognize as the most reliable indicator of potential client violence? A. A diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder B. History of assaultive behavior C. Family history of violence D. Recent eviction from a homeless shelter 14. A nursing instructor is teaching about violence-intervention protocols. Which student statement would indicate the need for further instruction? A. Administering psychotropic medications can be a part of violence-intervention protocols. B. Soothing the client by stroking an arm or shoulder can be a part of violence-intervention protocols. C. Applying leather restraints can be a part of violence-intervention protocols. D. Calling for assistance is a part of violence-intervention protocols. 15. A client begins to smash furniture, cannot be talked down, and refuses medications. Which is the most appropriate nursing intervention? A. Call a violence code. B. Ask the ward clerk to put in a call for the physician. C. Place the client in seclusion. D. Place the client in four-point restraints. 16. On an inpatient psychiatric unit, a restrained 16-year-old client continues to verbally lash out and threatens to abuse staff and kill self when released. To meet Joint Commission standards, at what time should a nurse expect the physician to renew the clients restraint order? A. Within 1 hour of the original restraint order B. Within 2 hours of the original restraint order C. Within 3 hours of the original restraint order D. Within 4 hours of the original restraint order 17. A client diagnosed with brief psychotic disorder is pacing the milieu and occasionally punches the wall. Which should be the initial nursing action? A. Assertively instruct the client to stop punching the wall. B. Encourage the client to write down feelings in a journal. C. With the help of staff, initiate seclusion protocol. D. Ensure adequate physical space between the nurse and the client. 18. The nurse observes a clients escalating anger. The client begins to pace the hall and shouts, You all better watch out. Im going to hurt anyone who gets in my way. Which should be the priority nursing intervention? A. Calmly tell the client, Staff will help you to control your impulse to hurt others. B. Remove other clients from the area and maintain milieu safety. C. Gather a show of force by contacting security for assistance. D. Calmly tell the client, You will need to be medicated and secluded. 19. The client states, I get into trouble because I respond violently without thinking. That usually gets me into a mess. Which nursing reply would be most therapeutic to address this clients problem? A. Everybody loses their temper. Its good that you know that about yourself. B. Ill bet you have some interesting stories to share about overreacting. C. Lets explore methods to help you stop and think before taking action. D. Its good that you are showing readiness for behavioral change. 20. Which initial nursing approach makes limit-setting better accepted by clients who are aggressively acting out? A. Confronting clients with their needs for secondary gains B. Teaching relaxation techniques C. Reflecting back to the client empathy about the clients distress D. Presenting appropriate values that need to be modified 21. Which nursing approach is likely to be most therapeutic when dealing with a newly admitted, hostile, suspicious client? A. Place a hand on the clients shoulder and state, I will help you to your room. B. Slowly and matter-of-factly state, I am your nurse and I will show you to your room C. Firmly set limits by stating, If your behavior does not improve you will be secluded. D. Smile and state, I am your nurse. When do you want to go to your room? 22. A nurse notices a client clenching fists periodically and pacing the hallway. Which of the following nursing interventions would best assist the client at this time? Select all that apply. A. Acknowledge the clients behavior. B. Initiate forced medication protocol. C. Assist the client to a quiet area. D. Initiate confinement measures. E. Speak with a soft and calming voice. Chapter 17. The Suicidal Client 1. A nurse discovers a clients suicide note that details the time, place, and means to commit suicide. What should be the priority nursing intervention and the rationale for this action? A. Administering lorazepam (Ativan) prn, because the client is angry about the discovery of the note B. Establishing room restrictions, because the clients threat is an attempt to manipulate the staff C. Placing this client on one-to-one suicide precautions, because the more specific the plan, the more likely the client will attempt suicide D. Calling an emergency treatment team meeting, because the clients threat must be addressed 2. During the planning of care for a suicidal client, which correctly written outcome should be a nurses first priority? A. The client will not physically harm self. B. The client will express hope for the future by day 3. C. The client will establish a trusting relationship with the nurse. D. The client will remain safe during the hospital stay. 3. A client diagnosed with major depressive disorder with psychotic features hears voices commanding self- harm. The client refuses to commit to developing a plan for safety. What should be the nurses priority intervention at this time? A. Obtaining an order for locked seclusion until client is no longer suicidal B. Conducting 15-minute checks to ensure safety C. Placing the client on one-to-one observation while monitoring suicidal ideations D. Encouraging client to express feelings related to suicide 4. A client with a history of three suicide attempts has been taking fluoxetine (Prozac) for 1 month. The client suddenly presents with a bright affect, rates mood at 9/10, and is much more communicative. Which action should be the nurses priority at this time? A. Give the client off-unit privileges as positive reinforcement. B. Encourage the client to share mood improvement in group. C. Increase frequency of client observation. D. Request that the psychiatrist reevaluate the current medication protocol. 5. A nurse recently admitted a client to an inpatient unit after a suicide attempt. A health-care provider orders amitriptyline (Elavil) for the client. Which intervention related to this medication should be initiated to maintain this clients safety upon discharge? A. Provide a 6-month supply of Elavil to ensure long-term compliance. B. Provide a 1-week supply of Elavil with refills contingent on follow-up appointments. C. Provide a pill dispenser as a memory aid. D. Provide education regarding the avoidance of foods containing tyramine. 6. During a one-to-one session with a client, the client states, Nothing will ever get better, and Nobody can help me. Which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a nurse to assign to this client at this time? A. Powerlessness R/T altered mood AEB client statements B. Risk for injury R/T altered mood AEB client statements C. Risk for suicide R/T altered mood AEB client statements D. Hopelessness R/T altered mood AEB client statements 7. The treatment team is making a discharge decision regarding a previously suicidal client. Which client assessment information should a nurse recognize as contributing to the teams decision? A. No previous admissions for major depressive disorder B. Vital signs stable; no psychosis noted C. Able to comply with medication regimen; able to problem-solve life issues D. Able to participate in a plan for safety; family agrees to constant observation 8. The family of a suicidal client is very supportive and requests more facts related to caring for their family member after discharge. Which information should the nurse provide? A. Address only serious suicide threats to avoid the possibility of secondary gain. B. Promote trust by verbalizing a promise to keep suicide attempt information within the family. C. Offer a private environment to provide needed time alone at least once a day. D. Be available to actively listen, support, and accept feelings. 9. A stockbroker commits suicide after being convicted of insider trading. In speaking with the family, which statement by the nurse demonstrates accurate and appropriate sharing of information? A. Your grieving will subside within 1 year; until then I recommend antidepressants. B. Support groups are available specifically for survivors of suicide, and I would be glad to help you locate one in this area. C. The only way to deal effectively with this kind of grief is to write a letter to the brokerage firm to express your anger with them. D. Since stigmatization often occurs in these situations, it would be best if you avoid discussing the suicide with anyone. 10. After years of dialysis, an 84-year-old states, Im exhausted, depressed, and done with these attempts to keep me alive. Which question should the nurse ask the spouse when preparing a discharge plan of care? A. Have there been any changes in appetite or sleep? B. How often is your spouse left alone? C. Has your spouse been following a diet and exercise program consistently? D. How would you characterize your relationship with your spouse? 11. A nursing instructor is teaching about suicide in the elderly population. Which information should the instructor include? A. Elderly people use less lethal means to commit suicide. B. Although the elderly make up less than 13% of the population, they account for 16% of all suicides. C. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among the elderly. D. It is normal for elderly individuals to express a desire to die, because they have come to terms with their mortality. 12. A nurse is caring for a client who has threatened to commit suicide by hanging. The client states, Im going to use a knotted shower curtain when no one is around. Which information would determine the nurses plan of care for this client? A. The more specific the plan is, the more likely the client will attempt suicide. B. Clients who talk about suicide never actually commit it. C. Clients who threaten suicide should be observed every 15 minutes. D. After a brief assessment, the nurse should avoid the topic of suicide. 13. A suicidal client says to a nurse, Theres nothing to live for anymore. Which is the most appropriate nursing reply? A. Why dont you consider doing volunteer work in a homeless shelter? B. Lets discuss the negative aspects of your life. C. Things will look better in the morning. D. It sounds like you are feeling pretty hopeless. 14. A new nursing graduate asks the psychiatric nurse manager how to best classify suicide. Which is the nurse managers best reply? A. Suicide is a DSM-5 diagnosis. B. Suicide is a mental disorder. C. Suicide is a behavior. D. Suicide is an antisocial affliction. 15. A nursing student is developing a plan of care for a suicidal client. Which documented intervention should the student implement first? A. Communicate therapeutically. B. Observe the client. C. Provide a hazard-free environment. D. Assess suicide risk. 16. Which is a correctly written, appropriate outcome for a client with a history of suicide attempts who is currently exhibiting symptoms of low self-esteem by isolating self? A. The client will not physically harm self. B. The client will express three positive self-attributes by day 4. C. The client will reveal a suicide plan. D. The client will establish a trusting relationship. 17. A nursing instructor is teaching about suicide. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. Suicidal threats and gestures should be considered manipulative and/or attention-seeking. B. Suicide is the act of a psychotic person. C. All suicidal individuals are mentally ill. D. Fifty to eighty percent of all people who kill themselves have a history of a previous attempt. 18. A nurse is caring for four clients diagnosed with major depressive disorder. When considering each clients belief system, the nurse should conclude which client would potentially be at highest risk for suicide? A. Roman Catholic B. Protestant C. Atheist D. Muslim 19. Which nursing intervention strategy is most appropriate to implement initially with a suicidal client? A. Ask a direct question such as, Do you ever think about killing yourself? B. Ask client, Please rate your mood on a scale from 1 to 10. C. Establish a trusting nurseclient relationship. D. Apply the nursing process to the planning of client care. 20. A client is newly committed to an inpatient psychiatric unit. Which nursing intervention best lowers this clients risk for suicide? A. Encouraging participation in the milieu to promote hope B. Developing a strong personal relationship with the client C. Observing the client at intervals determined by assessed data D. Encouraging and redirecting the client to concentrate on happier times 21. Which client data indicate that a suicidal client is participating in a plan for safety? A. Compliance with antidepressant therapy B. A mood rating of 9/10 C. Disclosing a plan for suicide to staff D. Expressing feelings of hopelessness to nurse 22. Which statement indicates that the nurse is acting as an advocate for a client who was hospitalized after a suicide attempt and is now nearing discharge? A. I must observe you continually for 1 hour in order to keep you safe. B. Lets confer with the treatment team about the resources that you may need after discharge. C. You must have been very upset to do what you did today. D. Are you currently thinking about harming yourself? 