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CNA final Exam Questions Reviewed and Correct Answers Provided 2022/2023.

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CNA final Exam Questions Reviewed and Correct Answers Provided 2022/2023. 1 CNA final Exam Questions Reviewed and Correct Answers Provided 1. A diabetic resident needs to keep blood flowing to ... his feet. What should you tell the resident to do? Keep the legs and feet clean, warm and exercise them. 2. He can walk bare feet whenever he feels the needs. 3. Wear heavy shoes. 4. No needs to take any precautions. 5. A resident is forgetful and keeps asking the same question over and over. What should you tell the resident to do? a. Tell him I’ve already answer that same question. b. Ignore him. c. Repeat the answer as many times as needed. d. Just leave the room and proceed with another resident. 6. A nurse is helping Mr. Washington walking in the hall and he starts complaining of dizziness. What should you tell the resident to do? a. Help the resident to get back to his room. b. Run and call for help. c. Stay with him and call for help. d. Continuing walking him because it is part of this care plan. 7. A resident has a cast on the lower leg. What observation should the nurse report immediately? a. The cast is dry and has no order b. The cast is neat c. The resident doesn’t like the color of the cast. 8. The resident’s toes are hot to the touch and he is telling you they are2 numb. What is the best reason for giving a resident frequent perineal care? a. To increase comfort. b. Because the resident ask you to do so.3 c. To prevent skin breakdown d. Because the family member ask you to do so. 9. A resident with a heart failure he’s taking daily medication. Which pulse rate you should report to the nurse in charge? a. 40 b. 80 c. 100 d. 90 10. A resident is incontinent of urine, and you observe redness irritation of the resident’s buttocks. What should you do? a. Wash and dry the resident’s buttocks and report it to the nurse in charge. b. Ignore it, because it’s not part of your job. c. Apply cornstarch to the resident’s buttocks and report it to the nurse in charge. d. Wash and dry it no needs to report it. 11.While transferring a confused resident to his wheelchair he starts to scream and hit you. What should you do? a. Automatically put the resident on restraint b. Push the call light and run for help. c. Hold the resident’s arms and put him back in the wheel chair. d. Push the call light and wait for help 12.You realize that the color of the resident’s urine you are taking care of is very tick and dark yellow. What is the most explanation for this? a. He is not drinking enough water. b. It will go away any time soon c. Because he is eating yellow vegetables. d. It’s normal. 13.While helping a resident getting dress, the resident decides to wear unmatched pants and shirt. What should you do? a. Insist that he wears the one you have chosen for him. b. Tell him to choose others that match. c. Let him wear the unmatched clothes4 d. It’s not your concern you have other duties to take care of. 14.When transferring a resident to a wheelchair. What should you do to prevent any accident? a. Transfer the resident in stocking feet. b. Tell the resident to stand up and sit down by himself on the wheelchair. c. Lock both wheels of the wheelchair. d. Put him on restraint. 15. A resident is receiving oxygen and you are to take his temperature. What should you do? a. Take his RT, but turn off the oxygen. b. Take his OT, but turn off the oxygen. c. Just guess the temperature by touching the resident body. d. Take his OT, keep the oxygen on. 16.You were asking to walk a resident but he’s telling you he can do it by himself he doesn’t need your help. What should you do? a. Let him walk by himself. b. Tell him “That’s what he think” c. Tell him you will stay by him in case. d. Put him on restraint to force to obey. 17.When you are giving a resident a bath. What should you wash last? a. Face b. Underarms c. Rectum d. Feet5 18.How often should you change the resident’s position on a restraint? a. 4 hours b. 2 hours c. 10 minutes d. 24 hours 19.You heard the charge nurse screaming at a resident. Immediately you enter the room to protect your resident. What should you do next? a. Report it the resident’s family member b. Argue with your nurse in charge c. Report it to your nurse in charge supervisor. d. Report it to the administrator. 20. A resident wants to leave the nursing room, but the family members ask you to keep him against his will. What should you do? a. Put the resident on restraint b. Tied the resident on his bed c. Refer the family members to the nurse in charge or the administrator d. Tell the family members it’s not your job. 21. A resident is place on a self care/grooming program. What is the main purpose of this program? a. To help the resident to become more dependent. b. To help the resident to become more independent. c. To socialize the resident. d. To give him some activities to do. 22.You are giving a resident a bed bath. Which of these should you do? a. Keep both side rails up during the whole bath. b. Cover the resident’s body during the bath. c. Close the door, but let the curtain open. d. Close the door, curtain, windows but let the family members in the room.6 a. You find a resident having a seizure when eating in the dining room. What should you do? a. Pat the resident’s back to keep from choking. b. Run and call for help right away, this is an emergency. c. Call 911 d. Put the resident on the floor and turn on side. 23. A resident confess to you he is sad and unhappy. Which of the following should you say? a. It’s not my job to discuss it. b. Ignore him c. Being there deems to make you sad, what’s wrong? d. Tell him to wait to discuss with his family members. 24. A resident is on wrist restraints, you see swelling on both hands, and he is telling you to take these things off, what should you do? a. Tell the resident to stop shouting. b. It’s not your job, ignore it. c. Ask the nurse in charge to take a look at the resident’s wrist as soon as possible. d. Tied the resident’s wrist even harder. 25.You are helping an alert resident to undress. What should you do? a. Do undress and dress quickly. b. Tell him to ask a family member to do it. c. Encourage him to be as independent as possible. d. You should do it without giving her any option. 26.When caring for a mentally resident. What should you do? a. Give him specifics tasks to accomplish. b. Do not change the resident’s space. c. Always put him on restraint to prevent wandering. d. No need to explain the care plan to the resident7 27. A resident with poor memory, one day decide to talk with you about his weeding happening a long time ago. Which of these statements is most likely true? a. He is making up history because of his poor memory condition? b. Ignore him. c. Ask any family member for the accuracy of the information. d. He may have good recall of things that happened long ago. 28.You observe an area of red irritation on a resident’s buttocks that has a BM incontinent. What should you do? a. Ask him to clean himself. b. Report it to a family member c. Report it the nurse in charge d. Ignore it 29.You find a resident smoking in the privacy of his room. What should you do? a. Blame him for this behavior. b. Gently remove him to the smoking area. c. Tell him to put the cigarette away. d. Ask him to give one so you can smoke together. 30.You are feeding a resident. When should you offer fluids? a. At the end of the meal time. b. At the beginning of the time. c. After every couple bites. d. It’s not important. 31. A resident has been told she’s going to die. So she has to help her making of things that she wants to do before dying, what should you do? a. Help her to make the list. b. It’s not your concern. c. Tell her a list is not needed. d. Tell her to ask a family member.8 b. The nurse in charge gives a nurse aid a resident care assignment. Another nurse aide is more familiar with the resident’s care, and says the assignment is wrong. What should you do first? a. Process with your assignment as the other nurse aid suggested to you. b. Process with your assignment as directed. c. Ignore the other nurse aid. d. Check the assignment with the nurse in charge. 32. A resident must stay in bed and you realize his feet are always toward the mattress. What should you do? a. Ask the charge nurse if a foot board should be used. b. Ask the resident if feet need to be massaged. c. Restraint the resident foot on the bed. d. Don’t is not your job. 33.You realize a resident’s pants are wet while eating in the dining room. What should you do? a. Scold resident, you wet your pants. b. Leave him with the wet pants, because you just change them. c. Tell him to change them himself. d. Take the resident from the dayroom and help the resident change pants and clean up. 34.While bathing a resident, he slaps you on the face. What should you do? a. Slap him back b. Punish him for his bad behavior. c. Put him on restraint right away because he is violent and dangerous. d. Call for help and finish the bath. 35. A resident with memory loss is incontinent, what is the best approach in caring the resident? a. Turn the resident on the side to keep him from choking. b. Set a regular toileting schedule.9 c. Tell the resident to go the bathroom as often. d. Just ask him how many times he goes to the bathroom so you report it. 36.You find a resident vomiting while lying on supine position. What should you do? a. Wash the resident’s face with a wet cloth. b. Ask the resident to clean himself. c. Turn the resident on the side to prevent choking. d. Ask the resident to stop vomiting. 37. A nurse wants to be respectful when calling an old female resident. What should she do? a. Call her Grandma. b. Call her sugar-pie c. Ask her how she prefers to be called. d. Don’t bother call her whatever you feel like. 38. A resident has a declared allergic to fish states in his care plan. But the kitchen sends a tray with baked fish and the nurse serves it to him. The nurse may be considered as: a. Abuse b. Abandonment c. Neglect d. Malpractice 39.You find out a resident lying down on the floor and cursed at you. What should you do? a. Curse back at the resident. b. Just leave the room. c. Tell him to get back to bed. d. Push the call signal for help.10 40.While bathing the resident in the bathtub you realize that you forget the undershirt back in the resident’s room. What should you do? a. Leave the resident in the bathtub, while getting the undershirt. b. Finish the bath, dress the resident and put the undershirt on when back in the resident’s room. c. Ask him to get it for you. d. It’s not important, forget about it. 41.While serving a resident ice water, the charge nurse asks you to take the vital signs. What should you do? a. Finish serving the ice water and take the vital signs. b. Remind the nurse in charge you are busy. c. Tell the nurse in charge to do it herself. d. Stop serving the water and take the vital signs. 42.A confused resident cannot find his room, what should you do? a. Tell him to stay on his room otherwise he will get lost. b. Tell him soon or later he will find his way. c. Tell him is not part of your job; discuss it with the nurse in charge. d. Put a sign on the door that can help him to identify the room. 43.The charge nurse tells a nurse aide that a resident is on intake and output report. What should you do? a. Tell the kitchen not to send tray for this patient. b. Tell the nurse you don’t understand c. Ask the resident what it is? d. Record and measure all fluids that the resident drinks and eliminates. 44.A nurse aid was asked to put a resident in position for an enema used. What should you do? a. Supination b. Flolewrs c. Pronation d. Position on his right side (Lateral right position)11 45. A resident tells you he cannot remember where he is. What should you do? a. Don’t worry everyone get mixed up. b. You don’t need to know. c. It won’t make any difference d. You are living in a nursing room. 46. A resident is complaining of dry skin while taking a bath. What’s the most likely explanation? a. The resident is not bathing enough. b. There is less oil on the skin of an old person. c. This is a myth, skin doesn’t alter with aging. d. The skin of a young person is the same as an old person. 