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NURS 1102 Passpoint-Oncologic – Fairleigh Dickinson University | NURS1102 Passpoint-Oncologic

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NURS 1102 Passpoint-Oncologic – Fairleigh Dickinson University Question 1   See full question A client with stage II ovarian cancer undergoes a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral sal... pingo-oophorectomy with tumor resection, omentectomy, appendectomy, and lymphadenectomy. During the second postoperative day, which assessment finding requires immediate intervention? You Selected: •  Shallow breathing and increasing lethargy Correct response: •  Shallow breathing and increasing lethargy   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 2   See full question A client has just begun treatment with busulfan, 4 mg by mouth daily, for chronic myelogenous leukemia. The client receives busulfan until his white blood cell (WBC) count falls to between 10,000/mm3 and 25,000/mm3. Then the drug is stopped. When should treatment resume? You Selected: •  When the WBC count rises to 50,000/mm3 Correct response: •  When the WBC count rises to 50,000/mm3   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 3   See full question A client with metastatic brain cancer is admitted to the oncology floor. According to the Self-Determination Act of 1991 concerning the execution of an advance directive, the hospital is required to: You Selected: •  inform the client or legal guardian of their rights to execute an advance directive. Correct response: •  inform the client or legal guardian of their rights to execute an advance directive.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 4   See full question Which nursing goal is appropriate for a client with multiple myeloma? You Selected: •  Decrease episodes of nausea and vomiting. Correct response: •  Achieve effective management of bone pain.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 5   See full question A 56-year-old woman is admitted for a modified radical mastectomy. The client appears anxious and asks many questions. The nurse's best course of action is to: You Selected: •  explain to the client that she should discuss her questions with her health care provider (HCP). Correct response: •  tell the client as much as she wants to know and is able to understand.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 6   See full question A nurse is teaching an older adult who has had a left modified radical mastectomy with axillary node dissection about lymphedema. The nurse should tell the client that lymphedema occurs: You Selected: •  at any time after surgery. Correct response: •  at any time after surgery.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 7   See full question A client is newly diagnosed with cancer and is beginning a treatment plan. Which action by the nurse will be most effective in helping the client cope? You Selected: •  Identify available resources for the client and family. Correct response: •  Identify available resources for the client and family.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 8   See full question A client with cancer is uncertain about how to cope with all the issues that will arise. The nurse can best support the coping behaviors of a client with cancer by: You Selected: •  relieving the client of decision making as much as possible. Correct response: •  helping the client identify available resources.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 9   See full question A terminally ill client’s husband tells the nurse, “I wish we had taken that trip to Europe last year. We just kept putting it off, and now I am furious that we did not go.” The nurse interprets the husband’s statement as indicating which stage of adaptation to dying? You Selected: •  depression Correct response: •  anger   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 10   See full question A 70-year-old client asks the nurse if she needs to have a mammogram. Which is the nurse's bestresponse? You Selected: •  "We need to consider your family history of breast cancer first." Correct response: •  "The incidence of breast cancer increases with age."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 11   See full question The primary reason that a herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is a serious concern to a client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is that it: You Selected: •  causes severe electrolyte imbalances. Correct response: •  is an acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS)–defining illness.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 12   See full question A woman tells the nurse, “There has been a lot of cancer in my family.” The nurse should instruct the client to report which possible sign of cervical cancer? You Selected: •  leg edema Correct response: •  light bleeding or watery vaginal discharge   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 13   See full question A right orchiectomy is performed on a client with a testicular malignancy. The client expresses concerns regarding his sexuality. The nurse should base the response on the knowledge that the client: You Selected: •  should retain normal sexual drive and function. Correct response: •  should retain normal sexual drive and function.