*NURSING > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY, NRNG 351 hematology and immunity nclex questions (ALREADY GRADED A) (All)

MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY, NRNG 351 hematology and immunity nclex questions (ALREADY GRADED A)

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Which type of white blood cells release histamine during an anaphylactic reaction? a. Neutrophils b. Lymphocytes c. Eosinophils d. Basophils The nurse is caring for a patient with thrombocytopen... ia who has developed epistaxis. In order to stop the bleeding, the patient should a. Blow the nose to remove the blood. b. Lean forward at a 90 degree angle, bending at the waist. c. Lie down with the neck extended. d. Sit upright and lean forward. The nurse is caring for a patient immediately following a kidney transplant. As the patient starts to develop a hyperacute rejection, the nurse should prepare the patient for a. a bone marrow transplant b. the removal of the kidney c. the administration of high-dose prednisone d. the administration of high-dose cyclosporine While providing discharge instructions to a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the nurse should include which of the following statements? Select all that apply. a. "Exercise intensely 3 times per week." b. "Get adequate rest." c. "Wear sunblock." d. “Take the corticosteroids PRN." e. "Monitor your temperature." A nursing student is studying the body's response to an allergen. Which of the following immunoglobulins is released during an allergic response? a. IgG b. IgE c. IgD d. IgA A patient is seen in the emergency department after a bee sting caused bronchospasm and severe pruritis. The nurse understands that this type of hypersensitivity reaction is known as a. type I b. type IV c. type III d. type II A patient walks into the emergency department after being bitten by a deer tick. The patient is nervous about Lyme disease. The nurse informs the patient that Select all that apply. a. one should monitor for a bullseye rash b. you cannot get Lyme disease from deer ticks c. lyme disease should be treated with antivirals immediately d. blood tests should be done immediately e. blood tests are not reliable until 6 to 8 weeks after exposure The nurse is caring for a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). To evaluate for early signs of Kaposi's sarcoma, the nurse assesses the patient for lesions that are a. flat, nonpruritic, and red or violet b. papular, painful, and pink, brown, or violet c. papular, painless, and red or violet d. flat, pruritic, and brown The nurse is examining a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Which of the following symptoms would the nurse expect? a. Butterfly rash, fatigue, diarrhea b. Proteinuria, fatigue, butterfly rash c. Weight gain, fatigue, butterfly rash d. Butterfly rash, edema, hypothermia The nurse is instructing an American patient with AIDS on how to prevent foodborne illnesses. Due to the patient's immune-compromised state, nurse should instruct the patient to avoid a. tap water b. pasteurized milk c. sushi d. peeled fruit A patient is admitted to the hospital with signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Which test would support the diagnosis? a. CBC b. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate c. Hepatobiliary scan d. Antinuclear antibody The nurse administers vitamin B12 to a patient with pernicious anemia. This patient has the inability to absorb vitamin B12 because of a deficiency in a. Gastrin b. intrinsic factor c. folic acid d. extrinsic factor The nurse is interviewing a patient suspected of having systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Which of the following features of SLE is correct? Select all that apply. a. SLE is more common in Caucasians. b. SLE runs in families. c. SLE is more common in women. d. SLE is commonly diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 60. e. SLE is more common in underweight people. A nurse has tested negative for HIV after a recent exposure to contaminated blood. Which of the following is correct? a. Repeat the test in 6 months. b. The nurse has immunity. c. The nurse is not contagious. d. The nurse is not infected with HIV. A patient with a severe allergy to dust mites is receiving instructions from the nurse. Which of the following will help with this reaction? Select all that apply. a. Wash pillow case weekly in cold water. b. Wash and rinse linens in hot water. c. Clean all surfaces weekly. d. Use an air purifier. e. Use impermeable covers on pillows and mattresses. f. Keep floors and surfaces bare and avoid carpeting. The nurse is preparing to administer human immune globulin to a patient. The nurse explains to the patient that these types of vaccines are a. Collected and processed from human blood and provide antibodies to several diseases. b. Decreased in potency to facilitate active immunity. c. Inactive toxic compounds that cause illness. d. Killed microbes that provide active immunity. The nurse admits a patient suspected of having Goodpasture's syndrome. The nurse should be alert for signs of damage to which organs? Select all that apply. a. The heart