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Defense Acquisition University ACQ 202 Int Systems AcquisitionModule 3 Exam

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1) The Army receives proposals from eight different companies in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP). The Contracting Officer has identified the most highly rated proposals, determined the comp... etitive range, and wants to get the offerers’ best and final proposals. What type of information exchange would the Contracting Officer use to get the information needed to allow the offerers to revise their proposals? Communications Solicitations Clarifications Negotiations 2) When do the OSD Comptroller analyst and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) analyst hold hearings to review the service's budgets? Once quarterly throughout the year Throughout the year as needed Each year around October and November Every other year during July and August 3) The capability needs for a new software-intensive telecommunications system are well understood, but funding is not available to meet all the capabilities at once. The user is willing to field a basic system initially and add the rest of the capabilities over a period of three years. Which development model is best suited for this project? SEE LESSON 3.4 Waterfall model Incremental model Life cycle model Spiral model 4) When do the OSD Comptroller analyst and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) analyst hold hearings to review the service's budgets? ___________________. mig_10096578 1 mig_10096576 1 mig_10096634 1 Complete comparative analyses more efficiently Reduce overall life cycle costs Compare the value of work performed to actual costs Complete projects on time 5) During source selection, a contractor calls you with a question about the Request for Proposal (RFP). To whom should you refer this inquiry? Contracting Officer Program Manager Deputy Program Manager Lead Systems Engineer 6) Under what condition would contractor logistics support be most appropriate for a non developmental item (NDI) communications device being acquired by the U.S. Army? The device is planned for use in combat situations in environments ranging from jungles to deserts to cold regions. The configuration of the device is expected to change frequently to incorporate technological advances as they become available. The Army is expected to keep the device in its inventory for at least 20 years. Major modifications are required before the device can be integrated within Army helicopters. 7) Which Systems Engineering tool would be used to describe the products to be developed under the terms of the contract? Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) Trade Study 10117469 1 mig_10096561 1 mig_10096670 1 mig_10096612 1 Modeling and Simulation Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 8) For a cost in a contract to be considered allowable, it must meet certain criteria. One of the criteria that must be met is that ______________________. The cost need not be in compliance with industry accounting standards The cost must be reasonable The cost must be exempt from compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations The cost must exceed what a prudent business person would incur 9) ___________ companies often centralize staff functions to support all business units; __________ companies often decentralize staff functions, dedicating them to each business or product organization. Smaller/larger Divisional/functional Larger/smaller Divisional/matrix 10) Which of the following supportability analysis tools is used for defense planning and performed to determine the best, most efficient location where an item can be repaired? Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) Preventive Maintenance Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) SEE LESSON 3.3 11) When applying the systems engineering process to determine the optimal design solution, the impact on both immediate costs and life cycle costs needs to be considered, with the greatest weight placed on immediate costs. mig_10096563 1 mig_10096559 1 mig_10096675 1 True False 12) In accordance with DoD acquisition policy and guidance, every program should consider, at a minimum, open systems architecture, human systems integration, _________________________. Return on investment Return on assets Reliability, availability, and maintainability Profit margin 13) Capabilities related to the support and operation of a system should be considered early and continuously in the design and development of a system. True False 14) Which of the following best describes software management metrics? Metrics that impact performance, user satisfaction, supportability, and ease of change Metrics that determine progress against the plan Metrics that deal with the maturity and robustness of the organizational processes used to develop the software Metrics that quantify reliability, maintainability, flexibility and integrity 15) An effective organizational structure facilitates rapid responsiveness to change by: Concentrating solely on profit mig_10096668 2 mig_10096570 1 mig_10096608 2 mig_10096616 1 mig_10096556 1 Ensuring that top management makes all key decisions Focusing on stability and resistance to change Delegating decision making to the lowest level possible 16) The _________ presents the total revenues and expenses of a company for a given period. Balance Sheet Statement of Cash Flows Income Statement Statement of Retained Earnings 17) We must be careful when making Government unique modifications to commercial or non-developmental items because __________. Modifications to commercial items are not consistent with acquisition reform initiatives. The modifications may not be necessary to accomplish the operational need. All benefits of acquiring a commercial or non-developmental item are lost when a modification is made to that item. The modifications