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 14   See full question After surgery for gastric cancer, a client is scheduled to undergo radiation therapy. The nurse should include which information in the teaching plan? You Selected: •  management of alopecia Correct response: •  nutritional intake   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 15   See full question A client states, "I do not want any more tests. Who cares what kind of leukemia I have? I just want to be treated now." Which is the nurse's best response? You Selected: •  "I understand how you feel." Correct response: •  "Your treatment can be more effective if it is based on more specific information about your disease."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 16   See full question In assessing a client in the early stage of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the nurse should determine if the client has: You Selected: •  Headache. Correct response: •  Unintentional weight loss.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 17   See full question When the client who has had a modified radical mastectomy returns from the operating room to the recovery room, what should the nurse do first? You Selected: •  Check the client’s dressings for drainage. Correct response: •  Ensure that the client’s airway is free of obstruction.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 18   See full question A client with testicular cancer is scheduled for a right orchiectomy. The day before surgery, the client tells the nurse that he is concerned about the effect that losing a testicle will have on his manhood. Which information about orchiectomy should form the basis for the nurse’s response? You Selected: •  Sperm count increases in the remaining testicle. Correct response: •  Sexual drive and libido are unchanged.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 19   See full question The nurse notes that a placebo has been prescribed when a client requests pain medication. Which statement is most accurate about the use of placebos in the client’s plan of care? You Selected: •  The use of placebos violates the client’s right to ethical care. Correct response: •  The use of placebos violates the client’s right to ethical care.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 20   See full question A client complains of sporadic epigastric pain, yellow skin, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and fatigue. Suspecting gallbladder disease, the physician orders a diagnostic workup, which reveals gallbladder cancer. Which nursing diagnosis is appropriate for this client? You Selected: •  Disturbed body image Correct response: •  Anticipatory grieving   Explanation: Question 21   See full question During a breast examination, which finding most strongly suggests that a client has breast cancer? You Selected: •  Multiple firm, round, freely movable masses that change with the menstrual cycle Correct response: •  A fixed nodular mass with dimpling of the overlying skin   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 22   See full question During chemotherapy, an oncology client has a nursing diagnosis of Impaired oral mucous membrane related to decreased nutrition and immunosuppression secondary to the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy. Which nursing intervention is most likely to decrease the pain of stomatitis? You Selected: •  Recommending that the client discontinue chemotherapy Correct response: •  Providing a solution of viscous lidocaine for use as a mouth rinse   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 23   See full question A client is receiving chemotherapy to treat breast cancer. Which assessment finding indicates a chemotherapy-induced complication? You Selected: •  Urine output of 400 ml in 8 hours Correct response: •  Serum potassium level of [2.6 mEq/L (2.6 mmol/L)}   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 24   See full question A client receiving chemotherapy has a nursing diagnosis of Deficient diversional activity related to decreased energy. Which client statement indicates an accurate understanding of appropriate ways to deal with this deficit? You Selected: •  "I'll bowl with my team after discharge." Correct response: •  "I'll play card games with my friends."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 25   See full question A nurse is speaking to a group of women about early detection of breast cancer. The average age of the women in the group is 47. Following the American Cancer Society (Canadian Cancer Society) guidelines, the nurse should recommend that the women: You Selected: •  have a physician conduct a clinical examination every 2 years. Correct response: •  have a mammogram annually.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 26   See full question A nurse is caring for a client who has just had a modified radical mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. She's in her 30s and has two young children. Although she's worried about her future, she seems to be adjusting well to her diagnosis. What should the nurse do to support her coping? You Selected: •  Refer the client to a community support program. Correct response: •  Refer the client to a community support program.