*NURSING > EXAM > 2021_MidTerm NRNP6665 / 2021 MidTerm Seraphin NRNP 6665 100 questions answered & graded. (All)

2021_MidTerm NRNP6665 / 2021 MidTerm Seraphin NRNP 6665 100 questions answered & graded.

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2021_MidTerm NRNP6665 / 2021 MidTerm Seraphin NRNP 6665 100 questions answered & graded.-Biofeedback, deep breathing, mindfulness, and progressive muscle relaxation are strategies that are typically u... sed in which of the following therapies? A . Relaxation therapy B . Social skills training C . Motivational Interviewing D . Applied behavioral analysis Question 2 According to the APA which of the following are required to support a child’s DSM- 5 diagnosis? A . The child’s clinical presentation fulfills the specific symptom based diagnostic criteria. B . The child’s symptoms are not caused by other diagnoses or stressors. C . The child’s symptoms are impairing a child’s functioning in at least two settings. D . A and B Question 3 Which of the following is NOT consistent with good sleep hygiene? A . Allow child to keep a cell phone at bedside. B . Establish bedtime routines and maintain consistently. C . Limit use of electronics in the evening i.e., television, computer, etc. D . Set and maintain a bedtime that will allow for adequate sleep. Question 4 Which of the following antipsychotic medications have the greatest tendency to increase appetite and body weight? A . Aripiprazole (Abilify) B . Ziprasidone (Geodon) C . Haloperidol (Haldol) D . Risperidone (Risperdal) Question 5 When assessing a child with disruptive or aggressive behavior, the clinician asks “Have you been thinking about or planning to hurt anyone?” to screen for which of the following diagnostic categories? A . Safety B . Bullying C . Conduct disorder D . Oppositional defiant disorder Question 6 The clinician assessing substance abuse in an adolescent asks, “Did you develop more mood or anxiety problems after you started using?” to screen for which of the following diagnostic possibilities? A . Substance use disorder B . Substance withdrawal C . Substance tolerance D . Substance induced mental disorder Question 7 When the patient lacks capacity to make a decision the nurse has the ethical responsibility to do which of the following? A . Become a surrogate decision maker for the patient. B Consult a formally-designated surrogate for patient choices. . C . Make safe choices for the patient based on the nurse’s beliefs and values. D . Continue to support all the patient’s choices until a surrogate can be found. Question 8 When assessing a child who has presented with concerns of being anxious and worried, the provider asks the child “Do you get sudden surges of fear that make your body feel shaky or your heart race?” to screen for which of the following common diagnostic possibilities? A . Obsessive -compulsive disorder B . Posttraumatic stress disorder C . Panic disorder D . Separation anxiety disorder Question 9 Which of the following antipsychotic medications has the greatest risk for weight gain and lipid changes? A . Ziprasidone (Geodon) B . Aripiprazole (Abilify) C . Olanzapine (Zyprexa) D . Quetiapine (Seroquel) Question 10 A period of at least one week in which both a manic episode and a major depressive episode occur almost daily is consistent with which diagnosis? A . Bipolar II Disorder B . Cyclothymic Disorder C . Bipolar I Disorder, mixed episode D . Bipolar I Disorder, cyclothymic type Question 11 Which of the following is NOT true about symptomatology of anorexia nervosa? A . Most aberrant behaviors directed toward losing weight occurs in secret. B . All patients have an intense fear of gaining weight and becoming obese. C . Most patients with anorexia nervosa will have no difficulty eating with their family in public places. D . Fear of gaining weight and becoming obese frequently contributes to the individual’s lack of interest in and resistance to therapy/treatment. Question 12 Sleep-related hallucinations occurring at sleep onset are known as which of the following? A . Hypnagogic B . Hypnopompic C . Complex hallucinations D . Paranormal hallucinations Question 13 The theory that depression results from specific thought distortions is consistent with which of the following? A . Cognitive theory B . Psychosocial theory C . Psychodynamic theory D . Learned helplessness theory Question 14 Reasons for the underuse of specific mental health treatments during childhood include which of the following? A . Stigma associated with mental health B . Poor problem recognition C . Limited availability of mental health specialists D . All of the above Question 15 Which of the following is true regarding the cultural formulation interview with a child and caregiver? A . Asking about a child