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PSYC 290N Week 8 Final Exam (Version 1) Questions and Answers/ Download To Score An A+

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PSYC 290N Week 8 Final Exam (Version 1) (TCO 1) Which of the following is the best example of an off-time event that could have negative effects upon an individual's development? The deaths of ... elderly parents Being divorced at the age of 25 The death of one's spouse at the age of 30 Experiencing a life-threatening illness at the age of 60 Chapter 1, page 8 (TCO 1) The Maple Leaf Elementary School counselor, social worker, and the parents of 8-year- old Jimmy Jackson are working as a cooperative team to determine why Jimmy exhibits a pattern of highly aggressive behavior toward his peers and teachers. Jimmy's behavior has been extensively observed, he has been subjected to a battery of psychological tests, and his parents have been interviewed. This in-depth examination of Jimmy Jackson is an example of an ethnograph. naturalistic observation. a correlational study. a case study. Chapter 1, page 12 (TCO 1) An experiment is designed to study the effects of long lectures on the sleeping behavior of college students. In such a study, the dependent variable is sleeping behavior of college students. long lectures. the length of time a lecture runs. college students. Chapter 1, page 14 (TCO 1) Which of the following is the most correct statement regarding repressed memories? Most adults who were abused as children have no recollection of the abuse. The best way to get at repressed memories is for the therapist to suggest that such memories exist. It is highly unlikely that false memories will be retrieved because of the inaccuracy of human memory. The perpetrators of abuse are more likely to forget the incidents than are the victims. Chapter 2, page 25 (TCO 2) Which factor is generally considered to be an essential aspect of an infant's first psychosocial task? Learning to control bodily sensations or developing shame if unsuccessful Becoming aware of pleasurable genital sensations and sharing these sensations with others Becoming purposeful, goal oriented, and assertive, which leads to conflicts with parents Being treated lovingly and predictably by caregivers and learning to trust Chapter 2, page 26 (TCO 2) If you are teaching a child to produce a reflexive response following a nonreflexive stimulus, which method of learning are you employing? Observational learning Classical conditioning Response-reward learning Operant conditioning Chapter 2, page 29 Question 7 3 / 3 pts (TCO 2) Which of the following is the best example of extinction? You change to a different slot machine because the one that you've been playing doesn't pay very often. You stop buying lottery tickets until the jackpot is greater than $10 million. You stop buying lottery tickets after spending several hundred dollars and never winning. You purchase mega bucks tickets instead of regular lottery tickets because the odds of winning are greater. Chapter 2, page 31 (TCO 2) Which of these best illustrates the principles of social-cognitive theory? Shelby misses her curfew by 1 hour and is grounded by her parents for 1 week, yet she continues to miss curfew. When Marla responds angrily to a request from her daughter Bess, Bess' sister Treva, who observed this response, decides she will wait a day or two before asking for a new stereo. Shea seeks advice from a chat forum on the Internet about her recurring headaches. As a result of the role conflict between her parental responsibilities and her need for personal development, Irina decides to drop out of college for a semester. Chapter 2, page 32 (TCO 2) Which of the following statements is true regarding prenatal sex differentiation? Sex differentiation begins at around 4–8 weeks of gestation. If androgens are present, female genitalia develop regardless of the chromosomal makeup of the fetus. In the absence of the SRX gene, an XY fetus will develop female genitalia. The absence of a Y chromosome will ensure the development of male genitalia. Chapter 3, page 50 Question 10 3 / 3 pts (TCOs 2 and 3) Meko has dark hair and dark eyes, even though his biological mother is fair skinned. Meko's hair and eye color are part of his genotype. embryonic cell map. polygenic factoring. phenotype. Chapter 3, page 51 (TCOs 2 and 3) Samson is taller and has a higher IQ than either of his parents. Which of the following terms would be used to explain this? Adoption Multifactorial inheritance Environmentally influenced inheritance Polygenetic inheritance Chapter 3, page 54 (TCOs 2 and 3) Which of the following is caused by a gene on the X chromosome? Tay-Sachs disease Color blindness PKU Sickle-cell disease Chapter 3, page 56 (TCOs 2 and 3) Not long after Gloria found out she was pregnant, she began having pain. When she went to her doctor, she was told that the zygote had implanted in her fallopian tube rather than in her uterus. What type of pregnancy is this? A fallopial pregnancy A zygotic pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy An interstitial pregnancy Chapter 3, pages 58–59 (TCO 2) Which of the following is the best example of the proximodistal principle of development during the prenatal period? The spinal cord develops before the arms. The digestive organs are formed before the heart. Male growth patterns proceed more quickly than female patterns. Differentiation of the gonads occurs before the eyes are formed. Chapter 3, page 59 (TCOs 2, 3, and 4) What effect does watching television have on the developing brain? Any television watching prior to age 2 is likely to inhibit healthy brain development. Toddlers might improve their vocabulary and social skills by watching high-quality television programs. Television programs such as Sesame Street can interfere with synaptogenesis. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children between 18 months and 2 years of age watch 2–3 hours per day of educational programming. Chapter 4, page 87 (TCOs 2, 3, and 4) Your friend Olga is a new first-time mother. Her 6-week-old infant has shown a recent increase in crying. She doesn't know whether this is because she is picking the child up every time that it cries. She is asking you for advice. What would you say to her? She should take her child to the doctor to see if she has colic. It is normal for crying to increase over the first 6 weeks of life, and picking her child up will not reinforce the crying. Increased crying in the first 6 weeks of life is normal, but Olga should not pick up the infant every time it cries. Olga should not worry; the crying usually decreases by the second week of life. Chapter 4, page 89 (TCOs 2, 3, and 4) Moesha and Nick have a newborn. If their baby is an average infant, by his first birthday he will have had which of the following? Measles Several instances of sleep apnea No illnesses whatsoever Seven respiratory illnesses Chapter 4, page 93 (TCOs 4, 5, and 6) Chun Lee sticks anything in his mouth that he can get his hands on. He has also started looking in the general direction of sounds that he hears. Chun Lee is exhibiting which of the following? Primary circular reactions Secondary circular reactions Coordination of secondary schemes Tertiary circular reactions Chapter 5, page 109 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) Brody is entertaining himself and his mother with his repetitious "dadadada, babababa" as if he just likes the sound of his own voice. What is Brody doing? Babbling Cooing Muttering Recasting Chapter 5, page 120 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) Freddie is 2 months old. He smiles and coos at almost everyone he meets. Bowlby would say that Freddie is in which phase of attachment? Nonfocused orienting and signaling Focus on one or more figures Secure base behavior Internal model Chapter 6, page 135 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) Which of the following best exemplifies social referencing? Tom's father scolds Tom for being angry at his sister. Tom's father uses a light mood and a smile to transition Tom from an angry state to a calmer one. Tom's mother shows Tom pictures of different emotional expressions so that he can learn to imitate them. Tom's mother takes him away from his friends when he becomes angry at one of them for taking his toy. Chapter 6, page 136 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) Your neighbor Sarah told you that her two children were obviously very different and it was noticeable right from birth. According to Sarah, her son was fussy and rarely slept through the night, but her daughter was calm and adapted very easily to any situation. Sarah is describing which aspect of her children's differing personalities? Attachment pattern Patterns of sociability Temperament Mood Chapter 6, page 141 (TCOs 4, 5, and 6) Which of the following brain structures regulate attention and concentration? Reticular formation Hippocampus Cerebral cortex Hypothalamus Chapter 7, page 158 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) Sylvia loves to play with her toy telephone. When she holds the receiver to her face and calls "Hi!", she is engaging in which type of play? Sensorimotor First pretend play Substitute pretend play Rule-governed play Chapter 7, page 163 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) On which two factors do young children rely as they categorize or classify other people? Their own internal models of attachment and their metacognitions about the other person The other person's moral rules and social graces Their most recent interactions with the person and the other person's observable characteristics Their own powers of observation and previous social experiences with similar people Chapter 8, page 184 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) Kyle and Tawnie are playing school. Kyle is pretending to be the teacher and Tawnie is pretending to be the student. Tawnie is well behaved as a student and answers questions appropriately when Kyle asks them. Tawnie's behavior is an example of which of the following? Role modeling Gender modeling