*NURSING > CASE STUDY > ATI All VIDEO CASE STUDIES Questions & Answers Updated Fall 2022-2023. (All)

ATI All VIDEO CASE STUDIES Questions & Answers Updated Fall 2022-2023.

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ATI All VIDEO CASE STUDIES Questions & Answers Updated Fall 2022-2023. Video Case Studies offer an easier way for students to grasp difficult concepts. ATI - Case Study - Safe Dosage A nurse i... s conducting medication reconciliation for a client who is newly admitted to the facility. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A) Review a list of client medications with the pharmacist. B)Investigate discrepancies in medication dosages. C) Ask the client which herbal supplements he takes. D) Reinforce education with the client. A nurse is preparing to administer the first dose of clarithromycin to a client who has pneumonia. For which of the following adverse reactions should the nurse monitor? A) Facial flushing B) Fever C) Cough D) Diarrhea A nurse is admitting a client who has a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus following a CT scan with contrast to diagnose the presence of renal calculi. The nurse should expect to withhold which of the following of the client's home medications? A) Simvastatin B) Metformin C) Losartan D) Omeprazole A nurse is preparing to administer bumetanide to a client who has heart failure. For which of the following findings should the nurse withhold the medication and contact the provider? A) Potassium 3.6 mEq/L B) BP 84/50 mm Hg C) Sodium 135 mEq/L D) Pulse rate 96/min A nurse is admitting a client who has pneumonia and is reviewing the client's medication prescriptions. The nurse should identify which of the following medications as the priority to administer? A) Clarithromycin B) Acetaminophen C) Guaifenesin D( Dextromethorphan ATI - Case Study - Adverse Reactions to Medications A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving an infusion of vancomycin IV. Which of the following findings should the nurse recognize as a manifestation of an allergic reaction A) Report of tightness in the chest B) Dilated pupils C) Report of metallic taste in client's mouth D) Brown colored urine A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving an infusion of cefotaxime IV. The client has a raised rash on his chest and has begun to wheeze. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A) Discontinue the client's IV catheter. B) Place the head of the client's bed flat. C) Prepare to administer naloxone to the client. D) Administer high flow oxygen to the client. A nurse is teaching a client who has a new diagnosis of a severe allergy to penicillin. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A) "You should wear a medical alert bracelet." B) "You can keep an epinephrine auto-injector in your refrigerator." C) "You should premedicate with acetaminophen before taking antibiotics." D) "You can take cephalosporin antibiotics in place of penicillin." A nurse is reviewing the medical history of a client who is to start a new prescription for cefaclor. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse the need for further assessment? A) The client has a BUN of 15 mg/DL. B) The client has a history of asthma. C) The client is allergic to amoxicillin. D) The client has hyperthyroidism. A nurse is preparing to administer a medication to a client. The nurse is unfamiliar with the medication. Which of the following actions should the nurse take before administering this medication? A) Ask the client about the purpose of the medication. B) Discuss the need for medication with the client's family. C) Consult with the pharmacist about the medication. D) Research the medication on a .com website ATI Video Case Study: Mixing Insulin A nurse is preparing to administer 6 units of regular insulin and 20 units of NPH insulin to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A nurse is preparing to administer an insulin injection. Which of the following needles should the nurse select? A nurse is preparing to administer an insulin injection to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is teaching a client about selecting injection sites for insulin. Which of the following sites should the nurse recommend as best for injection? A nurse is teaching a client who is to start self-administering a regimen of regular and NPH insulin twice each day. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? ATI RN Video Case Study: Delegation Quiz A charge nurse is delegating client care for the oncoming shift. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to assistive personnel (AP)? A charge nurse is teaching a class about the principles of delegation to a group of staff nurses. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A charge nurse is planning to delegate client care to a nurse. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take first? A charge nurse is assigning client care for the oncoming shift. Which of the following tasks should the nurse assign to an RN? A charge nurse is assigning client care for the oncoming nursing shift. Which of the following tasks should the nurse assign to a licensed practical nurse (LPN)? – ATI Delegation Nurses can delegate what tasks to an LPN? A Nurse on a med surg unit has received change of shift report and will care for 4 clients. Which one of the following client's needs may the nurse assign to AP? A. Feeding a client admitted 24hrs ago with aspir. pneumonia B. Reinforcing Teaching w/ a client who is learning to walk w/ a cane C. Reapplying a condom cath for a client who has urinary incontinence D. Applying sterile dressing to a pressure ulcer Nurse is delegating ambulation of a client who had knee arthoplasty 5 days ago to an AP. Which of the following information should the nurse share with the AP? (select all that apply) A. The roommate is up independently B. The client ambulates with his slippers on over his antiembolic stockings C. The client uses a front wheeled walker when ambulating D. The client had pain meds 30min ago E. Client is allergic to codeine F. Client ate 50% of his breakfast this morning An RN is making assignments for client care to an LPN at the beginning of a shift. Which of the following assignments should the LPN question? A. Asisst the client who is 24hrs post op w/ incentive spirometry B. Collecting a clean catch urine specimen for a client who was admitted on previous shift C. Providing nasopharyngeal suctioning for a client who has pneumonia D. Replacing the cartridge and tubing on a PCA pump Nurse is preparing an in service program about delegation, Which of the following elements should she identify when presenting the 5 rights of delegation? (select all that apply) A. Right client B. Right supervision/evaluation C. Right direction/communication D. Right Time E. Right circumstances A nurse manager on a med surg unit is assigning care responsibillities for the oncoming shift. A client is awaiting transfer back to the unit from the PACU following throacic surgery. To which staff member should the nurse assign this client? A. Charge Nurse B. RN C. LPN D. AP 5 Rights of delegation are the right: Growth and Development Ati case study A nurse is reinforcing teaching with the parents of a 3-month-old infant about injury prevention. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is assisting with the developmental screening of a 9-month-old infant. The nurse should expect the infant to be able to perform which of the following gross motor skills tasks? A nurse is assisting with the developmental screening of a 7-month old infant. The nurse should expect the infant to be able to perform which of the following fine motor skills tasks? A nurse is collecting data form a 1-month old infant at a well-child visit. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? A nurse is collecting data form a 1-week old infant at a well- child visit. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse report to the provider? ATI Teamwork and Collaboration - Video Case Study A nurse is planning care for four clients. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to a licensed practical nurse (LPN)? A nurse in a rehabilitation facility is performing the role of a case manager for a group of clients. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is managing the care for a client who has recent unexplained weight loss and a low serum albumin level. Which of the following members of the interprofessional care team should the nurse consult? A nurse is planning care for a client who has residual effects from an ischemic stroke. Which of the following interprofessional consults should the nurse require first? A nurse is receiving change-of-shift report for a group of clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse attend to first? ATI Video Case Study: Survival Potential A nurse is assessing a child at the scene of a school bus crash. The child has several bruises and a superficial 5 cm (2in) laceration that has stopped bleeding on his left arm. The nurse should assign the child to which of the following triage categories? Following a natural disaster, a nurse at an emergency department is prioritizing care of incoming clients. The nurse finds a client who is assigned to the urgent care category. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? An occupational health nurse is assisting with mass casualty triage following an explosion at a local factory. The nurse should recommend transporting which of the following clients to the emergency department first? A public health nurse is discussing mass casualty triage at a staff meeting. Which of the following staff member statements should the nurse identify as an understanding of the information? A nurse is planning a tabletop disaster drill at an acute care facility. The nurse should include which of the following clients as an example of the urgent triage category? ATI Video Case Study Pediatric Asthma A nurse is caring for an adolescent who is experiencing status asthmaticus. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is assessing a school-age child who has asthma and is experiencing a severe exacerbation. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? A nurse is teaching the parents of a school-age child who has asthma about a rescue medication to use during an acute asthma attack. Which of the following medications should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is teaching the parents of a child who has asthma about methods to decrease the child's exposure to allergens. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? A nurse is teaching a school-age child about using a peak expiratory flow meter (PEFM). Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? – ATI Video Case Studies RN 2.0 - Blood Administration A nurse is preparing to administer one unit of packed RBCs to a client who has anemia. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving a unit of packed RBCs. The client states that he is experiencing flank pain and that it feels like his heart is racing. Which of the following types of transfusion reactions should the nurse identify the client is experiencing? A nurse is preparing to administer platelets to a client who has thrombocytopenia. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is scheduled to receive one unit of packed RBCs. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is preparing to administer 2 units of packed RBCs to an older adult client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? ATI video case study heart failure a nurse is assessing a client who is restricted to bedrest for manifestations of right-sided heart failure. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? a nurse is monitoring a client who has received enalapril for heart failure. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an adverse effect? A nurse is reviewing the lab values for a client who is taking an ACE inhibitor and spironolactone for heart failure. The nurse should notify the provider for which of the following lab values? A nurse is assessing a client who has left-sided heart failure with decreased cardiac output. Which of the following mainfestion should the nurse expect? a nurse is planning care for client who has heart failure. which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care ATI Video Case Study: Client Advocacy A nurse is caring for a client who does not speak the same language as the nurse. The client is scheduled for a diagnostic procedure later in the day. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A. Obtain an interpreter to explain the procedure to the client B. Ask the client's daughter to serve as an interpreter C. Consult the hospital ethics committee to review the situation D. Acknowledge the client's understanding of the procedure by her head nods and smiles - A nurse manager is providing information about advocacy to group of staff nurses. Which of the following statements by a staff nurse indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. "I can advocate for my client by making the difficult decisions for him." B. "It is my responsibility to inform the client if I do not feel he has made a wise choice." C. "I should provide my client with a list of the options. I feel are the best treatment choices." D. "To advocate for my client I may need to speak with the provider on his behalf." - A nurse is caring for a client who has chronic kidney disease and tells the nurse that he no longer wants to continue hemodialysis. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A. "I will call your son so you can discuss this with him." B. "Why do you want to end your hemodialysis treatments?" C. "I will cancel your hemodialysis treatments fro you as of today." D. "I will contact your provider so you can talk with her about your decision." A newly licensed nurse is caring for a client who requires colonoscopy irrigation to stimulate peristalsis. The nurse has no performed an irrigation before and does not feel comfortable with the procedure. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A. Inform the charge nurse she is unable to perform the irrigation B. Review the policy and procedure and perform the irrigation C. Ask an experienced nurse to assist her with performing the irrigation D. Tell the oncoming nurse during change-of-shift report that colostomy requires irrigation - A nurse is caring for a client who has a malignancy in her left breast. The client tells the nurse that even though her daughter wants her to have both breasts removes, she only wants to remove the left breast at this time. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A. "you may want to reconsider so you don't have to have a second surgery later." B. "Would you like for me to help you to discuss your decision with your daughter?" C. "Why don't you want to have both breasts removed at this time?" D. "I would not want to have both breasts removed at the same time either." ATI HIPAA - Video Case Study Post Test A nurse steps into an outdoor dining area and overhears two staff members talking about a client having an upsetting visit with his partner earlier in the day. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A-Tell the staff members that she will report the situation to their supervisor immediately. B-Ask the staff members to lower the volume of their voices. C-Remind the staff members that discussing a client where others can overhear them is a HIPAA violation. D-Avoid taking action unless she observes others listening to the staff members' conversation. A nurse receives a telephone call from a client's sister requesting information about the client's status. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? A-"You will have to contact your brother's doctor for information about his care." B-"All I can tell you is that he is resting comfortably at the moment." C-"I will check with your brother to see if he has given permission for you to receive information about his status." D-"I am sorry, but it is not possible for you to obtain any information about him." Answer A nurse is documenting information about a client at a computer terminal in the nurses' station when she has to leave the area to respond to a client's call light. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A-Ask the unit clerk to make sure no one else uses the computer. B-Turn the computer monitor so that it is not visible to anyone else. C-Turn the monitor off so the computer will log out automatically. D-Log out of the computer before leaving the area. A nurse on a medical-surgical unit is providing discharge instructions to a client when he asks for a copy of his medical record. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? A-"You may not make any changes to your record once you see it." B-"You will have to sign a request form for me to help get a copy for you." C-"That is something you will have to request after your discharge." D-"If you need your record to share it with other doctors or facilities, you can ask them to contact us." A nurse finds a used needle and syringe in a treatment area. In attempting to dispose of the needle safely, the nurse incurs an accidental needlestick. After the nurse identifies who used the needle and syringe and for which client, which of the following actions is within the nurse's rights? A-Accessing the client's medical history to determine risk. B-Asking the nurse caring for the client to disclose the client's infectious disease status. C-Requesting that the client's provider disclose risks. D-Receiving information about the results of the client's tests for bloodborne pathogens. ATI Video Case Study Enteral Nutrition A nurse is testing the pH of gastric contents before administering a bolus enteral tube feeding for a client. Which of the following pH results should the nurse identify as gastric secretions? A nurse is aspirating a client's secretions from an NG tube before administering the client's bolus enteral feeding. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? - A nurse is planning to administer intermittent enteral feedings for a client who has a gastrostomy tube. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? - A nurse is teaching a client about the administration of enteral feedings through an NG tube. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is inserting an NG tube for a client who is beginning enteral feedings. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to verify tube placement before administering the initial feeding? ATI: case study therapeutic communication A nurse is talking with a client who is recovering from a panic attack and tells the nurse that he feels embarrassed by the situation. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A nurse is caring for a client who tells the nurse that he is feeling very stressed and overwhelmed. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A nurse is talking with a client who is crying and appears anxious. The client states,"my teenage daughter and I are always yelling and arguing." Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A nurse is caring for a client who expresses concern about his diagnosis. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to demonstrate active listening? A nurse is caring for a client who has a bruise on her left upper arm. The client states, "the bruise is from when my partner grabbed my arm." Which following responses should the nurse make? Case Study Total Parenteral Nutrition (ATI video case study) A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which of the following actions should the nurse take? The nurse is providing discharge teaching to the caregiver of a client who is malnourished and will be receiving partial parenteral nutrition (PPN) at home via a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC). Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A nurse is preparing to hang a new bag of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for a client and discovers that is has not arrived from the pharmacy. Which of the following available solutions should the nurse infuse until the clients TPN arrives? A nurse is planning to administer total parenteral nutrition (TPN) with 10% dextrose to a newly-admitted client. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? - A nurse is reviewing the serum levels of a client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). The nurse should identify which of the following laboratory findings as an adverse effect of the TPN? ATI Video Case Studies Medication Interactions A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has a prescription for phenytoin. The nurse should inform the client that which of the following medications can decrease the effectiveness of phenytoin? - A. Cimetidine B. Bismuth subsalicylate C. Famotidine D. Aluminum hydroxide A nurse is caring for a client who has a prescription for spironolactone and losartan. When considering the potential interaction between these medications, the nurse should monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects? - A. Hyperkalemia B. Hyperreflexia C. Hypomagnesemia D. Hypothermia A nurse at a provider's office is reviewing the medication record of a client who reports taking acetaminophen 1,500 mg daily for muscle aches. The nurse should recognize that which of the following client medications interact adversely with acetaminophen? - A. Metformin B. Warfarin C. Aspirin D. Psyllium A nurse is collecting a medication history from a client who has a new prescription for cyclosporine. The nurse should recognize that which of the following client medications can interact with cyclosporine? - A. Rosiglutazone B. Risperidone C. Cimetidine D. Cetrizine A nurse at a community center is reinforcing teaching with a group of clients about fluoxetine. The nurse should inform the clients that which of the following medications interacts adversely