47.The main purpose of range of motion is: a. To play b. To recreate c. To have more fun with the resident d. To relax stiff joints 48.What is the best way you can prevent infection? a. It’s not your concern b. Cover your mouth when coughing. c. Wash your hands before touching a resident d. Always wear your gloves, even when meeting a resident the first time. 49.A fire alarm rings in the nursing room, what should you do? a. Run for help b. Call 911 this is an emergency c. Clear the hallways and close doors on unit. d. Hide yourself as soon as possible12 50.While walking a resident with a walker you noticed a rubber is missing from the walker, what should you do? a. Continue with the walking b. Stop walking, because the resident can fall. c. Bring the resident to his room d. Get another walker for the resident to use. 51.Which one of these situations you can find yourself as an act of neglect/guilt? Leaving the resident on soiled linen Answering a resident’s call signal Having a social conversation with him Being empathic 52. A resident needs a bed bath. The nurse enters the room and greets the resident. What should you do next? Fill a basin with warm water. Start undresses the resident. Look for clean clothes. Explain what you are going to do. 53.You find some medications tablets on a resident’s pajama after the medication was giving by the nurse in charge. What should you do? Put the tablets on the resident’s mouth. Restraints the resident and give him the medication. It’s the nurse in charge concern, not yours. Report it immediately to the nurse in charge and show the medication to her/him.13 54.At the AM shift the nurse aide report on the chart the resident weighs 160 and on the PM you found 120 pounds. What should you do? It’s not your concern. Report to the nurse in charge, without double check the weigh again. Reweigh the resident. Ask a co-worker to weigh the resident. 55.Which of these is least common among elderly? Wrinkles High blood pressure Absence of sex drive Dryness of the skin 56.What should you do to assist a resident with bowel training? Limits solid foods Limits fluids Limits fluids and solid foods Toilet the resident at regular time 57. A resident is on a clear liquid diet. Which of these foods can the resident have? Flavored ice, apple juice, and bouillon Bread, cheese, banana Ice-cream, meat and rice Jell-O with fruits bits, tea and Cream of tomato soup.14 58.A resident is in oxygen. Which of the following should you care about? Turn off the oxygen during mealtimes. Smoke inside the room. When your shift is going to be over. Make sure there are no kinks in the tubing. 59. A nurse aide fells tightness in her/his back after bathing a resident. What should you do? Place a heating pad on your back. Ask to go home before the shift is over. Fill out an incident report. Quit the job. 60.You are assigned to care for a resident with hearing impairments. You should: Shout on the resident’s ears. Face the resident, talk slowly, concise and clear. Just proceed with your task. Ignore him. 61.What should a nurse aide use to clean the part of the stethoscope that is against the resident’s skin? With water Alcohol wipe15 Hot soapy water Aseptic liquid 61. The meaning of sexuality for resident includes Caring about their appearance Needed private time with a partner Wanting sexual interaction All of the above 62. A diabetic resident has had her leg amputated. Her need for sexuality will Be more important for while Be less important for while Disappear forever now Be unaffected 63. Two residents, Mary and Joe, spends a lot of time together as a couple. When Mary gets the flu, she may Think about Joe all the time Want to be with Joe anyway Want to be alone until she is better Be embarrassed about her illness 64. Two residents have decided to become couple. They may Hold hands16 Spend a lot time together Insist on eating together All of the above 65. A cane should be used on The affect side The unaffected side Either side, depending on how the resident feels The weak side on day and the strong side the next 66. A cane, walk, and crutches are all used to help a resident walk. What else do they have in common? Residents must know how to use them correctly They must all have rubber tips to prevent slipping They must all be fitted to the resident All of the above 67. When using a cane or walker, the resident elbow must be Bent at a 60- degree angle Bent at 15 degree angle Bent at a 90-degree angle Straight17 68. When assisting a blind resident to eat, the nursing assistant should Set the plate as a clock with food at 1:00, 5:00, 8:00, and 11:00 Set the plate as a clock with food at 12:00 3:00, 6:00, and 9:0 give him the plate and tell him where the food is feed him herself to save time 69. A patient is going to urine and bowel movement. What should you do for patient? wash their hands raise the head of the bed raise the foot of the bed lower the position of the bed 70. While walking with Mrs. James toward room, she started fainting and she can walk no more. What should you do? call the nurse in charge lay her on the floor and call for help get a wheelchair continue to walk 71. The resident in room 204 has been restrained. The nurse aide enters the resident’s room and the resident states that he/she has pain. What should the nurse aide do first?18 report it to the nurse in charge release the restraint ignore the complaint tell the resident that the restraint had been ordered by the physician 72. You are scheduled to give a patient urinary care every two hours. You come in the room and notice the client’s foley catheter bag has remained empty several hours. What should you to first? check placement of the drainage bag offer patient to drink notify the charge nurse check the tubing for kinks (obstructions) 73. When bathing a patient, what area should be washed first? back chest face feet 74. When feeding a patient with liquid and solid. How should it be done? offer drink for every couple bite of food give drink first give solid first offer drink first; offer drink last19 75. You come in the room to feed a patient. You greet the resident and tell her what you are going to do. The resident did not say anything. What should you do? ignore the patient call the nurse in charge feed the patient anyway restrain the resident 76. What is the best way to prevent the spread of infection? wear gloves wash hands wear mask wear mask gown when close contact with the resident is anticipated 77. What is the correct way to dress and undress a resident who has a weakness? in one side of the body? dress and undress the weak side first dress and undress the strong side first dress the weak side first undress the weak side last. 78. The nurse aide is giving care to Mr. M. while the nurse aide performs his care, Mr. M. calls the nurse aide by the name of her daughter who died several years ago. The nurse aide best response would be: Quickly finish giving care and leave Mr. M. alone.20 Pretend to be Mr. M.’s daughter. Ignore Mr. M. because he is confused. Stay in the room and encourage Mr. M. to talk about her daughter. 79. Which of the following is a vital sign? a reflex the height the pulse the weight 80. Mrs. Miles has a terminal diagnosis. When you enter the dining room to to remove her supper tray, you find that she has thrown the food onto the wall and the floor. What should you do? slap the resident report this to the nurse in charge close the door clean up the floor 81. When giving a bed bath. You notice the resident’s skin is dry. What should you include in your materials? alcohol com starch powder21 baby lotion 82. If two patients are seen holding hands best action of the nurse aide is to: allow the behavior and leave them alone. report the incident to the family separate them tell them that are not allowed. 83. You have just taken Mrs. Smith weight. Last month she weighed 140 pounds. This month she weighs fifteen pounds less. You should first: retake the weight. record the fifteen pounds weight on the flow sheet. ask the resident if she is sick. order a high calorie food for the resident from the kitchen and encourage the resident to eat more food. 84. When caring for a patient with oxygen in use. Which is correct? place a “No Smoking” sign on the door room turn the oxygen off close doors and windows place a “No Visitor” sign on the door 85. What is the first thing you should do when hot coffee is dropped on the resident’s arms? call the nurse in charge22 use cold water apply lotion apply first aid 86. When caring for a resident which of the following document should provide the most pertinent information? biographical Datz sheet physicians order sheet nursing care plan nurses progress notes 87. A resident in bed rest should be provided with which of equipment to help prevent foot drop? mattress pad footboard bed board bed cradle 88. When walking in the hallway you notice there is milk dropped on the floor. To avoid falls caused by the milk you should: tell another nurse aide to clean up the floor. call the nurse in charge and tell her to be careful cause there is milk on the floor.23 clean up the spill. walk carefully around the spill and continue your assignment. 89. Mrs. J.’s daughter recently died from cancer. Mrs. J. spends all of her time crying. What should the nurse aide tell Mrs. J.? “don’t feel bad; your daughter is in peace now.” “you should speak with your minister.” “stop acting this way.” “I am here to listen if you want to talk.” 90. You are working for the next shift. How can you have pertinent information? about what to do? Ask the nurse aide who is living. Ask the nurse in charge. Consult the nursing care plan. Consult the nurse’s progress notes. 91. Two clients are verbally pushing and shoving. One of them is your Assignment and comes to you to complain about the other resident. How should you handle that situation? Tell your patient do not worry about the other patient.24 Report the situation to the nurse in charge. Take side with your patient because you feel he is right and encourage him to verbalize the other patient. Tell the other patient to leave your patient alone. 92. A stroke resident with weakness on the right side is assigned to the nursing assistant. When assisting the resident in dressing, what action should the nursing assistant take? Encourage the resident to dress independently. Place the right arm in the sleeve first. Place any side of the resident in the sleeve first. Put the left arm in the sleeve first. 93. You have just finished giving a patient a bath. Before going out with the patient, what should you do first? Give the patient something to eat. Put shoes on. Dress the patient. Comb the resident’s hair. 94. An 80 years old resident involved in an intimate relationship with another one and found in bed together by the nurse aide. What should the nurse aide do? Start laughing. Tell another CNA so they can laugh. Close the door and allow them privacy.25 Tell them “This is not nice! You are too old for this kind of behavior. 95. What is the most important way a nurse aide can prevent infection? Cover mouth when coughing Wash hands before and after touching a resident Wear gloves for every resident contact Wear gown and mask with every resident contact 96. A nurse aide noticed a spill of milk on the floor. What should the nurse aide do first? Call housekeeping Tell the charge nurse Clean up the milk Cover the spill with a towel 97. A resident is standing in the hallway. Her hair uncombed. What should the nurse aide do? Tell the resident that she looks sloppy Tell the resident to stay in her room Comb the resident’s hair in the hallway Suggest the resident return to her room and comb her hair 98. A resident is walking down the hall with a teddy bear in her arm. She is Crying and saying, “My bay is sick.” What is the best response by the nurse? aide?26 “I will find a nurse for you ins minute.” “You know that the teddy bear is only a toy.” “The other residents are upset by your crying. Please stop.” “Are you upset about your baby?” 99. A resident’s leg has been amputated below the knee. The resident does not want to leave her room. What should the nurse aide say to help her? “Maybe you will feel better tomorrow” “Do not worry. No one will mention it” “I will have to tell your doctor” “You seem upset. Would it help to talk about it?” 100. A resident is in bed. The nurse aide finds some medication tablets on the resident’s pajama top after the medication nurse leaves the resident’s room. What should the nurse aide do? Put the tablets in the resident’s mouth and give water to drink. Throw the tablets in the trashcan because they are now dirty. Tell another nurse aide about finding the tablets. Tell the medication nurse about finding the tablets and show the nurse the tablets. 