Role rehearsal Social scripts Chapter 8, page 189 (TCOs 3, 4, and 5) When 4-year-old Mariella thinks of activities, behaviors, or personal characteristics as being "for mommy" or "for daddy," she is using which of the following? Gender stereotypes Gender concepts Gender schemas Sex-typing Chapter 8, page 190 (TCO 6) Which of the following statements is correct regarding girls' and boys' physical development during middle childhood? Boys are more advanced than girls in the development of fine motor coordination. Boys are more advanced than girls in their rate of growth in height. Boys perform worse than girls in activities that require strength and speed. Girls are more advanced than boys in skeletal and muscular maturation, which makes girls more coordinated. Chapter 9, page 217 (TCOs 6 and 7) Which of the following is the best example of a child's use of inductive logic? Sean's mother showed him an apple cut into two pieces and an apple cut into four pieces and asked him which one was more apple. Sean was able to reply correctly, "They are the same." Beverly's assignment in language arts class was to write a paper about what her life would be like if she were a boy. Imani's teacher was kind on the first day of class. From that he assumed that she is probably a nice person. David has learned that he is better at language arts than math, so he has to spend more time and work harder on his math lessons. Chapter 9, page 223 (TCOs 6 and 7) Which one of the following questions would be the focus of psychologists who use the information-processing perspective to understand children's cognitive development? How does the efficient use of short-term memory capacity change with age? How does one child's cognitive ability compare to or differ from the average cognitive abilities of other children of the same age? What cognitive structures are common to all children? How do children's developing sensory capabilities and improving motor skills support their cognitive development? Chapter 9, page 225 (TCOs 6 and 8) Leticia failed to ride her bike up the hill with her friends. She later asked her father to remove the training wheels from her bike so that she would no longer feel embarrassed. This is an example of which part of social-cognitive theory? The person component Residual traits Extroversion Reciprocal determinism Chapter 10, page 248 (TCOs 6 and 8) According to Piaget's ideas about children's moral development, a child who insists that the rules of a game cannot be changed because they come from authorities such as parents or religious figures is demonstrating moral development at which stage? Moral relativism Moral realism Ego ideal Postconventional Chapter 10, page 253 (TCOs 6 and 8) Of the following, which is an example of controlling speech used among middle childhood boys? "I can help." "Why are you so mean?" "Can you fix this?" "Try to stop me.” Chapter 10, page 257 (TCOs 7 and 9) Which of the following groups is more likely to have a negative body image, get into trouble at school and with peers, and engage in delinquent behavior? Late-maturing boys Early maturing boys Late-maturing girls Early maturing girls Chapter 11, page 279 (TCOs 7 and 9) Among teenagers, what is the most commonly used illicit drug? Alcohol Cocaine Marijuana Diet pills Chapter 11, page 287 (TCOs 7 and 9) Whenever Jean walks by a mirror or any reflective surface, he stops to make sure that his hair looks good and that his clothes look acceptable to his peers. Which principle is at work here? Piaget's theory of centration Elkind's theory of the imaginary audience Elkind's theory of formal operations Piaget's theory of deductive logic Chapter 11, page 293 (TCOs 7 and 9) Which of Freud's psychosexual stages is reached in the post-pubertal years? Latency Genital Libidinous Phallic Chapter 12, page 306 (TCOs 7 and 9) Mac is noted for baking the best cheesecake in town and is also the person everyone calls when their car won't start. Mac can comfort a crying child and fix a flat tire with equal competence. Mac's gender role identity is most likely transsexual. undifferentiated. indeterminate. androgynous. Chapter 12, page 311 (TCOs 7 and 9) Don's parents are politically conservative and consider themselves religious. Don's values are very much the same as his parents, but he has several friends who are active in politically liberal causes. Don's friends ask him to join them for a rally to protest the local library's plan to limit teenagers' access to the Internet. What is Don most likely to do? Join his friends at the rally Change his values Find a new group of friends Put pressure upon his friends to change their course of action Chapter 12, page 324 (TCO 10) What is the term that researchers use to describe the basic, underlying, inevitable processes of physical change that affect all human beings? Life dissatisfaction Primary aging Secondary aging Core aging Chapter 13, page 334 (TCO 10) Which of the following are key components of the human immune system? The liver and kidneys The thymus gland and the bone marrow Neurotransmitters and