23. A client is newly admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit. Which of the following is most critical to assess when determining risk for suicide? A. Family history of depression B. The clients orientation to reality C. The clients history of suicide attempts D. Family support systems 24. A client has been brought to the emergency department for signs and symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The client has a history of a suicide attempt 1 year ago. Which nursing intervention would take priority in this situation? A. Assessing the clients pulse oximetry and vital signs B. Developing a plan for safety for the client C. Assessing the client for suicidal ideations D. Establishing a trusting nurseclient relationship *25. After a teenager reveals that he is gay, the father responds by beating him. The next morning, the teenager is found hanging in his closet. Which paternal grief responses should a nurse anticipate? Select all that apply. A. I cant believe this is happening. B. If only I had been more understanding. C. How dare he do this to me! D. Im just going to have to accept that he was gay. E. Well, that was a selfish thing to do. 26. A nursing student is developing a study guide related to historical facts about suicide. Which of the following facts should the student include? Select all that apply. A. In the Middle Ages, suicide was viewed as a selfish and criminal act. B. During the Roman Empire, suicide was followed by incineration of the body. C. Suicide was an offense in ancient Greece, and a common-site burial was denied. D. During the Renaissance, suicide was discussed and viewed more philosophically. E. Old Norse traditionally set a person who committed suicide adrift in the North Sea. Chapter 18. Behavior Therapy 1. A kindergarten rule states that if unacceptable behavior occurs, a childs personalized fish will be moved to the sea grass. Children who behave keep their fish out of the sea grass. The school nurse should identify this intervention as based on which principle of behavior therapy? A. Classical conditioning B. Conditioned response C. Positive reinforcement D. Negative reinforcement 2. An adolescent comes from a dysfunctional family where physical and verbal abuse prevails. At school this adolescent bullies and fights with classmates. According to principles of behavior therapy, what is the probable source of this behavior? A. Shaping B. Modeling C. Premack principle D. Reciprocal inhibition 3. A third-grader feigns illness in order to avoid doing homework. The teacher recommends an educational program that uses a token economy. How should a school nurse explain a token economy to this childs parent? A. Your child will receive green tokens for completing homework that can be cashed in for desired rewards. B. Your child will receive red tokens when homework is incomplete and this will result in school suspension. C. Your child will receive a time out for each homework assignment not completed. D. Your child, with your assistance, will envision receiving rewards for completed homework. 4. A client is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The nurse counselor recommends intervention with the behavioral technique of reciprocal inhibition. The client asks, Whats that? Which is the most appropriate nursing reply? A. At the beginning of this intervention, a contract will be drawn up explicitly stating the behavior change agreed upon. B. By introducing an adaptive behavior that is mutually exclusive to your maladaptive behavior, we will expect subsequent behavior to improve. C. Through a series of increasingly anxiety-provoking steps, we will gradually increase your tolerance to anxiety. D. In one intense session, you will be exposed to a maximum level of anxiety that you will learn to tolerate. 5. A client reports, My friend panicked at the site of spiders. Her therapist used gradual exposure to spiders that initially made her increasingly more anxious. Which technique was the friends therapist most likely using? A. Extinction B. Covert sensitization C. Systematic desensitization D. Reciprocal inhibition 6. A 2-year-old engages in frequent temper tantrums that usually result in the parents giving in to demands. During family therapy, how should a nurse counsel the parents? A. You are shaping your childs behavior. B. Your child has modeled your behavior. C. You are positively reinforcing your childs behavior. D. You are negatively reinforcing your childs behavior. 7. A child always chooses to ask mother over father when seeking special privileges. The father is more apt to disagree than agree with the childs requests, whereas the mother usually consents. The childs choice is the result of which component of operant conditioning? A. Conditioned stimuli B. Unconditioned stimuli C. Aversive stimuli D. Discriminative stimuli 8. Parents decide to try the nurse practitioners suggestion of time out when their child misbehaves. What teaching should the nurse practitioner provide the parents? A. Correct your childs behavior by spanking for a specified time period. B. Ignore the childs negative behavior. C. Add positive reinforcement for acceptable behavior. D. Temporarily move your child to an area where behavior is not being reinforced. 9. Parents of a 3-year-old have noticed an improvement in behavior because of using a time out behavioral approach. What aspect of time out therapy may be responsible for this childs improved behavior? A. Negative reinforcement discourages maladaptive behavior. B. Positive reinforcement is removed. C. Covert sensitization is being applied. D. Reciprocal inhibition is eliminated. 10. A client is in therapy with a nurse practitioner for the treatment of arachnophobia. The nurse practitioner decides to use the technique of flooding. Which intervention best exemplifies this technique? A. Giving rewards for demonstrating a decrease in fear of spiders B. Encouraging the client to sit through the movie Spiderman C. Accompanying the client to a 1-hour visit to the local zoos spider room D. Offering a computer program that progressively presents anxiety-producing spider scenarios 11. During a smoking cessation group, the community health nurse explains that in their effort to quit smoking, a reciprocal inhibition approach will be used. The nurse should give the group which example of this technique? A. Before you can smoke, you must first take a half-hour walk. B. When you have the urge to smoke, imagine being short of breath. C. Youll receive $1 for each cigarette not smoked and forfeit $2 for each cigarette smoked. D. When you have the urge to smoke, hold your breath and then rhythmically breathe. 12. A mother states, You are old enough to clean your own bedroom. Later inspection finds the floor clear, but with everything stacked in a chair. The mother praises the child for clearing the floor. This is consistent with which technique of behavior modification? A. Shaping B. Extinction C. Stimulus generalization D. Reciprocal inhibition 13. During hospitalization, an attention-seeking client has repeatedly cut herself. After threatening to cut herself again, the nurse states, Here are some Band-Aids so you wont bleed on the sheets. Which is the underlying reason for this nurses response? A. The nurse is using an aversive stimulus in response to the clients manipulative cutting behavior. B. The nurse is using negative reinforcement in response to the clients behavior. C. The nurse is minimizing reinforcement of the clients manipulative behavior with the goal of extinction. D. The nurse lacks empathy for the clients recurring self-injurious behavior. 14. A nursing instructor is teaching about the behavior technique of modeling. When asked to give an example of this behavioral intervention, which student statement meets the learning objective? A. A child is first rewarded for using a spoon to eat and then rewarded for using a fork, and finally rewarded for cutting food with a knife. B. An adolescent imitates Dad by using and caring for tools appropriately. C. A client and therapist agree to conditions of therapy, stating explicitly in writing the behavior change that is desired. D. A mother tells her child that television can be watched only after homework is completed. 15. A mother tells her teenager that in order for college tuition to be paid, the teenager must quit smoking. They develop a written agreement stipulating time frames and consequences. This is an example of which technique of behavior modification? A. Shaping B. Modeling C. Contracting D. Premack principle 16. When asked to identify principles that define the term maladaptive behavior, which nursing student statement indicates that further teaching is needed? A. Behavior is maladaptive when it is age inappropriate. B. Behavior is maladaptive when it interferes with adaptive functioning. C. Behavior is maladaptive when it is identified as inappropriate in the context of ones culture. D. Behavior is maladaptive when it results in change within an otherwise stable subsystem. 17. Which assumption is most reflective of a behavioral theory model? A. Mental illness is characterized by structural and biochemical alterations. B. Thought processes influence behaviors. C. All personality development has a social context. D. There is a basic relationship between stimulus and response. 18. A nurse should recognize which intervention as most appropriate within a behavioral therapy program? A. A child is given a Popsicle for staying dry and clean. B. A child is put in time-out after soiling his or her undergarments. C. A child is allowed to remain in soiled undergarments. D. A child is taught the advantages of staying dry and clean. 19. An adolescent client was recently admitted to the psychiatric unit because of impulsivity and acting-out behavior at school. The nurse should initially implement which nursing action? A. Redirect the client to activities to decrease stress. B. Explain the unit rules and consequences of breaking the rules. C. Place the client on close observation to insure a trusting relationship. D. Administer an anti-anxiety medication. 20. According to behavioral theory, the treatment of phobic symptoms should involve which action? A. The manipulation of the environment B. The use of desensitization C. The use of family therapy D. The uncovering of past events Chapter 19. Cognitive Therapy 1. A nursing instructor is teaching about the didactic aspects of cognitive therapy. Which student statement indicates a deficit in meeting the learning objectives of this content? A. The therapist provides information about the process of cognitive therapy. B. The therapist uses guided imagery in an effort to elicit automatic thoughts. C. The therapist provides information about how cognitive therapy works. D. The therapist uses reading assignments to reinforce learning. 2. A psychiatric nurse is counseling a client who has thought patterns consisting of rapid responses to a situation without rational analysis. What assessment data will the nurse document on this client? A. Thought patterns are triggered by specific stressful stimuli. B. Thought patterns contain the clients fundamental beliefs and assumptions. C. Thought patterns are flexible and based on personal experience. D. Thought patterns include a predominance of automatic thoughts. 3. A successful business executive continually thinks that job accomplishments are not adequate. A nurse recognizes that the clients thinking is reflective of which cognitive error? A. Minimization B. Dichotomous thinking C. Arbitrary inference D. Personalization 4. A nursing student states, The instructor gave me a failing grade on my research paper. I know its because the instructor doesnt like me. Which cognitive error does a nurse recognize in this students statement? A. Dichotomous thinking B. Catastrophic thinking C. Magnification D. Overgeneralization 5. An advanced practice nurse recommends that a client participate in cognitive therapy. The client asks, Whats cognitive therapy and how can it help me? Which is the nurses most appropriate reply? A. It is a system of techniques in which you use positive thinking to improve your mood. B. It is a long-term interpersonal approach that emphasizes the role of early childhood experiences. C. It is an interpersonal treatment approach that specifically targets magical thinking. D. It is a type of psychotherapy that focuses treatment on the modification of distorted thinking and maladaptive behaviors. 