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Chamberlain College of Nursing > NR 222 Exam 2, (New) - Already Graded A.

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Exam 2 NR 222 Chamberlain College of Nursing Question 1 The nurse incorporates cultural considerations into the health teaching plan by: • Assessing a person's beliefs. • Using medical terminology... • Presenting evidence-based information. • Explaining that universal health practices are the best. Question 2 The communication of health information in a manner which is clear and understandable to the client is known as: • Empowerment • Health literacy • Health disparities • Health education Question 3 Nurses have a responsibility to ensure health literacy when providing health education. What are some strategies that nurses can use to promote health literacy? (select all that apply) • Speak clearly and distinctly. • Speak louder than usual. • Use medical terminology. • Face the person when speaking. • Conclude with a summary of key points Question 4 The nurse utilizes strategies associated with client-centered communication by doing which of the following? (select all that apply) • Not being "too busy" to talk • Focusing on the nurse's views • Developing mutual understanding • Emphasizing the technical aspects of care • Using a conversational interviewing style • Tuning in to the client's preferences and style Question 5 What are some ethical standards that nurses can utilize for interpersonal communications? (select all that apply) • Communicate information accurately. • Take a laissez-faire approach to minimize conflict • Change the subject when unsure of the correct answer. • Be sensitive to gender and cultural context. • Communicate verbal and nonverbal messages in a congruent manner Question 6 Which of the following scenarios best describes a nurse using metacommunication? • Using both touch and silence when counseling an individual • Practicing reflection when interaction with an individual • Discussing with an individual how to solve a problem • Understanding that an individual needs a break before proceeding Question 7 The nurse is teaching a class to students of pediatric nursing on comparing the concepts of growth and development. Which statement most accurately represents these concepts? • Growth patterns are qualitative changes. • Growth is from the head to toe or cephalocaudal. • Development reflects an increase in the number and size of cells. • Development is a gradual change that includes advances in skills. Question 8 A nurse is attending a continuing education program about growth and development. Why is it necessary that nurses are well educated about this content? (Select all that apply) • Can deliver anticipatory guidance to families • Have a better understanding of genetics and genomics • Can meet the requirements of Healthy People 2020 • Can provide more effective health education Question 9 The school nurse is working on a campaign in the school to prevent adolescent pregnancies. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement? • Talk to teenagers about sex, including abstinence, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases. • Tell the teenagers they should abstain from sex until they are old enough to cope with the potential consequences such as an unwanted pregnancy. • Encourage parents of all teenage girls to make sure their daughters start oral contraceptives early. • Offer all teenagers free condoms when they come in for physical exams. Question 10 Which of the following is the third leading cause of death in adolescents between 10 and 24 years of age? • Accidents • Suicide • Cancer • Sport injuries Question 11 The nurse is preparing an educational activity for adolescents. The primary reason that emphasis is placed on teaching testicular self-examination is because: • adolescents are naturally interested in their developing bodies. • baseline assessment data is necessary for comparison in the future. • rapid anatomical changes are occurring in the testes • testicular cancer is the number one cancer in the adolescent male. Question 12 A nurse is planning a community health education program for young adults. Which of the following considerations should be made by the nurse? • The age span encompassing young adulthood is between 20 to 30 years of age • The number one cause of death for young adults is injury. • The number of young adults in the United States is increasing. • The maternal mortality rate is at its lowest point since 1980. Question 13 According to Healthy People 2020, the leading causes of death among children and young adults are due to injuries from which of the following? • Homicide • Suicide • Burns • Motor Vehicle Crashes Question 14 Taking into account all of the agents that affect middle-age adults, the nurse plans a health education workshop focused on developing an individualized lifestyle change program for each participant. Which of the following actions should the nurse stress that individuals take first? • Limiting unprotected exposure to sun • Starting a smoking cessation program • Exercising at least three times a week • Scheduling a complete physical and dental exam Question 15 A nurse is conducting a community education program about cognition in older adults. Which of the following information should be included? • Some form of mild dementia is a normal part of aging. • All forms of dementia have the same symptoms, but progress at different rates. • Assessment for dementia should be part of routine physical exams. • Elders who score below 27 points on the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) are not likely to have a cognition