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(Answered) HESI Compass Review NCLEX - Module 3: Mental Health Concepts

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(Answered) HESI Compass Review NCLEX - Module 3: Mental Health Concepts The mother of a 3-year-old child tells the nurse that her child hit her doll after the mother scolded her for picking the neig... hbors' flowers. Which defense mechanism used by the child does the nurse identify in the mother's report? Displacement A client says to the nurse, "I've been following my diet and taking my medication. What else do you want to talk about today?" Which response would be most helpful during the working phase of the therapeutic alliance? "Some people have added exercise to diet and medication therapy and gotten positive results. Do you think that this would work for you? As the nurse prepares to interview a client being admitted to the mental health unit, the client says, "I asked my family to bring me in here to talk to someone, but now I don't know where to begin." Which response by the nurse would be most helpful? "Perhaps you can start by sharing some of your most recent concerns." During a mental health intake interview, a young adult client who lives with his family rent free says, "I'm tired of not being able to offer my friends a beer just because my folks don't believe in taking a drink socially." Which nursing response would be therapeutic? "It seems that your parents expect you to follow their rules when you live under their roof." A nurse is participating in a care planning conference regarding care for a client whose spouse recently died. The registered nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of dysfunctional grieving. Which priority intervention does the nurse expect to see incorporated into the plan? Determining the client's risk for violence toward self and others A client in the mental health unit tells the nurse, "My husband makes all the decisions about money, but I'm the one who's making the money now, not him. He needs to back off, but he's always directing every decision we make." Which nursing response would be the most therapeutic? "How do you feel the money decisions could best be handled in your household?" A nurse is attending a care planning conference for a client who recently received a diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and is experiencing difficulty adjusting to the illness. The nurse should question which planned intervention for this client? Discouraging social networking to prevent the spread of infection How does a client who has lost a spouse show that she is successfully completing the tasks of mourning? Select all that apply. Reporting that sleeping alone was hard at first Purchasing a smaller car she is comfortable driving Heard explaining to family that illness "took" her husband Heard explaining to family that illness took her husband A nurse is caring for a 15-year-old girl who has been hospitalized on the mental health unit for bipolar disorder. The client tells the nurse that she had her hair styled just like her young math teacher, whom she admires. The nurse recognizes that the client is using which defense mechanism? Identification A mental health home care nurse says to the client, "Do you feel ready to try attending a group session at the clinic?" The client shakes his head. Which nursing statement would be therapeutic? "You seem to be saying no. Would you tell me more about your reluctance?" A single parent whose son was suspended from school for carrying a gun into the school says to the nurse, "I know he has no dad, but I've brought him up to know better, and anyway, where did he get the stupid gun? What should I do? He just won't listen to me." Which nursing response would be helpful at this time? "There is quite a bit that you can do. Let's talk about what you're already doing first." A client says to the nurse, "My health care provider says he thinks I'm ready to taper off my pain medication, but the new painkiller he prescribed doesn't relieve my pain the way the other pill did. I get pain when I try to do things." Which nursing response would be most supportive to the client? "Perhaps if I medicate you about a half-hour before you plan to start your daily activities, the medicine will be more effective." A client who was employed as a corporate manager before being laid off says to the nurse, "My wife thinks that I should work in a menial job to maintain our lifestyles until I find another job as a corporate manager, but I don't feel I should have to humiliate myself like that." Which nursing response would be therapeutic? "Have you shared your feelings with your wife?" A young woman who has been divorced twice says to the nurse, "I've decided not to date men ever again! It never works out for me. Now I'm left with two children to bring up." Which nursing response would be therapeutic? "You talk about how the divorces affected you. Tell me how your children are dealing with the loss." A client says to the nurse, "What does my psychiatrist mean when she says that my illness is biologically based?" Which nursing statement would be the most informative? "There are many possible physical causes of mental illness, and they include problems in the brain." A nurse is caring for a 39-year-old client who has experienced a mild brain attack (stroke). The client is recently widowed, is very active physically, and has two young sons. The client says to the nurse, "I don't know what my sons will do if anything permanent happens to me. We have no other relatives, even on my late wife's side." Which nursing response would be therapeutic? "You seem to be feeling very troubled." A client who has been admitted to a surgical unit with a diagnosis of cancer is scheduled for surgery in the morning. When the nurse enters the room and begins the surgical preparation, the client states, "I'm not having surgery—you must have the wrong person! My test results were negative. I'll be going home tomorrow." The nurse recognizes that the client is engaging in the use of which defense mechanism? Denial A young