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 27   See full question A client tells the nurse that she has found a painless lump in her right breast during her monthly self-examination. Which assessment finding would strongly suggest that this client's lump is cancerous? You Selected: •  Nonpalpable right axillary lymph nodes Correct response: •  Nonmobile mass with irregular edges   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 28   See full question A nurse is interviewing a client about his past medical history. Which preexisting condition may lead the nurse to suspect that a client has colorectal cancer? You Selected: •  Hemorrhoids Correct response: •  Polyps   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 29   See full question What should a male client older than age 50 do to help ensure early identification of prostate cancer? You Selected: •  Have a complete blood count (CBC) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels checked yearly. Correct response: •  Have a digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test done yearly.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 30   See full question On discharge, a client who underwent left modified radical mastectomy expresses relief that "the cancer" has been treated. When discussing this issue with the client, the nurse should stress that she: You Selected: •  should continue to perform breast self-examination on her right breast. Correct response: •  should continue to perform breast self-examination on her right breast.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 31   See full question A 30-year-old client whose mother died of breast cancer at age 44 and whose sister has ovarian cancer, is concerned about developing cancer. As a member of the oncology multidisciplinary team, the nurse should suggest that the client ask the physician about which topic? You Selected: •  Genetic counseling Correct response: •  Genetic counseling   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 32   See full question Which statement indicates that the client needs further teaching about taking medication to control cancer pain? You Selected: •  "I should take my medication around-the-clock to control my pain.” Correct response: •  "I should skip doses periodically so I do not get hooked on my drugs.”   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 33   See full question The nurse is conducting an initial nursing history of a client who is experiencing pain related to bone cancer. The most important information to gather in this initial assessment is the: You Selected: •  amount of pain medication the client is taking. Correct response: •  client’s self-reporting of the pain experience.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 34   See full question A nurse is checking the laboratory results of an adult client with colon cancer admitted for further chemotherapy. The client has lost 30 lb (13.6 kg) since initiation of the treatment. Which laboratory result should be reported to the health care provider (HCP)? You Selected: •  albumin level of 2.8 g/dL (28 g/L) Correct response: •  albumin level of 2.8 g/dL (28 g/L)   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 35   See full question A client diagnosed with cancer is receiving chemotherapy. The nurses should assess which diagnostic value while the client is receiving chemotherapy? You Selected: •  heart tissues Correct response: •  bone marrow cells   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 36   See full question A client who is in the end-stages of cancer is increasingly upset about receiving chemotherapy. Which approach by the nurse would likely be most helpful in gaining the client's cooperation? You Selected: •  Describe the probable effect that missing a treatment would have. Correct response: •  Tell the client how the treatment can be expected to help.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 37   See full question A 42-year-old female is interested in making dietary changes to reduce her risk of colon cancer. What dietary selections should the nurse suggest? You Selected: •  granola, bagel with cream cheese, cauliflower salad Correct response: •  bran muffin, skim milk, stir-fried broccoli   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 38   See full question The nurse is collaborating with the physician to develop a care plan to help control chronic pain in a client with cancer who is receiving hospice home care. Which of the following plans would be most appropriate for managing the client's pain? You Selected: •  Keeping the client sedated with tranquilizers to prevent awareness of pain sensations. Correct response: •  Administering analgesics on a regular basis, with administration of additional analgesics for break-through pain.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 39   See full question A client has been receiving chemotherapy for cancer treatment. The client is competent and has been actively involved in decisions regarding care; however, the client has now decided to refuse treatment. What should the nurse do when the client refuses the next dose of chemotherapy? You Selected: •  Ask the client’s spouse to encourage the client to take the chemotherapy. Correct response: •  Document the client’s choice and offer to discuss feelings about the chemotherapy.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 40   See full question A nurse is reviewing the medical record of an adult man with cancer. The health care provider (HCP) has prescribed filgrastim 400 mcg, subcutaneously once daily. The nurse reviews the laboratory report (shown) and determines treatment has been effective when: You Selected: •  WBC count is 3,500/mm3 (3.5 X 109/L). Correct response: •  WBC count is 3,500/mm3 (3.5 X 109/L).   