6. A welder has been selected as employee of the year. The welder wants to ask for a promotion but is hampered by poor self-esteem. The employee health nurse provides assistance. Which technique should the nurse use to help the employee request the promotion? A. Socratic questioning B. Activity scheduling C. Distraction D. Cognitive rehearsal 7. An advanced practice nurse is counseling a client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. The nurse plans to use activity scheduling to address this clients concerns. What is the purpose of this nursing intervention? A. To identify important areas needing concentration during therapy B. To increase self-esteem and decrease feelings of helplessness C. To modify maladaptive behaviors by the use of role-play D. To divert away from intrusive thoughts and depressive ruminations 8. When a clients husband comes home late from work, the wife immediately fears infidelity. The advanced practice nurse therapist encourages the wife to consider other explanations for her husbands tardiness. What technique is the nurse using? A. Examination of the evidence B. Decatastrophizing C. Generating alternatives D. Reattribution 9. A nursing student evaluates her group project partner as irresponsible because of minimal participation in planning. When told of this situation, the nursing instructor plans to use the cognitive technique of examining the evidence. Which response exemplifies this technique? A. Lets look at the potential reasons why your partner has not participated. B. How would you define irresponsibility? C. Has it occurred to you that your partner may be working on the project at home? D. Are you telling me that you feel totally responsible for this project? 10. A nursing assistant has failed a prerequisite course toward admission to nursing school and states, I will always be only a nursing assistant and never an RN. Her nursing advisor understands this is an example of which automatic thought? A. Arbitrary inference B. Overgeneralization C. Dichotomous thinking D. Personalization 11. A high school basketball player sustains a serious knee injury and states to the school nurse, I will never get to college if I dont receive a basketball scholarship. Which nursing reply would assist the student to see a broader range of possibilities? A. Lets look at the alternatives for funding your college education. B. I know you are feeling helpless now, but you are looking at this from only one perspective. C. Can your family afford knee surgery? D. You now need to prioritize your academics and not focus on basketball. 12. A labor and delivery nurse listens to a new mother relate thoughts regarding her healthy, 8-pound baby girl. Which statement by the mother indicates to the nurse the use of the cognitive error, selective abstraction? A. My baby is refusing to nurse, and I know its because she hates me. B. My baby needs to be under the bilirubin lights, but I resent her time away from me. C. My baby is wonderful, but Im depressed because I wanted twins. D. My baby has an elevated bilirubin, and I know it will get worse and she will die. 13. A client admitted to a Veterans Administration (VA) hospital with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder tells the nurse, I failed my battalion by giving the wrong order. Fortunately, no one was injured. Which nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign to this client? A. Chronic low self-esteem B. Risk for self-directed violence C. Powerlessness D. Situational low self-esteem 14. The director of nursing (DON) sets up a meeting with the newly appointed nurse manager, who, to this point, has done an excellent job. The nurse manager anticipates job termination. What is the best description of the cognitive error being employed by the nurse manager? A. Thinking from an all-or-nothing perspective B. Always thinking the worst will occur without considering positive outcomes C. Viewing only selected negative evidence while editing out positive aspects D. Undervaluing the positive significance of an event 15. A nursing instructor is teaching about dichotomous thinking. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. Dichotomous thinking is when an individual views situations as being good or bad or black or white. B. Dichotomous thinking is when an individual takes complete responsibility for situations without considering other circumstances. C. Dichotomous thinking is when an individual exaggerates the negative significance of an event. D. Dichotomous thinking is when an individual undervalues the positive significance of an event. 16. A client states, I keep having horrible nightmares about the car accident that killed my daughter. I shouldnt have taken her with me to the store. Using a cognitive approach, which nursing reply would be most therapeutic? A. Are other issues from your past affecting your ability to move on? B. Describe your current feelings about your loss. C. Lets talk about something that will help you move on. D. Can anyone predict when a car accident will happen? 17. Which client statement would exemplify the level of cognitive function that you would expect to see in mild anxiety? A. Right now I feel as sharp as a tack. B. Im having a tough time focusing. C. Sometimes I feel like Im having an out-of-body experience. D. All I seem to focus on is my anger. 18. When using a cognitive approach, a nurse would include which point in teaching a client about panic disorder? A. You might want to stay in the house when you notice the symptoms beginning. B. Medications such as lorazepam (Ativan) should be taken when symptoms start. C. Remind yourself that symptoms of a panic attack are time limited and will end. D. Keep a journal in order to note feelings surrounding the panic attacks. 19. Using a cognitive approach, a nurse would choose which intervention for assisting clients to manage their anger without the use of violence? A. Assist the client to identify thoughts that trigger anger and substitute reality-based thinking. B. Provide consequences, such as removal from group therapy, in response to angry outbursts. C. Administer antipsychotic medications and use limit-setting such as a room restriction. D. Administer anti-anxiety medication and encourage participation in a group on medication actions. 20. A client recovering from alcohol toxicity is using minimization. Which statement reflects this cognitive distortion? A. I cant give up alcohol right now because I just gave up smoking. B. I just read that red wine has health benefits. C. I may have a minor problem, but I can handle it. D. I dont drink as much as my wife, and nobody thinks she has a problem. 21. A client is experiencing auditory hallucinations. Using a cognitive strategy, the nurse would encourage the client to do which of these? A. Try singing Happy Birthday until the voices are gone. B. Document what the voices are saying, to note cause and effect. C. Try listening to music using headphones for distraction. D. Remind yourself that the voices are symptoms of your disease. 22. A client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder states, Get out of here. No one cares about me or my situation! Which nursing reply is an example of a cognitive intervention? A. You have an anti-anxiety medication ordered. It may make you feel better. B. It sounds like you are feeling really frustrated. C. Can you explain further your thinking about your situation? D. No one cares about you? 23. A nursing instructor is lecturing about cognitive therapy. Which of the following are objectives when implementing this therapy? Select all that apply. A. To modify automatic thoughts to promote minimization of negative cognitions B. To apply a variety of methods to create change in an individuals thinking C. To apply cognitive principles in order to change an individuals basic schema D. To modify belief systems in an effort to bring about emotional change E. To modify belief systems in an effort to bring about behavioral change 24. A nurse practitioner uses cognitive therapy with depressed clients. The nurse asks clients to keep a daily record of dysfunctional thoughts. Which of the following are appropriate nursing replies to a client questioning the purpose of this exercise? Select all that apply. A. The purpose of this exercise is to identify automatic thoughts. B. The purpose of this exercise is to identify rational alternatives. C. The purpose of this exercise is to modify cognitive errors. D. The purpose of this exercise is to eliminate irrational beliefs. E. The purpose of this exercise is to monitor thoughts related to self-esteem. 25. Which of the following client statements would indicate that teaching about benzodiazepines has been successful? Select all that apply. A. I cant drink alcohol when taking lorazepam (Ativan). B. If I abruptly stop taking buspirone (BuSpar), I may have a seizure. C. Valium can make me drowsy, so I shouldnt drive for awhile. D. My new diet cannot include aged cheese or pickled herring. E. When the fluoxetine (Prozac) begins working, I can stop the alprazolam (Xanax). Chapter 25. Depressive Disorders 1. A client is diagnosed with persistent depressive (dysthymia) disorder. Which should a nurse classify as an affective symptom of this disorder? A. Social isolation with a focus on self B. Low energy level C. Difficulty concentrating D. Gloomy and pessimistic outlook on life 2. A client is diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Which nursing diagnosis should a nurse assign to this client to address a behavioral symptom of this disorder? A. Altered communication R/T feelings of worthlessness AEB anhedonia B. Social isolation R/T poor self-esteem AEB secluding self in room C. Altered thought processes R/T hopelessness AEB persecutory delusions D. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements R/T high anxiety AEB anorexia 3. A nurse assesses a client suspected of having major depressive disorder. Which client symptom would eliminate this diagnosis? A. The client is disheveled and malodorous. B. The client refuses to interact with others. C. The client is unable to feel any pleasure. D. The client has maxed-out charge cards and exhibits promiscuous behaviors. 4. A nurse reviews the laboratory data of a 29-year-old client suspected of having major depressive disorder. Which laboratory value would potentially rule out this diagnosis? A. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level of 6.2 U/mL B. Potassium (K+) level of 4.2 mEq/L C. Sodium (Na+) level of 140 mEq/L D. Calcium (Ca2+) level of 9.5 mg/dL 5. A depressed client reports to a nurse a history of divorce, job loss, family estrangement, and cocaine abuse. According to learning theory, what is the cause of this clients symptoms? A. Depression is a result of anger turned inward. B. Depression is a result of abandonment. C. Depression is a result of repeated failures. D. Depression is a result of negative thinking. 6. What is the priority reason for a nurse to perform a full physical health assessment on a client admitted with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder? A. The attention during the assessment is beneficial in decreasing social isolation. B. Depression is a symptom of several medical conditions. C. Physical health complications are likely to arise from antidepressant therapy. D. Depressed clients avoid addressing physical health and ignore medical problems. 7. A nurse is planning care for a child who is experiencing depression. Which medication is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of depression in children and adolescents? A. Paroxetine (Paxil) B. Sertraline (Zoloft) C. Citalopram (Celexa) D. Fluoxetine (Prozac) 8. A nurse admits an older client who is experiencing memory loss, confused thinking, and apathy. A psychiatrist suspects depression. What is the rationale for performing a mini-mental status exam? A. To rule out bipolar disorder B. To rule out schizophrenia C. To rule out neurocognitive disorder D. To rule out a personality disorder 9. A confused client has recently been prescribed sertraline (Zoloft). The clients spouse is taking paroxetine (Paxil). The client presents with restlessness, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and tremors. What complication does a nurse suspect, and what could be its possible cause? A. