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X100-Exam Questions and Answers

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What is Mission Command - ANSWER WfF: Those systems that assist the CDR with balancing the art of command and science of control and integrating other WfF Philosophy: is the exercise of authority... and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations. Centralized control, decentralized execution Describe the philosophy of Mission Command - ANSWER It is the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations. Describe Mission Command as a WfF - ANSWER WfF: Those systems that assist the CDR with balancing the art of command and science of control and integrating other WfF List the principles of Mission Command - ANSWER 1. Build cohesive teams through mutual trust 2. Create shared understanding 3. Provide a clear commander's intent 4. Exercise disciplined initiative 5. Use mission orders 6. Accept prudent risk List the military revolutions and an effect - ANSWER 1. Rise of the nation-state - Created the modern "state" 2. French Revolution - Created the modern nation-state (national identity) 3. Industrial Revolution - Created industrialism 4. WWI - Combined the first 3 revolutions 5. Nuclear weapons/ballistic missiles - Potential for global destruction What is a Military Revolution - ANSWER A tectonic shift that fundamentally changes the framework of war. Uncontrollable, unpredictable, unforeseeable. NOT MANAGED BY PEOPLE What is a Revolution in Military Affairs - ANSWER A complex of mix of tactical, organizational, doctrinal, and technological innovations done IOT implement a new conceptual approach to warfare. HUMAN DRIVEN Give an example of a RMA for each military revolution - ANSWER 1. Nation-state - Discipline to manage larger armies 2. French Revolution - Nationalism (French) - General staff (Prussia) 3. Industrial Revolution - Technology (weapons, rail, steamship) - Technocratic leadership 4. WWI - Combined arms warfare 5. Nuclear weapons - Nuclear triade What are some sustainment considerations for Offensive Operations - ANSWER - Higher fuel consumption - Higher casualty rates - Emergency resupply - Preplanned push packages - Field services are suspended What are some sustainment considerations for Defensive Operations - ANSWER - Increased CLIV requirements - Increased CLV requirements What are some sustainment considerations for Stability Operations - ANSWER - Cross-service support agreements - Multinational support agreements - Movement control challenges - Local population support What are some sustainment considerations for DSCA Operations - ANSWER - DSCA support authority restrictions - State/Federal law - Cross-service support agreements - Recording costs for services rendered Describe organizational climate - ANSWER Collective perspectives of the work environment formed by members of the organization based on actions, policies, and procedures of the leadership (How members feel about an organization) Describe organizational culture - ANSWER The shared beliefs of a group used to solve problems and manage internal anxiety. Give a historical example where organizational culture affected mission command - ANSWER COL Steele, the 101st BDE, and their Iraq deployment in 2005 What is Army Force Management - ANSWER The system and processes used to develop and manage change in the Army The lifecycle from conceptual development to the final disposition of people, equipment, and facilities What are the major sub-process within Force Management - ANSWER Capability Development Force Development: Processes that define military capabilities, designs force structure to provide these capabilities, and produces plans when executed through force integration, translate organizational concepts based on doctrine, technologies, materiel, manpower requirements, and limited resources into a trained and ready Army. Materiel Development Force Integration: Synchronizes force integration functional areas (FIFA) to execute force management decisions while considering resource constraints. Aims to improve WfF capabilities with minimum adverse effect on readiness Describe Force Development - ANSWER Processes that define military capabilities, designs force structure to provide these capabilities, and produces plans when executed through force integration, translate organizational concepts based on doctrine, technologies, materiel, manpower requirements, and limited resources into a trained and ready Army. Describe Force Integration - ANSWER Synchronizes force integration functional areas (FIFA) to execute force management decisions while considering resource constraints. Aims to improve WfF capabilities with minimum adverse effect on readiness Describe the Force Development Process - ANSWER 1. Capability requirements 2. Design organizations 3. Develop Organizational Models 4. Determine Organizational Authorizations 5. Document Organizational Authorizations Describe the Army Organizational Life Cycle Model - ANSWER The continuous cycle of developing, employing, maintaining, and eliminating organizations Force management - Acquisition - Training - Distribution - Deployment - Sustainment - Development - Separation Each node has an affect on every other node that must be considered when integrating