*NURSING > HESI > HESI FUNDAMENTALS Questions with accurate answers. Graded A. Latest updates. (All)

HESI FUNDAMENTALS Questions with accurate answers. Graded A. Latest updates.

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HESI FUNDAMENTALS Questions with accurate answers. Graded A. Latest updates. 1. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new med prescription. Which of the following manifestations of a ... mild allergic reaction should the nurse include? a. Ptosis b. Hematuria c. Urticaria d. Nausea 2. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has diabetes mellitus about performing a capillary blood glucose test. Which of hte following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Don sterile gloves prior to puncturing the site b. Puncture site after cleansing and before antiseptic dries. c. Gently squeeze the puncture site until a large droplet of blood forms d. Hold the finger to puncture above the level of the heart lOMoARcPSD|499 043 4 3. A nurse is providing teaching to a client about reducing the adverse effects of immobility. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. I will perform ankle and knee exercises every hour- ROM is needed to prevent contractures . b. I will hold my breath when rising from a sitting position c. I will remove my antiembolic stockings while I am in bed d. I will have my partner help me change positions every 4 hours 4. A nurse is monitoring a client who is receiving continuous IV fluid therapy via a peripheral vein in the left forearm. Which of the following findings indicates that the client has developed phelbitisat the IV site? a. Erythema along the path of the vein b. Pitting edema at the insertion site- infiltration since water is probably displaced. c. Coolness of the client?s left forearm - infiltration d. Pallor of the client?s left forearm 5. A nurse is planning care for a client who reports insomnia. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform shortly before bedtime? a. Provide a late supper b. Offer a wet washcloth for the client to wash her face c. Perform range of motion excercise d. Prepare a hot cocoa or tea for the client 6. A nurse is providing teaching to a newly licensed nurse about the care of a client who has MRSA. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of teaching? a. I will place the client in a private room b. I will tell the client?s visitors to wear a mask when they are within 3 feet of the client c. I will remove my gown after leaving the client?s room d. I will wear an N95 respirator mask when caring for the client 7. A nurse is teaching a client who requires maximal support about how to use a two wheeled walker. Which of the following actions by the client indicates an understanding of teaching. a. The client moves the walker ahead 25.4cm with each step b. The client picks up the walker with each step c. The client stands with her elbow slightly while holding the walker d. The client stoops slightly forward when moving the walker 8. A nurse in a provider?s office is caring for a client who states <I always have trouble sleeping=. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. Teach the client stress reduction techniques b. Recommend that the client avoid caffeine intake in the evening c. Identify the client typical bedtime routine d. Encourage the client to exercise regularly during day time hours. lOMoARcPSD|499 043 4 9. A nurse is admitting an older adult client who is Hispanic. Which of the following cultural should the nurse include when developing the plan of care? a. The hispanic culture views late adulthood as a negative time in the client?s life b. The hispanic culture identifies the eldest female family member as the decision maker c. The Hispanic culture expects individuals to make their own decisions when death is imminent. d. The hispanic culture expects adult children to care for older adult parents. 10. A nurse is teaching about home safety with a client. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a. Unplug electronics by grasping the cord b. Use electrical tape to secure extension cords next to baseboards on the floor c. To use a fire extinguisher, aim high at the top of the flames. d. Replace carpeted floors with tile 11. A nurse is preparing to perform an admission assessment for a client who reports abdominal pain. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a.) Perform deep palpation at the end of the admission assessment b.) Auscultate the client?s abdomen before palpation c.) Begin palpation of the abdomen at the site of pain d.) Assess the client?s bowel sounds using the bell of the stethoscope <inspect - auscultate - palpate - percuss> 12. A nurse is caring for a client who is 6 hr postoperative following abdominal surgery and is having difficulty voiding. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a.) Allow the client to hear running water while attempting to void b.) Provide the client a bedpan while lying supine c.) Insert an indwelling urinary catheter and connect it to gravity drainage d.) Encourage fluid intake up to 1,000 mL daily <least invasive first, bedpan doesn?t promote independence, fluid intake more than 2L> 13. A nurse on a medical surgical unit is receiving a change-of-shift report for four clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse see first? a. ) A client who has new onset of dyspnea 24 hr after a total hip arthroplasty0 can mean dvt b.) A client who has acute abdominal pain of 4 on a scale from 0 to 10 c.) A client who has a UTI and low-grade fever d.) A client who has pneumonia and an oxygen saturation of 96% <always look for new onset of anything, other findings are normal also.> lOMoARcPSD|499 043 4 14. A nurse is caring for a client who is nauseated and unable to eat after taking her antibiotic. Identify the steps the nurse should take to address the nausea. a.) Identify possible nursing interventions that address the client?s nausea (1) b.) Review the potential benefits and consequences of each intervention (2) c.) Select an intervention that provides the greatest benefit and least risk (4) d.) Determine the probability of intervention-related complications (3) <I am sure, it goes (a) to (b), but I am uncertain whether it is (d) first or © first, what do you guys think?