Biology > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > Portage Learning - FINAL BIOD 152 (answered spring 2022)Distinction Level Assignment Has everything. (All)

Portage Learning - FINAL BIOD 152 (answered spring 2022)Distinction Level Assignment Has everything.

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Portage Learning - FINAL BIOD 152 Spring 2022. This is a bundle of axons found in the peripheral nervous system. This part of the autonomic system increases digestion. The dorsal root of a ... nerve contains what type of neurons? This part of a neuron conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body. A neuron going to the bicep of the forearm is part of the: A. central nervous system B. peripheral nervous system C. Autonomic system D. Somatic system E. A&C F. B&D The neuron pictured, below, is best described as: A. Bipolar B. Multipolar C. Unipolar D. Pseudounipolar True or false: Neurons do not physically touch one another. Describe the synthesis and storage of neurotransmitters. An efferent neuron carries information: A. From the central to the peripheral nervous system B. From the peripheral to the central nervous system C. Within the central nervous system D. Within the peripheral nervous system A postsynaptic neuron would be found: A. before the synapse B. after the synapse C. inside the synapse D. Only in the central nervous system What is the location and function of Satellite cells? A patient's spinal cord was severed in a car accident. Would the patient be expected to regrow axons in their spinal cord? Why or why not? Name and describe what is occurring in the neuron cell membrane in section 4 of the diagram. Include the charge of the membrane during this phase. Correct ANS- This is phase 4: afterpolarization (hyperpolarization), the potassium gates are slow to clse and that results in an undershoot of the potential, the voltage will drop below -70mV and the return to the restign state beings. At rest, a neuron plasma membrane is: A. -70 mV B. +40 mV C. Hyperpolarized D. Depolarized Which of the following is false concerning the sodium-potassium pump? A. it maintains the resting phase of an axon B. For every three sodium ions pumped out, two potassium ions are pumped in C. it must remain in constant operation to maintain the resting state D. The overall effect is a negative charge on the outside of the membrane True or false: A sensory neuron is signaling the body of extreme pain. This means that the strength of the action potential is greater than usual. Explain your reasoning Which of the following statements is false concerning the neuromuscular junction? A. Sodium ions release from the presynaptic motor neuron B. Calcium ions release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to cause muscle contraction C. Sodium channels open on the muscle fibers in response to the neurotransmitter D. The NMJ is found in the peripheral nervous system What prevents continuous stimulation of a nerve synapse and how is this accomplished? What neurotransmitter is found at the neuromuscular junctions? True or False: Action potentials travel in multiple directions within the same neuron. True or False: Reflexes occur only with conscious intervention from the brain Fill in the blank: In a reflex, the ____________ neuron conducts nerve impulses along a pathway towards the central nervous system. Where is the integration center of a reflex located? Which of the following is false about reflexes? A. Reflexes do not require higher levels of voluntary processing from the brain B.Regulation of blood sugar by hormones is one example of a reflex C. Some reflexes can be tested to determine injury D. Pulling a hand away from a hot flame is not a reflex; it is entirely voluntary What is false about the stretch reflex? A. the effect of the motor signal is to relax a muscle B. The patellar reflex test the stretch reflex of the quadriceps femoris C. The muscle is spindle detects stretch within the muscle D. Stretch reflexes help to decrease the stretch on a muscle What is true about the flexor withdrawal reflex? A. It does not involve interneurons B. It involves excitatory interneurons C. It involves inhibitory interneurons D. The effect of the reflex is to create a co-contraction of two muscles E. A&D F. B& C Your doctor taps on your patellar tendon. List out the steps, in detail, of the nervous pathway of the reflex he is testing. Include any sensory organs involved and the action of the reflex. *No interneuron* action: to muscle fiber to contract quadriceps (kicking foot) Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease which attacks the myelin sheath of the nerve axon. Patients with this disease may experience difficulty using the muscles of their arms and legs. Explain why this would occur. This layer of the meninges is tightly attached to the brain. The _______ fissure separates the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Describe the function of the brain ventricles. All the following are functions of the hypothalamus