problem. Question 16 A nurse is assessing the home environment of a toddler. Which of the following poses the greatest and most immediate risk to the child? • A fenced-in pool in the backyard • An entertainment center with the remote control on the top shelf • A closed window in the child’s bedroom • A toy box overflowing with toys Question 17 A nurse is determining if teaching is effective. Which finding best indicates learning has occurred? • A nurse presents information about diabetes. • A patient demonstrates how to inject insulin. • A family member listens to a lecture on diabetes. • A primary care provider hands a diabetes pamphlet to the patient. Question 18 A patient has heart failure and kidney failure. The patient needs teaching about dialysis. Which nursing action is most appropriate for assessing this patient’s learning needs? • Assess the patient’s total health care needs. • Assess the patient’s health literacy. • Assess all sources of patient data. • Assess the goals of patient care. Question 19 A nurse is teaching an older-adult patient about strokes. Which teaching technique is most appropriate for the nurse to use? • Speak in a high tone of voice to describe strokes. • Use a pamphlet about strokes with large font in blues and greens. • Provide specific information about strokes in short, small amounts. • Begin the teaching session facing the teaching white board with stroke information. Question 20 A patient who is going to surgery has been taught how to cough and deep breathe. Which evaluation method will the nurse use? • Return demonstration • Computer instruction • Verbalization of steps • Cloze test Question 21 A nurse is assessing the ability to learn of a patient who has recently experienced a stroke. Which question/statement will best assess the patient’s ability to learn? • “What do you want to know about strokes?” • “Please read this handout and tell me what it means.” • “Do you feel strong enough to perform the tasks I will teach you?” • “On a scale from 1 to 10, tell me where you rank your desire to learn.” Question 22 The referent in the communication process is: • Information shared by the sender • The means of conveying messages • That which motivates the communication • The person who initiates the communication • Motivates one person to communicate with the other. Question 23 The nurse works with pediatric patients who have Diabetes. Which is the youngest age group to which the nurse can effectively teach psychomotor skills such as insulin administer? • Toddler • Preschool • School age • Adolescent Question 24 Demonstration of the principles of body mechanics used when transferring patients from bed to chair would be classified under which domain of learning? • social • affective • cognitive • psychomotor Question 25 According to Erikson, the developmental task of adolescence is : • Industry vs. inferiority • Identity vs. role confusion • Autonomy vs. shame and doubt • Role acceptance vs. role confusion Question 26 According to Erikson's developmental theory, the primary developmental task if the middle years us to: • Achieve intimacy • Achieve generativity • Establish a set of personal values • Establish a sense of personal identity Question 27 A nurse is measuring an infant’s head circumference and height. Which area is the nurse assessing? • Moral development • Cognitive development • Biophysical development • Psychosocial development Question 28 A nurse is caring for a young adult after surgery. Which action by the nurse will be priority? • Allow involvement of peers • Allow involvement of partner • Allow involvement of volunteer activities • Allow involvement of consistent schedule Question 29 The nurse is caring for a 14-year-old patient in the hospital. Which goal will be priority? • Maintain industry • Maintain identity • Maintain intimacy • Maintain initiative Question 30 A mother has delivered a healthy newborn. Which action is priority? • Encourage close physical contact as soon as possible after birth. • Isolate the newborn in the nursery during the first hour after delivery. • Never leave the newborn alone with the mother during the first 8 hours after delivery. • Do not allow the newborn to remain with parents until the second hour after delivery. • After immediate physical evaluation and application of identification bracelets, the nurse promotes the parents’ and newborn’s need for close physical contact. Question 31 A nurse is working in the delivery room. Which action is priority immediately after birth? • Open the airway. • Determine gestational age. • Monitor infant-parent interactions. • Promote parent-newborn physical contact. Question 32 A mother expresses concern because her 5-year-old child frequently talks about friends who don’t exist. What is the nurse’s best response to this mother’s concern? • “Have you considered a child psychological evaluation?” • “You should stop your child from playing electronic games.” • “Pretend play is a sign your child watches too much television.” • “It’s very normal for a child this age to have imaginary playmates.” Question 33 A nurse is giving a presentation about accident prevention to a group of parents of toddlers. Which of the following accident-prevention strategies should the nurse include? (Select all that apply). • Store toxic agents in locked cabinets • Keep toilet seats up • Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove • Place safety gates across stairways • Make sure balloons are fully inflated Question 34 Which statement, if made by a parent, will require further instruction from the nurse? • “I should not be surprised that my teenage son has so many friends.” • “I get worried because my teenage son