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NSG 6020 Final exam study guide 2020

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NSG 6020 Final exam study guide 2020 with complete solution Final exam study guide A 65-year-old patient remarks that she just can’t believe that her breasts sag so much. She states it must be fro... m lack of exercise. What explanation should the nurse offer her? The mother of a 10-year-old boy asks the nurse to discuss the recognition of puberty. The nurse should reply by saying: A patient has bilateral pitting edema of the feet. While assessing the peripheral vascular system, the nurse's primary focus should be: During an examination, the nurse notes severe nystagmus in both eyes of a patient. Which of the following conclusions is correct? When performing a musculoskeletal assessment, the nurse knows the correct approach for the examination should be A 43-year-old woman is at the clinic for a routine examination. She reports that she has had a breast lump in her right breast for years. Recently, it has begun to change in consistency and is becoming harder. She reports that 5 years ago her physician evaluated the lump and determined that it “was nothing to worry about.” The examination validates the presence of a mass in the right upper outer quadrant at 1 o’clock, approximately 5 cm from the nipple. It is firm, mobile, nontender, with borders that are not well defined. The nurse’s recommendation to her is: The nurse practitioner is examining a 3-month-old infant. While holding the thumbs on the infant's inner–mid-thighs and the fingers outside on the hips, touching the greater trochanter, the nurse practitioner adducts the legs until the nurse practitioner's thumbs touch and then abducts the legs until the infant's knees touch the table. The nurse practitioner does not note any "clunking" sounds and is confident to record a: A patient's mother has noticed that her son, who has been to a new babysitter, has some blisters and scabs on his face and buttocks. On examination, the nurse notices moist, thin-roofed vesicles with a thin erythematous base and suspects: The nurse is testing superficial reflexes on an adult patient. When stroking up the lateral side of the sole and across the ball of the foot, the nurse notices the plantar flexion of the toes. How would the nurse document this finding? A woman is in the family planning clinic seeking birth control information. She states that her breasts “change all month long” and that she is worried that this is unusual. What is the nurse’s best response? A patient states during the interview that she noticed a new breast lump in the shower a few days ago. It was on her left breast near her axilla. The RN should plan to: A 16-yr-old girl is being seen at clinic for gastrointestinal complaints+weight loss. Nurse determines that many of her complaints may be related to erratic eating patterns, eating predominantly fast foods, + high caffeine intake. In this situation, which is most appropriate when collecting current dietary intake information? To assess the head control of a 4-month-old infant, the nurse lifts the infant up in a prone position while supporting his chest. The nurse looks for what normal response? A patient has a positive Homans' sign. The nurse knows that a positive Homans' sign may indicate: The nurse is discussing breast self-examination with a postmenopausal woman. The best time for postmenopausal women to perform breast self-examination is: A 15-year-old boy is seen in the clinic for complaints of “dull pain and pulling” in the scrotal area. On examination the nurse palpates a soft, irregular mass posterior to and above the testis on the left. This mass collapses when the patient is supine and refills when he is upright. This description is consistent with: The nurse is bathing an 80-year-old man and notices that his skin is wrinkled, thin, lax, and dry. This finding would be related to which factor? A woman who is 22 weeks pregnant has a vaginal infection. She tells the nurse that she is afraid that this infection will hurt the fetus. The nurse knows that which of these statements is true? In assessment of 1-month-old, nurse notes a lack of response to noise or stimulation. mother reports that in the last week he has been sleeping all the time + when awake all he does is cry. nurse hears that infant’s cries are very high pitched and shrill. What would be nurse’s appropriate response? A female patient is 8 months pregnant. She comments that she has noticed a change in posture and is having lower back pain. The nurse tells her that during pregnancy women have a posture shift to compensate for the enlarging fetus. This shift in posture is: A 14-year-old girl is anxious about not having reached menarche. When taking the history, the nurse should ascertain which of the following? The age: A 9-year-old girl is in the clinic for a sports physical. After some initial shyness she finally asks, “Am I normal? I don’t seem to need a bra yet, but I have some friends who do. What if I never get breasts?” The nurse’s best response would be: During an examination, the nurse notes a supernumerary nipple just under the patient’s left breast. The patient tells the nurse that she always thought it was a mole. Which statement about this finding is correct? The major artery that supplies blood to arm The nurse is testing the function of cranial nerve XI. Which of these best describes the response the nurse should expect if the nerve is intact? The patient In a person with an upper motor neuron lesion such as a cerebrovascular accident, which of the following physical assessment findings would the nurse expect to see? A few days after a summer hiking trip, a 25-year-old man comes to the clinic with a rash. On examination, the nurse notes that the rash is red, macular, with a bull's eye pattern across his midriff and behind his knees. The nurse suspects: To assess the dorsalis pedis artery, the nurse would palpate The nurse is performing a neurologic assessment on a 41-year-old woman with a history of diabetes. When testing her ability to feel the vibrations of a tuning fork, the nurse notes the following: unable to feel vibrations on the great toe or ankle bilaterally; is able to feel vibrations on both patellae. Given this information, what would the nurse suspect? The nurse is reviewing an assessment of a patient's peripheral pulses and notices that the documentation states that the radial pulses are "2+." The nurse recognizes that this reading indicates what type of pulse? During