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EDFN 508 Final Exam | Questions and Answers (Complete Solutions)

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EDFN 508 Final Exam | Questions and Answers (Complete Solutions) Which of the following sources of knowledge has significant limitations when used in isolation? a. inductive reasoning b. All of thes... e have limitations c. authority d. experience Which of the following examples illustrates reliance on deductive reasoning? a. Paul believes a flu vaccine will work because he has avoided the flu in the past after having a vaccine. b. Bill concludes that his car uses unleaded fuel because it is an Escape and all Escapes use unleaded fuel. c. Juan assumes that black holes exist because scientists have told him that they do. d. Jack concludes that all mammals have fur based upon observing his cat and dog. Developing generalizations from a limited number of related observations is referred to as a. deductive reasoning b. reliance on tradition c. scientific method d. inductive reasoning Susie engaged in the following activities this past semester. Which of these activities is an example of conducting educational research? a. Susie described a new program being implemented at her school to parents at Back to School Night. b. Susie wrote an item for a newsletter describing her personal opinion on the value of parental involvement in school based on ten years of teaching in the area. c. Susie gathered and analyzed data from teachers in the district to answer a question about their attitudes regarding high stakes testing policies. d. Susie learned about problem-based learning by reading articles, and wrote a paper on it for a graduate class. Manny is interested in investigating differences in spatial skills between middle school boys and girls enrolled in his computer graphics course. He spends time reviewing the relevant literature in this area. What would be the next step in the scientific method? a. forming a hypothesis b. recognizing and defining the problem c. drawing conclusion regarding the hypothesis d. collecting data Of the following, which is a type of qualitative research? a. causal-comparative b. correlational c. experimental d. narrative Of the following research goals, the one that most likely uses mixed-method research involves a. conducting interviews with participants after completing an instrument to asses instructional practices to explain the results. b. comparing numeric test results across groups to understand the effects of a particular instructional approach. c. describing the relationship between students' math attitudes and their math achievement. d. exploring teachers' use of formative quizzes within three second-language classrooms. Researchers seek approval from the IRB prior to a. generating hypotheses. b. developing a research plan. c. collecting research data. d. conducting a literature review. Which of the following illustrates anonymity? a. Kristi replaces the participants' names on their research materials with a random number. b. Because Kelly does not know who participated in her study, she cannot report their names. c. After interviewing participants, the researcher assigns each participant a pseudonym.her d. Although she can identify responses on the attitude scale by their handwriting, Kate does not report the names. Of the following, informed consent accurately refers to a. a school's formal agreement to allow researchers to conduct work in their school knowing the true nature of the study. b. a parent's legal permission for their children to participate in a study knowing the true nature of the study. c. a teacher's formal permission to allow researchers in his or her classroom knowing the true nature of the study. d. a minor child participant's agreement to participate in a study knowing the true nature of the study. Sandra is conducting a review of the literature investigating a problem area in which little research has been conducted previously. Her review is likely going to be a. very broad, given the unique nature of the problem and the lack of information on it. b. very narrow, given the limited research on the problem. c. very broad, because bigger is always better d. very narrow, given the focus on a problem without much of a literature base. A good review of the literature for a frequently studied topic should contain a. only references from peer-reviewed journals. b. any study related in any meaningful way to your topic. c. only studies that found results that support your hypothesis. d. only references that are directly related to your specific topic. According to the text, the review of literature is important early in a qualitative study because it a. identifies the important variables for investigation in the study. b. demonstrates assumptions of the research questions. c. minimizes the literature review by holding it early in the study d. provides a general understanding of the educational topic. What is the most important advantage of using a database (e.g., ERIC) over an internet search (e.g., Google)? a. A database will only return primary sources b. A database is organized by humans using subject headings c. A database will have the full text of the article d. A database is likely to return more hits Rudo is interested in researching leadership styles of elementary principals in rural districts. Which of the following keywords would be best for him to use in a database search? a. Principals' style b. Rural schools c. Elementary schools d. Principals' leadership style Glenda's study addresses a current topic in education, case libraries. Glenda is concerned about her sources. Although the studies come from peer-reviewed journals, none of them have methodology sections and it appears they include prominent researchers' opinions. What is likely Glenda's concern? a. Her sources are too dated. b. Her sources are popular not scholarly. c. Her sources are secondary references. d. Her sources are subjective. Sanai needs to review a secondary source to introduce her to the topic of her study on the effects of cooperative learning. Which of the following will she likely select? a. Journal of Experimental Education b. Child Development c. Review of Educational Research d. Journal of Educational Psychology Of the following which characteristics of a potential source might be the most concerning? a. the source was found in a non-refereed journal b. the source did not contain any data c. the source was a very short research study d. the source was published in the 1990s Which of the following is least likely to be included in a literature matrix for annotating sources? a. author and date b. conclusions c. variables of interest d. a full abstract According to your text, what is the best way to organize the report of the literature? a. Present each reference by date with a mini-abstract b. Provide a meaningful synthesis of the studies organized by topic or theme c. Present each major finding in turn d. Present only the studies that have similar findings The first step in probability sampling is to identify the population. identify the sampling technique to use. determine the sample size. select the sample. The group that the researcher would ideally like to generalize findings to is referred to as a target population. a sample. a population. an accessible population. Participants identified as those from whom to seek information is the definition of a sample. a population. a target population. an accessible population. Ken randomly selected 75 students to participate in his study and then randomly assigned them to one of three conditions. When he examined his groups