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SEJPME for study Questions with accurate answers, 2022/2023, Graded A+. Test Bank

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SEJPME for study Questions with accurate answers, 2022/2023, Graded A+. Test Bank Research shows that everyone that is exposed to trauma will develop psychological health problems - ✔✔False ... Some individuals that are exposed to stressful situations, trauma, and combat develop new skills, display previously hidden strengths, and grow in character. - ✔✔True Symptoms of ________ include depression, substance abuse, problems of memory and cognition, and other physical and mental health problems. It is also associated with difficulties in social or family life, including occupational instability, marital problems, family discord, and difficulties in parenting - ✔✔PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Service members contribute to force readiness by being focused, alert, and prepared for new tasks, behaving responsibly and ethically, and ________. - ✔✔being able to engage in critical thinking Receiving realistic training, understanding the types of situations encountered in war, eating well, getting enough rest, and having meaningful relationships and friendships are all helpful in building________ to the challenges and strains of military service - ✔✔Resilience The Armed Forces of the United States are authorized under certain conditions to provide assistance to U.S. civil authorities for disasters, catastrophes, infrastructure protection, and other emergencies. - ✔✔True Provides the JFC with a timely, complete, and accurate understanding of the environment and potential adversaries: - ✔✔intelligence support The activities of a commander that establish, maintain, influence, or exploit relations between military forces, governmental and nongovernmental civilian organizations and authorities and the civilian population in a friendly, neutral, or hostile operation area in order to facilitate military operations describe: - ✔✔Civil-military operations Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are usually willing to quickly align themselves with intervening military forces in order to ensure their ability to achieve their objectives and for their physical security. - ✔✔False The combatant commander, within the context of unified action, may function at both the _______________________ levels in coordinating the application of all instruments of national power with the actions of other military forces, United States Government (USG) agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), regional organizations, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and corporations toward theater strategic objectives. - ✔✔Not operational and tactical Which of the following is not considered an instrument of national power? - ✔✔Manufacturing Specifies the policies, procedures, and reporting structures for both contingency planning and CAP: - ✔✔(JOPES) Joint Operation Planning and Execution System CAP is divided into the three operational activities, they are: - ✔✔Situational awareness, planning, and execution" "Commander s estimate, orientation, decision" Not - Crisis beginning, operation execution, crisis resolution "Planning, execution, evaluation" In most CAP situations, the combatant commander will establish a joint task force (JTF) headquarters to execute operations, so that the combatant commander and staff may continue to monitor and deal with situations elsewhere in the area of responsibility - ✔✔true It provides joint force commanders with immediate access to essential joint force headquarters capabilities. It is responsible for providing forces to newly-established JTF headquarters that can rapidly enable critical command and control capabilities: - ✔✔*Joint Enabling Capabilities Command (JECC) Joint Forces Command Cell (JFCC) Joint Deployable and Intelligence Group Joint Communications & Public Affairs Branch In most CAP situations, the preferred option is to form a JTF headquarters around a combatant command's Service component command, or the Service component's existing subordinate headquarters (such as a numbered fleet, numbered Air Force, Marine expeditionary force, or Army corps) that includes an established command structure. - ✔✔true Crisis action planning (CAP) ends when: - ✔✔the requirement for the plan is canceled the operation is terminated the crisis is satisfactorily resolved ____________________ presents fundamental principles that guide the employment of U.S. military forces in coordinated and integrated action toward a common objective. It represents what is taught, believed, and advocated as what is right. - ✔✔joint docterine The operational chain of command runs directly from the President to the Secretary of Defense and then to __________________. - ✔✔NOt The Combatant Commanders. U.S. Joint Forces Command, U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Strategic Command, and U.S. Transportation Command comprise the _____________________. - ✔✔functional combatant commands The President of the United States provides guidance for developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve objectives that contribute to national security in the ____. - ✔✔National Security Strategy Joint force air component commander (JFACC), joint force land component commander (JFLCC), and joint force maritime component commander (JFMCC) are all examples of ____. - ✔✔NOt joint Task force subunified commands Service component commands functional component commands The _______________ organize, train, equip, and provide combat-ready forces to conduct operations as directed by the President and Secretary of Defense. - ✔✔Not Combatant Commands Operations directed by the President and managed by Department of State or other appropriate authority whereby U.S. civilians and others are extracted from foreign countries when their lives are endangered by war, civil unrest, or natural disaster to safe havens or to the United States are referred to as ________. - ✔✔Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) Use of joint capabilities in _____________ helps shape the operational environment and keep the day-to-day tensions between nations and groups below the threshold of armed conflict, while maintaining U.S. global influence. - ✔✔military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence activities Joint force commanders coordinate with other government agencies to facilitate coherent use of all instruments of national power in achieving national strategic objectives. - ✔✔True Military Flexible Deterrent Options (FDOs) can only be initiated after unambiguous warning. - ✔✔False The purpose of this principle of joint operations is to allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts. - ✔✔economy of force The principle of joint operations designed to ensure the commitment necessary