101. On resident’s first night in the nursing home, he tries to climb out of bed. The resident is confused and angry. What should the nurse aide do first?27 Tell the resident that he is not allowed to get out of bed. Call the resident by name and try to calm him. Lock the door to the resident’s room to keep him safe. Ask the charge nurse to give the resident some medication. 102. While eating breakfast in the dayroom, a resident has seizure, she falls from the chair. The nurse aide calls the charge nurse. What should the nurse aide do next? Make sure the resident is breathing. Remove the resident’s breakfast tray. Return the resident to her room. Call the rescue squad. 103. A nurse aide is asked to help a resident with lunch. The nurse aide observes that the resident is able to chew well but cannot butter the bread or cut up the meal. What should the nurse aide do? Assist the resident with the bread and meal. Ask the kitchen to send food that does not need to be buttered or cut up. Tell the resident to try harder. Tell the resident’s family that they could help the resident at each lunch. 104. A resident takes daily medication for a heart problem. The resident’s normal pulse rate is 76. Which pulse rate should the nurse aide report at once to the charge nurse?28 82 78 72 58 105. A nurse aide sees that a resident is not eating the meals served at the nursing home. Which member who should be contacted about this? Doctor Dietician Social worker Charge nurse 106. A resident has a weak right arm. He needs help when dressing. What should the nurse aide do? Choose clothes for the resident to wear. Tell the resident to lie down while the nurse aide dressed him. Ask the resident to get clothes without buttons. Put clothes on the resident’s right arm first. 107. While eating in the dining room, a resident spills hot coffee on her arm. What should the nurse aide do first? Put cold water on the resident’s arm Call the rescue squad Wipe up the spill Help the resident back to her room29 108. An elderly resident has poor memory. One day the resident tells the nurse aide about the resident’s wedding day happened over fifty years ago. Whichof these statements is most likely true? The resident is making up this history because of poor memory. The resident may have good recall of things that happened long time ago. The resident would be more truthful about things that are happening now. The resident is very confused and may need medication at this time. 109. A nurse aide is deeding a resident. When should the nurse aide offer fluids? Throughout the meal and after every couple bites. Before and after the meal. After all the solid food has been eaten. Offer fluids only if the resident has trouble swallowing solid food. 110. Two residents are having a disagreement. Both residents are calm, and each Stating his point of view. What should the nurse aide do? Allow the residents to carry on their disagreement. Separate the residents into different room. Tell the resident to stop arguing. Get the resident involved in a different activity.30 111. The color of the resident’s urine is very dark yellow. What is the most likel cause of the urine color? The resident eats yellow vegetables The resident drinks too much water The resident is not eating enough food The resident is not drinking enough water 112. A resident has an order for a restraint. How often should the nurse aide releases the restraint to change the resident’s position, and apply the restraint again? Every 2 hours Every 4 hours Every 6 hours Every 12 hours 113. A resident has a cast on the lower leg. What observation should the nurse aide report to the nurse immediately? The resident’s toes are hot to the touch and the resident says they are numb. The cast is dry and has no odor. The resident asks the nurse aide to elevate the casted leg on a pillow. 114. A resident must stay in bed for a long time. Skin breakdown is most likely to occur on which parts of the body? Heels and elbows31 Nose and chin Finger and hands Thighs 115. While checking a resident’s room you notice that the urinary drainage bag is empty. What should you do first? Call the charge nurse immediately Check if the tubing is not kinky Disconnect the catheter Say the resident does not urinate and do nothing 116. A resident’s daughter complaint that her mother’s shirt is dirty from lunch. What is your first action? Tell the daughter to see the charge nurse Change the shirt Wipe the stain with soapy water Report the situation to the charge nurse 117. A resident has a history of fall, the care plan state that you should stay with the resident in the toilet. While assisting the resident to the bathroom he asks you to leave him alone so he can have his bowel movement. What should you do? Say “go ahead I will not listen” I will leave the door open, when you finish call me I will be in your room when you finish call me Your privacy is important but for your safety I must stay with you.32 118. While washing your hands how long do you have to make friction? One minute 30 seconds 15 seconds 10 seconds 119. You see a resident hit a nursing assistant and the nursing assistant slaps the resident. What will you do? Do nothing Tell the nursing assistant it’s not good to slap the resident. Tell the other nursing assistants what happened. Report the fact to the charge nurse. 120. While assisting a resident he bites you, what will you do? Bite the resident lightly to show him it is not good to bite people. Tell the resident it against the law to bite people. Report it to the charge nurse. Do nothing. 121. A resident is raising his fist like he is going to hit the nurse assistant. What does the nurse assistant do first? Report it to the charge nurse Back away from the resident Talk to the resident loudly to show authority33 Look at the resident to make him understand he cannot hit you 122. You are taking a resident’s vital signs and you find T: 98.0; P: 98; R: 20 and BP 123/82. What vital sign you are going to report as abnormal? Temperature Blood pressure Pulse respiration 123. A resident is able to stand on his feet, while transferring this resident what should you put on his feet for his safety? Cotton socks Sneakers Elastic stocking Sandals 124. When you enter a resident’s room, you see he is having a seizure, the seizure stops while you approach the bed. What should be your first action? Let the resident rest Padding the side rails Turn the patient on her side Provide CPR 125. A resident is dying, his family come to visit him, what should you do? Offer your sympathy34 Ask for the funeral arrangement Assure the resident and the room are clean and neat and provide privacy Ask for church service arrangement 126. A resident is recently hiding food in his closet, when you ask the resident while he is hiding food, he tells you it’s for the little people who live there. What is your first action? Report it to the nurse Say nothing Tell the resident it’s against the facility rules to hide food. Tell the resident it will create bad odor in the closet. 127. A nursing assistant has to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). What should the NA put first? Gloves Gown Mask Goggles 128. While providing care, a nurse assistant has to wear gloves when washing: The resident’s face The resident’s chest The resident’s catheter The resident’s legs35 129. A nursing assistant finds a male resident in bed with a female resident who is Confused, what should the NA do? Report it to the charge nurse Provide privacy Apologize and leave the room Tell them it’s against the facility’s rules 130. A nurse assistant answers the phone and the person says that he was informed that his neighbor has been in the facility and would like to know about him. What should the NA answer? I am sorry, but you have to see the charge nurse. You need to set appointment with personal I cannot give out information about a patient Call patient’s family 131. A resident has a memory loss. He wants to talk to you about his marriage ceremony done 50 years ago. What is true about that memory loss? Because of this memory loss, he cannot remember his marriage. A resident can have memory loss for recent events. The resident needs a medication. It would be more truthful to believe that the residents able to talk about. 132. A resident is on oxygen via nasal cannula and you are about to take his36 temperature. What do you do? Take his temperature rectally and leave the oxygen on. Take his temperature orally. Take the temperature rectally and turn off the oxygen. Take oral temperature and turn off the oxygen. 133. You are giving a bed bath, what part of the body do you wash last? Legs Rectal area Feet Face 134. Your are giving water to a resident and the nurse in charge asks you to take the resident’s temperature. What do you do? Give the water and take the temperature later. Stop giving the water at once then take the temperature first. Ignore the nurse’s request. Take the temperature only. 135. An Alzheimer resident becomes incontinent. What is your best approach? toward him? Ask him to go to the bathroom often. Put a diaper on the resident at all times Do perineal care as necessary. Set up toileting schedule. 136. You are giving a tub-bath to a resident and you forget his undershirt.37 What do you do? Leave the resident and go back to the room to pick it up. Continue the bath and dress him without the undershirt on in his room. Bathe the resident, dress him without it, and then put the undershirt on his room. Get him out of the tub, get the undershirt, and then continue the bath later. 137. You find a resident smoking in his own room. What should the home health aide do? Ask the resident to throw away the cigarette Remind him about the policy of the facility that does not allow residents to smoke in rooms. Take the resident to the smoking area. Let him smoke in the room and remind him not to do it next time. 138. You are measuring a resident in bed. What is the best way to do it? Say to the nurse in charge, “It is too difficult to do it in bed.” Get the resident up, and do it on a standing scale. Position the resident into a supine position and measure from head to heel. Measure from his head to his buttocks. 139. A resident is crying because he does not like the nursing home. What should the home do? Tell him the nursing home is a homelike Tell him “It seems that you are upset about the nursing home.” Tell him, “Stop crying, you are upsetting others.”38 Tell him, “Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.” 140. A diabetic resident has a leg cast. As a home health aide, what type of observations are you going to report to the nurse in charge? The resident asks you to put his legs on a pillow. The resident says his leg is itching. The resident complains, “I don’t like the cast.” The resident says, “My toes are hot to touch and numb.” 141. A mentally retarded resident is on your assignment. As a home health aide, how are you going to care about him? Do everything for him. Tell the resident, “You need to learn to live on your own.” Work at the resident’s pace. Remember as mentally impaired resident, he can’t do ADL. 142. A resident is eating in the dining room and having seizure disorder. Which isyour best approach? Remove food from his mouth. Bring the resident to his room. Lay the resident on the floor onto his side. Put the resident in a chair.39 143. A resident wants to go home, but the family does not want him to and asks you to restrain the resident. What are you going to do? Restrain the resident as requested. Choose a soft wrist restraint. Send them to the charge nurse. Force them to take the resident home. 144. Which body part is at risk for decubitus? Thighs Face Elbows and heels Nose 145. When you are offering the bedpan to a resident. What should the home health aide do first? Lower the head of the bed. Make sure the bedpan is clean or empty Give her a washcloth towel to wash her hands first. Put some paper on the side of the bed. 146. A resident is recovering from a stroke. The only thing he can say is, “My, my, my……” What is your best approach? Say to the resident, “Don’t try to talk.” Say to the resident, “Can you try to talk better?” Report it to the charge nurse.40 Suggest the resident should see a physician. 