What are the various command and support relationships - ANSWER Command: - COCOM (only held by GCCs) - Organic - Assigned - Attached - OPCON - TACON Support - Direct support - Reinforcing - General support reinforcing - General support **ADCON IS NOT A CMD RELATIONSHIP Describe the National Security Strategy - ANSWER Prepared by the executive branch, broadly describes national security concerns and how the nation plans on addressing them using national instruments of power. Describe the national instruments of power - ANSWER DIME Diplomatic Informational Military Economic Foundations come from Clauswitz's views on strategy Describe the Defense Security Review - ANSWER Informed by the NSS DSR is an examination of the national defense strategy, force structure, modernization plans, posture, infrastructure, budget plan, and other elements of the defense program and policies of the United States Conducted every even year. Replaced the QDR Describe the National Military Strategy - ANSWER Informed by the NSS and DSR Classified brief produced by the CJSC that describes the strategic aims of the armed forces What is the purpose for offensive tasks - ANSWER Defeat and destroy enemy forces, seize terrain, resources, and population centers Describe Unified Land Operations. - ANSWER Simultaneous offensive, defensive, stability, and DSCA tasks to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative and consolidate gains to prevent conflict, shape the OE, and win our nation's wars as part of Unified Action. Guided by Mission Command What are the offensive tasks - ANSWER Movement to contact, attack, pursuit, exploitation Describe defensive tasks - ANSWER Conducted to defeat an enemy attack, gain time, economize forces, and develop conditions for follow-on missions What are the defensive tasks - ANSWER area defense, mobile defense, and retrograde Describe stability operations - ANSWER conducted as part of operations outside the US in coordination with other instruments of national power to maintain or reestablish a safe/secure environment Characteristics of the offense - ANSWER SCAT - Surprise - Concentration - Audacity - Tempo Comes from Jomini's principles of war Characteristics of the defense - ANSWER -Disruption -Flexibility -Mass and concentration -Preparation -Security Describe stability tasks - ANSWER - Establish civil control - Establish civil security - Restore essential services - Support to governance - Support to economy - Infrastructure development - Conduct security cooperation - Provide a secure environment Describe DSCA operations - ANSWER Conducted within the US to save lives, restore essential services, maintain/restore law and order, protect infrastructure/property, maintain/restore local government, and shape the environment for inter-agency support. Active forces are restricted from conducting law enforcement duties Describe DSCA tasks - ANSWER - Provide support for domestic disasters - Provide support for domestic CBRN - Provide support to domestic civilian law enforcement agencies - Provide other designated support What is the operational environment - ANSWER A composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the Commander Use PMESII-PT to help describe the OE Describe Army Design Methodology - ANSWER A methodology for apply critical and creative thinking to Understand, Visualize, Describe and Direct the solution to problems Entails framing the operational environment, framing the problem, and developing an operational approach to solve the problem Broad and conceptual when compared to MDMP Clauswitz father of ADM What is Operational Design - ANSWER The use of various design elements in the conception and construction of the framework that underpins a joint operation plan and its execution. The meat grinder What is Operational Art - ANSWER The cognitive approach by which commanders and staffs- supported by their skill, knowledge, experience, creativity, and judgment-to develop strategies, campaigns, and operations to organize and employ military forces by integrating ends, ways, and means The meat What the steps to MDMP - ANSWER 1. Receipt of Mission 2. Mission Analysis 3. COA development 4. COA analysis 5. COA comparison 6. COA approval 7. Orders production, dissemination, and transition What is the Military Decision Making Process - ANSWER A planning method to understand the situation, develop course of action, produce an operation plan. Detailed as opposed to ADM What are the Joint Functions - ANSWER Joint functions are the same as WfF - C2 - INTEL - Fires - Movement/Maneuver - Protection - Sustainment What are the steps to implementing a vision model - ANSWER 1. Begin initial assessment 2. Develop initial organizational-level vision 3. Establish goals based on initial assessment 4. Complete initial organizational vision - Guiding Coalition - 5. Refine goals based on coalition input 6. Establish prioritized tasks 7. Implement change Provide some examples of elements of operational design - ANSWER - Termination - Military end state - Objectives - Effects - Center of Gravity - Decisive points - Lines of Operation/Lines of Effort - Direct/Indirect approach - Operational Reach - Culmination - Arranging operations - Forces and functions What are elements of operational design used for? - ANSWER They