except: A. maintain homeostasis B. controls the pituitary gland C. links the nervous and endocrine systems D. relays sensory impulses to the cerebrum This ventricle is located anterior to the cerebellum. A. lateral B. Medial C. Third D. Fourth This region of the brain acts to coordinate multiple sources of sensory information. A. Primary sensory cortex B. Primary motor cortex C. Association area D. Precentral gyrus E. Postcentral gyrus A patient is having difficulty producing speech sounds, but other motor movements are normal. Which area of the brain is most likely damaged? A. Broca's area B. Wernicke's area C. Occipital lobe D. Parietal lobe E. Primary motor cortex Describe how memories are stored and retrieved in the brain. Include a specific brain region. Which statement is false concerning the brainstem? A. The midbrain portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord B. The pons helps to regulate breathing C. The midbrain contains the superior and inferior colliculi D. The medulla contains reflex centers to regulate vasoconstriction Which of the following is false concerning the cerebellum? A. The gray matter is external while the mater is internal B. The cerebellar peduncles are located posteriorly C.The anterior lobe receives information from the body trunk D. The vermis coordinates arm movements Alzheimer's disease impacts which region(s) of the brain? A. occipital lobe B. Frontal lobe C. Parietal lobe D. Hippocampus E. All of the above Correct ANS- E. all of the above Which of the following is false concerning a CVA? A. An ischemic stroke is also know as a "brain bleed" B. A TIA is form of an ischemic stroke C. Stroke survivors may regain some lost functions through therapy D. A hemorrhagic stroke is due to a broken blood vessel A patient has decreased hand strength in her right hand. She also has numbness in her first three digits. What is most likely the cause? A. Spinal cord injury B. Carpal tunnel syndrome C. Ulnar nerve damage D. CVA in the parietal lobe Label the following spinal cord regions in the diagram below: 1: _____________________ 3: _____________________ 4: _____________________ 6: _____________________ 11: ____________________ What cranial nerve is highlighted in blue (also indicated by the arrow) in the figure below? A. Optic B. Oculomotor C. Trochlear D. Abducens E. Spinal accessory What type of nerve is the cranial nerve below and what does it control? (Highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) A. Mixed; sensation of digestive tract and regulation of heart rate B. Motor; tongue movement C. Sensory: hearing and balance D. Mixed; Facial muscles and taste Which of the following is true about the trigeminal nerve? A. The mandibular branch receives sensory information from taste buds B. The ophthalmic branch controls eye movements C. The maxillary branch receives information from the upper lip D. The maxillary branch controls the muscles of mastication Use the figure below to answer the following questions. Answer by writing the letter (A-J) from the figure that corresponds with the correct cranial nerve. 1. This cranial nerve receives sensory information for smell. 2. This cranial nerve controls the inferior oblique muscle. 3. This cranial nerve has three branches. 4.This cranial nerve is responsible for taste on the anterior portion of the tongue. 5. This cranial nerve is responsible for taste on the posterior portion of the tongue. Label the nerves (A-C) in the figure below: A: _________________ B: _________________ C: _________________ The lumbar plexus is from spinal nerves: A. T12- L04 B. L04-SO4 C. C01-C05 D. L01-S01 A patient is on a ventilator post a car accident. What region of the spine is most likely damaged? A. L01-L05 B. S01-S05 C.T01-T12 D.C03-C05 A patient damaged the radial nerve. What action is most likely limited? A. Elbow flexion B. Hip Extension C. Wrist flexion D. Wrist extension A patient has decreased sensation over the posterior surface of the thigh. What nerve is most likely damaged? A. Femoral B. Sciatic C. Saphenous D. Common fibular nerve Which of the following is true concerning the brachial plexus? A. Roots are located furthest from the spinal cord B. There are anterior and posterior divisions C. Divisions branch next into two cord: anterior and posterior D. The posterior cord forms the median nerve These contain the ganglia for the sympathetic nervous system that controls the effector organs in the trunk, head and limbs. A. sympathetic trunk ganglia B. Celiac ganglion C. Superiomesenteric ganglion D.Inferior mesenteric ganglion E. Ciliary ganglion Which of the following is false concerning the sympathetic nervous system? A. It is also called the thoracolumbar division B. It is also called the craniosacral division C. The primary neurotransmitter is norepinephrine D. It inhibits the digestive tract A patient comes into the ER following an accident. She is scared and starting to hyperventilate. You talk with her in a calm, reassuring manner as she receives medical care. You are