to attain the national strategic end state is ___________. - ✔✔Perserverance The primary responsibilities of the Air Force Reserve Components, the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard, include airlift and air refueling. - ✔✔True The following Reserve Components have both a Federal (Title 10) mission and a State (Title 32) mission, and therefore can be used to enforce State laws. - ✔✔Air National Guard and Army National Guard Deliberations involving the possible use of force must include the Reserve Component at what point in the planning process? - ✔✔early in the planning process Which of the following ceremonies affirms a ""leader among leaders"" in the USAF, using a symbol of truth, justice, and power rightly used? - ✔✔Order of the Sword Devised to survive on a potentially atomic battlefield, vertical envelopment enabled Marines to achieve which of the following? - ✔✔*Speed and dispersion Beachhead assaults Night vision USCG has always served under the Secretary of the Treasury, reflecting its early historical mission. - ✔✔False Which of the following represent highlights of US Air Force history? - ✔✔All the above Historically, the practice of keeping pets onboard may have started when cats were brought onboard to combat the rat population. - ✔✔True Which of the following are among US Air Force customs, courtesies and traditions designed to provide high morale? - ✔✔The Order of the Sword Dining-In, Dining-Out, and Combat Dining-In The Grog Bowl Successful coalitions require: - ✔✔Mutual trust and respect. When employing local national support, appropriate security measures should be taken to: - ✔✔Ensure that contracted linguists do not jeopardize operations through espionage. Factors affecting military capabilities of nations include: - ✔✔Leader Development & National Interests Multinational Operations is the same as: - ✔✔Military actions conducted by forces of two or more nations, typically organized within the structure of a coalition or alliance Factors that inhibit interoperability are: - ✔✔Refusal to cooperate with partners; restricted access to national proprietary defense information. To promote their mutual national interests and ensure mutual security against real and perceived threats, nations that form partnerships must understand the impacts of: - ✔✔Internally displaced personnel (IDPs) Non-governmental agencies Techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs)" *Culture and economics Joint Operation Planning includes all activities that must be accomplished to plan for an anticipated operation - the mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization of forces. - ✔✔True The principal system within the Department of Defense for translating national policy decisions into operation plans and orders in support of national security objectives. To accomplish this task, it provides procedures for both Deliberate Planning and Crisis Action Planning. - ✔✔National Security Council (NSC) Planning Committee *Joint Operation Planning Process - JOPP Adaptive Planning and Execution system-APEX Planning, Programming, Budgeting, & Executing (PPBES) System" The Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD) (usually referred to as the ""tip-fid""), using a proven analytical process, provides detailed movement requirements from a unit's origin to destination, articulating specific geographical locations, modes of movement, and dates for units needing to deploy. It assists combatant commanders in articulating movement planning to USTRANSCOM who provides strategic transportation required to deploy or redeploy units." - ✔✔True The commander's estimate of the situation is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the military end state. - ✔✔False Since combatant commanders are planning for future events during Deliberate Planning, the CJCS apportions forces and capabilities to the combatant commanders so they have an idea of the resources they might expect to receive if the plan is implemented. - ✔✔*T/F The Joint Operation Planning Process (JOPP) provides an ordely framework for planning process that commanders and planners can apply at any level. - ✔✔... The statutory members of the NSC are: - ✔✔the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Energy. DIME - ✔✔Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic The President, Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) provide: - ✔✔national strategic guidance and direction for Combatant Commanders and Service Chiefs to ensure the national strategic objectives are clearly defined, understood, and achievable. The President issues strategic guidance in the: - ✔✔National Security Strategy (NSS) and the Unified Command Plan (UCP). The SECDEF's guidance documents include the: - ✔✔Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG) and the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF). The Chairman also issues the Global Force Management Implementation Guidance with the approval of the: - ✔✔SECDEF The operational branch chain of command runs from: - ✔✔the President, through the SECDEF, to the Combatant Commanders for missions and forces assigned to their commands. The non-operational branch chain of command runs from: - ✔✔the President through the Secretary of Defense to the Secretaries of the Military Departments. Combatant Commanders - ✔✔exercise Combatant Command (COCOM) command authority over assigned forces. Sub-unified commanders and JTF commanders exercise: - ✔✔Operational Control (OPCON) of joint forces. administrative control (ADCON) - ✔✔Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other organizations in respect to administration and support. Combatant command (CCMD) - ✔✔A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary of Defense and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Combatant commands: - ✔✔typically have geographic or functional responsibilities. Combatant Command (command authority) (COCOM). - ✔✔Non-transferable command authority, which cannot be delegated, of a combatant commander to perform those functions of command over assigned forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces. Command relationships are: - ✔✔The interrelated responsibilities between commanders, as well as the operational authority exercised by commanders in the chain of command; defined further as combatant command (command authority), operational control, tactical control, or support. Joint Force is: - ✔✔A general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned or attached, of two or more Military Departments, operating under a single joint force commander. Joint Force Commander (JFC) - ✔✔A general term applied to a combatant commander, sub-unified commander, or joint task force commander authorized to exercise combatant command (command authority) or operational control over a joint force. Operational Control (OPCON) is: - ✔✔The authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission. Support is: - ✔✔The action of a force that aids, protects, complements, or sustains another force in accordance with a directive requiring such action. Tactical Control (TACON) is: - ✔✔The authority over forces that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned. Doctrine provides a military organization with a: - ✔✔common philosophy, a common language, a common purpose, and a unity of effort. - GEN George H. Decker, United States Army What is the purpose of joint doctrine? - ✔✔to enhance the operational effectiveness of U.S. forces. Joint doctrine is: - ✔✔authoritative guidance and will be followed except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise. Joint doctrine is not dogmatic - ✔✔the focus is on how to think about operations, not what to think about operations. The judgment of the commander based upon the situation is always: - ✔✔paramount The joint force commander has the authority and responsibility to: - ✔✔tailor forces for the mission at hand, selecting those that most effectively and efficiently ensure success. The chief principle for employment of U.S. forces is to: - ✔✔ensure achievement of the national strategic objectives established by the President through decisive action while concluding operations on terms favorable to the United States. Joint operations doctrine is: - ✔✔built on a sound base of war fighting theory and practical experience. How many joint doctrine principles of war are there? - ✔✔nine principles of war have been consistent in joint doctrine with an additional three that may also apply to joint operations. An adversary using IW methods typically will - ✔✔endeavor to wage protracted conflicts in an attempt to break the will of their opponent and its population. IW manifests itself as one or a combination of several possible forms including: - ✔✔insurgency, subversion, terrorism, information operations (disinformation, propaganda, etc.), organized criminal activity (such as drug trafficking), strikes, and raids. unlike traditional war that focuses on the control of an adversary's: - ✔✔forces, territory, or control of populations. DIME instruments are leveraged to achieve national interests - ✔✔Freedom, Democracy and Free Enterprise. National power is: - ✔✔the capacity that a sovereign nation-state can leverage to achieve its national interests. The instruments of national power are: - ✔✔Diplomatic, Informational, Military and Economic (DIME) Diplomacy is: - ✔✔the principal instrument for engaging with other states and foreign groups to advance U.S. values, interests, and objectives. Which U.S. Government is the agency for foreign affairs? - ✔✔The Department of State Are geographic combatant commanders responsible for aligning military activities with diplomatic activities in their assigned areas of responsibility? - ✔✔Yes What entails focused efforts to create, strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable for the advancement of national interests, policies, and objectives by understanding and engaging key audiences through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national power. - ✔✔Commander's Communication Synchronization (CCS) What are the predominant military activities that support CCS? - ✔✔the information operations (IO), public affairs (PA), and defense support to public diplomacy (DSPD). Information Operations (IO) are - ✔✔those military actions to attack an adversary's decision making while protecting our own. Public Affairs (PA) are - ✔✔those public information, command information, and community engagement activities directed toward both the external and internal publics with interest in the DOD. Defense Support to Public Diplomacy (DSPD): - ✔✔comprises those activities and measures taken by DOD components to support and facilitate USG public diplomacy efforts. What is the President's role? - ✔✔National Security Strategy, and Unified Command Plan What is the Secretary of Defense role? - ✔✔Defense Strategic Guidance, and Guidance for Employment of the Force What is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's role? - ✔✔National Military Strategy, Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan, and Global Force Management Implementation Guide. The Combatant Commander's role? - ✔✔Strategic Estimate, Theatre Strategy, Theatre Campaign Plans, and Plans and others. The Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff and the Combatant Command must maintain - ✔✔Continuous interaction and are unified action in execution. The President issues strategic guidance in the: - ✔✔National Security Strategy (NSS), and the Unified Command Plan (UCP). The SECDEF's guidance documents include: - ✔✔the Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG) and the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF). CJCS provides guidance in the - ✔✔National Military Strategy (NMS) and Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). The Chairman also issues the Global Force Management Implementation Guidance with the approval of the SECDEF. The UCP states that communications between the President or SECDEF and the Combatant Commanders shall be transmitted through the: - ✔✔CJCS, unless otherwise directed. When significant operations overlap AORs - ✔✔the UCP states that a task force will be formed. Command of the task force will be determined by the Secretary of Defense and assigned to the appropriate combatant commander. What outlines DOD's approach to implementing the President's National Security Strategy (NSS). - ✔✔Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG) Who also promulgates the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), a legislatively-mandated review of DOD strategy and priorities. - ✔✔The Secretary of Defense How often will the SECDEF conduct a comprehensive examination of the national defense strategy, force structure, forced modernization plans, infrastructure, budget plan, and other elements of the defense program and policies of the U.S? - ✔✔Every four years. How many QDRs have there been? - ✔✔Four, 1997, 2001, 2006, and 2010 The Defense Strategic Guidance is reviewed and published how often? - ✔✔As needed. There is no requirement that each new Secretary of Defense publish one and no requirement on how often it must be rewritten. The National Military Strategy (NMS), is signed by whom? - ✔✔The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. the National Military Strategy is reviewed and published as needed. There is no requirement that each new Chairman publish one and no requirement on how often it must be rewritten. The Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) is written guidance from whom? - ✔✔The Secretary of Defense to the CJCS for the preparation and review of contingency plans for specific missions. It is the primary source document used by the CJCS to develop the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). provides