he found he had very unequal gender by condition. Ken's samples illustrate sampling error. sampling bias nonrandom sampling. purposive sampling. All forms of random sampling include the following steps EXCEPT listing all members of the population. identifying the population. determining sample size selecting the sample. If all participants in a given sample have an equal and independent chance of being selected for a study it is said that the sample has been selected randomly. systematically. biasedly. conveniently. Sean knows a lot about racial tensions in public schools. He wants to conduct a quantitative study that examines the current state of affairs in public schools. He contacts two school districts that he identified, one has a history of problems and one does not. He randomly selects students from these schools to participate in his study. Sean used purposive sampling. convenience sampling. quota sampling. stratified sampling. Marc is a qualitative researcher who needs to interview both expert and novice teachers for a study. He expects to interview about 50 teachers. Which sampling strategy will Marc likely use? Intensity Simple random Systematic Criterion Generally, qualitative researchers select a sample that is selected purposely. as large as possible. generalizable to a target population. diverse demographically. Charles is conducting a study to understand the role of emotions in learning middle school science content. To sample, he sorts his population into two groups, those students who identify as very interested in science and those who identify as disliking science. He is using intensity sampling snowball sampling homogeneous sampling random sampling Which of the following is the best example of a construct? a score on a standardized reading test a teacher-made reading comprehension test words read accurately in a minute reading ability The number of seconds a teacher waits for s student to answer a question is an example of a(an) independent variable operational definition ordinal variable construct Gender is considered a(n) ___________ level variable. rank interval nominal ratio Given the following research question: "Are there differences in individual student achievement scores in advanced science classes between classes where students sit in the lecture style seating and those where students sit in cluster seating?" What type of variable does achievement scores represent? Aptitude variable Affective variable Independent variable Dependent variable Dan is a researcher interested in self-esteem. He develops an instrument that he administers to 500 middle school learners. He calculates a self-esteem score for each child in the study and then groups the students as low, medium, or high self-esteem. The instrument illustrates what type of assessment? Cognitive Aptitude Affective Projective A respondent's score on a self-efficacy measure is considered a variable a construct data knowledge Selection methods of assessment include essays. authentic assessments. short answer. matching. Susan has her life skills class keep a bank account and 'pay bills' throughout the semester. Susan's assessment strategy illustrates supply methods of assessment. performance assessment. selection methods of assessment. problem-based assessment. Of the following, which is an example of self-referenced approach? Jon ran the mile faster than his last race. Jon finished first in the race. Jon performed worse than his teammates. Jon ran the mile in less than 6 minutes. The extent to which a test actually measures what it is designed to measure is referred to as ____________ validity. content criterion predictive construct The degree to which an instrument consistently measures the construct of interest is referred to as predictive validity. reliability. content validity. criterion-related validity. Michael left the Physics final and complained. The content on the cumulative final only covered about one quarter of the Physics concepts for the course. Michael is questioning the _____________ validity of the test. construct predictive content concurrent Gavin recently administered a science test to his fourth grade class. He questions the validity of the test as a science test because although it looks as if it measures science content, it relies heavily on reading ability. Gavin's concern is with the _____________ validity of the test. construct. content consequential criterion-related Robert scored an 87 on a recent mathematics placement test. John scored an 86. The standard error of measurement of the test is 4. What can we conclude about the two students' actual measures? Robert's true score is higher than John's John's true score is higher than Robert's The two student's true scores are equal Robert's true score may be higher than John's Of the following, the most appropriate way to view the reliability of observational data is through equivalent forms reliability interjudge reliability test-retest reliability internal consistency reliability Of the following, which is an example of a survey research question? a. Is there a relationship between task performance and age? b. Does the intervention increase reading skills? c. What are the participants' opinions regarding effective instruction? d. Are there differences by SES on the new aptitude measure? According to your text, one particular challenge of survey studies is that a. people do not believe the findings from survey studies b. survey studies often suffer from lack of participant response. c. survey studies are more challenging to conduct than other types of research d. it is not possible to obtain valid results from survey studies. Ms. Wang's study addresses the reasons that parents report for sending their children to dance lessons. She has defined her research problem, reviewed the literature, and stated her questions. The next step in Ms. Wang's study is to a. create her research instrument. b. identify and select research participants c. seek informed consent permission d. report on her research findings The two primary survey research designs are self-report and achievement interviews and questionnaires cross-sectional and longitudinal projective assessments and observation Survey data are often collected via which of the following? standardized tests. ability measures observations. questionnaires. Generally, as number of items increases on a survey the reliability decreases reliability increases content validity increases content validity decreases Li sent out a survey and received an initial response rate of 26%. What response rate is she trying to reach with her second mailing if she is to meet the guidelines for survey research? She needs to have a response rate of 40% She needs to get 100% for her results to be valid and reliable. She's looking to receive at least 50% She's already at an acceptable response rate, since she has over 25%. Hakeem developed an attitudes about the importance of green space on campus. The measure was ten items long and he administered it to twenty five people in his pilot study. He conducted a reliability analysis of the scale and found it to be quite low (.25). Given he needs to have a reliability estimate of .80 to appease his dissertation committee, which of the following would you suggest to Hakeem? Administer the pilot to more people and do the analysis again. Lengthen the scale and send it out without another pilot. Lengthen the scale and conduct another pilot to see if it goes up. Reduce the number of items to five to increase reliability. Which of the following is a criteria for writing questionnaire items? [Show More]

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