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All Milestones History practice questions and answers new docs 2020/2021

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All Milestones History practice questions and answers new docs 2020/2021 Which native civilization invented a numerical system to keep records? • The Olmec • The Aztec • The Maya •... The Inca The First Settlers When, "in fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue," what hypothesis was he attempting to prove? • The Atlantic Ocean is smaller than most cartographers at the time believed. • Lands previously unknown to most of Europe existed to the west. • That newer, faster boats from Portugal could reach Asia before the crew's supplies ran out. • The earth is round and therefore Asia could be reached by sailing west. Maritime Exploration Which of the following historians is collecting archaeological evidence? Think About It: What is History? Which of the following statements best reflects the official attitude toward religious freedom in the northern colonies? Settling the Northern Colonies "What were the causes of the Civil War?" Consider the above research question and choose the secondary source that is best suited to answer it. Analyzing Primary Sources "Interacting with natives on somewhat equal terms was demonstrated by sitting down with them." The above statement is most representative of which group of European explorers? Think About It: How Did Europeans Justify Colonization of the New World? Many Native Americans were eager to trade with Europeans for advanced weaponry. What was an economic effect of this trade? Native American Interactions with Europeans What is one way that Nathaniel Bacon's 1675-76 rebellion contributed to the increasing presence of slavery in the decades that followed? Settling the Southern Colonies What reason did the Quakers, who opposed slavery, give in support of their view? Settling the Middle Colonies Which of the following statements is true? The Historian's Practice Which English colony was founded in 1634 as a second source of tobacco production with a charter from King Charles I? The English Colonial Experiment: Virginia and Massachusetts Which of the following premises is an essential part of Mercantilism? The Atlantic World Which of the following beliefs was advanced by the Puritans? English Contact Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans? English and Native American Conflict Which of the following statements best describes the situation in Central America prior to the arrival of Spanish conquistadores? Spanish Contact Which of the following statements reflects the process of colonization? • It began with the Silk Road that connected Europe with Asia. • It accelerated because of the natural advances of the Atlantic region. • It transforms an item into a product with a monetary value to buy and sell. • It was driven by a desire for raw materials to enrich and expand European empires. The Columbian Exchange Fabiola gives a presentation on the relationship between antibiotics and changes in quality of life in 20th century America. Which of the following is most likely a lens with which she is analyzing the past? The Lenses of History How did France's activity in the Americas differ from that of Spain? • The French were not concerned with spreading Christianity to native peoples. • The French were motivated more by a desire to map the world than to establish colonies. • The French fostered alliances with native peoples for commercial advantages, rather than military ones. French and Dutch Contact Which of the following factors contributed to the racialization of slavery in the New World? • • Africans were well educated and could help increase efficiency on plantations. African workers refused to work for pay in America, so they were enslaved. • Skin color was an easy way to differentiate slaves from freepersons. • A high mortality rate among African parents left a lot of orphans, who were easily enslaved. African Society and Slavery Which of the following happened as a result of the French and Indian War? The French and Indian War On what ground did the American colonists oppose the Stamp Act? • All Englishmen had a constitutional right to representation in matters of taxation. • One nation (Britain) does not have the right to tax citizens of another (America). The Stamp Act Which of the following motives was common among Patriots? • Many wished to overthrow King George III and elect a new king. • They were determined to fight until Parliament would listen to their demands. • They wanted to restore order to the colonies. • Many viewed themselves as carrying on the legacy of the Glorious Revolution . Choosing Sides in the American Revolution Which statement represents support for the theory of actual representation? Think About It: Is Taxation Un-American? What was one difficulty associated with the Proclamation of 1763? The Aftermath of the French and Indian War Which of the following quotations—from documents associated with the American, French and Haitian revolutions—exemplifies social contract theory? • “...considering that ignorance, neglect or contempt of the rights of man are the sole causes of public misfortunes and governmental corruption...” • “Restored to our primitive dignity, we have asserted our rights; we swear never to yield them to any power on earth.” • “ ... That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...” • “The demands of the citizens may always tend toward maintaining the constitution and the general welfare.” The American Revolution in a Global Context Based on Olaudah Equiano's experiences as a slave, which of the following statements is true? • African adults were targeted and could do little to prevent capture by slave traders. • Capture and transport were dangerous and traumatic experiences for Africans. • The fear of being captured and sold into slavery was not really a feature of daily life in West Africa. • Only Europeans participated in taking Africans captive and selling them into slavery American Slavery from an African Perspective Nathanael Greene was an important figure in the Revolutionary War. Select the statement that correctly identifies him. • "I realized that if I divided my troops, I could defeat the British army." • “To sustain the Revolution through the winter months, I launched surprise attacks at Trenton and Princeton.” • “I was in command of the military government in Charleston after the Americans' largest loss of the war.” • “I commanded the military government in Charleston after our troops forced its surrender.” The American War for Independence, 1775 - 1783 Followers of the Enlightenment in England and its colonies believed that power must be to best protect individual liberty. The Enlightenment and the Colonies 10 Which of the following acts of the First Continental Congress foreshadowed the creation of an independent colonial government? Path to Revolution What was one way in which the Spanish posed a threat to English colonial domination in North America? • They offered freedom to slaves who rebelled and reached Spanish territory. • They frightened English authorities with threats of rebellion and conspiracies. • They attacked colonists over the spread of rice and tobacco cultivation. • They competed with the British