*NURSING > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > NURSING 510 / NR 510 Week 8 Final Exam: NURSING: Chamberlain College Of Nursing (GRADED A) (All)

NURSING 510 / NR 510 Week 8 Final Exam: NURSING: Chamberlain College Of Nursing (GRADED A)

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NR 510 Week 8 Final Exam 1. What is the most commonly reported symptom of cancer treatment? (Points : 2) Nausea Fatigue Hair loss Weight loss Question 2... .2. Where are Langerhans cells found? (Points : 2) Skin Intestinal lining Kidney Thyroid Question 3.3. An infant has a crescendo-decrescendo systolic ejection murmur located between the second and third intercostal spaces along the left sternal border. A wide fixed splitting of the second heart sound is also found. These clinical findings are consistent with which congenital heart defect? (Points : 2) Atrial septal defect (ASD) Ventricular septal defect (VSD) Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) Atrioventricular canal (AVC) defect Question 4.4. Which statement is true concerning a fungal infection? (Points : 2) Fungal infections occur only on skin, hair, and nails. Phagocytes and T lymphocytes control fungal infections. Fungal infections release endotoxins. Vaccines prevent fungal infections. Question 5.5. A hypersensitivity reaction that produces an allergic response is called: (Points : 2) Hemolytic shock Anaphylaxis Necrotizing vasculitis Systemic erythematosus Question 6.6. What period follows depolarization of the myocardium and represents a period during which no new cardiac potential can be propagated? (Points : 2) Refractory Hyperpolarization Threshold Sinoatrial (SA) Question 7.7. Which renal change is found in older adults? (Points : 2) Sharp decline in glomerular filtration rate Sharp decline in renal blood flow Decrease in the number of nephrons Decrease in urine output Question 8.8. Cystic fibrosis is caused by which process? (Points : 2) Autosomal recessive inheritance Autosomal dominant inheritance Infection Malignancy Question 9.9. What is the most common predisposing factor to obstructive sleep apnea in children? (Points : 2) Chronic respiratory infections Adenotonsillar hypertrophy Obligatory mouth breathing Paradoxic breathing Question 10.10. What is the major virus involved in the development of cervical cancer? (Points : 2) Herpes simplex virus type 6 Herpes simplex virus type 2 Human papillomavirus Human immunodeficiency virus Question 11.11. Which normal physiologic change occurs in the aging pulmonary system? (Points : 2) Decreased flow resistance Fewer alveoli Stiffening of the chest wall Improved elastic recoil Question 12.12. Which cancer originates from connective tissue? (Points : 2) Osteogenic sarcoma Basal cell carcinoma Multiple myeloma Adenocarcinoma Question 13.13. Which blood cells are the chief phagocytes involved in the early inflammation process? (Points : 2) Neutrophils Monocytes Eosinophils Erythrocytes Question 14.14. An infant diagnosed with a small patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) would likely exhibit which symptom? (Points : 2) Intermittent murmur Lack of symptoms Need for surgical repair Triad of congenital defects Question 15.15. Which type of microorganism reproduces on the skin? (Points : 2) Viruses Bacteria and fungi Protozoa and Rickettsiae Mycoplasma Question 16.16. During an infection, why do lymph nodes enlarge and become tender? (Points : 2) B lymphocytes proliferate. The nodes are inflamed. The nodes fill with purulent exudate. The nodes are not properly functioning. Question 17.17. Which hormone prompts increased anxiety, vigilance, and arousal during a stress response? (Points : 2) Norepinephrine Epinephrine Cortisol Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Question 18.18. The area of the kidneys that contains the glomeruli and portions of the tubules is called the: (Points : 2) Medulla Cortex Pyramids Columns Question 19.19. In which structure does B lymphocytes mature and undergo changes that commit them to becoming B cells? (Points : 2) Thymus gland Regional lymph nodes Bone marrow Spleen Question 20.20. Research has shown a link between cancer and which sexually transmitted disease? (Points : 2) Syphilis Gonorrhea Human papillomavirus Pelvic inflammatory disease Question 21.21. Which vitamin improves the absorption of oral iron taken to treat iron deficiency anemia in children? (Points : 2) A B C E Question 22.22. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an autoimmune process involving antibodies attacking which type of cells? (Points : 2) Neutrophils Eosinophils Platelets Basophils Question 23.23. An infant has a continuous machine-type murmur best heard at the left upper sternal border throughout systole and diastole, as well as a bounding pulse and a thrill on palpation. These clinical findings are consistent with which congenital heart defect? (Points : 2) Atrial septal defect (ASD) Ventricular septal defect (VSD) Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) Atrioventricular canal (AVC) defect Question 24.24. The tonic neck reflex observed in a newborn should no longer be obtainable by: (Points : 2) 2 years 1 year 10 months 5 months Question 25.25. What is the function of erythrocytes? (Points : 2) Tissue oxygenation Hemostasis Infection control Allergy response Question 26.26. Clinical manifestations of Parkinson disease are caused by a deficit in which of the brain’s neurotransmitters? (Points : 2) Gamma-aminobutyric acid Dopamine Norepinephrine Acetylcholine Question 27.27. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations increase the risk of which cancer in women? (Points : 2) Ovarian Lung Uterine Pancreatic Question 28.28. Which term is also used to refer to paradoxic sleep? (Points : 2) Non-REM Light REM Delta wave Question 29.29. Which person is at the greatest risk for developing delirium? (Points : 2) An individual with diabetes celebrating a 70th birthday A depressed Hispanic woman An individual on the second day after hip replacement A man diagnosed with schizophrenia Question 30.30. Which term is used to describe an intestinal obstruction caused by the invagination of the ileum into the cecum and part of the ascending colon by collapsing through the ileocecal valve? (Points : 2) Congenital aganglionic megacolon Malrotation Intussusception Volvulus Question 31.31. The mucosal secretions of the cervix secrete which immunoglobulin? (Points : 2) IgA IgE IgG IgM Question 32.32. A blunt force injury to the forehead would result in a coup injury to which region of the brain? (Points : 2) Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Question 33.33. Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) may be accompanied by a positive throat or skin culture for which bacteria? (Points : 2) Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus Pseudomonas aeruginosa Haemophilus Question 34.34. How can glaucoma cause blindness? (Points : 2) Infection of the cornea Pressure on the optic nerve Opacity of the lens Obstruction of the venous return from the retina Question 35.35. Aldosterone directly increases the reabsorption of: (Points : 2) Magnesium Calcium Sodium Water Question 36.36. How does the release (increase) of epinephrine raise body temperature? (Points : 2) The release of epinephrine causes shivering. It affects muscle tone. It raises the metabolic rate. It increases and strengthens the heart rate. Question 37.37. Which assessment finding characterizes Osgood-Schlatter disease? (Points : 2) Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow Inflammation of the anterior cruciate ligament Bursitis of the subscapular bursa in the glenohumeral joint Tendinitis of the anterior patellar tendon Question 38.38. Using a fan to reduce body temperature is an example of which mechanism of heat loss? (Points : 2) Evaporation Radiation Convection Conduction Question 39.39. Which statement is true regarding the major difference between male and female sex hormone production? (Points : 2) Luteinizing hormone has no apparent action in a man. In a man, sex hormone production is relatively constant. Estradiol is not produced in a man. In a man, gonadotropin-releasing hormone does not cause the release of follicle stimulating hormone. Question 40.40. Which clinical manifestations would be expected for a child who has complete trisomy of the twenty-first chromosome? (Points : 2) Widely spaced nipples, reduced carrying angle at the elbow, and sparse body hair An IQ of 25 to 70, low nasal bridge, protruding tongue, and flat, low-set ears High-pitched voice, tall stature, gynecomastia, and an IQ of 60 to 90 Circumoral cyanosis, edema of the feet, short stature, and mental slowness Question 41.41. What is the function of the mucus secreted by the Bartholin glands? (Points : 2) Enhancement of the motility of sperm Lubrication of the urinary meatus and vestibule Maintenance of an acid-base balance to discourage proliferation of pathogenic bacteria Enhancement of the size of the penis during intercourse Question 42.42. What syndrome, characterized by an absent homologous X chromosome with only a single X chromosome, exhibits features that include a short stature, widely spaced nipples, and webbed neck? (Points : 2) Down Cri du chat Turner Klinefelter Question 43.43. The secretion of adrenocorticotropic-stimulating hormone (ACTH) will result in the increased level of which hormone? (Points : 2) Thyroxine Insulin Cortisol. Antidiuretic hormone Question 44.44. The data reporting that sickle cell disease affects approximately 1 in 600 American blacks is an example of which concept? (Points : 2) Incidence Prevalence Ratio Risk Question 45.45. Which condition is considered a clinical cause of amenorrhea? (Points : 2) Disorder in the endometrium Obstruction of the fallopian tubes Lack of physical exercise Failure to ovulate Question 46.46. What is the first sign of puberty in girls? (Points : 2) Breast enlargement Growth of pubic hair Menstruation Vaginal discharge Question 47.47. What term is used to identify the condition that exists when the urethral meatus is located on the undersurface of the penis? (Points : 2) Hypospadias Epispadias Hyperspadias Chordee Question 48.48. The presence of a zygote having one chromosome with the normal complement of genes and one with a missing gene is characteristic of which genetic disorder? (Points : 2) Cri du chat Down syndrome Klinefelter syndrome Turner syndrome Question 49.49. Obesity acts as an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus by: (Points : 2) Reducing the amount of insulin the pancreas produces Increasing the resistance to insulin by cells Obstructing the outflow of insulin from the pancreas Stimulating the liver to increase glucose production Question 50.50. In scoliosis, curves in the thoracic spine greater than how many degrees result in decreased pulmonary function? (Points : 2) 40 50 60 80 Question 51.51. The