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 Business ManagementQUESTIONS and ANSWERS > Financial Recourse Management in H C428 Financial Recourse Management in Healthcare- C428 Performance Assessment RCP1-Task 1 A1. As Chief Financial Officer of Seamus Company, the decision to move away from a fee-for-service model towards a managed care organization has been reviewed. To support the company goals, the proposed managed care strategies are as followed: Preferred Provider Organization, Health Maintenance Organization, and Exclusive Provider Organization. The first of the three fiscally sustainable strategies are the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). Preferred Provider Organization is a combination of cost-saving strategies like a Health Maintenance Organization, but with some additional features of the traditional insurance plans. When choosing a PPO plan, the recipient is allowed to select his or her own providers, however beneficiaries are encouraged to use providers that take part in the plan.

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