hormones The pancreas and the liver Chapter 13, page 339 (TCOs 10 and 11) What component of evolutionary theory suggests that women and men have different mate selection priorities because they have unequal roles and responsibilities in producing and caring for children? Assortive mating Filter theory Heterogeneity Parental investment theory Chapter 14, page 366 (TCOs 10 and 11) Which of the following is true regarding parenthood? In the United States, 75% of women aged 18 to 34 have had or expect to have children. In the United States, women value parenthood more than men. In the United States, the number of men who view parenthood as a life-enriching experience is greater than the number of women who feel this way. Mothers are more likely than fathers to be emotionally attached to their unborn children during the third trimester of pregnancy. Chapter 14, page 375 (TCO 11) Gilda is 35 years old. Her estrogen levels have decreased, her menstrual periods have become very irregular, and she experiences periods of extreme sweating. What's happening with Gilda? She is in the premenopausal phase of menopause. She is in the postmenopausal phase of menopause. She is in the perimenopausal phase of menopause. Gilda is too young to be experiencing menopause so she should see her doctor. Chapter 15, page 393 (TCO 11) According to Denney's model, the maximum level of cognitive and physical function an individual can achieve with exercise steadily decreases as the individual ages. steadily increases as the individual ages. is determined by social class, gender, and ethnicity. stabilizes at about age 40. Chapter 15, page 405 (TCO 11) What is Erikson's developmental task of middle adulthood? Dialectical thought versus problem resolution Ego integrity versus despair Generativity versus stagnation Intimacy versus isolation Chapter 16, page 414 (TCO 11) Based upon the classification system of voluntary and involuntary career changers, which of the following is a reason for an involuntary career change? To leave a job that does not pay enough To have a job that is more meaningful or fulfilling To leave a job because of a planned retirement Organizational restructuring that results in elimination of the job Chapter 16, page 425 (TCO 11) After eating, the blood sugar rises, resulting in chemical message being sent to the brain that causes the individual to feel full. What is the term for this sensation of fullness? Glucose satisfaction Insulin resistance Satiety Sugar-response effect Chapter 17, page 444 (TCO 12) Mahmoud's grandparents have him to help them buy a computer and teach them how to use the internet. Which of the following terms describes Mahmoud's grandparents' readiness to learn something new? Social engagement Cognitive adventurousness Geriatric thymia Super cognition Chapter 18, page 464 Question 50 3 / 3 pts (TCO 12) Charles has recently learned that he is terminally ill. He has since begun to lash out at his family and at the medical personnel involved in his care. Kübler-Ross would suggest that this behavior can be explained by which of the following? A wish to punish others and make them feel pain, too A loss of control and sense of helplessness Cognitive changes brought on by the stress of the situation Interactions between medications Chapter 19, page 494 (TCOs 1, 3, and 4) Think about how you were taught to read. What approach was used? Describe the balanced approach and the use of guided reading sessions. How effective do these methods seem to be? Your Answer: When I was first being taught how to read, I was taught using the balanced approach. A balanced approach emphasized the need for hands-on instruction and the importance of using that instruction in a relatable context. This ensures that students are able to relate to what they are reading, and gives what they are reading a personal relationship to better comprehend. Guided reading sessions are an instructional approach to help students work on their reading skills in small groups with the instruction of a teacher. Students with similar reading skills are grouped together to read a text with a similar reading level. These methods seem to be effective as they are commonly used in classroom settings today. However, there may be individual situations where some students may not benefit from these kinds of methods and must be instructed and helped using a different and unique approach. See Chapter 9, page 228. Of course the means by which each student learned to read is going to vary by age and culture. The balanced approach to reading emphasizes that education must go beyond basic phonics. Guided reading refers to working with small groups of children using books that are somewhat difficult for them. The teacher's role is to help the children devise strategies that help them in pronunciation and reading skills. This is an application of Vygotsky's theory. (TCOs 7 and 9) Micah comes from a middle-class family. Both parents work and he has two brothers and one sister. His friend Sheila is an only child and her father is the CEO of a large company. Sheila's