trying to increase the activity in which division of her nervous system? Explain your answer. If someone sustains an injury to the area of the spinal cord, as shown below by the blue oval, would you be more likely to see paralysis or decreased sensation? Explain your answer. One of your patients sustained an ischemic CVA. You notice that their gait is very unsteady. It almost appears as if they are intoxicated. What portion of the brain was most likely affected by the stroke? Explain your answer. What sense does not have specialized sense organs? A. smell B. touch C. equilibrium D. A&C The outer fibrous layer of the eye includes the: A. sclera and cornea B. ciliary body and iris C. pupil and retina D. Lens and vitreous fluid The middle layer of the eye includes which regions? A. aqueous humor and cornea B. Ciliary body and iris C. Cones and rods D. optic nerve and retina True or false: The more numerous type of photoreceptors are rods. What is the correct order of how light passes through the eye? A. Cornea, lens, pupil, retina B. Lens, retina, cornea, pupil C. Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, retina D. Lens, vitreous fluid, cornea, retina A patient had a CVA in the area indicated by the red x in the figure, below. What type of blindness is the patient most likely to incur? Explain your reasoning A. Left eye blindness B. Right eye blindness C. Bilateral left visual field blindness D. Bilateral right visual field blindness. The right optic tract is damaged. All the sensory information from the left visual fields travels together after the optic chiasm to the right side of the brain A patient is found to have blindness in the right eye. What part of the vision pathway was most likely damaged? Explain your response A. Optic chiasm B. Occipital lobe C. Left optic nerve D. Right optic nerve Information from the right visual field has not yet crossed at the optic chiasm. Both peripheral and nasal fields of the right eye would be missing True or False: The lateral fibers of the optic nerves cross at the optic chiasm. The ________ is controlled by the trochlear nerve. A. superior rectus B. medial rectus C. lateral rectus D. superior oblique Your elderly patient is discussing her vision problems. She describes her vision as blurry. Following a visual examination, her left eye deviates medially when looking straight ahead. What is most likely causing the vision problem? Explain your reasoning A. Cataracts B. Abducens nerve damage C. Brain tumor in the occipital lobe D. Medial rectus damage E. Superior rectus damage The abducens nerve controls the lateral rectus. Damage to the lateral rectus would cause there to be a muscle imbalance, and the medial rectus would pull the eye medially when looking straight ahead, causing blurry vision (Diplopia) Match the numbers (1-5) in the figure below with the correct terms (A-H). Note: not all terms will be used. 1- A: Scala Tympani 2- B: Facial Nerve 3- C: Tympanic Membrane 4- D: Cochlear duct 5- E: Organ of Corti F: External acoustic meatus G: Cochlear Nerve H: Scala Vestibuli Which of the following statements is true regarding the external ear? A. the lobule contains cartilage B. The auricle funnels sound into the external acoustic meatus C. The helix does not contain cartilage D. The external acoustic meatus travels through the parietal bone Which of the following statements is true regarding the middle ear? A. it is filled with fluid B. it is filled with air C. The malleus receives vibrations from the stapes D. The stapes receives vibrations from the cochlea Which of the following statement is true regarding the inner ear? A. the organ of corti is responsible for the body's auditory sense B. It is filled with air C. The cochlea is responsible for the body's vestibular sense D. There are two semicircular canals which house sensory receptors Place the terms (A-H) in the correct order for the hearing pathway. Note: not all terms will be used. Sound waves are funneled in the ___1_____. Vibrations push against the __2_____ which moves the ossicles. The stapes pushes against the ___3____. Movement of the ___4____ causes neurons to send impulses through the __5___ to the brain. Label the figure below with the correct papillae: (A-C). A: B: C: True or false: Olfaction is a chemical sense activated by chemical substances dissolved in the nasal mucous membranes. Which of the following is not one of the primary odors in humans? A. Floral B. Musky C. Pungent D. Putrid E. Pheromones A person cannot perceive tastes from the posterior portion of the tongue. What nerve is most likely damaged? A bolus is formed by the ? A. Nasal Mucosa B. Tongue C. Temporal lobe D. Oculomotor nerve The papillae that do not contain taste buds are A patient has lost his sense of smell following a car accident. What term should be documented should to describe his loss of smell? True or False: The tongue only contains receptors that are chemoreceptors for taste. Describe the steps in the olfactory pathway. Begin in the nasal cavity and end in the