failure of bones to ossify, resulting in soft bones and skeletal deformity, characterizes which disorder? (Points : 2) Osteogenesis imperfecta Rickets Osteochondrosis Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease Question 52.52. Which type of fracture usually occurs in an individual who engages in a new activity that is strenuous and repetitive? (Points : 2) Stress Greenstick Insufficiency Pathologic Question 53.53. It is true that myasthenia gravis: (Points : 2) Is an acute autoimmune disease. Affects the nerve roots. May result in adrenergic crisis. Causes muscle weakness. Question 54.54. Which clinical manifestations are associated with fibromyalgia? (Points : 2) Hot, tender, and edematous muscle groups bilaterally Fasciculations of the upper and lower extremity muscles Exercise intolerance and painful muscle cramps Sensitivity at tender points and profound fatigue Question 55.55. Which type of diarrhea results from lactose intolerance? (Points : 2) Secretory Motility Osmotic Small volume Question 56.56. Which change is a result of puberty and defends the vagina from infection? (Points : 2) The pH stabilizes between 7 and 8. A thin squamous epithelial lining develops. Vaginal pH becomes more acidic. Estrogen levels are low. Question 57.57. Which dietary lifestyle choice has been associated with a decreased risk for developing colon cancer? (Points : 2) Increased consumption of dairy produces Increased consumption of foods containing vitamin C Decreased consumption of foods high in fat Decreased consumption of artificial food coloring Question 58.58. Which type of ion directly controls the contraction of muscles? (Points : 2) Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium Question 59.59. At 2 or 3 weeks of age, an infant who has been well fed and has gained weight begins to vomit for no apparent reason. The vomiting gradually becomes more forceful. These symptoms may be indicative of which disorder? (Points : 2) Esophageal atresia Congenital aganglionic megacolon Pyloric stenosis Galactosemia Question 60.60. Which water-soluble vitamin is absorbed by passive diffusion? (Points : 2) Vitamin B6 Vitamin B1 Vitamin K Folic acid Question 61.61. The common property among the three types of medications used to treat depression is that they: (Points : 2) Increase neurotransmitter levels within the synapse. Increase neurotransmitter levels in the presynapse. Decrease neurotransmitter levels in the postsynapse. Decrease neurotransmitter levels within the synapse. Question 62.62. Which pancreatic enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates? (Points : 2) Trypsin Amylase Lipase Chymotrypsin Question 63.63. What anchors articular cartilage to the underlying bone? (Points : 2) Sharpey fibers Collagen fibers Glycoproteins Elastin fibers Question 64.64. The absence of which major hormone is a determinant of sexual differentiation (wolffian system) in utero? (Points : 2) Estrogen Progesterone Growth hormone Testosterone Question 65.65. Which hormone is linked to an increase in appetite during puberty? (Points : 2) Inhibin Leptin Activin Follistatin Question 66.66. What is the first indication of nephrotic syndrome in children? (Points : 2) Periorbital edema Scrotal or labial edema Frothy urine Ascites Question 67.67. Neurofibrillary tangles characterize which neurologic disorder? (Points : 2) Dementia syndrome Delirium Alzheimer disease Parkinson disease Question 68.68. What is the most common opportunistic infection associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)? (Points : 2) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Kaposi sarcoma Toxoplasmosis Cytomegalovirus Question 69.69. What causes the crystallization within the synovial fluid of the joint affected by gouty arthritis? (Points : 2) Reduced excretion of purines Overproduction of uric acid Increase in the glycosaminoglycan levels Overproduction of proteoglycans Question 70.70. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is released to stimulate thyroid hormone (TH) and is inhibited when plasma levels of TH are adequate. This is an example of: (Points : 2) Positive feedback Negative feedback Neural regulation Physiologic regulation Question 71.71. Transcription is best defined as a process by which: (Points : 2) DNA polymerase binds to the promoter site on ribonucleic acid (RNA). RNA directs the synthesis of polypeptides for protein synthesis. RNA is synthesized from a DNA template. ?? A base pair substitution results in a mutation of the amino acid sequence. Question 72.72. Which medical diagnosis is characterized by tissue degeneration or irritation of the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon? (Points : 2) Lateral epicondylitis Medial tendinitis Bursitis Lateral tendinitis Question 73.73. What is the target tissue for prolactin-releasing factor? (Points : 2) Hypothalamus Anterior pituitary Mammary glands Posterior pituitary Question 74.74. Loud snoring, a decrease in oxygen saturation, fragmented sleep, chronic daytime sleepiness, and fatigue are clinical manifestations of which sleep disorder? (Points : 2) Obstructive sleep apnea Upper airway resistance syndrome Somnambulism Narcolepsy Question 75.75. What directly causes ovulation during the menstrual cycle? (Points : 2) Gradual decrease in estrogen levels Sudden increase of LH Sharp rise in progesterone levels Gradual increase in estrogen levels [Show More]

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