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BIT 4444 - Exam 3 -1 (Solved)

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middle tier - ANSWER implements business logic and controller logic middle - ANSWER which tier is the is located on a web server. PHP - ANSWER which technology is mostly used at the logic tier ... limitation for client-side scripting - ANSWER The browser or scripting host must support the scripting language and capabilities Sensitive information, such as passwords or other personally identifiable data, cannot be stored or validated on the client Placing large amounts of JavaScript on the client can cause security issues limitations for server-side scripting - ANSWER It causes increased network traffic requires a network connection It causes increased demand for computing resources on the server - ANSWER What is the IP address of the loopback address, localhost PHP stands for - ANSWER Hypertext Preprocessing When PHP commands are processed, __________________ is/are sent by the web server to the client's web browser. - ANSWER only the output $ - ANSWER symbol used to declare a variable in PHP used to break a loop if the next command to be executed is the one follows the loop - ANSWER break PHP function that determines if a variable has a value and is not NULL - ANSWER isset() bottom tier - ANSWER maintains the application's data (data tier) top tier - ANSWER client tier, is the application's user interface, never directly interacts with data tier, gets info from middle tier Client-side scripting can - ANSWER validate user input interact with the browser, enhance web pages add client/server communication between a browser and a web server. Which PHP system variable is initialized when a HTTP POST request is sent to the web server? - ANSWER $_POST One of the following PHP statements has the correct syntax and will load the same PHP code page when the user clicks the Submit button. Which one? - ANSWER <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> PHP function that gets the number of affected database records when executing an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE sql statement - ANSWER mysqli_affected_rows() unset($var) - ANSWER Destroy a variable and set it to NULL global - ANSWER use command to re-declare a variable within the function before using it $_GET - ANSWER Any array that contains form variable data via the HTTP GET method $_SERVER - ANSWER An array containing data generated by the web server what is MySQL - ANSWER relational database management system What can the Structural Query Language do - ANSWER Querying the database Creating database and table structures Manipulating database records What can the Structural Query Language no do - ANSWER specifying how the data is stored at the database Which of the following SQL statements lists the full details of those employees who were hired in 1997? - ANSWER SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE emp_hiredate>='1997-01-01' AND emp_hiredate<='1997-12-31' Which of the following SQL statements lists the employees whose last name is four letters long and ends in 'e' - ANSWER SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE emp_lastname = '_ _ _e' Complete the following SQL statement that lists unique manager IDs. SELECT __________ emp_mgrid FROM Employee - ANSWER DISTINCT mysqli_fetch_array - ANSWER PHP method that gets a row from the result set of a SELECT statement and turns it into an array INSERT statement General format: - ANSWER INSERT INTO tablename(columnName1, columnName2,...) VALUES(value1, value2,...) UPDATE statement General format - ANSWER UPDATE tablename SET columnName1=value1, columnName2=value2,... WHERE criteria DELETE statement General format - ANSWER DELETE FROM tablename WHERE criteria solutions to the data persistence problem - ANSWER sessions cookies databases remote web server - ANSWER where session data are stored Session data ____________________ after the user has left the website or closed the browser. - ANSWER are delete session_start() - ANSWER used initialize the $_SESSION variable The method, session_start(), is needed - ANSWER how to use a session which has already been initialized in another PHP file locally in the user's web browser - ANSWER where is an An HTTP cookie (a small piece of data) stored time()+60*60*24*2 - ANSWER how to specify that a cookie expires in 2 days methods is used to create a cookie - ANSWER setcookie() True - ANSWER During a cookie's lifespan, its data will be transmitted to the web server each time the user visits the website that the cookie belongs to. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) - ANSWER web applications that approximate the performance and rich GUI of desktop applications Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - ANSWER was does Ajax stand for Ajax applications - ANSWER separate client-side user interaction and server communication, and run them in parallel, making the delays of server-side processing more transparent to the user Ajax toolkits - ANSWER jQuery and ASP.NET Ajax True - ANSWER Ajax applications run client-side user interaction and server communication in parallel. True - ANSWER The XMLHttpRequest object is used to manage interaction with the server in Ajax applications False - ANSWER When a synchronous web request is being processed on the server, the user can still interact with the client web page. True - ANSWER An Ajax application usually updates part of the web page after receiving a response from the server. open('GET', 'dest.html', true) - ANSWER XMLHttpRequest method used to initialize an asynchronous web request onreadystatechange - ANSWER XMLHttpRequest properties that stores a function to be called automatically each time the readystate property changes $.ajax() - ANSWER jQuery method used to initiate an asynchronous web request Same Origin Policy (SOP) - ANSWER the XMLHttpRequest object does not allow requesting resources from domains other than the one that serves the application [Show More]

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