military strategic and operational guidance and direction from the CJCS to the Combatant Commanders and the Service Chiefs for preparation of plans to accomplish tasks and missions using current military capabilities. - ✔✔The Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP): What is the primary vehicle through which the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff exercises responsibility to provide for the preparation of joint operation plans? - ✔✔Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) What integrates complementary force assignment, apportionment, and allocation processes into a single management process in support of the Defense Strategic Guidance and joint force availability requirements? - ✔✔The Global Force Management Implementation Guidance (GFMIG) The President of the United States provides guidance for developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve objectives that contribute to national security in the ____. - ✔✔National Security Strategy ____ is a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population(s). - ✔✔Irregular warfare The ability of the United States to achieve its national strategic objectives is dependent on the effectiveness of the U.S. Government in employing the instruments of national power, which are ____. - ✔✔Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic The _____ is a lethal, agile, and flexible force, capable of executing a myriad of complex, joint special operations missions in support of U.S. policy and objectives. - ✔✔75th Ranger Regiment What are the key criticisms of the interagency process? - ✔✔No one is in charge It can be cumbersome It is often time-consuming These capabilities comprise the core of U.S. maritime power and reflect an increase in emphasis on those activities that prevent war and build partnerships - ✔✔Forward presence, deterrence, sea control, power projection, maritime security, humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HA/DR) The U.S. Transportation Command, U.S. Special Operations Command, and U.S. Strategic Command comprise the _____. - ✔✔Functional combatant commands _____ is a hostile environment that often presents complex emotional and ethical dilemmas. - ✔✔Irregular warfare environment Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted with specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets in hostile, denied, or diplomatically and/or politically sensitive environments is called _____. It differs from other offensive actions in the level of diplomatic or political risk, the operational techniques employed, and the degree of discriminate and precise use of force to achieve specific objectives. - ✔✔Direct action Which of the following are among the Coast Guard's roles? - ✔✔Law Enforcement Environmental Protection Ice Operations Being transferred by Presidential order to the U.S. Navy for operational purposes Search and Rescue Which of the following problems faced the newly created Air Force in 1947? - ✔✔Transitioning from propeller-driven aircraft to jet aircraft Modifying doctrine, strategy, and tactics to accommodate nuclear weapons Establishing an organization adapted to air operations Arranging for support services The _____ organize, train, equip, and provide combat-ready forces to conduct operations as directed by the President and Secretary of Defense. - ✔✔Military departments Multinational operations are _____. - ✔✔Military actions conducted by forces of two or more nations, typically organized within the structure of a coalition or alliance National Military Strategy - ✔✔Signed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. provides guidance for distributing and applying military power to attain national strategic objectives. The document approved by the Secretary of Defense for applying the Armed Forces of the United States in coordination with Department of Defense agencies and other instruments of national power to achieve national security strategy objectives is known as the - ✔✔Defense Strategic Guidance The President of the United States provides guidance for developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve objectives that contribute to national security in the - ✔✔National Security Strategy ____ is a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population(s). It favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capacities, in order to erode an adversary's power, influence, and will. - ✔✔Irregular warfare The ability of the United States to achieve its national strategic objectives is dependent on the effectiveness of the U.S. Government in employing the instruments of national power, which are - ✔✔Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic The statutory members of the National Security Council are ____. - ✔✔President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Energy. The ____ is the President's principal forum for considering national security policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. - ✔✔National Security Council. The operational chain of command runs directly from the President to the Secretary of Defense and then to ____. - ✔✔The Combatant Commanders. The ____ outranks all other officers of the Armed Forces, but may not exercise military command over any of the Armed Forces. He is the principal military advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the SECDEF. - ✔✔Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff . The non-operational chain of command runs directly from the President to the Secretary of Defense and then to ____. - ✔✔The Secretaries of the Military Departments and then to the Service Chiefs. The term joint force commander refers exclusively to the following three (3) types of commanders: - ✔✔combatant commander, subordinate unified commander, and joint task force commander. A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary of Defense and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is called a - ✔✔combatant command. Joint force air component commander, joint force land component commander, and joint force maritime component commander are all examples of - ✔✔functional component commands These commands are established by combatant commanders when authorized by the SECDEF through the CJCS to conduct operations on a continuing basis in accordance with the criteria set forth for unified commands. - ✔✔subordinate unified commands ____ is a joint force that is constituted and so designated by the SECDEF, a combatant commander, a subordinate unified commander, or an existing JTF commander to accomplish missions with specific, limited objectives and which do not require overall centralized control of logistics. - ✔✔joint task force Combatant Commanders exercise ____ (command authority) over assigned forces. This is the broadest command authority and may NOT be delegated or transferred. - ✔✔Combatant Command (COCOM). The four categories of support are ____. - ✔✔general, mutual, direct, and close. Command authority over assigned or attached forces or commands, or military capability or forces made available for tasking, that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned is known as ____. - ✔✔Tactical Control (TACON). The command authority established by a superior commander between subordinate commanders when one organization should aid, protect, complement, or sustain another force is called ____. - ✔✔Support. ____ is the authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission. It includes authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations and joint training necessary to accomplish missions assigned to the command. - ✔✔Operational Control (OPCON). The _______ is the principal forum to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to national security and for coordinating these policies among various government agencies. - ✔✔National Security Council _______ are responsible for coordinating with U.S. ambassadors in their AOR across the range of military operations. - ✔✔Geographic combatant commanders One way to remember the instruments of national power is by using the acronym, ________. - ✔✔DIME The _______ is the principal military advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense. - ✔✔Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The National Security Council is comprised of the following three levels of formal interagency committees for coordinating and making decisions on national security issues. - ✔✔Principals, Deputies, and Interagency Policy. The ______ acts as the honest "broker" among the many USG agencies to broker disagreements and achieve consensus among agencies on national security issues. - ✔✔National Security Advisor Within the NSC, the purpose of the ______ is to maintain the day-to-day interagency cooperation; manage the development and implementation of national security policies by multiple agencies; provide policy analysis for consideration by senior committees; and, ensure timely responses to Presidential decisions. - ✔✔Interagency Policy Committees Which of the following options represent the Statutory Advisors of the National Security Council? - ✔✔Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director of National Intelligence. Successful interagency coordination is a force multiplier that contributes to the achievement of a combatant commander's mission by _________________. - ✔✔all of the responses The concept of ______ highlights the synergistic application of all the instruments of national power and includes the actions of non-military organizations as well as military forces. - ✔✔unified action DOS assigns a ______ to combatant commanders and, increasingly, to JTF commanders, to provide foreign policy perspectives and to establish linkages with U.S. embassies in the AOR or JOA and with DOS. - ✔✔Political Advisor (POLAD). U.S. military forces are authorized under certain conditions to provide assistance to U.S. civil authorities for disasters, catastrophes, infrastructure protection, and other emergencies, and this assistance is known as ______ within the defense community because the assistance will always be in support of a lead federal agency. - ✔✔civil support. The supported combatant commander is responsible for developing ______, which covers Interagency Coordination, for each Operation Plan (OPLAN). This enables interagency planners to more rigorously plan their efforts in concert with the military, to suggest other activities or partners that could contribute to the operation, and to better determine any support requirements they may have. - ✔✔Annex V It is imperative that the combatant commander or JTF commander coordinate closely with the ______ on military activities in a particular country because, while not authorized to command military forces, he or she can deny military actions. - ✔✔Ambassador. The ______ is an interagency staff group that establishes or enhances regular, timely, and collaborative working relationships between other government agencies (e.g., CIA, DOS, FBI) representatives and military operational planners at the combatant commands. - ✔✔JIACG. The Country Team provides for rapid interagency consultation and action on recommendations from the field and DOD is normally represented on the Country Team by the ______ and the - ✔✔defense attache, security assistance organization ______ are independent, diverse, flexible, grassroots-focused, primary relief providers that are frequently on the scene before the U.S. military and will most likely remain long after military forces have departed. - ✔✔NGOs. In most situations, IGOs and NGOs need the following military capabilities. - ✔✔logistics, communications, and security. The JTF commander facilitates unified action and gains a greater understanding of the roles of IGOs and NGOs and how they influence mission accomplishment by establishing a ______. - ✔✔Civil-Military Operations Center (CMOC). The JTF commander should carefully consider where to locate the CMOC. Which of the following are valid considerations in determining the location? - ✔✔all of the responses are correct. The JTF commander cannot dictate cooperation among OGAs, IGOs, and NGOs. In the absence of a formal command structure, JTFs are required to build consensus to achieve ______. - ✔✔unity of effort. The interagency support provided by a ______, composed of intelligence experts from DIA, CIA, NSA, NGA, and other intelligence agencies, affords the JTF access to national-level databases and to agency-unique information and analysis. - ✔✔National Intelligence Support Team (NIST). By virtue of their familiarity in a foreign country or region, ______ are a valuable source of information for a JTF commander who may have neither access to nor current information about the affected country or region. - ✔✔IGOs and NGOs A particular type of operation is not doctrinally fixed and could shift within the range of military operations, for example a counterinsurgency operation escalating from a security cooperation activity into a major operation or campaign. - ✔✔True Combatant commanders and subordinate joint force commanders must work with U.S. ambassadors (or diplomatic missions), Department of State, and other agencies to best integrate the military actions with the diplomatic, economic, and informational instruments of national power to promote ________. - ✔✔unity of effort The range of military operations includes these three categories of operations: (1) military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence; (2) crisis response and limited contingency operations; and ________. - ✔✔major operations and campaigns These operations are typically limited in scope and scale and conducted to achieve a very specific objective in an operational area. They include noncombatant evacuation