thinks he’s indestructible.” • “I should cover for my 10-year-old son when he makes mistakes until he learns the ropes.” • “I usually have nutritious snacks available because my 10-year-old son is always hungry right after school.” Question 35 A nurse is assessing the risk of intimate partner violence (IPV) for patients. Which population should the nurse focus on most for IPV? • White males • Pregnant females • Middle-aged adults • Nonsubstance abusers Question 36 Which information from the nurse indicates a correct understanding of emerging adulthood? • It is a type of young adulthood. • It is a type of extended adolescence. • It is a type of independent exploration. • It is a type of marriage and parenthood. Question 37 A nurse determines that a middle-aged patient is a typical example of the “sandwich generation.” What did the nurse discover the patient is caught between? • Job responsibilities or family responsibilities • Stopping old habits and starting new ones • Caring for children and aging parents • Advancing in career or retiring Question 38 A nurse is developing a plan of care for an older adult. Which information will the nurse consider? • Should be standardized because most geriatric patients have the same needs • Needs to be individualized to the patient’s unique needs • Focuses on the disabilities that all aging persons face • Must be based on chronological age alone Question 39 A nurse is teaching a group of older-adult patients. Which teaching strategy is best for the nurse to use? • Provide several topics of discussion at once to promote independence and making choices. • Avoid uncomfortable silences after questions by helping patients complete their statements. • Ask patients to recall past experiences that correspond with their interests. • Speak in a high pitch to help patients hear better. Question 40 A nurse is caring for an older adult. Which goal is priority? • Adjusting to career • Adjusting to divorce • Adjusting to retirement • Adjusting to grandchildren Question 41 A nurse is discussing sexuality with an older adult. Which action will the nurse take? • Ask closed-ended questions about specific symptoms the patient may experience. • Provide information about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. • Discuss the issues of sexuality in a group in a private room. • Explain that sexuality is not necessary as one ages. Question 42 An older patient with dementia and confusion is admitted to the nursing unit after hip replacement surgery. Which action will the nurse include in the plan of care? • Keep a routine. • Continue to reorient. • Allow several choices. • Socially isolate patient. Question 43 A nurse is reviewing car seat safety with the parents of a 1-month-old infant. When reviewing car seat use which of the following instructions should the nurse include? • Use a car seat that has a three point harness system. • Position the car seat so that the infant is rear facing. • Secure the car seat in the front passenger seat of the vehicle • Convert to a booster seat after 12 months. Question 44 A nurse is teaching a patient with a risk for hypertension how to take a blood pressure. Which action by the nurse is the priority? • Assess laboratory results for high cholesterol and other data. • Identify that teaching is the same as the nursing process. • Perform nursing care therapies to address hypertension. • Focus on a patient’s learning needs and objectives. Question 45 Which behavior indicates the nurse is using a process recording correctly to enhance communication with patients? • Shows sympathy appropriately • Uses automatic responses fluently • Demonstrates passive remarks accurately • Self-examines personal communication skills Question 46 A nurse is using Jean Piaget’s developmental theory to focus on cognitive development. Which area will the nurse assess in this patient? • Latency • Formal operations • Intimacy versus isolation • The postconventional level Question 47 A nurse works on a pediatric unit and is using a psychosocial developmental approach to child care. In which order from the first to the last will the nurse place the developmental stages? 1. Initiative versus guilt 2. Trust versus mistrust 3. Industry versus inferiority 4. Identity versus role confusion 5. Autonomy versus shame and doubt • 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 • 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 • 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 • 2, 5, 1, 3, 4 Question 48 According to Piaget, the school-age child is in the third stage of cognitive development, which is characterized by: • Concrete operations • Conventional thought • Post-conventional thought • Identity versus role diffusion Question 49 According to Kohlberg, children develop moral reasoning as they mature. Which of the following is most characteristic of a preschooler' stage of moral development? • The rules of correct behavior are obeyed. • Behavior that pleased others is considered good. • Showing respect for authority is important behavior. • Actions are determined as good or bad in terms of their consequences. Question 50 The nurse is caring for an infant. Which activity is most appropriate for the nurse to offer to the infant? • Set of cards to organize and separate into groups • Set of sock puppets with movable eyes • Set of plastic stacking rings • Set of paperback book Socialization into one's primary culture as a child is known as enculturation. A 6-month-old child from Guatemala was adopted by an American family in Indiana. The child's socialization into the American midwestern culture is best described as: Assimilation. Acculturation. Biculturalism. Enculturation