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome caused by ingestion of two different serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) B. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome caused by ingestion of an SSRI and a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) C. Serotonin syndrome caused by ingestion of an SSRI and an MAOI D. Serotonin syndrome caused by ingestion of two different SSRIs 10. A client who has been taking fluvoxamine (Luvox) without significant improvement asks a nurse, I heard about something called a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). Cant my doctor add that to my medications? Which is an appropriate nursing reply? A. This combination of drugs can lead to delirium tremens. B. A combination of an MAOI and Luvox can lead to a life-threatening hypertensive crisis. C. Thats a good idea. There have been good results with the combination of these two drugs. D. The only disadvantage would be the exorbitant cost of the MAOI. 11. A psychiatrist prescribes a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) for a client. Which foods should the nurse teach the client to avoid? A. Pepperoni pizza and red wine B. Bagels with cream cheese and tea C. Apple pie and coffee D. Potato chips and diet cola 12. A client who has been taking buspirone (BuSpar) as prescribed for 2 days is close to discharge. Which statement indicates to the nurse that the client has an understanding of important discharge teaching? A. I cannot drink any alcohol with this medication. B. It is going to take 2 to 3 weeks in order for me to begin to feel better. C. This drug causes physical dependence, and I need to strictly follow doctors orders. D. I cant take this medication with food. It needs to be taken on an empty stomach. 13. A client is admitted to the psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. The client is unable to concentrate, has no appetite, and is experiencing insomnia. Which should be included in this clients plan of care? A. A simple, structured daily schedule with limited choices of activities B. A daily schedule filled with activities to promote socialization C. A flexible schedule that allows the client opportunities for decision making D. A schedule that includes mandatory activities to decrease social isolation 14. An isolative client was admitted 4 days ago with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Which nursing statement would best motivate this client to attend a therapeutic group being held in the milieu? A. Well go to the day room when you are ready for group. B. Ill walk with you to the day room. Group is about to start. C. It must be difficult for you to attend group when you feel so bad. D. Let me tell you about the benefits of attending this group. 15. A client who is diagnosed with major depressive disorder asks the nurse what causes depression. Which of these is the most accurate response? A. Depression is caused by a deficiency in neurotransmitters, including serotonin and norepinephrine. B. The exact cause of depressive disorders is unknown. A number of things, including genetic, biochemical, and environmental influences, likely play a role. C. Depression is a learned state of helplessness cause by ineffective parenting. D. Depression is caused by intrapersonal conflict between the id and the ego. 16. What client information does a nurse need to assess prior to initiating medication therapy with phenelzine (Nardil)? A. The clients understanding of the need for regular bloodwork B. The clients mood and affect score, according to the facilitys mood scale C. The clients cognitive ability to understand information about the medication D. The clients access to a support network willing to participate in treatment 17. A client diagnosed with major depressive disorder states, Ive been feeling down for 3 months. Will I ever feel like myself again? Which reply by the nurse will best assess this clients affective symptoms? A. Have you been diagnosed with any physical disorder within the last 3 months? B. Have you ever felt this way before? C. People who have mood changes often feel better when spring comes. D. Help me understand what you mean when you say, feeling down? 18. A nurse is implementing a one-on-one suicide observation level with a client diagnosed with major depressive disorder. The client states, Im feeling a lot better, so you can stop watching me. I have taken up too much of your time already. Which is the best nursing reply? A. I really appreciate your concern but I have been ordered to continue to watch you. B. Because we are concerned about your safety, we will continue to observe you. C. I am glad you are feeling better. The treatment team will consider your request. D. I will forward you request to your psychiatrist because it is his decision. 19. A newly admitted client is diagnosed with major depressive disorder with suicidal ideations. Which would be the priority nursing intervention for this client? A. Teach about the effect of suicide on family dynamics. B. Carefully and unobtrusively observe on the basis of assessed data, at varied intervals around the clock. C. Encourage the client to spend a portion of each day interacting within the milieu. D. Set realistic achievable goals to increase self-esteem. 20. The nurse is providing counseling to clients diagnosed with major depressive disorder. The nurse chooses to help the clients alter their mood by learning how to change the way they think. The nurse is functioning under which theoretical framework? A. Psychoanalytic theory B. Interpersonal theory C. Cognitive theory D. Behavioral theory 21. Which client statement expresses a typical underlying feeling of clients diagnosed with major depressive disorder? A. Its just a matter of time and I will be well. B. If I ignore these feelings, they will go away. C. I can fight these feelings and overcome this disorder. D. Nothing will help me feel better. 22. A 75-year-old client with a long history of depression is currently on doxepin (Sinequan), 100 mg daily. The client takes a daily diuretic for hypertension and is recovering from the flu. Which nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign highest priority? A. Risk for ineffective thermoregulation R/T anhidrosis B. Risk for constipation R/T excessive fluid loss C. Risk for injury R/T orthostatic hypotension D. Risk for infection R/T suppressed white blood cell count 23. A client is admitted with a diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder. Which client statement would describe a symptom consistent with this diagnosis? A. I am sad most of the time and Ive felt this way for the last several years. B. I find myself preoccupied with death. C. Sometimes I hear voices telling me to kill myself. D. Im afraid to leave the house. 24. A client diagnosed with major depressive disorder was raised in a strongly religious family where bad behavior was equated with sins against God. Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate to help the client address spirituality as it relates to his illness? A. Encourage the client to bring into awareness underlying sources of guilt. B. Teach the client that religious beliefs should be put into perspective throughout the life span. C. Confront the client with the irrational nature of the belief system. D. Assist the client to modify his or her belief system in order to improve coping skills. 25. A nurse is caring for four clients taking various medications, including imipramine (Tofranil), doxepine (Sinequan), ziprasidone (Geodon), and tranylcypromine (Parnate). The nurse orders a special diet for the client receiving which medication? A. Tofranil B. Senequan C. Geodon D. Parnate 26. A client admitted to the psychiatric unit following a suicide attempt is diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Which behavioral symptoms should the nurse expect to assess? A. Anxiety and unconscious anger B. Lack of attention to grooming and hygiene C. Guilt and indecisiveness D. Low self-esteem 27. A newly admitted client diagnosed with major depressive disorder states, I have never considered suicide. Later the client confides to the nurse about plans to end it all by medication overdose. What is the most helpful nursing reply? A. There is nothing to worry about. We will handle it together. B. Bringing this up is a very positive action on your part. C. We need to talk about the things you have to live for. D. I think you should consider all your options prior to taking this action. 28. A 20-year-old female has a diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Which of the following should a nurse identify as consistent with this diagnosis? Select all that apply. A. Symptoms are causing significant interference with work, school, and social relationships. B. Patient-rated mood is 2/10 for the past 6 months C. Mood swings occur the week before onset of menses D. Patient reports subjective difficulty concentrating E. Patient manifests pressured speech when communicating 29. An individual experiences sadness and melancholia in September continuing through November. Which of the following factors should a nurse identify as most likely to contribute to the etiology of these symptoms? Select all that apply. A. Gender differences in social opportunities that occur with age B. Drastic temperature and barometric pressure changes C. Increased levels of melatonin D. Variations in serotonergic functioning E. Inaccessibility of resources for dealing with life stressors 30. A client is prescribed phenelzine (Nardil). Which of the following client statements should indicate to a nurse that discharge teaching about this medication has been successful? Select all that apply. A. Ill have to let my surgeon know about this medication before I have my cholecystectomy. B. Guess I will have to give up my glass of red wine with dinner. C. Ill have to be very careful about reading food and medication labels. D. Im going to miss my caffeinated coffee in the morning. E. Ill be sure not to stop this medication abruptly. Chapter 26. Bipolar and Related Disorders 1. A highly agitated client paces the unit and states, I could buy and sell this place. The clients mood fluctuates from fits of laughter to outbursts of anger. Which is the most accurate documentation of this clients behavior? A. Rates mood 8/10. Exhibiting looseness of association. Euphoric. B. Mood euthymic. Exhibiting magical thinking. Restless. C. Mood labile. Exhibiting delusions of reference. Hyperactive. D. Agitated and pacing. Exhibiting grandiosity. Mood labile. 2. A client diagnosed with bipolar I disorder is distraught over insomnia experienced over the last 3 nights and a 12-pound weight loss over the past 2 weeks. Which should be this clients priority nursing diagnosis? A. Knowledge deficit R/T bipolar disorder AEB concern about symptoms B. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements R/T hyperactivity AEB weight loss C. Risk for suicide R/T powerlessness AEB insomnia and anorexia D. Altered sleep patterns R/T mania AEB insomnia for the past 3 nights 3. A nurse is planning care for a client diagnosed with bipolar disorder: manic episode. In which order should the nurse prioritize the listed client outcomes? Client Outcomes: 1. Maintains nutritional status. 2. Interacts appropriately with peers. 3. Remains free from injury. 4. Sleeps 6 to 8 hours a night. A. 2, 1, 3, 4 B. 4, 1, 2, 3 C. 3, 1, 4, 2 D. 1, 4, 2, 3 4. A client diagnosed with bipolar disorder: depressive episode intentionally overdoses on sertraline (Zoloft). Family reports that the client has experienced anorexia, insomnia, and recent job loss. What should be the priority nursing diagnosis for this client? A. Risk for suicide R/T hopelessness B. Anxiety: severe R/T hyperactivity C. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements R/T refusal to eat D. Dysfunctional grieving R/T loss of employment 5. A client diagnosed with bipolar I disorder: manic episode refuses to take lithium carbonate because he complains that it makes him feel sick. Which of the following medications might be alternatively prescribed for mood stabilization in bipolar disorders? A. Sertraline (Zoloft) B. Valproic acid (Depakote) C. Trazodone (Desyrel) D. Paroxetine (Paxil) 6. A client diagnosed with bipolar I disorder is exhibiting severe manic behaviors. A physician prescribes lithium carbonate (Eskalith) and olanzapine (Zyprexa). The clients spouse questions the Zyprexa order. Which is the appropriate nursing reply? A. Zyprexa in combination with Eskalith cures manic symptoms. B. Zyprexa prevents extrapyramidal side effects. C. Zyprexa ensures a good nights sleep. D. Zyprexa calms hyperactivity until the Eskalith takes effect. 