with fluoxetine? - A. Aspirin B. Acetaminophen C. Albuterol D. Docusate sodium ATI Video Case Study Oral Care A nurse is teaching a family member of a client who is unconscious how to provide oral care for the client. The nurse should identify which of the following statements as an indication that the family member understands the teaching? A nurse is caring for a client who is unconscious and requires oral hygiene. The nurse should place the client in which of the following positions? A nurse is reviewing a client's medication administration record. The nurse should identify that which of the following medications places the client at risk for dry mouth? - A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving chemotherapy and reports pain and burning in his mouth. The nurse notes red and inflamed oral mucosa. Which of the following findings should the nurse document? A nurse is assessing a client's oral cavity and observes an accumulation of foul matter. Which of the following findings should the nurse document? ATI Video Case Studies RN 2.0 Pediatric Dehydration A nurse is assessing a 4 year old child who has severe dehydration. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse expect? A nurse providing discharge teaching about oral rehydration to the parent of a preschooler who has dehydration. Which of the following statements by the parent indicate an understanding of the teaching? A nurse is preparing to obtain a stool specimen for C. diff from a preschool age child who is wearing diaper briefs because of recent occurrences of diarrhea. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is caring for a preschooler who has excoriated skin related to diarrhea. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is preparing to administer potassium IV to a preschooler who has dehydration. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? ATI Case study Questions & Answers Pain Management: What elements are included in a pain assessment? Therapeutic Communication: What nontherapeutic communication styles did the nurse use in this scenario? What therapeutic communication styles could the nurse have used instead? In your response, speak directly to the client. - Look -Alike and Sound-Alike Medications: The nurse is performing the first check for safe medication administration prior to administering metronidazole to Ms. Winder. He notes that the label is incorrect. What error did the nurse discover? What steps should the nurse take to minimize the risk of making a medication error? Watch the video and record your response to the question using one of the following recording options. Informatics and Nursing: How are safety and cost affected by the use of informatics at the point of care? ADLs (activities of daily living): What nursing interventions can be used to improve feeding and eating for the client? Nursing Process: The nurse in the video is using the nursing process to care for the client. What are the steps of the nursing process? How does the nursing process assist in prioritizing nursing care? Enteral Nutrition: What pH value should the nurse expect when confirming placement of the nasogastric tube using the pH method? What pH value should the nurse expect for respiratory or small intestine secretions? How does the respiratory system provide oxygen to the body? Medication Administration: What nursing actions should the nurse take to administer medications safely? Metered Dose Inhalers: What steps should the nurse include when reviewing the use of an MDI with a spacer with the child? What is the advantage of using a spacer with an MDI? Mixing Insulin: After checking the expiration date of the insulin vials and reviewing the prescription for regular and NPH insulin, you need to draw up the insulin. What is the correct procedure for drawing up mixed insulin? ATI Video Case study Depression A nurse is collecting data from a client who has major depressive disorder. which of the following client statements indicates a cognitive distortion in the client's thinking? A nurse has arranged to meet with a newly admitted client who has major depressive disorder. when the nurse arrives for the meeting, the client tells the nurse, "I'm just not up to talking today." which of the following responses should the nurse make? a nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who has major depressive disorder and is experiencing loss of appetite, insomnia and the inability to provide self care. which of the following interventions should the nurse recommend for the plan of care - A nurse in an acute care mental health facility is caring for a newly admitted client who has major depressive disorder. the client tells the nurse, "My life is meaningless! i'm going to kill myself tonight." which of the following actions should the nurse identify as priority ? A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has major depressive disorder and a new prescription for citalopram whihc of the followng statements by the client demonstrates an understanding of the teaching ATI: Video Case Study RN: Cultural Diversity A nurse is counseling a couple who is Japanese and whose daughter is a client in an acute-care facility following a suicide attempt. When providing culturally sensitive care to this family, which of the following beliefs in traditional Japanese culture should the nurse consider? A nurse is planning care for several clients who have different cultural backgrounds from the nurse's. To practice effective cultural competence, which of the following steps should the nurse take? A nurse is caring for a client who practices Islam. Which of the following foods should the nurse notify the dietary department to eliminate from the client's menu plan? A nurse is preparing to explain a treatment plan to a client who is Asian. The client does not speak the same language as the nurse and requires a medical interpreter. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when working with the client and the interpreter? A nurse is caring for a client who is Mexican and gave birth vaginally to a newborn 2 hr ago. When planning culturally sensitive care for this client, which of the following beliefs in Hispanic cultures should the nurse incorporate? ATI video case study: diabetes mellitus 2022 A Nurse is teaching about sick day management to a patient of a child who had diabetes mellitus. which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching? A nurse is teaching about the use of a subcutaneous infusion pump for insulin to the parent of a child who has diabetes mellitus. which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is preparing to obtain a capillary blodd glucose level from a child who has diabetes mellitus. which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is teaching about the carbohydrate counting diet with a parent of a child while diabetes Mellitus. Which of the following information should the nurse in the teaching - A nurse is assessing child who have diabetes mellitus. The nurse should identity that which of the following is a manifestation of hypoglycemia? Video Case Studies RN: infection control 2022 An RN is contributing to the plan of care for a client with would infection and requires contact precautions. WOTF should the RN include in the plan of care? The RN is evaluating an assistive personnel's (AP) understanding of isolation precautions. WOTF actions by the AP indicates an understanding of isolation precautions? The RN is preparing for education program for a group of staff nurses about transamination precautions. WOTF instructions should the RN include? The RN is preparing to exit the isolation room of the client has disseminated varicella zoster virus which requires airborne precautions. WOTF actions should the RN take? The RN in full personal protective equipment (PPE) is preparing to leave the room of client who is in isolation. WOTF items of PPE should the RN remove first? ATI Video Case Study: Priority Setting 2022. A nurse is preparing to apply a condom catheter to a male client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take after performing hand hygiene and applying clean gloves? A nurse enters a client's room and sees the client lying on the floor next to the bed. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A nurse is assessing four clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse assess first? A nurse is assessing a client who has cancer and is receiving morphine for pain management. Which of the following findings is the nurse's priority? A nurse is the PACU is caring for a client who is postoperative following an abdominal hysterectomy. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? ati video case study rn: client education 2022-2023 A nurse in a mental health unit is admitting a client who has generalized anxiety disorder. Which of the following tasks should the nurse plan to include in the orientation phase of the relationship between the client and the nurse? A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of Lyme disease. The client states, "I've decided on a therapy plane, but I wish I knew how this happened to me! I always take good care of myself" Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A nurse in the ED is completing a health history for a client who has DM. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask the client to assess his understanding of the primary health problem A nurse is creating a place of care for an older client who has a hearing impairment. Which of the following communication strategies should the nurse plan to use to enhance verbal dialogue with the client? A nurse on a quality management team is developing written educational materials for clients who have varying degrees of health literacy. Which of the following strategies should the nurse include to aid the clients in effective learning? ATI Video Case Study: Mixing Insulin ATI - Case Study - Adverse Reactions to Medications NE 188 - ATI - Case Study - Safe Dosage ATI Delegation Growth and Development Ati case study ATI Teamwork and Collaboration - Video Case Study ATI Video Case Study: Survival Potential ATI Video Case Study Pediatric Asthma ATI Video Case Studies RN 2.0 - Blood Administration ati video case study heart failure Video Case Study: Client Advocacy ATI HIPAA - Video Case Study Post Test ATI Video Case Study Enteral Nutrition ATI: case study therapeutic communication Case Study Total Parenteral Nutrition (video case study) ATI Video Case Studies Medication Interactions ATI Video Case Study Oral Care ATI Video Case Studies RN 2.0 Pediatric Dehydration ATI Case study 2022 ATI Video Case study Depression ATI: Video Case Study RN: Cultural Diversity Video Case Studies ATI ATI video case study diabetes mellitus Video Case Studies RN: infection control RN Video Case Study: Delegation Quiz ATI Video Case Study: Priority Setting ati video case study rn: client education [Show More]

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