Assimilation results when an individual gradually adopts and incorporates the characteristics of the dominant culture. B) Adapted to and adopted the American culture. A 46-year-old woman from Bosnia came to the United States 6 years ago. Although she did not celebrate Christmas when she lived in Bosnia, she celebrates Christmas with her family now. This woman has experienced assimilation into the culture of the United States because she: A) Chose to be bicultural. B) Adapted to and adopted the American culture. C) Had an extremely negative experience with the American culture. D) Gave up part of her ethnic identity in favor of the American culture. Cultural awareness is an in-depth self-examination of one's own background, recognizing biases and prejudices and assumptions about other people. To enhance their cultural awareness, nursing students need to make an in-depth self-examination of their own: A) Motivation and commitment to caring. B) Social, cultural, and biophysical factors. C) Engagement in cross-cultural interactions. D) Background, recognizing her biases and prejudices. D) Acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes Which of the following is required in the delivery of culturally congruent care? A) Learning about vast cultures B) Motivation and commitment to caring C) Influencing treatment and care of patients D) Acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes C) "Do you bathe and use deodorant more than one time a week?" Nurses need to avoid stereotypes or unwarranted generalizations about any particular group that prevents further assessment of the individual's unique characteristics. A registered nurse is admitting a patient of French heritage to the hospital. Which question asked by the nurse indicates that the nurse is stereotyping the patient? A) "What are your dietary preferences?" B) "What time do you typically go to bed?" C) "Do you bathe and use deodorant more than one time a week?" D) "Do you have any health issues that we should know about?" A) Discrimination occurs. Prejudices associate negative permanent characteristics with people who are different from the valued group. When a person acts on these prejudices, discrimination occurs. When action is taken on one's prejudices: A) Discrimination occurs. B) Delivery of culturally congruent care is ensured. C) Effective intercultural communication develops. D) Sufficient comparative knowledge of diverse groups is obtained. C) Influence of socioeconomic factors in morbidity and mortality. Health disparity populations are populations that have a significant increased incidence or prevalence of disease or that have increased morbidity, mortality, or survival rates compared to the health status of the general population. A nursing student is doing a community health rotation in an inner-city public health department. The student investigates sociodemographic and health data of the people served by the health department, and detects disparities in health outcomes between the rich and poor. This is an example of a(n): A) Illness attributed to natural and biological forces. B) Creation of the student's interpretation and descriptions of the data. C) Influence of socioeconomic factors in morbidity and mortality. D) Combination of naturalistic, religious, and supernatural modalities. D) Suffered by a patient whose valued way of life is disregarded by practitioners. Patients suffer cultural pain when health care providers disregard values or cultural beliefs. Culture strongly influences pain expression and need for pain medication. However, cultural pain is: A) Not expressed verbally or physically. B) Expressed only to others from a similar culture. C) Usually more intense than physical pain. D) Suffered by a patient whose valued way of life is disregarded by practitioners. B) Advance directive Informed consent and advance directives protect the right of the individual to know and make decisions ensuring continuity of individual autonomy and self-determination. Which of the following best represents the dominant values in American society on individual autonomy and self-determination? A) Physician orders B) Advance directive C) Durable power of attorney D) Court-appointed guardian A) Ask the patient how much salt he is consuming each day In an Asian culture spoken messages often have little to do with their meanings. It is important for the nurse to clarify how much salt the patient is consuming in his diet. The nurse at an outpatient clinic asks a patient who is Chinese American with newly diagnosed hypertension if he is limiting his sodium intake as directed. The patient does not make eye contact with the nurse but nods his head. What should the nurse do next? A) Ask the patient how much salt he is consuming each day B) Discuss the health implications of sodium and hypertension C) Remind the patient that many foods such as soy sauce contain "hidden" sodium D) Suggest some low-sodium dietary alternatives C) Explore what has prevented her from being at the clinic in time for her appointment. Present-time orientation is in conflict with the dominant organizational norm in health care that emphasizes punctuality and adherence to appointments. Nurses need to expect conflicts and make adjustments when caring for ethnic groups. A female Jamaican immigrant has been late to her last two clinic visits, which in turn had to be rescheduled. The best action that the nurse could take to prevent the patient from being late to her next appointment is: A) Give her a copy of the city bus schedule. B) Call her the day before her appointment as a reminder to be on time. C) Explore what has prevented her from being at the clinic in time