specific lobe of the brain. A patient sustains an injury to the malleus. What type of deafness does this patient most likely have? Explain your answer The circulatory system is response for which of the following functions? A. Supply cells with oxygen B. Transportation of gases C. Rid cells of waste D. Prevents loss of blood E. All the above The pericardial cavity contains in the: A. lungs B. heart C. descending aorta D. circle of willis Which layer of heart anchors it to the diaphragm? A. Endocardium B. Mediastinal C. Myocardium D. Pericardium What is the purpose of the fossa ovalis in a fetus? Label the figure below (A-E): A: B: C: D: (In blue) E: Name the vessel in the figure below: (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) Name the vessel in the figure below: (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) Name the vessel in the figure below: (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) True or False: Arteries have high amounts of stretch with little recoil. Which vessel would you expect to be the best place to feel a strong pulse? A. Subclavian vein B. Inferior Vena Cava C. Common carotid D. Brachiocephalic vein What is the correct order of blood flow starting from the heart? A. Artery - arteriole - capillary - venule - vein B. Arteriole - artery - capillary - vein - venule C. Artery - capillary - arteriole - venule - vein D. Vein - venule - capillary - arteriole - artery Which layer of a vessel helps anchor it to the surrounding structures? A. Tunica externa B. Tunica media C. Tunica intima D. Subendothelial tissue The left and right _______ veins carry blood next to the superior vena cava. A. Brachiocephalic B. Common carotid C. Subclavian D. Aortic arch A patient had a stroke in their pons portion of the brainstem. What vessel was most likely blocked? A. Anterior cerebral artery B. Posterior cerebral artery C. Basilar artery D. Vertebral artery These two arteries of the circle of Willis rise along both sides of the spinal cord, joining in the brainstem: What is the name of the artery in the figure below (in blue also indicated by the arrow)? Use the figure below to answer the following question. Portion A is filled with air. This part of the medical equipment (B-F) releases the air from True or False: The liquid portion of blood is called formed elements. True or False: Hydrostatic pressure is the net pressure which pushes fluid into the tissues. The portion of blood responsible for maintaining blood pH is: A. Plasma B. Serum C. Formed elements D. Hydrostatic elements _______ is a cell fragment from a large bone marrow cell: A. White blood cells B. Red blood cells C. Megakaryocytes D. Platelets Which statement is false concerning the events in the coagulation cascade? A. Plasmin destroy the fibrin network B. Fibrin is converted to fibrinogen C. Platelets becomes trapped in a fibrin network of threads D. Prothrombin is converted to thrombin The ______ sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs to be oxygenated. A. Left, systemic circuit B. Right, pulmonary circuit C. Left, pulmonary circuit D. Right, systemic circuit The pacemaker of the heart is the: A. Bundle of His B. AV node C. SA node D. Purkinje fibers You are reviewing your patient's results from an EKG. The findings indicate a problem with ventricular depolarization. Where should you look on the EKG to find this abnormal rhythm? A. T-wave B. QRS complex C. The electrical activity cannot be read on an EKG D. P-wave Your patient's EKG results indicate difficulty with left and right atrial systole. What part of the conduction system is not functioning properly? A. Atrioventricular node B. SA node C. Bundle of His D. Purkinje fibers Which statement is true concerning the cardiac cycle? A. the dub sound is heard when the semilunar valves close B. The lub sound is heard when the atrioventricular valves close C. The lub sound is heard when the semilunar valves open D. The dub sound is heard when the atrioventricular valves open E. A&B are true F. C&D A patient is suspected to have peripheral edema due to heart failure. Which side of the heart would be in failure? Explain your answer. A patient has a diagnosis of left sided heart failure. Which of the following signs/symptoms would they most likely present with? A. shortness of breath at rest B. Swollen ankles C. all the above A patient is admitted to the ER with a myocardial infarction. What signs/symptoms could they display? A. shortness of breath B. Angina pectoris C. Heartburn D. Pressure over the chest E. all the above Your patient has a diagnosis of atherosclerosis. Would you expect your patient to also have hypertension? Why or why not? Your patient is admitted to the hospital for an angioplasty. Use your own words to explain to your patient about what is going to happen in this procedure. Label the organ below (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow): Name the lymphatic vessel below (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow): True or False: Lymph flows in one direction