EXAM 1 NR 228

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NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 1 EXAM 1 NR 228 1. Which principle of health diet suggest selecting a wide range of foods as represented by the USDA’s MyPlate food plan? a) Variety b) Moderation... c) Adequacy d) Energy density 2. A group of strategies used to increase the level of health of individuals, families, groups and communities is known as: a) Wellness b) health promotion c) tertiary prevention d) nutritional assessment 3. Food descriptions on labels assist us in better understanding the products inside of the package. Which of the following food description is false? a) “Extra lean” contains less than 5g of fat, 2g of saturated fat, and 95mg of cholesterol per serving. b) “Light or lite” products contain half the calories of two thirds the fat content of the original product. c) “Lean” contains less than 10f of fat, 4g of saturated fat, and 95mg of cholesterol per serving. d) “Good source of” contains 10%-19% of daily value for specific vitamin, mineral, or fiber in one serving. 4. Nutrients that DO NOT yield energy include: a) minerals, vitamins and water b) protein, water and vitamins c) water, vitamins, and carbohydrates NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 2 d) minerals, vitamins, and proteins.  NOTE: Energy-yielding nutrients are organic  Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids 5. The nutrients that provides the highest number of kcals per gram is: a) protein b) alcohol c) fat d) carbohydrate  NOTE: Kcals values for carbohydrates (4gr), Protein (4gr), alcohol (7gr), Lipids/fat (9gr) 6. As a nurse, you know that health promotion typically, consist of strategies use to increase the level of the health of individuals, their families, groups, and entire communities. Example of health promotion strategies implement by nurse often include: a) Knowledge, power, and community services b) trust, government stipends, and managed care c) knowledge, techniques, and community support d) trust, cultural perception and knowledge 7. Water soluble and fat soluble describes the two classes of: a) fiber b) vitamin c) minerals d) carbohydrates  NOTE: Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E K), Water soluble vitamin (B, C).  fat-soluble - absorbed like fats, 1st into the lymph and then into the blood; Usually occur together in fats and oils; Absorbed in the same manner as lipids. water-soluble - absorbed directly into the blood NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 3 8. A category of nutrients that assists other nutrients with metabolic functions throughout the body is: a) water b) protein c) vitamin d) minerals  NOTE: Vitamins indirectly assist other nutrients through the complete processes of digestion, absorption, metabolism, and excretion. Water provides a fluid medium and a transport system for body processes. Protein makes up many body structures, enzymes, and components of the immune system. Minerals serve structural purposes and are found in body fluids. 9. The best source of action to provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals is to: a) promote weight loss b) eat a variety of foods c) eat at least three meals per day d) consume a high-fiber, low-fat diet.  NOTE: Including a variety of foods increases the likelihood of obtaining adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Loss of weight will not contribute to adequate nutrient intake. Eating at least 3 meals per day may help increase nutrient intake to some extent, but they could still be meals that provide a limited assortment of foods. Similarly, a high-fiber, low-fat diet could consist of foods that are relatively low in vitamins and minerals. 10. If a college student is eating only one small meal per day in an attempt to lose weight and is taking high doses of vitamin and mineral supplements to try make up for the lack of food, he or she would be describe as having: a) malnutrition b) nonnutrition c) overnutrition d) disordered eating  NOTE: An imbalance of nutrients and/or energy (in this case, high intake of some nutrients and low intake of energy) is called malnutrition. Overnutrition only refers to excessive intake or nutrients and/or energy. Disordered eating refers to unusual eating habits that may or may not lead to some form of malnutrition. Nonnutrition is not a recognized term. NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 4 11. A teenager client is hungry and goes to the refrigerator for a snack. A holiday has just been celebrated at her home, and many of her favorite foods are available. She selects some slices of roast turkey and a cup of her aunt’s special fruit salad. This is an example of: a) binging b) abundance c) food choice d) food preference  NOTE: This teenager is able to select foods according to her preferences. Food choices are restricted by convenience, but many of her favorite foods are available so her choices are not limited. The food is abundant, and she may choose to binge and overeat, but her selections are made according to her food preference. 