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MENTAL HEALTH ATI PROCTORED A client who has anorexia nervosa is more likely to have ______ resulting from extreme malnutrition. A client who has bulimia nervosa is likely to have ________ ca... used by frequent exposure to gastric acid from vomiting. Extreme distractibility is a hallmark manifestation of ______. Criteria for hospitalization is weight loss over 30% of total body weight in __ months. Severe hypothermia, a temperature lower than ________ due to loss of subcutaneous tissue or dehydration, requires hospitalization. Fine hand tremors are an expected adverse effect of ________ and can interfere with the client's ADLs, causing the client to stop taking the medication. The nurse should encourage the client to drink _______ of fluid each waking hour to maintain hydration. An initial response to amitriptyline can develop in 1 week. For a client who has been severely depressed with suicidal ideation, the energy to carry out a plan is ___________. Clients who are taking tranylcypromine, an MAOI antidepressant, should not take _______ and other over-the-counter medications for sinus congestion, colds, or allergies due to their actions on the sympathetic nervous system, which can result in severe hypertension, The nurse should identify that mild cognitive impairment, such as frequently misplacing objects, is one of the first manifestations expected to occur for a client who has _____. A client who is experiencing ______ is expected to have hypertension, tachycardia, and a fever greater than 38.3° C (101° F). A client who is experiencing alcohol withdrawal can experience profuse sweating and _______ pupils Benztropine is used to treat parkinsonism manifestations, such as _________. St. John's wort is an herbal preparation that decreases the reuptake of serotonin. The nurse should advise the client that taking St. John's wort with another medication that also inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, such as _______, places the client at risk for _________ is common in clients who have depression. The nurse should allow the client time to comprehend and formulate an answer to the question. The greatest risk to the client who is experiencing alcohol withdrawal is seizures, an elevated heart rate, and elevated blood pressure. ________ acts rapidly to prevent seizures, stabilize vital signs, and decrease the intensity of withdrawal manifestations It is the _______ responsibility to confrontthe staff member about her behavior toward the client. Clients who have __________ can disrupt the therapeutic milieu for other clients. Therefore, the nurse should move this client to aprivate room. The nurse should documentthe client's behavior every ______ while the client is in seclusion. The nurse should assess the client's behavior frequently during seclusion and shouldrenew the prescription for seclusion for an adult client every __________, for a maximum of 24 hr. Normal levels of sodiumand fluid need to be maintained to ensure adequate excretion of ______. The nurse should monitor the child for _______, which is an adverse effect of methylphenidate. A traumatic event that causes severe stress is a trigger for ________. Clients who have _______ need excessive input from others to make everyday decisions. The nurse should teach the client that he is notresponsible for his disorder, but he is responsible for his __________. Envisioning oneself in a peaceful, calm environment enhances relaxation and is an example of using _______________. The rapid transition from one emotion to another and is a primary feature of borderline personality disorder. Clients who have borderline personality disorder react to situations with emotional responses that are out of proportion to the circumstances. The greatest risk to the child who has ADHD is injury from impulsive behavior and the decreased ability to perceive self-harm. Therefore, the priority intervention is to ____________. The seizure induced during ECT can stress the client's heart. Therefore, the nurse should plan to monitor the client's_______during ECTvia an electrocardiogram. The nurse should frequentlyoffer the client, high-calorie foods that can be eaten while the client is on the go. Clients experiencing ________ might be unable to sit down for meals and can experience weight loss and dehydration. A sodium level of 128 mEq/Lshould alert the nurse that the client is at risk for _________because renal excretion of lithium is decreased in the presence of a low sodium level. Clozapine can cause agranulocytosis, which can be fatal due to overwhelming infection. The nurse should identify a WBC count below ________ as a possible manifestation of agranulocytosis and should withhold the medication and notify the provider. This is an example of secondary prevention. By ________, the nurse can identify individuals who are at risk for intimate partner abuse in the community and can take the necessary steps to address individual client needs. establishing screening programs Positive symptoms of schizophrenia usually appear suddenly and are alterations in behavior, perception, speech, and thought. _________ are examples of positive symptoms. Delusions and an inability to think abstractly A child who has autism spectrum disorder usually has a _______. language delay. __________ is a manifestation of depression, and early identification of findings can lead to early intervention. Decreased social involvement The client experiences a situational crisis when _______. an unexpected event occurs The Hospitalization of the Mentally Ill Act of 1964 requires that clients admitted to an inpatient mental health facility have a right to __________. Individualized treatment The nurse should expect the client who is experiencing opioid withdrawal to have _______ and flu-like manifestations such as yawning, sneezing, and abdominal pain. rhinorrhea Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorthat can cause ________ such as