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Georgia Military College - BIO 124 Final Exam 1. 8SUCMP BIO-124-20103 / Week 8 / Final Exam. All Correct Answers Indicated.

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Home / My courses / 18SUCMP BIO-124-20103 / Week 8 / Final Exam Question 1 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 1 of 62 What does “d” represent in the figure showing vessels and organs of the lymph... atic system? Select one: a. The spleen b. The thymus gland ! c. The axillary lymph nodes d. The tonsils e. The inguinal lymph nodes The thymus gland Question 2 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What are the structures in plants that are responsible for taking in carbon dioxide? Select one: a. the roots b. the flowers c. the stems " d. the fruits e. the leaves =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 2 of 62 the leaves Question 3 Not answered What two structures function in gas exchange? Select one: a. stomata and lenticels b. stomata and the palisade layer of a leaf c. root hairs and nodes of stems d. root tip and apical meristem e. lenticels and the cuticle stomata and lenticels Question 4 Which of the following is a service provided by fungi for human benefit? Select one: a. food and drinks b. antibiotics ! c. rubber d. clothes =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 3 of 62 d. clothes e. shelter antibiotics Question 5 Not answered What ly describes the movements of actin and myosin fibers? Select one: a. Binding with ATP shortens the muscle fiber; reverse binding elongates the fiber b. The energy from breaking down ATP to ADP + P is used to convert actin into myosin c. The calcium ions are used as energy to split ATP to shorten the fiber d. When ADP and P come off myosin, the crossbridges move the actin filaments to shorten the muscle fiber e. Actin filament heads break down ATP and then attach to a myosin filament to form cross-bridges When ADP and P come off myosin, the crossbridges move the actin filaments to shorten the muscle fiber Question 6 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 4 of 62 What does "a" represent in the figure of the anatomy of the human brain? Select one: a. The thalamus b. The cerebellum c. The corpus callosum d. The cerebrum ! e. The pons The cerebrum Question 7 Which of the following would be considered a type of loose connective tissue? Select one: a. Tendons =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 5 of 62 b. Adipose ! c. Ligaments d. Cartilage e. Bone Adipose Question 8 What does "b" represent in the figure of the amniotic egg? Select one: a. yolk sac b. embryo c. amnion ! d. allantois e. chorion amnion =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 6 of 62 Question 9 What is true of the offspring that results from breeding two closely related but separate species? Select one: a. more fit than the two parent species b. haploid c. prezygotic d. sterile ! e. postzygotic sterile Question 10 What is a shared characteristic between gymnosperms and angiosperms? Select one: a. Seeds develop within a cone b. Seeds develop within a flower c. Seeds are surrounded by a fruit at maturity d. Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination ! e. Pollen is carried by animal pollinators =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 7 of 62 e. Pollen is carried by animal pollinators Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination Question 11 What does “c” represent in the figure showing vessels and organs of the lymphatic system? Select one: =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 8 of 62 Select one: a. The spleen b. The thymus gland c. The axillary lymph nodes d. The tonsils ! e. The inguinal lymph nodes The tonsils Question 12 What is the site of B-cell production and maturation? Select one: a. The thymus gland b. The spleen c. The tonsils d. The red bone marrow ! e. The lymph nodes The red bone marrow Question 13 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 9 of 62 What is the model of speciation where evolution has long periods of no change followed by brief periods of rapid change? Select one: a. sympatric model " b. allopatric model c. punctuated equilibrium model d. microevolution model e. gradualistic model punctuated equilibrium model Question 14 What are the factors that affect population size where the percentage of individuals killed remains the same regardless of population size? Select one: a. Biotic-independent factors b. Density-dependent factors c. Density-independent factors ! d. Logistical-dependent factors e. Carrying capacity-dependent factors Density-independent factors =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 10 of 62 Question 15 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Each of the following is one of the body's long-term response to stress except _ (blank) _. Select one: a. An increase in blood glucose levels b. The metabolism of fats and proteins " c. Suppression of immune system cells d. Reabsorption of water by the kidneys e. An increase in blood pressure An increase in blood glucose levels Question 16 Antigens produced by pathogens are _ (blank) _ antigens; those produced by the body are _ (blank) _ antigens. Select one: a. foreign, self ! b. antibody, lymphatic c. self, foreign d. active, passive e. innate, adaptive =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 11 of 62 e. innate, adaptive foreign, self Question 17 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 The cell walls of fungi contain a large amount of _ (blank) _. Select one: a. phospholipids b. starch c. glucose d. chitin e. cellulose " chitin Question 18 What is the order of least to most dominant sporophyte generation? Select one: a. moss, fern, angiosperm, gymnosperm b. moss, fern, gymnosperm, angiosperm ! c. fern, moss, gymnosperm, angiosperm =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 12 of 62 c. fern, moss, gymnosperm, angiosperm d. fern, moss, angiosperm, gymnosperm e. gymnosperm, moss, fern, angiosperm moss, fern, gymnosperm, angiosperm Question 19 _ (blank) _ stimulates the liver to break down glycogen to glucose and to use fat and protein over glucose as energy sources. Select one: a. Oxytocin b. Insulin c. Glucagon ! d. Epinephrine e. Calcitonin Glucagon Question 20 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 13 of 62 What does "a" represent in the figure of the human urinary system? Select one: a. The urinary bladder b. The kidney ! c. The urethra d. The ureter e. The renal artery The kidney Question 21 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following structures would you study to learn more about the Pax6 gene in an organism? Select one: a. the overall body shape " =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 14 of 62 a. the overall body shape " b. the eye c. the pelvic fin d. the vertebrae e. the limbs the eye Question 22 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 _ (blank) _ occurs when the windward side of a coastal mountain range gets more rain than the leeward side. Select one: a. The altitude effect b. The windward effect " c. The rain shadow effect d. The topography effect e. The mountain effect The rain shadow effect Question 23 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 15 of 62 Which of the following would not be considered a density-dependent factor controlling population size? Select one: a. Drought b. Predation c. Parasites d. Disease " e. Competition Drought Question 24 Which type of muscle is not striated and involuntary? Select one: a. Skeletal b. Smooth ! c. Cardiac d. Cartilage e. Intercalated Smooth Question 25 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 16 of 62 Question 25 When are dinosaurs thought to have gone extinct? Select one: a. at the end of the Jurassic b. at the end of the Cretaceous ! c. at the end of the Carboniferous d. at the end of the Tertiary e. at the end of the Silurian at the end of the Cretaceous Question 26 The presence of _ (blank) _ in high concentrations in the urine would indicate that an individual is diabetic. Select one: a. Bile b. Red blood cells c. Glucose ! d. Albumin e. Lipids =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 17 of 62 Glucose Question 27 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Monocots can be used for human benefit in all of the following ways except _ (blank) _. Select one: a. cereal grains " b. building material c. housing d. medicines e. furniture medicines Question 28 What portion of the plant is located at the shoot tip? Select one: a. the terminal bud ! b. the petiole c. the node d. the internode =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 18 of 62 e. the vascular tissue the terminal bud Question 29 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following statements about differential gene expression is true? Select one: a. It would leave unchanged the size of a particular structure " b. It might maintain the function of an organ c. It could identically color skin d. It might change leg length between species e. It might cause a species to grow as long as another It might change leg length between species Question 30 What are the broadest divisions on the geologic timescale? Select one: a. centuries b. epochs =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 19 of 62 b. epochs c. millennia d. eras ! e. periods eras Question 31 What type of hormones enter the cell or nucleus where they bind to receptors? Select one: a. DNA hormones b. Peptide hormones c. RNA hormones d. Steroid hormones ! e. Lipid hormones Steroid hormones Question 32 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following is not a type of distribution pattern found in organisms? =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 20 of 62 Select one: a. Clumped b. Equilibrium c. Uniform d. Random e. All are patterns of distribution " Equilibrium Question 33 Which of these is NOT a density-dependent factor which controls population size? Select one: a. Parasites b. Competition c. Fire ! d. Predation e. Disease Fire Question 34 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 21 of 62 Which ecosystem with fertile soil has been mainly converted into agricultural farmlands for human use? Select one: a. Tropical rain forest b. Tundra c. Desert d. Temperate grasslands ! e. Taiga Temperate grasslands Question 35 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following