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Green Belt Practice Questions and Answers- Cub (Graded A+) 2022/2

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What is the Mean, Mode & Median for the data in Column 1, Data Set A? a. Mean = 8.7, Mode = 8, Median = 7 b. Mean = 8.7, Mode = 7, Median = 8 c. Mean = 8, Mode = 8.7, Median = 7 d. Mean = 7,... Mode = 7, Median = 8.7 e. Mean = 8, Mode = 8, Median = 7 - ANSWER Answer B Formula: Mean = Sum(x)/n = 8.7 Mode = Most frequent value = 7 Median = because sample is even (n=50), the median is the average of the (n/2)th and ((n/2)+1)th values in the sorted series = 8 Please reference Quantifying Process Variability for more information. A call center was experiencing customer complaints about time-on-hold and an improvement team was formed to solve the problem. The manager of the call center joined the team's first meeting and informed the team that their project would be short-lived because the obvious solution to the time-on-hold problem was to add more phone lines. With this advice as a basis, the team crafted a problem statement: "Additional phone lines are needed in order to reduce the average customer time-on-hold from 6.2 minutes to our target of 45 seconds". Which of the following best describes the problem statement? a. The statement is too broad to be useful in the particular situation. b. The statement contains a solution. c. The statement is not related to the problem described above. d. This is a good problem statement. e. The statement does not fully define "time-on-hold". - ANSWER Answer B The problem statement dictates that the solution is "additional phone lines". Please reference Project Charter for more information. What will a stakeholder analysis (RACI matrix) help the team do? a. Narrow the project scope. b. Reduce the likelihood of project roadblocks. c. Choose effective team members. d. Develop a focused problem statement. e. Choose the most optimal project to pursue. - ANSWER Answer B A stakeholder analysis is used to 1) identify those entities that will have influence on the project, 2) identify the type of influence and 3) develop strategies to realize the positive influences and reduce any roadblocks due to the negative influences. Please reference Stakeholder Analysis - RACI Matrix for more information. When analyzing a process, which of the following terms represents the inputs? a. f(X) b. X c. Y d. Result e. Cost - ANSWER Answer B f(X) is the Transfer Function; Y is the process output, also sometimes referred to as the Result; Cost could be either an input or output. Please reference Input Determines Output for more information. The fishbone diagram is used for which of the following? a. To follow the movement of people in a process b. To determine process capability c. To categorize input variables that may be important d. To prioritize the highest frequency problems e. To show the process flow - ANSWER Answer C Please reference Cause & Effect Diagram Toolset for more information. What is missing from the following Project Charter Business Case statement: "Process Cycle Time must be reduced in order to meet customer requirements" ? a. Team leader b. Scope of project, including "included" and "not included" c. Amount of improvement required and business impact d. Measurement system to be used e. Resources required - ANSWER Answer C The business case should state the level of improvement required, otherwise, there will be no may to measure success. In addition, the economic impact should be included so that it is clear why this project is a priority vs. something else. Please reference Project Charter Toolset for more information. Which of the following is a use for a Pareto Chart? a. Determining Process capability b. Learning the vital few (most common) types of defects c. Determining significance of operator errors d. Estimating measurement error e. Determining specific trends over time - ANSWER Answer B Pareto Charts sort occurence by order of frequency. Please reference Pareto Chart Toolset for more information. Which tool is used to convert brainstormed ideas into groups to better evaluate them? a. Spaghetti diagram b. Pareto chart c. Affinity diagram d. Quality Function Deployment e. Scatter diagram - ANSWER Answer C Affinity Diagrams are used to sort raw information and establish recognizable groups or patterns. Please reference Affinity Diagram Toolset for more information. This question refers to the "Claims Processing" case. A hospital processes claims and the insurance companies often reject them for coding errors. A Six Sigma team has been working on a project to reduce coding errors for the past 15 months and the data for the number and type of coding errors can be downloaded above in the "ClaimCoding" file. Use this data to answer the question below. Assuming that each claim has 20 opportunities for errors, what is the sigma level for coding errors in months 1 and 15? a. Month 1=4.7 sigma level, Month 15 = 3.3 b. Month 1=3.0 sigma level, Month 15 = 2.7 c. Month 1=4.7 sigma level, Month 15 = 3.7 d. Month 1=3.0 sigma level, Month 15 = 3.8 e. Month 1=3.0 sigma level, Month 15 = 3.3 - ANSWER Answer E M1 DPMO=(868x1,000,000)/(716X20); M15 