147. You are working at night and a resident wakes up at 4:00 a.m. and asks you for coffee. What are you going to say to that resident? “The coffee is for nurse.” “Wait a few hours and you will get your coffee on your tray.” “Fill a cup of coffee and give it to the resident.” “Urge the resident to go back to sleep, it is not time for coffee.” 148. An oral temperature should not be used if the resident: Has dentures Has eaten in the pad hour Is in a mouth breather All of the above 149. The pulse felt at the wrist is the: Carotid Brachial Apical Radial 150. The most basic human need is: Food Oxygen Water41 Elimination 151. When giving an enema you should insert the tube in the rectum. 1 inch 2 to 3 inches 3 ½ to 5 inches 6 to 7 inches 152. A diabetic patient asks the nursing assistant for a piece of cake. What should the NA do? Tell the patient you will get a piece of cake later. You are not permitted to have cake. Give the patient a piece of cake. You tell the patient you have to ask the nurse in charge. 153. Which organ provide with a protective covering? Skin Hair Nails Heart 154. You should wear gloves for contact with: Arm Perspiration (fluid excreted by sweat glands) Hair42 Saliva 155. When should you wash your hands? Before applying gloves After remove gloves After touching All of the above 156. Microorganisms are also called: Toxic Pathogens Infections Aseptics 157. The universal sign for choking is: Coughing Making sound Clogging of the throat Shouting 158. Resident in supine position is lying on the: Side Abdomen Back43 Side with pillows supporting the spine 159. Resident is in the prone position if she is lying on the: Abdomen Side Back Back with knees bend 160. Which one of these diseases supposes to eat on time? Alzheimer’s Parkinson Diabetes Mental 161. Giving a shower to a resident and you forget to take the underwear. What you should do? Make sure he is safe in the bathroom and leave him. Continue to wash him and take care of the underwear when you take him back in the room. Go in the room for the underwear Let the resident look for him own underwear. 162. One of the most causes of accident is: Falls Smoking Choking44 All of the above 163. In case fire, what should you do first? Call fire department Remove resident in danger Use fire extinguisher Activate the fire alarm 164. Personal protective equipment includes: Gloves Gowns Masks All of the above 165. Infection is spread: In the air In droplets secretions By contact All of the above 166. A germ that causes a disease is the: Source Host (organism infected by parasite) Carrier Reservoir45 167. Who is the NA supervisor? Licensed nurse Physician Administrator Therapist 168. Part of the uniform you will wear daily: Caps or hats Isolation gowns Sterile gloves A name tag 169. The responsibilities of NA are listed in a: Job description Policy manual Procedure manual Resume 170. When caring for a resident who is dying you should: Keep the room dark. Continue caring, touching and talking to the resident. Leave the resident alone.46 Stay far from the resident. 171. Which of the following is the last sense to be lost? Vision Hearing Smell Taste 172. What is the first step in the grieving process? Anger Denial Depression Acceptance 173. Which one is example of abuse? Restraining the resident Place the resident in isolation because he makes loud noise Leaving the resident in a wet bed Leaving the resident in a wheelchair in wet clothes. 174. You release the resident every two hours, for what purpose. To eat snack To position the resident To apply the restraint tightly To apply lotion47 175. Which of the following can the resident falls? A new rubber of a cane New skid shoes Partial side rail Loose clothing 176. A resident’s daughter says that she wants to help. What is your best response as a house aide? Just be nice, but make sure you have to tell me, what to do for her. I think your mother will be glad. Would you like to tell me what you want to do? Ask the charge nurse. 177. A resident’s 80 years old sister died, the resident is grieving about the death.What should you do as a nurse? Say to resident its okay. Listen; let her talk about her sister. Everyone has to die. Ignore resident grievance. 178. When you transfer a resident, why is it important to explain the procedure? Just to be polite48 To make him cooperative To avoid mistake To avoid complaint 179. To avoid breakage of the denture. How should you clean the resident’s denture? In a cup filled with hot water In a sink filled with water With a towel paper In a basin filled with warm water 180. When giving mouth care and denture care to a resident, which of the following is the most important? Let brush the denture and then let the resident rinse his mouth. Provide privacy because people don’t want to see him without denture. Let the patient participate in his own care. Place the denture cup on bedside table. 181. What is the most important universal precaution to prevent microorganism? Wash hands effectively. Wear sterile gloves while in contact with blood and body fluid. Wear mask Use alcohol49 182. A resident has just gotten a left hip surgery. Where will you stand when walking with the resident? Right side Left side Before the resident After the resident 183. A resident’s neighbor saw you in a supermarket, ask you to tell him about patient’s condition. He is fine What kind information do you want to know? His days will seem so hard. I cannot discuss the resident condition. 184. The radial site of the pulse is located at: In the neck In the chest In the thumb site of the wrist In the thigh 185. What is the most important reason for taking the pulse? To measure the heart rate To control the kidney To control the blood pressure To control the lung50 186. While a stuff member passed by the dining room, a resident says he wants to go the bathroom. Make sure someone takes him to the bathroom Ignore the resident Say to wait for someone else It is not my job 187. When feeding a resident, the head of the bed is flat. What is possible to be happened? Stroke Aspiration Heimlich maneuver or abdominal trust CPR 188. What does means the word over bed table? Clean area A place setting items like urinal, emesis, basin Locked when in use Put in a save place 189. While bathing a resident, he says that he has difficulty from breathing, whenI check, I see he breathes faster than, as a nurse aide what should you do? Stay with him and call the nurse. Do CPR Set up oxygen51 Elevate the head of the resident, tilt the chin back and open the airway. 190. A nurse aide observes a redness in the resident shoulder after bathing, as a nurse aide, what should you do? Lower the head of the bed Provide a pillow on his shoulder Change the resident position Rise the heat of the bed 191. A nurse aide, when caring for a resident, yelled and scolded (speak harshly) to the resident. What kind of abuse is the following? Psychology abuse Mental abuse Verbal abuse Physical abuse 192. A nurse aide supposed to bathe a resident, the resident complained because he never bathed in the evening. What is your best response as nurse aide? In spite of all, bathe the resident (in spite= act maliciously toward somebody) Do no bathe the resident Report the complain to the charge nurse and add it to his care plan. Bathe the resident in early part of the day52 193. A resident attempts to hit another resident with a cane. What is your approach as a nurse aide? Do nothing Move one resident to another room Take the cane from the resident Report the incident to charge nurse 194. A resident is confined (keep in some place) long term in bed, what is it most likely to happen? Diarrhea Constipation Hand contracture (muscle tightening) Enema 195. What do you do first like priority? A charge nurse requested you to take the resident temperature. A resident whose bathroom’s call light blinking. Serve a cup of coffee. Serve a cup of water. 196. A resident is in a clear liquid diet; his family offers a pizza for the resident. Let the resident smell the cheese in the pizza. I do not receive food outside the nursing home. Discuss the family request to the charge nurse.53 Let the resident eat pizza. 197. A resident who is confused hugs another resident and wants to kiss him.What should you do as a nurse aide? Leave them alone. I am busy. Allow the behavior since both agreed. Separate them and tell charge nurse. 198. A resident is dying, how long should you do postmortem care? After rigorism (adoption of strict mortality) Before family visit While taking off catheter In the mortuary room 199. A resident has just fallen on the floor but he is conscious. When you ask him what happened, he said that his feet passed under his legs. As answering what should you do before moving the resident? Ask him if hurts Move the resident and observe his legs Stay and call for help Perform PCR 200. You to dress a resident what should do as a nurse aide? Dress the resident with the color54 Elevate the head of the bed Allow the resident the more possible dresses Dress the resident with any color 201. A resident used to do his own activity (ADL), the doctor suggests that he is dehydrated. What should you do? Offer fluid daily Keep a pitcher of water close to his bed Offer food Give medication 202. A resident’s daughter said that her mother’s blouse is dirty with sauce. What is your best response as a nurse aide? Clean the blouse with a paper towel Change the blouse immediately I’ll do it later, I’m busy Ask daughter to change the blouse 203. A patient is restraining; shout and cry: release me. What should you do first as a nurse aide? Stay with the patient call for help. Look at if the restraint is improperly tightened. Ignore the patient Tell the patient to wait55 204. The nursing home is in flame, what is the next step you should do after moving the patient? Use fire extinguisher Call paramedic Pull alarm Open window 205. What should you put in the setting at the bottom of the shelf or in the drawer close to the bed? Hair brush Lotion Emesis basin Urinal 206. The edge of the bottom sheet is dirty. What should you do as a nurse aide to remove the linen? Let the resident sit down in a chair. Change the linen while resident is in bed. Explain to resident the linen will be changed later. The color of the linen does not match. 207. A resident said that some friend in the nursing home move in another state. What is your best response as a nurse aide? Sorry, you will never see them. Talk to me about your friend.56 Why don’t you move? What other state did your friend move? 208. A resident is incontinent and ask you to take him to bathroom, what should you do as a nurse aide? Help the resident to put a diaper Take him to the bathroom Use a schedule date for the resident Call the charge nurse 209. How should you put your hand to perform Heimlich maneuver? At the neck At the bottom of the breastbone and between the belly button. On the top of the breastbone In the chest 210. When using crutches, the resident’s weight must rest on the armpit knees hand rests shoulders 211. The Hoyer lift is used to prevent injuries to health care workers move resident who are very heavy or weak move a resident when only one worker is free57 all of the above 212. Teaching a resident to use a wheelchair includes showing him how to use the footrests use the brakes turn corners all of the above 213. When assistant a blind resident to eat, you should set the plate up as a clock face human face pyramid calculator 214. A resident with a paralyzed left arm may be able to feed herself if she uses a plate guard built-up spoon zipper pull all of the above 215. Special devices that residents use to dress themselves include Velcro closings58 An extended shoe horn A zipper pull All of the above 216. Because of lack of exercise, bedridden resident often develop. decubitus ulcers foot drop contractures and muscle atrophy all of the above 217. Which of the following statements about range of motion exercises is NOT true? active range of motion means the resident does the exercises passive range of motion means the nursing assistant does the exercises actives range of motion means the nursing assistant does the exercise active range of motion is best for the resident, when possible 218. When you perform passive range of motion exercise for a resident, you