adult client who is dying says to the nurse, "I keep asking my wife what I can do for her and our daughter before I die, but she refuses to tell me." On the basis of the client's statement, what is the appropriate nursing intervention? Talking with both the client and his wife about the importance of expressing their feelings and how to do it in healthy ways A 45-year-old client says to the nurse, "Since I left my wife and children, I can hardly make ends meet between child support and trying to support myself. I don't know why I bother going to work when my wife and kids take just about everything I make." Which nursing statement would be therapeutic? "Do you feel that child support is designed to help children, not punish spouses who leave?" A survivor of a nightclub fire that killed more than 100 people says to the nurse, "It should have been me. How come I got out and they didn't?" Which response by the nurse is appropriate? "It seems that you're blaming yourself for something that was beyond your control." When assisting with the plan of care of a client dying of cancer, the nurse seeks to have the client verbalize acceptance of his impending death. Which statement indicates to the nurse that this goal has been met? "I'd like to have my family here when I die." A client says to the nurse at the mental health clinic, "My husband and sister-in-law both have terminal illnesses, and my family thinks that because I'm a nurse I should be able to handle everything." Which nursing response would be therapeutic? "You've seen your loved ones dealing with some troubling events recently. Sounds as if you feel that your family expects more from you than from others in the family because you're a nurse." A 79-year-old client, recently widowed, says to the nurse, "My wife kept up our condominium single-handedly, and now my kids expect me to cook and clean for myself. I'm not lazy, but I don't know how to cook and I've burnt myself twice just frying up what was supposed to be bacon and eggs. I'm so frustrated and I've already lost 10 pounds this month." Which initial nursing statement should the nurse make to the client? "It seems as if you feel lost without your wife and maybe a bit ignored by your children." A physician tells a client that she has cancer, that her illness is terminal, and that she has a 6-month prognosis. After the physician leaves the client's room, which therapeutic statement should the nurse make to the client? "What did your health care provider tell you about your condition? Can you tell me what you're thinking about?" The wife of a client who is dying says to the nurse, "I am able to take off the 6 months from work our health care provider feels that my husband will live, but what if he lives beyond that time?" Which therapeutic response should the nurse make? "Are there other options for you in taking work leave? What are your thoughts about reducing your work hours at first so that you can extend your compassionate leave?" The wife of a dying man is ignoring his rapid physiological decline and imminent death. She continues with her usual activities, exhibits inability to remember what others have just told her, and misses important appointments. Which therapeutic statement should the nurse make to the wife? "It isn't unusual for family to suffer from anticipatory grief when a loved one is dying." An older adult client who is dying says to the nurse, "My son is 40 years old, but he works in a very poorly paying job and is always borrowing money from me. I don't know how he's going to manage without me." Which response by the nurse would be therapeutic? "Could you share your feelings with your son just as you have with me?" The widow of a man who was killed a week ago in a hit-and-run accident while walking the family dog says, "I should have just let the dog run in the backyard or gone with my husband. Our own parish priest hit my husband and finally surrendered to the police. He brought a lawyer with him because he's worried about himself, not my husband. I hate him so much, my stomach hurts." Which nursing statement would be therapeutic? "You not only lost your husband but also learned it was at the hands of someone you looked up to." A single mother whose only son died 2 months ago says to the nurse, "I've been bothered at work with thoughts of my son. Suddenly I'll think of something awful I said to him years ago or some punishment I gave him because he'd been bad." Which plan should the nurse include in caregiving? Explaining that bereaved persons often describe intrusive thoughts of negative experiences with the deceased and then increasing the frequency of nurse-client visits A client who is a physician says to the nurse, after receiving a diagnosis of terminal lung cancer, "All my life I took care of my clients, and now my family is taking care of me." Which statement is a therapeutic nursing response? "Your family is caring for you now." he parents of a 20-year-old who was killed while driving drunk say to the nurse, "We're so devastated, but we are also angry that she would drink and drive when we told her over and over not to." Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "Your sadness over losing your daughter is mixed with anger at her driving while intoxicated." A nursing student is assigned to work in the emergency department to assist victims after a tornado. The student says to the nurse in charge, "I don't know how to help these parents. Their son was just decapitated by a flying piece of glass, and they won't leave him. They did mention that they are Catholic." Which intervention does the nurse suggest for inclusion in a plan of immediate care for the family? Joining the family and, after they have been able to be with their son for some time, helping them relinquish their son's body to the nurses A nurse is caring for a bereaved man with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who lost his twin brother in a rock-climbing accident a month ago. Which statement by the client should cause the nurse to be concerned? "Lately I've been feeling that life isn't that great." A client whose husband died 2 months ago says to the nurse, "After church, I visit my husband's grave and talk to him. It comforts me, but my daughter thinks I'm morbid and crazy and is upset with me because I don't want to meet her for coffee after church like I used to." Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "Sounds as if you have had difficulty letting your husband go from your life. What would happen if you visited his grave less frequently?" A nurse is talking to a client whose spouse died 10 months ago. Which statement by the client indicates successful mourning? "I'm planning a trip to England next fall to tour the mansions and their gardens." A 74-year-old widower of 3 months says to the nurse, "When my wife died, I lost my love and my best friend. Everyone I cared about is dead. We both were only children, and we had no kids. I'm more than ready to go when the time comes." Which nursing response should the nurse make? "Are you thinking of ending your life because your time has come?" A nurse coordinates the use of hospice care to visit a dying client who will be going home with his family. The nurse tells the family that which is one function of hospice services? Providing bereavement support to the family after the client's death A dying client with agoraphobia says to the nurse, "I've been unable to leave this house without tremendous effort for so long, and now it doesn't matter." Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "It doesn't matter? Can you share your feelings with me?" A dying client says to the nurse, "How do I tell my parents that I am dying of AIDS when they don't even know that I'm gay?" Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "Sounds as if you're thinking that it's time for you to tell your parents about your disease." The wife of a victim of a gas explosion says, "It's not bad enough that I've been left alone to care for two children; now the company is denying our claim for compensation, and we have to join a class-action suit to get my husband's pension." Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "You're saying that being left a widow with children is difficult enough, but now you've got to fight for your benefits." A young widow of 18 months says to the nurse, "I'm going to need a babysitter because I'm going on a blind date at my brother and sister-in-law's house. They fixed me up, but I think it may be too soon." Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "By the end of a year, most people are able to renew their interest in other people and activities." A client who is an attorney says to the clinic nurse, "I'm worried about my wife. She's been so distant and disorganized since our son died of leukemia 4 months ago. She never suggests that we go out or take our other children anywhere. Is this normal, or do I need to get her to a health care provider?" Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "It's normal, but by the end of a year you can expect that your wife is improving and able to redirect her energy. Have you expressed your concerns to her?" A young nurse has just completed postmortem care of a 16-year-old client who died of cancer. The nurse says to the nurse manager, "I never get sick, and this client kept telling me that he couldn't remember not being ill. I feel terrible and so bad for him and about what he went through." Which statement by the nurse manager would be therapeutic? "Let's go for coffee and talk about this some more, shall we? We're both due for our coffee breaks." The 45-year-old husband of a client with breast cancer who just died says to the nurse, "If our health care provider had operated sooner, my wife would be alive now." Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "Sounds as if you're feeling angry and pretty helpless right now." During a one-to-one nurse-client session, the client plays with her pack of cigarettes and says, "I just get a couple of DVDs and watch movies so I won't have to look at my husband or talk to him." Which coping mechanism does the nurse recognize in the client's behaviors? Avoidance A 16-year-old client says, "My dad thinks I'm evil, but we get into fights because I let things build up. He never has any time for me because he's always glued to the TV. He doesn't even look at me when he talks." Which statement by the nurse encourages the client to use assertive behavior with his father? "Have you tried saying that directly to your dad? For example, you could say, 'I notice that you watch television when I'm telling you things that are important to me.'" A client who was formerly a workaholic has lost his job and is being supported financially by his wife. The client says to the nurse, "I know that my wife is disappointed in me, but I can't seem to get a job doing what I've done for 25 years. Why should I take a low-level job when she's able to support us financially?" Which response by the nurse would be therapeutic? "Can you tell me a little more about this?" A psychiatrist notes that a client being admitted to the inpatient mental health unit uses avoidance and denial to cope with stress. Which positive stress response will the nurse plan to focus on when working with the client? Problem-solving The husband of a terminally ill client says to the nurse, "My company went bankrupt, my son is a drug addict, my daughter is an alcoholic, and now this! My health care provider wants me to try some stress reduction because my blood pressure is up. Whose wouldn't be? I've tried music and relaxation, but they don't work." Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic? "Let's talk more about what has been helpful to you in the past." A young adult client says to the nurse, "All my friends are married and have children. I can't seem to meet anyone, and I know I'll never be happy until I meet someone I can care about enough to marry." Which statement by the nurse would assist the client in reframing the situation? "You can't seem to meet someone that you care about? You can still find enjoyment in friendships, work, books, and other things as well" [Show More]

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