are tools that help a JFC and staff to visualize, understand, describe, and direct the broad operational approach to achieve objectives and accomplish the mission Useful during JPP What tool might you use to understand operational variables? - ANSWER PMESII-PT What tool might you use to understand mission variables? - ANSWER METT-TC What are the Army Title 10 responsibilities? - ANSWER 1. Recruiting 2. Organizing 3. Supplying 4. Equipping 5. Training 6. Servicing 7. Mobilizing 8. Demobilizing 9. Administering 10. Maintaining 11. Constructing, outfitting, repairing equipment 12. Constructing, maintaining, buildings/structures What authorities do CCDRs have in relationship to logistics support to their operations? - ANSWER CCDRs have the authority to organize and direct services' logistics support as required to accomplish the mission What are the types of combatant commanders (CCDRs). Provide an example. - ANSWER Functional: - USCYBER - USTRANSCOM - USSOCOM - USSTRATCOM - USFUTURES (soon) Geographic: - INDOPACOM - CENTCOM - EUCOM - NORTHCOM - AFRICOM Describe Clauswitz's views on politics and war - ANSWER War is an extension of policy by other means Clauswitz's Paradoxical Trinity - ANSWER Reason (government) - Calculation of how to solve the duel on a large scale People (passion) - How to manage the uncertainty of war Military (chance) - How to manage Ends, Ways, Means This is a dynamic relationship, it is not about balance A tool for analysis, you do not control this How to ride the war tiger Tie this to ADM How does Clauswitz define friction? - ANSWER Elements that make up the climate of war: - Danger - Exertion - Uncertainty - Chance What form of war does Clauswitz believe is the stronger form? - ANSWER The Defense What are Jomini's parts of war? - ANSWER 1. Statesmanship (grand strategy) 2. Strategy 3. Grand tactics 4. Logistics 5. Engineering 6. Minor tactics How does Clauswitz define the Fog of War - ANSWER War is inherently uncertain and partly run on chance and probability. This uncertainty is managed by the military. Describe Jomini's principles of war - ANSWER 1. Concentration 2. Surprise 3. Interior lines 4. Unity of command 5. Offense 6. Decisive points 7. Annihilation 8. Logistics Foundation for the modern principles of the offense SCAT!!! Describe some differences between Clauswitz and Jomini - ANSWER Clauswitz - War is a complex and unpredictable political tool - Holistic - Skeptical - Pessimistic - Grand theory to understand Systematic, but complex - War escapes control - War is dominated by externals - Commander needs genius - Strategic level of war informs all others (political) - Follow Hegel's dialectic Jomini - War is simple, its things you do to an enemy - Reductionist - Rational - Optimistic - Didactic (teach application) - Consistent coherent - War is controlled by principles - War is largely self contained - Commander needs principles - Operational level of war - Follows enlightenment rationalism Describe Clauswitz's views on military genius - ANSWER It cannot be taught. They have the ability to immediately understand Describe Jomini's views on military genius - ANSWER Can be learned. Presides over the application of recognized rules. Describe contributions Clauswitz made to modern doctrine - ANSWER Trinity acted as foundations for: Army Design Methodology DIME instruments of power Describe contributions Jomini made to modern doctrine - ANSWER Principles of war foundation for principles of offense (SCAT) METT-TC Decisive points Describe major contributions Motlke made - ANSWER The father of mission command thru use of the orders process Created the Prussian/German dual-command system Practiced centralized command, decentralized execution What form of maneuver did Moltke favor? - ANSWER The envelopment What did Moltke believe was the role of the staff - ANSWER The role of the staff was to AUGMENT the commander Describe the main differences between the French and Prussian/German army - ANSWER Napoleon used the staff as a megaphone Prussians/German staff augment the commander to counteract the lack of a genius like Napoleon Why did Napoleon fail in Spain? - ANSWER Guerrilla warfare Unable to squash Spanish insurgency Why did Napoleon fail in Russia? - ANSWER Outpaced supply lines when trying to take Moscow. What was Plan 17 during WWI - ANSWER French mobilized all its forces along the German/French border What was the Schlieffen Plan (WWI) - ANSWER German plan to knock out France quickly then attack Russia by enveloping the French. Could not knock out the French because couldn't move fast enough (foot marching) Broadly describe how doctrine is created - ANSWER History informs theory/concept which becomes doctrine What kind of external support did Maoist insurgencies rely on to win? - ANSWER Maoist insurgencies DID NOT rely on outside support What are Mao's phases for revolutionary war? - ANSWER Political action Guerrilla warfare Conventional warfare What is the western way of war? - ANSWER 1. Primacy of technology to compensate for inferior numbers 2. Discipline (also to compensate for inferior numbers) 3. Defeat and destruction (unconditional surrender is the goal) 4. Adaptability 5. Power of financing What is the difference between l [Show More]

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