12. Economics is a significant factor influencing the nutritional status of communities. To overcome economic disadvantage, public health efforts include: a) the MyPyramid food guidance system b) educational program on food safety c) the U.S. government’s Food Stamp Program d) public service announcements on heath eating  NOTE: The Food Stamp Program provides coupons to buy nutritious foods for individuals and families with incomes below certain levels. This can help improve the nutritional status of economically challenged families. The other public health efforts listed are not specifically aimed at people who have an economic disadvantage. 13. Between 1970 and 2000, nutritional concern centered on reducing nutrient excesses. Before 1070, the focus was to reduce: a) consumption of lipids b) low-carbohydrate diets c) nutrient deficiencies d) prevention of infection disease  NOTE: Before 1970, most nutritional problems were attributed to nutrient deficiency. Later on, research showed the association between excessive lipid intakes and chronic disease. Low- NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 5 carbohydrate diets gained popularity for weight loss after 1970. Prevention of infectious disease is not a direct nutritional concern. 14. Of the following, the most important overall dietary modification to help reduce risk of chronic disease is: a) eating fewer foods that contain preservatives b) buying mostly locally grown foods c) eating more plant-based foods d) eating more animal-based foods  NOTE: Scientific evidence from the nutrition evidence library shows that shifting to a more plantbased diet is one of four significant modifications to our dietary intake patterns that will improve the overall health of Americans. Preservatives per se have not been associated with health status (although foods that contain preservatives may be more highly processed and may be higher in fat, sugar, and sodium and lower in nutrients than foods without preservatives). Buying locally grown foods may be a good agricultural and economic practice, but does not affect health status. Eating more animal-based foods would be the opposite of what is recommended. 15. The “fruit & veggies – more matters” slogan is part of a campaign designed to increase of fruits & veggies among: a) school-age children b) people living in urban areas c) low-income individual and families d) all Americans  NOTE: "Fruits & veggies—more matters" is part of the National Fruit and Vegetable Program, designed to increase intake of fruits and vegetables among all Americans. It is not specifically targeted at any age, demographic, or socioeconomic group. 16. One reason that increasing fruit & veggies consumption helps decrease dietary fat intake is because fruit & veggies: a) are natural appetite suppressants b) displace high-fat foods from the diet c) are rich antioxidants and phytochemicals d) decrease absorption of fat from foods NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 6  NOTE: Fruits and vegetables displace high-fat foods from the diet because they are high in fiber and water; they cause satiety so that clients have less desire for high-fat foods. Fruits and vegetables are not and do not contain natural appetite suppressants and do not hinder absorption of fat from foods. They are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, but increased intake of these substances does not affect fat intake. 17. Fish consumption is increasing in the United States as a result of: a) greater availability of fresh & frozen fish b) increased use of fish in processed foods c) dietary emendations to consume lighter colored protein sources d) recognition that protein form fish is superior to other protein sources.  NOTE: Fish consumption is increased because of the availability of frozen and refrigerated storage techniques. Use of fish in processed foods has not increased. Dietary recommendations encourage use of more poultry and fish and less red meat, but do not describe them in terms of color. Fish contains high quality protein, but it is not superior to the protein in other animal foods. 18. If a food package has the radura symbol, showing that the food has been irradiated, a consumer can know that the food: a) should not be eaten by pregnant women b) will have a cooked taste & texture c) had to be treated to remove contaminants d) may have an extended shelf life  NOTE: Irradiation extends the shelf life of foods by destroying microorganisms, mold, and parasites. Irradiated foods are safe for pregnant women. Irradiation does not give foods a cooked taste and texture. Irradiation is used to destroy normal levels of microorganisms, mold, and parasites in foods, rather than to treat contaminated foods. 19. The nutrition facts panel on a food label is useful for: a) determining the ingredients in a product b) determining the ease of preparing a product c) comparing the price value of two of more products NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 7 d) comparing the nutritional value of two of more products  NOTE: The Nutrition Facts panel on a food label lists the quantities of specific key nutrients in the food and can therefore be used to compare the nutritional value of two or more products. The ingredients are listed elsewhere on the package, rather than in the Nutrition Facts panel. The Nutrition Facts panel does not indicate how easy the food is to prepare and does not include any information about cost or price. 