7. A client began taking lithium for the treatment of bipolar disorder approximately 1 month ago. The client asks if it is normal to have gained 12 pounds in this time frame. Which is the appropriate nursing reply? A. Thats strange. Weight loss is the typical pattern. B. What have you been eating? Weight gain is not usually associated with lithium. C. Weight gain is a common but troubling side effect. D. Weight gain occurs only during the first month of treatment with this drug. 8. A nursing instructor is teaching about the prevalence of bipolar disorder. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. This disorder is more prevalent in the lower socioeconomic groups. B. This disorder is more prevalent in the higher socioeconomic groups. C. This disorder is equally prevalent in all socioeconomic groups. D. This disorders prevalence cannot be evaluated on the basis of socioeconomic groups. 9. A client diagnosed with bipolar disorder, who has taken lithium carbonate (Lithane) for 1 year, presents in an emergency department with severe diarrhea, blurred vision, and tinnitus. How should the nurse interpret these symptoms? A. Symptoms indicate consumption of foods high in tyramine. B. Symptoms indicate lithium carbonate discontinuation syndrome. C. Symptoms indicate the development of lithium carbonate tolerance. D. Symptoms indicate lithium carbonate toxicity. 10. What tool should a nurse use to differentiate occasional spontaneous behaviors of children from behaviors associated with bipolar disorder? A. Risky Activity tool B. FIND tool C. Consensus Committee tool D. Monotherapy tool 11. An adult client diagnosed with bipolar I disorder is prescribed lamotrigine (Lamictal), 400 mg three times a day, for mood stabilization. Which is a true statement about this medication order? A. This dosage is within the recommended dosage range. B. This dosage is lower than the recommended dosage range. C. This dosage is more than twice the recommended dosage range. D. This dosage is four times higher than the recommended dosage range. 12. A nursing instructor is discussing various challenges in the treatment of clients diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Which student statement demonstrates an understanding of the most critical challenge in the care of these clients? A. Treatment is compromised when clients cant sleep. B. Treatment is compromised when irritability interferes with social interactions. C. Treatment is compromised when clients have no insight into their problems. D. Treatment is compromised when clients choose not to take their medications. 13. A client is diagnosed with bipolar I disorder: manic episode. Which nursing intervention would be implemented to achieve the outcome of Client will gain 2 pounds by the end of the week? A. Provide client with high-calorie finger foods throughout the day. B. Accompany client to cafeteria to encourage adequate dietary consumption. C. Initiate total parenteral nutrition to meet dietary needs. D. Teach the importance of a varied diet to meet nutritional needs. 14. A client is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit. Which is the priority outcome for this client? A. The client will accomplish activities of daily living independently by discharge. B. The client will verbalize feelings during group sessions by discharge. C. The client will remain safe throughout hospitalization. D. The client will use problem-solving to cope adequately after discharge. 15. A nurse begins the intake assessment of a client diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. The client shouts, You cant do this to me. Do you know who I am? Which is the priority nursing action in this situation? A. To provide self and client with a safe environment B. To redirect the client to the needed assessment information C. To provide high-calorie finger foods to meet nutritional needs D. To reorient the client to person, place, time, and situation 16. A client is diagnosed with cyclothymic disorder. What client behaviors should the nurse expect to assess? A. The client expresses feeling blue most of the time. B. The client has endured periods of elation and dysphoria lasting for more than 2 years. C. The client fixates on hopelessness and thoughts of suicide continually. D. The client has labile moods with periods of acute mania. 17. After teaching a client about lithium carbonate (Lithane), a nurse would consider the teaching successful on the basis of which client statement? A. I should expect to feel better in a couple of days. B. Ill call my doctor immediately if I experience any diarrhea or ringing in my ears. C. If I forget a dose, I can double the dose the next time I take this drug. D. I need to restrict my intake of any food containing salt. 18. A client has been taking lithium for several years with good symptom control. The client presents in the emergency department with blurred vision, tinnitus, and severe diarrhea. The nurse should correlate these symptoms with which lithium level? A. 1.3 mEq/L B. 1.7 mEq/L C. 2.3 mEq/L D. 3.7 mEq/L 19. A newly admitted client is experiencing a manic episode of bipolar I disorder and presents as very agitated. The nurse should assign which priority nursing diagnosis to this client? A. Ineffective individual coping R/T hospitalization AEB alcohol abuse B. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements R/T mania AEB 10-pound weight loss C. Risk for violence: directed toward others R/T agitation and hyperactivity D. Sleep pattern disturbance R/T flight of ideas AEB sleeps 1 to 2 hours per night 20. A client who has been diagnosed with bipolar I disorder states, God has taught me how to decode the Bible. A nurse should anticipate that which combination of medications would be ordered to address this clients symptoms? A. Lithium carbonate (Lithobid) and risperidone (Risperdal) B. Lithium carbonate (Lithobid) and carbamazepine (Tegretol) C. Valproic acid (Depakote) and sertraline (Zoloft) D. Valproic acid (Depakote) and lamotrigine (Lamictal) 21. A nurse learns at report that a newly admitted client experiencing mania is demonstrating grandiose delusions. The nurse should recognize that which client statement would provide supportive evidence of this symptom? A. I cant stop my sexual urges. They have led me to numerous affairs. B. Im the worlds most perceptive attorney. C. My wife is distraught about my overspending. D. The FBI is out to get me. 22. Which client statement would the nurse recognize as indicating that the client understands dietary teaching related to lithium carbonate (Lithobid) treatment? A. I will limit my intake of fluids daily. B. I will maintain normal salt intake. C. I will take Lithobid on an empty stomach. D. I will increase my caloric intake to prevent weight loss. 23. A client on an inpatient unit is diagnosed with bipolar disorder: manic episode. During a discussion in the dayroom about weekend activities, the client raises his voice, becomes irritable, and insists that plans change. What should be the nurses initial intervention? A. Ask the group to take a vote on alternative weekend events. B. Remind the client to quiet down or leave the dayroom. C. Assist the client to move to a calmer location. D. Discuss with the client impulse control problems. 24. A client diagnosed with bipolar disorder states, I hate oatmeal. Lets get everybody together to do exercises. Im thirsty and Im burning up. Get out of my way; I have to see that guy. What should be the priority nursing action? A. Assess the clients vital signs. B. Offer to have the dietitian discuss food preferences. C. Encourage the client to lead the exercise program in the community meeting. D. Acknowledge the client briefly and then walk away. 25. A newly admitted client is diagnosed with bipolar disorder: manic episode. Which symptom related to altered thought is the nurse most likely to assess? A. Pacing B. Flight of ideas C. Lability of mood D. Irritability 26. The inpatient psychiatric unit is being redecorated. At a unit meeting, staff discusses bedroom dcor for clients experiencing mania. The nurse manager evaluates which suggestion as most appropriate? A. Rooms should contain extra-large windows with views of the street. B. Rooms should contain brightly colored walls with printed drapes. C. Rooms should be painted deep colors and located close to the nurses station. D. Rooms should be painted with neutral colors and contain pale-colored accessories. 27. A clients spouse asks, What evidence supports the possibility of genetic transmission of bipolar disorder? Which is the best nursing reply? A. Clients diagnosed with bipolar disorders have alterations in neurochemicals that affect behaviors. B. Higher rates of relatives diagnosed with bipolar disorder are found in families of clients diagnosed with this disorder. C. Higher rates of relatives of clients diagnosed with bipolar disorder respond in an exaggerated way to daily stress. D. More individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder come from higher socioeconomic and educational backgrounds. 28. A client is admitted in a manic episode of bipolar I disorder. Which nursing intervention should be most therapeutic for this client? A. Using a calm, unemotional approach during client interactions B. Focusing primarily on enforcing limits C. Limiting interactions to decrease external stimuli D. Encouraging the client to establish social relationships with peers 29. Which of the following instructions regarding lithium therapy should be included in a nurses discharge teaching? Select all that apply. A. Avoid excessive use of beverages containing caffeine. B. Maintain a consistent sodium intake. C. Consume at least 2,500 to 3,000 mL of fluid per day. D. Restrict sodium content. E. Restrict fluids to 1,500 mL per day. 30. Which of the following explanations should a nurse include when teaching parents why is it difficult to diagnose a child or adolescent exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder? Select all that apply. A. Bipolar symptoms are similar to attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder symptoms. B. Children are naturally active, energetic, and spontaneous. C. Neurotransmitter levels vary considerably in accordance with age. D. The diagnosis of bipolar disorder cannot be assigned prior to the age of 18. E. Genetic predisposition is not a reliable diagnostic determinant. Chapter 27. Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders 1. A nursing instructor is teaching about specific phobias. Which student statement should indicate that learning has occurred? A. These clients do not recognize that their fear is excessive, and they rarely seek treatment. B. These clients have overwhelming symptoms of panic when exposed to the phobic stimulus. C. These clients experience symptoms that mirror a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). D. These clients experience the symptoms of tachycardia, dysphagia, and diaphoresis. 2. A client has a history of excessive fear of water. What is the term that a nurse should use to describe this specific phobia, and under what subtype is this phobia identified? A. Aquaphobia, a natural environment type of phobia B. Aquaphobia, a situational type of phobia C. Acrophobia, a natural environment type of phobia D. Acrophobia, a situational type of phobia. 3. How would a nurse differentiate a client diagnosed with a social phobia from a client diagnosed with a schizoid personality disorder (SPD)? A. Clients diagnosed with social phobia can manage anxiety without medications, whereas clients diagnosed with SPD can manage anxiety only with medications. B. Clients diagnosed with SPD are distressed by the symptoms experienced in social settings, whereas clients diagnosed with social phobia are not. C. Clients diagnosed with social phobia avoid interactions only in social settings, whereas clients diagnosed with SPD avoid interactions in all areas of life. D. Clients diagnosed with SPD avoid interactions only in social settings, whereas clients diagnosed with social phobias tend to avoid interactions in all areas of life. 4. How would a nurse differentiate a client diagnosed with panic disorder from a client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)? A. GAD is acute in nature, and panic disorder is chronic. B. Chest pain is a common GAD symptom, whereas this symptom is absent in panic disorders. C. Hyperventilation is a common symptom in GAD and rare in panic disorder. D. Depersonalization is commonly seen in panic disorder and absent in GAD. 5. Which treatment should a nurse identify as most appropriate for clients diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)? A. Long-term treatment with diazepam (Valium) B. Acute symptom control with citalopram (Celexa) C. Long-term treatment with buspirone (BuSpar) D. Acute symptom control with ziprasidone (Geodon) 6. A client refuses to go on a cruise to the Bahamas with his spouse because of fearing that the cruise ship will sink and all will drown. Using a cognitive theory perspective, the nurse should use which of these statements to explain to the spouse the etiology of this fear? A. Your spouse may be unable to resolve internal conflicts, which result in projected anxiety. B. Your spouse may be experiencing a distorted and unrealistic appraisal of the situation. C. Your spouse may have a genetic predisposition to overreacting to potential danger. D. Your spouse may have high levels of brain chemicals that may distort thinking. 