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 41   See full question A nurse is teaching a community class about how to decrease the risk of cancer. What is the best food for the nurse to recommend? You Selected: •  Baked beans Correct response: •  Oranges   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 42   See full question A client diagnosed with terminal lung cancer tells the nurse that he would like to seek spiritual advice. Which intervention by the nurse best provides spiritual support for this client? You Selected: •  The nurse could ask the client who his spiritual advisor is and make the contact. Correct response: •  The nurse could ask the client who his spiritual advisor is and make the contact.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 43   See full question Which action, displayed by a grieving partner over his dying wife, should cause the nurse to suggest counseling? You Selected: •  He blames his wife's family for the client's current health problems. Correct response: •  He blames his wife's family for the client's current health problems.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 44   See full question A client with stage IV pancreatic cancer is admitted to hospice. The spouse breaks down crying, stating “I just don’t know what I will do if he dies!” Which is the best response by the nurse? You Selected: •  “I see you are upset. I will come back in 10 minutes and we can talk.” Correct response: •  “What has helped you cope with his illness so far?”   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 45   See full question A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving chemotherapy for lung cancer. During the hand-off report, the nurse from the previous shift states that the client has been placed on neutropenic precautions. Which laboratory value supports this nursing action? You Selected: •  A retculocyte count of 1% Correct response: •  A white blood cell count of 2200/mm3   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 46   See full question A nurse is planning a program about cancer for a woman’s club. Which of the following should the nurse include in the discussion of risk factors for ovarian cancer? You Selected: •  A 28-year-old woman who has been taking hormonal contraceptives for 10 years Correct response: •  A 42-year-old woman who has never been pregnant   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 47  See full question A client is ordered a dose of epoetin alfa to treat anemia related to chemotherapy. The recommended dose is 150 units/kg. The client weighs 60 kg. The vial is labeled 10,000 units/ml. How many milliliters of epoetin alfa would the nurse administer? Record your answer using one decimal place. Your Response: •  0.9 Correct response: •  0.9   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 48   See full question The nurse is working at the local family planning clinic completing family education. When devising a teaching plan, in which client group would the nurse stress the importance of an annual Papanicolaou test? You Selected: •  Clients infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV) Correct response: •  Clients infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV)   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 49   See full question The nurse is developing a care plan for a client with cancer receiving hospice home care. Which would be the most appropriate action for managing the client’s chronic pain? You Selected: •  Administer analgesics regularly and additionally as needed for break-through pain. Correct response: •  Administer analgesics regularly and additionally as needed for break-through pain.   Explanation:   Remediation: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Question 8   See full question Prior to surgery for a modified radical mastectomy, the client is extremely anxious and asks many questions. Which approach offers the best guide for the nurse to answer these questions? You Selected: •  Tell the client as much as she wants to know and is able to understand. Correct response: •  Tell the client as much as she wants to know and is able to understand.   Explanation: Question 9   See full question A nurse is caring for a client with metastatic breast cancer who is extremely lethargic and very slow to respond to stimuli. The laboratory report indicates a serum calcium level of [12.0 mg/dl (3.0 mmol/L)], a serum potassium level of [3.9 mEq/L (3.9 mmol/L)], a serum chloride level of [101 mEq/L (11 mmol/L)], and a serum sodium level of [140 mEq/L (140 mmol/L)]. Based on this information, the nurse determines that the client will likely need which of the following interventions? You Selected: •  Calcium gluconate 10% at 10 ml slow IV push Correct response: •  Mithramycin 25 mcg/kg/day   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 10   See full question Which client does the nurse determine has the highest risk for developing ovarian cancer? You Selected: •  60-year-old obese woman who has never been pregnant Correct response: •  60-year-old obese woman who has never been pregnant   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 1   See full question For a client with newly diagnosed cancer, the nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of Anxiety related to the threat of death secondary to cancer diagnosis. Which expected outcome is appropriate for this client? You Selected: •  "Client verbalizes feelings of anxiety." Correct response: •  "Client verbalizes feelings of anxiety."   