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Question 1 (3.5 points) Treatment for epididymitis includes which of Me following? *" *’ !! Warm sitz baths " .’ 3) Masturbation 't-*' 4) Heat application After 6 mont... hs of Synthroid therapy, Ihe clinician should expect which result in the repeat thyroid stimulating hormone studies* *' !) Elevated :› 2) Normal ",y 4) Undetectable Question 2 (2.5 points) Which of the following medications for temporomandibular disorder kas the warning that patients should NOT drive whiie taking It? ' *) Naprosyn 't 3t Tylenol Question 4 (3.5 points) A 24-year-old woman presents to the clinic with dysuria, dyspareunia, and a mucopurulent vaginal discharge. Her boyfriend was recently treated for nongonococcal urethritis. What sexually transmltted disease has she most probaT been exposed to? '*” ' !) Gonorrhea !t” *I HPV 4) Trichomoniasis Question 5 (3.5 points) Whlch of the following Is the form of external otitis In which bacterial Infection extends from the auditory canal into the skulls’ 2) Otitis extema ) 3) Necrotizing otitis 41 $ j yjmer’s ear Question 7 (3.5 points) Which test is used to confirm a diagnosis of epididymitis? 1} uonaivsis 2) jgyjyj stain of urethral discharge *) Complete blood cell count whh differential 4) Ultrasound of the scrotum Question 6 (3.5 points) Which causes the greatest percentage of mammalian bites? *) Humans 4/ Rodents Question B (3.5 pointsf Which statement accurately describes the APRN‘s scope of practice* 1) Regulation of the APRN’s practice ensures publtc understanding. *) Thfs delineates the permissible boundaries of APRN professional practice. It expands the APRN's practice outside each state's nurse practice act provisions. Each APRH defines his or her own aspect of practice to be included in a Question 9 (3.5 points) The nurse is working ›vilh a 65-year- olJ patient who was recentlY t4iagnOsetJ wi th hypertension. The patient is coneernecl about their oplimal health vvi th their new diagnosis. Which nursing ac tion is necessary for health Promotion with the patient* !* Disc tissinh appropriate strLss naanagcment techni‹Iuos 2/ Sharing with the patient how to inrrcnsc sodium consumption ** Di'5cussing with the patient excrciscs that increase heart rate ** Emphasizing the import Inc c of avoiding flu vaccinations question lJ t3. 5 pointer Which theory regarding the aging process is linked to cancer anci Alzheimer's disc asc* ! Replic ating senescence *! Wcakcning of the Jmmun o system ’! Oxidative c1amago Tciome re shortening Question 10 {3. 5 psi \tsJ Which of the following woulcf be a caust of ncriropathic paint ! ) Bone metastascs 2) Pr› I HER pETlC min *) Musculoskeletal inflammation Posts\Jr tical incisional pain Question 12 (Z. 5 poinl s) Which heart souncl is assot iatod with c!ecrcasccl elasticity of the left vcntriclc in left vonti icular hyportrophy? *! A fixed split S2 V S3 41 s‹ Question 13 (3.S points) Heart valve damage resulting from acute rheumatic fever is a long-term sequelae resulting from infection with which of the following pathogens? '. ' !) Caxsackievirus ' 2) Cytomega]ovTrus ' *) Francisella tularensis !.”” ' 4) Group A streptococcus What is the most Eommon form of heart disease in a patient with atrial fibrillation? ” !! Hypertension _ .’ 2) Rheumatic heart disease ”' *) Angina " ”! 4) Coronary artery disease associated with heart failure Question 14 (3.5 points) A 21 -year-old sŁudent presenżs with complaints of fatigue, headache. anorexia, anda runny nose. all of which began abouŁ 2 weeks ago. She started taking vitamins and over-the-counter cold preparations but feels worse. The smell of food makes her nauseated. Her boyfriend had mononucleosis about I monŁh ago. and she wonders if she might have it also. Exam]nation rqveals cervical adenopaŁhy and an enlarged {iver ąnd spleen. Whicłl of the fallowing labs would be most helpful in the differentiat diagnosis at this point? ” 1) Stool culture ' *! Liver enzymes ' ! Antihepntitis D virus ”.' 