best describes the evolution of bacteria? Select one: a. the biological species concept b. prezygotic isolation mechanisms c. the evolutionary species concept d. postzygotic isolation mechanisms " e. sympatric speciation the evolutionary species concept =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 22 of 62 Question 36 What is Sphagnum, which has nonliving cells that can absorb moisture and can be used in gardening? Select one: a. algae b. gymnosperm c. moss ! d. angiosperm e. fern moss Question 37 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What is the portion of the gymnosperm which gives rise to the egg-producing gametophyte? Select one: a. megaspore b. stigma " c. microspore d. carpel e. receptacle =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 23 of 62 megaspore Question 38 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What two body systems control and regulate homeostasis in the human body? Select one: a. Digestive and respiratory b. Endocrine and reproductive " c. Nervous and endocrine d. Lymphatic and muscular e. Cardiovascular and nervous Nervous and endocrine Question 39 Which of the following statements is true of both the nervous system and the endocrine system? Select one: a. They both use blood vessels b. They both use a negative feedback mechanism ! =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 24 of 62 c. They both produce hormones d. They both provide long-lasting responses e. They both produce neurotransmitters They both use a negative feedback mechanism Question 40 What lymphatic tissue is located in the intestinal walls? Select one: a. The spleen b. The Peyer patches ! c. The thymus glands d. The lymph nodes e. The tonsils The Peyer patches Question 41 Which of the following is not an adaptation of animals living in the arctic tundra? Select one: =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 25 of 62 Select one: a. Small mouse-like lemmings make tunnels and burrows under the snow or ground b. The musk ox grows a thick coat to conserve heat c. The chicken-like ptarmigan burrows in the snow during the storms d. Polar bears change their fur coat color from white to brown (with the seasons) ! e. Caribou and reindeer migrate to and from the tundra Polar bears change their fur coat color from white to brown (with the seasons) Question 42 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following is not a function of the neuroglia? Select one: a. They support neurons b. They help neurons divide c. They engulf bacteria " d. They form myelin e. They nourish neurons They help neurons divide Question 43 In =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 26 of 62 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Steroid hormones can be produced by _ (blank) _. Select one: a. The pituitary gland " b. The thyroid gland c. The ovaries d. The parathyroid gland e. The pineal gland The ovaries Question 44 Which of the following is true about skeletal muscles? Select one: a. They are found in and about internal organs b. They work in antagonistic pairs ! c. They get longer when they contract d. They produce blood cells e. They have the same origin and insertion point They work in antagonistic pairs =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 27 of 62 Question 45 Cells found in tissue that cause the surrounding capillaries to dilate are called _ (blank) _. Select one: a. Plasma cells b. T cells c. Mast cells ! d. B cells e. Eosinophils Mast cells Question 46 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 28 of 62 What does "C" represent in the figure showing the endocrine system glands and organs? Select one: a. The thymus gland b. The pituitary gland c. The thyroid gland ! d. The hypothalamus e. The adrenal glands The thyroid gland Question 47 Which of the following statements is true of the sporophyte generation, but not the gametophyte generation? =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 29 of 62 Select one: a. It is dominant in mosses b. It produces gametes c. Egg and sperm are produced through meiosis ! d. It is haploid e. In angiosperms it is less dominant than the sporophyte Egg and sperm are produced through meiosis Question 48 The presence of _ (blank) _ in the urine is an early indicator that tubular secretion is not functioning ly. Select one: a. Glucose b. Bile c. White blood cells d. Uric acid ! e. Lipids Uric acid Question 49 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 30 of 62 How far back do fossils from the Burgess Shale date? Select one: a. 50 million years ago b. 130 million years ago c. 320 million years ago d. 410 million years ago e. 540 million years ago ! 