may invalidate the available testing and usage data. 18) During source selection, evaluators reviewing the proposals and compiling their questions for individual offerors is commonly referred to as _________________. Negotiating Fact finding Soliciting Bargaining mig_10096584 1 mig_10096623 1 mig_10096658 1 19) Which one of the following is considered to be a typical cause of trouble for software development projects? Poor definition of requirements Rises in inflation rates Active user involvement in the development process Dependency on metrics to track progress 20) Modeling and simulation can enhance the Systems Engineering process by: Quickly providing physical solutions to meet functional capabilities. Helping IPT members to understand the interrelationship of components without physically changing the system. Providing designs that will consistently exceed functional capabilities. Eliminating technical risk before production begins. 21) Forward Pricing Rates Agreements are written negotiation agreements between the contractor and Government that provide ______________________. Forward pricing rates that are estimated by using exact costs and prices Consistency in proposal pricing and save time Pricing rates for an undefined period of time Reasonable projections of easily identified specific costs 22) Budgeting is a(n) ________ process, resulting in the DoD portion of the President's Budget calendar-driven performance-driven mig_10096631 1 mig_10096595 1 mig_10096640 1 mig_10096571 1 issue-driven event-driven 23) The Integrated Program Management Report has seven formats. Which one of the formats reports current and cumulative performance element data broken out by Contract WBS? Format 5 Format 1 Format 3 Format 4 Format 2 24) When using a decision matrix, after you identify all the options, what is the next step? Establish the rating scheme. Multiply each rating by the assigned weight. Give each criterion a weight. Establish the criteria that will be used to rate the options. 25) Manufacturing tradeoffs are made throughout the design process among three areas: producibility, cost, and _______________________. Operational capabilities Schedule Sustainability Provisioning 26) For a contract cost to be considered "allowable," it must be consistent with Government mig_10096600 1 mig_10096539 1 mig_10096652 1 Cost Accounting Standards, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the terms of the contract, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). It must also be reasonable and: Allocable to the contract (in whole or in part) or to the overall cost of operating the business Reflected in the liabilities listed in the corporate balance sheet Fair and equitable to all parties, including all involved subcontractors Factored into the profitability ratios reported by the firm 27) As part of the overall systems engineering process, manufacturing must be integrated into the design process to ___________________. Develop the estimated labor time Reduce program risk Capture tooling and repair costs Provide the number of producible designs 28) What design consideration facilitates the manufacture of an item and reduces assembly error, material waste, and labor time? Availability Interoperability Producibility Reliability 29) The extent of developmental testing and evaluation necessary on a commercial or non developmental item depends on __________. The degree of early operational assessment (EOA) that can be conducted prior to the start of Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP). mig_10096588 1 mig_10096650 1 mig_10096679 1 mig_10096618 1 The discretion of the Program Manager. The availability of contractor logistics support for the item once it is fielded. The amount of modification required, the environment in which the item will be used, and the availability of test results. SEE LESSON 3.5 30) What problem-solving process is used within an Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) management process to provide a design that balances capability needs? Test and Evaluation Systems Engineering Technical Performance Measurement Configuration Management 31) Availability is the key to system readiness. One of the contributors to system downtime is _____________________. The ease with which the part can be viewed and accessed by the technician Administrative delays caused by personnel or paperwork The ease with which the required repair can be made by the technician Due to having all parts on hand before starting maintenance 32) Which one of the following is a method of designing for producibility? Minimize assembly requirements Maximize the number of parts used Limit the functions performed by each part Use a wide variety of component parts mig_10096606 1 mig_10096567 1 mig_10096550 1 33) Overhead and general and administrative (G&A) costs are examples of: Indirect costs Direct costs Cost objectives Soft money costs 34) If a computer monitor was initially designed for use in a home or office environment, and the Navy decided to modify it for use on board ship, an early operational assessment (EOA) of that monitor would likely be conducted. True False 35) Developmental Test and Evaluation is a(n) ________________________ used to reduce risk throughout the defense acquisition cycle. Cost-reduction tool Engineering tool Design analysis tool Schedule tool 36) Modeling and Simulation is a risk management tool that we use: In virtually all phases of the acquisition life cycle. To avoid conducting developmental and operational testing. Primarily in early development to support the Analysis of Alternatives. Exclusively for mature designs that will be produced in quantity. mig_10096587 1 mig_10096621 2 mig_10096645 1 mig_10096627 1 SEE LESSON 3.2 37) Which of the following design features is NOT likely to improve supportability? Use of minimum number of different sizes screws and bolts Minimum number of tools required for routine maintenance Built-in hard points to allow maintenance work without external stands or scaffolding Requirement for highly trained individuals to perform routine maintenance 38) ___________________ is an important management tool that is used to monitor and manage the contract and/or project performance by emphasizing the planning and integration of program cost, schedule, and performance factors. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Earned Value Management (EVM) Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Program Management Plan (PMP) 39) Negotiations cannot take place until after the Source Selection Authority has awarded the contract. True False 40) An effective organizational structure: Supports the strategic goals of the company Has as few top managers as possible mig_10096673 1 mig_10096543 1 mig_10096580 2 mig_10096552 1 Uses only the functional organizational structure Facilitates stability and resistance to change 41) Using Supportability Analysis, ______________________ is a tool that examines each failure to determine and classify its effect on the entire system. Mean Down Time (MDT) Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Test, Analyze, Fix, and Test (TAFT) 42) A Fixed-Price Incentive (Firm Target) (FPIF) contract is awarded for $25 million to design a computer based training course for the Air Force with a period of performance of 18 months. What reports, if any, must the Air Force Program Manager (PM) require the contractor provide regarding their cost, schedule, and technical performance? The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 7. The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1, 5, 6, and 7. The contractor would not be required to submit any earned value related reports to the Program Management Office. The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 5 only. The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with format 1 only. 43) Which of the following is something you should NOT do during negotiations? Establish action items or issue inquiries if the contractor doesn’t answer. Verify that the contractor representatives speak for the company on each discussion item. mig_10096637 1 mig_10096602 1 mig_10096661 1 Draw out the basis of the contractor’s estimate. Reach agreements on how or whether to perform tasks. 44) When designing software, two activities that must be performed are to define the requirements and develop an integrated architecture. True False 45) In Government contracting, one criterion for cost allowability is that the contractor’s costs must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Government Cost Accounting Standards (CAS). True False 46) The first step in developing a Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is to: Budget the work Define or scope all work Schedule the work Prepare the Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) 47) As part of the overall systems engineering process, there are a variety of software development methods, but the three most common at DoD are the Waterfall Approach, the Incremental Approach, and the ______________ Approach. Recurring Iterative Spiral mig_10096540 2 mig_10096665 2 mig_10096598 1 mig_10096647 1 Evolutionary 48) Technical Performance Measures should be selected for those parameters that: Are expected to have the highest degree of risk. Will not be addressed at technical design reviews. Are expected to exceed the objectives contained in the Capability Development Document (CDD). Will not be subjected to formal test and evaluation. 49) Ultimately, the use of open systems design is expected to result in lower life cycle costs. True False 50) A decision matrix can be used to quantifiably compare alternatives when conducting the tradeoff process to create a supportable design that is also producible, testable, and ___________________. State-of-the-art Affordable Final Unique mig_10096625 1 mig_10096592 2 mig_10096536 1 Take 2 1) A highly producible design will increase ___________. Assembly errors Total ownership costs Parts shortages Efficient use of materials with reduced waste 2) Many up front modifications to a commercial or non-developmental item would normally suggest that logistics support be provided by the _________. Contractor Government 3) Modeling and simulation, when properly planned for and implemented, has been shown to (Select all that apply): Improve system quality Help make better decisions Increase technical risk Shorten program schedules 4) An effective organizational structure can create a competitive advantage by: Facilitating stability and resistance to change Focusing on only one company segment Facilitating responsiveness to change mig_10096651 1 mig_10096549 1 mig_10096628 6 mig_10096555 1 Concentrating resources solely on customer support 5) Some of the user capability needs of a new automated information system for logistics support are ill-defined and still evolving. Sufficient time and money is expected to be available for the project. Which development mode is BEST suited for a developer to use for this project? Spiral model Incremental model Waterfall model Life cycle model 6) Every commercial item must undergo the same Governmental testing as a newly developed item before it is acquired for use by the Department of Defense. True False 7) Which of the following supportability analysis tools relies on scheduled maintenance to spot a failure before it impacts system effectiveness? Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Test, Analyze, Fix and Test (TAFT) Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) TAKE 3 1) Which is an attribute of an effective organizational structure? Facilitates stability and resistance to change mig_10096633 1 mig_10096617 2 mig_10096676 1 mig_10096554 1 Ensures that top management makes all the decisions Focuses on key products, programs, markets, and customers Focuses solely on customer support [Show More]

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