7. Arthur, who is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, reports to the nurse that he cant stop thinking about all the potentially life threatening germs in the environment. What is the most accurate way for the nurse to document this symptom? A. Patient is expressing an obsession with germs. B. Patient is manifesting compulsive thinking. C. Patient is expressing delusional thinking about germs. D. Patient is manifesting arachnophobia of germs. 8. A cab driver stuck in traffic is suddenly lightheaded, tremulous, and diaphoretic and experiences tachycardia and dyspnea. An extensive workup in an emergency department reveals no pathology. Which medical diagnosis is suspected, and what nursing diagnosis takes priority? A. Generalized anxiety disorder and a nursing diagnosis of fear B. Altered sensory perception and a nursing diagnosis of panic disorder C. Pain disorder and a nursing diagnosis of altered role performance D. Panic disorder and a nursing diagnosis of panic anxiety 9. A client diagnosed with panic disorder states, When an attack happens, I feel like I am going to die. Which is the most appropriate nursing reply? A. I know its frightening, but try to remind yourself that this will only last a short time. B. Death from a panic attack happens so infrequently that there is no need to worry. C. Most people who experience panic attacks have feelings of impending doom. D. Tell me why you think you are going to die every time you have a panic attack. 10. A nursing instructor is teaching about the medications used to treat panic disorder. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. Clonazepam (Klonopin) is particularly effective in the treatment of panic disorder. B. Clozapine (Clozaril) is used off-label in long-term treatment of panic disorder. C. Doxepin (Sinequan) can be used in low doses to relieve symptoms of panic attacks. D. Buspirone (BuSpar) is used for its immediate effect to lower anxiety during panic attacks. 11. A family member is seeking advice about an elderly parent who seems to worry unnecessarily about everything. The family member states, Should I seek psychiatric help for my mother? Which is an appropriate nursing reply? A. My mother also worries unnecessarily. I think it is part of the aging process. B. Anxiety is considered abnormal when it is out of proportion to the stimulus causing it and when it impairs functioning. C. From what you have told me, you should get her to a psychiatrist as soon as possible. D. Anxiety is a complex phenomenon and is effectively treated only with psychotropic medications. 12. A client is experiencing a severe panic attack. Which nursing intervention would meet this clients immediate need? A. Teach deep breathing relaxation exercises B. Place the client in a Trendelenburg position C. Stay with the client and offer reassurance of safety D. Administer the ordered prn buspirone (BuSpar) 13. A college student is unable to take a final examination because of severe test anxiety. Instead of studying, the student relieves stress by attending a movie. Which priority nursing diagnosis should a campus nurse assign for this client? A. Noncompliance R/T test taking B. Ineffective role performance R/T helplessness C. Altered coping R/T anxiety D. Powerlessness R/T fear 14. A client living on the beachfront seeks help with an extreme fear of crossing bridges, which interferes with daily life. A psychiatric nurse practitioner decides to try systematic desensitization. Which explanation of this therapy should the nurse convey to the client? A. Using your imagination, we will attempt to achieve a state of relaxation that you can replicate when faced with crossing a bridge. B. Because anxiety and relaxation are mutually exclusive states, we can attempt to substitute a relaxation response for the anxiety response. C. Through a series of increasingly anxiety-provoking steps, we will gradually increase your tolerance to anxiety. D. In one intense session, you will be exposed to a maximum level of anxiety that you will learn to tolerate. 15. A client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder is admitted to a psychiatric unit. The client has an elaborate routine for toileting activities. Which would be an appropriate initial client outcome during the first week of hospitalization? A. The client will refrain from ritualistic behaviors during daylight hours. B. The client will wake early enough to complete rituals prior to breakfast. C. The client will participate in three unit activities by day 3. D. The client will substitute a productive activity for rituals by day 1. 16. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client taking a benzodiazepine. Which client statement would indicate a need for further follow-up instructions? A. I will need scheduled bloodwork in order to monitor for toxic levels of this drug. B. I wont stop taking this medication abruptly, because there could be serious complications. C. I will not drink alcohol while taking this medication. D. I wont take extra doses of this drug because I can become addicted. 17. A client diagnosed with an obsessive-compulsive disorder spends hours bathing and grooming. During a one-on-one interaction, the client discusses the rituals in detail but avoids any feelings that the rituals generate. Which defense mechanism should the nurse identify? A. Sublimation B. Dissociation C. Rationalization D. Intellectualization 18. A client is newly diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and spends 45 minutes folding clothes and rearranging them in drawers. Which nursing intervention would best address this clients problem? A. Distract the client with other activities whenever ritual behaviors begin. B. Report the behavior to the psychiatrist to obtain an order for medication dosage increase. C. Lock the room to discourage ritualistic behavior. D. Discuss the anxiety-provoking triggers that precipitate the ritualistic behaviors. 19. A nursing student questions an instructor regarding the order for fluvoxamine (Luvox), 300 mg daily, for a client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Which instructor reply is most accurate? A. High doses of tricyclic medications will be required for effective treatment of OCD. B. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) doses, in excess of what is effective for treating depression, may be required for OCD. C. The dose of Luvox is low due to the side effect of daytime drowsiness and nighttime insomnia. D. The dosage of Luvox is outside the therapeutic range and needs to be questioned. 20. A client presents in the emergency department with complaints of overwhelming anxiety. Which of the following is a priority for the nurse to assess? A. Risk for suicide B. Cardiac status C. Current stressors D. Substance use history 21. A client is prescribed alprazolam (Xanax) for acute anxiety. What client history should cause a nurse to question this order? A. History of alcohol dependence B. History of personality disorder C. History of schizophrenia D. History of hypertension 22. Warrens college roommate actively resists going out with friends whenever they invite him. He says he cant stand to be around other people and confides to Warren They wouldnt like me anyway. Which disorder is Warrens roommate likely suffering from? A. Agoraphobia B. Mysophobia C. Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) D. Panic disorder 23. A client has the following symptoms: preoccupation with imagined defect, verbalizations that are out of proportion to actual physical abnormalities, and numerous visits to plastic surgeons to seek relief. Which nursing diagnosis would best describe the problems evidenced by these symptoms? A. Ineffective coping B. Disturbed body image C. Complicated grieving D. Panic anxiety 24. How should a nurse best describe the major maladaptive client response to panic disorder? A. Clients overuse medical care because of physical symptoms. B. Clients use illegal drugs to ease symptoms. C. Clients perceive having no control over life situations. D. Clients develop compulsions to deal with anxiety. 25. A client diagnosed with generalized anxiety states, I know the best thing for me to do now is to just forget my worries. How should the nurse evaluate this statement? A. The client is developing insight. B. The clients coping skills are improving. C. The client has a distorted perception of problem resolution. D. The client is meeting outcomes and moving toward discharge. 26. A client is taking chlordiazepoxide (Librium) for generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. In which situation should a nurse recognize that this client is at greatest risk for drug overdose? A. When the client has a knowledge deficit related to the effects of the drug B. When the client combines the drug with alcohol C. When the client takes the drug on an empty stomach D. When the client fails to follow dietary restrictions 27. A college student has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Which of the following symptoms should a campus nurse expect this client to exhibit? Select all that apply. A. Fatigue B. Anorexia C. Hyperventilation D. Insomnia E. Irritability 28. A nurse is discussing treatment options with a client whose life has been negatively impacted by claustrophobia. The nurse would expect which of the following behavioral therapies to be most commonly used in the treatment of phobias? Select all that apply. A. Benzodiazepine therapy B. Systematic desensitization C. Imploding (flooding) D. Assertiveness training E. Aversion therapy 29. A nurse has been caring for a client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Which of the following nursing interventions would address this clients symptoms? Select all that apply. A. Encourage the client to recognize the signs of escalating anxiety. B. Encourage the client to avoid any situation that causes stress. C. Encourage the client to employ newly learned relaxation techniques. D. Encourage the client to cognitively reframe thoughts about situations that generate anxiety. E. Encourage the client to avoid caffeinated products. 30. A client who has been diagnosed with a phobic disorder asks the nurse if there are any medications that would be beneficial in treating phobic disorders. Which of the following would be accurate responses by the nurse? Select all that apply. A. Some antianxiety agents have been successful in treating social phobias. B. Some antidepressant agents have been successful in diminishing symptoms of agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder (social phobia). C. Specific phobias are generally not treated with medication unless accompanied by panic attacks. D. Beta-blockers have been used successfully to treat phobic responses to public performance. Chapter 31. Eating Disorders 1. A high school senior is diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and is hospitalized for severe malnutrition. The treatment team is planning to use behavior modification. What rationale should a nurse identify as the reasoning behind this therapy choice? A. This therapy will increase the clients motivation to gain weight. B. This therapy will reward the client for perfectionist achievements. C. This therapy will provide the client with control over behavioral choices. D. This therapy will protect the client from parental overindulgence. 2. Family dynamics are thought to be a major influence in the development of anorexia nervosa. Which information related to a clients home environment should a nurse associate with the development of this disorder? A. The home environment maintains loose personal boundaries. B. The home environment places an overemphasis on food. C. The home environment is overprotective and demands perfection. D. The home environment condones corporal punishment. 