Biology > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > Chapter 31—ENDOCRINE CONTROL. All Answers (All)

Chapter 31—ENDOCRINE CONTROL. All Answers

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1. Target cells are: a. found only in specific endocrine glands b. endocrine cells c. muscle cells d. always hormone-producing e. equipped with specific receptor molecules and may ... occur in any part of the body : e POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.1 What are animal hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: Modified 2. Hormones are distributed throughout the body by the: a. exocrine system b. lymphatic system c. nervous system d. blood e. glands : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.1 What are animal hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 3. What is a characteristic of androgen insensitivity syndrome? a. No testosterone is produced. b. Chemicals circulating in the blood deactivate the male hormone. c. The cellular receptor for testosterone in the target cells is defective. d. The male with this defect is normal in all respects except that he is sterile. e. Testosterone is degraded quickly. : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.1 What are animal hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 4. Steroid hormones do not require a membrane receptor because they: a. are small enough to pass directly through pores in the membrane b. are lipid-soluble and pass through the bilayer c. pass through special channels d. are water-soluble e. dissolve in the cholesterol of the membranes : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.1 What are animal hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 5. Steroid hormones are synthesized from: a. amino acids b. peptides c. proteins d. cholesterol e. fatty acids : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.1 What are animal hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 6. The endocrine system is integrated with what other system to provide coordinated control of an organism? a. circulatory b. digestive c. integumentary d. nervous e. urinary : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.2 What are the components of the human endocrine system? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember Selecting the Exception 7. Four of the five s listed below are endocrine glands. Select the exception. a. thymus gland b. salivary gland c. parathyroid gland d. thyroid gland e. pituitary gland : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.2 What are the components of the human endocrine system? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand OTHER: Selecting the Exception 8. Four of the five s listed below are produced by the same lobe of the pituitary. Select the exception. a. antidiuretic hormone b. prolactin c. ACTH d. growth hormone e. luteinizing hormone : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember OTHER: Selecting the Exception 9. Four of the five s listed below are true of hyperthyroidism. Select the exception. a. anxiety b. excessive water loss through urination c. irritability d. chronic fever e. protruding eyes : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember OTHER: Selecting the Exception 10. Four of the five s listed below are related by a common source. Select the exception. a. calcitonin b. sex hormones c. cortisol d. epinephrine e. aldosterone : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.6 What are the roles of the adrenal glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember OTHER: Selecting the Exception 11. Which endocrine tissue/gland is located outside of the brain? a. anterior pituitary b. posterior pituitary c. hypothalamus d. adrenal e. pineal : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.2 What are the components of the human endocrine system? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 12. The anterior pituitary gland produces six hormones. They are released into the bloodstream when a ____ hormone arrives from the ____. a. stimulating; hypothalamus b. stimulating; anterior pituitary c. stimulating; posterior pituitary d. releasing; hypothalamus e. releasing; posterior pituitary : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 13. The hypothalamus has a direct nervous system connection to the: a. anterior pituitary b. posterior pituitary c. pancreas d. adrenal cortex e. thyroid : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 14. If you were on a desert island with no fresh water to drink, the level of which of the following would rise in your bloodstream in an effort to conserve water? a. erythropoietin b. oxytocin c. insulin d. antidiuretic hormone e. glucose : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: application 15. Oxytocin affects the: a. uterine wall b. voluntary muscles throughout the body c. nervous tissue d. target cells in the brain e. target cells in the digestive tract : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 16. What wide-acting pituitary hormone targets cells throughout the body? a. adrenocorticotropic hormone b. thyroid-stimulating hormone c. gonadotropin d. growth hormone e. prolactin : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: Modified 17. The control over milk secretion, water balance, and labor in childbirth is mediated by the ____ gland. a. pineal b. anterior pituitary c. posterior pituitary d. parathyroid e. thyroid : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 18. The secretion of each of the hormones from the anterior pituitary requires: a. stimulation from the posterior pituitary b. that they first be made in the neurons of the hypothalamus c. neural stimulation from the hypothalamus d. releasing hormones delivered from the hypothalamus via a capillary bed e. changing levels of their hormones in the blood : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: Modified 19. Pituitary dwarfism may be caused by reduced production of: a. mineralocorticoid b. glucocorticoid c. calcitonin d. growth hormone e. the parathyroid hormone : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: Modified 20. Acromegaly is the result of excessive secretion of which hormone by adults? a. melatonin b. triiodothyronine c. thyroxine d. testosterone e. growth hormone : e POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: Modified 21. The pituitary gland is controlled by the: a. pineal gland b. pancreas c. medulla d. thalamus e. hypothalamus : e POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: Modified 22. How are pituitary gland hormones distributed to organs throughout the body? a. via axons b. via the hypothalamus c. through the bloodstream d. through lymphatic vessels e. via duct systems : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 23. How are hormones that are made by cell bodies in the hypothalamus delivered to the pituitary gland? a. via exocrine ducts b. by the systemic bloodstream c. by capillaries that supply the anterior pituitary d. by axons e. by the lymphatic system : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 24. What is the specialized type of neuron that responds to an action potential by releasing a hormone into the blood called? a. hormonal neuron b. anterior pituitary cell c. posterior pituitary cell d. neurosecretory cell e. endoneuron : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 25. Which hormone is made by neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus? a. antidiuretic hormone (ADH) b. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) c. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) d. melatonin e. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 26. Which hormone is released by the posterior pituitary gland? a. antidiuretic hormone (ADH) b. thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) c. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) d. melatonin e. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.3 How does the hypothalamus interact with the pituitary gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 27. If you worked at a factory that required shift work at night and you slept during the day, which hormone’s production would be altered? a. thyroid hormone b. melatonin c. calcitonin d. cortisol e. insulin : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.4 What is the role of the pineal gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 28. Exposure to ____ at night can cause insomnia by altering melatonin secretion patterns. a. noise b. bright light c. physical movement d. food e. alcohol : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.4 What is the role of the pineal gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 29. In some male songbirds, long winter nights lead to an increase in melatonin secretion. The rise in melatonin indirectly prevents singing and other courtship behaviors by slowing secretion of which hormone? a. testosterone b. estrogen c. thyroid hormone d. follicle stimulating hormone e. growth hormone : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.4 What is the role of the pineal gland? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Apply NOTES: New Figure 31.6 Control of thyroid hormone secretion. 30. What hormone is produced at “1” in the accompanying figure? a. thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) b. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) c. thyroid hormone (TH) d. parathyroid hormone (PTH) e. calcitonin : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 31. What serves as the positive stimulus in the accompanying figure? a. increased metabolic rate b. high thyroid hormone levels in blood c. low thyroid hormone levels in blood d. high thyroid releasing hormones in blood e. action potential in neurosecretory cells : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 32. If thyroid hormone levels are very high in the blood, what hormone level would be low in the blood? a. parathyroid hormone (PTH) b. calcitonin c. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) d. inhibin e. cortisol : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 33. Because thyroid hormone increases the body’s ____ rate, a deficiency typically causes fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold temperature, and weight gain. a. calcium uptake b. water reabsorption c. metabolic d. glucose storage e. kidney filtration : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 34. If blood calcium ion concentration declines, ____ is released. a. thyroid hormone b. insulin c. glucagon d. parathyroid hormone e. calcitonin : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 35. Thyroid hormone's main effect is on: a. calcium levels b. iron levels c. metabolism and development d. sexual reproduction e. water reabsorption : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 36. If you eliminated all sources of calcium (dairy products, some vegetables) from your diet, the level of which of the following would rise in an attempt to supply calcium stored in your body to the tissues that need it? a. aldosterone b. calcitonin c. mineralocorticoids d. parathyroid hormone e. thyroid hormone : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Apply NOTES: Modified 37. A goiter is an enlarged form of which gland? a. adrenal b. pancreas c. thyroid d. parathyroid e. thymus : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 38. A goiter is caused by a deficiency in: a. thyroxine only b. triiodothyronine only c. calcium d. iodine e. thyroxine and triiodothyronine : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.5 What are the thyroid and parathyroid glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 39. Which adrenal gland hormone plays a role in urine concentration in the kidneys? a. cortisol b. antidiuretic hormone (ADH) c. aldosterone d. sex hormone e. epinephrine : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.6 What are the roles of the adrenal glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 40. The adrenal glands are closest to what organ(s)? a. brain b. pancreas c. testes/ovaries d. thymus e. kidneys : e POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.6 What are the roles of the adrenal glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 41. A decrease in cortisol triggers secretion of CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone) by the hypothalamus which then stimulates secretion of ____ by the anterior pituitary. a. cortisol b. adrenocorticotropic hormone c. adrenal cortex-stimulating hormone d. cortisol-stimulating hormone e. aldosterone : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.6 What are the roles of the adrenal glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand NOTES: New 42. A friend tells you that her husband has been feeling anxious and stressed for the past month. During this same time interval, he has had several infections, bouts of forgetfulness, and erectile dysfunction. Doctors have already checked for ulcers, cancer, blood pressure changes, and other blood irregularities, but these apparently are normal. You are an endocrinologist, so you suggest that he be tested for the most likely endocrine malfunction, which would be altered ____ levels in the blood. a. estrogen b. cortisol c. calcitonin d. melatonin e. testosterone : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.6 What are the roles of the adrenal glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Apply NOTES: Modified 43. The adrenal medulla produces: a. aldosterone b. epinephrine c. cortisol d. testosterone e. both aldosterone and cortisol : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.6 What are the roles of the adrenal glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 44. The only endocrine gland whose secretory function is under direct control by sympathetic nerves is the: a. pancreas b. thyroid c. adrenal medulla d. thymus e. testis : c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.6 What are the roles of the adrenal glands? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 45. Which hormone is responsible for the development of female secondary sex characteristics? a. melatonin b. testosterone c. progesterone d. estrogen e. thymosin : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.7 What are sex hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 46. In response to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), the anterior pituitary secretes: a. estrogen or testosterone b. sex stimulating hormone c. progesterone d. leutinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone e. prolactin : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.7 What are sex hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 47. Which hormones are made in the ovaries? a. estrogen and progesterone b. follicle-stimulating hormone c. oxytocin and estrogen d. prolactin e. leutinizing hormone and progesterone : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.7 What are sex hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: New 48. If you skip a meal, which condition is most likely to occur? a. Insulin levels will rise. b. Glucagon levels will rise. c. Glycogen will be converted to glucose. d. Insulin levels will rise, and glycogen will be converted to glucose. e. Glucagon levels will rise, and glycogen will be converted to glucose. : e POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.8 How does the pancreas regulate blood sugar? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand 49. Which gland is both an exocrine and endocrine gland? a. pancreas b. adrenal c. ovary d. thyroid e. pituitary : a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.8 How does the pancreas regulate blood sugar? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 50. Excess glucose is converted into glycogen in the: a. pancreas b. liver c. thymus d. thyroid e. small intestine : b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.8 How does the pancreas regulate blood sugar? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember NOTES: Modified 51. Specialized islet cells that secrete hormones are found scattered throughout the: a. adrenal cortex b. liver c. thymus d. adrenal medulla e. pancreas : e POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.8 How does the pancreas regulate blood sugar? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 52. Glucagon is produced by the: a. adrenal cortex b. adrenal medulla c. thyroid d. kidneys e. pancreas : e POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.8 How does the pancreas regulate blood sugar? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 53. What type of invertebrate hormone is ecdysone? a. amino acid b. peptide c. protein d. steroid e. Its structure is unknown. : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.9 Do invertebrates have hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 54. The molting hormone of arthropods is: a. corticotropin b. MSH c. oxytocin d. ecdysone e. adrenalin : d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Section 31.9 Do invertebrates have hormones? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember 55. Which commonly used group of chemicals suppresses testosterone secretion? a. phthalates b. chlorine bleaches c. PCBs d. food dyes e. artificial flavors 56. 1. The organs at letter ____ produce hormones and gametes. 2. Cortisol is produced at letter ____. 3. The gland at letter _____ is sometimes called the "master gland" because of the wide variety of hormones it produces. 4. The tiny glands at letter ____ have powerful influences on calcium levels in the body. 5. Epinephrine is secreted by the gland at letter ____. 6. The large gland at letter ____ requires iodine to produce its hormones. Figure 31.6 Control of thyroid hormone secretion. 57. Label the following points in the accompanying figure. 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 58. the following questions: a. Where must protein and peptide hormones bind to receptors? b. Where can steroid hormones can bind to cells? 59. How does parathyroid hormone (PTH) work to increase blood calcium levels? What is a disorder that can be caused by excess PTH production? 60. During long-term stress, cortisol levels can remain high. What are some of the problems associated with this? 61. How do steroid hormones differ in action from peptide and protein hormones? 62. How does the hypothalamus control the posterior pituitary differently from the way it controls the anterior pituitary? 63. In many animals, changes in melatonin secretion patterns trigger seasonal adjustments in behavior or appearance. Explain how melatonin levels affect singing in male songbirds. 64. Describe the relationship of insulin and glucagon. the question(s) in reference to the five pituitary hormones listed below. a. follicle-stimulating hormone b. epinephrine c. growth hormone d. oxytocin e. antidiuretic hormone REFERENCES: Section 31.2 What are the components of the human endocrine system? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Remember OTHER: Classification Questions NOTES: Modified 65. This hormone is release in the “fight or flight” response. : b POINTS: 1 66. The gonads are the target for this hormone. : a POINTS: 1 67. This hormone induces protein synthesis and cell division in young animals. : c POINTS: 1 68. The kidneys are the target for this hormone. : e POINTS: 1 69. Uterine contractions are induced by this hormone. : d POINTS: 1 the question(s) in reference to the five endocrine glands listed below. a. adrenal cortex b. ovary c. pineal d. thyroid e. parathyroid REFERENCES: Section 31.2 What are the components of the human endocrine system? KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Understand OTHER: Classification Questions 70. This gland sets a biological clock. : c POINTS: 1 71. This gland plays a central role in calcium balance. : e POINTS: 1 72. Aldosterone, produced by this gland, regulates sodium levels. : a POINTS: 1 73. Progesterone is produced by this gland. : b POINTS: 1 74. This gland has major control over metabolism. : d POINTS: 1 [Show More]

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