for alliances with the Iroquois. The Challenges to the English Empire Which element was a key tenet of the Great Awakening? • The idea that revolution was the only way to change society • The idea that individuals play a role in their own salvation • Growth of the Colonies What did Parliament intend to accomplish with the Tea Act of 1773? Boston Tea Party Read the quotation about a vision for American society after the American Revolution. “An equality of property, with a necessity of alienation, constantly operating to destroy combinations of powerful families, is the very soul of a republic—while this continues, the people will inevitably possess both power and freedom; when this is lost, power departs, liberty expires, and a commonwealth will inevitably assume some other form." According to this speaker, what is at the root of a republican society? • Religious freedom • Widespread ownership of land • Natural liberty Think About It: What Did the American Revolution Mean? Which of the following was part of the Townshend Acts? The Townshend Acts and Protest Which of the following describes slavery in the Northern colonies in the 18th century? • Slavery was not practiced at all in this region. • The slave trade played a key role in this region's maritime economy. Think About It: What Was the Importance of Slavery to the Colonies? Which of the following was a positive effect of the Navigation Acts for English colonists? • Goods could be bought from or sold to markets in other countries. • Goods could be sold for fixed prices guaranteed by the government. • Colonists temporarily enjoyed a greater voice in government. • Goods shipped by sea enjoyed the protection of the English Navy. England Strengthens its Imperial Colonies Which of the following quotations represents most Americans' attitudes toward deference by the 1820s? • "All free men should be allowed to vote, regardless of race." • "Men of virtue like Thomas Jefferson should lead while others follow." • "The franchise should be expanded to include most white men." • "Voting rights should be strict to prevent 'mobocracy.'" CONCEPT The Promise and Limits of Democracy Which of the following statements about the southern economy before the Civil War is true? CONCEPT The Southern Economy What is one way that the newly drafted Constitution reflected the principles of republicanism? • It allowed for individual voters to determine who should be president. • All federal representatives would be elected by the citizens of each state by popular vote. • The government agreed to regulate and impose penalties on the international slave trade. • Electors, rather than individual voters, cast votes for president and vice president. CONCEPT Drafting the Constitution Which of the following was a major economic shift in the North in the early 19th century? CONCEPT The Northern Economy Which of the following statements about the 1828 Tariff is true? CONCEPT The Election of 1828 and the Rise of Andrew Jackson Which of the following was an effect of the Indian Removal Act? CONCEPT Think About It: What Were the Consequences of Indian Removal? "As we support others' causes, we are also beginning to understand our position in society in a new way." Which cultural shift from the early 19th century does this quotation represent?" CONCEPT Think About It: How Was American Culture Changing? Which of the following complicated Jefferson's ability to create an "empire of liberty" in the west? • Private citizens were not entitled to any property in the Western territories. • The United States didn't have enough people yet to settle the newly acquired lands. • Much of the land was claimed by Native Americans, who were forced to give it up. • Native Americans were to be given their own lands in the west, under the jurisdiction of the federal government. CONCEPT Looking West Under Pennsylvania's 1776 constitution, any man who was 21 or older, paid taxes and had lived in one place for a year could vote. At the time, how did Pennsylvania's voter requirements compare with those of other states? • They were fairly representative of the laws in other states. • Voter requirements differed wildly from state to state, so it's hard to compare. • They were the most relaxed of the thirteen original states. • They were among the most restrictive requirements in the new country. CONCEPT Creating a Republic Which of the following statements might have been said by a Federalist? • "The United States is too large and diverse for a strong central government." • "The Constitution is necessary to prevent ungovernable mobs from taking over." • "Individual liberties cannot be assured without a bill of rights." • “The government will be run by the wealthy, who have little interest in serving all citizens.” CONCEPT Visions of Government Why did some textile companies prefer to hire young women rather than whole family units? • Young women had formed unions that could benefit both the employers and the employees. • By hiring women, such companies hoped to correct a labor imbalance that was based on gender. • Young women were more likely to have innovative ideas about how to increase production. • Young women had few employment options and could be paid a very low wage. CONCEPT Market Revolution and Economic Changes Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a Democrat during the Jacksonian era? • "We celebrate industrial advances and a spirit of improvement and innovation." • "We are alarmed by the tyrannical power displayed in the destruction of the national bank." • “Andrew Jackson is an ideal leader because he represents ordinary Americans.” CONCEPT The Bank War and the Rise of the Second Party System Which of the following practices led in part to the creation of Jay's Treaty between the United States and Great Britain in 1794? • The United States wanted to support Britain in its war against France. • Britain had captured hundreds of American ships trading with the French. • Britain had stopped fighting but didn't acknowledge American independence. • Britain had been paying African pirates to target American ships. CONCEPT Looking East Which of the following statements about the divided political climate during the administrations of George Washington and John Adams is true? • The administrations of Washington and Adams represented the Anti-Federalist party and its economic policies. • Voters were angered that much of the conflict between the two parties happened in private. • John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts to reverse the positions Washington had held. • Partisan newspapers incited criticism of, and dissatisfaction with, the administrations. CONCEPT Partisan Politics Which of the following statements is true? • Jefferson's embargo on foreign trading crippled the Atlantic economy to the benefit of America. • The Treaty of Ghent included a promise that Britain would end for good the practice of impressment. • The United States was briefly disbanded and reabsorbed into Great Britain. • Washington D.C. was burned to the ground by British troops during the War of 1812. CONCEPT The War of 1812 For what purpose was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? CONCEPT Federalists in Power Why was the sectional crisis important? [Show More]

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