> 15. A nurse is caring for an adolescent client who has full-thickness burns on his leg. The client expresses concern about his future. Which of the following is therapeutic response by the nurse? a.) <You?re concerned about what will happen when you leave the hospital?= b.) <If you work hard on your physical therapy, you won?t need to worry= c.) <You shouldn?t worry about the future so you can concentrate on getting well= d.) <Why are you concerned even though everyone is here to help you?= 16. A nurse is assessing the breath sounds of an adult client who has pneumonia. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a.) Follow a systematic pattern from side-to-side moving down the client?s chest b.) Ask the client to breathe in deeply through his nose c.) Instruct the client to sit erect with his head tilted slightly backward d.) Place the bell of the stethoscope on the client?s chest 17. A home health nurse is teaching a client about home safety. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? (select ALL) a.) <I need to set my hot water heater to 140 degrees Fahrenheit= b.) <I will use the grab bars when getting in and out of the bathtub= c.) <I will apply tape over frayed areas of electrical cords= d.) <I need to have a fire escape plan with my family= e.) <I need to check my medications for expiration dates= 18. A nurse is caring for a client preoperatively who has given informed consent for an appendectomy. Which of the following statements by the client should the nurse address first? a.) <I am afraid to walk if it hurts too much= b.) <I don?t understand why I need this surgery= c.) <I don?t want my family helping me after the surgery= lOMoARcPSD|499 043 4 d.) <I am afraid the scar will make me look disfigured= 19. A nurse is assisting in the use of a fracture bedpan for a client who is immobile due to a cast. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a.) Place the shallow end of the fracture pan under the client?s buttocks b.) Encourage the client to try to defecate for 20 min while on the fracture pan c.) Keep the bed flat while the client is on the fracture pan d.) Hyperextend the client?s back while the fracture pan is in place <fundamentals pg. 240;; head of the bed to 30, never leave a client lying flat on bedpan,... 20. A nurse is teaching a client who has diabetes mellitus about mixing regular and NPH insulin. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a.) <I should roll the NPH vial between my hands before drawing it up= b.) <I should draw up the NPH insulin before the regular insulin= c.) <I should inject air into the vial of regular insulin first= d.) <I should wait 10 minutes after mixing the insulin to inject it= <NPH - regular - regular - NPH> 21. A nurse is caring for a client who is confused and pulling at the tubing of her IV. Which of the following actions should the nurse take before requesting a prescription for restraints from the provider? a.) Place the client in a room away from the nurses? station b.) Limit the client?s visitors c.) Give the client washcloths to fold d.) Close the door of the client?s room 22. A nurse at a long-term facility is providing a change-of-shift report to an oncoming nurse about an older adult client who has shingles. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the report? a.) Where the client ate his breakfast b.) The times for routine vital sign measurements c.) The exact times the client had visitors d.) The type of transmission-based precautions in place 23. A nurse on a med-surg unit is teaching newly licensed nurse about tasks to delegate to AP. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of the teaching? a.) <An AP may take orthostatic blood pressure measurements from a client who reports dizziness= - RNs job since this requires ASESSMENT due to episode of adverse effect. lOMoARcPSD|499 043 4 b.) <An AP may monitor the peripheral IV insertion site of a client who is receiving replacement fluids=- monitoring is part of assessment since it is using judgment c.) <An AP may perform a central line dressing change for a client who is ready for discharge= d.) <An AP may count the respirations of a client who is going to have surgery later the same day=- the client has surgery LATER that day, so this should mean that the patients condition is not that urgent 24. A nurse on a med-surg unit is providing care for four clients. The nurse should identify which of the following situations as an ethical dilemma? a.) A surgeon who removed the wrong kidney during a surgical procedures refuses to take responsibility of her actions- please double check anyone b.) A client who has a new colostomy refuses to take instructions from the ostomy therapist because she <doesn?t like him= c.) The family of a client who has a terminal illness asks that the provider not tell the client the diagnosis d.) A client who has Crohn?s disease reports that his prescription drug plan will not pay for his medications 25. A charge nurse on an acute care unit is planning care for a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to promote the client?s continuity of care? a.) Plan to assign a different nurse to the client each shift b.) Limit the number of interdisciplinary team members managing the client?s care c.) Request that the client complete a satisfaction survey at discharge d.) Start discharge planning on the day of admission 26. A nurse is caring for a client who begins to experience a generalized seizure while standing in her room. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a.) Place a pad under the client?s head b.) Hold the client?s limbs tightly to prevent injury c.) Lift the client into bed with the help of other staff members (You assist them to [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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