*NURSING > EXAM > NUR4870 Week 3 Final Informatics Questions and Answers {Latest Version} (All)

NUR4870 Week 3 Final Informatics Questions and Answers {Latest Version}

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NUR4870 Week 3 Final Informatics Questions and Answers ● Question 1 0 out of 2 points The typical participants involved in the preparations for accreditation and for the accreditation process itself... are which of the following? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: Privacy and security officers Quality assurance staff Correct Answers: Medical records personnel Privacy and security officers Quality assurance staff Clinicians Compliance officers Answer Feedback: Rationale: Typical accreditation participants include administration, nursing administration, medical records personnel, information systems and technology personnel, privacy and security officers, compliance officers, legal representation, educators, decision support staff, quality assurance staff, clinicians, policy makers, and ancillary departments. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Answer Feedback: Rationale: Typical accreditation participants include administration, nursing administration, medical records personnel, information systems and technology personnel, privacy and security officers, compliance officers, legal representation, educators, decision support staff, quality assurance staff, clinicians, policy makers, and ancillary departments. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: Typical accreditation participants include administration, nursing administration, medical records personnel, information systems and technology personnel, privacy and security officers, compliance officers, legal representation, educators, decision support staff, quality assurance staff, clinicians, policy makers, and ancillary departments. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 2 0 out of 2 points Medicare is an age or disability based benefit. How is Medicare funded? Answer Correct Answer: Through tax dollars Answer Feedback: Rationale: Medicare is funded through tax dollars. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 3 0 out of 2 points Despite the negative responses by health care providers toward the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10, which of the following statements is a clear benefit of the transition? Answer Correct Answer: Over 100 countries have already adopted the ICD-10 coding system. Answer Feedback: Rationale: The ICD-9 has outlived its usefulness. With the number of countries throughout the world that have already implemented the ICD-10, the United States has not kept pace with global changes. Cognitive Level: Evaluating Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 4 0 out of 2 points Which of the following is a barrier associated with patient use of PHRs in rural regions? Answer Correct Answer: Access Answer Feedback: Rationale: Barriers that are associated with patient use of PHRs in rural regions include: Access. Ability to connect to the Internet is essential. Many rural communities remain "unwired." While this barrier goes beyond the scope of medical care, patients can be asked about access through friends, family members, work and libraries. Some large health systems such as the VA provide computer access in libraries. Awareness. Patients and caregivers must know about PHR tools and understand their value. Promotion and marketing are important, including word-of-mouth, social networking, and clinician endorsement. Dedicated staff can help design promotional materials, demonstrating tools and disseminating through a variety of channels. Usability. How easy is the application to use? PHR systems that utilized, during their development, a user-centered design process, conducted usability testing and were modified on user input can have greater ease of use and be more intuitive, eHealth Literacy. Patients bring a wide variation in their capacity to use information technology. Those having lower levels of literacy and Internet abilities are likely to have greater challenges in using the PHR as intended. Ensuring a high level of usability, including easy navigation, simple functionality, and readability can enhance willingness and ability to use the PHR. Meaningful Use. PHR usage will be dependent upon users' perception of benefit. Patients must perceive that PHRs will be relevant to their health and beneficial to their lives. Incorporating features such as secure messaging, laboratory results, and appointment and medication requests, will be most valuable to patients and caregivers. Clinical Integration. Nurses, physicians, and other professionals providing care have an important role in the successful deployment and adoption of PHRs. As patients will continue to see health professionals as a source of expert information, encouraging and demonstrating use of these tools to patients and families will be important. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 5 0 out of 2 points Which of the following answers depicts the use of the ANA recognized nursing classifications to codify data? Answer Correct Answer: The ANA recognized nursing classifications codify data used during the nursing process such as assessments, nurse sensitive problems, interventions, and outcomes. Answer Feedback: Rationale: The American Nurses Association (ANA), through the Committee for Nursing Practice Information Infrastructure (CNPII), recognizes terminologies appropriate for use by nursing (Warren & Bakken, 2002). Terminologies must meet defined criteria for approval. The criteria specify that terminologies must be used to support nursing practice reflecting the nursing process. The nursing process data elements include assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification (goal), planning, implementation (interventions), and evaluation. The terminologies have to contain concepts that are clear and unambiguous with a unique identifier. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 6 0 out of 2 points What is the rationale the AMA is using to oppose the do-not-pay list? Answer Correct Answer: Physicians assert each patient's circumstances are unique and complications cannot always be prevented or explained. Answer Feedback: Rationale: The AMA opposes the do-not-pay list, stating there are better methods of controlling health care spending and reimbursement costs. Physicians fear the do-not-pay expansion will have a reverse affect on the quality of care. Each patient's circumstances are unique and complications cannot always be prevented or explained (M, n.d.). Cognitive Level: Evaluating Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 7 2 out of 2 points The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of March 2010 (PPACA) Section 1561 will, when fully activated by 2014, extend affordable health care to an estimated 32 million more people. Which of the following is not a financial impact of the Act? Answer Selected Answer: The need to monitor patient outcomes Correct Answer: The need to monitor patient outcomes Answer Feedback: Rationale: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of March 2010 (PPACA) Section 1561 will, when fully activated by 2014, extend affordable health care to an estimated 32 million more people. This will require the need for the additional purchase of supplies, hiring more staff and health information technology (HIT) coordinators. Cognitive Level: Remembering ● Question 8 0 out of 2 points The use of which of the following is a means of ensuring the data collection is accurate and valid? Answer Correct Answer: Standardized terminology Answer Feedback: Rationale: The use of standardized terminology is a means of ensuring the data collection is accurate and valid. Standardized terminology is essential for successful development and implementation of an EHR. Terminology is required to represent, communicate, exchange, manage, and report data, information, and knowledge. It enables safe, patient-centric, high quality health care that optimizes data collection for the measurement of patient outcomes. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 9 2 out of 2 points The health information exchange requires exchange of health-related information according to nationally recognized standards to link into which of the following as it can provide a standardized, secure, and confidential way to link information systems together for authorized users to share reliable health-related information? Answer Selected Answer: National health information network (NHIN) Correct Answer: National health information network (NHIN) Answer Feedback: Rationale: The health information exchange requires the exchange of health-related information according to nationally recognized standards to link into the national health information network (NHIN). The NHIN will provide a standardized, secure, and confidential way to link information systems together for authorized users to share reliable health-related information. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 10 0 out of 2 points Which of the following statements accurately states the impact that accreditation agencies have on automated documentation in health care organizations? Answer Correct Answer: The goal of information systems is to remain in compliance with accrediting bodies. Answer Feedback: Rationale: Standards set by accrediting bodies can shape institutional practices and documentation requirements. This may necessitate changes in automated documentation systems to comply with standards. Without compliance, organizations may lose accrediting status or be placed on provisional status. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 11 0 out of 2 points __________ determines whether providers receive funding. It also serves to enhance provider image, instills confidence in the quality of services rendered, and attracts qualified professionals. This process has direct implications for how documentation and information systems are structured. Answer Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match Accreditation Response Feedback: Rationale: Accreditation determines whether providers receive funding. It also serves to enhance provider image, instills confidence in the quality of services rendered, and attracts qualified professionals. This process has direct implications for how documentation and information systems are structured. Several accrediting bodies exist. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 12 0 out of 2 points Electronic data interchange (EDI) is an effort to help phase out paper claims except under extensive appeal circumstances. The result of this initiative is which of the following? Answer Correct Answer: Health care providers were forced to install EDI transmission programs in their billing and medical record systems. Answer Feedback: Rationale: This action forced all providers to install EDI transmission programs in their billing and medical record systems by buying practice management systems (PMS) or utilizing a clearinghouse that screened and then transmitted electronic claims and records to the various insurance companies. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 13 0 out of 2 points PHRs can enhance a health care provider's clinical practice in a number of ways. Which of the following are associated with the benefits of the PHR and medication management? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: Patient can share medication information with other providers Correct Answers: Allows patients to check and improve quality of medication list (medication reconciliation) Encourages discussion with doctor to improve adherence Patient can share medication information with other providers Health care provider can access information on prescription refills Allows the health care provider and patient immediate communication with pharmacy Answer Feedback: Rationale: The potential benefits of the PHR are numerous including the following: Refilling medication prescriptions allows patients to check and improve quality of medication list (medication reconciliation) Encourages discussion with doctor to improve adherence Patients can share medication information with other providers Cognitive Level: Evaluating Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: The potential benefits of the PHR are numerous including the following: Refilling medication prescriptions allows patients to check and improve quality of medication list (medication reconciliation) Encourages discussion with doctor to improve adherence Patients can share medication information with other providers Cognitive Level: Evaluating Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 14 2 out of 2 points As PHRs become the established norm, health care providers are aware of issues that can emerge from patient self-disclosure. Which of the following is a key concern associated with the patient-self entered data? Answer Selected Answer: Data review responsibility Correct Answer: Data review responsibility Answer Feedback: Rationale: While patient-centered care is the goal, concerns arise about patients as accurate suppliers of data and responsibility of data review. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 15 2 out of 2 points The ratification of the Title XVIII and Title XIX Acts in 1965 led to which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: Medicare and Medicaid Correct Answer: Medicare and Medicaid Answer Feedback: Rationale: Since the ratification of the Title XVIII (Medicare) and Title XIX (Medicaid) Acts in 1965, the role of the federal government to regulate health care costs has continued to expand. Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 16 0 out of 2 points Which of the following terminologies have been approved by the American Nurses Association? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: Alternative Billing Codes (ABC Codes) Correct Answers: Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) Alternative Billing Codes (ABC Codes) Clinical Care Classification (CCC) North American Nursing Diagnosis International (NANDA-I) Answer Feedback: Rationale: The Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS), Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS), Alternative Billing Codes (ABC Codes), North American Nursing Diagnosis International (NANDA-I), and Clinical Care Classification (CCC) are data sets approved by the ANA. Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: The Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS), Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS), Alternative Billing Codes (ABC Codes), North American Nursing Diagnosis International (NANDA-I), and Clinical Care Classification (CCC) are data sets approved by the ANA. Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 17 0 out of 2 points Which of the following can be used to document the elements of the nursing process within the care plan? Answer Selected Answer: Personal health record Correct Answer: NANDA-I Answer Feedback: Rationale: NANDA-I is used to document nursing diagnoses within all settings and across the care continuum. The coding system can be used within the EHR. NANDA-I has been linked to the NIC interventions and NOC outcomes. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 18 2 out of 2 points TIGER Leadership Collaborative Report has called for transformation of the health care delivery system through the development of a national health information infrastructure that requires nurse leaders "understand, promote, own, and measure the success of health IT." To do so, which of the following strategies cannot be incorporated? Answer Selected Answer: Exchange best practice models with physician groups Correct Answer: Exchange best practice models with physician groups Answer Feedback: Rationale: According to the TIGER Leadership Collaborative Report (DATE) transformation of health care delivery system through the development of a national health information infrastructure requires that nurse leaders "understand, promote, own, and measure the success of health IT." This is best accomplished through the following: ● Education programs for nurse executives and faculty that stress the value of information technology and empower them to use HIT appropriately ● The expansion/integration of informatics competencies into Nursing Leadership Development Programs ● Sharing of best practices using HIT effectively to improve the delivery of nursing care ● Alignment with the Magnet Recognition Program to demonstrate nursing excellence in via technology to improve practice and delivery of safer, more effective care Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 19 0 out of 2 points To comply with the mandate to use EHRs by 2014, physicians and hospitals must have the EHR prepared and ready for implementation. Which of the following methods are available to entities that will assist in the funding of the EHR? Answer Selected Answer: Consumer Digest Guidelines Correct Answer: Medicare and Medicaid Answer Feedback: Rationale: Beginning in 2011, Medicare and Medicaid will provide financial incentives of up to $65,000 per eligible physician and up to $11 million per hospital for meaningful use of health information technology. These positive incentives will be paid over several years. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 20 0 out of 2 points Health information exchanges can be useful for more than patient care and the uses are described at levels. Which of the following are considered levels? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: Individual Correct Answers: Public health National Individual Agency/organization Professional Answer Feedback: Rationale: Health information exchanges can be useful for more than patient care and the uses are described at four levels (Proctor, Reid, Compton et al., 2005) as follows: 1) An individual level for care to enhance personal health outcomes 2) A professional level for clinical decision making to diagnose, plan interventions and surveillance, coordinate care, and evaluate patient outcomes 3) An agency/organization level for managing operations and fiscal resources and monitoring processes for quality and continuous improvement 4) A public health and national level for accreditation and regulatory bodies to evaluate population health and safety and recommend changes in policy Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: Health information exchanges can be useful for more than patient care and the uses are described at four levels (Proctor, Reid, Compton et al., 2005) as follows: 1) An individual level for care to enhance personal health outcomes 2) A professional level for clinical decision making to diagnose, plan interventions and surveillance, coordinate care, and evaluate patient outcomes 3) An agency/organization level for managing operations and fiscal resources and monitoring processes for quality and continuous improvement 4) A public health and national level for accreditation and regulatory bodies to evaluate population health and safety and recommend changes in policy Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 21 0 out of 2 points Health policy may at times contribute to negative trends. Certain aspects of U.S. health policy have been blamed for creating or contributing to some of the health problems. Which of the following are associated with wayward policies?<BR><BR>Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: Unequal access to care Correct Answers: Lack of clinical and administrative standardization Fragmented care Unequal access to care Turning health problems into marketing opportunities Failure to curtail costs for services Answer Feedback: Rationale: Health policy may at times contribute to negative trends. Certain aspects of U.S. health policy have been blamed for creating or contributing to some of the health problems. The following are associated with wayward policies: ● Higher expenditures than those of other developed countries with outcomes that are no better, and in some cases worse ● A lack of clinical and administrative standardization ● Fragmented care ● Unequal access to care ● The creation of ill-health through the creation of large social and economic inequalities promoting unhealthy eating and lifestyles ● Turning health problems into marketing opportunities ● Failure to curtail costs for services ● Less than optimal safety ● Poor evaluation of quality by patients ● Payment per services rather than maintaining wellness ● A lack of rewards for primary care ● An expensive system that is a collection of different providers and payers rather than a system ● The perception that technology is driver of costs rather than tool to better capture efficiencies Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Assessment Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: Health policy may at times contribute to negative trends. Certain aspects of U.S. health policy have been blamed for creating or contributing to some of the health problems. The following are associated with wayward policies: ● Higher expenditures than those of other developed countries with outcomes that are no better, and in some cases worse ● A lack of clinical and administrative standardization ● Fragmented care ● Unequal access to care ● The creation of ill-health through the creation of large social and economic inequalities promoting unhealthy eating and lifestyles ● Turning health problems into marketing opportunities ● Failure to curtail costs for services ● Less than optimal safety ● Poor evaluation of quality by patients ● Payment per services rather than maintaining wellness ● A lack of rewards for primary care ● An expensive system that is a collection of different providers and payers rather than a system ● The perception that technology is driver of costs rather than tool to better capture efficiencies Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Assessment Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 22 0 out of 2 points The impact of the mandated technology use has created change throughout the health care community. How has the Affordable Health Care Act affected nursing? Answer Selected Answer: There will be a decreased need for point-of-care nurses. Correct Answer: There will be an increased need for nurse informatics specialists. Answer Feedback: Rationale: With the increase in technology, nurses will be part of the development and implementation. Therefore, nurses who understand informatics will be in demand. Cognitive Level: Evaluating Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 23 0 out of 2 points __________ and health systems with nursing homes, hospice, homecare, and clinics integrated with hospitals are able to exchange with standard content and identifiers adopted across settings. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match Integrated delivery networks (IDN) Response Feedback: Rationale: Integrated delivery networks (IDN) and health systems with nursing homes, hospice, homecare, and clinics integrated with hospitals are able to exchange with standard content and identifiers adopted across settings. All IDNs experienced the challenges of adopting common information formats and learning new workflows for use cases. Current HIEs are becoming geographically defined and involve organizations that are led by multiple representatives from professional and healthcare entities to exchange information for the good of the individual and public services. Furthermore, sustainability can be achieved with adequate funding. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 24 2 out of 2 points Some functionalities require integration between the PHR and a scheduling application. Which of the following is a benefit of this communication? Answer Selected Answer: Integration between a scheduling application and the PHR allows the patient to schedule an appointment without making a telephone call. Correct Answer: Integration between a scheduling application and the PHR allows the patient to schedule an appointment without making a telephone call. Answer Feedback: Rationale: Integration between a scheduling application and the PHR allows the patient the ability to request an appointment or confirm a specific appointment. Similar to selecting a seat on an airline flight, a patient is shown available slots for the visit (or care type--e.g. eye exam) and clicks on a desired time. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 25 0 out of 2 points The __________ oversees information- technology standards, implementation strategies, and impact assessment. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) Response Feedback: Rationale: The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) oversees information- technology standards, implementation strategies, and impact assessment. To receive the positive incentives and physicians and hospitals must use EHRs certified by ONCHIT (Tomes, 2010). Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 26 0 out of 2 points Standard terminologies have been scientifically investigated for their effectiveness and impact on patient care. The use of standard terminologies can, therefore, facilitate the use of which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: Computer literacy Correct Answer: Evidence-based practice and decision support rules Answer Feedback: Rationale: Standard terminologies can facilitate the collection and analysis of data. As a central repository for data, the investigator can extrapolate and analyze data. From the analysis, linkages can be determined and models support decisions are developed. As evidence-based practice models are generated, clinical nursing practice and outcomes are improved. Computer literacy is not associated with standardized terminologies. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 27 0 out of 2 points Implementing an electronic health record in a small primary care practice can be cost prohibitive. To assist in the cost of the endeavor, the government has done which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: Has given financial aid to larger practices to purchase equipment Correct Answer: Provided loans to physicians to purchase technology Answer Feedback: Rationale: The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), a subsidiary of the USDHHS, has set up competitive grants for the states in the union who make loans for physicians to purchase the certified EHR systems. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 28 0 out of 2 points According to Peters (2002), which of the following are considered stages of policy development?<BR><BR>Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: Policy formation Correct Answers: Recognition of a problem or issue Agenda setting Policy formation Answer Feedback: Rationale: According to Peters (2002), the stages of policy development are as follows: ● Recognition of a problem or issue ● Agenda setting ● Policy formation ● Adoption ● Implementation ● Analysis ● Evaluation Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: According to Peters (2002), the stages of policy development are as follows: ● Recognition of a problem or issue ● Agenda setting ● Policy formation ● Adoption ● Implementation ● Analysis ● Evaluation Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 29 0 out of 2 points Which of the following serve as a guide in the development of the policies and technologies used to support quality reporting and other uses of health data? Answer Selected Answer: Issues Correct Answer: Values Answer Feedback: Rationale: Values are an important part of policy development. Officials and members of advisory committees solicit input from special needs groups as well as their own constituency. From data collected by representatives, analysis leads to the development of policies that address the desires of the groups. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 30 0 out of 2 points The importance of billing codes and reimbursement for services cannot be overstated. Which of the following responses are true regarding accurate code input and claims processing? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: The CPT code 99211 is an office visit and used for injections. Correct Answers: Inaccurate code input will delay claims processing. Response Feedback: Rationale: CPT codes were grouped into services by the first digit followed by four more digits that further described the procedure. The number 9 is reserved for visits related to evaluation and management procedures. Thus, the CPT code 99211 is an office visit for less than 10 minutes and is often used when the patient only sees a nurse for an injection, blood pressure check, or some other simple procedure, which does not involve direct contact with the physician. Incorrect use of codes and modifiers delay claim processing. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 31 0 out of 2 points Which act makes several significant changes to the current HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules and provides funds and incentives to increase the use of electronic health records (EHRs) by physicians and hospitals who meet eligibility criteria? Answer Selected Answer: Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) Correct Answer: Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) Answer Feedback: Rationale: The HITECH Act makes several significant changes to the current HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules and provides funds and incentives to increase the use of electronic health records (EHRs) by physicians and hospitals who meet eligibility criteria (Tomes, 2010). Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 32 0 out of 2 points __________ PHRs are extensions of physicians' offices. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match Integrated Response Feedback: Rationale: Integrated PHRs are extensions of physicians' offices. The health care provider determines how much data and communication consumers can access from their PHR. Conversely, a stand-alone PHR can immediately access health data from a site like Google Health. The patient must input and maintain their own personal data. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 33 0 out of 2 points Which of the following are characteristics of stand-alone PHRs? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: The PHR is not tied to any particular health care system. Correct Answers: Some fully standalone applications are available commercially. The PHR is not tied to any particular health care system. Some fully standalone applications are available in formats such as smart card, CD, or flash drive. Standalone PHRs such as those on thumb drive devices have been found to have significant security risks. Answer Feedback: Rationale: Standalone systems are not tied to another health care system. Some fully standalone applications are available commercially through the Internet or other formats such as smart card, CD, or flash drive. These tools rely on an individual or caregiver to enter their own health information. Standalone PHRs such as those on thumb drive devices have been found to have significant security risks. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: Standalone systems are not tied to another health care system. Some fully standalone applications are available commercially through the Internet or other formats such as smart card, CD, or flash drive. These tools rely on an individual or caregiver to enter their own health information. Standalone PHRs such as those on thumb drive devices have been found to have significant security risks. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 34 0 out of 2 points To receive financial incentives, hospitals and physician offices must meet designated criteria established by which organization? Answer Selected Answer: American Nurses Association Correct Answer: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Answer Feedback: Rationale: To receive financial incentives, hospitals and physician offices must meet designated criteria established by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). For eligible professionals, 20 of 25 meaningful-use objectives must be met to quality for an incentive payment. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 35 0 out of 2 points Which of the following laws, signed by President Clinton in 2000, gives electronic signatures the same legal status as handwritten signatures? Answer Selected Answer: Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) Correct Answer: The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act Answer Feedback: Rationale: The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act ("E-Sign or ESIGN") was signed into law by President Clinton on June 30, 2000. E-Sign gives electronic signatures the same legal status as handwritten signatures. From a legal perspective, this means that any contract signed electronically cannot be declared invalid on the basis of an electronic signature (Freeman, 2004). Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 36 0 out of 2 points Which of the following is not a PHR concern? Answer Selected Answer: Portability Correct Answer: Insurance claims Answer Feedback: Rationale: Portability, privacy, and accuracy of data populated by providers or payers constitute some of the big concerns related to PHR use. Cognitive Level: Evaluating Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 37 0 out of 2 points Terminologies can be incorporated within the electronic health record (EHR) thereby improving practice. Which of the following are considered uses for this technology in health care? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: [None Given] Correct Answers: Reference Point of care Response Feedback: Rationale: Terminologies are used two different ways within EHR systems-first, as a reference terminology and second, as a point-of-care terminology. A reference terminology consists of a set of concepts with definitional relationships. A point-of-care terminology, frequently referred to as an interface terminology, is what the clinicians see on the screen and consists of terms with which clinicians are familiar. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 38 0 out of 2 points The system called Pay for Performance (P4P) is also known as which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: Children's Health Initiative Program Correct Answer: Value-based purchasing (VBP) Answer Feedback: Rationale: What has been termed ObamaCare involves a system called Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP). Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment ● Question 39 0 out of 2 points Which of the following statements is most accurate about the relationship between the national health information network (NHIN) and the health information exchanges (HIE) in the United States? Answer Selected Answer: The success of the state-wide HIEs is dependent on the NHIN. Correct Answer: The success of the NHIN is dependent on the state-wide HIEs. Answer Feedback: Rationale: The NHIN is a structure that will bring together the state-level HIE and regional HIOs when all stakeholders are using the evolving information exchange standards. The state-level HIE programs have the responsibility to organize and facilitate the implementation of interoperability standards with stakeholders through state-wide operational planning. The role of the state-level HIE program can adapt to the state's needs and priorities based on characteristics of providers from evaluation of current HIT use. The agencies such as public health and Medicaid services within the state government are stakeholders and will be involved with HIE services. The success for the NHIN is dependent on the state-wide HIEs. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 40 0 out of 2 points The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandated all providers, insurers and any middlemen involved in the health care industry submission of claims for reimbursement or registering of care, the verifying of eligibility, the precertification of services, or any other client- related information to adhere to a uniform format by October 2002. This action forced all providers to install __________ transmission programs in their billing and medical record systems. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Response Feedback: Rationale: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandated all providers, insurers and any middlemen involved in the health care industry submission of claims for reimbursement or registering of care, the verifying of eligibility, the precertification of services, or any other client- related information to adhere to a uniform format by October 2002. This action forced all providers to install Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transmission programs in their billing and medical record systems and has altered the methods of communication for all health care professionals. Cognitive Level: Evaluating Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 41 0 out of 2 points MIPPA is an acronym for __________ . Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act Response Feedback: Rationale: MIPPA: Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act Cognitive Level: Remembering Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 42 0 out of 2 points With the increased use of HIT in health care settings, nurses are asked to participate in the development of national, state, and local policy. How can nurses gain practical experience in policy shaping and development? Answer Selected Answer: Online legal courses Correct Answer: Internships Answer Feedback: Rationale: Nurses can gain the training and expertise in policy development in a number of ways. There are internships provided by a number of agencies that offer nurses the opportunity to learn about policy initiatives from a front line perspective. Health care professionals interested in health policy beyond the course content offered in formal nursing programs should explore educational opportunities offered through the Institute of Medicine the Health Policy Educational Programs and Fellowships (HPEPF) office. Cognitive Level: Understanding Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 43 0 out of 2 points The overall role of the state-level HIE initiatives can be loosely grouped into three broad categories. Which of the following is not considered a category? Answer Selected Answer: HIE outsourcing/technical partnership Correct Answer: HIE sustainability Answer Feedback: Rationale: HIE outsourcing/technical partnership is considered a category and focuses on the business and policy aspects of HIE, but outsources the technology implementation and services. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 44 0 out of 2 points Markle's Common Framework offers valuable guidance for the development and deployment of patient-centered PHRs. The Framework identifies seven attributes of an ideal PHR. Which of the following are considered attributes of the Common Framework? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: [None Given] Correct Answers: PHRs permit easy exchange of information across health care systems. PHRs contain information from one's entire lifetime. PHRs contain information from all health care providers. PHRs are accessible from any place at any time. PHRs are private and secure. Response Feedback: Rationale:The following are attributes of an ideal personal health record: 1. Each person controls his or her own PHR. 2. PHRs contain information from one's entire lifetime. 3. PHRs contain information from all health care providers. 4. PHRs are accessible from any place at any time. 5. PHRs are private and secure. 6. PHRs are transparent. Individuals can see who entered each piece of data, where it was transferred from, and who has viewed it. 7. PHRs permit easy exchange of information across health care systems (Markle, 2006). Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 45 0 out of 2 points Which of the following responses is not a benefit of Pay for Performance (P4P) legislation? Answer Selected Answer: Reimbursement is related to quality and efficiency of care provided. Correct Answer: The system rewards physicians and other health care professionals when patients receive good results from that care. Answer Feedback: Rationale: Accountable care organizations will be formed to police the quality of services health care professionals and facilities provide. This system rewards physicians and other health care professionals when patients receive good results from that care. However, success is not so easily measured in tangible and universal means. Patients will play a more active role in the determination of performance-based payment. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 46 2 out of 2 points As standards are developed for interoperability, there will be an increased number of vendors seeking which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: Certification Correct Answer: Certification Answer Feedback: Rationale: Abiding by national standards and norms leads to certification. Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 47 0 out of 2 points The use of standardized nursing terminology will result in better __________ among the interdisciplinary team. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match communication Response Feedback: Rationale: The use of coded standardized terminology for nurses is vital to bedside nursing and to the nursing profession. It is essential because it enables consistent use of terminologies across clinical settings and specialists. The use of standardized nursing terminology will result in better communication to the interdisciplinary team, increase the visibility of nursing interventions, enhance data collection used to evaluate and analyze patient care outcomes, and support greater adherence to standards of care. Further, the use of standardized nursing terminology can be used to assess nursing competency. Health care facilities are required to demonstrate the competency of staff for the Joint Commission. The nursing interventions delineated in standardized terminologies can be used as a means by which to assess nurse competency in the performance of these interventions (Rutherford, 2008). Cognitive Level: Applying Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 48 0 out of 2 points Widespread adoption of HIT (Health Information Technology) requires __________ and policies that make quality improvement and cost reduction essential to providers in order to accomplish their financial and professional goals. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match economic incentives Response Feedback: Rationale: Ultimately widespread adoption of HIT requires economic incentives and policies that make quality improvement and cost reduction essential to providers in order to accomplish their financial and professional goals. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 49 0 out of 2 points Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP) system has been developed through ObamaCare. Which of the following are considered goals of this initiative? Select all that apply. Answer Selected Answers: Effectiveness Correct Answers: Financial viability Payment initiatives Effectiveness Ensuring access Answer Feedback: Rationale: What has been termed ObamaCare involves a system called Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP). Accountable care organizations will be formed to police the quality of services health care professionals and facilities provide. This system rewards physicians and other health care professionals when patients receive good results from that care. The following are goals for VBP: ● Financial viability-where the financial viability of the traditional Medicare fee-for-service program is protected for beneficiaries and taxpayers. ● Payment incentives-where Medicare payments are linked to the value (quality and efficiency) of care provided. ● Joint accountability-where physicians and providers have joint clinical and financial accountability for health care in their communities. ● Effectiveness-where care is evidence-based and outcomes-driven to better manage diseases and prevent complications from them. ● Ensuring access-where restructured Medicare fee-for-service payment system provides equal access to high quality, affordable care. ● Safety and transparency-where a value-based payment system gives beneficiaries information based on quality, cost, and safety of their health care. ● Smooth transitions-where payment of systems support well coordinated care across different providers and settings. ● Electronic health records-where value-driven health care supports the use of information technology to give providers the ability to deliver high quality, efficient, well coordinated care (Goals For Value-Based Purchasing, 2010, p. 4). Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Response Feedback: Rationale: What has been termed ObamaCare involves a system called Pay for Performance (P4P) otherwise known as value-based purchasing (VBP). Accountable care organizations will be formed to police the quality of services health care professionals and facilities provide. This system rewards physicians and other health care professionals when patients receive good results from that care. The following are goals for VBP: ● Financial viability-where the financial viability of the traditional Medicare fee-for-service program is protected for beneficiaries and taxpayers. ● Payment incentives-where Medicare payments are linked to the value (quality and efficiency) of care provided. ● Joint accountability-where physicians and providers have joint clinical and financial accountability for health care in their communities. ● Effectiveness-where care is evidence-based and outcomes-driven to better manage diseases and prevent complications from them. ● Ensuring access-where restructured Medicare fee-for-service payment system provides equal access to high quality, affordable care. ● Safety and transparency-where a value-based payment system gives beneficiaries information based on quality, cost, and safety of their health care. ● Smooth transitions-where payment of systems support well coordinated care across different providers and settings. ● Electronic health records-where value-driven health care supports the use of information technology to give providers the ability to deliver high quality, efficient, well coordinated care (Goals For Value-Based Purchasing, 2010, p. 4). Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care ● Question 50 0 out of 2 points __________ is a globally recognized controlled health care vocabulary that provides a common language for electronic health applications. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity Exact Match SNOMED CT Response Feedback: Rationale: SNOMED CT is a globally recognized controlled health care vocabulary that provides a common language for electronic health applications. SNOMED CT is SNOMED CT enables a consistent way of capturing, sharing, and aggregating health data across specialties and sites of care. The use of SNOMED CT within electronic health records provides interoperable data collection that can be analyzed and used in the implementation of evidence-based practice, decision support rules, reporting of quality measures and administrative billing. Cognitive Level: Analyzing Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care [Show More]

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