540 million years ago Question 50 What are the tissues of a leaf, from the upper surface to the lower surface? Select one: a. epidermis, periderm, epidermis b. epidermis, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, epidermis ! c. xylem, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, phloem d. epidermis, spongy mesophyll, palisade mesophyll, epidermis e. dermis, spongy mesophyll, palisade mesophyll, dermis epidermis, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, epidermis =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 31 of 62 Question 51 What type of animals have their body cavity incompletely lined with mesoderm? Select one: a. eucoelomates b. pseudocoelomates ! c. segmented worms d. protostomes e. acoelomates pseudocoelomates Question 52 What is the second way substances are removed from the blood and added to the tubular fluid? Select one: a. Tubular reabsorption b. Countercurrent secretion c. Glomerular filtration d. Pressure filtration e. Tubular secretion ! =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 32 of 62 Tubular secretion Question 53 Population size is thought to level off at the _ (blank) _ of an environment. Select one: a. Steady state b. Population growth c. Environmental resistance d. Carrying capacity ! e. Biotic potential Carrying capacity Question 54 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 33 of 62 What does "d" represent in the figure of the amniotic egg? Select one: a. embryo b. allantois c. yolk sac d. amnion e. chorion ! chorion Question 55 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 34 of 62 Which ecosystem is shown in the shaded areas of this global map? Select one: a. Desert b. Coniferous forest ! c. Tropical rainforest d. Temperate rain forest e. Grassland Coniferous forest Question 56 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Aquatic ecosystems are classified according to various criteria, including all of the following except _ (blank) _. Select one: a. Standing or moving b. Amount of nutrients found in the water " c. Amount of productivity d. Freshwater or saltwater e. Amount of rainfall it receives Amount of rainfall it receives =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 35 of 62 Question 57 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Hypersecretion of _ (blank) _ causes Cushing syndrome. Select one: a. The pancreas b. The hypothalamus " c. The adrenal medulla d. The thyroid e. The adrenal cortex The adrenal cortex Question 58 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following types of tissue is composed of stratified squamous epithelium? Select one: a. Dermis b. Adipose c. Subcutaneous " d. Basement e. Epidermis =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 36 of 62 Epidermis Question 59 _ (blank) _ are bone-forming cells. Select one: a. Chondrocytes b. Chondroclasts c. Osteoclasts d. Osteocytes e. Osteoblasts ! Osteoblasts Question 60 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 _ (blank) _ block the release of a neurotransmitter or modify a normal response to a neurotransmitter, such as caffeine. Select one: a. Refractory molecules b. Depolarization molecules =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 37 of 62 c. Neuromodulators d. Integration molecules " e. Saltatory molecules Neuromodulators Question 61 What is the material within the spaces of spongy bone at the end of the humerus? Select one: a. Hyaline cartilage b. Articular cartilage c. Adipose tissue d. Red bone marrow ! e. Yellow bone marrow Red bone marrow Question 62 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What occurs when two different yet related species of plants hybridize? Select one: =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 38 of 62 Select one: a. symploidy b. gametoploidy c. autoploidy " d. alloploidy e. zygoploidy alloploidy Question 63 What are the many contractile units which make up a myofibril? Select one: a. The sarcolemma b. The sarcoplasmic reticulum c. Sarcomeres ! d. Actin filaments e. The sarcoplasm Sarcomeres Question 64 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 39 of 62 Which of the following is the benefit of a plant having mutualistic fungus on or in its roots? Select one: a. increased oxygen absorption b. increased carbon dioxide absorption c. increased photosynthesis d. increased carbon dioxide production " e. increased water absorption increased water absorption Question 65 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 All of the following statements applies to groups of animals except _ (blank) _. Select one: a. They are chemoheterotrophs b. They are multicellular and unicellular c. They undergo developmental stages that produce specialized tissues and organs " d. They usually reproduce sexually e. They have muscles and nerves which give them movement and coordination They are multicellular and unicellular =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 40 of 62 Question 66 Which of the following have a true coelom? Select one: a. Planarian b. Fluke c. Roundworm d. Tapeworm e. Mollusc ! Mollusc Question 67 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What portion of the moss gametophyte produces flagellated sperm? Select one: a. the archegonium b. the sporangium c. the rhizoids " d. the antheridium e. the stalk =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 41 of 62 the antheridium Question 68 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 _ (blank) _ occurs when the action potential "jumps" from node to node, thus increasing the speed of the nerve impulses. Select one: a. Refractory conduction b. Depolarization conduction c. Synapse conduction " d. Saltatory conduction e. Repolarization conduction Saltatory conduction Question 69 