Explanation: Question 2   See full question A client is receiving methotrexate, 12 g/m2 I.V., to treat osteogenic carcinoma. During methotrexate therapy, the nurse expects the client to receive which other drug to protect normal cells? You Selected: •  Cytarabine Correct response: •  Leucovorin (citrovorum factor or folinic acid)   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 3   See full question A client had a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy for ovarian carcinoma yesterday. She received 2 mg of morphine sulfate I.V. by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) 10 minutes ago. The nurse was assisting her from the bed to a chair when the client felt dizzy and fell into the chair. The nurse should: You Selected: •  take the client's blood pressure. Correct response: •  take the client's blood pressure.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 4   See full question A nurse is assessing a client with bone cancer pain. Which part of a thorough pain assessment is most significant for this client? You Selected: •  intensity Correct response: •  intensity   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 5   See full question A client with suspected cervical cancer is undergoing a colposcopy with conization. The nurse gives instructions to the client about her menstrual periods, emphasizing that: You Selected: •  her next two or three periods may be heavier and more prolonged than usual. Correct response: •  her next two or three periods may be heavier and more prolonged than usual.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 6   See full question A client who has been diagnosed with bladder cancer is scheduled for an ileal conduit. Preoperatively, the nurse reinforces the client's understanding of the surgical procedure by explaining that an ileal conduit: You Selected: •  conveys urine from the ureters to a stoma opening on the abdomen. Correct response: •  conveys urine from the ureters to a stoma opening on the abdomen.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 7   See full question The client with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is at risk for infection. What action should the nurse take? You Selected: •  Have the client wear a mask. Correct response: •  Place the client in a private room.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 8   See full question A nurse is speaking to a group of women about early detection of breast cancer. The average age of the women in the group is 47. Following the American Cancer Society (Canadian Cancer Society) guidelines, the nurse should recommend that the women: You Selected: •  have a mammogram annually. Correct response: •  have a mammogram annually.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 9   See full question A client's husband expresses concern that his dying wife keeps saying, "I have to go to the store." Which statement by the nurse will be most effective in assisting the husband to understand the dying process? You Selected: •  "Comments related to going somewhere or leaving on a trip are common in dying clients." Correct response: •  "Comments related to going somewhere or leaving on a trip are common in dying clients."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 10   See full question A nurse is providing nutritional teaching for a client with a family history of colon cancer. Which food choice by the client demonstrates an understanding of the correct diet to follow? You Selected: •  Egg salad on rye bread Correct response: •  Vegetarian chili   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 1   See full question The nurse caring for a client who is receiving external beam radiation therapy for treatment of lung cancer should assess the client for: You Selected: •  normal white blood cell count. Correct response: •  dysphagia.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 2   See full question A nurse is administering daunorubicin to a patient with lung cancer. Which situation requires immediate intervention? You Selected: •  The laboratory reports a white blood cell (WBC) count of 1,000/mm3. Correct response: •  The I.V. site is red and swollen.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 3   See full question For a client newly diagnosed with radiation-induced thrombocytopenia, the nurse should include which intervention in the care plan? You Selected: •  Inspecting the skin for petechiae once every shift Correct response: •  Inspecting the skin for petechiae once every shift   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 4   See full question A nurse is teaching a male client to perform monthly testicular self-examinations. Which point is appropriate to make? You Selected: •  Testicular cancer is a highly curable type of cancer. Correct response: •  Testicular cancer is a highly curable type of cancer.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 5   See full question A client is receiving chemotherapy for the diagnosis of brain cancer. When teaching the client about contamination from excretion of the chemotherapy drugs within 48 hours, the nurse should instruct the client that: You Selected: •  disposable plates and plastic utensils must be used during the entire course of chemotherapy. Correct response: •  any contaminated linens should be washed separately and then washed a second time, if necessary.