operations, peace operations, foreign humanitarian assistance, recovery operations, consequence management, strikes, raids, homeland defense, and defense support of civil authorities. - ✔✔crisis response and limited contingency operations. Various joint operations such as a show of force or sanctions enforcement support ________ by demonstrating national resolve and willingness to use force when necessary. - ✔✔deterrence The purpose of specifying the ________ is to direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and achievable goal. - ✔✔objective The purpose of ________ is to concentrate the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time to produce decisive results. - ✔✔mass. The purpose of ________ is to develop and maintain the will necessary to attain the national strategic end state. It is based on the legality, morality, and rightness of the actions undertaken. - ✔✔legitimacy Operations designed to demonstrate U.S. resolve, and involve the appearance of a credible military force in an attempt to defuse a situation that, if allowed to continue, may be detrimental to U.S. interests are known as ________ operations. - ✔✔show of force. Combating terrorism involves actions taken to oppose terrorism from wherever the threat exists, and encompasses ________ —defensive measures taken to reduce vulnerability to terrorist acts—and ________ —offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, preempt, and respond to terrorism. - ✔✔antiterrorism, counterterrorism ________ helps prevent adversary action through the presentation of a credible threat of counteraction. It stems from the belief of a potential aggressor that a credible threat of retaliation exists, the contemplated action cannot succeed, or the costs outweigh any possible gains. - ✔✔Deterrence At the strategic level, ________ encompasses those planning activities, such as continuity of operations and continuity of government, undertaken to ensure DOD processes, procedures, and resources are in place to support the President and SECDEF in a designated national security emergency. - ✔✔emergency preparedness The DOD contribution to a unified action effort to support and augment the development of the capacity and capability of foreign security forces and their supporting institutions to facilitate the achievement of specific objectives shared by the USG is called ________. - ✔✔security force assistance An operation that employs coercive measures to interdict the movement of certain types of designated items into or out of a nation or specified area is known as ________. - ✔✔enforcement of sanctions A military operation to temporarily seize an area, usually through forcible entry, in order to secure information, confuse an adversary, capture personnel or equipment, or destroy an objective or capability is called a ________. It ends with a planned withdrawal upon completion of the assigned mission. - ✔✔raid Military operations that apply military force or threaten its use, normally pursuant to international authorization, to compel compliance with resolutions or sanctions designed to maintain or restore peace and order are known as ________ operations. - ✔✔peace enforcement Pursuant to Executive Order 12656, the ________ is responsible for the protection and evacuation of American citizens abroad and for safeguarding their property. - ✔✔Department of State In foreign humanitarian assistance operations, commanders usually establish a ________ because it is critical to working with the participating intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). - ✔✔civil-military operations center (CMOC). Operations conducted to search for, locate, identify, recover, and return isolated personnel, sensitive equipment, items critical to national security, or human remains are known as ________. - ✔✔recovery operations An operation that employs coercive measures to interdict the movement of certain types of designated items into or out of a nation or specified area is known as ________. - ✔✔enforcement of sanctions Joint force commanders strive to isolate enemies by denying them ________. The intent is to strip away as much enemy support or freedom of action as possible, while limiting the enemy's potential for horizontal or vertical escalation. - ✔✔allies and sanctuary Preplanned, deterrence-oriented actions carefully tailored to bring an issue to early resolution without armed conflict are known as ________. - ✔✔flexible deterrent options Joint force commanders must integrate and synchronize offensive, defensive, and stability operations that comprise major operations and campaigns. Planning for stability operations should begin ________. - ✔✔when joint operation planning is initiated Although ________ may be the stronger force posture, it is the ________ that is normally decisive in combat. Therefore, commanders will normally seek to transition to the decisive operations at the earliest opportunity. - ✔✔defense, offense A joint military operation conducted either as a major operation or a part of a larger campaign to seize and hold a military lodgment in the face of armed opposition for the continuous landing of forces is called ________. These operations may include amphibious, airborne, and air assault operations, or any combination thereof. - ✔✔forcible entry The ultimate measure of success in peace building is ________. Therefore, joint force commanders seek a clear understanding of the national and coalition strategic end state and how military operations support that end state. - ✔✔political, not military Major operation and campaign plans must feature a(n) ________ offensive, defensive, and stability operations in all phases. - ✔✔appropriate balance between The responsibility to plan and coordinate U.S. government efforts in stabilization and reconstruction has been assigned to ________. - ✔✔Department of State The two types of joint operation planning are ________. They differ primarily in the amount of available planning time and products. - ✔✔deliberate planning and crisis action planning. Planning in an adaptive planning environment using APEX supports the systematic, on-demand, creation and revision of executable plans, with up-to-date options, as circumstances require. A premium is placed on _______. - ✔✔flexibility. Planning activities associated with joint military operations by combatant commanders and their subordinate joint force commanders in response to contingencies and crises are known as ________. It includes planning for the mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization of joint forces. - ✔✔joint operation planning With respect to strategic planning documents, the SECDEF provides overarching guidance for planning in the ________ and supplementary Strategic Guidance Statements (SGS) for top priority plans. - ✔✔Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF). In Deliberate Planning, the strategic planning