should do all the following EXCEPT use good body mechanics move the joint until the resident feels pain keep the body covered except for the joint being exercise make the resident perform as much of the exercise he can59 219. Body mechanic means a. the way the body parts are aligned with each other b. always using a transfer belt c. using the body in a safe efficient manner d. all of the above 220. Using good body mechanics to lift an object of the floor means that you would bend down from your waist bend your knees and squat kneel down to get the broadest base and lift up use a Hoyer lift 221. To change your direction, you should turn your whole body by moving your feet twist from the waist move your body in sections move very slowly 222. The major moves in range of motion exercises include adduction and adduction flexion and extension rotation, supination and pronation all of the above60 223. Correct range of motion for the neck includes flexion and extension, hypertension, rotation adduction, adduction, flexion, extension rotation, adduction, adduction, extension pronation, supination, flexion 224. If a patient is in traction, you should NOT monitor affect skin temperature give a complete bedbath change the position of the wrist monitor distal pulses 225. Passive range of motion exercises are best performed if the resident is in supine position, with a bath blanket covering him prone position, with a sheet and spread over him prone position, with a bath blanket over him supine position, with a sheet and spread 226. Using your longest and strongest muscles to lift means you should use your arm muscles first back muscles first leg muscles first neck muscles first61 227. When carrying a heavy box you should hold it above your head below your knees on your shoulder close to your body 228. Good alignment or posture is important when the resident or nursing assistant is: lying down sitting up standing all of the above 229. When turning or positioning a resident in bed, use the method that is quick and easiest for you the resident prefers used good body mechanics you must prefer 230. To help a resident sit up in bed, you should remember to keep your feet close together lock hands with the resident have the resident put his arms around your neck lock arms with the resident62 231. To help the resident move to the head of the bed you should raise the head of the bed ask him to grab the head of the bed and pull lower the bed and let him slide down quickly grab his shoulder and pull him up 232. To turn the resident toward you, you should cross his far leg over the leg nearest you cross his near arm over his chest bend his far arm at the elbow grab his shoulders and pull him toward you 233. When you are moving the resident toward up in bed, the pillow goes on the chair, out of the way at the foot of the bed, out of the way at the head of the bed, to protect her head anywhere she wants it 234. Before transferring the resident, you should first wash your hands and then explain what you are going to do requisition a Hoyer lift get if needed assist the resident to her feet63 235. Dangling a resident’s legs over the side of the bed is done to make she is able to sit up first give her time to put on her shoes prevent decubitus ulcers prevent orthostatic hypotension 236. Walking with a resident is safest if done with transfer belt a wheelchair a few step behind him A Hoyer lift A nurse or doctor ready for emergencies 237. When you have a resident sit up and dangle her legs before getting up, you should watch for. sudden paleness excessive sweating increase respirations all of the above 238. Transferring a resident from the bed to a stretcher requires the bed be positioned at the highest level the lowest level waist height64 sitting position 239. When transferring a resident from the bed to a chair, you should always unlock the brakes on the chair first lock the brakes on the chair first use a Hoyer life put socks on the resident first 240. To help a resident into a wheelchair, you should position the chair at the side of the bed, facing the head of the bed at the foot of the bed at the head of the bed at the side of the bed, facing the foot of the bed 241. Before any transfer, you should have the nurse’s approval know the proper procedure use a transfer belt if needed all of the above 242. To transfer a resident correctly from the bed to a stretcher, you must use good body mechanics use a Hoyer lift have a help65 raise the bed 243. Which statement about bladder retraining programs is correct? they should be complete within two weeks they should include the entire health care team they should involved withholding all fluids they should be planned for all residents 244. During the bowel and bladder retraining period, the nursing should offer water frequently see that the resident eats a well-balanced diet encourage the resident to remain active all of the above 245. Requirements for NA certification are: county regulations state regulations federal regulations state and federal regulations 246. Who is the NA supervisor? care team OBRA Resident66 Licensed nurse 247. Who develops the resident’s plan of care? a. doctor b. care team c. NA d. resident 248. What is the care team’s goal? a. to share confidential information b. to inform the NA what the care team has decided c. to provide physical and emotional support for the resident d. to force the resident to comply with the rules 249. Who is likely to spend the most time with a resident? a. NA b. director of nursing c. therapist d. doctor 250. Decubitus ulcers are also called a. pressure sores b. skin ulcers c. pressure ulcer67 d. all of the above 251. Placing a resident in good alignment means you should a. keep his joints oiled b. keep him as straight as possible c. keep him sitting up during the day d. make sure he strands at least five hours per day 252. Which of the following helps prevent decubitus ulcers? a. bedrest b. liquid diet c. backrubs d. support hose 253. Signs of possible skin problems include a. rashes b. blisters c. redness d. all of the above 254. If a resident complains of a burning, tingling skin area, you should first a. rub the area well with lotion b. report the complaint to the licensed c. keep an eye on the area for a few days68 d. use cornstarch or the area 255. All of the following are true about charting in the medical record excep: a. charting must be accurate b. charting be clear written c. no signature is required on any charting d. the information on the medical record is confidential 256. Medical terms and abbreviations are used in the health care setting to: a. encourage staff to learn new words. b. discourage residents understand medical findings c. keep information in code in case it is overheard by visitors. d. assist in making staff communication clear and concise 257. What does BP at HS means? a. take blood pressure at bedtime b. give the resident the bedpan at his side. c. take blood pressure at the resident’s side d. give the resident the bedpan at hour of sleep 258. The abbreviation for three times a day is a. 3xid b. t.i.d.69 c. 3 i.d d. t.o.d 259. When communicating with a resident in a wheelchair, you should avoid using the word : see run walk none of the above 260. When caring for residents with vision or hearing loss, you should: a. be as quiet as possible when you are in the room so the resident is disturbed. b. make as much noise as possible when you are in the room so the resident knows what you are doing c. announce yourself by name and little when entering the room d. none of the above 261. When caring for a person who is mentally retarded, you should: a. treat the resident with courtesy and respect b. not explain procedure c. never smile, because this is upsetting to the resident d. all of the above 262. To find out the resident’s type of isolation, the nurse aide should ask the: resident resident’s physician70 nurse in charge housekeeping department 263. The nurse in charge asks the nurse aide to encourage Mr. N to bathe himself. The nurse aide should: put supplies beside the bathtub and leave Mr. N’s room ask Mr. N’s roommate to keep an eye on Mr. N while he is in the bathtub give Mr. N his bathing supplies and stay with him to assist as necessary help Mr. N. into the bathtub and leave Mr. N’s room 264. When caring for a resident who is dying, the nurse aide Must: not allow more than one visitor in the room at a time keep the room dark at all times watch the resident and report any changes in his condition wear gloves, mask, and shoes covers when giving personal care 265. Which of the following things should the nurse aide show FIRST to a resident who has just been admitted to the facility? how to adjust the bed how to use the call light how to adjust the room temperature where the bath supplies are kept 266. The nurse aide finds a resident running around the bed and screaming loudly. The FIRST thing that the nurse should do is:71 call the police administered thorazine call the nurse in charge contact the resident’s family 267. While brushing resident teeth, the nurse aide sees that the resident’s gums are swollen and cracked. What should the nurse aide do FIRST? rub the toothbrush lightly over the gums report the observation to the nurse in charge apply an antiseptic to the gums check the roommate’s gums to see if they are in the same condition 268. To keep a bedbound resident from getting a decubitis ulcer, the nurse aide should: a. keep the head of the bed raised b. tuck the sheets tightly around the resident’s legs c. change the resident’s position in bed often d. force the resident to drink a lot of fluids 269. A resident with diabetes needs to have his toenails cut. What should the nurse aide do? cut the resident’s toenails tell the nurse in charge ask the resident’s family to cut his nails make appointment for the resident to see a podiatrist72 270. When caring for a resident’s hair, what should before combing hair is very tangled? wet the tangled hair with alcohol before combing cut out of the tangled comb one small section of hair at a time call the nurse in charge 271. When given a backrub to a resident, the nurse aide should: a. not touch bony areas of the back with a circular motion b. rub bony areas of the back with a circular motion c. apply alcohol directly to the resident’s back d. remove all sheets and blankets from the bed 272. A resident has a memory loss. He wants to talk to you about his marriageceremony done 50 years ago. What is true about the memory loss? a. because of this memory loss, he cannot remember his marriage b. a resident can have memory loss for recent events c. the resident needs a medication d. it would be more truthful to believe that the residents able to talk about 273. A resident is on oxygen via nasal cannula and you are about to take histemperature. What do you do? a. take his temperature rectally and leave the oxygen on. b. take his temperature orally c. take ht temperature rectally and turn off the oxygen73 d. take oral temperature and turn off the oxygen74 274. You are measuring a resident in bed. What is the best way to do it? a. say it to the nurse in charge, “it is too difficult to do it in bed.” b. get the resident up, and do it on a standing scale c. position the resident into a supine position and measure from head to heel d. measure from his head to his buttocks 275. A resident is crying because he does not like the nurse home. What should the home health care do? tell him the nursing home is a home like tell him “it seems like that you are upset about the nursing home tell him “stop crying, you are upsetting others.’ tell him “don’t worry everything will be a right.” 