PMO=(605x1,000,000)/(788X20). See Sigma Level calculator for corresponding Sigma Level. Please reference Calculating the Sigma Level - Toolset for more information. This question refers to the "Claims Processing" case. A hospital processes claims and the insurance companies often reject them for coding errors. A Six Sigma team has been working on a project to reduce coding errors for the past 15 months and the data for the number and type of coding errors can be downloaded above in the "ClaimCoding" file. Use this data to answer the question below. Considering the attribute nature of code counts, what chart would you use to check whether the errors/claim are in statistical control over the time period? a. p-chart b. np-chart c. u-chart d. c-chart e. Pareto Chart - ANSWER Answer C The u-chart should be used for defects per unit when the sample sizes are variable. Please reference Attribute Control Chart Toolset for more information. An improvement team is working with a delivery process to reduce the number of late deliveries. Which tool would be the best choice if the team intends to examine the variation exhibited by the current process over a period of time? a. Run Chart b. Pareto Chart c. Control Chart d. SIPOC Map e. Histogram - ANSWER Answer C A control chart is the best tool to use in this situation because it can distinguish between common cause and special cause variation and provide insight into the best way to reduce variation in the process. None of the other tools listed do this. The run chart plots variation, but lack of control limits means less information is provided for analysis. The histogram also displays variation, but does not show changes in variation over time. Please reference SPC - Introduction to Control Charts for more information. On an SPC chart (control chart), the differences between subgroups that are WITHIN the control limits are due to: a. Operator tampering b. Assignable cause variation c. Out of control conditions d. Special cause variation e. Common cause variation - ANSWER Answer E Variation between subgroups is noise or sampling error, called common cause variation. Please reference SPC - Control Chart Limits for more information. If your data represents % defective and you have daily samples, the size of which, although large (>50), varies from day to day, which control chart should you use? a. X-bar & R chart b. c Chart c. np Chart d. u Chart e. p Chart - ANSWER Answer E The p chart is used for percent defective. You could also use an XmR Chart (ImR Chart). Please reference SPC Chart Selection for more information. A call center is tracking the number of seconds a caller must wait before speaking with a representative. If the measurement collected is "customers hold time", which of the following might give rise to common cause variation in the data collected. a. An occasional 'system crash', that reduce the number of operators by 50% for up to 20 minutes. b. The volume of calls received between noon and 1:00PM is three times greater than the call volume for the rest of the day. c. A wide range of experience and training among the operators. d. A flu virus in January reduces staffing at the call center by 75% for one week. e. A new product introduction with initial quality problems leads to a spike in customer calls. - ANSWER Answer C Answers A, B, D, and E are all things that can happen intermittently, which lends itself to special cause variation. Answer C is the only one the is inherent to the process - therefore common cause variation. Please reference SPC - Control Chart Limits for more information. A process improvement team piloted an improvement to a process that was not in control. The process specification is 8.5 units +/- 0.5 units. The results of the pilot run are shown below in an X and Moving Range chart. What conclusion can you draw from the pilot run? a. The new process is in control at an improved operating level, but the operating level has not improved - the change should not be implemented. b. The new process is not in control and the change should not be implemented because capability is still suspect. c. The new process is in control with an improved operating level and may be implemented, but additional actions are required to improve capability. d. The new process is not in control but the change can be implemented anyway to take advantage of the improvement while further actions are contemplated. e. More information is needed to be able to make any conclusions. - ANSWER Answer C The process is in control and shows improvement on two levels after the pilot: the process mean is closer to target with a smaller variance. But the process is still not capable - before the improvement, ten out of twenty five data points were outside the specification limits; after the improvement only one is out of specification, showing a large reduction in out-of-spec parts. The team should implement the change and may continue to improve the process capability if the cost is justified. Please reference Piloting a Solution for more information. Which of the following options are the least effective control method? [Show More]

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