for her appointment. D) Refer her to a clinic that is closer to her home. C) African American Certain genetic disorders are linked with specific ethnic groups such as malignant hypertension among African Americans. A nursing student is taking postoperative vital signs in the postanesthesia care unit. She knows that some ethnic groups are more prone to genetic disorders. Which of the following patients is most at risk for developing malignant hypertension? A) Ashkenazi Jew B) Chinese American C) African American D) Filipino A) She won't resume sexual relations until her baby is weaned. In some African cultures such as in Ghana and Sierra Leone some women will not resume sexual relations with their husbands until the baby is weaned. A community health nurse is making a healthy baby visit to a new mother who recently emigrated to the United States from Ghana. When discussing contraceptives with the new mom, the mother states that she won't have to worry about getting pregnant for the time being. The nurse understands that the mom most likely made this statement because: A) She won't resume sexual relations until her baby is weaned. B) She is taking the medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) shot. C) Her husband was recently deployed to Afghanistan. D) She has access to free condoms from the clinic. B) Culture. Culture is the context in which groups of people interpret and define their experiences relevant to life transitions. This includes events such as birth, illness, and dying. It is the system of meanings by which people make sense of their experiences. During their clinical post-conference meeting, several nursing students were discussing their patients with their instructor. One student from a middle-class family shared that her patient was homeless. This is an example of caring for a patient from a different: A) Ethnicity. B) Culture. C) Heritage. D) Religion. A) Do you use any folk remedies? B) Do you have a family physician? C) Do you use a Shaman? Obtain information about folk remedies and cultural healers that the patient uses. Assessment data yield information about the patient's beliefs about the illness and the meaning of the signs and symptoms. When interviewing a Native American patient on admission to the hospital emergency department, which questions are appropriate for the nurse to ask? (Select all that apply.) A) Do you use any folk remedies? B) Do you have a family physician? C) Do you use a Shaman? D) Does your family have a history of alcohol abuse? C) Resiliency. Resiliency is the ability of the family to cope with the unexpected. In this scenario the family used resources to provide some short-term solutions for the adult child's return home. The Collins family includes a mother, Jean; stepfather, Adam; two teenage biological daughters of the mother, Lisa and Laura; and a biological daughter of the father, 25-year-old Stacey. Stacey just moved home following the loss of her job in another city. The family is converting a study into Stacey's bedroom and is in the process of distributing household chores. When you talk to members of the family, they all think that their family can adjust to lifestyle changes. This is an example of family: A) Diversity. B) Durability. C) Resiliency. D) Configuration. B) Legal interventions. This new parenting responsibility is caused by a number of societal factors: the increase in the divorce rate, dual-income families, and single parenthood. But most often it is a consequence of legal intervention when parents are unfit or renounce their parental obligations. The most common reason grandparents are called on to raise their grandchildren is because of: A) Single parenthood. B) Legal interventions. C) Dual-income families. D) Increased divorce rate. D) Economic stability. The ability of families to meet health care, education, and basic needs is often affected by the economic resources of the family. A family's access to adequate health care, opportunity for education, sound nutrition, and decreased stress is affected by: A) Development. B) Family function. C) Family structure. D) Economic stability. A) Economic status C) Underinsured David's economic status is stretched. He has multiple resources for his son, but he is not insured. Thus, as a result, there is a potential that David does not follow through with personal health promotion activities. Although asthma is a chronic illness, this is well managed, and there is adequate health care for his son. David Singer is a single parent of a 3-year-old boy, Kevin. Kevin has well-managed asthma and misses day care infrequently. David is in school studying to be an information technology professional. His income and time are limited, and he admits to going to fast-food restaurants frequently for dinner. However, he and his son spend a lot of time together. David receives state-supported health care for his son, but he does not have health insurance or a personal physician. He has his son enrolled in a government-assisted day care program. Which of the following are risks to this family's level of health? (Select all that apply.) A) Economic status B) Chronic illness C) Underinsured D) Government-assisted day care B) Blended family. Blended families result when two people who have children from a previous marriage/relationship marry. The Cleric family, which includes a mother, stepfather, two teenage biological daughters of the mother, and a biological daughter of the father is an example of a(n): A) Nuclear family. B) Blended family. C) Extended family. D) Alternative family. A) Family goals B) Decision making C) Methods of discipline Clear and direct family communication assists the family