4) Thyroid- stimulating hormone lesf Question 16 (3.S points) A 15-year-old girl is seen in the clinic because she has not yet had her first period. Which of the following questions would help the clinician determine the cause? ' *! “How long have you been underweight*” -” . g) “Wat your mother pregnant with you when she was of advanced maternal ””"”” age*" ’" “' 4) *Have You noticed any changes in your moods lately?” Question 17 (3.5 points) The clinician is examining the back of Christian, a IS year-old male. What is the correct may for the cllntcian to check for hamstring flexibility? '•-•* !) Christian should sit on the exam table ąnd touCh his toes 2) Christian shoulo stand up straight and fleX 45 degrees forward at the waist, •-/ >) Chrlstian shoutd sit on the exam table and twist from slde to side. O 4› Chratfan shoułd stand un stralght and fłex 90 de¥zees forward at the wałcŁ Question 19 (3.5 points) Though Common as people age, what conceming disease can dysphonia be a cardinal sign for? • !! LarynBeal cancer t’ 3T Bronchitis Question 18 (3.5 points) Which statement is true regardTng driving and patients with a seizure d‹sorder? '•t/*’ !) Onca dtagnosed whh a seizum disorder, patients must never drive agatn. ( I‘ 2) ĄHer being sei2Ufe free for 6 months. patients may drive. Each state has different laws governing driving for individuals with a seizure disorder. 4) /} \ese persons may drive but never alone. You are using the CURB-65 clinical prediction tool to decide whether Latisha, whom you have diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia ICAP), should be hospitalized or treated at home. Which of the following risk factors would Increase Latisha's Ehance of CAP-associated mortality and complications? ' -* !! Temperature of 100EF '. ’ *! Resplratory rate 22 breaths per mlnute /”. *) Hemoglobin 9.S g/dL /’ 4t Hislory of diabetes mellitus Question 21 (3.5 points) Which of the following patterns is at risk I'or developing urinary-tract canEer* !! The 45-year-old woman who Is 10 lbs underweight / 2) The 78 year-old man who smokes three packs of cigarettes a day *) The 84 year-old man who worked in an office sehing ”/ 4) The 25-year-old woman who has a lactose allergy Which of the following ififormation patients with a UTI can receive BactrJm DS? 17 !! Mary, a 25-year-old who is 25 weeks pregnant ! Donna. a 55 year-old with an allergy to sulfa 3) Lisa. a 33-year old who Is breastfeeding her 3-week-old daughter 1 4) Tiffany, a 16-year-old with a hypersensitivity to penicillin Question 22 (3.5 points) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding pain? If a patient complains of pain but has no physical signs. he or she is most likely exhlbit1ng drug-seeking behaviors. 2) jI\cute pain is more intense and severe than chronic pain. ‘•E *i Pain is a subjective experience related to actual or potential tissue damage. ‘’ 4) Nociceptive pain represents a normal response to lnjury of tfssue. Question 24 (3.5 points) Which treatment would the clinician recommend for a patient who has relative pofycythemla? !) Rehydration *) Antihtstamlnes *) Weekly phfebotomies 4)R eferral to hematologlst Question 25 (3.5 points) Which board administers and defines advanced nursing practice in all states? ÉÜ !) The Board of Nursing ! The Board of Medlcine *) The Board of Pharmacy ÉÙ 4) lt is different for each state. Question 27 (3.5 poinM Diagnostic testing for a patient with a newly detected hypertension should include all of the following except: *) Hematocrît *) Urlc acid 3) Creatfnine Question 2ô (3.5 points) An aEutely presenting. erythematous. tender lumg within the eyeTid Ts cafled: ÉÜ !) Blepharitis >t Hordeolum C* *I Chalazion 4) |ritis Question 28 (3.3 points\ In the model for future Advanced Practice Regîstered Nurse (APRN) practiœ, what does the "C" of LACE represent? 'I) Consensus C’ 3) Certification [Show More]

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