20. Consider the following food label from a frozen meal, and choose the nutrients important for healthy bone and tissue. a) calories b) fat c) cholesterol d) sodium ( e) potassium (muscle) f) sugar g) protein (tissue) h) calcium (bone) i) iron (hemoglobin) 21. Valves to control the movement of food in and out of the stomach are called: a) reflux regulators b) peristalsis muscles c) sphincter muscles d) segmentation muscles  NOTE: Sphincter muscles control the movement of food in and out of the stomach. They do help prevent reflux, but this is not their name. They are not involved in peristalsis. Segmentation occurs as circular and longitudinal muscles cause food to move backwards and forwards in the gut. 22. A substance that works only on a specific class of nutrients is called: NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 8 a) bolus b) chyme c) gastrin d) enzymes  NOTE: Enzymes work on specific classes of nutrients to change them from one form to a simpler form. A bolus is a ball-shaped mass of chewed food that is swallowed. Chyme is the semiliquid mixture of food mass and secretions in the stomach. Gastrin is a hormone secreted by the stomach mucosa. 23. A bolus is a ball of: a) masticated food ready to be swallowed b) fat emulsified with bile and intestinal secretions c) mucus that helps move food along the GI tract d) indigestible fiber mixed with the waste products of digestion 24. The villi of the small intestine increase its capacity for: a) digestion b) absorption c) excretion d) elimination  NOTE: Villi increase the surface area of the small intestine which makes it possible for it to absorb more nutrients. Digestion occurs in the small intestine, but is not a function of the villi. Excretion and elimination do not occur in the small intestine. 25. If the large intestine did not carry out its main function, feces would be: a) alkaline b) acidic c) liquid d) very dry NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 9  NOTE: A major function of the large intestine is absorption of water, so feces would be liquid. Feces would not be dry if they large intestine was not removing water. The large intestine does not have a significant impact on the acidity or alkalinity of feces. 26. The esophagus is a structure that: a) produces & releases digestive enzymes but not hormones b) does not produce digestive enzymes but does release hormones c) does not produces or release digestive enzymes or hormones d) produce only small amount of digestive enzymes or hormones  NOTE: The esophagus does not produce or release digestive enzymes or hormones. It simply transports food boluses from the mouth to the stomach. 27. The esophagus is the: a) muscular tube use for excretion of waste products. b) pathway through which enzymes & hormones travel. c) pathway that blood follows within the body from organ to organ. d) muscular tube along which a food bolus travels from the mouth to the stomach. 28. Plants use carbon dioxide, water & the sun’s energy in the process of photosynthesis to synthesize: a) fat b) protein c) carbohydrates d) alcohol  NOTE: Plants synthesize carbohydrate via photosynthesis. Fat and protein are produced by other metabolic processes in the plants. Living plants do not usually produce alcohol, although stored fruit or grain may ferment and produce some alcohol. 29. Compared with table sugar (sucrose), honey tastes_____ because it contains _____: NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 10 a) sweeter, fructose b) sweeter, maltose c) less sweet, fructose d) less sweet, maltose  NOTE: Honey is sweeter than table sugar because it contains fructose, the sweetest of all the sugars. Maltose is less sweet than table sugar and is not found in honey. 30. The person eating a high intake of complex carbohydrates is likely following a ___ diet a) low-fat diet b) lactovegetarian c) vegan d) regular 31. When insufficient carbohydrate are available and the body has to metabolize fat for energy, ____ is/are produced. a) galactose b) fructose c) ketone d) proteins 32. Bacteria have a role with ____ in causing_____ a) fiber, diabetes b) fiber, tooth decay c) sugar, diabetes d) sugar, tooth decay 33. Noncarbohydrate alcohol is: NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 11 a) a form of alcohol that provides 7kcal/g b) a sugar alcohol that provides 1-3kcal/g c) a carbohydrate that provides 4kcal/g d) an artificial sweetener that provides negligible kcals. 34. Diets high in cellulose could include which? a) brussels sprouts b) cabbage c) kale d) zucchini e) tomatoes 35. Hard water contains high levels of minerals, such as” a) iron & zinc b) lead & sulfur c) sodium & potassium d) calcium & magnesium 36. Within the body, water helps to do which? a) dissolve lipids b) avoid dehydration c) insulate nerve fibers d) regulate body temperature 37. The hormones that causes the kidney to decrease water excretion is called: NR 228 EXAM I PRACTICE QUIZLET 12 a) adrenaline b) aldosterone c) alanine d) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 38. intracellular and extracellular electrolytes include which? a) sodium b) calcium (extracellular) c) potassium (intracellular) d) magnesium e) chloride 39. Serum calcium levels can be affected by which? a) dietary intake of calcium b) vitamin D intake c) time spent outside d) exercise 40. If a patient has cancer & is being treated using chemotherapy, his or her greatest food safety concern is: a) avoiding pesticide residues b) potential food-drug interaction c) choosing natural food products d) preventing foodborne illness [Show More]

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