in creating goals, decision making, progressing through the family development cycle, and coping with stressors. Which of the following are possible outcomes with clear family communication? (Select all that apply.) A) Family goals B) Decision making C) Methods of discipline D) Impaired coping B) Function. Communication is a component of family functioning, whether that be setting goals, coping, or establishing discipline. Family functioning is what the family does, and communication is an important component of function. Communication among family members is an example of family: A) Attributes. B) Function. C) Structure. D) Development. A) Family meetings B) Established family roles C) Willingness to change in time of stress Family hardiness is the internal strengths and durability of the family unit. It includes a sense of control over the outcome of life, a view of change as beneficial and growth producing, and an active orientation (such as family meetings) rather than passive orientation in adapting to stressful events. Family meetings, understanding of roles, and adaptation to stressors along with a willingness to change affect family hardiness. Which of the following contribute to family hardiness? (Select all that apply.) A) Family meetings B) Established family roles C) Willingness to change in time of stress D) Passive orientation to life A) Resuming full-time work when spouse loses job C) Developing hobbies when children leave home Family resiliency is the ability to cope with expected and unexpected stressors. Resiliency helps to evaluate healthy responses when individuals and families are experiencing stressful events. Which of the following demonstrate family resiliency? (Select all that apply.) A) Resuming full-time work when spouse loses job B) Arguing ways to deal with problems among siblings C) Developing hobbies when children leave home D) Placing blame on family members D) Health needs of an individual member. When you view the family as context, the primary focus is on the health and development of an individual member existing within a specific environment (i.e., the patient's family). Although the focus is on the individual's health status, assess how much the family provides the individual's basic needs. When nurses view the family as context, their primary focus is on the: A) Family members within a system. B) Family process and relationships. C) Family relational and transactional concepts. D) Health needs of an individual member. B) Family as patient When the family as patient is the approach, family processes and relationships (e.g., parenting or family caregiving) are the primary focuses of nursing care. Diane is a hospice nurse who is caring for the Robinson family. This family is providing end-of-life care for their grandmother, who has terminal breast cancer. When Diane visits the home 3 times a week, she focuses on symptom management for the grandmother and assists the family with coping skills. Diane's approach is an example of which of the following? A) Family as context B) Family as patient C) Family as system D) Family as structure A) Cultural practices B) Decision making C) Rituals and celebrations Cultural practices help identify culturally related health practices, diets, and religious practices. Decision making provides information as to how the family copes and meets challenges related to changes in family life or dynamics. Rituals and celebrations address how a family celebrates accomplishments and how they deal with challenges. Neighborhood crime data are relevant for community assessment, but they do not give sufficient information about family function. Which of the following are included in a family function assessment? (Select all that apply.) A) Cultural practices B) Decision making C) Rituals and celebrations D) Neighborhood crime data D) Alternative family relationship This relationship includes multiadult households, "skip-generation" families, communal groups with children, "nonfamilies," cohabitating partners, and homosexual couples. Karen Johnson is a single mother of a school-age daughter. Linda Brown is also a single mother of two teenage daughters. Karen and Linda are active professionals, have busy social lives, and date occasionally. Three years ago they decided to share a house and housing costs, living expenses, and child care responsibilities. The children consider one another as their family. This family form is considered a(n): A) Diverse family relationship. B) Blended family relationship. C) Extended family relationship. D) Alternative family relationship A) Health promotion activities Health promotion activities focus on interventions designed to maintain the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual health of the family unit. They can include information about specific health behaviors, family coping techniques, and growth and development. During a visit to a family clinic the nurse teaches the mother about immunizations, car seat use, and home safety for an infant and toddler. Which type of nursing interventions are these? A) Health promotion activities B) Acute care activities C) Restorative care activities D) Growth and development-care activities B) Providing physical and emotional care for a family member C) Establishing a safe physical environment for a family D) Monitoring for side effects of illness and treatments Family caregiving involves the routine provision of services and personal care activities for a family member by spouses, siblings, or parents. Caregiving activities include finding resources, personal care (bathing, feeding, or grooming), monitoring for complications or side effects of illness and