3. A clients altered body image is evidenced by claims of feeling fat, even though the client is emaciated. Which is the appropriate outcome criterion for this clients problem? A. The client will consume adequate calories to sustain normal weight. B. The client will cease strenuous exercise programs. C. The client will perceive an ideal body weight and shape as normal. D. The client will not express a preoccupation with food. 4. A nurse observes dental deterioration when assessing a client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. What explains this assessment finding? A. The emesis produced during purging is acidic and corrodes the tooth enamel. B. Purging causes the depletion of dietary calcium. C. Food is rapidly ingested without proper mastication. D. Poor dental and oral hygiene leads to dental caries. 5. Why are behavior modification programs the treatment of choice for clients diagnosed with eating disorders? A. These programs help clients correct distorted body image. B. These programs address underlying client anger. C. These programs help clients manage uncontrollable behaviors. D. These programs allow clients to maintain control. 6. A potential Olympic figure skater collapses during practice and is hospitalized for severe malnutrition. Anorexia nervosa is diagnosed. Which client statement best reflects a theory about the underlying etiology of this disorder? A. I was just trying to be like everyone else. B. All the skaters on the team are following an approved 1,200-calorie diet. C. When I lose skating competitions, I also lose my appetite. D. I am angry at my mother. I can get her approval only when I win competitions. 7. The family of a client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa becomes defensive when the treatment team calls for a family meeting. Which is the appropriate nursing reply? A. Tell me why this family meeting is causing you to be defensive. All clients are required to participate in two family sessions. B. Family intervention and support are important in your childs recovery. C. Family dynamics are not linked to eating disorders. The meeting is to provide your child with family support. D. Clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa are part of the family system, and any alteration in family processes needs to be addressed. 8. A client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa has been attending a mental health clinic for several months. Which factor should a nurse identify as an appropriate indicator of a positive client behavioral change? A. The client gains 2 pounds in 1 week. B. The client focuses conversations on nutritious food. C. The client demonstrates healthy coping mechanisms that decrease anxiety. D. The client verbalizes an understanding of the etiology of the disorder. 9. A morbidly obese client is prescribed an anorexiant medication. The nurse should prepare to teach the client about which medication? A. Diazepam (Valium) B. Dexfenfluramine (Redux) C. Lorcaserin (Belviq) D. Pemoline (Cylert) 10. A nursing instructor is teaching students about the differences between the symptoms of anorexia nervosa and the symptoms of bulimia nervosa. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. Clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa experience extreme nutritional deficits, whereas clients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa do not. B. Clients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa experience amenorrhea, whereas clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa do not. C. Clients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa experience hypotension, edema, and lanugo, whereas clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa do not. D. Clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa have eroded tooth enamel, whereas clients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa do not. 11. A client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa is to receive fluoxetine (Prozac) by oral solution. The medication is supplied in a 100-mL bottle. The label reads 20 mg/5 mL. The doctor orders 60 mg q day. Which dose of this medication should the nurse dispense? A. 25 mL B. 20 mL C. 15 mL D. 10 mL 12. A client who is 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighs 98 pounds is admitted with a medical diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Which nursing diagnosis would take priority at this time? A. Ineffective coping R/T food obsession B. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements R/T inadequate food intake C. Risk for injury R/T suicidal tendencies D. Altered body image R/T perceived obesity 13. A nurse is seeing a client in an outpatient clinic for treatment of anorexia nervosa. Which is the most appropriate, correctly written short-term outcome for this client? A. The client will use stress-reducing techniques to avoid purging. B. The client will discuss chaos in personal life and be able to verbalize a link to purging. C. The client will gain 2 pounds prior to the next weekly appointment. D. The client will remain free of signs and symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration. 14. When a community health nurse arrives at the home of a client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, the nurse finds the client on the floor unconscious. The client has a history of using laxatives for purging. To what would the nurse attribute this clients symptoms? A. Increased creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels B. Abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG) C. Metabolic acidosis D. Metabolic alkalosis 15. A group of nurses are discussing how food is used in their families and the effects this might have on their ability to work with clients diagnosed with eating disorders. Which of these nurses will probably be most effective with these clients? A. The nurse who understands the importance of three balanced meals a day B. The nurse who permits children to have dessert only after finishing the food on their plate C. The nurse who refuses to engage in power struggles related to food consumption D. The nurse who grew up poor and frequently did not have enough food to eat 16. A nurse working with a client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa asks the client to recall a time in life when food could be consumed without purging. Which is the purpose of this nursing intervention? A. To gain additional information about the progression of the disease process B. To emphasize that the client is capable of consuming food without purging C. To incorporate specific foods into the meal plan to reflect pleasant memories D. To assist the client to become more compliant with the treatment plan 17. A client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa stopped eating 5 months ago and lost 25% of total body weight. Which subjective client response would the nurse assess to support this medical diagnosis? A. I do not use any laxatives or diuretics to lose weight. B. I am losing lots of hair. Its coming out in handfuls. C. I know that I am thin, but I refuse to be fat! D. I dont know why people are worried. I need to lose this weight. 18. A nursing diagnosis of ineffective coping R/T feelings of loneliness AEB bingeing then purging when alone, is assigned to a client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Which is an appropriate outcome related to this nursing diagnosis? A. The client will identify two alternative methods of dealing with isolation by day 3. B. The client will appropriately express angry feelings about lack of control by week 2. C. The client will verbalize two positive self attributes by day 3. D. The client will list five ways that the body reacts to bingeing and purging. 19. A nurse responsible for conducting group therapy on an eating disorder unit schedules the sessions immediately after meals. Which is the best rationale for scheduling group therapy at this time? A. To shift the clients focus from food to psychotherapy B. To prevent the use of maladaptive defense mechanisms C. To promote the processing of anxiety associated with eating D. To focus on weight control mechanisms and food preparation 20. Which nursing intervention is appropriate when caring for clients diagnosed with either anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa? A. Provide privacy during meals. B. Remain with the client for at least 1 hour after the meal. C. Encourage the client to keep a journal to document types of food consumed. D. Restrict client privileges when provided food is not completely consumed. 21. A nurse should identify topiramate (Topamax) as the drug of choice for which of the following conditions? Select all that apply. A. Binge eating with obesity B. Bingeing and purging with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa C. Weight loss with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa D. Amenorrhea with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa E. Emaciation with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa Chapter 32. Personality Disorders 1. During an assessment interview, a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder spits, curses, and refuses to answer questions. Which is the most appropriate nursing statement to address this behavior? A. You are very disrespectful. You need to learn to control yourself. B. I understand that you are angry, but this behavior will not be tolerated. C. What behaviors could you modify to improve this situation? D. What anti-personality-disorder medications have helped you in the past? 2. A client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder comes to a nurses station at 11:00 p.m., requesting to phone a lawyer to discuss filing for a divorce. The unit rules state that no phone calls are permitted after 10:00 p.m. Which nursing reply is most appropriate? A. Go ahead and use the phone. I know this pending divorce is stressful. B. You know better than to break the rules. Im surprised at you. C. It is after the 10:00 p.m. phone curfew. You will be able to call tomorrow. D. The decision to divorce should not be considered until you have had a good nights sleep. 3. A client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder becomes violent on a unit. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate? A. Provide objective evidence that violence is unwarranted. B. Initially restrain the client to maintain safety. C. Use clear, calm statements and a confident physical stance. D. Empathize with the clients paranoid perceptions. 4. A highly emotional client presents at an outpatient clinic appointment wearing flamboyant attire, spiked heels, and theatrical makeup. Which personality disorder should a nurse associate with this assessment data? A. Compulsive personality disorder B. Schizotypal personality disorder C. Histrionic personality disorder D. Manic personality disorder 5. A client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder brings up a conflict with the staff in a community meeting and develops a following of clients who unreasonably demand modification of unit rules. How can the nursing staff best handle this situation? A. Allow the clients to apply the democratic process when developing unit rules. B. Maintain consistency of care by open communication to avoid staff manipulation. C. Allow the client spokesperson to verbalize concerns during a unit staff meeting. D. Maintain unit order by the application of autocratic leadership. 6. Which nursing approach should be used to maintain a therapeutic relationship with a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder? A. Being firm, consistent, and empathetic, while addressing specific client behaviors B. Promoting client self-expression by implementing laissez-faire leadership C. Using authoritative leadership to help clients learn to conform to societal norms D. Overlooking inappropriate behaviors to avoid promoting secondary gains 7. Which adult client should a nurse identify as exhibiting the characteristics of a dependent personality disorder? A. A physically healthy client who is dependent on meeting social needs by contact with 15 cats B. A physically healthy client who has a history of depending on intense relationships to meet basic needs C. A physically healthy client who lives with parents and relies on public transportation D. A physically healthy client who is serious, inflexible, perfectionistic, and depends on rules to provide security 8. A pessimistic client expresses low self-worth, has much difficulty making decisions, avoids positions of responsibility, and has a behavioral pattern of suffering in silence. Which underlying cause of this clients personality disorder should a nurse recognize? A. Nurturance was provided from many sources, and independent behaviors were encouraged. B. Nurturance was provided exclusively from one source, and independent behaviors were discouraged. C. Nurturance was provided exclusively from one source, and independent behaviors were encouraged. D. Nurturance was provided from many sources, and independent behaviors were discouraged. 