and caregiver’s cultural understanding is an efficient way to build a therapeutic alliance. B . While cultural understanding is important, it is important not to personalize the diagnosis. C . While obtaining cultural information is important, it may increase bias and thus decrease accuracy of the assessment. D . Engaging in a discussion about culture, while interesting and engaging, is a distraction from the problem that brought the child and caregiver to the provider. Question 16 According to the APA, “Psychologists seek to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the practice of psychology,” reflecting which of the following ethical principles? A . Integrity B . Justice C . Beneficence D . Nonmalefice nce Question 17 Which of the following antidepressant medications have the greatest tendency to increase appetite and body weight? A . Fluoxetine (Prozac) B . Trazodone (Desyrel) C . Amitriptyline (Elavil) D . Venlafaxine (Effexor) Question 18 Which of the following is the most common eating disorder? A . Bulimia nervosa B . Anorexia nervosa C . Binge eating disorder D . Night eating syndrome Question 19 ADHD, impulse-control, conduct disorder, and intellectual disabilities and anxiety disorders are predominant during which of the following age ranges? A . Ages 0–5 B . Ages 6– 12 C . Ages 13– 18 D . Ages 18+ Question 20 The clinician asks the child who is being seen for labile mood “Have you felt really down depressed or uninterested in things you used to enjoy for more than 2 weeks? to screen for which of the following diagnostic categories? A . Suicidality B Bipolar disorder . C . Major depressive disorder D . Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder Question 21 Which of the following disorders is characterized by episodic bouts of intake of excessive amounts of food but without purging or similar compensatory behavior? A . Bulimia nervosa B . Anorexia nervosa C . Binge eating disorder D . Night eating syndrome Question 22 During the evaluation of a patient with a history of Bipolar I Disorder, who is manic, the patient states that she is actually the Queen of England and quite wealthy. This is an example of which of the following? A . Mood-congruent manic delusion B . Mood-incongruent manic delusion C . Mood-congruent manic hallucination D . Mood-incongruent manic hallucination Question 23 A form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that requires attending skills groups in addition to individual therapy sessions are known as which of the following? A . Group CBT B . Trauma-Focused CBT C Motivational Interviewing . D . Dialectical-behavioral therapy Question 24 Which of the following is consistent with recommendations for use of available evidence- based psychopharmacological interventions? A . If a child/adolescent has mild symptoms, prescribe medications prior to psychosocial Interventions. B . If a child/adolescent has mild symptoms, initiate psychotropic medication at the same time as appropriate psychosocial interventions are started. C . If a child/adolescent has moderate to severe range of symptoms initiate psychotropic medication at the same time as the appropriate psychosocial interventions are started. D . If a child/adolescent has a moderate to severe range of symptoms initiate psychotropic medication prior to initiating psychosocial interventions. Question 25 The type of therapy typically indicated for individuals with chronic and significant suicidality and self-harm is known as which of the following? A . Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) B . Trauma-focused CBT C . Motivational interviewing D . Dialectical-behavioral therapy Question 26 The average time from the start of child mental health symptoms until a young person enters mental health treatment is which of the following? A . 4–6 weeks B . 3–6 months C . 1–2 years D 8–10 . years Question 27 A general term for programs that teach and encourage skillful parent and caregiver responses to challenging child behaviors. A . Motivational interviewing B . Dialectical-behavioral therapy C . Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) D . Behavioral management training Question 28 Nightmares and night terrors are associated with disorganization and arousal during which stage of sleep? A . Stage 1 B . Stage 2 C . Stage 3 D . Stage 4 Question 29 The right to assent of dissent from treatment for a child or adolescent is reflected in which of the following American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ethical issues? A . Fidelity B . Autonomy C . Beneficence D . Nonmalefice nce Question 30 In the event of a crisis in which the child is threatening to hurt himself, the first steps should include which of the following? A . Address any acute safety concerns B . Obtain any necessary professional assistance C . Develop a prevention plan for future crises D . A and B Question 31 A 10-year-old child presents with developmentally inappropriate and persistent difficulty with inattention with symptoms which are interfering with academic goals and in social settings. This is consistent with which of the following diagnoses? A . Conduct disorder B . Autism spectrum disorder C . Generalized anxiety disorder D . Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Question 32 A patient presents endorsing persistent low-grade (sub-acute) depression for the last several years, uncertain of when it started, thinks he has always been depressed but still goes through the motions. These symptoms are consistent with which of the following diagnoses? A . Dysthymia B . Cyclothymia C . Major Depression, subacute, recurrent D . Bipolar II disorder Question 33 Examples of atypical features in a patient with Major Depressive Episode include which of the following? A Overeating and . oversleeping B . Loss of appetite C . Insomnia D . Sleep walking Question 34 Somnambulism is characterized by which of the following? A . Waking from sleep/naps with vivid recall of intensely frightening dreams B . A sleep-wake pattern out of synchrony with the desired sleep-wake schedule C . Excessive daytime sleepiness or sleep attacks D . Repeated episodes of rising from bed and walking about for between several minutes to a half hour during nocturnal sleep Question 35 A 15-year-old girl presents with symptoms that include restrictive eating and food avoidance, with a desire to avoid obesity, which persists despite negative consequences. This presentation is consistent with which of the following diagnoses? A . Bulimia nervosa B . Anorexia nervosa C . Encopresis D . Autism spectrum disorder Question 36 Which of the following antidepressants are approved by the FDA for treating depression in children ages 8–17? A . Sertraline B . Fluoxetine C . Duloxetine D . Fluvoxami ne Question 37 When assessing for substance abuse in an adolescent, the clinician should initially assess for which of the following? A . Safety B . Self medication C . Substance tolerance D . Substance use disorder Question 38 Which of the following is consistent with what is known about prevalence of Bipolar I disorder? A . Bipolar I Disorder is more prevalent in men B . Bipolar I Disorder is more prevalent in women C . Manic episodes are more prevalent in women. D . Bipolar I Disorder has equal prevalence among men and women. Question 39 Which of the following is NOT consistent with the code of ethics for the nursing profession? A . A code of ethics for the nursing profession informs every aspect of the nurse’s life. B . A code of ethics makes explicit the primary obligations of the nursing profession. C . A code of ethics addresses the values and ideals of the nursing profession. D . B and C only Question 40 Which of the following is NOT consistent with what is known about anorexia nervosa? A . Anorexia nervosa is more prevalent in males. B . Anorexia nervosa is most frequent in developed countries C . Anorexia nervosa is equally prevalent in males and females D . Roughly half of patients with anorexia nervosa will not only diet but will also regularly engage in binge and purge behaviors Question 41 The mental health practitioner realizes the following about using a behavioral health rating scale? A . Rating scare are inherently imperfect. B . Rating scales should never be the sole basis for making a diagnosis. C . Behavioral health rating scales are an efficient tool to quickly diagnosis a patient. D . A and B Question 42 When responding to a family member about the genetic factors related to mood disorders the APRN would share which of the following? A . There is no evidence that genetics plays a role in mood disorders. B . If one parent has a mood disorder the child has a 50% risk of developing a mood disorder. C . Bipolar I Disorder is typically the most common form of mood disorder in families of bipolar probands. D . Evidence from twin studies provides the most compelling data for the role of genetic factors in mood disorders. Question 43 Which of the following medications are approved by the FDA for treating OCD in children ages 6–17? A . Sertraline B . Fluoxetine C . Fluvoxamine D . Clomipramine Question 44 Universal sleep hygiene would NOT include which of the following? A . Getting adequate exercise B . Avoid heavy meals before bedtime C . Consistent bedtime and arousal time D . Only go to bed when you are actually feeling sleepy Question 45 Which of the following is NOT consistent with pseudodementia seen in major depressive disorder? A . Sudden onset B . Diurnal variation C . Confabulation D . Can be coached and encouraged into remembering Question 46 When evaluating a child due to disruptive or aggressive behavior, which diagnostic category should be considered first? A . Abuse B . Conduct disorder C . Communication disorder D . Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder Question 47 Which of the following may be symptoms of depression in children? A . School phobia B . Excessive clinging to parents C . Preferring to spend time with friends from school D . A and B Question 48 Which of the following would be consistent with ethical principles regarding relationships with patients in the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses (Provision 1.2)? A . The nurse must respect patient’s decisions. B . The nurse must support all patient choices. C . The nurse must agree with all patient choices. D . A and B only Question 49 The domain of ethics concerning the nature of ethics and moral reasoning is known as which of the following? A . Metaethics B . Normative ethics C . Applied ethics D . Moral ethics Question 50 A dissociation between the patient’s experience of sleeping and the objective polygraphy measures of sleep is known as which of the following? A . Sleep state misperception B . Psychophysiological insomnia C . Persistent insomnia D . Non-organic insomnia Question 51 The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Code of Ethics Principle II: Promoting the Welfare of Children and Adolescents addresses which of the following ethical issues? A . Fidelity B . Autonomy C . Beneficence D . Nonmalefice nce Question 52 Ethical questions about what we “ought” to do or be are addressed within which domain ethics? A . Metaethics B . Applied ethics C . Normative ethics D . None of the above as this is not an ethical question Question 53 The most powerful predictors of the onset of a depressive episode is which of the following? A . Resent stressful events B . Persons with antisocial personality disorder C . Persons with paranoid personality disorder D . Person with borderline personality disorder Question 54 Attempts to influence providers through use of dinners, gifts, educational opportunities, and medication samples provide a conflict from which of the following American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ethical perspectives? A . Fidelity B . Autonomy C . Beneficence D . Nonmalefice nce Question 55 Which of the following SSRIs is a first line treatment for depression in children? A . Paroxetine (Paxil) B . Fluoxetine (Prozac) C . Citalopram (Celexa) D . Sertraline (Zoloft) Question 56 When evaluating a child/adolescent who presents with irritable or labile mood the clinician should first consider and screen for which of the following diagnostic categories? A . Adjustment disorder with depressed mood B . Substance abus C . Disruptive mood dysregulatio D . Posttraumatic stress disorder Question 57 The ARNP asks the teenager, who according to parents has been extremely moody, “Have you been using drugs or alcohol?” to assess for which of the following diagnostic possibilities? A . Substance use disorder B . Major depressive disorder C . Generalized anxiety disorder D . Posttraumatic stress disorder Question 58 Which of the following are medical complications NOT associated with anorexia nervosa? A . Tachycardi a B . Bradycardi a C . Hypotensio n D . Hypotherm ia Question 59 Principles to be considered when using a rating scale to assess for mood and anxiety disorders include which of the following? A . Choose a rating scale with fair diagnostic reliability. B . A longer rating scale will provide better diagnostic specificity. C . Use a broad-based rating scale to investigate a particular problem. D . Select scales that are research validated for age, condition, and (ideally) culture. Question 60 Hypersomnolence disorder (excessive sleeping) can be caused by which of the following? A . Insufficient sleep B . Disrupted sleep C . Basic neurologic dysfunction in the brain systems regulating sleep D . All the above Question 61 Which of the following questions should be considered prior to prescribing any medication? A . What is the patient or caregiver preference? B . How rapid of a treatment response is needed? C . How does the child’s age effect your risk-benefit analysis? D . All of the above Question 62 Strategies that enhance therapeutic engagement include which of the following? A . Engage the child/adolescent in a manner to encourage them feeling noticed, heard, and appreciated. B . Make sure that the parent/caregiver is always in the room. C . Start off with targeted diagnostic questions to save time. D . Always take the child/adolescent’s side if there is disagreement with caregiver. Question 63 Which of the following is true about educating children and their families about their diagnosed mental