an examination, you note that a male patient has a red, round, superficial ulcer with a yellowish-serous discharge on his penis. Upon palpation, you note a nontender base that feels like a small button between your thumb and fingers. At this point you suspect that this patient has: During an interview, a patient reveals that she is pregnant. She states that she is not sure whether she will breastfeed her baby and asks for some information about this. Which of these statements by the nurse is accurate with regard to breastfeeding? To palpate the temporomandibular joint, the nurse's finger should be placed in the depression of the ear. The nurse practitioner is examining only the rectal area of a woman and should place the woman in what position? The nurse is performing a genitourinary assessment on a 50-year-old obese male laborer. On examination the nurse notices a painless round swelling close to the pubis in the area of the internal inguinal ring that is easily reduced when the individual is supine. These findings are most consistent with a(n) _____ hernia. The nurse is conducting a class about breast self-examination (BSE). Which of these statements indicates proper BSE technique? A man found wandering in park at 2AM has been brought to emergency department for examination because he said he fell+hit head. During examination, nurse asks him to use his index finger to touch nurse’s finger, then own nose, then nurse’s finger again (moved to a different location). patient is clumsy, unable to follow the instructions, + overshoots mark, missing finger. nurse suspects... Which of the following assessment findings is most consistent with clubbing of the fingernails? A 45-year-old mother of two children is seen at the clinic for complaints of "losing my urine when I sneeze." The nurse documents that she is experiencing: A patient calls the clinic for instructions before having a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear. The most appropriate instructions from the nurse are: Which of the following statements is true regarding the penis? During an assessment, the nurse notes that a patient's left arm is swollen from the shoulder down to the fingers, with nonpitting edema. The right arm is normal. The patient had a mastectomy 1 year ago. The nurse suspects which problem? When performing the bimanual examination, the nurse notices that the cervix feels smooth and firm, is round, and is fixed in place (does not move). When cervical palpation is performed, the patient complains of some pain. The nurse’s interpretation of these results should be which of these? You are examining a 6 month old baby. You place the baby's feet flat on the table and flex his knees up. you note that the right knee is significantly lower than the left. Which of the following is true of this finding? A 75-year-old woman who has a history of diabetes and peripheral vascular disease has been trying to remove a corn on the bottom of her foot with a pair of scissors. The nurse will encourage her to stop trying to remove the corn with scissors because: You are examining Mr. O, and when you ask him to bend forward from the waist, you notice lateral tilting; when you raise his leg straight up, he complains of a pain going down his buttock into his leg. You suspect: The assessment of an 80-year-old patient, the nurse notes that his hands show tremors when he reaches for something and that his head is always nodding. There is no associated rigidity with movement. Which of the following statements is most accurate? Which of the following statements is true regarding the arterial system? A patient who is visiting the clinic complains of having "stomach pains for 2 weeks" and describes his stools as being "soft and black" for about the last 10 days. He denies taking any medications. The NP is aware that these symptoms are most indicative of: During an internal examination of a woman’s genitalia, the nurse will use which technique for proper insertion of the speculum? During an internal examination of a woman's genitalia, the nurse practitioner will use which technique for proper insertion of the speculum? When assessing a patient the nurse practitioner documents the left femoral pulse as 0/0-4+. Which of the following findings would the nurse practitioner expect at the dorsalis pedis pulse? A 2-year-old boy has been diagnosed with “physiologic cryptorchidism.” Given this diagnosis, during assessment the nurse will most likely observe: The nurse practitioner is doing an assessment on a 29-year-old woman who visits the clinic complaining of "always dropping things and falling down." While testing rapid alternating movements, the nurse practitioner notices that the woman is unable to pat both her knees. Her response is very slow and she misses frequently. What might the nurse practitioner suspect? The wife of a 65 year old man tells the nurse that she is concerned because she has noted a change in her husband's personality and ability to understand. He also cries and becomes angry very easily. The nurse recalls that the cerebral lobe responsible for these behaviors is which of the following? A male patient with possible fertility problems asks the nurse where sperm is produced. The nurse knows that sperm production occurs in the: Which of the following statements reflects the best approach to teaching a woman about breast self-examination (BSE)? When assessing a patient's pulse, the nurse practitioner notes that the amplitude is weaker during inspiration and stronger during expiration. When the nurse practitioner measures the blood pressure, the reading decreases 20 mm Hg during inspiration and increases with expiration. This patient is experiencing: A patient has had a "terrible itch" for several months that he has been scratching continuously. On examination, the nurse might expect to find: During an annual physical exam, a 43-year-old patient states that she doesn’t perform monthly breast self-examination (BSE). She tells the nurse that she believes that mammograms “do a much better job than I ever could to find a lump.” The nurse should explain to her that: A patient's annual physical examination reveals a lateral curvature of the thoracic and lumbar segments of his spine; however, this curvature disappears with forward bending. This abnormality of the spine would be called: Assessment of a 60-yr-old patient has taken longer than anticipated. in testing pain perception nurse decides to complete the test as quickly as possible. When nurse applies sharp point of pin on his arm several