mother can afford to stay at home. Describe some of the differences in terms of academic achievement, social skills, and self-esteem that you might expect to see between Sheila and Micah. Your Answer: 2. Micah will have more trouble getting homework done if he comes across a topic he does not know well, because he will not have a parent home to help him with his work. Sheila will have an easier time as she has a mother that is present at all times at home. Micah might have better social skills than Sheila because he needs to become more independent in his day to day activities which may include walking to the bus stop by himself or walking to and from school alone because his parents are unable to give him a ride. Therefore, in order to create some company on lonely walks, he will probably be more willing to be open to making new friends. Sheila will have her mother taking her to and from school, which limits Sheila’s interactions with other students. Micah’s self-esteem may be lower than Sheila’s because his parents both work had to support him and his other siblings, so they are likely living paycheck to paycheck. He will not wear the latest fashion trend and might go a week too long before he gets a haircut. With Sheila, she can compensate for her lack of social skills with the fact that her parents likely purchase whatever she wants since she is an only child, and her father makes enough money to be able to only have one parent working. See Chapter 10, page 255. Many people assume that only children lack social skills. This is not true if they have a network of friends and are socialized from an early age. Micah may be at a disadvantage in terms of academic achievement and self-esteem because he may have less quality time with his parents and his familial income will likely not support the same types of clothes, games, and so forth that Sheila has. This exemplifies the concept of resource dilution. Other research would say, however, that if Micah assumes responsibility for one or more of his siblings, his self-esteem will grow because of his sense of being needed and taking on responsibility at which he is competent. (TCOs 5 and 10) Summarize the pros and cons of hormone therapy during and after menopause. Include in your answer the effectiveness of HT and how the risks of HT can be reduced. Your Answer: Hormone therapy help reduce the symptoms of menopause, it does not extend menopause nor is to be used to improve reproductive fertility. Even though it was once thought that Hormone therapy protected women against heart disease and dementia, current research shows that long-term use of hormone therapy significantly increases the risk of ovarian and breast cancer and does little to prevent heart disease. The safest means of delivering Hormone therapy seems to be to deliver the hormones through the skin by using patches or creams. Also, it is important to use the lowest dose possible to obtain the desired effects. See Chapter 15, page 394. HT is only effective at reducing the symptoms of menopause; it does not prolong menopause nor improve reproductive capacity. Even though it was once thought that HT protected women against heart disease and dementia, current research shows that long-term use of HT significantly increases the risk of ovarian and breast cancer and does little to prevent heart disease. The safest means of delivering HT seems to be to deliver the hormones through the skin by using patches or creams. Also, it is important to use the lowest dose possible to obtain the desired effects. (TCO 11) Briefly describe the concept of selective optimization with compensation. Give an example of this process. Your Answer: Middle-aged adults focus on one task at a time in order to manage the demands of competing tasks. They optimize performance in areas of focus through continued practice and the use of new technologies. Older adults need to compensate when life task require a higher level of capacity. An example might be remolding a home alone rather with other family members. The project involves physical skills such as using a hammer and nails, the person will utilize other tools to help hold pieces of the project together while fastening them as they realize that their ability to coordinate and manipulate several pieces of an object at the same time are limited. See Chapter 15, page 405. Middle-aged adults focus on one task at a time in order to manage the demands of competing tasks. They optimize the skills that they believe can be improved by exercising them as much as possible, using compensatory strategies to offset the effects of aging. An example might be working on a project while alone rather than in a room with other family members. If the project involves physical skills, such as using a hammer and nails, the person will utilize other tools to help hold pieces of the project together while fastening them as they realize that their ability to coordinate and manipulate several pieces of an object at the same time are limited. [Show More]

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