from the tissues to the venous system. True or False: Fluid inside tissues that is not returned via the veins is returned to the heart through the lymph system. True or False: Lymph fluid moves in the following order: Interstitial fluid→ lymph capillaries→ Lymph vessels→ Lymphatic Duct→ Veins A patient has lymphedema in his right leg. What vessel would most likely be obstructed? A. Thoracic duct B. Right lymphatic duct C. Inferior vena cava D. Femoral vein Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning lymph nodes? A. the groin contains a large grouping of lymph nodes B. The axilla contains a large grouping of lymph nodes C. A lymph node is an encapsulated fibrous connective tissue with incoming and outgoing vessels D. There are more efferent vessels than afferent vessels E. A&B are false Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the spleen? A. it is found in the left side of the abdomen B. It acts as to remove old platelets in the blood C. It has many efferent and afferent lymph vessels D. It is divided into regions called lobules E. A&B are false Blood enters the spleen via the _______________. Blood leaving the spleen flows into this vessel which alsocarries blood drained from the intestines, stomach and pancreas. The tonsils contain channels called __________ which trap bacteria. Which of the following people would you expect to have the smallest thymus gland? A. newborn infant B. 5-year-old C. 30-year-old D. 75-year-old The thymus produces hormones which helps these types of cells mature? (Select all that apply.) A. T cells B. B cells C. Macrophages D. Neutrophils E. Eosinophils Which of the following is a part of the specific immune response system? (Select all that apply.) A. Normal flora B. Inflammatory response C. T cells D. B cells E. Stomach acid Discuss how the body induces a fever. (Be sure to include the cells and regions of the body involved) This is a located response in the tissue, causing increased blood flow, redness, and pain. Match the cell with its best description. Has granules in the nucleus and is the most abundant of the white blood cells. A. Neutrophil B. Eosinophil C. Basophil D. Macrophage E. Monocyte Match the cell with its best description. Select all that apply. Has the greatest phagocytic properties of the white blood cells. A. neutrophil B. Eosinophil C. Basophil D. Macrophage E.Monocyte Match the cell with its best description. Stains light pink in the cytoplasm with a multi-lobed nucleus. A. Neutrophil B. Eosinophil C. Basophil D. Macrophage E. Monocyte Which type of immune cell rapidly divides and produces antibodies? A. Plasma cells B. Helper T cells C. Killer B cells D. Cytokines E. NK cells These cells contain a glycoprotein receptor as part of their cell coat: A. Killer T cells B. T cells C. B cells D. Cytokines E. Interferons These lymphocytes are highly effective against abnormal body cells, such as tumor cells: A. Macrophages B. memory B cells C. Interferons D. NK cells E. Monocytes What is FALSE concerning the MHC? A. These are antibody receptors found on only certain types immune cells B. T cells recognize and destroy invading cells using MHC C. It is genetically determined and unique to each person D. Abnormal cells display a different MHC than healthy cells. Discuss how antibody-mediated immunity defends the body against diseases. Give an example of what type of cell uses this form of immunity in the body. What are immunosuppressant drugs and why are they necessary? While taking these immunosuppressant drugs the patient is more susceptible to disease Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease where the immune cells attack the ___________. A person who is highly allergic to insect bites was just stung by a wasp. An EpiPen injection was administered to prevent what from occurring? (Be as specific as possible in your response) Look at the patient in the picture below. This patient does not want further medical help. Name two concerns you discuss with your patient if she does not continue treatment. 1: Tissues/leg and foot are vulnerable to infection 2: Connective tissues and vessels become permanently stretched and distended All the following are functions of the ovaries EXCEPT: A. Production of eggs B. Maintaining the development of a fetus C. Production of estrogen D. Development of the corpus luteum Which of the following statements is true concerning oogenesis? A. It begins at the time of puberty B. The primary oocyte divides to produce a secondary oocyte C. Each primary oocyte produces in two to three mature ova D. The first polar body maintains all the cytoplasm E. B&C are true The ovarian follicle becomes the ____________ after ovulation. Name the specific region of the reproductive system highlighted in blue below (also indicated by the arrow). This layer of the uterus contracts during labor. A. Endometrium B. Mucosal coat C. Perimetrium D. Myometrium E. Serous coat Which of the following statement is false concerning the functions of the vagina? A. It serves as a birth canal