9. Family members of a client ask a nurse to explain the difference between schizoid and avoidant personality disorders. Which is the appropriate nursing reply? A. Clients diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder desire intimacy but fear it, and clients diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder prefer to be alone. B. Clients diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder exhibit odd, bizarre, and eccentric behavior, whereas clients diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder do not. C. Clients diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder are eccentric, and clients diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder are dull and vacant. D. Clients diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder have a history of psychotic thought processes, whereas clients diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder remain based in reality. 10. During an interview, which client statement indicates to a nurse that a potential diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder should be considered? A. I really dont have a problem. My family is inflexible, and every relative is out to get me. B. I am so excited about working with you. Have you noticed my new nail polish, Ruby Red Roses? C. I spend all my time tending my bees. I know a whole lot of information about bees. D. I am getting a message from the beyond that we have been involved with each other in a previous life. 11. A nursing instructor is teaching students about clients diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder and the quality of their relationships. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. Their dramatic style tends to make their interpersonal relationships quite interesting and fulfilling. B. Their interpersonal relationships tend to be shallow and fleeting, serving their dependency needs. C. They tend to develop few relationships because they are strongly independent but generally maintain deep affection. D. They pay particular attention to details, which can frustrate the development of relationships. 12. Which nursing diagnosis should a nurse identify as appropriate when working with a client diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder? A. Altered thought processes R/T increased stress B. Risk for suicide R/T loneliness C. Risk for violence: directed toward others R/T paranoid thinking D. Social isolation R/T inability to relate to others 13. When planning care for a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, which self-harm behavior should a nurse expect the client to exhibit? A. The use of highly lethal methods to commit suicide B. The use of suicidal gestures to evoke a rescue response from others C. The use of isolation and starvation as suicidal methods D. The use of self-mutilation to decrease endorphins in the body 14. Which client situation should a nurse identify as reflective of the impulsive behavior that is commonly associated with borderline personality disorder? A. As the day shift nurse leaves the unit, the client suddenly hugs the nurses arm and whispers, The night nurse is evil. You have to stay. B. As the day shift nurse leaves the unit, the client suddenly hugs the nurses arm and states, I will be up all night if you dont stay with me. C. As the day shift nurse leaves the unit, the client suddenly hugs the nurses arm, yelling, Please dont go! I cant sleep without you being here. D. As the day shift nurse leaves the unit, the client suddenly shows the nurse a bloody arm and states, I cut myself because you are leaving me. 15. Which nursing diagnosis should be prioritized when providing care to a client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder? A. Risk for violence: directed toward others R/T suspicious thoughts B. Risk for suicide R/T altered thought C. Altered sensory perception R/T increased levels of anxiety D. Social isolation R/T inability to relate to others 16. Using a behavioral approach, which nursing intervention is most appropriate when caring for a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder? A. Seclude the client when inappropriate behaviors are exhibited. B. Contract with the client to reinforce positive behaviors with unit privileges. C. Teach the purpose of antianxiety medications to improve medication compliance. D. Encourage the client to journal feelings to improve awareness of abandonment issues. 17. A nurse tells a client that the nursing staff will start alternating weekend shifts. Which response should a nurse identify as characteristic of clients diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder? A. You really dont have to go by that schedule. Id just stay home sick. B. There has got to be a hidden agenda behind this schedule change. C. Who do you think you are? I expect to interact with the same nurse every Saturday. D. You cant make these kinds of changes! Isnt there a rule that governs this decision? 18. Looking at a slightly bleeding paper cut, the client screams, Somebody help me, quick! Im bleeding. Call 911! A nurse should identify this behavior as characteristic of which personality disorder? A. Schizoid personality disorder B. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder C. Histrionic personality disorder D. Paranoid personality disorder 19. Which reaction to a compliment from another client should a nurse identify as a typical response from a client diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder? A. Interpreting the compliment as a secret code used to increase personal power B. Feeling the compliment was well deserved C. Being grateful for the compliment but fearing later rejection and humiliation D. Wondering what deep meaning and purpose are attached to the compliment 20. Which client symptoms should lead a nurse to suspect a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder? A. The client experiences unwanted, intrusive, and persistent thoughts. B. The client experiences unwanted, repetitive behavior patterns. C. The client experiences inflexibility and lack of spontaneity when dealing with others. D. The client experiences obsessive thoughts that are externally imposed. 21. Which client is a nurse most likely to admit to an inpatient facility for self-destructive behaviors? A. A client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder B. A client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder C. A client diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder D. A client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder 22. When planning care for clients diagnosed with personality disorders, what should be the anticipated treatment outcome? A. To stabilize pathology with the correct combination of medications B. To change the characteristics of the dysfunctional personality C. To reduce inflexibility of personality traits that interfere with functioning and relationships D. To decrease the prevalence of neurotransmitters at receptor sites 23. The nurse plans to confront a client about secondary gains related to extreme dependency on her spouse. Which nursing statement would be most appropriate? A. Do you believe dependency issues have been a lifelong concern for you? B. Have you noticed any anxiety during times when your husband makes decisions? C. What do you know about individuals who depend on others for direction? D. How have the specifics of your relationship with your spouse benefited you? 24. The nurse should recognize which factors that distinguish personality disorders from psychosis? A. Functioning is more limited in personality disorders than in psychosis. B. Major disturbances of thought are absent in personality disorders. C. Personality disordered clients require hospitalization more frequently. D. Personality disorders do not affect family relationships as much as psychosis. 25. Which client statement would demonstrate a common characteristic of Cluster B personality disorder? A. I wish someone would make that decision for me. B. I built this building by using materials from outer space. C. Im afraid to go to group because it is crowded with people. D. I didnt have the money for the ring, so I just took it. 26. When a client on an acute care psychiatric unit demonstrates behaviors and verbalizations indicating a lack of guilt feelings, which nursing intervention would help the client to meet desired outcomes? A. Provide external limits on client behavior. B. Foster discussions of rationales for behavioral change. C. Implement interventions consistently by only one staff member. D. Encourage the client to involve self in care. 27. Which characteristics should a nurse recognize as being exhibited by individuals diagnosed with any personality disorder? A. These clients accept and are comfortable with their altered behaviors. B. These clients understand that their altered behaviors result from anxiety. C. These clients seek treatment to avoid interpersonal discomfort. D. These clients avoid relationships due to past negative experiences. Clients who are diagnosed with personality disorders accept and are comfortable with their altered behaviors. Personalities that develop in a disordered pattern remain somewhat unstable and unpredictable throughout the lifetime. 28. A nurse would expect a client diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder to exhibit which characteristic? A. The client has many friends and associates but prefers to interact in small groups. B. The client has many brief but intense relationships. C. The client experiences incorrect interpretations of external events. D. The client exhibits lack of tender feelings toward others. 29. While improving, a client demands to have a phone installed in the intensive care unit (ICU) room. When a nurse states, This is not allowed; it is a unit rule, the client angrily demands to see the doctor. Which approach should the nurse use in this situation? A. Provide an explanation for the necessity of the unit rule. B. Assist the client to discuss anger and frustrations. C. Call the physician and relay the request. D. Arrange for a phone to be installed in the clients unit room. 30. Which nursing statement reflects a common characteristic of a client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder? A. This client consistently criticizes care and has difficulty getting along with others. B. This client is shy and fades into the background. C. This client expects special treatment, and setting limits will be necessary. D. This client is expressive during group and is very pleased with self. 31. A client exhibits dependency on staff and peers and expresses fear of abandonment. Using Mahlers theory of object relations, which should the nurse expect to note in this clients childhood? A. Lack of fulfillment of basic needs by parental figures B. Absence of the clients maternal figure during symbiosis C. Difficulty establishing trust with the maternal figure D. Inconsistency by the maternal figure during individuation 32. A client diagnosed with Cluster C traits sits alone and ignores others attempts to converse. When ask to join a group the client states, No, thanks. In this situation, which should the nurse assign as an initial nursing diagnosis? A. Fear R/T hospitalization B. Social isolation R/T poor self-esteem C. Risk for suicide R/T to hopelessness D. Powerlessness R/T dependence issues 33. Which statements represent positive outcomes for clients diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder? Select all that apply. A. The client will relate one empathetic statement toward another client in group, by day 2. B. The client will identify one personal limitation by day 1. C. The client will acknowledge one strength that another client possesses by day 2. D. The client will list four personal strengths by day 3. E. The client will list two lifetime achievements by discharge. 34. A nurse is caring for a group of clients within the DSM-5 Cluster B category of personality disorders. Which factors should the nurse consider when planning client care? Select all that apply. A. These clients have personality traits that are deeply ingrained and difficult to modify. B. These clients need medications to treat the underlying physiological pathology. C. These clients use manipulation, making the implementation of treatment problematic. D. These clients have poor impulse control that hinders compliance with a plan of care. E. These clients commonly have secondary diagnoses of substance abuse and depression. 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