health disorder? A . There is an inherent desire to better understand problems. B . It is important to focus on understanding the stigma of mental health. C . It is important to connect the specific diagnosis with the recommended treatment. D . A and C Question 64 Which of the following BMIs is associated with severe anorexia nervosa? A BMI >17 kg/m2 . B . BMI 16– 16.99kg/m2 C . BMI 15–15.99 kg/m2 D . BMI <15kg/m2 Question 65 Developmental impairments and disruptive behavior problems are predominant issues during which of the following age ranges: A . Ages 0–5 B . Ages 6– 12 C . Ages 13– 18 D . Ages 18+ Question 66 Applied behavioral analysis is typically indicated for which of the following disorders? A . Anxiety disorder B . Depressive disorder C . Autism spectrum disorder D . Oppositional defiant disorder Question 67 A distinct period of an abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood lasting at least a week or requiring hospitalization is consistent with which of the following? A . A manic episode B . A hypomanic episode C . Cyclothymia D . Bipolar II Disorder Question 68 A patient in their early 20s presents reporting chronic fluctuating moods ranging from mild depression to at times some hypomania. Recalls being sensitive and moody as a child. These symptoms are consistent with which of the following diagnoses? A . Dysthymia B . Cyclothymia C . Bipolar II Disorder D . Bipolar I Disorder Question 69 The comorbid psychiatric condition most frequently associated with anorexia nervosa is which of the following? A . Depression B . Social phobia C . Schizophrenia D . Obsessive-compulsive disorder Question 70 When evaluating a child with poor academic performance which of the following diagnostic categories should be considered first? A . Sensory impairment B . Intellectual disability C . Substance use disorder D . Mood or anxiety disorder Question 71 Which of the following is NOT an American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACP) Code of Ethics? A . The AACP Code of Ethics contains laws to direct the professional activities of child and adolescent providers. B . The AACP Code of Ethics contain guidelines that could be used consistently and impartially. C . The principles and guidelines in the AACP Code of Ethics are to be applied at all times. D . If there is question about how to apply a principle the provider is directed to seek consultation from appropriate professional resources. Question 72 The APRN would recommend which of the following be included in a post-crisis plan? A . Keep up regular routines B . Maintain a “low-key” atmosphere C . Follow typical house rules but pick your battles D . All the above Question 73 Which of the following medications is approved by the FDA for treatment of enuresis? A . Tofranil B . Zolpidem C . Solriamfetol D . Rotigotine patch Question 74 In evaluating an adolescent with recurrent and excessive physical complaints, the clinician would first consider all of the following prior to which other diagnostic possibility? A . Anxiety disorder B . Adjustment disorder C . Conversion disorder D . Abuse or maltreatment Question 75 Which of the following is NOT consistent with what is known about socioeconomic and cultural factors related to mood disorders? A . No correlation has been found between socioeconomic status and major depressive disorder. B . A higher-than-average incidence of Bipolar I disorder is found among the upper socioeconomic groups. C . Bipolar I disorder is more common among persons who graduated from college. D . The prevalence of mood disorder does not differ among races. Question 76 “Is it ever right to deceive a research subject?” is a question which specifically falls under the category of which of the following domain of ethics? A . Morality B . Metaethics C . Applied ethics D . Normative ethics Question 77 The two neurotransmitters most implicated in the pathophysiology of mood disorders are which of the following? A . Gaba and Dopamine B . Serotonin and Norepinephrine C Insulin and testosterone . D . Estrogen and Prolactin Question 78 The strongest predictors of a future suicide completion include which of the following? Check all that apply. A . An active mood disorder B . A history of suicide attempts C . Current substance use disorder D . A family history of suicidal behaviors Question 79 Which of the following would be an initial screening question for a child with sleep problems? A . Do worries keep you awake? B . What is your routine before going to bed? C . Do you startle easily or get frequent nightmares? D . Do you feel tense, restless or worried most of the time? Question 80 Which of the following hormone levels is increased in anorexia nervosa? A . Corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) B . Luteinizing hormone (LH) C . Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) D . Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Question 81 Which of the following medications are approved by the FDA for treatment of mania in children ages 12–17? A . Lithium B . Olanzapine C . Duloxetine D . Sertraline Question 82 The most common age of onset of anorexia nervosa is which of the following? A . Early 20s B . 10–13 years of age C . 14–18 years of age D . 19–29 years of age Question 83 Which of the following medications is considered a first-line treatment for anxiety in children? A . Sertraline (Zoloft) B . Citalopram (Celexa) C . Fluvoxamine (Luvox) D . Paroxetine (Paxil) Question 84 Which of the following medications is FDA approved for the treatment of bulimia? A . Tofranil B . Flurazepa m C Fluoxetin . e D . Armodafi nil Question 85 Time-consuming internal repetitions of unwanted thoughts and or a persistent focus on repeating specific types of behaviors or mental acts are symptoms consistent with which of the following diagnoses? A . Bipolar disorder B . Major depressive disorder C . Generalized anxiety disorder D . Obsessive-compulsive disorder Question 86 Which of the following is true about social skills training with teens? A . Social skills training is used to teach social problem solving. B . Social skills training is more potent in a one-to-one setting. C . Social skills training is more potent in a group setting due to the peer influences. D . A and C Question 87 Which of the following symptoms are associated with Major Depressive Disorder with Melancholic Features? A . Psychosis B . Weight loss C . Severe anhedonia D . B and C Question 88 The ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses applies to which of the following EXCEPT: A . Nurse educators B . Nurse researchers C . Physician assistants D . Advance practice registered nurses Question 89 Which of the following medications are approved by the FDA for treating generalized anxiety disorder in children ages 7–17? A . Sertraline B . Quetiapine C . Duloxetine D . Clomipramine Question 90 Which of the following symptoms assists in differentiating purging disorder from bulimia nervosa? A . Abuse of laxatives and diuretics B . Purging does not occur as a result of a binge episode C . Purging behavior occurs after eating small quantities of food or drink D . B and C Question 91 Which of the following is important to realize when treating a child with an anxiety disorder? A . Anxiety disorders are commonly diagnosed in families. B . Repeated exposures to feared situations will always help the child to unlearn the fear response. C . Parents should encourage avoidance of feared situations as this will help the fear dissipate. D . SSRI’s are the MOST effective treatment in relieving symptoms of anxiety. Question 92 A therapy focused on readiness to change related to health behaviors is known as which of the following? A . Social skills training B . Motivational interviewing C . Applied behavioral analysis D . Behavioral management training Question 93 Which of the following is NOT consistent with guidelines for obtaining informed consent involving child/adolescents? A . It is crucial that potential risks and benefits of research are clearly described to the guardian(s) and in a developmentally appropriate manner to the involved children/adolescents. B . Assent of the child/adolescent should be sought if developmentally feasible in situations involving minimal risk. C . Regardless of the degree or risk, the refusal of a child or adolescent to assent to participation in research should be considered binding. D . Children and adolescents should only be forced to participate in medical research if the overall benefit strongly outweighs the risk. Question 94 Major depressive disorder, eating disorders, and substance use disorders predominate at which of the following ages? A . Ages 0–5 B . Ages 6– 12 C . Ages 13– 18 D . Ages 18+ Question 95 The clinician asks the child who is anxious/worried, “Is there something in particular or a situation that makes you immediately afraid?” to screen for which of the following diagnostic categories? A . Panic disorder B . Specific phobia C . Generalized anxiety disorder D . Separation anxiety disorder Question 96 Which of the following should first be considered when assessing a child with sleep problems? A . Poor sleep habits B . Insomnia disorder C . Major depressive disorder D . Generalized anxiety disorder Question 97 The clinician asks an adolescent “Have you felt persistently sad or gloomy for more than a year?” to assess for which of the following common diagnostic possibilities? A . Bipolar disorder B . Substance use disorder C . [Show More]

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