documents include all of the following except ________. - ✔✔Guidance for Deployment of the Force (GDF). Those headquarters, commands, and agencies involved in joint operation planning or committed to a joint operation are collectively termed the ________. - ✔✔Joint Planning and Execution Community APEX activities span many organizational levels, but the focus is on the interaction between ________, which ultimately helps the President and SECDEF decide when, where, and how to commit U.S. military forces. - ✔✔SECDEF and CCDRs The operational activity of ________ does not apply to Deliberate Planning, but the other two do. - ✔✔Execution This is a complete and detailed joint plan containing a full description of the CONOPS, all annexes applicable to the plan, and a TPFDD. - ✔✔Operation Plan (OPLAN The primary product of the Plan Development function is an approved ________. - ✔✔campaign or contingency plan Deliberate Planning is normally initiated by a tasking in the ________. It is based on assigned planning guidance, derived assumptions, and apportioned forces. - ✔✔Guidance for Employment of the Force, or JSCP The seven steps of the ________ follow the sequence of the general problem solving process. It is used for both deliberate planning and crisis action planning. - ✔✔joint operation planning process Deliberate Planning encompasses the preparation of plans for non-crisis situations. It is used to develop ________ for a broad range of activities based on requirements identified in the GEF, JSCP, or other planning directive. - ✔✔campaign plans and contingency plans Deliberate Planning features a series of periodic ________ that constitute a disciplined dialogue among strategic leaders, specifically the combatant commanders - ✔✔in-progress reviews Contingency plans are best understood as ________ to the overarching global or theater campaign plan. - ✔✔branches After a contingency plan is approved in deliberate planning. These supporting plans are normally reviewed and approved by the ________. - ✔✔Supported Combatant Commander The mission is the task or set of tasks, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason for doing so. - ✔✔Mission The ________, JSCP, and related Strategic Guidance Statements (for top priority plans) serve as the primary guidance to begin Deliberate Planning. - ✔✔Guidance for Employment of the Force The ________ is an orderly, analytical planning process, which consists of a set of seven (7) logical steps to examine a mission; - ✔✔Joint Operation Planning Process Assumptions must be continually reviewed to ensure validity. A valid assumption has three characteristics: ________. - ✔✔logical, realistic, and essential for the planning to continue The process of war gaming provides a means for the commander and staff to analyze friendly COAs by comparing them against anticipated adversary COAs - ✔✔war gaming A common, proven technique during COA Comparison is the decision matrix, which uses evaluation criteria to assess the effectiveness of each COA. - ✔✔decision matrix Operations conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectives employing military capabilities for which there is no broad conventional force requirement are known as ________. - ✔✔special operations Elite, highly trained military units that conduct operations that typically exceed the capabilities of conventional forces are known as ________. - ✔✔special operations forces Special operations are a integral part of the geographic combatant commander´s theater campaign plan. - ✔✔integral Special operations must complement not compete with nor be a substitute for - conventional operations. - ✔✔complement Special Operations involve the use of small units of specially trained personnel using specialized tactics and equipment to achieve ________ objectives. - ✔✔strategic or operational Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments - ✔✔direct action Special operations forces are organized under the ________, a functional combatant command - ✔✔United States Special Operations Command Actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance - ✔✔special reconnaissance After the attacks of 9/11, U.S. Special Operations Command assumed an operational role in leading the DOD effort in ________. - ✔✔global operations against terrorist networks Most special operations forces are ________ oriented. This allows them to maintain a cultural awareness and a language capability for their assigned areas. - ✔✔regionally A broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations, normally of long duration, predominantly conducted through, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces - ✔✔unconventional warfare Military-political considerations frequently cast Special Operations into clandestine or covert environments; therefore, their activities normally involve oversight at the ________ level. - ✔✔national The Army Special Forces A-Team is capable of conducting operations in remote and hostile areas for extended periods of time; however, it has minimal ________. - ✔✔anti-armor or other heavy weapons The ________ is the premier light, airborne, infantry unit of the U.S. Army - ✔✔75th Ranger Regiment The unique unit that provides support to special operations forces personnel on a worldwide basis with specially equipped helicopters is the ________. - ✔✔160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment The units that support military commanders by working with civil authorities and civilian populations in the area of operations are known as ________. - ✔✔civil affairs The units manned by Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen who operate and maintain state-of-the-art surface craft to conduct coastal patrol and interdiction and support special operations missions are known as ________. - ✔✔Special Boat Teams The 193rd Special Operations Wing of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard provides the only ________ platform in the Department of Defense with the EC-130 Commando Solo. - ✔✔airborne psychological operations The Air Force´s Battlefield Airmen or ________ Teams frequently operate with Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and Special Forces in direct action, airfield seizure, and personnel recovery missions in hostile territory. - ✔✔Special Tactics Each geographic combatant command has a ________ to plan and control joint special operations forces in their areas of responsibility. - ✔✔Theater Special Operations Command When required, the joint task force commander may establish a ______, which is a temporary joint special operations forces command formed to conduct special operations in a specific joint operations area. - ✔✔Joint Special Operations Task Force Which one of the following is NOT a limitation of special operations forces? - ✔✔Have little to no language or regional expertise Special Operations Forces are a valuable asset