276. A diabetic resident has a leg cast. Has a home health aide, what type ofobservations are you going to report to the nurse in charge? a. the resident asks you to put his legs on a pillow b. the resident says his leg is itching. c. The resident complains “I don’t like the cast.” d. The resident complains, “my toes are hot to touch and numb.” 277. A mentally retarded resident is on your assignment. As a home health aide, how are you going to care about him? a. do everything for him b. tell the resident, “you need to learn to live on your own.” c. work at the resident space d. remember as mentally impaired resident, he can’t do ADL 278. A resident is eating in the dining room and having seizure disorder. Which is your best approach?75 a. remove food from his mouth b. bring the resident to his room c. lay the resident on the floor onto his side d. put the resident in a chair 279. When you are offering the bedpan to a resident. What should the home health aide do first? a. lower the head of the bed b. make sure the bedpan is clean or empty c. give her a washcloth towel to wash her hands first d. put some paper on the side of the bed 280. A resident is recovering from a stroke. The only thing he can say is, “My, my, my…” what is your best approach say to the resident “Don’t try to talk” say to the resident, “ Can you try to talk better?” report it to the charge nurse suggest the resident should see a physician 281. What is true about exercising a resident (Range of Motion?) a. always stop doing it when the resident is complaining of pain b. can be done at bedtime only c. if resident complains of pain, continue the exercise d. can be done with personal care only 283. As a new home health aide assigned to a team, another home health aide tells you that your assignment is not a good one. What do you do? a. do what the home health tells you76 b. ask another home health what to do. c. Ask the resident what to do d. Double check with the nurse in charge 284. As a home health aide, you have been asked to ambulate a resident but the resident wants to do itself. What is the best approach with that? a. ask him to start walking without help b. tell him, “let me walk with you, just in case.” c. Tell him, “you cannot do that by yourself.” d. Hold him by his arms while walking. 285. A resident on a self-care program. What does that mean? a. help the resident with his daily care b. he is independent with his daily care c. he can work with the staff as a home health aide d. he is dependent with his daily care 286. When a nurse assistant is administering a hot soak to a resident’s body part, the body part should remain in the soak for: 3-5 minutes 8-10 minutes 15-20 minutes 30-40 minutes 287. Active range of motion exercises are prescribed to prevent: a. loss of joint motion b. arthritis. c. circulation d. skin breakdown77 288. When a nurse assistant is administering a sitz (bathtub shaped like a chair) bath to a resident, it is extremely important that the nurse assistant closely monitors the resident for signs of: a. frustration b. excitability c. faintness d. aggressiveness 289. The nurse assistant has been instructed to provide active range of motion exercises to a resident. The range of motion exercises calls for repeated pronation and supination 5 to 6 times for each arm. The nurse assistant should instruct the resident to: a. bend the arm so that the same-side shoulder is touched and hold the position for 30 seconds. b. move the straightened arm up away from the side of the resident’s body and the back down to the side. c. move the arm in front of the body and then move the arm to the back of the body. d. hold the arm straight and turn the hand so the palm is down, then turn the hand so the palm is up. 290. When a nurse assistant provides a backrub to a resident, kneading (massage muscles) refers to: a. the tapping of the nurse assistant’s fingers up and down on the resident’s skin. b. the use of circular motion with the palm of the nurse assistant’s hand on the resident’s skin. c. lightly striking the resident’s skin with the sides of the nurse assistant’s hand. d. gently grasping the resident’s skin between the thumb and fingers of the nurse assistant’s hand. 291. When a nurse assistant applies a worm compress to a resident’s body part, the compress is covered with plastic and wrapped in a towel to keep the:78 a. compress moist b. compress worm c. resident from getting wet d. compress from transferring heat to the body part. 292. What can a nurse assistant do to better identify with and understand a resident’s feelings? a. bring the resident small inexpensive gifts b. share personal problems with the resident c. recognize and respect resident’s cultural and religious beliefs d. identify and share the resident’s like and dislikes 293. Which of the following would be a way for a nurse assistant to help a resident to exercise his/her right to be informed and involved? a. encourage the resident to rest as much as possible to conserve energy b. encourage the resident to watch television and listen to the radio c. provide the resident with science fiction navels d. share intimate details about other residents and staff members 294. An acceptable diversional activity for a nurse assistant to suggest for a resident in a long-term care facility would be: a. participating in scheduled recreational activities b. walking around the facility discussing his/her personal problems c. discussing other residents personal problems d. following the nurse assistant while he/she does rounds 295. When a nurse assistant is working with a resident on maintaining his/her thinking abilities typically the orientation program begins each morning by: a. reading a magazine to the resident b. telling the dated and time to the resident79 c. asking the resident long, details question d. explaining the entire days planned activities 296. When applying a cold compress to a resident’s body part for 20 minutes, how often must the nurse assistant check the area of the resident’s skin that is in direct contact with the cold compress? a. every minute b. every five minutes c. every ten minutes d. every fifteen minutes 297. If resident indicates to the nurse assistant that they wish to speak with a ministry, the nurse assistant should: a. tell the resident that the request will be given to the supervisor immediately b. make a mental note of the request to be given to the supervisor later c. tell the resident that the minister has left for the day but will be back tomorrow d. make a quick call to a local minister and request that they come immediately. 298. Which of the following emergency treatments could be utilized by a nurse assistant to help bring down a high fever in a resident? a. provide an Epsom salt enema b. submerge the entire resident’s body in an ice water bath c. give the resident aspirin at a rate 10 grams per pound of body weight d. sponge the resident’s skin with cool water, allowing the water to evaporate 299. When a nurse assistant is working with a resident to maintain his/her thinking abilities, the nurse assistant will typically begin reality orientation program every morning by a. asking the resident what day and time it is.80 b. reading the morning news paper c. asking complete question about the resident’s entire activity plan to the resident d. reading the resident the entire activity plan to the resident 300. When a nurse assistant is cleaning a resident’s glasses that have plastic lenses, the nurse assistant must dry plastic lens using a a. hand/hand towel b. brown paper towel c. facial tissue d. soft cloth 301. When a nurse assistant is assigned to care for a resident returning from cataract surgery, the nurse assistant should follow the same basic procedures that would be used for a: a. hearing impaired resident b. nonverbal/ mute resident c. non-ambulatory resident d. visually impair/ blind resident 302. A nurse assistant has been assigned to assist an incontinent resident with bladder training during the bladder training period the nurse assistant should b. restrict the resident activities c. encourage the resident to remain close to a bathroom at all times d. offer fluids frequently and that the resident get a well balanced diet 303. Mrs. Brant’s sister has come to tell her that her favorite aunt has passed away what should the nurse assistant do prior to the sister giving Mrs. Brant the news?81 a. offer Mrs. Brant his/her condolences on the loss of her aunt. b. inform Mrs. Brant that her sister is bringing bad news when she visits c. remain in Mrs. Brant’s room while Mrs. Brant’s sister delivers the bad news. d. close to Mrs. Brant’s room and ensure that Mrs. Brant and her sister are not interrupted during their grieving 304. When a nurse assistant is providing care to a terminally ill resident who is in the acceptance stage of the 5 stages of dying, the resident is most likely to a. be calm and peaceful b. deny the he/ she is dying c. make the nurse assistant a target of anger d. discus people and things that will be left behind 305. When assisting a resident with flossing his/her teeth and the nurse assistant is holding the floss between his/her index fingers, the nurse assistant is preparing to floss the resident‘s a. gums. b. lower teeth c. upper teeth d. denture 306. When a nursing assistant is ordered to transport a resident by stretcher, the nurse assistant must a. restrain the resident b. place the resident in the SIMS position c. not leave the resident unattended d. not leave the resident alone for more than five minutes 307. When preparing to give a resident a back massages what should the nurse assistant do before applying a non-medicated lotion to the resident’s skin?82 a. inspect the area of skin to be massaged for signs of skin breakdown. b. check that the lotion to be used for the massage is cool to the touch c. wipe the area of skin to be massaged with a warm soap cloth d. vigorously rub the area of the skin to massages with bare hands to warm the skin e. 308. What position has the nurse assistant put the resident when he/she is placed in a side-lying position with a pillow under the head and shoulder and a pillow supporting the upper leg and thigh? a. prone b. fowler c. supine d. lateral 309. Amy is taking care of a patient hospitalized with major burns. What should the nurse assistant do? a. give sympathy b. avoid discussions about the patient’s feelings c. provide reassurance d. avoid direct eye contact when talking to the resident 310. While taking a resident’s blood pressure, the nurse assistant notices an insect in the room. The nurse assistant must a. ignore the pest since it was small b. stop taking the blood pressure and go report the pest c. attempt to catch the pest d. complete the procedure and then report the pest 311. Tracy, a nurse aide, is trying to collect information from a resident who is receiving oxygen therapy. What can Tracy do to aid the communication process? a. ask detailed question requiring verbal responses83 b. use only non-verbal communication c. ask the charge nurse to talk to the resident d. ask yes/no question 312. John is a nurse aide working the night shift at a long term care facility. John notices that the light over Mrs. Pasho’s door does not work when the call button is pushed John should: a. ignore the problem since Mr. Pasho never uses the call putting b. report the situation and provide an alternative call method c. wait for the nurse to observe and address the problem d. ask Mr. Pasho to report the problem to the next shift 313. In general, how many glasses of water should a resident drink every day? a. one to two b. two to four c. four to six d. six to eight 314. When a nursing assistant is ordered to calculate and record the output for a resident on I&O the nurse assistant must a. not measure any fluids other than urine b. measure only the first urine elimination of the day c. record the amount of liquid eliminated and record the total on the record d. remember the amount and tell the resident 315. Mr. Woods is being admitted to a long term care facility. During the admission procedure the nurse assistant may be directed to a. provide the resident with prescribed medication b. measure the person vital signs c. identify medications the resident uses and dosage schedule d. explain resident rights to the person and family84 316. When a resident has a schedule appointment or activity within the facility, the nurse assistant should? a. remind the resident to be on time b. ask another care team member to remind the resident c. verify the appointment time and take the resident to the appointment /activity d. arrange for a family member to come and take the resident to the appointment/activity 317. Mr. James is being discharged from a nursing home. The nurse assistant has been ordered to assist with the discharge procedure. The nurse assistant can start the discharge procedure: a. as soon as the resident is ready b. after the doctor has signed the discharge order c. when the family member arrives to pick up the resident d. as soon as the charge nurse instructs the nurse assistant to begin the procedure 318. Which of the following would not be care the nurse assistant