anorgasmia and impotence. sexual dysfunction ECT can be used when: • There is a need for rapid, definitive response for a client who is suicidal. • Bipolar disorder with rapid cycling. • Mania and have not responded to medication therapy. During acute mania, the client is extremely active and _______, which can lead to relapse. does not sleep Low weight, electrolyte imbalances, starvation, and dehydrationcauses________. orthostatic hypotension According to evidence-based practice, the nurse should first inform the client about _______ during the orientation phase of the nurse-client relationship. confidentiality A stage IV pressure ulcer on an older adult client who is bedbound can indicate physical neglect and warrants ___________. mandatory reporting Succinylcholine is a muscle-paralyzing agent that will ________ during the procedure so that injury is less likely to occur. decrease muscle movement An adverse effect of dextroamphetamine is insomnia. Therefore, the nurse should instruct the parent to administer the last dose of medication to the child ___________. 6 hr before bedtime clang associations stringing together of words that rhyme but have no other apparent link. Allowing clients who have delirium to ________ will decrease frustration and anxiety. practice daily rituals The client's history of depression indicates that this client is at the greatest risk for hypertensive crisis from MAOI medicationsused to treat depression. These medications can precipitate a hypertensive crisis if consumed with ________. Urinary retention is an anticholinergic effect of _______. Therefore, the nurse should monitor for this as an adverse effect. amitriptyline Parents who witnessedintimate partner violence as children are more likely to become abusive themselves. Therefore, this is the family group with the ________ for future child abuse. greatest potential The nurse should administer benztropine, an anticholinergic agent, to relieve _______, which is an extrapyramidal adverse effect of chlorpromazine. acute dystonia Clients receiving end-of-life care prefer that discussions of spirituality occur in ______. ordinary conversation. Aggression toward people and animals is an expected characteristic of a child who has _________. conduct disorder Clozapine can lead to a potentially fatal blood disorder known as agranulocytosis. Agranulocytosis is a severe drop in a client's WBCs, which leaves the client highly susceptible to infection. The nurse should withhold the medication for any indications of __________ and notify the provider. infection An increase in CPK, a muscle enzyme released when muscle tissue is damaged, occurs with ________. cardiomyopathy The priority action the nurse should take when using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is to meet the client's need for adequate nutrition. Therefore, __________ is the priority action for the nurse to take. providing high-calorie snacks By insisting that his drinking is not a problembecause he can go to work every day, the client is using the defense mechanism of ______. denial When a client has difficulty carrying on normal activities following a loss, this is an indication that there is a risk for ________. complicated grief Discussing ___________ assists in orienting the client to time and realitythroughout the day. scheduled daily activities It is the responsibility of the nurse to do no harm to clients. The nurse is applying the ethical principle of _______ by requesting to transfer this client to a unit better able to manage his behavior and thereby prevent injury to others on the unit. nonmaleficence Use of active listeninginvolves identifying verbaland nonverbal communication by the client, which includes attention to_______ __. body language The most effective strategy for relapse prevention is a ________. 12-step program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Methadone is used as a substitute for _______, not alcohol use disorder. heroin use disorder Buprenorphine is used to prevent _________, not alcohol use disorder. heroin use disorder The nurse should identify the _________ that initiate the client's binge and assist the client to understand his thoughts and behavior that relate to the food. trigger foods Clients who have antisocial personality disorder can seem to be in control of their behavior, but are manipulative and impulsive and can suddenly become aggressive and assaultive. The nurse should ____________. Establish clear limits on specific aggressive and demanding behaviors. Lithium can cause gastrointestinal distress. Therefore, this medication should be _________. taken with food. Concrete thinking is a _____ symptom of schizophrenia. It describes the inability of the client to think in abstract terms. positive Cocaine is a stimulant that increases _______. It also increases heart rate, body temperature, energy levels, and metabolism. blood pressure A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of an adolescent who has anorexia nervosa. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? Hgb 10 g/dl what is the normal range of hemoglobin (Hgb) for males and females? males: 14-18gm/dl females: 12-16gm/dl A nurse is reviewing laboratory values for a client who has bipolar disorder and a prescription for lithium. The nurse should identify which of the following laboratory resultsplaces the client at risk for lithium toxicity? Sodium 130 Sodium Normal Range 135 - 145 mEq/L • <135 - hyponatremia • >145 - hpyernatremia A nurse is performing a mental status examination for a client who has schizophrenia. The nurse should recognize that which of the following actions requires the client to think abstractly? Determine the meaning of a proverb Preschool-age concepts of death? Death is not permanent and the loved one may come back to life→ magical thinking stage Benztropine This medication is given to help with extrapyramidal side effects Extrapyramidal side effects Are involuntary movements that result mainly from taking first-generation antipsychotic drugs Major depressive disorder. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan? Encourage physical activity for the client during the day Bupropion for smoking cessation: Contraindicationfor taking this medication? Seizures Places the child at greatest risk for physical abuse? The child is homeschooled A client who has schizophrenia and is taking haloperidol. Which of the following clinical findings is the nurse’s priority? High fever A Client who was involved in a violent mass casualty situation in the community. Which of the following actions should the nurse take during the initial session with the client? Help the client focus on a wide variety of topics regarding the crisis A client who has anorexia nervosa. Which of the following interventionsshould the nurse include in the plan? Encourage the client to participate in family therapy The AP states that he is irritated by the client’s depression which of the following statements by the nurse is appropriate? It’s important that the client feels safe verbalizing how she is feeling A client who has schizophrenia and started taking clozapine 2 months age. Which of the following laboratory results should the nurse report to the provider? WBC 3,000 normal range of WBC 5,000 - 10,000 Potassium normal range 3.5-5 mEq/L Normal Range for Platelets? 150,000- 400,000 Depression following a recent job loss How have you dealt with a similar situation in the past Borderline personality disorder finding Self mutilation A client who has schizophrenia and is taking clozapine. Which of the following findings is the priority for the nurse to report to the provider? Sore throat Client wanders at night and has a history of previous falls • Put locks at top of doors • Position the mattress on the floor • Install sensor devices on outside doors A presentation about intimate partner abuse for a community group Survivors of abuse often feel guilty Encourage participation in cognitive-behavioral family therapy I want to improve my family’s understanding of each other’s boundaries Increased risk for suicide Hypersomnia Bupropion for smoking cessation. Report to the provider? Recent head injury Bipolar disorder and is experiencing a manicepisode Encourage the client to participate in physical activities Major depressive disorder action Ask the client if she has eaten foods containing tyramine Carbamazepine: lab to report to the provider? Platelets 90,000 Housing placement? Social worker Refuse to take a prescribed oral antianxiety medication Offer the client the medication at the next scheduled dose time Anticipate administration of lorazepam? Hypertension Contributing factor for dementia Alcohol use disorder Lithium level of 0.8 Administer the next dose of lithium A school-age child being physically aggressivetoward other children on the unit Use a therapeutic technique PTSD related to military service Assign the same staff to care for the client each day Obtaining informed consent for a client who has been declared legally incompetent. Request that the client guardian sign the consent Communication technique of reflection You feel upset when this happens Intimate partner abuse priority The client develops a safety plan The therapeutic effect of naltrexone Reduces substance craving Prescription for atomoxetine 40 mg daily Administer the medication beforethe child goes to school in the morning An adverse effect of Thioridazine Contractions of the jaw Risk factor for violent behavior? Alcohol intoxication New prescription for risperidone I should contact my doctor if my son urinates excessively Client reports not sleeping for 3 days and is exhibiting a euphoric mood Limit loud noises in the client’s environment A client who exhibits: excessive compliance, passivity, and self-denial. Dependent school-age child who has ADHD Institute consequences for deliberate behaviors Withdrawing from heroin Hyperthermia obsessive-compulsive disorder I will limit my mother’s clothing choices when she is getting dressed Bulimia nervosa diagnostic procedure ECG Working phase of the nurse-client relationship Promote problem-solving skills electroconvulsive therapy You might experience confusion for a few hours after treatment Family boundaries Enmeshed Client will not sign the consent form Cancel the procedure Changes in school performance and withdrawal from interaction with classmates Ask the adolescent if he is considering hurting himself Just trying to gain attention Displacement Clients who suddenly direct profanities Emotional lability Client repeatedly checks that the doors are locked at night Snap a rubber band on your wrist when you think about checking the locks The parent of the child provides different accounts of the cause of the injury. Determine the immediate safety needs of the child Newly licensed nurse imitating behavior. Identification Expected outcome of valproic acid The client has decreased euphoric mood An expected finding of histrionic personality disorder. D. Attention seeking Which of the following actions should the nurse include during the orientation phase? Establish a rapport with group members "My job is so stressful that the only way I can cope is to drink. Rationalization Alzheimer's disease action Use symbols to assist the client in locating rooms Relearn how to use eating utensils? Occupational therapist Antisocial personality disorder client goal Decrease the number of verbal outbursts "I’m so worried that my mother is depressed." Tell me the reasons you think your mother is depressed mandated reporter Client reports that her partner tiestheir child to bed as punishment SAD person scale The client is 50 years of age. <19 or >45 3-year-old child who has autism spectrum disorder expected finding Attachment to objects that spin Indication of clinical depression? I don’t feel anything but numbnessanymore Acute delirium action Reinforce the client’s orientationwith a calendar [Show More]

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