b. The spleen c. The brain d. The kidneys e. The lungs Which consultation is the priority for a patient admitted with a sickle cell crisis? a. Physical therapist b. Occupational therapist c. Nutritionist d. Pain specialist The nurse is administering an influenza vaccine to a client. Before administration, the nurse informs the client about which common side effect? a. Constipation b. Blurred vision c. Tinnitus d. Pain at the injection site A patient suspected of having human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tests positive on an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The nurse understands that a. the patient is HIV positive and treatment should begin immediately b. false positives occur, so a Western Blot test should be performed next c. false-negatives are common, so a follow-up test should be done d. false positives occur, so a repeat ELISA test is needed A nurse is giving discharge instructions to a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Which of the following should the nurse include? Select all that apply. a. Avoid sharing razor blades with anyone. b. Avoid being around sick individuals. c. Past and current sexual partners should be tested for HIV. d. Use condoms consistently and correctly for vaginal or anal sex. e. Avoid sharing drinks and utensils with healthy family members The nurse is caring for a patient who is diagnosed with AIDS and was prescribed nevirapine (an NNRTI) two weeks ago. While assessing the patient, the nurse should be alert for Select all that apply. a. Jaundice b. raised pinkish-brown nonpruritic patches on the skin or mucous membranes c. white patches in the mouth d. dry cough e. low urine specific gravity The nurse is planning interventions to protect a patient with thrombocytopenia. Which of the following interventions should be included? Select all that apply. a. Limit the number of patient visitors. b. Prohibit staff with recent illness from caring for the patient. c. Provide the patient with a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid flossing. d. Initiate fall precautions. e. Teach the patient to file their nails rather than cut them. f. Avoid giving injections or suppositories unless necessary. Which of the following would the nurse include when providing teaching to a woman with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who wants to get pregnant? Select all that apply. a. A C-section would be required. b. The baby may not be born HIV positive. c. The baby could be exposed to HIV during the birth process. d. You will need to stay on oral birth control. e. If you don't use a barrier birth control, your partner is at higher risk. A patient with AIDS is suffering from anorexia and cachexia. In order to increase body weight, the nurse should instruct the patient to do which of the following? Select all that apply. a. Eat nutrient-rich foods. b. Eat small, frequent meals. c. Eat favorite foods. d. The nurse should select foods for the patient to consume. e. Take prescribed oral suspension megestrol acetate. f. Consume low-calorie snacks between meals. The nurse is reviewing the treatment plan for a patient with pernicious anemia. Which of the following statements regarding treatment is correct? a. Oral vitamin B12 supplementation is needed every day. b. Oral vitamin B12 supplementation is required once a week. c. Vitamin B12 injection is needed once a month. d. Intrinsic factor injection is required once a month. Which of the following treatments would the nurse anticipate for a client with severe, acute renal failure? a. IV insulin with IV glucose b. Oral fluids with hypotonic saline c. IV furosemide with IV isotonic saline d. IV potassium chloride The nurse is preparing a care plan for a patient with polymyositis. The nurse understands that the patient is at an elevated risk for a. Bowel incontinence. b. Weight gain. c. Aspiration. d. Altered mental status. Which intervention(s) would the nurse expect to provide when caring for a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP)? Select all that apply. a. Administer stool softener daily b. Monitor capillary blood glucose Q 6 hours c. Administer 81 mg aspirin PO daily d. Encourage coughing and deep breathing e. Administer 1 unit of platelets The nurse is reviewing the complete blood count (CBC) of a healthy patient. Which of the following white blood cells should the nurse expect to be most numerous? a. Neutrophils b. Lymphocytes c. Eosinophils d. Basophils The nurse is infusing packed red blood cells into a patient with anemia when the patient reports a backache and chills. The nurse notes hypotension. Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is occurring? a. Type IV, cell-mediated hypersensitivity b. Type I, anaphylactic hypersensitivity c. Type II, cytotoxic hypersensitivity d. Type III, immune complex hypersensitivity The nurse is caring for a patient suspected of having systemic scleroderma. The nurse explains to the patient that systemic scleroderma Select all that apply. a. is an autoimmune disease that affects connective tissue b. is triggered by an adenovirus c. is characterized by inflammation, fibrosis, and sclerosis d. causes weakness in the majority of patients e. is caused by systemic lupus erythematosus The nurse is assessing a female patient of child-bearing age for symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia, including Select all that apply. a. Pallor b. Nausea c. rash and pruritus d. weight loss and night sweats e. dyspnea f. tachycardia The nurse is caring for a patient with Sjögren's syndrome. Which of the following interventions are important for this patient? Select all that apply. a. Administration of corticosteroids b. Administration of anticholinergics c. Assessment of major motor reflexes d. Administration of artificial tears e. Assessment of the oral mucosa f. Offering frequent drinks The nurse is assigned to a patient at risk for the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Which of the following lab values should the nurse monitor? a. Prothrombin time, fibrinogen level, and electrolytes b. Prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and platelet count c. Platelet count, white blood cell count, and electrolytes d. Electrolytes and complete blood cell count The nurse is assessing a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Which of the following would the nurse expect to note? Select all that apply. a. Muscle pain and weakness b. Alopecia c. Excessive hair growth d. Hyperthyroidism e. Recurrent deep vein thrombosis f. Butterfly rash on the face The nurse is reviewing the complete blood count with differential of a patient with cytomegalovirus. The nurse should expect an elevation of a. Basophils. b. Neutrophils. c. Lymphocytes. d. Eosinophils. A patient is diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. The physician prescribes ferrous sulfate. Which of the following may be a contraindication for ferrous sulfate therapy? a. Pregnancy b. Old age c. Ulcerative colitis d. Cirrhosis The nurse is counseling a patient with anemia on iron-rich foods. Which of the following foods should the patient be encouraged to eat? a. Chicken liver and apricots b. Tomatoes and cheese c. Bananas and lobster d. Potatoes and rice For Mikael who is diagnosed of having allergic rhinitis, which nursing intervention is the most appropriate? a. Encouraging the client to use nasal saline sprays b. Discouraging nose blowing before administering nasal medication c. Advising use of bronchodilator regularly, even if having no symptoms d. Instructing the client to carry epinephrine with him at all times Which intervention should Nurse John Joe discuss with Elena who has an allergic disorder and is requesting information for allergy symptom control? (Select all that apply.) a. Instructing the client to refrain from using air conditioning or humidifiers in the house b. Instructing the client to use curtains instead of pull shades over windows c. Instructing the client to cover the mattress with a hypoallergenic cover d. Instructing the client to wear a mask when cleaning e. Instructing the client to avoid using sprays, powders, and perfumes f. Instructing the client to change detergents frequently Which intervention should the nurse implement when caring for a client diagnosed with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who is crying over the loss of friends and family members because they will not talk to him anymore? a. Advising the client not to worry, and telling him everything will be alright b. Asking the health care provider for a psychiatric consult to assess the client’s mental functioning c. Sitting down and listening to the client’s concerns and frustrations d. Telling the client that the friends probably were not true friends anyway For Aubrey Anne who has allergies, which client statement indicates that the nurse’s teaching about her condition has be successful? a. “I don’t need to wear any type of mask when I’m cleaning my house.” b. “I should stay in the house when there;s a low pollen count outside.” c. “I should avoid any types of spray, powders, and perfumes.” d. “I can wear any type of clothing that I want to as long as I wash it first.” Mr. Mc Princeton who is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) complains about joints that always hurt, saying, “I just feel like staying in bed all day.” Which discharge instruction would be aimed at maintaining as such function as possible? a. “Refrain from exercise because it only aggravates the disease process.” b. “Apply elastic bandages to all joints to increase the pain threshold.” c. “Maintain a supine position most of the day to prevent the stress of weight bearing.” d. “Promote aquatic (water) exercises to enhance joint mobility.” Nurse Vince sustained a dirty needle stick injury. Which diagnostic test would be ordered on a client? a. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) b. SUDS screening test c. Antibody titers d. Skin biopsy for Kaposi’s sarcoma After the first injection of an immunotherapy program, the nurse notices a large, red wheal on the client’s arm, coughing, and expiratory wheezing. Which intervention should the nurse implement first? a. Notifying the health care provider immediately b. Administering I.M. epinephrine per protocol c. Beginning oxygen by way of nasal cannula d. Starting an I.V. line for medication administration Slater is using a steroidal cream for allergic dermatoses. Which intervention should Nurse Rachel implement for the client? a. Applying an occlusive dressing over the inflamed area afterward b. Washing hands before and after applying the cream c. Avoiding washing the inflamed area before applying the cream d. Using alcohol to clean the inflamed area before applying the cream Which clinical manifestation would cause the nurse to suspect that the client is diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus? a. Joint edema and tenderness b. Red, burning, tearing eyes c. Chest tightness with wheezing on expiration d. Fever and night sweats April is diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Which instruction would be included in the teaching plan for the client? a. “Wear large-brimmed hats when exposed to the sun.” b. “Use tanning beds instead of sunbathing outside.” c. “Remove all rugs, curtains, and dust-collecting items in home.” d. “Carry injectable epinephrine at all times in case of exacerbation.” Which discharge instruction would be included in the care plan for a client diagnosed with atopic dermatitis? a. “Take weekly baths to avoid hydrating the skin.” b. “Add humidity to the dry air caused by dry heat during the winter.” c. “Keep the room temperature between 78° and 80° F.” d. “Apply hot or cold therapy to affected joints. Theon was stung by a bee now exhibits redness and edema in the hand and forearm. The nurse’s actions would be based on which scientific rationale? a. Baking soda is the best treatment for the edema from a bee sting. b. Hypersensitivity is possible; the client may need to buy an anti-sting kit. c. The client should not worry; people cannot develop an allergy to bee stings. d. The client need regular checkups to obtain immunotherapy. Which condition would Nurse Jade suspect when a client complains of a runny nose, itching and burning eyes, and sneezing since visiting a friend who had a cat in the home? a. Anaphylaxis b. Bronchitis c. Allergic rhinitis d. Asthma During the past 6 months, a client diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome has had chronic diarrhea and has lost 18 pounds. Additional assessment findings include tented skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, and listleness. Which nursing diagnosis focuses attention on the client’s most immediate problem? a. Deficient fluid volume related to diarrhea and abnormal fluid loss b. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to nausea and vomiting c. Disturbed thought processes related to central nervous system effects of disease d. Diarrhea related to the disease process and acute infection For a male client who has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with chronic diarrhea, anorexia, a history of oral candidiasis, and weight loss, which dietary instruction would be included in the teaching plan? a. “Follow a low-protein, high-carbohydrate diet.” b. “Eat three large meals per day.” c. “Include unpasteurized dairy products in the diet.” d. “Follow a high-protein, high-calorie diet.” Nurse Mary Jean is assisting in administering immunizations at a health care clinic. The nurse understands that an immunization will provide: a. Protection from all disease b. Innate immunity from disease c. Natural immunity from disease d. Acquired immunity from disease Nurse Ruffa is providing dietary instructions to the client with systemic lupus erythematosus. Which of the following dietary items would the nurse instruct the client to avoid? a. Cantaloupe b. Turke c. Broccoli d. Steak Human Papilloma Virus in AIDS patients is manifested as: a. Cough, evening fever, night sweats, weight loss and anemia b. Persistent fever, tachypnoea, hypoxia, cyanosis and tachycardia. c. Genital warts, flat warts, skin warts, neoplasm of cervix, vagina and penis d. Watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting A client is diagnosed with oral candidiasis. Nurse Tina knows that this condition in AIDS is treated with: a. Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole b. Fluconazole c. Acyclovir d. Zidovudine The decision to begin antiretroviral therapy is based on: a. The CD4 cell count b. The plasma viral load c. The intensity of the patient’s clinical symptoms d. All of the above Which client problem relating to altered nutrition is a consequence of AIDS? a. Increased appetite b. Decreased protein absorption c. Increased secretions of digestive juices d. Decreased gastrointestinal absorption As a knowledgeable nurse, you know that the primary goals of antiretroviral therapy (ART) include all, EXCEPT: a. Reduce HIV-associated morbidity and prolong the duration and quality of survival b. Restore and preserve immunologic function c. Maximally and durably suppress plasma HIV viral load d. Elimination of HIV entirely from the body Which is the most common HIV-related neurological complication? a. Tuberculosis b. Kaposi’s sarcoma c. Toxoplasmosis d. Lymphoma A client with pemphigus is being seen in the clinic regularly. The nurse plans care based on which of the following descriptions of this condition? a. The presence of tiny red vesicles b. An autoimmune