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 6   See full question A client is receiving monthly doses of chemotherapy for treatment of stage III colon cancer. Which laboratory results should the nurse report to the oncologist before the next dose of chemotherapy is administered? Select all that apply. You Selected: •  platelet count of 40,000/mm3 (40 X 109/L) •  white blood cell count of 2,300/mm3 (2.3 X 109/L) •  temperature of 101.2° F (38.4° C) Correct response: •  platelet count of 40,000/mm3 (40 X 109/L) •  white blood cell count of 2,300/mm3 (2.3 X 109/L) •  temperature of 101.2° F (38.4° C)   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 7   See full question An adult is dying from metastatic lung cancer, and all treatments have been discontinued. The client’s breathing pattern is labored, with gurgling sounds. The client’s spouse asks the nurse, “Can you do something to help with the breathing?” Which is the nurse’s best response in this situation? You Selected: •  Reposition the client, elevate the head of the bed, and provide a cool compress. Correct response: •  Reposition the client, elevate the head of the bed, and provide a cool compress.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 8   See full question To combat the most common adverse effects of chemotherapy, a nurse should prepare to do which of the following? You Selected: •  Administer an antiemetic. Correct response: •  Administer an antiemetic.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 9   See full question A nurse is completing an admission interview of a client newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma. The client tells the nurse he is concerned that his insurance coverage and limited savings will not pay for all of his family's needs when he is not working. Based on this information, to whom would the nurse initiate a referral? You Selected: •  Social services Correct response: •  Social services   Explanation: Question 10   See full question A client receiving 5-fluorouracil is experiencing nausea and vomiting. Which is the nurse’s best course of action? You Selected: •  Administer odansetron prior to administering the 5-fluorouracil Correct response: •  Administer odansetron prior to administering the 5-fluorouracil Question 1   See full question Which nursing goal is appropriate for a client with multiple myeloma? You Selected: •  Achieve effective management of bone pain. Correct response: •  Achieve effective management of bone pain.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 2   See full question A client with a suspected diagnosis of lung cancer has a bronchoscopy with biopsy. Following the procedure the nurse should: You Selected: •  monitor the client for signs of pneumothorax. Correct response: •  monitor the client for signs of pneumothorax.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 3   See full question A young man with early-stage testicular cancer is scheduled for a unilateral orchiectomy. The client confides to the nurse that he is concerned about what effects the surgery will have on his sexual performance. Which response by the nurse provides accurate information about sexual performance after an orchiectomy? You Selected: •  "Because your surgery does not involve other organs or tissues, you will likely not notice much change in your sexual performance." Correct response: •  "Because your surgery does not involve other organs or tissues, you will likely not notice much change in your sexual performance."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 4   See full question Following a modified radical mastectomy, a client has an incisional drainage tube attached to Hemovac suction. The nurse determines the suction is effective when: You Selected: •  there is an increased collateral lymphatic flow toward the operative area. Correct response: •  accumulated serum and blood in the operative area are removed.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 5   See full question Following surgery for a radical neck dissection for laryngeal cancer, the priority for nursing care is: You Selected: •  taking vital signs once a shift until the client is stable. Correct response: •  suctioning the laryngectomy tube as often as needed.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 6   See full question In assessing a client in the early stage of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the nurse should determine if the client has: You Selected: •  Unintentional weight loss. Correct response: •  Unintentional weight loss.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 7   See full question A client has an abnormal result on a Papanicolaou test. The client asks the nurse what dysplasia means. Which definition should the nurse provide? You Selected: •  Alteration in the size, shape, and organization of differentiated cells Correct response: •  Alteration in the size, shape, and organization of differentiated cells   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 8   See full question A nurse is performing discharge teaching with a client who had a total gastrectomy. Which statement indicates the need for further teaching? You Selected: •  "I'm going to visit my pastor weekly for a while." Correct response: •  "I will have to take vitamin B12 shots up to 1 year after surgery."