B. it provides the outlet for menstrual blood during menstruation C. It secretes progesterone to maintain pregnancy D. It receives the male penis during sexual intercourse Describe the purpose of the cervix during pregnancy. Label the regions of the reproductive system below: (A-C) A: _______________ B: _______________ C: _______________ C. Vestibule True or False: The mammary alveoli begin at the nipple and divides into numerous other lobules. True or False: Milk is not produced during pregnancy because of the production of estrogen and progesterone. Blood tests indicate that progesterone and estrogen levels are both increased. Your patient is most likely in what phase of the female uterine cycle? A. Menstrual cycle B. Proliferative phase C. Secretory phase D. Luteal Phase E. Follicular phase Which of the following is false concerning the organs of the male reproductive system? A. The epididymis is the site of sperm maturation B. The vas deferens travels through the inguinal C. One produced, sperm travel to the seminal vesicles for maturation D. The epididymis is located on the posterior-lateral portion of the testis E. The testes function to produce sperm The _____________ join with the vas deferens to form an ejaculatory duct. Match the gland/organ with the best description(s) A-F. Select all that apply 1. Seminal vesicles 2 Prostate gland 3. Bulbourethral glands 4. Testes 5. Anterior Pituitary A. Secretes alkaline fluid B. Secretes vitamin C C. Produces testosterone D. Produces prostaglandins E. Produces LH F. First to secrete during ejaculation G. secretes acidic fluid Which of the following is false concerning spermatogenesis? A. Production of sperm takes longer than one month B. Spermatogenesis beings at puberty C. Each gamete has a total of 23 chromosomes D. Each primary spermatocyte produces four viable gametes E. Males have all the sperm at birth that will be made during the lifetime Correct ANS- E. Males have all the sperm at birth that will be made during the lifetime Label the regions of reproductive system below: (A-C). To receive full credit you must name specific regions.A: _________________B: _________________C: (in blue) _______________D: _________________E: _________________ Name and discuss the purpose of the region of sperm indicated by the arrow in the figure below. Discuss the developmental steps of how a fertilized egg becomes implanted in the uterus. Include specific locations, names, and amounts of time in your answer. C Which of the following is true concerning human cells? A. Haploid cells contain the full number of chromosomes (46) B. Diploid cells contain half the number of chromosome (23) C. Gamete cells are haploid cells D. A zygote has 23 chromosomes E. A&B Discuss in detail the layers of cells (of the blastocyst) which form the embryo. Label each of the following as occurring during the: 1st trimester, 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester 1. Lungs fully mature: 2. Lanugo develops: 3. First fetal movements felt: 4. Neurulation: 5. Testes descend to scrotum: Find the steps that correctly order neurulation: A. ectoderm - neural crest - convergence - neural groove - brain B. Endoderm - neural groove - convergence - neural tube and neural crest C. Ectoderm - convergence - neural fold - spinal cord D. Endoderm - convergence - neural crest - neural groove - spinal cord Name and discuss the stage of labor that best describes the figure below: A brain is cut along the line in the picture above, called the __________________. The part of the brain (indicated by the blue pin) in the picture above is: The grooves in the region above (indicated by the blue pin ) are called Injury to the area of the brain (indicated by the pin above) would most likely cause impaired: Damage to the region (indicated by the pin, above) causes what movement disorder? This region of the brain acts a sensory relay station: These ventricles are located along the brainstem. Damage to the cranial nerve (highlighted in blue, above) causes: Name the sensory branches of the cranial nerve (highlighted in blue, above). The cranial nerve (highlighted in blue, above) enables what movements? What occurs when the brain is without blood flow for 5 minutes? The right cranial nerve (highlighted in blue, above) was damaged. How would this present during a physical examination? Unilateral damage to the cranial nerve highlighted in blue, above causes: (Discuss two) Damage to the cranial nerve highlighted in blue, above causes: The cranial nerve highlighted in blue, above: [Show More]

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Get paid by selling your notes and study materials to other students. Earn alot of cash and help other students in study by providing them with appropriate and high quality study materials.



What is Browsegrades

In Browsegrades, a student can earn by offering help to other student. Students can help other students with materials by upploading their notes and earn money.

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