for the joint planner; however, they comprise only a small part of the total force - a little over ________ percent of the total force. - ✔✔TWO In joint SOF mission planning, a demanding full-up, real-time ________ can mitigate much of the inherent risks of many SOF missions. It is key to the success of complex joint SOF missions. - ✔✔rehearsal Which of the following is not one of the SOF Truths? - ✔✔Quantity always beats quality A traumatically induced structural injury and/or physiological disruption of brain function as a result of an external force defines a ________. - ✔✔Traumatic Brain Injury Receiving realistic training, understanding the types of situations encountered in war, eating well, getting enough rest, and having meaningful relationships and friendships are all helpful in building ________. - ✔✔resilience A state of well-being in which one is aware of personal abilities and limits, copes well with life stresses, works productively and effectively, and contributes positively to his or her communities is known as ________. - ✔✔psychological health Exposure to stressful situations, trauma, and combat will cause a response and resulting change. These responses and changes will all be negative. - ✔✔False Symptoms of ________ include depression, difficulties in social or family life, substance abuse, problems of memory and cognition, and other physical and mental health problems. - ✔✔Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder One of the Navy's MOOTW roles is to enforce United Nations economic sanctions. - ✔✔True While its missions might include forcible entry operations and peace enforcement, humanitarian assistance is not within the Marine Corps' purview. - ✔✔False Marine Corps forces exploit the Total Force concept, employing combinations of active duty and reserve Marines to ensure that missions are effectively and efficiently executed. - ✔✔True Aerospace Forces produce synergistic effects that are designed not to exceed separately employed individual forces - ✔✔False The US Army's adaptation to new technologies was a result of the federal government nurturing the arms industry after the Revolutionary War, spurred by Eli Whitney's invention of interchangeable parts which made standardized gun design possible. - ✔✔True Established in 1798, the US Navy and Marine Corps was created to protect American interests overseas and support maritime free trade. Answer - ✔✔True It was Lt. Col. Earl H. "Pete" Ellis's post-WWI Advanced Base Operations in Micronesia, 1921 document that gave birth to the Marine Corps' amphibious doctrine. - ✔✔True By 1986, the MPS program had in place 13 ships: one squadron in the Eastern Atlantic, a second squadron at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, and a third at Guam in the Western Pacific. - ✔✔True The comprehensive doctrine of air warfare supported the conclusion that high-altitude, daylight bombing of an enemy's war-supporting industries and transportation systems could win a war. - ✔✔True USCG has always served under the Secretary of the Treasury, reflecting its early historical mission - ✔✔False the USCG's motto is Semper Paratus meaning "always ready" - ✔✔True It is not customary during Dining-In to hear an address by a distinguished guest. - ✔✔True The offering of ceremonial toasts is a traditional Army custom at a formal Dining-In, which includes passing the wine "over the water," an historical reference to James I, who was exiled by Oliver Cromwell. - ✔✔True While it is appropriate and strongly recommended to greet a person by name and grade, if you are unsure of an enlisted Marine's name or grade, "Marine" is as appropriate as "Good morning, Sir," in the case of an officer. - ✔✔True The main difference between Dining-In and Mess Night for Marines is that spouses and other non-military guests may attend a Dining-In - ✔✔True Promotions and Re-enlistments are ceremonies requiring formation in this order: (a) Personal awards presented first, (b) Promotions second, and (c) Re-enlistments third. - ✔✔True Dining-In and Dining-Out represent the most formal aspects of Air Force social life. - ✔✔True Historically, the practice of keeping pets onboard may have started when cats were brought onboard to combat the rat population. - ✔✔True Which document spells out the broad responsibilities or missions of the combatant commanders? - ✔✔Unified Command Plan What is the Army's primary role? - ✔✔To train and equip itself for the overwhelming and synchronized application of land combat power The Army aids in shaping the international environment through an extensive forward presence in which of the following? - ✔✔Balkans, Middle East, Europe, Southwest Asia, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan The US Army's adaptation to new technologies was a result of the federal government nurturing the arms industry after the Revolutionary War, spurred by Eli Whitney's invention of interchangeable parts which made standardized gun design possible. * T or F - ✔✔True Established in 1798, the US Navy and Marine Corps was created to protect American interests overseas and support maritime free trade. * T or F - ✔✔True It was Lt. Col. Earl H. "Pete" Ellis's post-WWI Advanced Base Operations in Micronesia, 1921 document that gave birth to the Marine Corps' amphibious doctrine. * T or F - ✔✔True By 1986, the MPS program had in place 13 ships: one squadron in the Eastern Atlantic, a second squadron at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, and a third at Guam in the Western Pacific. * T or F - ✔✔True The comprehensive doctrine of air warfare supported the conclusion that high-altitude, daylight bombing of an enemy's war-supporting industries and transportation systems could win a war. * T or F - ✔✔True USCG has always served under the Secretary of the Treasury, reflecting its early historical mission. * T or F - ✔✔False The USCG's motto is Semper Paratus, meaning "always ready." * T or F - ✔✔True Soldiers fighting the War of 1812 benefited from the improved quality and standardization of their equipment. By the Mexican War, American arms were technologically equivalent to those of Europe. Advances in which of the following areas made that possible? - ✔✔Mobility, flexibility, and potency of field artillery Which technological advancements directly impacted warfare during the American Civil War? - ✔✔All Introduced in WWI and perfected in WWII, which of the following mechanized alternatives to trench warfare led to successful campaigns? - ✔✔The combination of the tank and time-on-target, as well as artillery and radio coordination Which of the lessons learned during the Mexican War did the Union Navy use? a. Move forward from the sea and seize ports b. Embargo trade and blockade c. Extract without foundering and unload troops while maintaining stern to the surf d. Choice 2 and 3 [Show More]

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