would provide to a resident’s hearing aide? a. checking the batteries regularly b. cleaning with hot soapy water c. checking for wax buildup d. storing in proper container 319. Ms. Cole is being transferred to a new unit within the long-term care facility. During the transfer procedure, the nurse assistant must a. support and reassure the resident b. tell the resident that “It will be ok”. c. Avoid touching the resident as much as possible d. Insist that a family member be present during the transfer procedure 320. The primary purpose for a resident being in traction is to85 a. tighten up or shorten a muscle b. correct inflammation and joint c. immobilize broken bones while they heal d. prevent a decubitus ulcer from spread 321. Mr. Smith was admitted today to the long-term care facility and she informs the nurse aide that she has a very expensive fur coat. The most appropriate action for the nursing assistant would do? a. take the fur coat from the resident and lock it in the safe b. ask the resident to keep the fur coat hidden in her room c. label the fur coat with the resident’s name and place it in the resident’s closet d. encourage the resident to donate the fur coat to a charity because she will have nowhere to wear the coat now 322. When a nurse assistant has been assigned to wash a resident‘s hair, the nurse assistant should: a. use cool water b. open privacy curtains c. protect the resident eyes d. apply the shampoo and then use a comb to remove tangles 323. Mr. London is a patient with an infectious disease who is in a long term care facility. His grandchildren are visiting him at the facility. The nurse assistant should a. remain quit and let the visitors proceed uninterrupted b. instruct the family on the proper isolation technique c. refuse to let any visitors see Mr. London due to his serious illness d. ask Mr. London to visit with his grandchildren in the dining room so his room, stays sterile86 324. Mr. Ford is a resident in a long term care facility who has dementia the nurse assistant has been instructed to find out what Mr. Ford wants to eat for lunch. When talking to him, the nurse assistant should a. speak loudly so they can be heard b. give Mr. Ford a lot of choices to keep him happy c. ask clear simple question while allowing Mr. Ford time to answer without interruption d. give inconsistent responses since Mr. Ford is already confused 325. A nurse assistant who is coming on duty at a long-term care facility feels he is too busy to attend the end-of-shift report. It is important that the nurse assistant attend the meeting because. a. there will be free food at the meeting b. important resident care information will be shared c. his absence will be note in his record d. the nurse assistants are allowed to talk freely about the residents 326. When a nursing assistant is helping a resident to get dressed, the nurse assistant should: a. encourage the resident to do as much as possible b. decide which clothing matches for the resident c. insist that the resident allows the nurse assistant to do all the work d. borrow another resident’s clothing if the resident is missing something 327. Mr. Phillips, a hospitalized deaf resident, is having trouble communicating what he wants to eat for lunch. The nurse assistant should: a. decide the menu for the resident b. have Mr. Philips write down what he want to eat c. warm every nearby that Mr. Phillips is in a bad mood d. skip Mr. Phillips and have the charge nurse decide 328. When should the nurse assistant trim the resident’s fingernails?87 a. during a.m. care b. before taking a shower c. before a tub bath d. after soaking the resident’s fingernails? 329. Mr. Winter’s is a resident who is always pleasant and likes to talk. After morning doctor visit, the nurse assistant enter Mr. Winters room give him a bath. Mr. Winters angrily tells the nurse assistant he wants to be left alone. The NA should? a. skip the bath and report Mr. Winter’s behavior change in the progress notes and to the charge nurse b. ask another nurse assistant to persuade Mr. Winters into taking a bath c. argue with Mr. Winter telling him he will stink if he does not bath d. tell Mr. Winters he is being child-like and must take a bath immediately 330. When a nurse assistant is instructed to place a resident into a supine position the nurse assistant would place the resident lying on his/her: a. abnormal b. back c. side d. side with pillow supporting the spine 331. Mr. Gray is a resident in an isolation unit with a contagious disease. He must stay in his room because of isolation precaution. He feels lonely and therefore he is very upset and rude. What should a nurse assistant do? a. sit and visit with Mr. Gray for as long as he wants to walk. b. limit interaction with the resident so as to limit exposure to the infection c. urge the resident to call family and friends while treating the resident with respect, kindness and dignity d. tell the charge nurse to give the resident some medicine to calm them down 332. When straightening a resident’s unit, the nurse assistant must always clean objects:88 a. toward the nurse assistant’s body b. vigorously with a dry cloth c. from cleanest to dirtiest area d. by shaking linen and equipment 333. Passive range of motion exercises are ordered for resident who: a. cannot exercise by themselves b. can move and exercise without assistance c. can get out of bed and walk by themselves d. exercise too frequently 334. While making evening rounds, the nurse assistant finds the Mr. Tee’s bed limens are soiled with blood feces. After remove the dirty linens from Mr. Tee’s bed, the nurse assistant must: a. place the soiled linens on the floor until they are collected by laundry personnel b. rinse the soiled linens in the resident’s bathroom basin and put the linens with the other laundry c. place the soiled linens in a leak-proof container for transport to laundry d. place the soiled linens directly into the uncovered linen hamper 335. Which area on the resident should the nurse assistant clean last when given a resident complete bed bath? a. perineal(genital) area b. pedal(legs, ankles, feet) area c. facial(eye, moth, nose) area d. abdominal(chest, stomach, back) area 336. Mrs. Green, an elderly resident in a long-term care facility, is complaining that she is cold in her room. The nurse assistant should a. offer Mrs. Green an sweater or blanket and report the request to adjust the room temperature.89 b. assure Mrs. Green that that the room is at the correct temperature c. increase the room temperature by 10 degrees d. provide Mrs. Green with hot beverage 337. While straightening Mr. Brown’s unit, the nurse assistant notices a crack in the water pitcher. The nurse assistant must: a. do nothing unless the pitcher is leaking b. get a new water pitcher and label it as Mr. Brown’s c. place a piece of tape over the crack to prevent leaks d. keep the water level in the pitcher below the crack to avoid leaks 338. When a nurse assistant uses a standing pivot transfer to assist a resident with a left side weakness from the bed to a wheelchair, the best place for the nurse assistant to stand is: a. directly behind the resident b. away from the resident c. in front and to the left side of the resident d. in front and to the right side of the resident 339. While preparing to provide a resident with a.m. care, the nurse assistant notices that the water in the resident’s bathroom gets extremely hot, the nurse assistant should: a. turn off the water supply to the resident’s room b. get the needed water from another resident’s room c. tell the resident to use only cold water d. report the water temperature problem according to facility policy 340. When a nurse assistant is instructed to provide oral hygiene to an unconscious resident, the nurse assistant should clean the oral cavity using a a. wash cloth b. soft toothbrush c. tongue blade90 d. sponge-tipped applicator 341. While making evening rounds, a nurse assistant sees smoke coming from under a closed door at a long-term care facility. The first thing that the nurse assistant should do is: a. open the door, if flames are visible, go get help b. open the door if inflames are visible use a fire extinguisher on the fire c. touch the door and if hot, do not open d. get out of the building as quickly as possible 342. Mrs. Ventera is a patient at a long term care facility who is on oxygen therapy. When entering Mrs. Ventera’s room to check vitals, the nurse assistant notices that the humidifier connected to the oxygen administration system is not bubbling, the NA must: a. immediately report to the charge nurse that the humidifier is not working b. remove the oxygen delivery device from the patient c. tighten the oxygen delivery device on the resident’s face d. turn off the oxygen delivery system but leave the mask on the patient 343. Mr. Dupres is a resident in a long term care facility with a decubitus ulcer the ulcer the nurse assistant taking care of Mr. Dupres for the first time notices that the skin on the wound is open and drainage is present. What should the nurse assistant do? a. gentle wash the wound area with soap and water b. apply a dry dressing to absorb the drainage. c. Immediately notify the charge nurse of the wound condition d. Apply some medicine to the area sterile bandage to the wound91 344. A nurse assistant working in a long term care facility has been instructed to position a resident on strict bed rest to eat lunch. What position should the nurse assistant palce the resident’s bed? a. flat position b. fowler’s position c. semi-fowler’s position d. trendelenberg’s position 345. In a long term care facility, a restraint can only be used on a resident in an emergency to: a. protect the resident b. punish a combative resident c. make work easier for the nurse staff d. fulfill the request of the resident’s family member 346. What is the best way for a nurse assistant to verify a patient’s identity when distributing food trays? a. ask another resident to identify the resident b. check the resident I.D. bracelet information c. have resident wear name tags at all times d. verify the resident’s identity with the charge nurse 347. After receiving instructions to measure the weight of Mrs. Johnson, a small thin patient, the digital scale indicated she weighed 400 lbs. after checking the zeroing and re-weighing Mrs. Johnson, the scale reads her weight as 450 lbs. the NA should: a. record the weight as indicated by the digital scale reading b. tag the scale with “do not use” and report the scale to maintenance for service c. try to re-calibrate the scale and weigh Mrs. Johnson again d. add the two weights and report the average weight.92 348. A nurse assistant in a long term care facility is preparing to provide indwelling catheter care to a male patient. Prior to beginning the procedure, the nurse assistant must a. assist the patient into the prone position b. don’t disposable gloves c. remove the catheter from the resident d. expose the perineal area 349. A nurse assistant is preparing to empty Mr. Johnson’s urinary drainage bag after putting on gloves, the nurse assistant must: a. raise the drainage bag above the level of the resident bladder b. open drainage port c. apply a clamp directly on the drainage bag tubing 350. Routine care tasks that the nurse assistant helps the resident perform before and after the resident eats breakfast is referred to as a. P.M care b. A.M care c. H.S care d. A.N care 351. Mrs. Kann is an unconscious resident in a nursing home. Her doctor has ordered bed rails for Mrs. Hann’s safety. The nurse assistant must keep the bedrails up a. at all times except when given bedside care b. only when the doctor is present c. at all time regardless of the care being given d. only when the resident is awake 352. While changing Mrs. Reed’s colostomy bag, the nurse assistant notices signs of the skin breakdown around the stoma. The nurse assistant must93 a. put petroleum jelly on the stoma and change the bag b. tell the nurse about the skin breakdown c. ignore the skin breakdown since this is normal d. instruct the patient to be more careful with their colostomy bag. 353. Mr. James has told the nurse assistant that he wishes to talk with a minister. The nurse assistant should: a. give the request promptly to the supervisor or charge nurse b. make not to the resident’s request in the resident’s chart c. explain to the resident that