disease that causes blistering in the epidermis c. The presence of skin vesicles found along the nerve caused by a virus d. The presence of red, raised papules and large plaques covered by silvery scales A client is suspected of having systemic lupus erythematous. The nurse monitors the client, knowing that which of the following is one of the initial characteristic sign of systemic lupus erythematous? a. Weight gain b. Subnormal temperature c. Elevated red blood cell count d. Rash on the face across the bridge of the nose and on the cheeks A client with pemphigus is being seen in the clinic regularly. The nurse plans care based on which of the following descriptions of this condition? a. The presence of tiny red vesicle b. An autoimmune disease that causes blistering in the epidermis c. The presence of skin vesicles found along the nerve caused by a virus d. The presence of red, raised papules and large plaques covered by silvery scales The nurse is assigned to care for a client with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The nurse plans care knowing that this disorder is: a. A local rash that occurs as a result of allergy b. A disease caused by overexposure to sunlight c. An inflammatory disease of collagen contained in connective tissue d. A disease caused by the continuous release of histamine in the body The nurse is assigned to care for a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The nurse reviews the health care provider's prescriptions. Which of the following medications would the nurse expect to be prescribed? a. Antibiotic b. Antidiarrheal c. Corticosteroid d. Opioid analgesic The community health nurse is conducting a research study and is identifying clients in the community who are at risk for latex allergy. Which client population is at most risk for developing this type of allergy? a. Hairdressers b. The homeless c. Children in day care centers d. Individuals living in a group home The home care nurse is collecting data from a client who has been diagnosed with an allergy to latex. In determining the client's risk factors associated with the allergy, the nurse questions the client about an allergy to which food item? a. Eggs b. Milk c. Yogurt d. Bananas A nurse is assigned to care for a client who returned home from the emergency department following treatment for a sprained ankle. The nurse notes that the client was sent home with crutches that have rubber axillary pads and needs instructions regarding crutch walking. On data collection, the nurse discovers that the client has an allergy to latex. Before providing instructions regarding crutch walking, the nurse should: a. Contact the health care provider (HCP). b. Cover the crutch pads with cloth. c. Call the local medical supply store, and ask for a cane to be delivered. d. Tell the client that the crutches must be removed immediately from the house. The home care nurse is ordering dressing supplies for a client who has an allergy to latex. The nurse asks the medical supply personnel to deliver which of the following? a. Elastic bandages b. Adhesive bandages c. Brown Ace bandages d. Cotton pads and silk tape A nurse is assisting in developing a plan of care for a client with immunodeficiency. The nurse understands that which problem is a priority for the client? a. Infection b. Inability to cope c. Lack of information about the disease d. Feeling uncomfortable about body changes Infection A client calls the emergency department and tells the nurse that he received a bee sting to the arm while weeding a garden. The client states that he has received bee stings in the past and is not allergic to bees. The client states that the site is painful and asks the nurse for advice to alleviate the pain. The nurse tells the client to first: a. Take two acetaminophen (Tylenol). b. Place a heating pad to the site. c. Apply ice and elevate the site. d. Lie down and elevate the arm. A client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who has contracted tuberculosis (TB) asks the nurse how long the medication therapy lasts. The nurse responds that the duration of therapy would likely be for at least: a. 6 total months and at least 1 month after cultures convert to negative b. 6 total months and at least 3 months after cultures convert to negative c. 9 total months and at least 3 months after cultures convert to negative d. 9 total months and at least 6 months after cultures convert to negative e. 9 total months and at least 6 months after cultures convert to negative A client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is taking zidovudine (Retrovir) 200 mg orally three times daily. The client reports to the health care clinic for follow-up blood studies, and the results of the blood studies indicate severe neutropenia. Which of the following would the nurse anticipate to be prescribed for the client? a. Reduction in the medication dosage b. Discontinuation of the medication c. The administration of prednisone concurrent with the therapy d. Administration of epoetin alfa (Epogen) A client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is taking didanosine (Videx). The client calls the nurse at the health care provider's