*NURSING > EXAM PROCTORED > ATI Nutrition Proctored Test Review A&B, Questions and Answers. NEW 2021. Graded A (All)

ATI Nutrition Proctored Test Review A&B, Questions and Answers. NEW 2021. Graded A

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1. A nurse is caring for a client who expresses a desire to lose weight. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. Recommend checking weight once weekly. b. Obtain a 24-hr diet... ary recall. c. Assist with creating an exercise plan. d. Initiate a plan for diet modification. 2. A nurse is teaching about nutritional requirements for a client who is starting a vegetarian diet. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Consume high-fat cheese to replace meats when on a vegetarian diet. b. A vegetarian diet is high in vitamin B12 • c. Fewer calories are required when on a vegetarian diet. d. Include two servings per day of nuts when on a vegetarian diet. 3. A nurse is caring for a client who has acute inflammatory bowel disease. Which of the following nutritional supplements should the nurse anticipate providing to this client? a. Hydrolyzed formula b. Polymeric formula c. Milk-based supplement formula d. Modular product supplement formula 4. A nurse is teaching a client who is newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus how to count carbohydrates. Which of the following statements made by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I am including vegetables as starch items in my carbohydrate count." b. "I am limiting the number of carbohydrates to four carbohydrate choices or 60 grams per day." c. "I know the serving size can affect the number of carbohydrates I eat." d. "I know the carbohydrate count is dependent on the calories in the food item." 5. A nurse is providing dietary teaching for a client who has osteoporosis. The nurse should instruct the client that which of the following foods has the highest amount of calcium? a. 1 cup avocado b. 2 tablespoons peanut butter c. ½ cup roasted sunflower seeds d. ½ cup roasted almonds 6. A nurse is discussing dietary factors to assist in blood pressure management for a client who has hypertension. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I can drink up to three glasses of wine each day." b. "I should choose whole grain pastas when selecting my foods." c. "I should decrease my consumption of foods high in potassium." d. "I can use low-sodium salt substitutes when I cook my food." ATI Nutrition test review 7. A nurse is caring for a client who has a new prescription for parenteral nutrition (PN) containing a mixture of dextrose, amino acids, and lipids. Prior to administration of the PN, the nurse should report which of the following food allergies to the provider? a. Gelatin b. Peanuts c. Shellfish d. Eggs 8. A nurse is teaching a client who has chronic kidney disease about limiting dietary calcium intake. Which of the following food choices should the nurse include in the teaching as having the highest amount of calcium? a. 1 cup low-fat yogurt b. 1 oz cheddar cheese c. 1 egg d. ½ cup spinach 9. A home health nurse is providing dietary teaching to the guardians of a 3-year-old child. Which of the following statements by the guardians should the nurse identify as understanding of the teaching? a. "I will offer my child a cup of peanut butter to dip her celery in." b. "I can leave her grapes whole, so she can practice getting them with her fork." c. "I can give her popcorn as a snack to provide a serving of whole grains." d. "I will put low-fat milk in her cup for her to drink." 10. A nurse is caring for an adolescent who has type 1 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to assess for Somogyi phenomenon? a. Monitor blood glucose levels during the night. b. Check for urinary ketones at the same time each day for 1 week. c. Perform an oral glucose tolerance test after administering a dose of insulin. d. Compare current glycosylated hemoglobin level with the level at time of diagnosis 11. A nurse is reviewing the introduction of solid foods with the guardian of a 4-month-old infant. Which of the following statements by the guardian indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "My baby should consume 2 tablespoons of solid food at each feeding." b. "The majority of my baby's calories should come from solid food." c. "I will give my baby one bottle of fruit juice each day." d. "I will introduce a new solid food every 5 days." 12. A nurse in a long-term care facility is monitoring a client during mealtime who has Parkinson's disease. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as the priority? a. The client eats all of their cake and a few bites of bread. b. The client drools while eating. c. The client's hand trembles when they holds their spoon. d. The client chooses to sit alone during the meal. ATI Nutrition test review 13. A home health nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who had an open reduction internal fixation of the tibia. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a risk factor for impaired wound healing? a. The client's hemoglobin is 15 g/dl. b. The client's peripheral pulses are +3 distal to the affected extremity. c. The client consumes 1,000 kcal daily. d. The client takes zinc supplements. 14. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has diabetes mellitus and an HbA1c of 8.7%. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of this laboratory value? a. "I should have gone to my exercise class yesterday." b. "This shows that my result is finally within a normal range." c. "This shows that I have not been following my diet." d. "I should have my blood work done first thing in the morning." 15. A nurse is teaching a client about stress management. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I will take a long walk every evening." b. "I will keep a daily diet and activity log." c. "I will avoid eating 1 hour before bedtime." d. "I will drink a full glass of water with each meal." 16. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and is prescribed an oral diet. The client asks the nurse why the TPN is being continued since he is now eating. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? a. "Your blood glucose levels need to be within a normal range before the parenteral nutrition can be stopped." b. You should consume at least 60 percent of your calories orally before the parenteral nutrition can be discontinued." c. "You should have a weight gain of at least 1 kilogram per day before the therapy is stopped." d. "Your bowel movements need to be regular before the therapy can be discontinued." 17. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) through a peripherally inserted central catheter. The pharmacist informs the nurse that there will be a delay in delivering the next bag of TPN solution. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Slow the rate of the current infusion. b. Infuse 0.9% sodium chloride when the current infusion ends. c. Infuse dextrose 10% in water when the current infusion ends. d. Remove the tubing and flush the access device when the current infusion ends 18. A nurse is assessing a client who has diabetes mellitus. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a manifestation of hypoglycemia? a. Diaphoresis b. Bradycardia c. Abdominal cramps ATI Nutrition test review d. Acetone breath 19. A nurse is planning dietary teaching for a client who has dumping syndrome following a gastrectomy. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the client's plan of care? a. Use simple sugars to sweeten foods. b. Remain upright for 1 hr following meals. c. Limit eating to three large meals per day. d. Select grains with less than 2 g fiber per serving. 20. A nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client who is postoperative following a gastric bypass procedure. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a. Eat six small meals per day. b. Begin each meal with a protein. c. Finish each meal even if feeling full. d. Plan to eat each meal over 15 min. 21. A nurse is evaluating a client who is receiving a continuous enteral feeding and has diarrhea. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to reduce the client's diarrhea? a. Flush the client's feeding tube. b. Administer promethazine to the client. c. Decrease the rate of the feeding. d. Check the client's gastric residual. 22. A nurse is assessing a client who has an elevated blood pressure, headache, and is sweating. The client recently started taking an MAOI. The nurse should question the client regarding the consumption of which of the following foods? a. Grapefruit juice b. Whole milk c. Whole grain bread d. Cheddar cheese 23. A nurse is teaching a client who has hypertension about decreasing sodium intake. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Use soy sauce as a marinade for meats. b. Season foods with herbs and spices. c. Select processed cheese products when available. d. Choose a frozen dinner for a quick meal option. 24. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a postpartum client about breast milk use and storage. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? a. "Refrigerate unused breast milk immediately after bottle feeding." b. “You cannot place thawed breast milk back in the freezer." c. "You can store expressed breast milk in the freezer for up to 18 months." d. "Defrost frozen breast milk on the lowest defrost setting in the microwave." 25. A nurse is teaching an adolescent who has a new diagnosis of celiac disease. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I need to decrease the amount of oil I use in cooking." b. "I need to eat fewer acidic foods, such as tomatoes and oranges." ATI Nutrition test review c. "I need to eliminate rye from my diet." d. "I need to eliminate milk products from my diet." 26. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory values of a group of clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse identify as experiencing dehydration? a. A client who has a potassium level of 4.4 mEq/L b. A client who has a hematocrit of 45% c. A client who has a sodium level of 150 mEq/L d. A client who has a BUN of 18 mg/dl 27. A nurse is providing education to an adolescent about making nutrient-dense food choices. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "Pasta with white sauce is a better choice than pasta with red sauce." b. "Sweetened fruit yogurt is a healthy breakfast choice." c. "Canned pinto beans are a better choice than refried beans." d. "Sausage is a healthy choice of protein." 28. A nurse is teaching a prenatal education class about breastfeeding. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Offer supplemental formula until the milk supply is established. b. Offer the newborn 30 ml (1 oz) of glucose water after the first breastfeeding session. c. Plan to breastfeed the newborn every 4 hr. d. Plan 5-min feedings on each breast on the first day after birth. 29. A nurse is assessing a client for dysphagia following a stroke. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as a manifestation of dysphagia? a. The client reports abdominal pain after eating. b. The client has an increase in bowel sounds after eating. c. The client has an increased interest in eating. d. The client's voice changes after eating. 30. A community health nurse is planning to teach a class about weight management for cardiovascular health. Which of the following statements should the nurse plan to include? a. "Limit your sodium intake to 1,800 milligrams per day." b. "Reduce your daily intake of foods that contain protein." c. "Taking a daily multivitamin will prevent cardiovascular disease." d. "Plan to lose weight gradually at½ to 1 pound per week." 31. A nurse in an acute care facility is planning care for a client who has chosen to follow Islamic dietary laws during Ramadan. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a. Place the client on NPO status during nighttime hours. b. Provide a snack for the client after sunset. c. Offer the client hot tea with daytime meals. d. Allow the client to eat privately with their family each day at 1300 ATI Nutrition test review 32. A nurse is creating a plan of care for a client who has mucositis following head and neck radiation therapy to treat cancer. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan? a. Encourage three servings of citrus foods daily. b. Provide lemon-glycerin swabs for oral hygiene after meals. c. Increase fluid intake to 2 L per day. d. Heat oral hygiene mouth rinses before use. 33. A nurse is assessing a client who has type 2 diabetes mellitus. The nurse should recognize which of the following as a manifestation of hypoglycemia? a. Confusion b. Polydipsia c. Vomiting d. Ketonuria 34. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory findings of a client who has acute pancreatitis. Which of the following is an expected finding? a. Increased calcium b. Decreased bilirubin c. Increased glucose d. Decreased alkaline phosphatase 35. A nurse is preparing to bottle feed an infant who has a cleft lip. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to reduce the risk of aspiration? a. Burp the infant once at the end of the feeding. b. Use a bottle that has a two-way valve. c. Place a low-flow rate nipple on the bottle. d. Squeeze the infant's cheeks together while feeding 36. A nurse is teaching about increasing dietary intake of micronutrients to a client who has difficulty seeing at night. Which of the following micronutrients should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Vitamin A b. Calcium c. Vitamin B6 d. Phosphorus 37. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has dumping syndrome and is experiencing weight loss. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Consume liquids between meals. b. Increase intake of simple carbohydrates. c. Decrease foods high in fat content. d. Eat meals low in protein. 38. A nurse is caring for a client who has undergone a radical head and neck resection to treat cancer and is receiving radiation therapy. The nurse should monitor for which of the following potential adverse effects? a. Bone marrow suppression b. Radiation enteritis ATI Nutrition test review c. Malabsorption of nutrients d. Changes in the production of saliva 39. A client is experiencing anorexia related to cancer treatment. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement to increase the client's nutritional intake? a. Recommend cooking aromatic foods to stimulate appetite. b. Serve hot foods rather than cold foods. c. Instruct the client to eat three meals per day. d. Add extra calories and protein to every meal. 40. A nurse is developing an educational program about the glycemic index of foods for clients who have diabetes mellitus. Which of the following foods should the nurse identify as having the highest glycemic index? a. Sweet corn b. Macaroni c. Baked potato d. Peanuts 41. A nurse is assessing a client who has fluid volume excess. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse expect? a. Weak peripheral pulses b. Increased hematocrit c. Crackles in the lungs d. Weight loss from baseline 42. A nurse is providing information to a client who has a new prescription for atorvastatin. Which of the following beverages should the nurse include in the information as contraindicated while taking this medication? a. Orange juice b. Coffee c. Grapefruit juice d. Milk 43. A nurse in a provider's office is assessing a client who has HIV. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an indication to increase the client's nutritional intake? a. T-helper (CD4+) cells 700/mm3 b. Presence of herpes simplex virus infection c. HIV viral load below detectable levels d. Increased lean body mass 44. A nurse is caring for a client who is dehydrated and is receiving intermittent enteral feeding. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a. Use a low-fat formula for administration. b. Chill the formula prior to administration. c. Provide the formula as a continuous infusion. d. Dilute the formula before administration. 45. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving continuous enteral tube feedings. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to prevent aspiration? a. Monitor gastric residuals every 4 hr. b. Maintain elevation of the head of the client's bed at 15° . ATI Nutrition test review c. Confirm proper tube placement by radiograph every 24 hr. d. Flush tubing with 30 ml of water before and after medications 46. A nurse is providing teaching about lowering solid fat intake to an adolescent client who usually consumes about 2,000 calories per day. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a. "Choose ground beef that is at least 70% lean." b. "Restrict your daily meat intake to 5 ounces." c. "Select cheeses that contain no more than 6 grams of fat per serving." d. "Choose margarine that contains no more than 4 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon." 47. A nurse is assessing a client who is suspected of having lactose intolerance. Which of the following is an expected finding? a. Flatulence b. Bloody stools c. Hyperemesis d. Steatorrhea 48. A nurse is preparing a health promotion seminar for a group of clients about cancer prevention. Which of the following information should the nurse include? a. Consume high-calorie foods and beverages at meal time. b. Eat at least 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables each day. c. Plan to perform moderate-intensity exercise for 90 min/week. d. Limit alcohol consumption to no more than three drinks per day. 49. A nurse in a clinic is reviewing the laboratory findings of a client who recently began a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Which of the following laboratory findings indicates the client has reached one of the goals of the DASH diet? a. Sodium 150 mEq/L b. Chloride 106 mEq/L c. Fasting glucose 130 mg/dl d. Total cholesterol 190 mg/dl 50. A nurse is caring for a client who is at 8 weeks of gestation and has a BMI of 34. The client asks about weight goals during her pregnancy. The nurse should advise the client to do which of the following? a. Maintain her current BMI. b. Gain approximately 6.8 kg (15 lb). c. Lower her BMI to 30. d. Gain 12.7 to 15.8 kg (28 to 35 lb). [Show More]

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