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What species concept identifies that every species has its own evolutionary history? Select one: a. the biological species concept " b. the reproductive species concept c. the adaptive species concept =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 42 of 62 d. the evolutionary species concept e. the prezygotic species concept the evolutionary species concept Question 70 What does "e" represent in the figure of the nephron and its blood supply? Select one: a. The distal convoluted tubule ! b. Peritubular capillaries =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 43 of 62 c. Efferent arteriole d. Afferent arteriole e. The proximal convoluted tubule The distal convoluted tubule Question 71 Which of the following is not a association in the pectoral girdle and the upper limbs? Select one: a. Humerus-upper arm b. Ulna-lower arm c. Carpals-bones of the palm ! d. Scapula-shoulder blade e. Phalanges-fingers Carpals-bones of the palm Question 72 Which of the following animals is not a reptile? =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 44 of 62 Select one: a. turtles b. snakes c. frogs ! d. lizards e. crocodiles frogs Question 73 Alternation of generations in flowering plants includes the formation of a _ (blank) _. Select one: a. triploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte b. haploid sporophyte and diploid gametophyte c. triploid sporophyte and diploid gametophyte d. diploid sporophyte and diploid gametophyte e. diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte ! diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte Question 74 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 45 of 62 Which of the following is an endocrine gland found in the brain? Select one: a. The thyroid gland b. The adrenal gland " c. The parathyroid gland d. The pituitary gland e. The thymus gland The pituitary gland Question 75 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What are the structures found on plants that increase the absorptive capacity of the roots? Select one: a. root nodes " b. root tips c. root nodules d. root hairs e. root pigments root hairs =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 46 of 62 Question 76 Which of the following levels of biological organization is the most inclusive? Select one: a. A tissue b. An organ c. An organism ! d. An organ system e. A cell An organism Question 77 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following is true of the evolutionary species concept? Select one: a. It can be used to determine if two species are reproductively isolated b. It can be applied to both asexually and sexually reproducing species c. It can only be used to study prokaryotes d. It can only be used to study living organisms e. It can be used to determine traits such as size differences between males and females " =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 47 of 62 It can be applied to both asexually and sexually reproducing species Question 78 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What endocrine gland(s) is responsible for increasing the blood calcium levels? Select one: a. The thymus gland " b. The pituitary gland c. The parathyroid glands d. The hypothalamus e. The adrenal glands The parathyroid glands Question 79 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Which of the following organisms have a one-way ventilation mechanism? Select one: a. Mammals b. Birds c. Reptiles =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 48 of 62 c. Reptiles d. Amphibians " e. Earthworms Birds Question 80 Which of the following statements about the development of an action potential is not true? Select one: a. There is a rapid change in polarity from about -70mV to about +40mV b. It can be produced by an electric shock or sudden pH change c. The action potential ends when the polarity across the membrane reaches +40 mV ! d. Depolarization occurs when sodium gates open and allow sodium ions to enter the cell e. Potassium gates open after the sodium gates and allow potassium ions to leave the cell The action potential ends when the polarity across the membrane reaches +40 mV Question 81 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 49 of 62 What does "d" represent in the figure of the human urinary system? Select one: a. The urinary bladder b. The kidney c. The urethra ! d. The ureter e. The renal artery The urethra Question 82 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Why is the fern better adapted to life on land compared to moss? =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 50 of 62 Select one: a. produces seeds, but mosses do not " b. does not have swimming sperm, but mosses do c. does not have a gametophyte generation, but ferns do d. has vascular tissue, but mosses do not e. does not have a sporophyte generation, but ferns do has vascular tissue, but mosses do not Question 83 All of the following infections are caused by roundworms except _ (blank) _. Select one: a. Hookworms b. Trichinosis c. Elephantiasis d. Tapeworm ! e. Pinworms Tapeworm Question 84 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 51 of 62 Which of the following defines a type II survivorship curve? Select