office and reports nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Which of the following instructions would the nurse provide to the client? a. This is an expected side effect of the medication. b. Come to the office to be seen by the health care provider. c. Take crackers and milk with the administration of the medication. d. Decrease the dose of the medication until the next health care provider's visit. A nurse is assisting in developing a plan of care for a client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) who is experiencing night fever and night sweats. Which nursing intervention should the nurse suggest including in the plan of care to manage this symptom? a. Keep the call bell within reach for the client. b. Administer a sedative at bedtime. c. Administer an antipyretic at bedtime. d. Provide a back rub and comfort measures before bedtime. A nurse is assisting in preparing a plan of care for a client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) who has nausea. Which dietary measure should the nurse include in the plan? a. Dairy products with each snack and meal b. Red meat daily c. Adding spices to food to make the taste more palatable d. Foods that are at room temperature A nurse is assisting in developing a plan of care for a pregnant client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The nurse determines that which of the following is the priority concern for this client? a. Inability to care for self at home b. Development of an infection c. Lack of available support services d. Isolation The nurse is assessing a client who has small groups of vesicles over his chest and upper abdominal area. They are located only on the right side of his body. The client states his pain level is 8/10, and describes the pain as burning in nature. Which question is most appropriate to include in the data collection? a. Did you have chicken pox as a child?" b. "How many sexual partners have you had?" c. "Did you use an electric blanket on your side?" d. "Why don't you try docosanol cream (Abreva) on your lesions The nurse interprets that the client who is prescribed zalcitabine (Hivid) is experiencing an adverse effect of this medication when which event is reported by the client? a. Diarrhea b. Tinnitus c. Burning with urination d. Numbness in the legs A nurse is collecting data on a client with rheumatoid arthritis. The nurse looks at the client's hands and notes these characteristic deformities. The nurse identifies this deformity as: Refer to figure. a. Ulnar drift b. Rheumatoid nodules c. Swan neck deformity d. Boutonniere deformity A nurse is collecting data on a client who complains of fatigue, weakness, malaise, muscle pain, joint pain at multiple sites, anorexia, and photosensitivity. Systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is suspected. The nurse further checks for which of the following that is also indicative of the presence of SLE? a. Emboli b. Ascites c. Two hemoglobin S genes d. Butterfly rash on cheeks and bridge of nose A health care provider aspirates synovial fluid from a knee joint of a client with rheumatoid arthritis. The nurse reviews the laboratory analysis of the specimen and would expect the results to indicate which finding? a. Cloudy synovial fluid b. Presence of organisms c. Bloody synovial fluid d. Presence of urate crystals Which client is at the highest risk for systemic lupus erythematous (SLE)? a. An Asian male b. A white female c. An African-American male d. An African-American female A client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has difficulty swallowing. The nurse has given the client suggestions to minimize the problem. The nurse determines that the client has understood the instructions if the client verbalized to increase intake of foods such as: a. Raw fruits and vegetables b. Hot soup c. Peanut butter d. Puddings A client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is experiencing shortness of breath related to Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. Which measure should the nurse suggest to assist the client in performing activities of daily living? a. Provide supportive care with hygiene needs. b. Provide meals and snacks with high protein, high calorie, and high nutritional value. c. Provide small, frequent meals. d. Offer low microbial food. A client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome has a respiratory infection from Pneumocystis jiroveci and a nursing diagnosis of Impaired Gas Exchange written in the plan of care. Which of the following indicates that the expected outcome of care has not yet been achieved? a. The client limits fluid intake. b. The client has clear breath sounds. c. The client expectorates secretions easily. d. The client is free of complaints of shortness of breath. A client reports to the health care clinic to obtain testing regarding human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status after being exposed to an individual who is HIV positive. The test results are reported as negative, and the client tells the nurse that he feels so much better knowing that he had not contracted HIV. The nurse explains the test results to the client, telling