treatments, providing instrumental activities of daily living (shopping or housekeeping), and the ongoing emotional support and decision making that is necessary. Which best defines family caregiving? (Select all that apply.) A) Designing a nurturing family to raise children B) Providing physical and emotional care for a family member C) Establishing a safe physical environment for a family D) Monitoring for side effects of illness and treatments B) Increasing immigration Currently, emerging populations include ethnic minorities and persons who are homeless. Ethnic minority populations could include Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, Blacks/African Americans, Latinos/Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Arab Americans. The increasing population of immigrants has been a significant contributor to the presence of increasing numbers of major ethnic groups in the United States. The increasing number of ethnic groups in the United States has been influenced by what? A) Communicable diseases in disadvantaged countries B) Increasing immigration C) Homelessness D) Healthcare reform B) people who receive less than their share of wealth, power, or social status. A minority group may be perceived as consisting of people who receive less than their share of the wealth, power, or social status The U.S Department of Health and Human Services and the Institute of Medicine have well documented that racial and ethnic minorities have less access to health care, receive lower-quality health care, and have higher rates of illness, injury, and premature death. Race has been viewed as capturing biological variations within human populations. It emphasizes the physical and biological heredity. An ethnic group is a group that is set apart by insiders or outsiders primarily on the basis of cultural or national origin characteristics subjectively selected. Ethnic groups are socially organized with salient differences compared with other groups in society. The nurse recognizes that a minority group is perceived as: A) capturing biological variations within human populations. B) people who receive less than their share of wealth, power, or social status. C) people set apart on the basis of cultural or national origin characteristics. D) socially organized groups with salient differences with respect to other groups in society. C) adult-onset diabetes. There is limited health information about Arab Americans who suffer from chronic health problems such as diabetes and coronary artery disease. Several factors put Arab Americans at high-risk for developing adult onset diabetes and cardiovascular disease including obesity, age, gender, and low employment rates. Health concerns on the rise for Arab Americans include mental illness and tobacco consumption among adolescents. Which of the following diseases are Arab Americans at the highest risk for? A) colon cancer. B) hypertension. C) adult-onset diabetes. E) end-stage renal disease. A) COPD Asian Americans have a high prevalence and risk factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, smoking, tuberculosis, and liver disease. Asian American/Pacific Islander women are less likely to die of breast cancer, and infant mortality rates are lower compared with other ethnic groups. They have lower rates of being overweight, lower rates of hypertension, and are less likely to be cigarette smokers. Priority nursing assessments of Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders should be on which disease process? A) COPD B) Hypertension C) Diabetes mellitus D) Breast cancer D) Cardiovascular Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of morbidity and mortality among Latino/Hispanic Americans. Cancer is the second most prevalent cause of morbidity and mortality. Diabetes is twice as prevalent in Latino/Hispanics as in non-Hispanic White Americans. Priority nursing assessments of Latino/Hispanic Americans should focus on what disease process, because of its higher incidence in this population? A) Cancer B) Stroke C) Diabetes D) Cardiovascular B) Ethnic minorities C) Homeless Currently, emerging populations in the United States include ethnic minorities, and persons who are homeless. Ethnic minority populations could include Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, Blacks/African Americans, Latinos/Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Arab Americans. The increasing population of immigrants has been a significant contributor of the presence of increasing populations of major ethnic groups in the United States. Older Americans and baby boomers do not comprise emerging populations in the United States. What two groups comprise emerging populations in the United States? (select two that apply) A) Older Americans B) Ethnic minorities C) Homeless D) Baby boomers C) Ethnicity focuses on differences in meaning, values, and ways of living. D) Ethnicity refers to commonalities in language, history, nation, or region of origin. E) A minority group consists of people living in society that is usually disadvantaged. Ethnicity focuses on differences in meaning, values, and ways of living. Ethnicity is defined as a dynamic set of historically derived and institutionalized ideas and practices that allows people to identify or be identified with groupings of people on the presumed basis of commonalities in language, history, nation or region of origin, customs, ways of being, religion, names, physical appearance, and/or genealogy or ancestry. A minority group consists of people who are living within a society which is usually disadvantaged in relation to power, control of their own lives, and wealth. Race and ethnicity are different but