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 9   See full question What is the most important postoperative instruction a nurse must give to a client who has just returned from the operating room after receiving a subarachnoid block? You Selected: •  "Remain supine for the time specified by the physician." Correct response: •  "Remain supine for the time specified by the physician."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 10   See full question A nurse is teaching a client who suspects that she has a lump in her breast. The nurse instructs the client that a diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed by: You Selected: •  fine needle aspiration. Correct response: •  fine needle aspiration.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 1   See full question A client with metastatic cancer of the liver tells the nurse about being concerned about the prognosis. The nurse should: You Selected: •  place emphasis on providing symptomatic and comfort measures. Correct response: •  place emphasis on providing symptomatic and comfort measures.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 2   See full question A client with bladder cancer has gross hematuria. The client’s hemoglobin is 8.0 g/dL (80 g/L), and the health care provider (HCP) prescribes a unit of packed blood cells. The client has an existing intravenous infusion of normal saline using a 19-gauge needle. To administer the packed red blood cells, the nurse should: You Selected: •  attach the packed cells to the existing 19G IV of normal saline solution using Y tubing. Correct response: •  attach the packed cells to the existing 19G IV of normal saline solution using Y tubing.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 3   See full question Atropine sulfate is included in the preoperative prescriptions for a client undergoing a modified radical mastectomy. The expected outcome is to: You Selected: •  inhibit oral and respiratory secretions. Correct response: •  inhibit oral and respiratory secretions.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 4   See full question A client is undergoing a total prostatectomy for prostate cancer. The client asks questions about his sexual function. The best response by the nurse nurse is “Loss of the prostate gland means that: You Selected: •  you will be infertile and there will be no ejaculation. You can still experience the sensations of orgasm." Correct response: •  you will be infertile and there will be no ejaculation. You can still experience the sensations of orgasm."   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 5   See full question A client has been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the stomach and is scheduled to undergo a subtotal gastrectomy (Billroth II procedure). During preoperative teaching, the nurse is reinforcing information about the surgical procedure. The nurse should instruct the client that the procedure will result in: You Selected: •  anastomosis of the gastric stump to the jejunum. Correct response: •  anastomosis of the gastric stump to the jejunum.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 6   See full question A client with terminal cancer tells the nurse that she is not afraid to die and she is thinking about how to plan her funeral. The most appropriate referral the nurse could suggest would be to the: You Selected: •  pastoral care department. Correct response: •  pastoral care department.   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 7   See full question When conducting a focused assessment of the respiratory system, what should the nurse note as an early sign of laryngeal cancer? You Selected: •  chronic foul breath Correct response: •  persistent mild hoarseness   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 8   See full question The client with acute leukemia and the health care team establish mutual client outcomes of improved tidal volume and activity tolerance. Which measure would be least likely to promote these outcomes? You Selected: •  lying in bed and taking deep breaths Correct response: •  lying in bed and taking deep breaths   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 9   See full question A client receiving chemotherapy for metastatic colon cancer is admitted to the hospital because of prolonged vomiting. Assessment findings include irregular pulse of 120 bpm, blood pressure 88/48 mm Hg, respiratory rate of 14 breaths/min, serum potassium of 2.9 mEq/L (2.9 mmol/L), and arterial blood gas—pH 7.46, PCO2 45 mm Hg (6.0 kPA), PO2 95 mm Hg (12.6 kPa), bicarbonate level 29 mEq/L (29 mmol/L). The nurse should implement which prescription first? You Selected: •  5% Dextrose in 0.45% normal saline with KCl 40 mEq/L at 125 mL/h Correct response: •  5% Dextrose in 0.45% normal saline with KCl 40 mEq/L at 125 mL/h   Explanation:   Remediation: Question 10   See full question A client with a history of pancreatic cancer is revived following cardiac arrest but is determined to have suffered brain death. The family tells the nurse they want to donate any usable body organs so their loved one can live on in others. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? You Selected: •  Call the local organ procurement representative to meet with them. Correct response: •  Call the local organ procurement representative to meet with them.   Explanation:   Remediation: [Show More]

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