times, he is only able to identify these as one 'very sharp prick.' most accurate explanation? Assessing a 7-month-old infant you make a loud noise and note the following response: Abduction and flexion of arms and legs; fanning of fingers and curling of index finger and thumb in C-position; followed by infant bringing in arms and legs to body. What do you know about this? The nurse is assessing a 75-year-old man. As the nurse beings the mental status portion of the assessment, the nurse expects that this patient: During an external genitalia examination of a woman, the nurse notices several lesions around the vulva. The lesions are pink, moist, soft, and pointed papules. The patient states that she is not aware of any problems in that area. The nurse recognizes that these lesions may be: A 40-year-old woman reports a change in mole size, accompanied by color changes, itching, burning, and bleeding over the past month. She has a dark complexion and has no family history of skin cancer, but she has had many blistering sunburns in the past. The nurse would: Which of the following veins are responsible for most of the venous return in the arm? A man who has had gout for several years comes to the clinic with a "problem with my toe." On examination, the nurse practitioner notes the presence of hard, painless nodules over the great toe; one had burst open with a chalky discharge. This finding is known as: The nurse is performing a well-child assessment on a 3-year-old child. The child’s vital signs are normal. Capillary refill time is 5 seconds. The nurse would: A 70-year-old patient is scheduled for open-heart surgery. The surgeon plans to use the great saphenous vein for the coronary bypass grafts. The patient asks, “What happens to my circulation when the veins are removed?” The nurse should reply: When observing the vestibule, the nurse practitioner should be able to see the: When the nurse is conducting sexual history from a male adolescent, which statement would be most appropriate to use at the beginning of the interview? The nurse practitioner is palpating the abdomen of a woman who is 35 weeks' pregnant and notes that the fetal head is facing downward toward the pelvis. The nurse practitioner would document this as: Which of the following factors is most likely to affect the nutritional status of an 82-year-old person? When performing a genital examination on a 25-year-old man, the nurse notices deeply pigmented, wrinkled scrotal skin with large sebaceous follicles. On the basis of this information the nurse would: Mrs. A has had arthritis for years and is starting to notice that her fingers are drifting to this side. This is commonly referred to as: A nurse is assessing a patient’s risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). An appropriate question to ask would be: A 14-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter disease reports painful swelling just below the knee for the past 5 months. Which response by the nurse practitioner is appropriate? Which of the following is considered a normal and expected finding when the nurse practitioner is performing a physical examination on a pregnant woman? A 54-year-old woman who has just completed menopause is in the clinic today for a yearly physical examination. Which of these statements should the nurse include in patient education? “A postmenopausal woman: The nurse practitioner has completed the musculoskeletal examination of a patient’s knee and has found a positive bulge sign. The nurse suspects: Which of the following statements is true with regard to the history of a postmenopausal woman? When performing a genital assessment on a middle-aged man, the nurse notices multiple soft, moist, painless papules in the shape of cauliflower-like patches scattered across the shaft of the penis. These lesions are characteristic of: During a physical examination, a 45-year-old woman states that she has had a crusty, itchy rash on her breast for about 2 weeks. In trying to find the cause of the rash, which of these would be important for the nurse to determine? Which of the following statements is true regarding assessment of the ankle-brachial index (ABI)? The patient is in her first trimester of pregnancy. She complains of feeling nauseated and has vomited on occasion. She tells the nurse that she did not have this with her first pregnancy. She asks the nurse, "What is causing this and when will it end?" How should the nurse respond? A professional tennis player comes in complaining of a sore elbow. You suspect that he has tenderness at: During a bimanual examination, the nurse detects a solid tumor on the ovary that is heavy and fixed, with a poorly defined mass. This finding is suggestive of: When doing the history on a patient with a seizure disorder, the nurse assesses whether the patient has an aura. Which of the following would be the best question for obtaining this information? The nurse practitioner is assessing a 1-week-old infant and testing his muscle strength. The nurse practitioner lifts the infant with hands under the axillae and notes that the infant starts to "slip" between the hands. The nurse practitioner should: In examining a 70-year-old male patient, the nurse notices that he has bilateral gynecomastia. Which of the following describes the nurse’s best course of action? While the nurse practitioner is taking the history of a 68-year-old patient who sustained a head injury 3 days earlier, he tells the nurse practitioner that he is on a cruise ship and is 30 years old. The nurse practitioner knows that this finding is indicative of: A woman has just been diagnosed with HPV, or genital warts. The nurse should counsel her to receive regular examinations because this virus makes her at a higher risk for _____ cancer. During an annual check-up of a 55 y/o patient, the nurse discusses the early detection measures for colon cancer. The nurse should mention the need for a What are the two main parts of the nervous system? While obtaining a history of a 3-month old infant from the mother, the nurse practitioner asks about the baby's ability to suck and grasp the mother's finger. What is the nurse practitioner assessing? The nurse practitioner auscultates a functional systolic murmur, grade II/IV, on a woman in week 30 of her pregnancy. The remainder of her physical assessment is within normal limits. The nurse practitioner would: The nurse practitioner knows that classic symptoms associated with preeclampsia include: [Show More]

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