one: a. Most individuals die during their reproductive years b. Most individuals die early in life and of old age c. Many individuals die early in life d. Most individuals die of old age e. Individuals die at a constant rate throughout time ! Individuals die at a constant rate throughout time Question 85 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 What occurs during contraction? Select one: a. Thin filaments become shorter b. Thin filaments become longer c. Thick filaments become shorter d. Thick filaments become longer " e. None of these are true None of these are true =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 52 of 62 Question 86 What endocrine gland has a posterior and anterior portion and is responsible for producing prolactin and oxytocin? Select one: a. The thyroid gland b. The thymus gland c. The pituitary gland ! d. The pineal gland e. The adrenal gland The pituitary gland Question 87 What is the chemical factor which predominantly controls the rate of breathing? Select one: a. Oxygen concentration b. Carbon dioxide concentration ! c. Hemoglobin concentration d. Nitrogen concentration e. The acidity of the blood =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 53 of 62 Carbon dioxide concentration Question 88 Which is not a association of bone structures and functions? Select one: a. Growth plate-contributes to increase in bone length b. Red bone marrow-source of blood cells c. Osteons-tubular units of compact bone d. Spongy bone-makes up the shaft of a long bone ! e. Lacunae-tiny chambers in concentric circles around a central canal Spongy bone-makes up the shaft of a long bone Question 89 In Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 _ (blank) _ are called "killer cells" that brings about the destruction of antigen-bearing cells. Select one: a. Helper T cells " b. Suppressor T cells c. Cytotoxic T cells =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 54 of 62 d. Memory T cells e. Macrophage T cells Cytotoxic T cells Question 90 What does "d" represent in the figure of the anatomy of a long bone? Select one: =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 55 of 62 a. The medullary cavity b. The growth plate c. The periosteum d. Spongy bone e. Compact bone ! Compact bone Question 91 Not answered What does the alternation of generations in ferns show? Select one: a. the sporophyte and gametophyte generations are equal b. the haploid gametophyte is dominant c. the diploid gametophyte is dominant d. the haploid sporophyte is dominant e. the diploid sporophyte is dominant the diploid sporophyte is dominant Question 92 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 56 of 62 When a macrophage engulfs a pathogen, a piece of the pathogen is then presented on the macrophage's surface in the _ (blank) _ protein. Select one: a. Self-antigen complex b. Immunoglobulin complex c. Histamine complex d. Cell-mediated complex e. Major histocompatibility complex ! Major histocompatibility complex Question 93 Not answered What portion of the antibody binds to an antigen? Select one: a. The variable portion b. The constant portion c. The heavy chain portion d. The variable and constant portion e. The antigen receptor portion The variable portion Question 94 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 57 of 62 Question 94 Not answered What represents the mutualistic relationship between fungi and cyanobacteria or green algae? Select one: a. mycorrhizae b. lichens c. conidia d. mycelia e. yeasts lichens Question 95 Not answered Which of the following is not typical in sharks? Select one: a. ability to sense electric currents in the water b. skeleton of cartilage c. a sucker used to attach to prey d. ability to sense pressure of other swimming objects e. belongs to the class chondrichthyes =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 58 of 62 a sucker used to attach to prey Question 96 Not answered What is the concept of one species splitting into two or more new species? Select one: a. polyploidy b. speciation c. prezygotic isolation d. postzygotic isolation e. alloploidy speciation Question 97 When did fish first appear in the fossil record? Select one: a. Devonian b. Mesozoic c. Jurassic d. Ordovician ! e. Tertiary =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 59 of 62 e. Tertiary Ordovician Question 98 What does "D" represent in the figure showing the endocrine system glands and organs? =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 60 of 62 Select one: a. The adrenal glands b. The hypothalamus c. The thymus gland ! d. The thyroid gland e. The pituitary gland The thymus gland Question 99 What type of forest is found in a broad belt in Northern Eurasia and North America, with cone-bearing trees? Select one: a. Desert b. Temperate deciduous forest c. Tropical rain forest d. Taiga ! e. Tundra Taiga Question 100 =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 61 of 62 What is the largest group of plants? Select one: a. gymnosperms b. ferns c. angiosperms ! d. mosses e. algae angiosperms Sustainable Society Jump to... Week 8 Critical Thinking Exercise =1 7/21/18, 8E21 AM Page 62 of 62 [Show More]

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