the client that: a. There is no further need for testing. b. A negative HIV test is considered accurate. c. A negative HIV test is not considered accurate during the first 6 months after exposure. d. The test should be repeated in 1 week. A patient who has tested positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) arrives at the clinic with a report of fever, nonproductive cough, and fatigue. The patient’s CD4 count is 184 cells/mcL. How should the healthcare provider interpret these findings? Please choose from one of the following options. a. The patient is diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). b. The patient is now in the latent stages of HIV infection c. These findings provide evidence that the patient has seroconverted. d. This is an expected finding because the patient has tested positive for HIV. The healthcare provider is teaching a patient who has been diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) about the need for multi-drug therapy. Which of the following best explains the rationale for using more than one antiretroviral medication to treat AIDS? Please choose from one of the following options. a. “This combination of medications will eliminate the AIDS virus from your body.” b. “This is intended to keep the virus from developing resistance to the medications.” c. “You will not be able to transmit the disease while you take this medication combination.” d. “You will experience less side effects when you take a combination of medications.” The healthcare provider is teaching a patient who has tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) about the antiretroviral medication maraviroc. Which of the following statements best describes how this drug is effective against HIV? a. Please choose from one of the following options. b. The HIV virus is prevented from entering the target cells. c. The cellular membrane of the HIV virus is disrupted. d. New virus particles lose their ability to be infectious. e. The process of viral DNA synthesis is suppressed. A patient who is human immunodeficiency positive (HIV) positive is receiving a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI). Which of these clinical findings would indicate the patient is experiencing an adverse effect of this medication? Please choose from one of the following options. a. Increased blood glucose b. Weight gain c. Decreased hemoglobin d. Metabolic alkalosis The healthcare provider is assessing the skin of a patient who is at risk for becoming infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Which of the following findings requires immediate follow-up by the healthcare provider? Please choose from one of the following options. a. Ecchymoses on the legs b. Patches of dry, flaky skin c. Purplish-red raised lesions d. Numerous moles on the chest and back The healthcare provider is teaching a student about the disease process. Which of the following information should the healthcare provider include? Please choose from one of the following options. a. The HIV virus divides quickly inside red blood cells b. HIV RNA is transcribed into DNA c. HIV begins to phagocytize host immune cells d. HIV RNA is inserted into the host cell mitochondria A patient who has been diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has been prescribed a combination of the medications lopinavir and ritonavir. The patient asks why these two medications are given together. What is the best response by the healthcare provider? Please choose from one of the following options. a. “By combining two medications together you won’t have to take as many pills.” b. “Ritonavir helps decrease potential adverse effects of lopinavir.” c. “This is a way of giving a lower dose of each of the medications.” d. “Ritonavir helps increase the effectiveness of lopinavir.” A patient who has been diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) develops an oral Candida infection. When teaching the patient, the healthcare provider will include which of the following instructions? Please choose from one of the following options. a. “Rinse your mouth often with a commercial mouthwash.” b. “Include plenty of citrus juices in your diet.” c. “Select foods that are soft or pureed.” d. “Include hot soups and beverages with each meal.” The healthcare provider is teaching a patient who has a diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) about food safety. Which of the following foods should the patient avoid to prevent foodborne illnesses? Please choose from one of the following options. a. Green salad b. Boiled eggs c. Deli meats d. Mozzarella cheese A patient who has been receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) to manage infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has an undetectable viral load. How would the healthcare provider interpret this information? Please choose from one of the following options. a. More tests are needed to determine the effectiveness of ART. b. HIV has been eliminated from the patient’s blood. c. ART has been effective in decreasing viral load. d. ART can be discontinued for three months. [Show More]

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