somewhat alike. Race is associated with power and indexes the history or ongoing imposition of one group's authority above another. Which of the following statements accurately describe race and ethnic categories in the United States as defined by the Office of Management and Budget? (select all that apply) A) Race and ethnicity have the same definition. B) Ethnicity is associated with power and indexes the history or ongoing imposition of one group's authority above another. C) Ethnicity focuses on differences in meaning, values, and ways of living. D) Ethnicity refers to commonalities in language, history, nation, or region of origin. E) A minority group consists of people living in society that is usually disadvantaged. A) Culture refers to patterns of human behavior that include language, communication, customs and beliefs. D) Values are beliefs about the worth of something and serve as standards that influence behavior. E) Value orientations reflect the personality type of a particular society. Culture is an element of ethnicity that refers to patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups. Values are beliefs about the worth of something and serve as standards that influence behavior. Value orientations reflect the personality type of a particular society. Culture is shaped by values, beliefs, norms, and practices that are shared by members of the same cultural group. Ethnic groups have unique beliefs and attitudes about health and health care services. Beliefs are generally incongruent with health care providers and prove to be major barriers to improving the health status of ethnic group members. Ethnicity is evident in customs of particular groups. Which of the following statements accurately reflect the definitions of culture, values and value orientation? (select all that apply) A) Culture refers to patterns of human behavior that include language, communication, customs and beliefs. B) Ethnicity is shaped by values, beliefs, norms, and practices that are shared by members of the same group. C) Health care beliefs and attitudes among ethnic groups are congruent with health care providers. D) Values are beliefs about the worth of something and serve as standards that influence behavior. E) Value orientations reflect the personality type of a particular society. B) Cultural competency is a major element in eliminating health disparities. D) Health care services are to be provided that are respectful of and responsive to the diverse health beliefs of the care recipient. E) Health care providers must be aware of how people interpret their health issues or illnesses. Cultural competency is one of the major elements in eliminating the health disparities and starts with an honest desire not to allow biases. Health care services should be provided that are respectful of and responsive to the diverse health beliefs of the client. It is very important for health care providers to be aware of how people interpret their health issues or illnesses and be capable to provide culturally competent care. Culture is an element of ethnicity that refers to patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups. Values are beliefs about the worth of something and serve as standards that influence behavior. Value orientations reflect the personality type of a particular society. Culture is shaped by values, beliefs, norms, and practices that are shared by members of the same cultural group. Ethnic groups have unique beliefs and attitudes about health and health care services. Beliefs are generally incongruent with health care providers and prove to be major barriers to improving the health status of ethnic group members. Which of the following statements are true about cultural competency in health care? (select all that apply) A) Recognizing and accepting cultural diversity achieves cultural competency. B) Cultural competency is a major element in eliminating health disparities. C) There is no association between the care recipient's cultural background and the health care providers' cultural beliefs. D) Health care services are to be provided that are respectful of and responsive to the diverse health beliefs of the care recipient. E) Health care providers must be aware of how people interpret their health issues or illnesses. A) Severe high blood pressure is more common for African Americans. B) Cancer and mortality rates for African Americans is higher than that for White Americans. Severe high blood pressure is more common for African Americans in both men and women. African American adults are 40% more likely to have high blood pressure. The incidence of cancer and mortality rates for African Americans is higher than that for White Americans. African Americans are two times more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than non-Hispanic whites, and they are more likely to suffer complications from diabetes. African Americans experience high infant and maternal mortality rates and they have the second-highest percentage of women who lack prenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy. Nurses caring for the Black/African American population need to maintain an awareness of which of the following health-related cultural aspects of care? (select two that apply) A) Severe high blood pressure is more common for African Americans. B) Cancer and mortality rates for African Americans is higher than that for White Americans. C) African Americans are less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes. D) African Americans have the highest percentage of women with low or no prenatal care in the first trimester. [Show More]

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