the minister will be informed the tome he/she visits d. immediately call the ministry and tell him/her to come and talk to Mr. James 354. The doctor has order a timed urine specimen be collected from Mr. Lewis a non-catheterized, independent patient in a long term care facility. The equipment the nurse assistant should use to collect the initial sample from the resident is a: a. paper cup b. catheter c. urine bag d. bedpan or urinal 355. While providing care for a resident, a visitor makes the nurse assistant angry the nurse assistant should: a. leave the resident room immediately b. glare at the visitor but say nothing c. stop what he/she is doing and verbally express his/her feeling to the visitor d. maintain composure, reply politely, and complete task94 356. Mrs. Stuart is a resident with an illeostomy bag. The nurse assistant has been instructed to change Mrs. Stuart’s ostomy pouches. Why is it important that the nurse assistant wear gloves? a. to avoid skin irritation to the nurse assistant’s hands b. to avoid contact with potentially infectious body fluids c. to keep the nurse assistant from having to wash his/her hands often d. to avoid sensual contact with the resident’s skin 357. A nurse assistant has been asked to collect a clean-catch urine specimen from Mr. Jones, anon-catheterized patient with slight dementia who normally does not need help going to the bathroom. The nurse assistant should: a. give the container to Mr. Jones and tell him to provide a specimen b. assist Mr. Jones during the collection of the urine specimen c. give the container to Mr. Jones and explain to him how to collect the specimen d. fill the urine specimen container up to the mark as soon as Mr. Jones starts urinating 358. When a nurse assistant is preparing to give a resident a tub bath, the water in the bath should be: a. at least 115 degrees Fahrenheit b. no more than 80 degrees Fahrenheit c. cool to the resident’s touch d. appropriately 105 degrees Fahrenheit 359. Mr. Michaels has a respiratory disorder and his doctor has asked for a sputum specimen. Prior to collecting a sputum specimen from Mr. Michaels the nurse assistant may ask the resident to: a. rinse his moth out with clear water b. rinse his mouth out with mouth water c. expectorate into a sterile pad d. expectorate into a tissue95 360. The nurse assistant has been assigned to transport two residents in wheelchair to the dining hall. The safest way for the nurse assistant to move the two residents in wheelchairs is to: a. push one wheelchair at the time b. push two wheelchair at the time c. push one wheelchair while pulling the other d. line the wheelchairs up side by side and push both wheelchairs at the same time 361. When collecting a stool specimen from a resident, the nurse assistant must take stool from a. the top layer of bowel movement b. the center of the bowel movement c. two different locations in the bowel movement d. four different locations in the applied to a resident’s 362. When preparing an ice bag to be applied to a resident’s body part, the nurse assistant should use crushed ice in the bag because the ice bag will be: a. faster to fill with ice b. warmer to the resident’s touch c. easier to mold to the body part d. frozen and reused again later 363. Sarah, a nurse assistant working in a long term care facility is asked to assist the charge nurse with post mortem care for Mr. Bright. The first information she needs from the charge nurse is: a. if the family wishes to view the body b. what the cause of death was c. the funeral arrangements d. the patient medical record96 364. Mr. Ross has an indwelling catheter and the tubing has accidentally become disconnected. After putting on gloves, the nurse assistant should: a. immediately wipes ends with alcohol, reconnects the tubing and tells the nurse b. drain the tubing into a bedpan before reconnecting it, reconnect it, and then tell the nurse. c. reconnect the tubing and make sure the drainage bag is firmly attached to the bedrail d. reconnect the tubing and discard any used wipes into the patient’s garbage can 365. Abuse of a resident by a family member can be hard to prove because often times the resident may: a. not be able to afford a lawyer b. not recognize the activity as abusive c. be afraid that he/she will not get visitors d. wish to protect the family member from trouble 366. When a nurse assistant collects urine from a resident for a 24 hours urine specimen, it is important that the collected specimen is chilled to: a. prevent order b. prevent the growth of microbes c. avoid discoloration of urine d. facilitate sugar breakdown in the urine 367. When the nurse assistant addresses the resident, the name that the nurse assistant uses is determined by the: a. resident b. resident’s family member c. nurse assistant d. charge nurse or supervisor97 368. When the nurse assistant applies petroleum jelly to an irritated area on a Resident’s skin, the petroleum is considered to be a (an): a. anti perspirant b. skin deodorant c. topical ointment d. medicated ointment 369. A therapeutic bath that a nurse assistant might provide to a resident be a: a. cool tub bath b. partial bath c. sponge bath d. whirlpool bath 370. Part of the uniform you will wear daily includes a. caps or hats b. isolation gowns c. sterile gloves d. name tag 371. What should you do if you are not certain of a task assigned to you? a. tell the nurse you are unsure of the task and ask for help b. ask another nursing assistant to do it c. forget about doing the task d. do the task anyway 372. Which of the following are members in the interdisciplinary team and the long-term facility? a. nursing staff b. dietary personnel c. social workers d. all of the above98 373. A written plan listing strengths, needs, goals, interventions and who is responsible for assistant with specific task in the care of the resident the a. assigned sheet b. care plan c. job description d. team report 374. Which of the following statements is true regarding the normal aging process? a. all body systems slow down with aging b. all elderly residents at the same rate c. The nervous system is the only system that is visible affected by aging d. all of the above 375. Ethical behavior for the nursing assistant means to: a. Practice good body mechanics b. cooperate with others c. know what is right and what is wrong d. all of the above 376. Mrs. King has asked for pain medication. When you tell the nurse, she isvery busy. You should: a. offer to take the medication to Mrs. Kings. b. inform the nurse that Mrs. King is requesting pain medication. c. do nothing and tell the nurse later. d. Tell Mrs. King that the nurse is too busy to give her the medicine. 377. Calling the resident by the name she prefers is one way of meeting the need for: a. privacy99 b. love c. indentity d. spiritual growth 378. How can the nursing assistant help the resident meet her religious needs? a. by insisting that the resident attend all religious services in the facility b. by treating religious belongings with care and respect c. by calling your pastor to visit with the resident d. all of the above 379. A developmental task of late adulthood is: a. developing a career. b. establishing a family. c. making commitments in family life. d. accepting one’s mortality. 380. What is the first step in the grieving process? a. anger b. denial c. depression d. acceptance 381. When caring for a resident who is dying, you should: a. keep the room dark b. keep family members away from the dying resident c. continue caring for, touching, and talking to the resident d. never let the resident see family members who are crying. 382. Physical signs of approaching death include: a. decreasing responsiveness b. pale skin100 c. weak and rapid pulse d. all of the above 383. Which of the following is the last sense to be lost by the dying resident? a. vision b. hearing c. smell d. taste 384. What should you do when tidying a resident’s room? a. ask the resident before throwing anything away. b. remove all plants and flowers from the room. c. throw out any newspaper or old magazines d. clean the room without telling the resident. 385. Adaptive equipment is that which is: a. surgically attached to the resident’s body to replace a missing part. b. designed to help the resident be more independent. c. always used by the physician during an examination. d. used in emergencies only. 386. Restraints should: a. Always be used to prevent wanderers from leaving the facility. b. Be used to punish the resident for misbehaving. c. Not be used if other measures will keep the resident safe. d. Never be used. 387. Restraints: a. Restrict access to the resident’s body. b. May be used for a brief time to allow the nurse to perform a medical procedure.101 c. Restrict freedom of movement. d. All of the above. 388. You find a resident who has fallen on the floor; your first action is to: a. Call for help b. Find someone to help lift her c. Assist the resident to a nearby chair d. Assist the resident back to her room 389. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disorder that produces a. Diabetes mellitus b. Dementia c. Durum d. Double vision 390. The first step in any procedure is to: a. Gather your supplies b. Wash your hands c. Explain what you will do d. Lower the side rail 391. Body temperature can be increase by: a. Dehydration b. Cold environments c. Medications d. Shock 392. The brachial pulse is found a. Inside the elbow b. On the top of the foot102 c. Inside the wrist d. Behind the knee 393. Your first action in case of a fire is to: a. Locate the fire b. Rescue the patient c. Call for help d. Pull the fire alarm e. 394. An example of an objective statement would be: a. “Mrs. Smith has a fever b. “Miss Goodman is not in a good mood?” c. “Mr. Smith’s temperature is 101.” d. “Mrs. Davis is tired” 395. If you discovers fire in a patient’s room the first thing to do after remove the patient is to? A. open the window B. pulls the fire alarm C. call the nurse D. use the fire extinguisher 396. A quick release key that use in the hospital is call a. grit bell b. hospital gown c. restraint d. prostheses 397. You touch a patient to give him comfort he push your hand and said don’t touch me. What do you think about the patient? a. may need to sleep103 b. the patient thing you abuse him like a child c. physical abuse d. the patient feel Uncomfortable when someone touch him/her 398. How can you best help a patient who is not accepting a loss? a. leaves the patient alone b. convince the patient to accept to accept the loss c. encourage the client to talk d. discourage individual activity 399. IF you have a patient in the restraint he cry and agitate he feels uncomfortable. You release the restraint every 2 hours to make him. A. sleep better B. feels comfortable C. change position D. to take rest 400. When you ambulate a patient, he tells you he feels a pain on his leg what is your first reaction? a. call for help b. report that to the nurse c. ignore that d. goes back to the room and elevates the leg 401. If a patient complaint about weakness and dizziness you know it may be a a. high blood pressure b. low blood pressure c. high blood sugar d. low blood sugar 402. If a patient tells you he has difficulty breathing you should:104 a. stays with the patient and call for help b. elevates the head of the bed and lifts the patient c. increase the flow of the oxygen d. perform CPR 403. if a patient tells you why you stole my picture in my album, what should you do? a. tell the patient no one stole your picture b. ask your co-worker why he do that c. ignore that d. takes the album and asks the patient show me your favorite picture 404. Which statement is correct for the nursing assistant who is caring for someone who is dying? a. Stick to a rigid schedule b. Avoid the resident as much as possible c. Ignore any special requests d. Allow the resident as many choices as possible 405. Vital signs are: a. Temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure b. Activities of daily living c. Range of motion exercises d. All of the above 406. If there are changes in a resident’s vital signs, the nursing assistant should: A. Tell the resident B. Report to the supervisor C. Explain to the family D. Alert the roommate105 407. What is dehydration? a. Too little fluid in the body b. Too much fluid in the tissues c. [Show More]

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